Welcome to the Johnson City Senior Center at Memorial Park Community Center.
If you are new to the center or had not been in the center for a while then don’t miss our “Try Us Out” event the first Thursday of each month at 9:00am. Meet staff, ask questions and tour the center.
Please remember to sign in at one of the kiosks for the events and programs you are attending In the center.
Visit us on the web at: https://www.johnsoncitytn.org/residents/senior_services_mission_vision.php
Cover photo: Courtesy of Maureen Mulroy
Thank You to all our sponsors for Swing Into Action Golf Tournament Friday, October 6. Premier Sponsor – General Shale; Matching Sponsor – Modern Woodmen; Corporate Sponsor – Up & At “Em and All Phase Development; Gold Sponsor – Smarty Pants, LLC; Lunch Sponsor –Abundant Christian Living; Hole in One Sponsor – Watauga Insurance; Putting Contest is being sponsored by Hennessee Tax and Bookkeeping; Hole Sponsors – The Goose Chase, Joan & Jeff Chipokas, Whiting Land & Landscape LLC, and Gray Volunteer Fire Department, Keith Family Vision Clinic. Thank You for helping to make our tournament a success!!! The Johnson City Senior Center Foundation has changed their name to Senior Foundation, Inc – Johnson City. The Foundation provides supplemental funding for our healthcare coordinator, Jeanne Clarke, RN; funds transportation for cultural activities outside of the Tri-Cities area; provides support through the center’s Fellowship program; and funds for the Spring Forward for seniors program.
Lunch is served from 11:30-12:00 each day Monday – Friday. Congregate meals are provided for us through FTHRA. The program is for the senior population 60+. If you wish to take a portion of the meal home with you, you will be responsible for bringing containers to place the food in and the transfer of the food. We look forward to serving you and we know that you will enjoy dining with your friends. Please reserve your meals by placing a checkmark in the first column on the reservation sheets located in the dining room. This must be done 48 hours in advance.
Members of the Center will be able to check out an Access card to the Computer Lab at the Senior Front Desk to gain entrance into the Lab from 8:00a-5:00p, Monday through Friday. Times/Availability subject to Change.
Instructor: Lexi Hillman
Cost: Free (50+)
Thursday, October 5th 3:45-4:45
This program will cover basic computer skills, parts of a laptop, desktop, smart devices, security and scams. The program is provided by Goodwill Industries of Tenneva Area, Inc. Please pre-register, limited space available.
Our Holy Bible Study
Mondays at 2pm (Ages 50+)
Come join us as we study God’s word together. Thursdays at 8am (Ages 50+)
Men’s Bible Study.
Free: Books Provided (Ages 50+)
1st Thursday of month 10am
If you like reading a variety of books and meeting new people, come join us. You are not required to join in the discussion or answer questions if you do not wish to. We will be discussing “The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry” on October 7th. Please plan to purchase “The Ride of Her Life” by Elizabeth Letts. This book will be discussed on November 2nd. As a group, we will donate these books to the JCPL. Group will be given borrowed books in November for discussion in December.
Monday, October 2nd at 10am
Cost: Free
This is our monthly volunteer meeting. The guest speaker will be Edward Breese, Community Relations Manager with 2nd Harvest Food Bank. An activity is planned and light refreshments will be served. Interested in volunteering? Check us out!
Monday, October 2nd at 10am
Cost: Free
Are you raising a grandchild or other relative? Need support, information or resources? Join us to share your experience, receive useful information, learn caregiving/child rearing tips, and gain emotional support during our Coffee & Conversation for GRANDfamilies.
Saturday, October 7th and 21st 10:30am-12pm
Cost: Free
This is a group that meets to discuss books on self-improvement, spirituality, mysticism, etc. Everyone is welcome to join the club and participate in our interactive discussions. Each member is responsible for buying their own books. For more information contact Mario Galvez at mh_galvez@yahoo.com. Please remember to check in for the Book group. Saturday, October 7th, 10:30am12:00pm.
Shamanic healing History and Practices. This will be a presentation by Barbara R., a book club member who studied the practice of Shamanism in the mountains of Peru.
Saturday, October 21st, 10:30am12:00pm.
Ask and It is Given. Book by Esther and Jerry Hicks. For this meeting the conversation will revolve around the Law of Attraction. We will talk about limiting beliefs, vibrational energy, Oneness, and being co-creators of our reality & life experiences.
Tuesday, October 24th 3-4pm
Location: Memorial Park Community Center
Cost: Free
Join your fellow travelers and make new friends at the monthly travel meeting. Please pre-register!
