Center News
Welcome to the Johnson City Senior Center at Memorial Park Community Center.
If you are new to the center or have not been in the center for a while then don’t miss our “Try Us Out” event the first Thursday of each month at 9:00am. Meet staff, ask questions and tour the center.
Please remember to sign in at one of the kiosks for the events and programs you are attending
Congregate Meal
Foundation News
The Senior Foundation, Inc. – Johnson City is in the planning stages for their next fundraising event – Swing Into Action Golf Tournament Friday, October 4, 2024 at Tri Cities Golf Club. Sponsorship levels are Event sponsor — $5,000, Premier Sponsor — $2,500, Corporate Sponsor — $1,000, Gold Sponsor — $500, Silver Sponsor — $300, Putting Contest Sponsor — $400, Hole Sponsor — $100, Cart Sponsor — $50, or Gift card/certificate Sponsor — $25. Player fees are $80/player in a 4-person select shot tournament. Putting Contest Fee is $10/Player for a limit of 2 per person. Prizes awarded for First Place Team — $100/player, Second place team — $75/player, Third Place Team — $50/ player, Hole-in-One — $10,000, and Putting Contest — $200.
FTHRA serves lunch Monday through Friday from 11:30am -12pm. Please call 423-434-5723 for more information.
Groups & Meetings
Weekly Bible Study Opportunities
Our Holy Bible Study
Mondays, 2pm (Ages 50+)
Come join us as we study God’s word together.
Men’s Bible Study
Thursdays, 8am (Ages 50+)
Come join us as we study the Bible together.

Special Events
“Try Us Out”
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Thursday, July 11th, 9am
Are you new to the center or want to know more about programs. Plan to attend a “Try Us Out” session. This is an opportunity to meet staff, check out programs and take a tour of the center. New participants will receive a gift. Please stop by the front desk or call 434-6237 to reserve your spot.
Sweet Summer Time Line Dance
Cost: $5 (Ages 50+)
Friday July 26th, 6-9pm
Come join us for a fun filled night of Line dancing. Even if you don’t line dance you can come a enjoy the music and maybe pick up a new hobby. Please register by calling 434-6237.
Volunteer Meeting
Monday, July 1st, 10am
Cost: Free
This is our monthly volunteer meeting. An activity is planned and light refreshments will be served. Guest speakers will be Cynthia with Good Samaritan Ministries and Amanda Moorhouse with the Downtown day Center.. Interested in volunteering? Check us out!
As the Page Turns (Book Club)
Thursday, July 11th, 10-11am
Loaner Books Provided (Ages 50+)
If you like reading a variety of books and meeting new people, come join us. You are not required to join in the discussion or answer questions if you do not wish to. We will be discussing the previous month’s book and you will receive the book for the next month’s meeting.
JCSC Seniors on the Go
Tuesday, July 23rd, 3-4:30pm (Ages 50+)
Make new travel friends at the monthly travel meeting! Please pre-register-seating is limited!
Senior Single Social Mixer
Cost: $5 (Ages 50+)
Monday, July 15th, 6:30pm
Join us for an evening to meet and socialize with other seniors who are single.
The Year in Review Celebration
Tuesday, July 9th, 4:30-7pm
Cost: Free
Join Senior Center Staff in a celebration of our past year highlights and accomplishments and see what is coming in the future. There will be entertainment, food and information. Preregistration required due to limited seating capacity. Please register by July 5, 2024.


Lifelong Learning
Brain-A-Cise (Trivia)
Instructor: Jessica Thomas
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays in July, 1-2pm
This is a trivia based program. Come exercise for the brain, unleash your potential and be empowered for a brighter tomorrow while showing off your trivia skills. Bring a friend, get a prize.
German Conversation Club
Instructor: Lon Felker
Cost: Free (Ages 16+)
Wednesdays in July, 10-11:30am Lifelong learning of German

Language, Culture, History, etc. Attendance is NOT required to participate. DROP-IN/-OUT anytime during the meeting. Simultaneous ZOOM is used, making our meetings available worldwide. To prevent “echoing,” Please use “ear buds” when more than one computer is in a room. Sharing and show-and-tell are encouraged and always welcome. For more information, contact Lon Felker at 423-408-4670 or at lonsfelker@ gmail.com.
Home Repairs 101
Instructor: Charity Packer with Mr.
Handyman of Johnson City
Cost: Free (Ages 50+) Friday, July 19th, 1-2pm
Join our guest speaker(s) as they will have all of your home repair questions answered.
