Walk in the park 2017 november

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Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Highlights - Kudos Corner ~ Dashboard

A Walk in the Park YOUR Parks and Recreation Connection I s s u e

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JC Parks and Rec Wins Top Awards! The Johnson City Parks and Recreation Department was recognized with four, Four Star Awards for Excellence in Parks and Recreation by the Tennessee Recreation and Parks Association at its 66th Annual Conference. The Rotary Park Playground and Splash Pad took top honors for New Facility, while the Teen Adventure Quest Camp and Turtle Trek Challenge topped the Programs category. Rotary Park reopened this spring with a new inclusive playground and splash pad and proved a resounding success. Contributions from the Johnson City Rotary Club, a Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation grant and a city match covered the cost. The Teen Adventure Quest, organized by Nature Coordinator Connie Deegan, was recognized as an outstanding program for fitness and nutrition education. The program offered five days of outdoor adventure, such as camps, shelter building, hikes and rafting. The Senior Services Turtle Trek Challenge encouraged those not participating in traditional exercise programs, as well as those with few available options, an opportunity to get outside and enjoy daily field trips. Vice Mayor Jenny Brock also won a Four Star Individual Service Award for her contributions and support of Parks and Rec. Brock is a longtime proponent of community health and wellness, and co-founded the annual Turkey Trot.

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Administration Highlights ~ 

Metro-Kiwanis playground equipment has been ordered.

A site visit took place with Daniel Boutte of Lose & Associates to review the Indian Ridge property.

Attended City/County Task Force meeting to discuss potential plans for an athletic complex at the county school site.

A conference call was held with GS&P to finalize plans to be included in the bid package for Civitan Park.

The department received four awards during this year’s TRPA Conference in Franklin, TN. Awards included a Four Star Facility Award for the Rotary Park playground and splash pad, a Four Star Individual Service Award which went to Jenny Brock, a Four Star Award for the seniors services Turtle Trek Series and a Four Star Award for the Teen Adventure Quest Summer Camp.

Johnson City was awarded two USA National Softball Tournaments at the 86th Annual Softball Council meeting: 2018 Girls Class C Southeast Nationals ages 8U, 10U, 12U and 14U and for 2019 the USA Girls Class A 10U Eastern Nationals.

Conceptual plans are being finalized for potential athletic facilities.

Athletics Division Highlights ~ 

Youth basketball registration concluded this month. There are 74 teams participating in the youth basketball program.

Adult registrations have concluded with 20 teams participating.

Park Services Division Highlights ~ 

Winterization of all park locations continued this month.

Pressure washing of the boardwalk at Winged Deer Park is complete.

A Walk in the Park

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Recreation Services Division ~ 

Work continues with the playground distributor at Carver Recreation Center to bring the project to completion.

A fantastic project was led by Eagle Scout Coleman Numbers. With the help of 28 Eagle Scouts, family and community members involved with Troop 121, this leadership project produced four quality outdoor trail benches in Buffalo Mountain Park.

The entire 4th grade from Lake Ridge Elementary came to a field trip at Winged Deer Park for their fifth Halloween in a row. They enjoyed a bat program in the outdoor classroom followed by a nature hike. They had lunch at the pavilion and spent time in the playground, providing them with hours of park fun.

Movie night at MPCC was held on November 7 and 20 teens attended. Teens also enjoyed two Wild Card Wednesday’s skill championships and Turkey Shoot basketball challenge.

MPCC’s Start Smart Basketball program had 30 in attendance.

Mother and Son Date Night at MPCC was a big hit with 65 in attendance. Twenty attendees celebrated their favorite mouse’s birthday on November 17. Senior Services Division hosted the Silver Sneakers Hoedown with 100 in attendance.

Carver arts program provided hand-made centerpieces with our special friends at Dawn of Hope.

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Johnson City Parks & Recreation 4137 Bristol Highway 4137 Bristol Highway Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Phone: 423-283-5815 Phone: 423-283-5815 Fax: 423-283-5829 Fax: 423-283-5829 Email: jcparksinfo@johnsoncitytn.org Website: www.johnsoncitytn.org

Winged Deer’s picture perfect landscaping, trimming, mulching, field work and overall upkeep of the park has earned Winged Deer Park’s crew in this month’s Kudo’s Corner. The experts pictured left to right are John Terrell, Dale Madgwick, Frederick Coons, Rob Armistead, Micah Posey and Caleb Sharpe.


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