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JC Parks and Rec Wins Top Awards! The Johnson City Parks and Recreation Department was recognized with four, Four Star Awards for Excellence in Parks and Recreation by the Tennessee Recreation and Parks Association at its 66th Annual Conference. The Rotary Park Playground and Splash Pad took top honors for New Facility, while the Teen Adventure Quest Camp and Turtle Trek Challenge topped the Programs category. Rotary Park reopened this spring with a new inclusive playground and splash pad and proved a resounding success. Contributions from the Johnson City Rotary Club, a Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation grant and a city match covered the cost. The Teen Adventure Quest, organized by Nature Coordinator Connie Deegan, was recognized as an outstanding program for fitness and nutrition education. The program offered five days of outdoor adventure, such as camps, shelter building, hikes and rafting. The Senior Services Turtle Trek Challenge encouraged those not participating in traditional exercise programs, as well as those with few available options, an opportunity to get outside and enjoy daily field trips. Vice Mayor Jenny Brock also won a Four Star Individual Service Award for her contributions and support of Parks and Rec. Brock is a longtime proponent of community health and wellness, and co-founded the annual Turkey Trot.