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Pradesh Unaided Medical College Welfare Association (UPUMCWA) â ¡ ø ܬñŠ¹ (Uttar Pradesh Combined Medical Entrance Test - ø - ¶. UPCMET 2014) â¡ø ¸¬ö-¾ˆ «î˜¬õ ïìˆ-¶A

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è™-M‚ è†-ì-í‹: Ï.14,000. ð®Š-H¡ ªðò˜: Java 2 Enterprise Editions, è™M‚ è†-ì-í‹: 15,000. Þ‰-îŠ ð®Š-¹-èO™ «êó H.Þ/ H.ªì‚/ H.C.ã/ â‹.C.ã/ â‹.âvC (ä.®) Ü™-ô¶ H.C.ã ÝA-òõ - Ÿ-P™ ãî£-õª - Á º®ˆF-¼‚è «õ‡-´‹. M‡-íŠ-H‚è è¬ìC , üù-õK 3. «ñ½‹ Mõ-óƒ-èÀ‚°:www.nielitchd .in

®ê‹ð˜ 16 & 31,2013 °ƒ°ñ„ CI›


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®ê‹ð˜ 16 & 31,2013 °ƒ°ñ„ CI›


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²Ÿ-Á„-Åö - ™ ÜP-Mò - ™ ꣘‰î ð®Š-¹è - œ B.Sc

Environmental Sciences


Environmental Sciences


Environmental Sciences

M.Sc. (Integrated)

Environmental Sciences


Environmental Sciences


Bachelor of Environmental Management


Environmental Sciences


Bachelor in Environment and Ecology


Environmental Sciences


Diploma in Environment Education


Environmental Sciences


Forestry and Environmental Management


Post M.Sc. Diploma in Environmental Sciences.

²ŸÁ„Åö™ ÜPMò™ ¶¬øJ½œ÷ HK¾èO™ Cô: õOñ‡ìô ÜPMò™

Atmospheric Science

ñ£²ð£†´ ÜPMò™

Pollution Science



²ŸÁ„Åö™ ïôMò™

Environmental Health



²ŸÁ„Åö™ ï„Cò™

Environmental Toxicology


²ŸÁ„Åö™ «ñô£‡¬ñ

Environmental Management

²ŸÁ„Åö™ «õFJò™

Environmental Chemistry

²ŸÁ„Åö™ ê†ì‹

Environmental Law

²ŸÁ„Åö™ ¹MJò™

Environmental Geology

²ŸÁ„Åö™ ¹œOJò™

Environmental Statistics

²ŸÁ„Åö™ ñ‡Eò™

Environmental Soil Science

²ŸÁ„Åö™ F†ìIì™

Environmental Planning




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M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil.

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3 ñFŠªð‡ Mù£‚èœ

ð£ì‹ 1. [ Mù£ â‡. 31, 32 ] 1. I¡º¬ùõ£‚è™ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? 2. º¬ù¾œ÷ Íô‚ÃÁ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? º¬ùõŸø Íô‚ÃÁ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? â´ˆ¶‚裆´èœ î¼è. 3. I¡¹ôŠ ð£òˆ¬î õ¬óòÁ. Üî¡ Üô¬èˆ î¼è. 4. I¡«î‚A â¡ø£™ â¡ù? I¡«î‚AJ¡ I¡«î‚°ˆ Fø¬ù õ¬óòÁ? ðò¡ð£´èœ?

1. e‚èìˆFèO¡ ðò¡èO™ â¬õ«ò‹ Í¡P¬ù ⿶è. 2. I¡²ŸÁèÀ‚è£ù A˜„ê£çH¡ ºî™ ñŸÁ‹ Þó‡ì£‹ MF¬ò‚ ÃÁè. 3. I¡Qò‚° M¬ê ñŸÁ‹ I¡ù¿ˆî «õÁð£†¬ì «õÁ𴈶è 4. ¶¬í I¡èô¡èO¡ ðò¡ð£´èœ ò£¬õ? 5. âô‚†ó£¡èO¡ Þò‚è ⇠õ¬óòÁ. Üî¡ ÜôA¬ù ⿶è. 6. I¡Fø¡, I¡ù£Ÿø™ &- «õÁ𴈶è.

5. å¼ ¹œOJ™ I¡ù¿ˆî‹ õ¬óòÁ.

7. æI¡ MF¬ò‚ ÃÁè.

6. I¡ Þ¼º¬ù â¡ø£™ â¡ù? I¡ Þ¼º¬ùJ¡ F¼Š¹ˆ Fø¬ù õ¬óòÁ.

8. 00 C- ™ - G‚«ó£‹ è‹HJ¡ I¡î¬ì 10 Ω. Üî¡ I¡î¬ì ªõŠðG¬ô ⇠0.00040 C. cK¡ ªè£FG¬ôJ™ Üî¡ I¡î¬ì¬ò‚ èí‚A´è.

7. Þ® I¡ùL¡«ð£¶ å¼ ñóˆFù®J™ GŸð¬îMì å¼ è£K¡ àœ«÷ Þ¼Šð¶ ð£¶è£Šð£ù¶. ã¡? 8. I¡M¬ê‚ «è£´èO¡ ã«î‹ Í¡Á ð‡¹è¬÷‚ ÃÁ. 9. G¬ô I¡QòL™ ÃÖ‹ MF¬ò‚ ÃÁ. ÃÖ‹ MFJ¡ Ü®Šð¬ìJ™ ÃÖ‹ õ¬óò¬ø î¼è. 10. G¬ô I¡QòL™ è£v MF¬ò‚ (Gauss’s law) ÃÁè. 

®ê‹ð˜ 16 & 31,2013 °ƒ°ñ„ CI›

9. çð£ó«ìJ¡ I¡ù£Ÿð°ˆî™ MFèO™ ºî™ MF¬ò‚ ÃÁè. 10. Þ¿Š¹ˆ F¬ê«õè‹ õ¬óòÁ.

ð£ì‹ 3. [ Mù£ â‡. 36 ]

1. ªð™®ò˜ M¬÷¾, ü¨™ ªõŠð M¬÷¾ ÞõŸPŸè£ù «õÁð£´èœ ã«î‹ Þ󇮬ùˆ î¼è. 2. ªð™®ò˜ °íè‹ õ¬óòÁ. Üî¡ Üô° ò£¶?


3. ¬ê‚«÷£†ó£Q¡ õó‹¹è¬÷‚ °PŠH´è. 4. Å«ìŸÁ‹ Þ¬öò£è G‚«ó£‹ è‹Hè¬÷Š ðò¡ð´ˆ¶õî¡ è£óí‹ â¡ù? 5. I¡«ù£†ì‹ 𣻋 Þ¼ «ïó£ù c‡ì Þ¬íò£ù «ï˜èìˆFèÀ‚A¬ì«òò£ù M¬êJ¡ Ü®Šð¬ìJ™ Ý‹Hò˜ â¡ð¬î õ¬óòÁ 6. ªõŠð I¡Qó†¬ìJ¡ F¼Š¹ ªõŠðG¬ô â¡ð¶ ò£¶? 7. Ý‹HòK¡ ²ŸÁ MF¬ò‚ ÃÁè. 8. å¼ è£™õù£e†ì¬ó âšõ£Á a) Ü‹e†ìó£è b) «õ£™† e†ìó£è ñ£Ÿøô£‹? 9. 裙õù£e†ìK¡ I¡«ù£†ì à혾 ¸†ðˆ¬î âšõ£Á ÜFèK‚èô£‹.?

2. òƒ Þó†¬ìŠH÷¾ ÝŒM™ 6000 A0 ܬô c÷ºœ÷ åO ðò¡ð´ˆîŠð´‹ ªð£¿¶ A¬ì‚°‹ ð†¬ì Üèô‹ 2 Ie. Þ‰î ÝŒ¾ åO Môè™ â‡ 1.33 ªè£‡ì FóõˆF™ «ñŸªè£œ÷Šð†ì£™ A¬ì‚°‹ ð†¬ì Üèô‹ â¡ù? 3. ªñ™Lò 裟«ø†®¡ e¶ 6000 A0ܬô c÷º¬ìò åO °ˆî£èŠ ð´‹«ð£¶, Þ¼ ¹œOèÀ‚° Þ¬ì«ò 6 輬ñ ð†¬ìèœ à¼õ£A¡øù. 裟«ø†®¡ î®ñ¬ù‚ èí‚A´è. 4. GÎ†ì¡ õ¬÷ò ÝŒM™ °PŠH†ì õK¬êJ™ àœ÷ 輬ñ õ¬÷òˆF¡ M†ì‹, Þó‡ì£õ¶ õ¬÷òˆF¡ M†ìˆ¬î Mì Þó‡´ ñ샰 ÜFè‹ âQ™, ܉î õ¬÷òˆF¡ õK¬ê â¡ù? 5. ð®èˆF¡ åOJò™ Ü„² â¡ø£™ â¡ù?

10. W›‚è‡ì MFè¬÷‚ ÃÁè. Ü) ç H÷Iƒ Þ춬è MF¬ò‚ ÃÁè. Ý) «ì¡ü¡† (Tangent) MF ÃÁè.

6. ²öŸCˆ Fø¡ ⇠(Specific rotation)õ¬óòÁ. åOJò™ ²öŸC ꣘‰¶œ÷ è£óEèœ ò£¬õ?

