Walk in the park january 2017

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A Walk in the Park

Johnson City Parks and Recreation

YOUR Parks and Recreation Connection

Special points of interest: ~ Washington Bound - Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Memorial Park Community Center ~ Recreation Services Highlights - Kudos Corner ~ Dashboard

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J a n u a r y ,

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Washington Bound ... The After School Program students at Carver Recreation Center are gearing up for a trip to Washington D.C. and the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Approximately 40 youth and adult chaperones will be making the four-day, five-night trip scheduled for May of this year. The youth are in high gear with fundraising activities in preparation for the trip. The first of their efforts was held on January 14 at Wesley United Methodist Church where Carver hosted the Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Breakfast. A two-day basketball tournament followed the breakfast for 5th, 6th, and 7th graders at Carver Recreation Center. The center is also collecting donations for a late March community yard sale. All that is needed is a little help from the community. The expected contribution by the Carver youth is to be on their best behavior, maintain good grades, good manners, and being respectful, which will add up to an all expense paid trip they will never forget.

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Administration Highlights ~ 

Budget work is underway.

The splash pad has been installed and tested at the Rotary Park Boundless Playground. Completion is still on target for February 14.

Pavilion reservations opened on January 3.

Administration staff is currently working on recertification for Benchmarking Tier II with TDEC.

Athletics Division Highlights


Youth soccer registration is in full swing through February 26.

Adult softball registration will continue through April 7.

Youth Kickball registration begins February 1.

Park Services Division Highlights ~ 

The Boundless Playground at Rotary Park is taking shape. The large tree component was installed on January 16 and the splash pad was tested on January 20.

The new pavilion, constructed by Park Services, has been cleaned and is ready for use.

A Walk in the Park

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Memorial Park Community Center ~ 

The center hosted a Fitness Expo in January with 70 people in attendance. The evening consisted of refreshments, facility tours, and 20-minute fitness demonstrations from four different instructors.

The center was closed the beginning of January to resurface the gym and exercise room floors. The staff did some major cleaning and staff training during the closure. “To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story here.”

The Wiggles and Giggles pre-school program has 12 enrolled for the 4-week class.

Homeschool PE and pre-school PE are also very popular with 50 children enrolled in the program.

Recreation Services Division ~ 

Students in Princeton Arts Center’s after school art class learned to draw basic shapes to create their own unique snowman.

Swim lessons and Lifeguard classes began this month at the Memorial Park Community Center pool.

Johnson City Parks & Recreation

4137 Bristol Highway Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 4137 Bristol Highway Phone: 423-283-5815 Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Fax: 423-283-5829 Phone: 423-283-5815 Fax: 423-283-5829 Email: jcparksinfo@johnsoncitytn.org Website: www.johnsoncitytn.org

Kudo’s this month goes to Donna Campbell for her unique program idea. The Turtle Triathlon is a program designed for ages 55+ who wish to compete in a triathlon but are unable to do so in one day. The event will run January 9 through March 6 and participants will track their progress and take part in a celebration event on March 6. Program response has been extraordinary with 60 participants signed up. Great job Donna!


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