Genealogy Club
Instructor: Donna Burrell
Cost: Free (Ages 50+) Tuesdays, 4:00-5:30pm
Come! Learn! Discover the many things about who your ancestors were, their occupations, spouses, children, the states and countries they came from. Learn how to build a true, confirmed family tree using Ancestry.com and Ancestry DNA, as
well as other online free sites. Learn the online and printed research resources available. Bring a laptop. Please Pre-register.
Area Agency on Aging and Disability
Instructor: Kathleen McLaughlin
Cost: Free (50+)
Tuesday, July 30th, 1-2 pm
Join us as we support and empower older adults and their caregivers through the services and programs offered by the FTAAAD.

Hand & Foot Canasta
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Mondays in July, 1-5pm
Come and play this card game. If you don’t know how, no worries, they will teach you how.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Prizes sponsored by Tetrick Funeral Services
Mondays and Wednesdays, 10am10:45am OR 11am-11:45am
Would mixing bingo with physical activity increase your interest in an exercise program? Space is limited. Pre-register by calling 4346237.
Scrabble Group
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays, 11am-1pm
Come join this group who loves to test their spelling with the luck of the draw of tiles. The more the merrier. Dictionaries are provided.
Chess Club
Cost: Free (18+)
Tuesdays, 2-5pm
Open to all skill levels. Come join our group.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Wednesdays, 1-5pm
A trick taking card game for four.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays 11am-1pm and Wednesdays 1-4pm
Join us as we offer a new game. Backgammon is a classic board game that combines elements of strategy and luck. The objective is to move all your checkers into your home board and then take them off. Along, the way, players can block and hit each other’s checkers adding strategy to the game.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Thursdays, 1-5pm
Rook is a challenging trick taking game played
Computer Classes

with a special deck of cards and a special group of people. Please join us!
Cost: Free (18+)
Fridays, 9:30-11:30am
Beginners and experienced, come join us for a game of mahjong, a tile based game similar to rummy. If you are wanting to learn, someone will be there to teach you. Come join us!
Ace of Clubs Duplicate Bridge
(Ages 50+)
Friday, July 5th and July 19th, 12:304:30pm
If you enjoy playing bridge, but haven’t tried duplicate bridge. Join the fun!
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Prizes sponsored by Mooney’s Pharmacy
Monday, July 15th, 10-11am
Come join in on the fun of B-I-N-G-O.
Open Computer Lab
(Ages 18+)
Not available Tuesdays and Fridays in July
Members of the Center will be able to check out an Access card to the Computer Lab at the Senior Front Desk to gain entrance into the Lab from 8a-5p, Monday through Friday. Times/Availability subject to Change.
Digital Skills
Instructor: Makayla Range
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesday, July 9th and July 24th, 3:45-4:45pm These programs will cover basic computer skills, parts of a laptop, desktop, smart devices, security and scams. The programs will be provided by Goodwill Industries of Tenneva Area, Inc. Please Pre-register, limited space available.
Jul 7 - Aug 4 Alaska / Canada's Yukon / Motor Coach $8,010**
Jul 9 - 21 Newfoundland Canada
Jul 13 - Aug 6 Best of the West
Jul 19 - 21 Nashville / Music City USA
Jul 20 "Back to the Future"/Belk Theatre/Charlotte, NC
Jul 31 - Aug 2 Greenbrier Hotel & Casino
Aug 1 - 3 "Daniel" / Lancaster, PA / PA Dutch $765**
Aug 3 - 4 Tangier Island
Aug 6 - 25 San Francisco California/The Pacific Northwest $5,250**
Aug 18 - 21 Resorts Casino & Hotel / Atlantic City, NJ $765
Aug 17 - 18 Great Smoky Mountains Railway $575**
Aug 24 Michie Tavern / Monticello
Aug 24 - 25 Atlanta Braves v Washington Nationals
Sept 3 - 6 NC Crystal Coast/Atlantic Beach, NC
Sept 6 - 8 Washington D.C. / Mount Vernon
Sept 7 North Carolina Zoo / Asheboro, NC
Sept 7 Charlotte Auto Fair/Nascar Hall of Fame
Sept 8 - 10 Wind Creek Casino / Bethlehem, PA $540
Sept 8 - 15 Trains of New England
Sept 9 - 21 Nova Scotia / New England in the Fall $3,190
Sept 11 - 14 Creation Museum / Ark Encounter
Sept 12 - 14 "Daniel" / Lancaster, PA / PA Dutch $765
Sept 15 - 21 Best of Ozarks / Branson / Eureka Springs $1,755**
Sept 21 - 22 Gandy Dancer / Tygart Flyer $480
Sept 21 - 27 New England in the Fall $1,750
Sept 22 - Oct 3 Buffalo Roundup/Nebraska/South Dakota
Sept 23 - 28 Agawa Canyon/Canadian Train/Sault Ste. Marie $1,392
Sept 27 - 29 Neptune Festival / Virginia Beach, VA
Oct 4 - 5 "Daniel"/Pennsylvania Dutch/Lancaster, PA $510**
Oct 4 - 14 Jewels of the Rhine $6,194

Oct 5 Billy Graham Library/Stowe Botanical Gardens $90
Oct 5 Brushy Mountain Apple Festival $75
Oct 5 - 11 New England in the Fall
Oct 6

Healthy Living
Nurses News
If you have health concerns or questions, Jeanne Clarke, RN is happy to provide information, support or resources. Free Blood Pressure checks and Fasting Blood Sugar checks are available. Call 423-434-6235 for more details. Hours are M-TH, 9am-2 pm.