Coming in November: Let’s Go! Travel Show
Tuesday, November 14th 3-5:30pm
Location: Memorial Park Community Center
Cost: Free but pre-registration is required
Travel agencies will be available for all your travel needs, and JCSC Seniors on the Go will announce their motor coach trips for 2024. A new feature will be information on pet care options while you travel.
As an “Independent” Agency, East Tennessee Insurance Agency can provide you with “Unbiased” Information on Plans and Insurance Companies that are available in North East Tennessee.*
In One meeting, we can cover all your Medicare options and avoid the hassle and confusion that comes with evaluating so many different plans and companies. Plus, we provide additional personal service throughout the year.
Let us review your options and explain the information needed for you to make an informed decision on a Medicare plan that fits your needs and budget!
Medicare “Annual Enrollment” is from October 15th thru December 7th.
East Tennessee Insurance Agency is an independent, family owned insurance consulting and brokerage agency nestled in the mountains of East Tennessee. Our business was established on hometown values back in 1950 (Originally called Cambron Insurance) and we have happily served the insurance needs of our customers ever since.
Owners, Jay and Beth Larshus, have a combined 50+ years of experience in the insurance industry. We are committed to providing quality insurance products for individuals and businesses. Our team of knowledgeable insurance professionals is experienced in creating personal and group policies. Our friendly and caring staff will work with you one-on-one to find coverages that fit your needs and build a lasting relationship.
*We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.
personal service when you need it the most!”
7:00 am — 7:00 pm Billiards Room Fitness Room
7:00am – 7:30pm Adults Only
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
8:00 Fit and Toned
8:00 Pickleball
11:00 Scrabble
11:00 Yoga “Just Breathe”
11:00-3:45 Lap Swim
11:00 Arthritis Class (pool)
11:45 Splash (pool)
1:00 Pencil Drawing
1:00 Bring Out the Artist in You
1:00 – 4:00 Adults Only Therapy Pool
1:00 Brain-a-Cise
1:30 Delay the Disease
2:00 Chess Club
2:00-3:30 Home School Swim
6:00 – 7:30 Adults Only Therapy Pool
6:00 Evening Water Aerobics
4:00-5:45 Open Swim
6:00-7:30 Lap Swim
7:35-8:45 Lap Swim (Freedom Hall)
7:00 am — 7:00 pm Billiards Room
Fitness Room
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
Pricing and details about aquatic programs are available at the recreation desk.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays — 1-2pm
This will be a staff led program to stimulate your brain by offering a variety of activities to make your brain work. The activities will include trivia, puzzles, brainteasers, etc. Come and check it out. Keeping your brain active is just as important as keeping your body active.
Cost: Free (Ages 65+)
October 4 – 8:30a to 1:00p
Various vendors will be available to provide information about Medicare insurance and other topics of interest to senior adults. Door prizes will be awarded at the end of the event.
Facilitated by TN SHIP
Cost: Free
October 17th and October 19th 9am to 12pm each day
Medicare’s Part D Annual Enrollment Period is October 15 – December 7. This is the period each year when Medicare beneficiaries can join, switch or drop their Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage coverage.
Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage plans change their coverage and costs each year, so it is important to review your plan and compare it to others on the market every fall. The Johnson City Senior Center is partnering
with the Tennessee State Health Insurance Assistance Program (TN SHIP) to provide free and objective assistance in comparing Part D and Medicare Advantage plans. Trained Medicare counselors will be on hand on October 17th and October 19th from 9am-12pm to assist Medicare beneficiaries and their families in comparing Part D or Medicare Advantage plans for 2024. Appointments are required for this event. For more information and to set up an appointment please call (423) 722-5205.
Instructor: Dr. J. Catherine
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
October 20th at 3:30pm
Dr. J. Catherine Herbert will hold discussions on various movies that have transformed our culture. This series will be Dramatic films focusing on real life concerns. We will watch the movie and discuss the impacts on society. Did society change the movies or did the movies transform our society? Please pre-register.
(Ages 18+)
Modays, (8 week series beginning October 2nd — November 20th
Cost: Free
Instructor: Lise Spaller
A French class for beginners. Come join us. Please Pre-register. Registration will close after October 2nd.
Modays, (8 week series beginning October 2nd — November 20th 10:00-11:00am
Cost: Free
Instructor: Lise Spaller
Participants will be immersed in French culture and language. Please Pre-register. Registration will close after October 2nd.
(Ages 18+)
Modays, (8 week series beginning October 2nd — November 20th 11:00am-12:00pm
Cost: Free
Instructor: Lise Spaller Participants will be practicing reading and writing in French. Please Pre-register. Registration will close after October 2nd.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Wednesdays, 10:30am-12pm Come! Learn! Discover the many things about who your ancestors were, their occupations, spouses, children, the states and countries they came from. Learn how to build a true, confirmed family tree using Ancestry.com and Ancestry DNA, as well as other online free sites. Learn the online and printed research resources available. Bring a laptop. Please pre-register.