ð£ì‹ 4. [ Mù£ â‡. 37, 38 ]

7. GÎ†ì¡ õ¬÷òƒèO¡ ¬ñò‹ 輬ñò£è ܬñò‚ è£óí‹ ò£¶?

1. É ‡ ì Š ð † ì I ¡ Q ò ‚ ° M ¬ ê ¬ ò «î£ŸÁM‚°‹ º¬øèœ ò£¬õ?

8. çHóªï™, çH󣡫ý£ð˜ MO‹¹ M¬÷¾ «õÁ𴈶è.

2. îó‚ è£óE â¡ðî¬ù õ¬óòÁ.

9. ®¡ì£™ åO„Cîø™ â¡ø£™ â¡ù?

3. çHª÷Iƒ õô¶ ¬è MF¬ò‚ÃÁè.

10. ¹¼vì˜ MF ÃÁè

4. D.C. Ü‹e†ì˜ ñ£ÁF¬ê I¡«ù£†ìˆ¬î Ü÷M죶. ã¡? (Ü™ô¶) I¡«î‚A d.c. äˆ î´‚°‹, a.c ä ÜÂñF‚°‹. ã¡? 5. I¡è£‰îˆ É‡ì™ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? I¡è£‰îˆ É‡ì™ ðŸPò çð£ó«ì MFè¬÷‚ ÃÁè. 6. AF ܬ승„ ²¼À‚°‹ (AF Choke), RF ܬ승„ ²¼À‚°‹ (RF Choke) àœ÷ «õÁð£´è¬÷ ⿶è. 7. î¡ I¡É‡ì™ ⇠õ¬óòÁ 8. ñ£ÁF¬ê I¡«ù£†ìˆF¡ r.m.s (ðòÂÁ) ñFŠ¹ õ¬óòÁ

ð£ì‹ 6. [ Mù£ â‡. 41,42 ] 1. Þ ‰ ¶ Š ¹ ð ® è ˆ F ù Ü E ‚ « è £ ¬ õ Þ¬ìªõO d= 2.82 A . ÞŠð®èˆF¬ù‚ ªè£‡´ ºî™ õK¬êJ™ èí‚AìŠð´‹ ªð¼ñ ܬôc÷ˆ¬î‚ èí‚A´è. 2. «ôê˜ ªêò¬ôŠ ªðø «õ‡®ò Gð‰î¬ùèœ ò£¬õ? 3. «ý£«ô£Aó£‹ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? 4. ô«õ ÝŒ¾ õL»ÁˆFò Þó‡´ è¼ˆ¶èœ ò£¬õ? 5. «ñ£v«ô MF¬ò‚ ÃÁè.

9. ªô¡v MF¬ò‚ ÃÁè.

6. ÜòQò£‚è I¡ù¿ˆî ÝŸø™ &- õ¬óòÁ.

10. å¼ Mñ£ùˆF¡ Þø‚¬èJ¡ º¬ùèÀ‚° Þ¬ì«ò àœ÷ Éó‹ 20.48 e. Þ¶ õì‚° «ï£‚A 40 ms-1 â¡ø «õèˆF™ ðø‚Aø¶. ¹M‚è£‰îŠ ¹ôˆF¡ ªêƒ°ˆ¶‚ ÃÁ ÜšMìˆF™ 2 x10-5 T âQ™, Þø‚¬èJ¡ º¬ùèÀ‚A¬ì«ò ɇìŠð´‹ I¡Qò‚° M¬ê¬ò‚ èí‚A´è.

7. «ôê˜ åOJ¡ ñ¼ˆ¶õŠ ðò¡èœ ò£¬õ? «ôêK¡ ªî£N™¶¬ø ðò¡èO™ ã«î‹ Í¡¬ø‚ ÃÁè.

ð£ì‹ 5. [ Mù£ â‡. 39,40 ]

1. õ£ù‹ cô GøˆF™ «î£¡ø‚ è£óí‹ â¡ù?

8. «ôêK¡ CøŠ¹ò™¹è¬÷‚ ÃÁè. 9. ÃL†x °ö£J™ à¼õ£°‹ X- èFK¡ CÁñ ܬôc÷‹ 0.05 nm. ÃL†x °ö£Œ‚° ªè£´‚èŠð´‹ I¡ù¿ˆîˆ¬î‚ 裇è. 10. ¼î˜«ð£˜´ ñŸÁ‹ ê£ñ˜ªð™´ ܵ ñ£FKJ¡ °¬øè¬÷‚ ÃÁè.


è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®

ð£ì‹ 7. [Mù£ â‡.. 43] 1. âô‚†ó£¡ ¸‡«í£‚AJ¡ õó‹¹èœ ò£¬õ? 2. âô‚†ó£¡ ¸‡«í£‚AJ¡ ðò¡è¬÷‚ °PŠH´è. 3. G¬ôñ ñŸÁ‹ G¬ôññŸø °PŠð£òƒèœ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? 4. 120 eV Þò‚è ÝŸø™ ªè£‡ì âô‚†ó£Q¡ ¯-&Hó£L ܬôc÷‹ ò£¶? (h=6.626x10-34 -31

Js; m = 9.1x10 kg)

5. å¼ à«ô£èˆF¡ ªõO«òŸÁ ÝŸø™ 1.8 eV Üî¡ ðò¡ ªî£ì‚è ܬô c÷ˆ¬î‚ èí‚A´è. 6. GÁˆ¶ I¡ù¿ˆî‹ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? 7. ð‡¬ìò â‰FóMòL¡ð® è£ô‹ ðŸPò 輈¶‚è¬÷ ⿶è. 8. å O I ¡ è ô ¡ è O ¡ ã « î  ‹ Í ¡ Á ðò¡è¬÷ ⿶è. 9. CøŠ¹ ꣘Hò™ ªè£œ¬èJ¡ Þ¼ Ü®Šð¬ì ⴫補è¬÷ ⿶è. 10. ¬ ý † ó ü ¡ Ü µ M ™ ï £ ¡ è £ õ ¶ õ†ìŠð£¬îJ™ âô‚†ó£Q¡ ¯&Hó£L ܬôc÷ˆ¬î‚ 裇è

3. NPN ®ó£¡Cvì£p¡ ªð£¶ àI›Šð£¡ ²ŸÁ‚è£ù(CE) ²ŸÁ ðì‹ õ¬óè. 4. F¼ˆ¶î™ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? 5. ªð¼‚AJ¡ ð†¬ì Üèô‹ õ¬óòÁ 6. ªêù˜ ºP¾ G¬ô â¡ø£™ â¡ù? 7. âF˜ŠH¡Û†ìˆî£™ M¬÷»‹ ïŸðò¡èœ ò£¬õ? 8. Æ´‹ ªð¼‚AJ¡ ²ŸÁŠ ðìˆF¬ù õ¬óè. 9. ªî£°Š¹„ ²ŸÁ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? ªî£°Š¹„ ²ŸP¡ ðò¡èœ ã«î‹ Í¡Á ÃÁ. 10. «èˆ«î£´ èF˜ ܬô«ï£‚AJ¡ (CRO) ã«î‹ Í¡Á ðò¡è¬÷‚ ÃÁè. 11. ªêù˜ ¬ì«ò£´ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? Üî¡ °Pf´ õ¬óè. 12. å ¼ ª ð ¼ ‚ A ‚ ° â F ˜ H ¡ Û † ì ‹ ªè£´‚èŠð´‹ ªð£¿¶ Üî¡ ªð¼‚è ⇠50 L¼‰¶ 25 âù‚ °¬øAø¶. Üî¡ H¡Û†ìˆ îèM¬ù‚ 裇è. 13. Ü ¬ ô ¾ è À ‚ è £ ù Gð‰î¬ùè¬÷‚ ÃÁè.


14. ¯-&ñ£˜è¡ «îŸøƒè¬÷‚ ÃÁè.

ð£ì‹ 8. [Mù£ â‡. 44, 45]

15. H¡õ¼‹ ÌLò¡ êñ¡ð£†®¬ù GÁ¾è. (A+B)(A+C) = A+ BC

1. «ê£® à¼õ£î™ ñŸÁ‹ 𼊪𣼜 ÜNî™ â¡ø£™ â¡ù?

ð£ì‹ 10. [Mù£ â‡. 50]

2. «óì£Q¡ ܬó Ý»†è£ô‹ 3.8 èœ. Üî¡ êó£êK Ýò†è£ôˆ¬î‚ èí‚A´ 3. AÎK & - õ¬óòÁ. 4. GΆó£Q¡ ã«î‹ Í¡Á ð‡¹è¬÷ ⿶è. 5. è£vI‚ èF˜èœ â¡ø£™ â¡ù?

1. «óì£K¡ ã«î‹ Í¡Á ðò¡è¬÷ ⿶è. 2. ªî£¬ô ïèL (Fax) â¡ð¶ ò£¶? Üî¡ ðò¬ù‚ °PŠH´è. 3. ð‡«ðŸøˆF¡ ÜõCò‹ ò£¶? 4. åO Þ¬öˆ îèõ™ ªî£ì˜H¡ ïŸð‡¹èO™ ã«î‹ Í¡P¬ù‚ ÃÁè.

