Johnson City Parks and Recreation
A Walk in the Park
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YOUR Parks and Recreation Connection
~ It’s Been a Wonderful Five Years ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Highlights
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It’s Been a Wonderful Five Years On Dec. 8, Memorial Park Community Center staff embraced the five-year celebration of the facility’s opening in 2012 by hosting “It’s Been a Wonderful Five Years.” The theme followed the famous 1946 Christmas film starring James Stewart and directed by Frank Capra. In the film, an intervening angel helps right Stewart’s character who realizes all the different lives he’s touched. MPCC became the fictional community of Bedford Falls, offering a drug store in which ice cream and other treats were served, a chance to chat with Santa Claus, a viewing of the movie plus other assorted fun and games. Thanks again for helping us mark this important milestone.