(Ages 16+)
Wednesdays, 10a-11:30a
Cost: Free
Lifelong learning of German Language, Culture, History, etc. Attendance is NOT required to participate. DROP-IN/-OUT anytime during the meeting. Simultaneous ZOOM is used, making our meetings available worldwide. To prevent “echoing,” please use “ear buds” when more than one computer is in a room. Sharing and show-and-tell are encouraged and always welcome. For more information, contact Lon Felker at 423-928-2073 or at lonsfelker@ gmail.com.
Tuesday, October 24th 10:3011:30am
Cost: Free (All Ages)
Instructor: Connie Deegan, Park Naturalist
Bats are one of the most mysterious and least understood groups of mammals. Learn of their benefits and struggles. Get the dos and don’ts of attracting them to your property with a bat house. Please pre-register.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+) Wednesday, October 11th 10:00am-11:30pm
Instructor: Allen Sifford, Branch Manager II, Bank of Tennessee
Mr. Sifford will be discussing “How to Build and Maintain a Strong Financial Foundation.” This will include a lot of open discussion on credit and basic banking information. Please pre-register.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Gym 1 – Monday through Friday 8am12pm
Gym 2 – Monday through Friday 8am12pm
Join in on the fun! This activity is a modified version of tennis. We play doubles.
No registration required, no time limit or number of players.
Outdoor Pickleball
(Ages 18+)
Monday through Friday 7:00am12:00pm Open Play for MPCC Members
Monday through Friday 12:00-9:00pm
Open Play
Saturday and Sunday 7:00am -9:00pm
Open Play
Court use will be first come, first serve unless otherwise designated for a
special program, activity, or event
During peak times when courts are full and players are waiting to play:
o Court time will be shared equally
o NO Singles
o Waiting players will place their paddles in the “Paddle Rack” (left to right)
o Court time limited to two games to 11, win by 1
o Exit court immediately – return to waiting area outside courts
o Play again – place your paddle in first available opening in the “Paddle Rack”
o Next up when court is open – next paddles from L-R
o Less than four players waiting, the suitable number of players will stay on the court to fill the court with 4 players
o Limit warm-up time to no more than 5 minutes
Cost: Free
(Ages 18+)
Outdoor Courts
Tues and Thurs – 6p-7:30p
October 10, 12,17,19,24,26, Nov 2, 7
Cost: $20/person
Are you new to the game of pickleball? Then this is the class for you. Pickleball 101 will allow you to learn the game and the fundamentals of how to play the game. Each class will build and allow you to become a pickleball player in just a few weeks. Limited slots available so pre-registration is required. Total of 8 sessions.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Monday through Friday 7am-8pm
No registration required, No time limit or number of players
No food allowed in the billiards room only closed beverage containers
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9-11am
Senior men and women’s doubles table tennis is a great way to keep your brain and body active. No food allowed only closed beverage containers
(Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Keystone Gym-Tues and Thurs 10am12pm
Meet in the Gym at Keystone for pickup games and shoot a-rounds.
If you have health concerns or questions, our nurse, Jeanne Clarke, RN is happy to provide information, support or resources. Her hours are Monday –Thursday, 9am-2 pm. Stop by the nurse’s station across from the Dining Room or call 423-434-6235 for an appointment.
Monday – Thursdays, 9am-2pm
Stop by the nurse’s station for a free blood pressure check. No appointment required.
Stop by the nurse’s station or call 423-4346235 to schedule.
For best results, do not eat or drink anything except water for 8-12 hours prior to testing.
Speaker: Elizabeth Renfro, MS, UT/TSU
Extension Agent
Cost: FREE (Ages 50+)
Monday, Oct. 2, 1-2pm
Join the fun and workout your brain in
this interactive program with brain teasers and games aimed at keeping your mind sharp. You’ll love it and your brain will too.
Please call 423-4346237 to pre-register.
Speakers: Heatherly Sifford, BSPH, JCMC, Elizabeth Renfro, MS, UT/TSU Extension, & Tracy Buckles, FTAAAD
Cost: FREE (Ages 60+)
Tuesdays, Oct. 3 – Nov. 21, 12:30-2pm
Many older adults experience concerns about falling and restrict their activities as a result. This eightweek series will help participants make small changes to reduce the risk of falls and learn exercises to increase strength, flexibility and balance. Stay active and stay safe – it’s a matter of balance! Please preregister by calling 423-434-6237.
Cost: FREE (Ages 50+)
Tuesday, October 10, 10:30-11:30am
Enjoy a relaxing DIY facial and spa grade skin treatments along with some pampering and skin care tips. Free skin care gifts for
all participants. Preregistration is required by calling 423-4346237. Limited spots available.