6. 󣇆ü¡& õ¬óòÁ

5. ÜF˜ªõ‡ ð‡«ðŸøˆF¡ ñè¬÷‚ ÃÁè.

7. ܵ‚è¼ M¬êJ¡ ã«î‹ Í¡Á ð‡¹è¬÷‚ °PŠH´è.

6. ð‡«ðŸø ⇠&- õ¬óòÁ.

8. G¬øõ¿ â¡ø£™ â¡ù?

7. Þô‚è º¬øˆ îèõ™ªî£ì˜H¡ CøŠ¹è¬÷ ⿶è.

9. ÅKò¡ ñŸÁ‹ M‡e¡èO™ ï¬ìªðÁ‹ ¹«ó£†ì£¡ &- ¹«ó£†ì£¡ ²ŸÁ ⿶è.

8.  ªî£¬ô¾ â¡ø£™ â¡ù?

10. ܵ‚è¼ à¬ôJ¡ ðò¡èœ ò£¬õ?

9. « ó ® « ò £ Ü ¬ ô è œ ð ó ¾ ‹ º ¬ ø è œ ò£¬õ?

ð£ì‹ 9. [Mù£ â‡. 46,-49 ]

5 ñFŠªð‡ Mù£‚èœ

1. àœ÷£˜‰î °¬ø‚èìˆF â¡ð¶ ò£¶? ¹øMòô£ù °¬ø‚èìˆF â¡ø£™ â¡ù? Þó‡´ â´ˆ¶‚裆´èœ î¼è. 2. ¬ì«ò£´èœ ðò¡ð´ˆîŠð†ì OR, AND «è†®Ÿè£ù ²ŸÁ ðì‹ õ¬óè. 

®ê‹ð˜ 16 & 31,2013 °ƒ°ñ„ CI›

Mù£ â‡: 51 1. 嚪õ£¡Á‹ 9pF I¡ «î‚°ˆ Fø¡ ªè£‡ì Í¡Á I¡ «î‚Aèœ ªî£ìK¬íŠH™ Þ¬í‚èŠð†´œ÷ù. (i) ªî£°ŠH¡ ªñ£ˆî I¡ «î‚°ˆ Fø¡


ò£¶? (ii) ªî£°Š¹ Ýù¶ 120v Íôˆ¶ì¡ Þ¬í‚èŠð´‹«ð£¶, 嚪õ£¼ I¡ «î‚AJ¡ Þ¬ì«ò»‹ àœ÷ I¡ù¿ˆî «õÁ𣴠ò£¶? 2. å¼ ¹œOJ™ I¡ù¿ˆî‹ õ¬óòÁ. å¼ ¹œO I¡Û†ìˆî£™ å¼ ¹œOJ™ I¡ù¿ˆîˆFŸè£ù «è£¬õ¬òŠ ªðÁè.

4. ñ £ Á F ¬ ê I ¡ Q ò ‚ ° M ¬ ê ª ê ò ™ ð´ˆîŠð´‹ I¡ î¬ìò£‚A ñ†´«ñ à ¬ ì ò å ¼ A.C. ² Ÿ P ™ ð £ » ‹ I¡«ù£†ìˆFŸè£ù êñ¡ð£†¬ìŠ ªðÁè. I¡ù¿ˆîˆFŸ°‹ I¡«ù£†ìˆFŸ°‹ àœ÷ è†ìˆ ªî£ì˜¬ð‚ 裇è.

(Ü™ô¶) Éò I‰É‡® ñ†´«ñ à¬ìò ²ŸP™ I¡«ù£†ìˆFŸ°‹, I¡ Ü¿ˆîˆFŸ°‹ Þ¬ì«ò àœ÷ è†ìˆ ªî£ì˜H¬ùŠ ªðÁè.

3. Þ¼ ¹œO I¡Û†ìƒèO¡ ܬñŠH¡ I¡ù¿ˆî ÝŸø™ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? ÜîŸè£ù «è£¬õ¬òŠ ªðÁè. 4. å¼ Þ¬íˆî†´ I¡«î‚AJ¡ I¡«î‚Aˆ Fø‚è£ù «è£¬õ¬òŠ ªðÁè. 5. I¡ M¬ê‚ «è£´èO¡ ð‡¹è¬÷ ⿶è.

5. I¡è£‰î É‡ì™ ðŸPò ð£ó«ì MFèœ ñŸÁ‹ ªô¡v MF ÃÁè.

Mù£ â‡: 56 1. î†ì´‚° ðŸP °PŠ¹ õ¬óè.

Mù£ â‡: 52, 53 1. I¡ù¿ˆîñ£Q¬òŠ ðò¡ð´ˆF Þ¼ I¡èô¡èO¡ I¡Qò‚° M¬êè¬÷ åŠH´‹ «ê£î¬ù¬ò M÷‚°è. 2. I¡ù¿ˆîñ£QJ¡ õˆ¬î M÷‚°è. 3. e‚èìˆFèO¡ ã«î‹ 䉶 ðò¡è¬÷‚ ÃÁè. 4. i†vì¡ êñù„²ŸP™ êñG¬ô‚è£ù Gð‰î¬ù¬òŠ ªðÁè. 5. ð£ó«ìJ¡ I¡ù£Ÿð°Š¹ ðŸPò ºî™ MF¬ò â¿F, ÜšMF «ê£î¬ù Íô‹ âšõ£Á êK𣘂èŠð´Aø¶ âù M÷‚°è. I¡ù£Ÿ ð°ˆî™ ðŸPò ð£ó«ìJ¡ Þó‡ì£‹ MF¬ò â¿F êKð£˜.

Mù£ â‡: 54 1. ðò† ê£õ˜† MF¬ò‚ ÃP M÷‚°è. 2. 裙õù£e†ì¬ó Ü‹e†ìó£è ñ£ŸÁ‹ MîˆF¬ù M÷‚°è. 3. å¼ è£™õù£ e†ì¬ó âšõ£Á «õ£™† e†ìó£è ñ£Ÿøô£‹ â¡ðî¬ù M÷‚°è. 4. 裉îMò™ ªô£ó¡v M¬êJ¡ CøŠ¹èœ ò£¬õ? 5. «ì…ꡆ 裙õù£e†ìK¡ õ‹, ܬñŠ¹ ÝAòõŸ¬ø MõK?

Mù£ â‡: 55 1. Yó£ù 裉ôˆF™ àœ÷ å¼ ²¼œ àœ÷ì‚°‹ ðóŠð÷¬õ ñ£ŸÁõî¡ Íô‹ I¡Qò‚° M¬ê ɇìŠð´‹ Mî M÷‚°è. 2. ²ö™ I¡«ù£†ìˆF¡ ðò¡èœ ã«î‹ Þ󇮬ù M÷‚°è. 3. I¡ñ£ŸPJ¡ ðòÂÁFø¡ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? I¡ñ£ŸPJ™ ãŸð´‹ Fø¡ ÞöŠ¹è¬÷ M÷‚°è. ÜšMöŠ¹è¬÷ âšõ£Á °¬ø‚èô£‹?

2. ¬ï‚è™ ð†ìè‹ ðŸP °PŠ¹ ⿶è. 3. ¹Ïvì˜ MF¬ò‚ ÃP GÏH‚è. 4. ° Á ‚ W † ´ M ¬ ÷ ¬ õ » ‹ , M O ‹ ¹ M¬÷¬õ»‹ «õÁ𴈶è. 5. GÎ†ì¡ õ¬÷ò ÝŒM™ n--õ¶ 輬ñ õ¬÷òˆF¡ ÝóˆFŸè£ù «è£¬õ¬òŠ ªðÁè.

Mù£ â‡: 57 1. ð£ñ˜ õK¬êJ¡ Þó‡ì£õ¶ õKJ¡ ܬôc÷‹ 4861. Üî¡ ºî™ õKJ¡ ܬôc÷ˆF¬ù‚ èí‚A´è. 2. CøŠ¹ X - èF˜èO¡ «î£ŸøˆF¬ù MõK. X -- è F˜èO¡ ð‡¹èO™ â¬õ«ò‹ ⿶è. 3. «èˆ«î£´ èF˜èO¡ ã«î‹ 䉶 ð‡¹è¬÷ ⿶è. 4. Hó£‚ MFJ¬ù ªðÁè. 5. ¬ý†óüQ¡ Gøñ£¬ô õKè¬÷ M÷‚°è. ¬ý†óü¡ ܵM¡ n&õ¶ õ†ìŠð£¬îJ™ àœ÷ âô‚†ó£Q¡ ÝŸø™ âù‚ 裆´è? ?

‫ܧ‬௡ ൌ

ି௠௘ ర

଼‫א‬బ మ ௡మ ௛మ

Mù£ â‡: 58, 59

1. è£ô c†®Š¬ð æ˜ â´ˆ¶‚裆´ì¡ M÷‚°è. c÷‚°Á‚è‹ & MõK. 2.

ªõO«òŸÁ ÝŸø™ õ¬óòÁ. åO I¡ M¬÷MŸè£ù MFè¬÷‚ ÃÁè.