Get Healthy Together
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Facilitators: Anna Carpenter & Emilie Bordeau, Health Educators, Washington County Health Department
Monday, July 1st, 12-1pm
Do you need some motivation on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle? Join us for a discussion about a different health topic each month and a time to share together our progress, ideas, challenges and encouragement. Please call 423-434-6237 to pre-register.
Wit’s Workout ~Brain Fitness
Cost: FREE (Ages 50+)
Speaker: Elizabeth Renfro, MS, UT/TSU Extension Agent
Monday, July 8th, 1-2pm
Join the fun and workout your brain in this interactive program with brain teasers and games aimed at keeping your mind sharp. You’ll love it and your brain will too. Please call 423-434-6237 to pre-register.
Socially Nutritious
Cost: FREE (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays, July 9th -Aug. 13th 10-11:30am
Join us for a fun, informative 6-week series offered by graduate nutrition students from ETSU. Nutrition topics will include meal planning and cooking tips plus foods for brain health, heart health, and strong muscles and bones. Recipe demonstrations of easy, budget friendly, nutritious meals. Please call 423-4346237 to pre-register.
Vein, Vein, Go Away
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Wednesday, July 17th 11am-noon Speaker: The Vein Company
As we age, so do our veins and some people notice varicose veins, spider veins, non-healing ulcers, pain or swelling in their legs. Learn about the causes, symptoms and complications of various vein conditions as well as highly effective, minimally invasive treatments. Please call 423-434-6237 to pre-register.
Parkinson’s Support Group
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Thursday, July 18th 12:30-1:30pm This caring group is for all PWPs (People with Parkinson’s) and those who have PWP in their lives. Topics of discussion and speakers vary each month. The group meets in the Activities room at the far left end of the building across from the pool. No pre-registration required.
The Importance of Resistance Training as We Age
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Speakers: Harriet Coggan and Trey Courtney, ETSU Physical Therapy students
Monday, July 22nd 11am-12pm
Learn the myriad health benefits of strength training as well as strategies to implement resistance training into your exercise routines. Find out tips for getting started, sample exercises that you can do at home and exercise demonstrations. Please call 423-434-6237 to pre-register.
Health Information Stations
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Monday, July 30th 10am-12pm
ETSU Nursing students will be hosting a mini health fair in our senior lobby with several tables focusing on a variety of health related issues, free health screenings and giveaways. Mark your calendars and make plans to attend.
Lifelong Sports
Pickleball Play Schedule
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Monday — Friday 7am — 12pm
Paddle Up – All Levels
– MPCC Gym 2 8am — 12pm
Paddle Up
– All Levels –
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 5:30 — 7:30pm
Paddle Up – All Levels
– MPCC Gym 1 and 2
This activity is a modified version of tennis. We play doubles.
Pickleball Play Schedule
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Monday — Sunday 7am — 10pm
Paddle Up – All Levels
– MPCC Outdoor courts will close at 2pm on July 3, 22, 23 and 26.
Senior Billiards
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Monday through Friday, 7am-7pm Saturday 9am-4pm Four tables available for open play. Billiards room will be closed for upgrades in Julycheck with front desk for dates.
Doubles Table Tennis
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9-11am Mixed doubles table tennis is a great way to keep your brain and body active.
Senior Corn Hole
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Monday July 15th and Wednesday July 24th 9am-11am
Come join the fun, make new friends, and work on new skills. Boards will be set up outside the senior gathering area.