Speaker: Sarah Balance, UT/TSU Extension
Cost: FREE (Ages 50+) Thursdays, Oct. 12, 19, 26 & Nov. 2, 10:3011:30am
Back by popular demand for first-time participants only. Join this four week series for practical cooking tips, smart food choices and ways to save money and time on meal prep. Free cooking tools, recipes and samples provided. Limited spots available. Pre-registration is required by calling 423434-6237.
Speaker: Dr. Goyal, Medical Resident, ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Cost: FREE (All Ages) Thursday, October 12, 1-2pm
October is a good time to learn more about breast cancer, the risk factors and how to minimize them plus the importance of being screened. Hear about advances in research, genetic testing, detection, and treatment. Please call
423-434-6237 to preregister.
Cost: FREE (Ages 60+) Mondays, Oct. 16-Nov. 20, 10:30am-12pm
Join us for a fun, informative 6-week series offered by graduate nutrition students from ETSU. Nutrition topics will include cooking for one, brain health, heart health, and bone health. Recipe demonstrations of easy, budget friendly, nutritious meals. This free program is sponsored by Grant #90INNU0031 from the Administration for Community Living. Please call 423-4346237 to pre-register.
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Wednesday, October 18, 10a-12p
Get helpful information about a variety of eye conditions including cataracts and the latest technology, macular degeneration, importance of diabetic eye exams, glaucoma and more. Eye pressure checks will be available. Sponsored by Woolfson Eye Institute. Doorprizes. Please preregister by calling 423434-6237.
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Thursday, October 19, 12:30-1:30pm This caring group is for all PWPs (People with Parkinson’s) and those who have PWP in their lives. Topics of discussion and speakers vary each month. The group meets in the Activities room at the far left end of the building across from the pool. No pre-registration required.
Speaker: Dr. Vatsavayi, Medical Resident, ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Thursday, October 19, 1-2pm Get the facts about atrial fibrillation, an irregular heart rate that can increase your risk of strokes, heart failure and other heart related complications. Some have Atrial fib without
even knowing it. Learn about various treatment options and get your questions answered. Please call 423-4346237 to pre-register.
Speaker: Dr. Dana Grist, OD
Cost: FREE (All Ages) Wednesday, October 25, 1-2 pm
Two of the most common types of vision loss related to diabetes are macular edema and retinopathy. Diabetes can also make you more likely to have other eye conditions, including cataracts and glaucoma. Dr. Grist, an optometrist with over 40 years in healthcare will discuss diabetes related eye problems, causes, symptoms, prevention and treatments. This is a great opportunity to gain a better understanding and get answers to your questions. Please call 423-434-6237 to preregister.
Monday through Friday 7am – 8pm (Ages 14+)
Fitness Orientation required for new users to the fitness room
No preregistration required to use fitness room
Cost: Daily and Monthly fee options (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants)
Instructor: Kelly Finney
Cost: $2 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants) (Ages 18+)
Mondays & Wednesdays, 8am
One hour class that includes cardio endurance, strength, flexibility and balance challenges.
Instructor: Deb Fogle
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants) (Ages 50+)
Mondays & Wednesdays 10am
Mondays & Wednesdays 1:30pm
Increase muscular strength, range of movement and practice activities for daily living. This class designed to help you become stronger and improve balance.
Instructor: Tonya Van Hook
Cost: $5 per class (50% discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® eligible participants). (Ages 18+)
Mondays and Wednesdays, 10am
Fridays, 11:30am
Tai Chi for Arthritis is an evidence,
low-impact Tai Chi form modified for seniors. This is an advanced Tai Chi class for those already experienced in Tai Chi.
Instructor: Tonya Van Hook
Cost: $5 per class (50% discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® eligible participants). (Ages 18+)
Mondays and Wednesdays, 11am
Fridays. 10:30am
Qigong is a part of traditional Chinese medicine that includes easy to learn, gentle, flowing movements that stimulate the meridian system of the body and promote relation and mindfulness.
Instructor: Tonya Van Hook
Cost: $5 per class (50% discount
for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® eligible participants). (Ages 18+)
Mondays and Wednesdays, 12pm
Tai Chi for Arthritis is an evidence, low-impact Tai Chi form modified for seniors.
Circuit Instructor: Deb Fogle
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants) (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays & Fridays, 8:45am
Tuesday & Thursday 10:00am This class is designed to increase cardiovascular endurance and improve strength. This is a low impact class which offers upper body strengthening. Participant should possess consistent skills in See FITNESS, Page S14
To visit your new home, contac t the Abundant Christian Living Community Marketing O ffice at (423) 232-8218.