3. åOI¡ M¬÷¾ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? åOI¡ àI›îL¡ MFè¬÷‚ ÃÁè.

å¼ åO àI› I¡èôˆF¡ ܬñŠ¹ ñŸÁ‹ «õ¬ô ªêŒ»‹ MîˆF¬ù ðìˆ¶ì¡ MõK. åOI¡ èôƒèO¡ ã«î‹ 䉶 ðò¡è¬÷ ⿶è.


è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®

4. åOI¡ M¬÷MŸè£ù ä¡v¯¡ êñ¡ð£†¬ì î¼M.

å¼ ¹œOJ™ I¡¹ô„ ªêPMŸè£ù «è£¬õ¬òŠ ªðÁè.

5. 𼊪ð£¼O¡ ¯ &-Hó£L ܬôc÷ˆFŸè£ù «è£¬õ¬òŠ ªðÁè.

2. I¡ Þ¼º¬ùò£™ ï´õ¬ó‚ «è£†®™ àœ÷ å¼ ¹œOJ™ I¡¹ô„ ªêPMŸè£ù «è£¬õ¬òŠ ªðÁè.

Mù£ â‡: 60 1. è£vI‚ èF˜ ªð£N¾ «î£¡Á‹ º¬ø¬ò MõK. (Ü™ô¶) è£vI‚ èF˜èO¡ °Á‚°‚ «è£†´ M¬÷¬õ ⿶è. 2. 6c12 ܵ‚è¼M¡ G¬øõ¿ 0.098 amu âQ™, å¼ Üµ‚輈 ¶èÀ‚è£ù H¬íŠ¹ ÝŸø¬ô‚ èí‚A´è. 3. àJKòL™ èF˜ i„²èO¡ bò M¬÷¾èœ ðŸPò °PŠ¹ î¼è. 4. ∝ èF˜èO¡ ð‡¹è¬÷ˆ î¼è. 5. ꣮ ñŸÁ‹ Šü¡ ÝA«ò£K¡ èFKò‚è Þ슪ðò˜„C MFè¬÷ M÷‚°è.

Mù£ â‡: 61 1. êñù„ ²ŸÁ F¼ˆF ªêò™ð´ˆî¬ô, ²ŸÁŠ ðìˆ¶ì¡ MõK. 2. I¡«ù£†ìŠ ªð¼‚è â‡èœ α ñŸÁ‹ β ÞõŸ¬ø õ¬óòÁˆ¶, ÜõŸPŸA¬ì«òò£ù ªî£ì˜¬ðŠ ªðÁè. 3. å¼ ¬ì«ò£´ ܬó ܬôˆF¼ˆFò£è ªêò™ð´‹ MîˆF¬ù M÷‚°è. 4. ¯.ñ£˜è¡ «îŸøƒè¬÷‚ ÃP GÏH. 5. ð™ðò¡ e†ì˜, æ‹ e†ìó£è ðò¡ð´ˆ¶î¬ô M÷‚°è.

Mù£ â‡: 62 1. «óì£K¡ Ü®Šð¬ìˆ õ‹ â¡ù? Üî¡ ðò¡è¬÷ ⿶è. 2. åO Þ¬ö â¡ø£™ â¡ù? åO Þ¬öˆ îèõ™ ªî£ì˜H¡ ñèœ ò£¬õ? 3. Þô‚躬øˆ îèõ™ ªî£ì˜H¡ CøŠ¹èœ ñŸÁ‹ °¬øð£´è¬÷‚ ÃÁè. 4. «óì£K¢¡ õ‹ ò£¶? Üî¡ ðò¡ð£´èœ ò£¬õ? 5. F.M. ðóŠHJ¡ ªêò™ð£†¬ìˆ ªîOõ£ù è†ìŠðì‹ õ¬ó‰¶ M÷‚°è. A.M. «ó®«ò£ ðóŠHJ¡ è†ìŠðì‹ õ¬ó‰¶ Üî¡ ªêò™ð£†¬ì M÷‚°è. 10 ñFŠªð‡ Mù£‚èœ

Mù£ â‡: 63 1. I¡ Þ¼º¬ù â¡ø£™ â¡ù? I¡ Þ¼º¬ùò£™ Ü„²‚ «è£†®™ àœ÷ 

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3. õ£¡- & ®&- A ó£Š I¡QòŸPJ¡ õ‹, ܬñŠ¹ ñŸÁ‹ ªêò™ð´‹ Mî MõK. 4. è£v MF¬ò‚ ÃÁè. è£v MF¬òŠ ðò¡ð´ˆF, «ïó£ù, º®M™ô£ c÷‹ ªè£‡ì Yó£ù I¡Û†ì‹ ªðŸø è‹HJù£™ ãŸð´‹ I¡¹ôˆFŸè£ù «è£¬õ¬òŠ ªðÁè.

Mù£ â‡: 64 1. ¬ê‚«÷£†ó£¡ å¡P¡ õ‹, ܬñŠ¹, ªêòŸð´‹ Mî‹, õó‹¹èœ & ÞõŸ¬ø ðìˆ¶ì¡ M÷‚°è. 2. «ì¡ü¡† 裙õù£e†ìK¡ õ‹, ܬñŠ¹, Þò‚è‹ ÝAòõŸ¬ø MõK. 3. è£‰îŠ ¹ôˆF½œ÷ I¡«ù£†ì‹ 𣻋 èìˆFJ¡ e¶ ªêò™ð´‹ M¬êJ¡ «è£¬õJ¬ùŠ ªðÁè; M¬êJ¡ ⇠ñFŠ¬ðŠ ªðÁè. 4. Ý‹HòK¡ MF¬ò‚ ÃÁè. ÞšMF¬òŠ ðò¡ð´ˆF I¡«ù£†ì‹ 𣻋 c‡ì õK„²¼÷£™ ãŸð´‹ è£‰îˆ É‡ìL¡ ñFŠ¬ðŠ ªðÁè. 5. I¡«ù£†ì‹ 𣻋 ßPô£ «ï˜ èìˆFò£™ å¼ ¹œOJ™ ãŸð´‹ 裉îˆÉ‡ì™ ñFŠHŸè£ù «è£¬õ¬ò õ¼M.

Mù£ â‡: 65 1. I¡ñ£ŸPJ¡ õ‹, ܬñŠ¹ ñŸÁ‹ ªè£œ¬è¬ò M÷‚°è. (ðì‹ «î¬õJ™¬ô). I¡ñ£ŸPJ¡ ðòÂÁ Fø¡ õ¬óòÁ, I¡ñ£ŸPJ™ ãŸð´‹ Fø¡ ÞöŠ¹è¬÷‚ °PŠH´è. 2. I¡ «î‚A ñ†´«ñ àœ÷ (Ü™ô¶) Éò I¡ ɇ® (I¡ G¬ôñ‹) ñ†´«ñ à¬ìò å¼ ñ£ÁF¬ê I¡²ŸP™ I¡ù¿ˆî‹ ñŸÁ‹ I¡«ù£†ìˆFŸ°‹ Þ¬ì«ò àœ÷ è†ìˆªî£ì˜¬ð‚ 裇è. î°‰î õ¬óðì‹ õ¬óè. 3. ²ö™ I¡«ù£†ìƒèœ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? ÜõŸP¡ ðò¡ð£´è¬÷ M÷‚°è. ܬõ âšõ£Á °¬ø‚èŠð´A¡øù? 4. è£‰îŠ ¹ôˆF¡ F¬ê¬òŠ ªð£Áˆ¶ å¼ è‹H„ ²¼O¡ F¬ê ܬñŠ¬ð ñ£ŸÁõî¡ Íô‹ ÜF™ I¡Qò‚° M¬ê¬òˆ ɇ´‹ º¬ø¬ò 輈Fò™ M÷‚èƒèÀì¡ MõK.


è£vI‚ èF˜èO¡ (i) °Á‚°‚ «è£†´ M¬÷¾, (ii) °ˆ¶òó M¬÷¾ ÝAòõŸ¬ø M÷‚°è.

5. å¼ è†ì A.C. I¡QòŸPJ¡ õ‹, ܬñŠ¹ ñŸÁ‹ «õ¬ô ªêŒ»‹ Mî MõK.

Mù£ â‡: 66 1. Ü ¬ ô ‚ ª è £ œ ¬ è J ¡ ð ® º ¿ ÜèâFªó£OŠ¬ð M÷‚°è. º¿ ÜèâFªó£OŠ¹ ï¬ìªðø «î¬õò£ù Gð‰î¬ùè¬÷ ⿶è. 2. Þó£ñ¡ M¬÷¾ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? Þó£ñ¡ Gøñ£¬ô¬ò ðìˆ¶ì¡ MõK. 3. ª ñ ™ L ò á ´ ¼ ¾ ‹ ð ì ô ˆ F ™ å O âFªó£OŠð ãŸð´‹ °Á‚W†´ M¬÷¬õ MõK. ªð¼ñ ñŸÁ‹ CÁñ åO„ ªêP¾‚è£ù Gð‰î¬ùè¬÷ ⿶è. 4. ªõOM´ Gøñ£¬ô, à†²õ˜ Gøñ£¬ô & ÞõŸ¬ø MõK. 5. òƒ Þó†¬ìŠH÷¾ ÝŒM™ °Á‚W†´ M¬÷õ£™ ãŸð´‹ ð†¬ìJ¡ ÜèôˆFŸè£ù «è£¬õ¬òŠ ªðÁè.

