This book is for , a Johnson City citizen in grade at school.
(Name of school) (Number)
This is me, JC. Draw a picture of you.
JC connects with the City every day and so do you. Put a check mark next to the ways you interact with the City.
Brush your teeth
Use a crosswalk
Throw trash away
Take the bus to school
Walk on the sidewalk
Sit in a classroom
Borrow a book from the library
Play in the park
Recycle a plastic bottle
Watch a fire truck in a parade
Jump over a sprinkler
Ride in a car
Wave at a police officer
The new City flag was adopted by the City Commission on September 1, 2022. Each color and shape is symbolic. Symbolism is something that has meaning or feeling.
1. Blue means trustworthiness and security.
2. Green means prosperity, stability, growth, and environmental care.
3. Yellow means optimism and originality.
4. White means unity.
The yellow pathway (triangle) symbolizes the City’s future. The green symbolizes the railroad. Together, these resemble a mountain.
The rail element leads to a blue horizon featuring three stars with Johnson City in the center.
The triangle and the green and yellow colors honor the City’s original flag.
The three stars connect the flag to the City seal and to the Tennessee state flag “tri-star” designed by Johnson City native Colonel Lee Roy Reeves.
Design your own City flag.
What colors and shapes would you use?
Voters elect five commissioners
Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner
Commissioners appoint a City Manager who hires City staff Fire
Legal EnvironmentalistFreedomHall
Purchasing Police CommunicationsAdministration&Marketing Economic DevelopmentFacilitiesFinance Information TechnologyMTPO Planning& DevelopmentPublicWorks Water& Sewer ServicesBudgetFleetManagement Human Resources Parks& RecreationTransitRiskManagement
The City is governed by the City Manager-Commission form of government.
The Board of Commissioners (group of people) is the governing body of the City elected by the citizens. Voting is a way to share your ideas with the City. One day, you will vote for commissioners!
The Board of Commissioners hires a city manager to manage city staff.
The Board of Commissioners make ordinances, policies and approves a City budget. This group is sometimes called the City Commission.
The Commissions selects two of its members to serve as mayor and vice mayor for a two-year term.
The City Commission meets twice a month on the first and third Thursday.
Who would you elect to be a commissioner? Draw them here.
JC is Mayor. Frankie is Vice Mayor.
The Planning and Development Services Department knows about all of the land in Johnson City. Planning employees help determine the zoning codes. Zoning codes are rules that tell citizens and developers how property can be used.
Johnson City is the eighth largest city in Tennessee. The City had 71,046 residents in 2023. JC is a resident, and you are too!
The Information Technology (IT) Department uses data to help all the City’s employees plan Johnson City. You can go on the IT website to see maps and to learn about land, zoning, trash schedules, schools, and so much more!
Geographic information helps build Johnson City.
Henry Johnson became mayor.
Mountain Home Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers opened.
Johnson City founded
Johnson’s Depot opened.
The City got electric street lights.
Normal School opened. Today, it is called East Tennessee State University.
City business conducted for the first time in a City-owned facility.
City adopted council-manager form of government
1957 City transit system began operating.
The Mayne Williams Public Library established by the Monday Club opened.
The City opened first wastewater treatment facility.
1989 City began curbside recycling.
In 1856, Henry Johnson opened a railroad station and called it “Johnson’s Depot.” This depot was a popular place in the 1850s and 1860s with three railroads crossing into downtown. The railroads helped the area grow fast.
By 1869, Johnson City became a city and the people needed a mayor to represent them. Henry Johnson became Johnson City’s first mayor in 1870. Between 1870 and 1890, the City’s population grew to 4,161.
Do you remember who selects the mayor and vice mayor? Write your answer here.
(Hint: The answer is on page 6.)
The mayor is important to Johnson City history.
You are a citizen of Johnson City and a part of the history too. One day, you can become mayor.
Answer: Commissioners
The men and women of the Police Department work to protect you and your family, friends and school. If there is an emergency, dial 911.
Did you know your school resource officer is a member of the Police Department? They keep your school safe. What is your school resource officer’s name?
What do you like about him or her?
Can you help the police officer get to JC?
The Fire Department has 130 members and nine stations. Firefighters keep you safe 24 hours a day. Here are a few ways they protect and serve:
1. Help citizens get out of burning buildings
2. Save people and pets
3. Rappel (climb up or down) buildings and mountains
4. Rescue people on lakes or rivers
5. Get you out of small spaces
JC is showing you how to stop, drop, and roll if your clothes catch fire.
Can you say this three times fast?
Don’t Hide, Go Outside. Don’t Hide, Go Outside. Don’t Hide, Go Outside.
If there is a fire in your home, Don’t Hide, Go Outside.
The Johnson City School system has 12 schools with close to 8,000 students. Public schools are funded through Johnson City, Washington County, Tennessee and federal (United States) tax dollars.
Can you find these schools?
Taxes are collected on property and items sold by businesses. The way the government spends the tax money is called a budget. Johnson City Schools make up 30% of the City’s budget.