Outings Events
Gatlinburg Craft Fair
Monday, July 15th
Leave MPCC at 8am, return approx. 6pm
Cost: $6 for transportation only
The July show offers over 180 booths of the finest craftspeople from all over the United States. Enjoy the Dennis Lee Band at 12:00 pm. Admission is $10 per person at the door. If you don’t want to visit the craft show, you may enjoy a walk around Gatlinburg. There will be a brief stop at Buc-cees on the way home. Limited seats, no refunds.
TN Riverboat Co (Lunch Cruise)
Wednesday, July 17th
Leave MPCC at 8:30am, return approx. 4:30pm
Cost: $43 (includes transportation fee, ticket fee & meal)
This lunch cruise offers a scenic boat ride with a delicious midday meal, combining view with a relaxing experience on the water. Please Pre-register, limited seats are available. No refunds.
Lunch at McKinney Homestead
Tuesday, July 23rd
Leave MPCC at 10:00am, return approx. 3:00pm
Cost: $4 for transportation only
Enjoy a beautiful drive up to the Shell Creek area of Roan Mountain. You may choose to dine inside or on the porch (lunch on your own). On the return trip, bus will stop at The Laurels for a brief walk around the park. Limited seats, no refunds.
Erwin Fish Hatchery Tour & Picnic lunch
Tuesday, July 30th
Leave MPCC at 9:30am, return approx. 2pm
Cost: $5 (transportation, tour and picnic lunch)
Join a US Fish & Wildlife Service agent for a tour, followed by a picnic lunch at the Hatchery. When you leave the Hatchery, the bus will stop at Scott’s Farm Market where you can purchase homemade ice cream, produce or other goodies. Limited seats, no refunds.

Skilled Nursing
We orient our skilled nursing services around the provision of specialized care for recovery after hospitalization. Our dedicated team helps residents and family members feel at home while receiving individually-focused healthcare.
Rehabilitation and Outpatient Therapy Services
Whether you need Physical, Occupational, or Speech Therapy, our therapists are committed to returning residents to the highest possible level of function, independence, and quality of life. Whether recovering from a hip replacement surgery, a stroke, a fall, or any other health condition, residents can benefit from our rehabilitation services.
Health & Wellness
Our energetic staff also focuses on socialization as a vital aspect of creating a home-like environment. We supplement wellness by delivering opportunities for residents to maintain a fulfilled and pleasurable stay. Community involvement ranges from exercise classes, beauty shop visits, and pet therapy, to holiday events, community involvement, and religious services.
Fitness Room
Cost: Daily and Monthly fee options, (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants) (Ages 14+)
Monday through Friday, 7am–8pm Fitness orientation required for new users to the fitness room. There is no preregistration required to use fitness room.
Fit & Toned
Instructor: Kelly Finney
Cost: $2 (Ages 18+)
Mondays & Wednesdays, 8am
One hour class that includes cardio endurance, strength, flexibility and balance challenges. Modifications are shown for exercises for all fitness levels!
Instructor: Kelly Finney
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants) (Ages 50+)
Mondays & Wednesdays, 10am or 1:30pm
Increase muscular strength, range of movement and practice activities for daily living. This class designed to help you become stronger and improve balance.
Tai Chi Advanced
Instructor: Tonya Van Hook
Cost: $5 per class (50% discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® eligible participants.) (Ages 18+)
Mondays & Wednesdays, 10am Fridays, 11:30am
Tai Chi for Arthritis is an evidence based, lowimpact Tai Chi form modified for seniors. This is an advanced Tai Chi class for those already experienced in Tai Chi.
Instructor: Tonya Van Hook
Cost: $5 per class (50% discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® eligible participants.) (Ages 18+)
Mondays and Wednesdays, 11am Fridays, 10:30am
Qigong is a part of traditional Chinese medicine that includes easy to learn, gentle, flowing movements that stimulate the meridian system of the body and promote relation and mindfulness.
Belly Dancing
Instructor Kim McLeod
Cost: Monthly Fee $20 (1 class per week) $35 (2 classes per week) (Ages 16 and older) Mondays, 1:15-2pm
Do you want to feel enthused and excited about a workout? This fun beginner Belly Dancing class will do just that! Join us as we dance through a workout and have fun all at the same time!
Tai Chi Beginner
Instructor: Tonya Van Hook
Cost: $5 per class (50% discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® eligible participants). (Ages 18+)
Mondays and Wednesdays, 12pm
Tai Chi for Arthritis is an evidence based, lowimpact Tai Chi form modified for seniors.