Mù£ â‡: 67 1. «ð£K¡ (Bhor) â´‚«è£œè¬÷‚ ÃÁè. ¬ý†óü¡ ܵM™ n-õ¶ ð£¬îJ¡ ÝóˆFŸè£ù «è£¬õ¬òŠ ªðÁè. 2. Hó£‚ MF¬òˆ î¼M, Hó£‚ Gøñ£¬ô ñ£Q¬òŠ ðò¡ð´ˆF, X-&èFK¡ ܬô c÷ˆ¬î âšõ£Á èí‚Aìô£‹?

4. ªðJ¡HK†x G¬øñ£¬ôñ£QJ¡ õ‹ ñŸÁ‹ Üî¬ù‚ ªè£‡´ ä«ê£«ì£Š¹èO¡ G¬øè¬÷‚ 裵‹ º¬ø ÝAòõŸ¬ø MõK. 5. ªèŒè˜&º™ô˜ â‡EJ¡ õ‹, ܬñŠ¹ ñŸÁ‹ ªêò™ð£†¬ì M÷‚°è.

Mù£ â‡: 69 1. ªêò™ð£†´Š ªð¼‚A, Æ´‹ ªð¼‚Aò£è âšõ£Á ªêò™ð´Aø¶ â¡ðî¬ù I¡²ŸÁŠ ðìˆ¶ì¡ MõK. (Ü™ô¶) å ¼ ªêò™ð£†´Š ªð¼‚A âšõ£Á «õÁ𣆴Š ªð¼‚Aò£è ªêò™ð´Aø¶ â¡ð¬î MõK. (Ü™ô¶)

ªêò™ð£†´Š ªð¼‚A â¡ø£™ â¡ù? ܶ (i) ¹ó†´ ªêò™ð£†´ ªð¼‚Aò£è¾‹, (ii) ¹ó†ìôŸø ªêò™ð£†´ ªð¼‚Aò£è¾‹ âšõ£Á ªêò™ð´Aø¶ âù M÷‚°è.

2. H¡Û†ì‹ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? âF˜ H¡Û†ì‹ ªè£´‚èŠð†ì ªð¼‚AJ¡ I¡ù¿ˆîŠ ªð¼‚èˆFŸè£ù «è£¬õ¬òŠ ªðÁè. 3. 裙H† ܬôJòŸPJ¡ ²ŸPŠðì‹ õ¬ó‰¶ ܶ ªêò™ð´î¬ô MõK.

3. âô‚†ó£¡ I¡«ù£†ì‹ 裵‹ I™L‚è¡ â‡ªíŒˆ ¶O ÝŒM¬ù MõK.

4. F¼ˆ¶î™ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? êñù„²ŸÁ F¼ˆF ªêò™ð´õ¬îŠ ðìˆ¶ì¡ MõK. Üî¡ àœk´ ¬ê¬è, ªõOJ´ ¬ê¬è õ®õƒè¬÷ õ¬óè.

4. âô‚†ó£Q¡ I¡Û†ì G¬ø îè¾ è£µ‹ ªü.ªü.î£‹ê¡ «ê£î¬ù¬ò MõK.

5. êñù„²ŸÁ ܬôˆF¼ˆF ªêò™ð´î¬ô ªîOõ£ù ðì‹ õ¬ó‰¶ MõK.

5. ÝŸø™ ñ†ìŠ ðìˆ¶ì¡ He &- Ne «ôêK¡ ªêò™ð£†®¬ù M÷‚°è. (Ü™ô¶)

Mù£ â‡: 70

1. «ó죘 ܬñŠH¡ è†ìŠðì‹ õ¬ó‰¶, Üî¡ ªêò™º¬ø¬ò M÷‚°è.

ÏH «ôêK¡ ªîOõ£ù ðì‹ õ¬ó‰¶, Üî¡ ªêò™ð£†¬ì ÝŸø™ ñ†ì õ¬óðìˆF¡ àîM»ì¡ M÷‚°è.

Mù£ â‡: 68 1. Ü µ ‚ è ¼ à ¬ ô â ¡ ø £ ™ â ¡ ù ? (i) îEŠð£¡, (ii) 膴Šð´ˆ¶‹  ñŸÁ‹ (iii) GÎ†ó£¡ âFªó£OŠð£¡ ÝAòõŸP¡ ªêò™ð£†®¬ù M÷‚°è (ðì‹ «î¬õ Þ™¬ô). ܵ‚è¼ à¬ôJ¡ ðò¡è¬÷‚ ÃÁè. 2. èFKò‚è„ C¬î¾ MF¬ò ⿶è. èFKò‚è îQñ‹ å¡P™ â‰îªõ£¼ «ïóˆF½‹ àœ÷ îQñˆF¡ Ü÷¬õ‚ è‡ìPõîŸè£ù «è£¬õ¬òŠ ªðÁè. ܬó Ý»†è£ô‹ ñŸÁ‹ C¬î¾ ñ£PL Þ¬õèÀ‚° Þ¬ìŠð†ì ªî£ì˜¬ðŠ ªðÁè. 3. è£vI‚ èF˜èœ â¡ø£™ â¡ù?

2. i®è£¡ GöŸðì è¼M °ö£J¡ ܬñŠ¹ ñŸÁ‹ ªêò™ð£†¬ì ªîOõ£ù ðìˆ¶ì¡ MõK. 3. 輊¹&ªõœ¬÷ ªî£¬ô‚裆C ðóŠHJ¡ ªõš«õÁ ð°FèO¡ ªêò™ð£†¬ì è†ìŠðì‹ õ¬ó‰¶ M÷‚°è. (Ü™ô¶ 輊¹ ªõœ¬÷ ªî£¬ô‚裆C ãŸHJ¡ ªêò™º¬ø¬ò è†ìŠðì‹ õ¬ó‰¶ M÷‚°è. 4. ÜF˜ªõ‡ Gøñ£¬ô ðì‹ õ¬ó‰¶ ܬô i„²Š ð‡«ðŸøˆ¬î ð°Šð£Œ¾ ªêŒè. 5.

ªêò™ M÷‚è è†ìŠðìˆ¬î‚ ªè£‡´, èô‚AŠ HK‚°‹ AM ãŸH «õ¬ô ªêŒ»‹ Mî MõK.


è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®


Cont’d from last issue...


S.Balaji, M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil.

Lesson 1. [Q.No. 31, 32]

3 Marks

1. What is meant by Electric Polarization? 2. What is a polar molecule? Give any two examples.

Lesson 3. [Q.No. 36] 1. Mention any two difference between peltier effect and Joule’s heating effect 2. Define Peltier coefficient and write its unit.

3. Define electric flux. Give its unit.

3. Mention the limitations of Cyclotron.

4. What is a capacitor? Define its capacitance.

4. Why is nichrome used as a heating element?

5. Define electric potential at a point.

5. Define ampere in terms of force between long parallel current carrying conductors

6. What is an electric dipole? Engine electric dipole moment. 7. Why is it safer to be inside a car than standing under a tree during lightning?

6. W h a t i s n e u t r a l t e m p e r a t u r e o f a thermocouple? 7. State Ampere’s circuital law

8. Mention any three properties of electric line of force?

8. How is a galvanometer converted into a) an ammeter, b) a voltmeter?

9. State Coulomb’s law in electrostatics

9. How can we increase the current sensitivity of a galvanometer?

10. State Gauss’s law in electrostatics

10. State Fleming’s left hand rule.

Lesson 2. [Q.No. 33, 34, 35] 1. In the following circuit, calculate the current through the circuit. Mention its direction

11. State Tangent law. Lesson 4. [Q.No. 37, 38]

2. Mention any three application of super – conductors

1. Mention the methods of producing induced e.m.f

3. State Kirchhoff’s (i) Current law and (ii) Voltage law.

2. Define quality factor

4. Distinguish between electromotive force and potential difference 5. What are the applications of Secondary cells?

3. State Fleming’s right hand rule. 4. Why can a d.c ammeter not read a.c? 5. State Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.

6. Define mobility of electrons. Give its unit

6. Give the difference between AF choke and RF choke

7. Distinguish between electric power and electric energy

7. Define coefficient of self induction

8. State Ohm’s law

8. What is meant by r.m.s (effective) value of alternating current?

9. The resistance of a nichrome wire at 0oC is 10 Ω. If its temperature coefficient of resistance is 0.004 /oC, find the resistance at boiling point of water. Comment on the result. 10. State Faraday’s first law of electrolysis 11. Define Drift Velocity. Give its unit. 

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9. State Lenz’s law. 10. An aircraft having a wingspan of 20.48 m flies due north at a speed of 40 ms-1. If the vertical component of earth’s magnetic field at the place is 2 x 10 -5 T, calculate the e.m.f induced between the ends of the wings


Lesson 5. [Q.No. 39, 40 ]


1. Why does the sky appear blue in colour? 2. In young’s experiment , the width of the fringe obtained with light of wavelength 6000 A is 2 mm . Calculate the fringe width if the entire apparatus is immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.33. 3. A light of wavelength 6000 A falls normally on a thin air film . 6 dark fringes are seen between two points. Calculate the thickness of the air film 4. In Newton’s rings experiment the diameter of certain order of dark ring is measured to be double that of second ring. What is the order of the ring?

