Walk in the park october 2016

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A Walk in the Park

Johnson City Parks and Recreation

YOUR Parks and Recreation Connection

Special points of interest: ~ The Lowdown on the Hoedown ~ Administration Highlights ~ Athletic Division Highlights ~ Park Services Division Highlights ~ Memorial Park Community Center ~ Recreation Services Highlights - Kudos Corner ~ Dashboard

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The Lowdown on the Hoedown... Senior Services had 90 folks kicking up their heels on October 11 at the Silver Sneakers® Harvest Hoedown held at Memorial Park Community Center. The music of Art Lang and Friends Band entertained as caller Tyler Hughes from Big Stone Gap instructed the participants on both round and square dances. Much laughter and smiles were evident as many learned new moves. The Dandy Lines line dancers, led by instructor Martha Davenport, entertained as they invited new participants to learn the most popular line dances. While the hoedown was open to all participants, the focus for Silver Sneakers® members was the kickoff of “Fit in Ten.” This new campaign offers members the opportunity to win monthly prizes by participating in only 10 Silver Sneakers® events each month; those members who participate in ten events for ten months in a year will be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card and will receive an official Silver Sneakers® t-shirt. But even more importantly, those members will be improving their overall health and will be engaging in an Active Life Through Active Living at the Johnson City Senior Center at Memorial Park Community Center!

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Administration Highlights ~ 35the Annual Wall of Fame Banquet

The Boundless Playground project is underway. The Purchase Order has been issued to Vortex for the splash pad component, and work is scheduled to begin within the next few weeks.

The Nominating Committee meeting was held on October 14, and the following names were submitted for induction into the Wall of Fame for 2016: Randy Collins, Frank Knisley, and Carl Williams.

Dec. 8, 2016 Memorial Park Community Center

Athletics Division Highlights


Fall youth soccer concluded on September 30 with 1,153 participants in the program. The adult softball league play concluded on October 12 with a record high of 51 teams and 834 participants in the league.

The Athletic Office is currently accepting registrations for youth and adult basketball. Registration deadlines are youth October 23 and adults November 14.

Park Services Division Highlights ~ 

Infield mix has been added to field 5 at Winged Deer Park.

Nets and oxygen lines were installed for the annual Fish Out event at Legion Street Pool. At the close of the event all netting and lines were removed.

Jacob’s Creek Nature Park bridge project is nearly completed.

A Walk in the Park

Issue 10

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Memorial Park Community Center ~ 

The Teenage Manhunt event had 13 participants for the hide and seek program. The event was held at Winged Deer Park.

New classes kicked off this month with 13 enrolled in baton twirling, 3 for the meditation class, and 3 for teen art.

Two-weeks of fall break camp included 65 in attendance from Johnson City schools and 10 from Washington County schools.

The Senior Services division hosted the Senior Expo on October 1 with 200 plus in attendance. “To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story here.”

Recreation Services Division ~ 

Princeton Arts Center’s Blues Brothers Art Program during fall break offered students an opportunity to put on canvas what the color blue meant to them.

Winged Deer Park hosted an Owl Prowl on September 16 with 40 hikers, young and old, who enjoyed a trek through the back-40 walking trails and called for owls. The hike was lead by Park Naturalists Larry McDaniel and Connie Deegan.

Carver youth enjoyed a trip to Dollywood during fall break. The trip was a reward to the youth in the after school program where they committed to earning good grades, being respectful of others, and participating in programming activities.

Johnson City Parks & Recreation 4137 Bristol Highway Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 4137 Bristol Highway Phone: 423-283-5815 Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Fax: 423-283-5829 Phone: 423-283-5815 Fax: 423-283-5829

Email: jcparksinfo@johnsoncitytn.org Website: www.johnsoncitytn.org

This month’s Kudos goes to Michele Smith for her work with Dashboard and MTAS Benchmarking. As our accountant, Michelle provides reports on a monthly basis. Thank you, Michele, for a job well done.


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