THE DON CON is a pure-entertainment crime comedy caper novel with all the intrigue of Ocean's 11 and The Bank Job--as well as a smart, witty pop-culture, and satire humor that riffs on The Sopranos, The Godfather, Star Trek, and The Sting.
Joey Volpe's life sucks. As an actor, he hit the peak of his career when he played a bit part as a mobster on The Sopranos. If you blinked, you missed it.
But now, at age 40, he's unemployed, broke, and forced to make a living by signing autographs at pop-culture fan conventions. His lack of income, along with his chronic womanizing, has put his marriage at risk, too.
Joey's life gets even worse when a real mobster shows up in his autograph line and makes him an offer he can't refuse:
He forces Joey to rob all the celebrities of their cash at the next fan convention. When the heist goes bad, the mobster frames Joey to take the fall.
With two long years in prison to plot his revenge--plus a cellmate who's an expert at running con jobs--Joey comes up with a plan