Instructor: Kelly Finney (Tuesday, Thursday @ 10am) Deb Fogle (Tuesday, Friday @ 8:45am)
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants) (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays & Fridays, 8:45am Tuesday & Thursday, 10am
This class is designed to increase cardiovascular endurance and improve strength. This is a low impact class which offers upper body strengthening. Participant should possess consistent skills in agility, coordination and balance.
Chair Yoga
Instructor: Tricia Korade
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants) Tuesday, 9-10am Thursday, 9-10am
Move through seated and standing yoga postures to increase flexibility, balance and range of motion. No part of this class is done on the floor. A chair is used to meet a variety of fitness levels. The class is appropriate for participants of all fitness levels, including those who have never practiced yoga before.
Yoga “Just Breathe”
Instructor: Dixie Neth
Cost: $5/class (Ages 18+)
Tuesdays & Thursdays 11am-12:30pm
Join us for a breath of fresh air as we explore the world of yoga postures, breathing practices, and relaxation techniques. This class requires movement to the floor and back up without assistance. Bring your own mat, yoga blanket, blocks, and yoga straps.
Step It, Move It, Shake It, Lift It
Instructor: Kelly Finney
Cost: $2/class
Fridays, 8:30-9:30am, Tuesdays 6:30-7:15pm
This is a fun outside fitness class that involves steps and movement using interval training. Be ready to move and get in shape with cardio and strength training.
Group Exercise Guidelines
Preregistration recommended for the above classes. Class size for classic and circuit is 20. Class size for chair yoga is 20.

Needlework for Those in Need
If you enjoy crochet or knitting and helping others, we have a surplus of donated yarn, so we are looking for folks to make crib/child size Blankets and Afghans. See Chyrl or Ann for yarn.
Treasure Books/Junk Journals
Instructors: Mona Bawgus & Donna Smith
Cost: $2 per class (Ages 18+)
Mondays, 1-3pm
Learn the technique of upcycling old books into a more unique personalized book with many uses. Come share ideas and a make a new friend. Basic supplies provided.
Musical Voices
Instructor: Bobbie Pearson
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Mondays, 1- 3pm
Join this welcoming group if you desire to sing gospel music and share the joy of music with local nursing homes.
Johnson City String Band
Instructor: John Martin
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays, 10:00am–12pm
Come learn and have fun with this welcoming group of amateur musicians. We play a variety of music including gospel, bluegrass and even Irish jigs. For more information, contact John Martin at 423-444-6289.
Pencil Drawing Made Easy
Instructor: Ann Whitson
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Tuesdays, 1-2:30pm
Tuesday afternoon drawing offers an encouraging, relaxed atmosphere in which to create and learn. Materials will be available or bring your own and take advantage of any instruction needed.
Bring Out the Artist in You
Instructor: Charline Hughes
Cost: $5 per class (Ages 18+)
Tuesdays, 1–3pm
‘Charlie’ will be available to offer guidance and assistance and share her knowledge in Oil, Acrylic and Watercolor technique. Bring your project and materials in for expert advice in an encouraging and relaxed atmosphere. Suitable for any skill level.
Sewing Group — A
Community Service Project
Instructor: Charline Hughes
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Wednesdays, 1-3:30pm
We have a surplus of fabric which has been donated to the center. In an effort to give back to the community, we are making lap quilts and/ or pet beds. Sewing machines will be set up and all supplies will be available.
Dulcimer Lessons, Beginner/ Intermediate Level
Instructor: Roxanne McDaniel
Cost: $10 per lesson (Ages 18+)
Wednesdays, 1-2pm
Learn to play the Dulcimer with Roxanne! Please bring an instrument that is ready to play. Please pre-register and pay by the Monday before class. (Class will not meet July 3rd)
Dulcimer Practice/Jam Session
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Wednesdays, 2-3pm
This is a time to get together and work on your skills and share ideas while enjoying the company of other players.
Video Series – Great Artists of the Italian Renaissance
Instructor: Ann Whitson
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, July 3rd, 12:30-2pm
In this series of lectures we will focus on one of
the greatest periods of Art History, covering a time period from about 1400 to about 1520 — the early to the high Renaissance.
Video Series – A History of Impressionism
Instructor: Ann Whitson
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, July 31st, 12:30-2pm
In this video series we will explore the fascinating Art movement known as Impressionism, which emerged in 1870s France. Rejecting the rigid rules of the beaux-arts (“fine arts”), Impressionist artists showcased a new way to observe and depict the world in their work.
