The following section discusses potential park recommendations that could be explored in Ontario parks. Potential recommendations are based on underutilized areas that were identified during the park inventory phase of the ORPMP as well as a desktop aerial exercise. Underutilized park areas were based on a few criteria such as unprogrammed grassy open space, areas with deferred maintenance that would benefit from new park features, and feedback from city staff. The park spaces were mapped and approximate square footage totals were calculated. Potential park features and amenities were then identified that could be placed in these areas based on square footage of the opportunity site and the square footage of the amenity.
Research parks with potential opportunity areas
Each park has an amenities table associated with the opportunity areas depicted on the accompanying park map. These recommendations are solely based on what may fit within the park and are meant to educate and provide guidance as the city moves forward with park-specific implementation projects. Please refer to Chapter 6 of the ORPMP to review customized conceptual site plans for six city parks. The concepts plans in that chapter build upon this section’s set of recommendations, showcasing the progression in the park-planning and design process.
Identify specific opportunity areas for each park
Provide list of potential features based on area (sq ft)