Johnson City Parks and Recreation
A Walk in the Park
Special points of interest:
YOUR Parks and Recreation Connection
~ A Busy Month! ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Highlights ~ Memorial Park Community Center ~ Recreation Services Highlights - Kudos Corner ~ Dashboard
Gospel in the Park Memorial Park Community Center Amphitheatre June 18, 2016 Noon - 8:30 pm FREE!
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A Busy Month! May started off with a bang as both Carver and Memorial Park Community Center provided programs in celebration of Mother’s Day. Activities continued throughout the month with Carver hosting an Olympic Day, their annual Awards Banquet, and End of School Block Party and Cookout and closing out the month with a Veterans program. Memorial Park Community Center followed suit with the annual Princess Ball and a Family Camp Out event. On May 19, a new playground was introduced into the park system with a ribbon cutting ceremony. The equipment sits between the softball fields at Winged Deer Park and has soft turf and a shade structure to protect the kids from foul balls and the sun. The playground is part of the city’s goal to improve playgrounds in the park system over the next three years.
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Administration Highlights ~ Boundless playground construction was delayed at Rotary Park. The estimated start date has been moved to August 1. Picnic shelter reservations will remain open until July 31. The Park Advisory Board will not meet in June or July.
The FY17 budget was submitted to the budget office. Ribbon cutting ceremony was held on May 19 for the new playground in the Winged Deer Park softball complex.
Athletics Division Highlights
Athletic programs continued throughout May. Programs
included adult softball, youth kick ball, and youth t-ball and coach pitch. Spring youth soccer concluded in May, and fall youth
soccer registration opens June 1 and runs through June 26. Summer tennis registration began on May 2, and will
continue through June 5. Lessons begin June 6 at the Liberty Bell Tennis Center.
Park Services Division Highlights ~ The outdoor exercise equipment purchased at the TRPA Recreation Conference has been installed at Willow Springs Park. The Legion Street Pool was painted this month, with the assistance of the Washington County inmate crew. The pool has been filled and is ready for the season opening on Memorial Day.
A Walk in the Park
Issue 5
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Memorial Park Community Center ~
A Mother’s Day Tea was held on May 7 with 18 in attendance.
The Annual Princess Ball took place on May 14 with 250 in attendance.
The center hosted a Family Camp Out event on May 20 with six families participating in indoor games, a glow stick swim, tent decorating contest, and family flag contest.
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Recreation Services Division ~ Buffalo Mountain Park has a new trail! The trail,
blazed in pink, is called the Noggin’ and connects from the end of the Hartsell Hollow trail to the Tower Ridge trail. Do not allow the good natured name to mask the fact that there is quite a bit of elevation change. It gives park hikers new access to a part of the park that had been undeveloped. It was a completed with much help from organized ETSU student groups.
Johnson City Parks & Recreation 4137 Bristol Highway Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 4137 Bristol Highway Phone: 423-283-5815 Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Fax: 423-283-5829 Phone: 423-283-5815 Fax: 423-283-5829
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Herb Greenlee is this month’s Kudo’s Corner recipient for hosting the Day of Service Clean Up, the Johnson City’s Got Talent Show, a scholarship event, and the Arbor Day Celebration. Great job, Herb!