4. What is the de Broglie wavelength of electron of kinetic energy 120 eV

(h = 6.626 x 10 -34 Js; m=9.1 x 10 -31 kg)

5. Calculate the threshold wavelength of certain metal of work function 1.8 eV 6. Define stopping potential 7. According to classical mechanics, what is the concept of time? 8. Mention any three application of photoelectric cells. 9. Write the two fundamental posulates of special theory of relativity. 10. Find de Broglie wavelength of electron in the fourth orbit of hydrogen atom.

5. Define optic axis of a crystal 6. Define specific rotation 7. Why is the centre of the Newton’s ring dark? 8. Distinguish between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction

Lesson 8. [Q.No. 44,45] 1. What is meant by pair production and annihilation?

9. What is Tyndall scattering?

2. The half – life of radon is 3.8 days. Calculate its mean life

10. State Brewster’s law.

3. Define Curie.

Lesson 6. [Q.No. 41,42]

4. Write any three properties of neutron

1. Calculate the longest wavelength that can be analysed by a rock salt crystal of spacing d =2.82 A in the first order

5. What are cosmic rays?

2. What are the conditions to achieve laser action? 3. What is Hologram? 4. What are the two important facts established by Laue experiment?

6. Define roentgen 7. Mention any three properties of nuclear force 8. What is mass defect? 9. Write the proton – proton cycle that takes place in sun and stars 10. What are the uses of nuclear reactors?

5. State Moseley’s law

Lesson 9. [Q.No. 46 – 49]

6. What are the application of laser in medical field?

1. What is an intrinsic semiconductor? Give two examples.

7. What are the characteristics of laser?

2. Draw the circuit diagram for OR gate using diodes.

8. The minimum wavelength of x –rays produced from a Coolidge tube is 0.05nm. find the operating voltage of the Coolidge tube 9. What are the drawbacks of Sommerfeld atom model?

3. Draw the circuit diagram for NPB transistor at Common Emitter(CE) mode. 4. What is rectification? 5. Define Bandwidth of an amplifier.

Lesson 7. [Q.No. 43]

6. What is Zener breakdown?

1. What are the limitations of electron microscope?

7. What are the advantage of negative feedback?

2. Mention the uses of electron microscope. 3. What are inertial and non –inertial

8. Draw the circuit for summing amplifier.


9. What is an integrated circuit? è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®

10. Mention any three uses of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) 11. What is Zener diode? Draw its symbol 12. When negative feedback is applied to an amplifier of gain 50, the gain after feedback falls to 25. Calculate the feedback ratio. 13. Give the Barkhausen condition for Oscillation.

superconductors. 9. Derive the condition for balancing of Wheatstone’s bridge. 10. State and verify Faraday’s second law of electrolysis [Q.No.54]

14. State DE Morgan’s theorems.

1. Explain the conversion of a galvanometer into an ammeter.

15. Prove the Boolean identity ; (A+B) (A+C) =A+ BC

2. Explain in details the principle and construction of a tangent galvanometer.

Lesson 10. [Q.No. 50]

3. State and explain Biot-Savart law.

1. Write any three applications of RADAR. 2. What is Fax? Mention its use. 3. What is the necessity of modulation 4. Mention any three advantages of Fiber Optic Communication System 5. Mention the advantages of frequency modulation. 6. Define modulation factor. 7. What are the advantages of digital communication? 8. What is skip distance? 9. What are the different types of radio wave propagation? [Q.No.51]

5 Marks

1. Three capacitor each of capacitance 9 pF are connected in series, i) what is the total capacitance of the combination? ii) what is the potential difference across each capacitor. if the combination is connected to 120 V supply? 2. Define electric potential at a point . Obtain an expression for electric potential due to a point charge. 3. What is electrostatic potential energy of a system of two point charges? Deduce an expression for it.

4. Explain how you will convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter. 5. What are the special features of magnetic Lorentz force? [Q.No.55] 1. Find the phase relation between current and voltage in an a.c circuit containing a pure inductor (Graph is not necessary) (Or)

Obtain an expression for the current flowing in a circuit containing resistance only to which alternating emf is applied. Find the phase relationship between voltage and current.

2. Explain how an e.m.f can be induced by changing the area enclosed by the coil in a uniform magnetic field. 3. Explain any two applications of eddy current. 4. Explain the various power losses in a transformer . How are they minimized ? 5. State Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law of electromagnetic induction . [Q.No.56] 1. Write a note on pile of plates 2. Write a note on nicol prism. 3. State and prove Brewster’s law

4. Deduce an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.

4. Distinguish between interference and diffraction

5. Write the properties of electric lines of force.

5. Obtain the expression for the radius of the nth dark ring in Newton’s rings experiment.

[Q.No. 52,53] 6. How will you compare the e.m.f of two cells using a potentiometer? 7. Explain the action of lead – acid accumulator. ®ê‹ð˜ 16 & 31,2013 °ƒ°ñ„ CI›

1. Wavelength of Balmer second line is 4861 A. Calculate the wavelength of the first line. 2. Explain the origin of characteristic X –rays.


8. Wr i t e a n y f i v e a p p l i c a t i o n s o f 



Write any five properties of X –rays. 3. Write any five properties of cathode rays.

5. Explain how multimeter is used as ohm – meter (multimeter diagram is not necessary)

4. Obtain Bragg’s law.


5. Prove that the energy of an electron for hydrogen atom in the nth orbit is

1. Mention the principle of RADAR and write its applications.


[Q. No. 58,59]

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2. Write a short note on fibre optical communication and mention its advantages.

1. Explain time – dilation with an examples.

3. Mention the merits and demerits of digital communication.

2. Define work function. State the laws of photoelectric emission.

4. State the principle of Radar. What are the applications of Radar?

3. Explain the construction and working of a photo –emissive cell with diagram.

5. With the help of a neat block diagram, explain the function of FM transmitter. (or) Explain the function of anAM radio transmitter with the help of a block diagram.


Write any five applications of photoelectric cells. (or)

What is photoelectric effect?. State the laws of photoelectric emission.

4. Derive Einstein’s photoelectric equation. 5. Derive an expression for de Broglie wavelength of matter waves 6. Explain length contraction. [Q.No.60] 1. Explain how a cosmic ray shower is formed.

10 Marks

1. Derive an expression for electric field due to an electric dipole at a point along the equatorial line. 2. State the principle and explain the construction and working of van de Graff generator. 3. Derive an expression for the electric field due to an electric dipole at a point on its axial line. 4. State Gauss law. Using Gauss law, obtain an expression for electric field due to an infinitely long straight uniformly charged wire. [Q.No. 64]


[Q.No. 63]

Explain the latitude effect of cosmic rays. 12

2. If the mass defect of the nucleus 6C is 0.098amu, then calculate the binding energy per nucleon. 3. Write a note on the biological hazards of nuclear radiations. 4. Write the properties of α rays. 5. Explain soddy – fajan’s radioactive displacement laws. [Q.No.61] 1. Explain the working of a bridge rectifier with a neat circuit diagram. 2. Define current amplification factors α and β and obtain the relation between them. 3. Explain the working of a half wave diode rectifier. 4. State and prove De Morgan’s theorems

1. Explain in detail the principle, construction, working and limitations of a cyclotron with a diagram. 2. Explain in detail the principle, construction and theory of a tangent galvanometer. 3. Deduce an expression for the force on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field. Find the magnitude of the force. 4. Define Ampere’s circuital law. Applying it find the magnetic induction due to a long solenoid carrying current. 5. Obtain an expression for the magnetic induction at a point due to an infinitely long straight conductor carrying current. [Q.No. 65] 1. Explain the principle, construction and theory of a transformer.(Diagram not necessary). Define its efficiency. Mention the energy losses.


