Colours of islam by Dawud Wharnsby

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d awud w harnsby

c h i ldren of t h e world

After nearly two decades since Colours of Islam was originally released, this book and CD will inspire a new generation of children to fill the world with colour .... every colour of islam!

Dawud Wharnsby

Come together and discover the Colours of Islam, a classic collection of songs that explore Islam, the environment and the diversity of people by Dawud Wharnsby.

Recommended for ages 5+

Royalties from sales of Colours of Islam go to a trust fund supporting educational initiatives for children, directly overseen by the author.

ISBN 978-0-86037-591-3 | US $22.95

The IslamIc FoundaTIon united Kingdom


Remastered audio CD in the book is percussion based. Music version is available to buy through iTunes, and other reputable on-line music distributors.

colours of Islam

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Colours of islam by Dawud Wharnsby by Kube Publishing - Issuu