2018 walk in the park march

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Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ Wanna Rock, Row & Run ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Highlights - Kudos Corner ~ Dashboard

A Walk in the Park YOUR Parks and Recreation Connection I s s u e


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Wanna Rock, Row & Run!? Your opportunity is just around the corner to experience Johnson City Parks and Recreation Department’s inaugural Rock, Row & Run. This exciting new event is coming to Legion Street Pool Aug. 18. Kids ages 6-12 will get physical while paddling a canoe or kayak and running designated distances designed for their age groups during this summertime good time. They will celebrate their successes at a rockin’ after-event party. So mark your calendars, and watch for coming details.

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Administration Highlights ~ 

Thirty three employees have been trained and certified in CPR/AED/First Aid.

The tentative dedications of the Metro-Kiwanis playground and the Willow Springs Park pavilion has been set for April.

Civitan Park renovation project bid opening was held on March 20.

A purchase order for the fencing at Liberty Bell Tennis was issued March 20.

Three public meetings were held for the splash pad concept at Carver Park this month. The project will be included in an April commission agenda.

Department pavilions will open for seasonal rentals April 1.

Plans are being finalized for construction of a single unit restroom adjacent to the Gump Pavilion at Rotary Park. Port-o-lets will be utilized until construction is complete.

A playground audit will be conducted on the Carver Park playground as soon as

Athletics Division Highlights ~ 

Youth soccer play begins April 9.

Registrations are still coming in for adult and youth softball. The deadlines for registration are as follows: youth softball March 25, adult softball April 6.

The 2018 season softball tournament play has begun at Winged Deer Park.

Park Services Division Highlights ~

A Walk in

The playground at Metro-Kiwanis has been completed and we plan to dedicate it in April.

Conducting weekly preparations for recreation soccer at Winged Deer and Civitan Parks.

Little League field preparations are underway at Keystone, Kiwanis and Lions Parks.

Softball tournaments have begun at Winged Deer Park requiring field preparations on a weekly basis.

All restroom, have been opened for the season.

All picnic facilities are being prepared for season opening on April 1.

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Recreation Services Division ~ 

Over 60 youth participated in the Spring Break Camp at Memorial Park Community Center held for Johnson City Schools March 12-16. The youth enjoyed a special project of painting rocks during camp. Each camper painted two rocks. One was taken home, and the other was hidden in the Keystone Community with a note attached. The note stated ‘if found please post a pic to either Facebook or Twitter @jcparkstn’. The camp for Washington County students was held the week of March 26 with 40 participants enrolled.

The teen program is holding steady with 15 participating in the program.

ETSU’s Parks and Recreation class, (Regional Outdoor Leadership Services) spent a work day at Buffalo Mountain Park re-blazing (marking) the park trails. They have been an incredible resource to the park system this semester.

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Johnson City Parks & Recreation 4137 Bristol Highway 4137 Bristol Highway Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Phone: 423-283-5815 Phone: 423-283-5815 Fax: 423-283-5829 Fax: 423-283-5829

Congratulations to the Aquatics staff who landed in this month’s Kudos Corner. Thanks to their excellent training, 33 Parks and Recreation staff members received certifications in CPR, AED and first aid. Great job!

Email: jcparksinfo@johnsoncitytn.org Website: www.johnsoncitytn.org

Special Thanks to the following employees who completed the CPR, AED, and first aid certification course your dedication did not go unnoticed. Mary Lee Baker, Rachel Bowers, Donna Campbell, Fontaine Charles, James Charles, Sharon Daly, Arrow Dawson, Connie Deegan, Gene DeLoach, Brandon DeSalle, Robert Dove, Ron Eanes, James Ellis, David Ferrell, Kelly Finney, Tim Fields, Bill Fuller, Gary Gray, Herb Greenlee, Ben Greer, Linda Guess, Jamieson Hamilton, Randy Harness, David Hill, Amanda Hollifield, Missy Hollifield, James Jones, Mary Ann Kinch, Nat Marcus, Chyrl McLaughlin, Joan Miller, Steve Nelson and Ray Weber

Upcoming Events March 27 & 28: Carver - Easter crafts & egg coloring

April 7: Little League / Babe Ruth tentative opening day

March 29: Carver - Easter Egg Hunt

April 9: Youth soccer league play begins

March 29: MPCC - Flashlight Egg Hunt

April 10: Senior Services - English Country Dance

March 29: MPCC - Flashlight Egg Hunt

April 13-15: Winged Deer Park - USA Duel on the Diamond

March 30-Apr. 1: Winged Deer Park—USA Spring Fling

April 13-15: Carver - Tri-cities Table Tennis Tournament

April 1-31: Senior Services - Turtle Trek Challenge begins

April 13: MPCC - Glamping Sleepover

April 2: Carnegie Park - Girl’s T-ball /Youth Softball practice begins

April 20-22: Winged Deer Park - NSA Bash for Cash

April 4: Athletic office - Adult softball coaches meeting

April 20: Youth Girl’s Team softball (8-10 under) concludes

April 6: Adult Softball registration deadline

April 20: Senior Services - Friday Night Dance Shooter Band

April 6: Senior Services - Friday Night Dance Jerry Pierce

April 23: Girl’s Teeball/Youth Softball & Adult Softball play begins

April 6-8: Winged Deer Park - USSA Dugout Challenge

April 25: Senior Services - Aeronautical Adventure

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