è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®

2. Obtain the phase relation between voltage and current in an AC circuit containing a pure inductance. Draw the necessary graph. 3. What are eddy current?. Explain their applications. How are they minimized? 4. Discuss with theory the method of inducing e.m.f in a coil by changing its orientation with respect to the direction of the magnetic field. 5. Describe the principle, construction and working of single phase a.c generator. [Q.No.66] 1. On the basis of wave theory, explain total internal reflection. Write the conditions for the total internal reflection to take place. 2. What is Raman effect? Explain Raman spectrum with diagram. 3. Explain the theory of interference in thin transparent film due to reflected light and obtain the condition for the intensity to be maximum and minimum 4. Explain emission and absorption spectra. 5. Derive an expression for bandwidth of interference fringes in Young’s double slit experiment. [Q.No. 67] 1. State Bohr’s postulates. Obtain an expression for the radius of nth orbit of hydrogen atom. 2. Derive Bragg’s law. Explain how a Bragg’s spectrometer can be used to determine the wavelength of the X –rays. 3. Describe Millikan’s oil drop experiment to determine the charge of an electron level diagram. 4. Draw a neat sketch of Ruby Laser. Explain its working with the help of energy level diagram. (or) With the help of energy level diagram, explain the working of He – Ne laser. 5. Describe the J.J. Thomson’s method for determining the specific charge of an electron. [Q.No.68] 1. What is a nuclear reactor? explain the functions of (i) moderator, (ii) Control rods and (iii) neutron reflector. Mentiion the uses

®ê‹ð˜ 16 & 31,2013 °ƒ°ñ„ CI›

of nuclear reactor (Diagram not necessary) 2. Write the radioactive law of disintegration. Obtain an expression to deduce the amount of radioactive substance present at any moment. Obtain the relation between half life period and decay constant. 3. What are cosmic rays? Explain i) latitude effect ii) altitude effect of cosmic rays. 4. Discuss the action of a Bainbridge mass spectrometer to determine the isotopic masses 5. Explain the construction and working of a Geiger –Muller counter. [Q.No. 69] 1. With circuit diagram, explain the working of an operational amplifier as a summing amplifier 2. Explain the action of an operational amplifier as difference amplifier (or)

Explain with neat circuit diagram, the working of single stage CE amplifier

3. What is meant by feedback? Derive an expression for voltage gain of an amplifier with negative feedback. 4. Sketch the circuit of Colpitts oscillator. Explain its working. 5. What is rectification? Explain the working of bridge rectifier with diagram. Draw input and ouput signals. 6. Draw a neat diagram of bridge rectifier and explain its working [Q.No. 70] 1. With the help of a block diagram, explain the function of a RADAR system. 2. Explain the construction and working of a vidicon camera tube with neat diagram. 3. Explain the functions of various units in the monochrome television transmission with suitable block diagram. (or) Explain the functional block diagram of a monochrome TV receiver. 4. Make an analysis of amplitude modulated wave with the help of frequency spectrum. 5. With the help of block diagram, explain the function of super heterodyne AM receiver.


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GÁ-õù - ‹: C.ݘ.H.âçŠ âùŠ-ð´ - ‹ ñˆ-Fò ÜóC¡ Kꘚ «ð£hv ð¬ì (ªî¡-Hó- £‰-Fò ðE-èœ ñ†-´‹. ÞF™ ݉-Fó- ‹, è˜-ï£-ìè - ‹, îI›-, «èó÷£, ñè£-ó£w-®ó£, °ü-ó£ˆ ñ£G-ôƒ-èœ Ü샰‹.) «õ¬ô: ®¬ó-õ˜, ªðJ¡-ì˜, çH†-ì˜, ªìŒ-ô˜, °‚, 裘-ªð¡-ì˜, ð£˜-ð˜ âùŠ ð™-«õÁ ðE-èœ. ªì‚-Q‚-è™/ †«ó†v-«ñ¡ â¡ø Þ¼ HK-¾è - O™ Þ‰î «õ¬ô-èœ Üìƒ-°‹. Þ‰î Þó‡´ HK-¾èÀ‹ ‘裡v-ìH - œ’ â¡ø ªð£¶Š HK-¾‚-°œ õ¼‹ (݇/ ªð‡ M‡-íŠ-H‚-èô - £‹. Þ¼ ê£ó£-¼‚-°‹ îQˆ-îQ - «ò Cô «õ¬ô-èœ å¶‚èŠ-ð†-´œ-÷ù) è£L-Jì - ƒ-èœ: ªñ£ˆî è£L-Jì - ƒ-èœ 802. ÞF™ îI›--´‚° 156 Þìƒ-èœ å¶‚-èŠ-ð†-´œ-÷ù. ÞF-½‹ âv.C/ âv.®, æ.H.C HK-M-ù-¼‚° îQˆ-îQ - «ò ðE-Jì - ƒ-èœ å¶‚-èŠ-ð†-´œ-÷¶. è™-Mˆ î°F: 10‹ õ°Š¹ «î˜„C. (Þˆ-«î£´, åš-ªõ£¼ ðE‚-°‹ ܶ ꣘‰î 𮊹 ñŸ-Á‹ ðE ÜÂ-ðõ - ƒ-è¬÷ âF˜-𣘂-Aø - ¶ «î˜¾. õò¶ õó‹¹: 18 ºî™ 23 õ¬ó (Cô êÍ-èƒèÀ‚° õò¶ î÷˜„-C» - ‹ à‡´) àì™ î°F: ݇/ ªð‡ Þ¼-õ¼ - ‚-°‹ îQˆî-Q-ò£ù àò-ó‹, ªï…-ê-è-ô‹, â¬ì «ð£¡ø Ü÷-¾« - 裙-èœ °PŠ-Hì - Š-ð†-´œ-÷ù. «î˜¾ º¬ø: àì™ î°F, ñ¼ˆ-¶õ - ˆ î°-F‚° Hø° ⿈-¶ˆ «î˜¾, ªì‚-Q‚-è™ «î˜¾, †«ó† «î˜¾ «ð£¡-ø¬õ Þ¼‚-°‹. M‡-íŠ-H‚è «õ‡-®ò è¬ìC «îF: 23.12.13

M‡-íŠ-H‚-°‹ º¬ø ñŸ-Á‹ «ñô-Fè îèõ™-èÀ‚°:

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M‡-íŠ-H‚-°‹ º¬ø ñŸ-Á‹ «ñô-Fè îèõ™-èÀ‚°:

Þ‰-Fò ó£µ-õˆ-F™ ñî-«ð£-î-è˜ ðE GÁ-õù - ‹: Þ‰-Fò ó£µ-õ‹ «õ¬ô: ó£µ-õˆ-F™ àœ÷ ð¬ì ió˜-èÀ‚° ñî-«ð£-î¬ù ªêŒ-ò¾ - ‹ Þø‰î ió˜-èÀ‚° ÞÁF„ ê샰 ªêŒ-õî - Ÿ-°‹ ð‡-®†, ªñ÷™M, ðˆK, «ð£ˆ ñƒ‚ «ð£¡ø ñî-«ð£-îè - ˜ ðE-èœ è£L-Jì - ƒ-èœ: °PŠ-Hì - Š-ðì - M - ™¬ô è™-Mˆ î°F: Þ÷ƒ-è¬ - ô-»ì - ¡ ñîŠ Hó-ê£-ó‹, «ð£î¬ù ªêŒ-õ-îŸ-è£ù ðJŸC, «î˜-¾-èO™ ꣡-Pî - › ªðŸ-P¼ - ‚è «õ‡-´‹. õò¶ õó‹¹: 27 ºî™ 34 õò-¶‚-°œ (°PŠ-H†ì HK-Mù - ¼ - ‚° õò¶ î÷˜„C à‡´) M‡-íŠ-H‚è «õ‡-®ò è¬ìC «îF: 27.12.13

M‡-íŠ-H‚-°‹ º¬ø ñŸ-Á‹ «ñô-Fè îèõ™-èÀ‚°:

Þ‰-Fò èìŸ-ð-¬ì-J™ Ýd-ê˜ ðE! GÁ-õù - ‹: Þ‰-Fò èìŸ-ð¬ì «õ¬ô: ݘ†-®-ç-¬ð-ê˜ Ýd-ê˜. (ðJŸ-C-»-ì¡ îóŠ-ð-´‹ ðE. F¼-ñ-í-ñ£-è£î ݇-èÀ‚° ñ†-´‹) è£L-Jì - ƒ-èœ: °PŠ-Hì - Š-ðì - M - ™¬ô è™-Mˆ î°F: H÷v 2M™ èE-î‹, ÞòŸ-Hò - ™ Üìƒ-Aò ÜP-Mò - ™ HK-M™ 60 êî-iî ñFŠ-ªð‡ ªðŸ-P¼ - ‚è «õ‡-´‹. õò¶ î°F: 1994‹ ݇´ ºî™ 1997‚°œ 

®ê‹ð˜ 16 & 31,2013 °ƒ°ñ„ CI›

Hø‰-îõ - ˜-èœ M‡-íŠ-H‚-èô - £‹ «î˜¾ º¬ø: ⿈- ¶ ˆ «î˜- « õ£´ àò- ó ‹, ñ£˜-ð÷ - ¾ àœ-O†ì àìŸ-î° - F «î˜¾ à‡´. ð£˜-¬õˆ Fø¬ù «ê£F‚-°‹ ñ¼ˆ-¶õ «î˜-¾‹ à‡´ M‡-íŠ-H‚è «õ‡-®ò è¬ìC «îF: 20.12.13

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11. ðƒ° ñ£ŸøèˆF¡ ñèœ ñŸÁ‹ °¬øð£´èœ ò£¬õ?

6. ðƒ°è¬÷ õ†ìˆF™ ªõOJì àœ÷ Gð‰î¬ùè¬÷ M÷‚°è

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7. ª ê ò ™ º ¬ ø M F è O ™ ªð£¼÷ì‚èƒèœ ò£¬õ?


