Johnson City Parks and Recreation
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Wall of Fame Banquet November 8, 2018 6 p.m. Memorial Park Community Center
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One-of-a-Kind Playground Opens! About 100 children stood behind a yellow ribbon near Carver Recreation Center’s new playground last week, shifting their weight from side to side and shielding their eyes from the sun until the ceremonious barrier was cut and they finally were allowed to sprint onto the colorful equipment. Johnson City officials declared the state-of-the-art structure open on Aug. 29, bringing to life a longawaited outdoor amenity for the historic community-service facility. “This is designed to be our most challenging playground,” said Sam Miller, JC Parks Recreation Services manager. “It’s meant to encourage imaginative play – meaning there is no one way to utilize its features. It is also physically challenging, requiring balance and core strength.” Johnson City Parks and Recreation Director James Ellis said the playground’s completion is a benchmark within the city’s long-range plan to improve playgrounds. North Carolina-based Playworld Preferred manufactured the equipment. The company named this new model type “Branch Out,” and Carver is the first location in Tennessee to have it. The playground includes designated areas for ages 2-5 and 5-12, and features several handicapped accessible components.