A Tour of Renaissance Italy
Instructor: Brian Maxson
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Thursday, July 25th, 12:30-1:30pm
ETSU professor Brian Maxson will present a slide show featuring a guided tour of the city of Florence, the home of Michelangelo’s David and hometown of Leonardo da Vinci! Our tour will highlight the city’s breathtaking dome, old medieval bridge, huge cathedrals, and will even skip the line to peek into the Uffizi art gallery. Along the way we’ll catch glimpses of the lives of everyday people in the past and present city.
Ukulele for Beginners
Instructor: Roxanne McDaniel
Cost: $13 per lesson, includes materials fee (Ages 18+)
Thursday, Thursday, July 11th and 25th, 3-4pm
Have you thought about learning to play the Ukulele? Roxanne will cover the basics and pretuned instruments will be available. Please preregister and pay by the Tuesday before class.
Ukulele for Experienced
Instructor: Roxanne McDaniel
Cost: $13 per lesson, includes materials fee (Ages 18+)
Thursday, July 11th and 25th, 4-5pm
Would you like to refine or develop your Ukulele skills? Pre-tuned instruments will be available if needed. Please pre-register and pay by the Tuesday before class.
Amateur Photography Club
Instructor: Maureen Mulroy
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Friday, July 12th, 1-3:30pm
If you are new to the field of digital photography, interested in learning how to use all the “bells and whistles” on your camera, and learn the basic rules of photography, then this club is for you.
Paper Quilling
Instructor: Joan Scott & Martha Rafftery
Cost: $4 per class (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, July 10th and 24th, 1:30-3:30pm
Join this class to explore the many ways Paper Quilling can be used to make fun, attractive and useful Art, as well as gifts. All materials supplied. Instruction provided for beginner as well as experienced.
Mosaic Class
Instructor: Karen Hitchcock
Cost: $10 (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, July 17th, 9-11am
Try your hand at making a small glass mosaic project! All materials and guided instruction are included. Please pre-register and pay by Monday, July 15th.
Creative Card Making
Instructor: Chyrl McLaughlin Cost: $7 (Ages 18+)
Tuesday, July 16th, 9:00-11:00am OR Thursday, July 18th, 2-4pm
This is a make it take class that makes a variety of greeting cards. All supplies furnished for 6 cards in each class. Please pre-register and pay in advance to ensure your spot!
Jewelry Making Class
Instructor: Patty Baker
Cost: $12 (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, July 10th, 11:30am – 1:30pm
Enjoy creating your own jewelry in the company of other crafters! This month’s project is a bracelet and earring set made from dainty pearls with silver spacers. An example is on display in the Gathering area.
Zentangle and More
Instructor: Ann Whitson
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, July 17th, 12:30-1:30pm
Enjoy easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun ways to create, such as creative doodling, coloring and other relaxing Art forms. Come and enjoy creating with this group!
Solar Chandelier
Instructor: Sherry Bernheisel
Cost: $10 (Ages 18+)
Friday, July 26th, 12-3pm
Create a project to decorate your outdoor space for relaxing summer evenings outside! The Chandelier will be made from a wire basket, adding crystals for “bling” and a solar light! Join Sherry to create a unique and beautiful, as well as functional, project. All materials provided.
Ink & Watercolor
Instructor: Edith Seier-Helfgott
Cost: $4 (Ages 18+)
Friday, July 12th, 1:30-3pm
Edith will be demonstrating the beautiful and special effects which result from the combination of black ink and watercolor on watercolor paper. She will guide you in a unique composition including specific details and instruction.
Jar in a Basket
Instructor: Patty Baker
Cost: $12 (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, July 31st, 11:30am – 1:30pm
In this class you will weave a basket over a small jar, creating a unique and attractive project with many possible uses. All materials provided. Suitable for any skill level.
Decoupage Made Easy-Set of Coasters
Instructor: Deb Nelson
Cost: $12 (Ages 18+)
Thursday, July 11th, 1-3pm
This is an easy beginning decoupage class using

the “dry” or iron on method. Each student will make four coasters and will receive a metal coaster caddy. Choose from round or square coasters (first come, first choice) and a variety of papers. You may bring your own paper napkins if desired.
Next Level Decoupage — Table Riser
Instructor: Deb Nelson
Cost: $15 (Ages 18+)
Thursday, July 18th, 1-3pm
Using advanced supplies of large format decoupage paper, we’ll work with decoupage gel medium. Transform a 7”x9” plaque by attaching wood feet, unique paper, paint, and gilding wax. This results in a unique centerpiece for your table or dresser. Some experience with decoupage is helpful.