In 1895, the Johnson City Public Library first opened its doors. At that time, the library housed reference books. Today, the library has more than 136,000 books and a Children’s Library. The library also has the Tennessee Room. In this room, you can learn about Johnson City and East Tennessee history.
Can you unscramble these words?
Hint: Read
Hint: 1869
Hint: 18 years old
Hint: Three stars
Hint: Page 8
Answer: Book, City, Vote, Flag, Map
The City has fun ways to play and stay healthy. The Parks and Recreation Department creates places for JC and Frankie to hike, swim and bike. You can play soccer at Civitan Park, tennis at Science Hill, or bike in Winged Deer Park. There are 24 parks to play in. What park do you like to go to?
JC’s grandfather and JC walk in Jacob’s Nature Park on Sunday afternoons. That is their favorite park. What time do they go?
Freedom Hall Civic Center offers sports and entertainment to the Johnson City schools, community and region. The center is located on the Liberty Bell campus.
City employees who work at the civic center help JC and his best friend, Frankie, buy tickets to the circus. What event do you like to go to with your best friend?
This City has areas for you to swim and have fun splashing around in water.
The Freedom Hall Pool, Legion Street Pool and Memorial Park Community Center Pools are managed by the Parks and Recreation Department. You can learn to swim by taking classes at one of these pools. This is important for when you are around bodies of water.
Follow these rules when swimming:
• Only swim when supervised by a lifeguard or a guardian.
• Do not go in head first unless the pool has a safe area for diving.
• Stay away from drains.
Wastewater Treatment
Wastewater Distribution (flush)
Source (rivers and springs)
Use (drink and wash)
Water Treatment
Distribution into homes
We need clean water to brush our teeth, wash our clothes, and to drink. This is a very important job for Water and Sewer Services.
The water plants collect water from the Watauga River and from Unicoi Springs, purify it (makes it clean), and pump it through pipes into homes.
Dirty water goes down the drain or is flushed into the sewer pipes. The water is carried to a wastewater treatment plant, cleaned and sent back to the river.
Water and Sewer Services treats (cleans) wastewater that flushes or drains into the sewer. This is different than stormwater, which Public Works manages. Stormwater is runoff from rain that falls onto a house, ground, parking lot or street and flows into a drain. This water goes directly back into the source (river or stream) and is not treated.
The Public Works Department consists of five major divisions: Engineering, Solid Waste, Stormwater, Streets, and Traffic.
Public Works:
Collects and disposes of garbage, debris, and yard
Takes care of roads, traffic
Plans for growth and protects existing infrastructure (roads, bridges and sidewalks).
Plants trees and flowers.
Manages stormwater and
JC plays soccer with friends on the field in Civitan Park. This area was a landfill but is now a place to play. Did you know that landfills can become parks?
By recycling, JC can reduce the amount of trash that goes into the landfill. Recycling means make something new from trash.
The City has recycled 131,200 tons of trash since the recycling program began in 1989. That’s a lot of trash directed away from the landfill.
A road roller can weigh 20 tons.
A total of 131,200 tons of garbage equals 6,560 road rollers.
Which of these things can you recycle? Circle them.
Johnson City Transit works with schools to offer bus service to students. JC follows these important Johnson City Schools safety instructions when taking the bus.
• Allow plenty of time to reach the bus stop.
• Wait away from traffic.
• Stand where the bus driver can see you!
• Wait until the bus has stopped and the door opens before stepping into the road.
• Use the bus handrail.
• Wait for the bus to stop before leaving your seat.
• Make sure the driver can see you at all times.
• Never walk behind the bus.
• Never try to get anything left on the bus after exiting.
• Look left, then right, and then left again before crossing the street.
• Cross in front of the bus when the bus driver signals it is safe.
• Be aware of sudden changes.
• Do not cross the road’s centerline until the driver signals it is safe.
Do not play around at the bus stop.
The City has programs to keep grandparents and older citizens active. JC’s grandfather goes to events, classes and outings (field trips) offered through Senior Services.
Staying active can help seniors keep healthy minds and bodies.
The Communications and Marketing Department lets you know what the City is planning. They share news about upcoming summer camps and fun events. Press releases, social media, website, TV, video and newspapers are just a few ways they communicate with citizens.
Can you finish this press release? Write your answers on the lines.
Write today’s date.
Write your name.
Write a day in the future.
Write three things important to the City.
The Communications and Marketing Department uses logos, colors and visuals to help identify the City. On the next page, JC is showing you a few different outfits for school. Each has the logo.
What is the difference between a logo and city seal?
The logo is a symbol that represents the City. Logos are found on Frisbees, t-shirts, pens and on the back of this book. Branding uses symbols to help identify the City.
The City seal is used by the city manager and city recorder for legal and formal documents.
Help JC dress for school. On the next page, cut out JC and the clothes. Be careful to follow the dotted tabs. Fold the tabs and then attach the clothes to JC.
Ask your guardians for help.
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Published by the City of Johnson City Communications & Marketing Department