Walk in the park 2018 february

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Johnson City Parks and Recreation Special points of interest: ~ Get set for Adult Spring Softball and Youth Soccer! ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Recreation Services Highlights - Kudos Corner ~ Dashboard

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Get set for Adult Spring Softball and Youth Soccer! Spring Youth Soccer drew a record 1,100 participants last year, and registration is now underway for the 2018 season. Athletics Manager David Carmichel says this is an opportunity for kids to learn the basics and play a sport with others for the very first time. For a lot of kids, this will be the first time they’ve tried anything athletic at all, and soccer is a good place to start. Five age groups are available for boys and girls between 3-15, and 10 games will be played at least twice weekly. Register for soccer at the Winged Deer Athletic Office or online at www.myjcparks.com. Registration for Adult Spring Softball ends April 6. Leagues available: Men’s openchurch, women’s open-church and co-ed open-church. Players may play on only one men’s, women’s or co-ed team. Ages 16-18 may play with signed consent form from parent. To register for softball, you must visit the Winged Deer Park Athletic Office.

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Walk in the park 2018 february by City of Johnson City - Issuu