A Walk in the Park

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Johnson City Parks and Recreation

A Walk in the Park Your Parks and Recreation Connection

Special points of interest: ~ Park Services Gets It Done! ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Highlights - Kudos Corner ~ Dashboard

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Park Services Gets It Done! Park Services has been especially busy during the month of July, and their preparatory work made it possible for Johnson City to host the Future Stars of Sports Fast Pitch World Series, Winged Deer Park’s biggest annual softball tournament with 136 teams. “This is our largest tournament, and we started a few weeks out making sure the fields were compact and tight, replacing lighting, mowing, watering and doing general field preparation,” said Roger Cox, assistant Park Services manager. Park Services also undertook a major job recently, replacing 14,000 square feet of sod at two of the department’s soccer facilities -- 7,000 square feet at Civitan Park’s Field 1 and 7,000 square feet at Winged Deer Park’s Field 1. “We’re trying to improve our fields due to the amount of play each year,” Cox said. “We’ve increased the frequency with which we’re replacing sod, and we’d like to do at least two soccer fields per year.” Cox said the sod replaced at the two fields stretched from the width of the soccer goals down the length of the middle portion of the playing surface. Park Services also is continuing equipment replacement and maintenance at the Melba Goulding Playground at Winged Deer Park’s Festival Plaza. Slides, climbers, drums and other equipment has been replaced due to wear. Crews also are cleaning portions of supports and awnings at the playground. The Durkee family contributed to the purchase of replacement components for the project.

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