From Page S10
agility, coordination and balance.
Instructor: Tricia Korade
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants)
Tuesday and Thursdays 9-10am
Move through seated and standing yoga postures to increase flexibility, balance and range of motion. No part of this class is done on the floor. A chair is used to meet a variety of fitness levels. The class is appropriate for participants of all fitness levels, including those who have never practiced yoga before.
Instructor: Dixie Neth
Cost: $5/class (Ages 18+)
Tuesdays & Thursdays 11am12:30pm
Join us for a breath of fresh air as we explore the world of yoga postures, breathing practices, and relaxation techniques. This class requires movement to the floor and back up without assistance. Bring your own mat, yoga blanket, blocks, and yoga straps.
Preregistration recommended for the above classes. Class size for Classic and Circuit is 20. Class Size for chair yoga is 12.
Each December we host girls from Girls Inc. for a Christmas gathering where they receive a gift of hats, scarves and mittens. We are collecting these items from our members for this event and would like to invite you to knit or crochet for this worthwhile project. There is yarn and other supplies here at the center if you need them. Contact Chyrl or Ann for supplies or information. Any donations for this project are greatly appreciated!
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Mondays 1- 3pm Join this welcoming group if you desire to sing gospel music and share the joy of music with local nursing homes.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays 10am–12:30pm
Come learn and have fun with this welcoming group of amateur musicians. We play a variety of music including gospel, bluegrass and even Irish jigs. For more information, contact John Martin at 423-444-6289.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Mondays 1-3pm
In Monday’s ongoing class we have fun with many
different materials and unique tools! Learn the technique of turning an old recycled book into something beautiful! Your creation can become whatever suits your taste – memory book, diary, journals, etc. All materials provided. Join anytime!
Instructor: Ann Whitson
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Tuesdays 1-2:30pm Tuesday afternoon drawing offers an encouraging, relaxed atmosphere in which to create and learn. Materials will be available or bring your own and take advantage of any instruction needed.
Instructor: Charline Hughes
Cost: $5 per class (Ages 18+)
Tuesdays 1–3pm
‘Charlie’ will be available to offer guidance and assistance and share her knowledge in Oil, Acrylic and Watercolor technique. Bring your project and materials in for expert advice in an encouraging and relaxed atmosphere. Suitable for any skill level.
Instructor: Charline Hughes
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Wednesdays 1-3:30pm
We have a surplus of fabric which has been donated
to the center. In an effort to give back to the community, we are making lap quilts and/or pet beds. Sewing machines will be set up and all supplies will be available.
Instructor: Roxanne McDaniel
Cost: $10 per lesson (Ages 18+)
Wednesdays 1-2pm
Learn to play the Dulcimer with Roxanne! Please bring an instrument that is ready to play. Please pre-register and pay by the Monday before class.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+) Wednesdays 2-3pm This is a time to get together and work on your skills and share ideas while enjoying the company of other players.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+) Thursdays 10 – 11:30am
Join this lively group who loves to sing a variety of songs including show tunes and popular songs. This group is led by Cherry Smith. The group is open to anyone who is looking for a low stress, less demanding group with which to perform. No audition required.
Instructor: Roxanne McDaniel
Cost: $25 for the Series, includes materials fee (Ages 18+)
Second and Fourth Thursday, 3-4pm
Have you thought about learning to play the Ukulele? Roxanne will cover the basics and pre-tuned instruments will be available. Please pre-register and pay by the Tuesday before class.
Instructor: Roxanne McDaniel
Cost: $25 for the Series, includes materials fee (Ages 18+)
Second and Fourth Thursday, 4-5pm
Would you like to refine or develop your Ukulele skills? Pre-tuned instruments will be available if needed. Please pre-register and pay by the Tuesday before class.
Instructor: Roxanne McDaniel Cost: $25 for the Series (Ages 18+)
Second and Fourth Friday, 10-11am
Would you like to learn to play the guitar or develop your existing skills? Bring your guitar (in playable condition) and join this class. Please pre-register and pay by the Wednesday before class.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
3rd Tuesday of each month at 6-8pm
If you have a Basic technical knowledge of your camera,
a desire to learn and experience more, understand some of the creative control functions like aperture, shutter speed, composition, use of the manual settings on your camera and ready to delve deeper in to image creation and gain a broader knowledge of photography, then Next Step Photography is for you.
Instructor: Rheva Myhre
Cost: $25 for the series (Ages 18+)
Second and Forth Thursday, 1:30-2:30pm
Do you have a fiddle or mandolin lying around the house? Now is the time to get it out of the case, learn or reacquaint yourself with the basics, and start playing some fun tunes! Either instrument will work for this class, in which we will explore Appalachian melodies as well as accompaniment techniques. Please preregister and pay by the Tuesday before class. Video Series – Great Artists of the Italian Renaissance
Will not meet in October.