Pen and Ink Drawing
Instructor: Ann Whitson
Cost: $4 (Ages 18+)
Friday, July 19th, 1-3p
Come and learn about the old fashioned dip pen with black India ink. We will work with techniques used in ink for shading and texture and work on a drawing. All supplies furnished, but feel free to bring your own materials if you wish. An apron is recommended.
Line Dance with Martha
(Upper Beginner/Intermediate Level)
Instructor: Martha Davenport
Cost: $6 or (Discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, Silver & Fit®, and FitOn™ (if eligible)
Mondays, 3–4:30pm (Ages 12+)
For those wanting to brush up their line dance steps or learn new line dances. You will be having so much fun, you won’t even realize that you are exercising! Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, contact Martha drmd72@hotmail.com
Lovin’ Line Dance
Instructor: Sue Ayers
Cost: $20/month ($12/month with Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, Silver & Fit®, and FitOn™ (Ages 18+)
Wednesdays, 4-6:30pm
New summer hours/class length! We’ll mix line dance difficulty levels and styles in this fun class that assumes you already have beginner step knowledge (completion of Entry Levels 1 & 2 or comparable). Feel free to arrive late, leave early, take breaks and/or bring snacks. New session starts on 1st Wednesday of each month. Email Sue at pupstergal@yahoo.com. Registration is required before (preferred) or on the first Wednesday of the new month.
Ballroom Dance Practice
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Thursdays, 1:30pm Come and enjoy an afternoon of ballroom dancing.

Dandy Line Dancers (Advanced Line Dancing)
Instructor: Martha Davenport
Cost: Free (Ages 12+)
Thursdays, 4:30-6pm
This is a volunteer group, which not only practices during this time frame; they also perform in the community. For the experienced line dancer. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, contact Martha drmd72@hotmail.com
Johnson City Grand Squares
Cost: $6 (All Ages Welcome)
Fridays, July 12th and 26th, 5:30-7:30pm New members welcome. Info. Call 423-612-0527 or 423-361-3152

Ongoing Calendar
Ongoing Events
Calendar July 2024
6:00am-7:00am Masters Swim (Freedom Hall)
7:00am — 8:00pm Billiards Room
7:00am-8:00pm Fitness Room
7:00am – 7:30pm Adults Only Therapy Pool
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
7:00 Pickleball
8:00 Fit and Toned
9:00 Blood Pressure Checks
9:00 Doubles Table Tennis
9:00 Mommy & Me Swim
9:00 Morning Water Aerobics
10:00 Classic Exercise
10:00 Advanced Tai Chi
10:00 Bingocize
11:00-3:45 Lap Swim
11:00 Bingocize
11:00 Qigong for Health
12:00 Beginner Tai Chi
12:30 Hand & Foot Canasta
1:00 Musical Voices
1:00 Treasure Books/Junk Journals
1:30 Classic Exercise
2:00 Our Holy Bible Study
3:00 Line Dance with Martha
4:00-5:45 Open Swim
5:30-7:30 Pickleball
6:00-7:30 Lap Swim
7:35-8:45 Lap Swim (Freedom Hall)
7:00am to 8:00 pm Billiards Room
7:00am-8:00pm Fitness Room
7:00am – 11:00am Adults Only
Therapy Pool
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
7:00 Pickleball
8:45 Circuit
9:00 Chair Yoga
9:00 Blood Pressure Checks
9:15 Aquamix (pool)
10:00 Circuit Exercise
10:00 Johnson City String Band
11:00 Scrabble
11:00 Yoga “Just Breathe”
11:00-3:45 Lap Swim
11:00 Arthritis Class (pool)
11:45 Splash (pool)
1:00 Pencil Drawing made Easy
1:00 Bring Out the Artist in You
1:00 – 4:00 Adults Only Therapy Pool
1:00 Brain-a-Cise
1:30 Delay the Disease
2:00 Chess Club
5:30-7:30 Pickleball
6:00 – 7:30 Adults Only Therapy Pool
6:00 Evening Water Aerobics
6:00am-7:00am Masters Swim (Freedom Hall)
7:00 am — 8:00 pm Billiards Room
7:00am-8:00pm Fitness Room
7:00am – 7:30pm Adults Only Therapy Pool

Special Events Calendar - July 2024
Walkers & Talkers
1-3 miles, mostly flat, guided-tours
Sycamore Shoals
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesday, July 30th, 9am
This will be a 2 mile walk around the park. Meet in the parking lot at Sycamore Shoals.
