An easy and fun introduction to the essential outdoor skill of bushcraft whittling Bushcraft whittling—the art of shaping improvised campsite and hiking implements—requires no special tools or complex techniques, and you can practice on any wood that comes to hand. Plus, being able to make your firewood tinder, tent pegs, walking sticks, roasting sticks, digging tools, and more can be a lifesaver on the trail.
Bushcraft Whittling will show you the tools you need (all available at any hardware store), the right cutting techniques, carving safety, how to select wood, and how to make several useful items at your campsite.
Everyone who spends time in the outdoors—campers, hikers, ramblers, hunters, fishermen, skiers, and any kind of sportsman—needs to master the art of bushcraft whittling.
UNEDITED ADVANCE REVIEW COPY Publication Date: October 5, 2021 Media Contact: Jaguar Bennett • 1-800-345-4447
LINDEN PUBLISHING An imprint of Linden Publishing, Inc. 2006 S. Mary St., Fresno, CA 93721 Distributed by Ingram Publisher Services
$16.95 US • ISBN 978-1-61035-992-4 Trade Paperback • 5" x 7" • 200 pages
Rick Wiebe
If you’re an outdoorsy person—or even if you just want to be an outdoorsy person someday—Bushcraft Whittling is a must-have book.
PUB DATE OCT. 5, 2021
In Bushcraft Whittling, master whittler Rick Wiebe shows step-by-step how anyone with a common pocketknife, a hatchet, and an itch to do something with their hands can make projects that are fun, eye-catching, and useful
UNEDITED ADVANCE REVIEW COPY Publication Date: October 5, 2021 Media Contact: Jaguar Bennett • 1-800-345-4447 $16.95 US • ISBN 978-1-61035-992-4 Trade Paperback • 5" x 7" • 200 pages LINDEN PUBLISHING An imprint of Linden Publishing, Inc. 2006 S. Mary St., Fresno, CA 93721 Distributed by Ingram Publisher Services