Instructor: Ann Whitson
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Last Wednesday of Each Month 12:30-2pm This Video Series will explore more than 60 of the world’s greatest paintings, which produce a unique impact upon the viewer.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
2nd Friday of the month 1-3:30pm
If you are just starting out, or want to brush up on your skills, take field trips and photos then come and join us!
Cost: $3 per class (Ages 18+)
Second and Fourth Wednesday, 1:303:30pm
Join this class to explore the many ways Paper Quilling can be used to make fun, attractive and useful Art, as well as gifts. All materials supplied. Suitable for all skill levels
Instructor: Charlie Hughes
Cost: $10 (Ages 18+)
Tuesday, October 10th
3:15 — 5:15pm and Wednesday, October 11th 3:15-4:15pm
This is a make it take class where you will create a stepping stone using a concrete slab and glass. All supplies are furnished. Please pre-register and pay in advance to ensure your spot!
Instructor: Chyrl
Cost: $7 (Ages 18+)
Tuesday, October 17th
9-11am OR Thursday, October 19th 2-4pm This is a make it take class that makes a variety of greeting cards. All supplies furnished for 6 cards. Please pre-register and pay in advance to ensure your spot!
Instructor: Charlie Hughes
Cost: $8 (Ages 18+)
Tuesday, October 17th
Come and paint 4 small (4x4) canvases to display at your home or give as gifts for the holidays. All supplies are furnished. Please pre-register and pay in advance to ensure your spot!
Instructor: Ann Whitson
Cost: $3 (Ages 18+)
Friday, October 20th
Shading is the process of adding value (lights and darks) to a drawing, creating a strong sense of space and form. Along with highlights in a drawing, shading can make a drawing appear three dimensional and create a convincing image.
Instructor: Ann Whitson
Cost: $3 (Ages 18+)
Thursday, October 26th 1-3p
We use texture in Drawing to help create the illusion of solid form on a flat surface and to indicate how an object would feel if touched. This is accomplished by repeated lines and strokes of the pencil, making our artwork look more natural.
Instructor: Deb Nelson
Cost: $8 (Ages 18+)
Thursday, October 12th, 1-3p
Using the “wet” method we will apply a design to the bottom of 2 plates to create unique decorative designs. Choose from a variety of seasonal napkins or bring your own!
Finish with metallic paints for holiday cheer. Coordinate with August bottle
vase and September pumpkin if desired or choose other designs.
Instructor: Sherry Bernheisel
Cost: $15 (Ages 18+)
Friday, October 13th, 12-3pm
Let’s ‘up-cycle’ some old dishes, bowls and cups to create something beautiful! You will create a unique and interesting work of Art to display in your home and also add a unique night light to a room!
Instructor: Sherry Bernheisel
Cost: $10 (Ages 18+)
Friday, October 27th, 11am-3pm
Come and create a Fall Pumpkin that is surprisingly unique! You will create with different materials than are usually used. Come and have fun with something new and different!
Instructor: Edith SeierHelfgott
Cost: $3 (Ages 18+)
Thursday, October 19th, 1:30-3pm
Edith will be demonstrating the beautiful and special effects which result from the
combination of black ink and watercolor on watercolor paper. She will guide you in a unique composition including specific details and instruction in a featured project. Examples of Edith’s work may be viewed on the bulletin board outside the Arts Room. Supplies are furnished.
Instructor: Patty Baker
Cost: $12 (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, October 18th, 11:30am – 1pm
This month’s project will be an elegant faux pearl necklace and earring set, using silver colored chain. The pearls are set in an attractive bead cap and the earrings consist of two pearls suspended with chain. Suitable for all skill levels. All supplies provided. Come and enjoy creating! A picture is posted outside the Craft room.
Instructor: Ann Whitson
Cost: Free Fridays 1-2pm
Zentangle is an easyto-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns, called tangles. The intention is to make the act of drawing pleasurable and meditative. Come and enjoy doodling!
We orient our skilled nursing services around the provision of specialized care for recovery after hospitalization. Our dedicated team helps residents and family members feel at home while receiving individually-focused healthcare.
Whether you need Physical, Occupational, or Speech Therapy, our therapists are committed to returning residents to the highest possible level of function, independence, and quality of life. Whether recovering from a hip replacement surgery, a stroke, a fall, or any other health condition, residents can benefit from our rehabilitation services.