Hiking 101
2-5 miles, easy to moderate trails, low or short elevation gain
Tweetsie Trail to Jacob’s Nature Park
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesday, July 2nd, 9am
Come join this beautiful hike on the Tweetsie Trail down to Jacob’s Nature Park and back. This will be a 4 mile hike. Meet in the Gathering Room.
Winged Deer Park
Cost: Free (Ages 50 +)
Tuesday, July 16th, 8am
This will be about a 3 miles hike on the trails. Meet at the Disc Golf Parking across for the lake.
Rooster Front Park
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesday, July 23th, 9am
The hike will be approximately 6 miles. Meet at the Parking lot at
Rooster Front.
Bring plenty of water.
Hip Hikers
4-10+ miles, moderate to difficult trails, heavier elevation gain.
Rocky Fork
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Thursday, July 18th , 9am
This hike will be with Ranger Cody Franklin. The hike is about 6 miles round trip. A great hike to see Rocky Fork from the gorge and the cascades along the creek and up to the ridge. Meet in the main Parking lot at Rocky Fork. Please bring a snack and plenty of water.
Watauga Lake Hike
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Thursday, July 25th, 9am
This will be about a 6 mile hike. It will be on a trail that runs along the Watauga River to the Dam. This hike has elevation both ways. Meet at the parking lot at Shook Branch Recreation Area. Please bring a snack and plenty of water. No transportation will be provided by the center.
Remember to stay hydrated – Bring plenty of water!
Please register in advance at 4346237.
From Page S17
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
7:00 Pickleball
8:00 Fit and Toned
9:00 Blood Pressure Checks
9:00 Doubles Table Tennis
9:00 Mommy & Me Swim
9:00 Morning Water Aerobics
10:00 Classic Exercise
10:00 Advanced Tai Chi
10:00 German Conversation
10:00 Bingocize
10:30 Genealogy
11:00 Bingocize
11:00 Qigong for Health
11:00-3:45 Lap Swim
12:00 Beginner Tai Chi
1:00 Pinochle
1:00 Sewing Group
1:00 Dulcimer Lessons
1:30 Classic Exercise
2:00 Dulcimer Practice/Jam Session
4:00-6:30 Lovin Line Dance
4:00-5:45 Open Swim
6:00-7:30 Lap Swim
7:35-8:45 Lap Swim (Freedom Hall)
7:00 am — 8:00 pm Billiards Room
7:00am-8:00pm Fitness Room
7:00am – 11:00am Adults Only Therapy Pool
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
7:00 Pickleball
8:00 Men’s Bible Study
9:00 Blood Pressure Checks
Rec programs
Tri Cities Dance Club
Instructor: Tamarro Taylor
Cost: Free (All Ages)
Fridays, 1-3p
Enjoy International Folk Dance in a relaxed social group. All levels welcome and encouraged. No experience or partner required!
9:00 Chair Yoga
9:15 Aquamix (pool)
10:00 Circuit Exercise
11:00 Yoga “Just Breathe”
11:00-3:45 Lap Swim
11:00 Arthritis Class (pool)
11:45 Splash (pool)
1:00 Rook
1:30 Delay the Disease
1:30 Ballroom Dance Practice
1:00 – 4:00 Adults Only Therapy Pool
4:30 Dandy Line Dancers
5:30-7:30 Pickleball
6:00 – 7:30 Adults Only Therapy Pool
6:00 Evening Water Aerobics
7:35-8:45 Lap Swim (Freedom Hall)
6:00am-7:00am Masters Swim (Freedom Hall)
7:00 am — 8:00 pm Billiards Room
7:00am-8:00pm Fitness Room
7:00am – 7:30pm Adults Only Therapy Pool
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
7:00 Pickleball
8:45 Circuit Exercise
9:00 Doubles Table Tennis
9:30 Mahjong
9:00 Morning Water Aerobics
10:30 Qigong
11:00-3:45 Lap Swim
11:30 Advanced Tai Chi
4:00-7:30 Open Swim
7:35-8:45 Lap Swim (Freedom Hall)
9:00 am — 4:00 pm Billiards Room
9:00am – 4:00pm Fitness Room
9:00 – 3:30 Adults Only Therapy Pool
9:15 Saturday Blast
10:30-12:45 Lap Swim
12:45-3:30 Open Swim

• Assistance with bathing, dressing, grooming
• Housekeeping and laundry services
• Transportation services
• Concierge services
• Medication administration by licensed nurses
• Disease / medication management
• 24-hour licensed nursing and qualified caregivers
• Respite Care