Our energetic staff also focuses on socialization as a vital aspect of creating a home-like environment. We supplement wellness by delivering opportunities for residents to maintain a fulfilled and pleasurable stay. Community involvement ranges from exercise classes, beauty shop visits, and pet therapy, to holiday events, community involvement, and religious services.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Mondays, 1-5pm
Come and play this card game. If you don’t know how, no worries, they will teach you how.
(Ages 50+)
Mondays and Wednesdays, 11am11:45pm
Cost: Free Prizes sponsored by Tetrick Funeral Services
Would mixing bingo with physical activity increase your interest in an exercise program? Space is limited, so please pre-register by calling 434-6237.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+) Tuesdays, 11am-1pm
Come join this group who loves to test their spelling with the luck of the
draw of tiles. The more the merrier. Dictionaries are provided.
Cost: Free 18+) Tuesdays, 2-5pm
Open to all skill levels. Come join our group.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+) Wednesdays, 1-5pm
A trick taking card game for four.
Cost: Free (18+)
Fridays, 9:30-11:30am
Beginners and experienced, come join us for a game of mahjong, a tile based game similar to rummy. If you are wanting to learn someone will be there on the first Friday of the month to teach you.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+) Thursdays, 1-5pm
Rook is a challenging trick taking game played with a special deck of cards and a special group of people. Please join us!
(Ages 50+)
1st and 3rd Friday of each month, 12:30-4:30pm
If you enjoy playing bridge, but haven’t tried duplicate bridge. Join the fun!
Cost: Free (Ages 50+) Monday, October 16th 10-11am Volunteer “Jerry” Phillips will be leading Bingo with prizes. Please Register by calling 434-6237.
Instructor: Tamarro Taylor
Cost: Free (All Ages)
Fridays, 1-3p
Enjoy International and Israeli Folk Dance in a relaxed social group. All levels welcome and encouraged. No experience or partner required! Register in person the day of the activity.
Cost: FREE
Friday, October 20th, 5:30-7:00pm
Partnering with Appalachian Highlands for this fun time! Join us if you dare for a great time with your furry family members. There will be a costume contest, dog and human treats and pet themed vendors. Vaccination records required upon entry. Call 423-434-5722 for more information.
(Upper Beginner/Intermediate
Instructor: Martha Davenport
Mondays, 3 – 4:30pm (Ages 12+)
Cost: $6 or (Discount for SilverSneakers®, Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® if eligible)
For those wanting to brush up their line dance steps or learn new line dances. You will be having so much fun, you won’t even realize that you are exercising! Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Wednesdays 5:30-7:00pm
Cost: Free (18+)
Want to learn to Ballroom dance? Come and learn with us.
Thursdays 1:30pm
Cost: Free (18+)
Come and enjoy an afternoon of ballroom dancing.
Instructor: Martha Davenport
(Advanced Line Dancing)
Thursdays, 4:30-6pm
Cost: Free (Ages 12+)
This is a volunteer group, which not only practices during this time frame; they also perform in the community. For the experienced line dancer.
Tuesday, October 3rd. Leave MPCC at 11:00a, return approx. 4:00p
Cost: $12 for transportation and storytelling (Ages 50+)
Enjoy lunch and shopping on your own in downtown Jonesborough, then see Donald Davis in person at the Jonesborough Storytelling Centre. The author of eighteen books and more than forty original recordings, Davis is the recipient of both the Circle of Excellence and the Lifetime Achievement Awards from the National Storytelling Network, and one of the most
Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, contact Martha drmd72@hotmail.com
2nd & 4th Fridays 5:30-7:30pm
Cost: $6 All Ages Welcome)
New members welcome. Info. Call 423-612-0527 or 423361-3152
Instructor: Sue Ayers
3:00 — 4:30 pm Wednesdays (class starts on first Wednesday of each month)
(Ages 18+)
Cost: $20/month ($12/month with SilverSneakers®, Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® if eligible)
Come join the fun and meet
new friends while getting a great mental and physical workout!
Our class is a great fit if you enjoy dancing at the beginner/ improver level. Experience with basic line dance steps is strongly recommended. Weekly dance info/links and tips are provided to help you learn. Feel free to email me at pupstergal@yahoo.com.
Registration is required before (preferred) or no later than the starting time/day of each month’s class.
(Ages 18 and up)
Instructor: Sue Ayers
Cost: $40 (Silver Sneaker®,
Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants discount $25)
7-week series Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00pm
October 25th – December 13th
Learn to line dance, meet new friends and have fun in this class designed for (a) those with no prior line dance experience and (b) those with prior experience who just want to exercise to great music from a variety of genres. This class is the first of a 2-part series designed to teach you all of the basic line dance steps you’ll need to progress as a line dancer if you choose. Comfortable shoes (no thongs) with low or no heels strongly recommended. Register by October 20th.
popular storytellers to visit Jonesborough. Limited tickets available; no refunds.
Cost: $41 Ages 50+)
Wednesday, October 11th. Leave MPCC at 9a, return approx. 4p
Enjoy a beautiful day outside with your friends and enjoy a great lunch while cruising the river in Knoxville! The lunch cruise includes a wonderful buffet, 1.5 hour cruise and either a narration from the Captain or Entertainment from one of our local entertainers. The cost covers transportation, boat ride,
lunch and gratuity. Limited seating, no refunds.
Cost: $25 (Ages 50+) Saturday, October 14th. Leave MPCC at 3p, return approx. 6:30p
Support the ETSU Bucs as they play Wofford in an exciting home game. Transportation included from the center; tickets cannot be purchased separately. Limited seating, no refunds.
River Cost: $6 for transportation (Ages 50+)
October 24th. Leave MPCC at 9:00a, return approx. 4:30p Tour the “Pinta”, a replica of a Portuguese Caravel used by Columbus and other early explorers, while the ship is docked in Knoxville. Bring $5.00 cash for the ship tour. You will be walking on narrow steps and uneven flooring during the tour. Lunch will be on your own at Calhoun’s on the River Restaurant prior to the ship tour. Limited seating, no refunds.
Cost: $22 for transportation and tour (Ages 50+) October 25th. Leave MPCC at 8:30a, return approx. 5:00p
Say cheese! Sweetwater Valley Farm became Tennessee’s first Lely XL Dairy Farm in 2018, milking 500 cows with Robotic Technology; today they have over 1500 dairy cows and produce a variety of cheeses. The farm was featured in Season 3 of Unwrapped 2.0 on the Cooking Channel. Shop the cheese shop, enjoy lunch on your own in the Seed to Sandwich Café, which features a variety of grilled cheeses made with their own cheddar cheese, and tour the farm to see the robotic milking facility. Limited seating, no refunds.
1-3 miles, mostly flat, guided-tours/outings.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesday October 3rd, 9:00am
Walk is 3 miles. Meet at the start of the Tweetsie trail at 9am. Add an extra mile by meeting at the center at 8:30am.
Please Register.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesday October 31th, 9:00am
Walk is 3 miles. Dress in your Halloween costume and we will walk down the Tweetsie Trail. Meet at the start of the Tweetsie trail
at 9am. Add an extra mile by meeting at the center at 8:30am. Please Register.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+) This is our six week walking program Step Up Your steps to help you get moving and move more. Come join us for our morning
Cost: Free
Wednesday, October 4, 8:30a-1:00p Vendors will be set up in the gym to share information about Medicare insurance plans and other topics related to senior adults. Door prizes. This is a drop-in event, preregistration is not required.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Thursday, October 5, 9am
Are you new to the center or want to know more about our programs that we offer? You don’t want to miss our “Try Us Out” session. This is an opportunity to meet staff, find out what programs are offered, take a tour and ask questions about the center and its programs. You will also be given information about any new programs being offered in the next month. Light refreshments will be served and free try it out vouchers for certain classes will be given. Please
register at the front desk or call 4346237 to reserve your spot.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesday, October 24th 7:30pm (Doors open at 6:30 pm)
ETSU Martin Center
Looking for something to do on your own? Pickup complimentary tickets for this awesome performance by the United States Air Force Band and Singing Sergeants! No transportation available. Limited Tickets Available at Senior Front Desk
Cost: Free
Tuesday, November 14th, 3p – 5:30p
JCSC Seniors on the Go present the annual travel show, including presentations by travel providers, door prizes, entertainment, and announcement of 2024 charter trips. Pre-registration is required!
mile walk Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:15 in the Gathering room. We will walk 1 mile around the Center with staff members.
2-5 miles, easy to moderate trails, low or short elevation gain.
Bays Mountain
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesday October 10th, 8:00am Hike is approximately 3.5 miles around the lake. Meet at the center at 8am or at the parking lot at the park at 8:45am. Please Register.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesday October 17th, 9:00am
Walk is 5 miles. Meet at the Parking lot beside Pals in Erwin. Please Register.
Persimmon Ridge
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesday, October 24th
Hike is approximately 3.5 miles. Bring hiking poles. Meet at the center at 8am or the parking lot
by the baseball field at 8:45am. Please Register.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Friday, October 6th
Hike is approximately 5 mile hike down the tracks and back. Meet at the center at 9am or at Doe River at about 9:30. Please Register There will be no transportation Furnished by Memorial Park Community Center.
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• Assistance with bathing, dressing, grooming
• Housekeeping and laundry services
• Transportation services
• Concierge services
• Medication administration by licensed nurses
• Disease / medication management
• 24-hour licensed nursing and qualified caregivers
• Respite Care