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è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®

+2 COMMERCE Question Bank

T. Muthukumaran M.Com., B.Ed., M.Phil. Cont’d from last issue... PART - A II. Fill in the blanks : -

Ans : Twenty

(20 x 1 = 20)

63. Division of work is called ________

74. A partner who does not take part in the working of the firm is called ______ partner

Ans : Departmentation

Ans : Sleeping

64. Deligation means the ___________of part of the work. Ans : Entrustment

75. T h e m i n i m u m o f a n u m b e r o f members in a public limited company is ___________

65. The liability of sole trader is __________

Ans : Seven

Ans : Unlimited

76. The liability of a member of a company limited by guarantee is ______

66. Broadcasting comes under ___________ form of organization Ans : Departmental

67. Public corporation is known as ________ corporation Ans : Statutory

68. Tamilnadu Electricity Board is the example of __________ Ans : Board Organisation

69. Government policy is also favourite towards ___________

Ans : Limited

77. The minimum number of members in a private company is ________ Ans : Two

78. The manner in which the internal management of a company Carried on is contained in ________ Ans : Articles of Association

79. An advertisement inviting the public to buy the debenture of a public company is known as __________

Ans : Multinational

Ans : Prospectus

70. Government company employees are not ________

80. Preference shares which carry a right to arrear dividend are known a s_________

Ans : Government servants

Ans : Cumulative preference share

71. The profit and loss of a partnership firm is shared in the _________ among the partners.

81. A private company should have at least _____ directors

Ans : Agreed ratio

72. The partners liability in India is ________ Ans : Unlimited

73. The maximum number of members in non-banking firm is ______ 

®ê‹ð˜ 16 & 31,2013 °ƒ°ñ„ CI›

Ans : Two

82. The aggregate nominal value of qualification shares shall not exceed _____ rupees.


Ans : Five thousand

83. The share holders are the real ____of the company

96. Application money should not be less than ____percent of the value of a share.

Ans : Owners

Ans : 5%

84. First directors are usually named in the ________

97. Second hand securities are traded in _______

Ans : Articles of Association

Ans : Secondary market

Statutory meeting must be held not later than ____and not earlier than ____ from the date on which a public company is entitled to commence business.

98. There are ________ regional stock exchanges in India

Ans : Six months, One month

99. Cleared Securities are also called ______


Ans : 21 Ans : Securities on forward list

86. The time between two consecutive annual general meetings should not exceed ______ months

100. Ready delivery contracts are also called as ______

Ans : Fifteen

Ans : Spot contracts

87. Altering the Articles of Association requires ___________ Resolution Ans : Special

88. A person appointed to attend a meeting on behalf of a share holder is known as ____ Ans : Proxy

89. The minimum number of members required for a meeting is known as _______ Ans : Quorum

90. Auditors are generally appointed and their remuneration is fixed at the _____ meeting Ans : Annual General Meeting

91. Primary market is concerned with ________ Ans : Issue of new shares

101. Stag is called _____ Ans : Premium hunter

102. ______ is the supervisory body establi shed to regulate Indian stock market Ans : SEBI

103. ______ enables small investors to participate in the investment on share capital of large companies. Ans : Mutual funds

104. The father of the co-operative movement was _________ Ans : Robert Owen

105. Management of a Co -operative society is fully _______ Ans : Democratic

106. Service is the main objective of _____

92. Companies are assisted by ________ to make new issues

Ans : Co - operative Societies)

Ans : Brokers/Under writers

107. Super market refers to large scale _____

93. _______ is a commonly used method of issuing shares Ans : Public Issue

94. ________ act as intermediary to float new shares Ans : Issues / Houses

95. After allotment of shares, allottees become the _________ of the company Ans : Shareholder/member

Ans : Retailing

108. The primary aim of state enterprises is _______ Ans : Public welfare

109. Public corporations are created by ____ of Central or State Government. Ans : Special statute

110. In a Government company at least_______ shares are owned by the Government


Ans : 51% è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®

111. The oldest form of public enterprise is _______ Ans : Departmental Organization

112. When the Government takes over an existing private concern it is called _____ Ans : Nationalization

113. The most suitable form of organization for manufacturing defence goods is ____

Ans : Equally

127. Putting an end to the relationship among the partners is called dissolution of _______ Ans : Firm

128. _______ authority is a right vested with a partner to be used in emergency situations to protect the interest of the firm Ans : implied

Ans : Departmental organisation

114. _ _ _ _ _ _ checks concent rat ion of economic power in the hands of few

129. When a person makes an arrangement with a partner to share his profits he is known is _____

Ans : Public Sector

Ans : Sub partner

115. Exploitation of consumers and employees is a feature of __________ Ans : Private Sector

116. Decision making process in sole trading business is _____ Ans : Quick decision

117. _____ is the oldest form of organisation Ans : Sole trading concern

118. __________ has said that one man control is the best in the world. Ans : William R. Basset

119. A ________ business is not governed by any special Act. Ans : Private

120. The size of sole trading concern is ______ Ans : Small

121. Life Insurance Corporation of India is an example of _____ Ans : Public Corporation

122. There is a limit to ___ ability of a sole trader. Ans : Managerial

123. Registration of partnership firm in India is not _____ Ans : Compulsory

124. A partnership is formed by _____ Ans : Agreement

125. The authority of a partnership to bind the firm is called _____ Ans : Implied authority

126. If there is no agreement, partners share profit or loss _____ 

®ê‹ð˜ 16 & 31,2013 °ƒ°ñ„ CI›


(10 x 4 = 40)

1. Define organisation? 2. What is Scalar principle? 3. Who is a KARTA? 4. What is public corporation? 5. State the meaning of Board Organisation 6. Give five examples of multinational companies. 7. What is a sole proprietorship business? 8. Define Sole trader? 9. What is unlimited liability? 10. who is a dormant partner? 11. What is limited partnership? 12. Define implied authority of a partner 13. What is joint and several liability? 14. Bring out the difference between dissolution of partnership and dissolution of partnership firm. 15. Define a private limited company? 16. What is the consequence of not receiving minimum subscription? 17. Define debentures 18. What is share premium? 19. Mention the documents to be filed for getting the certificate of incorporation? 20. What is meant by perpetual succession? 21. What are you mean by a foreign


9. What are the requisites of a valid meeting?

company? 22. What is statutory report?

10. Enumerate the contents of a statutory report

23. What is proxy?

11. Differentiate between Investors and Speculators

24. What is ‘Minutes’? 25. Who is an alternate director? 26. What is a security?

12. Define Mutual funds and what are their advantages?

27. What is under writing?

13. Briefly explain the demerits of co-operative societies

28. what is listing?

14. State the meaning of Super market and explain its features?

29. Who is a speculator? 30. Who is called a Lame duck?

15. What are the features of a public corporation?

31. What is OTCEI?

16. What are the differences between public and private Sectors?

32. What is BOLT?


33. Define Co-operation? 34. What are Rochdale pioneers? 35. What is meant by one man one vote? 36. What is Patronage Dividend?

ESSAY TYPE QUESTIONS : - (4 x 20 = 80) 1. Explain briefly the principles of organization 2. What do you understand by multinational companies and explain their features.

37. Define state enterprises? 38. How can we establish state enterprises? 39. Explain the management of public corporation? 40. Define a Government Company? 41. Give four examples for departmental undertaking? 42. Mention any four examples of public corporation?


3. Explain the role of sole trading concern in the society 4. Discuss the merits of sole trading form of business 5. Explain the rights and duties of partners 6. What are the circumstances under which a partnership firm is dissolved? 7. Explain the deferent types of shares


8. D i s t i n g u i s h b e t w e e n s h a r e s a n d debentures.

1. Write short notes on Joint Hindu Family business

9. Discuss the functions and duties of a company secretary

2. Explain any two types of individualistic institutions

10. What are the benefits and limitations of a stock exchange?

3. What are the drawbacks of non- registration of partnership firm?

11. Explain the objectives, features, functions and powers of SEBI

4. What are the contents of partnership deed?

12. Distinguish between the joint stock company and co -operative society

5. Describe the various kinds of partners 6. What is Memorandum of Association? What are its contents? 7. State briefly the contents of Articles of Association 8. What are the conditions for issuing shares at a discount

13. Explain any eight types of co-operative societies in detail 14. Discuss the features, merits and demerits of the Departmental organisations 15. Discuss the features, merits and demerits of the public corporation


è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®


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Printed and published by Mohamed Israth on behalf of KAL Publications Pvt. Ltd. and printed at Dinakaran Press, Plot No.170, No.10, First Main Road, Nehru Nagar, Perungudi, Chennai-600 096 and published at 229, Kutchery Road, Mylapore, Chennai-600004. Editor: Mohamed Israth

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S.Balaji, M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil.

Question Bank Cont’d from last issue... QUESTION NO. 34



Preserving Nature is man’s prime responsibility. The earth does not belong to us for us to use and abuse. It belongs to our children. As man became civilized, he slowly lost his attachment with Nature. In his quest for development, man cleared pristine forests and polluted the environment. The magnitude of destruction increased in proportion to the magnitude of his greed. As man drifted away from Nature, his problems increased and his heart became hard and cold. The many calamities, misfortunes and problems of our times are but the manifestation of this greed. This is why we have injured people, animals and environment. If we want to set things right we must reconnect with Nature.

called on you.

Had I known you were ill, I would have called on you.

2. If he had told them the truth he would not have been punished.

Had he told them the truth he would not have been punished.

3. If he had known the impending danger he would have stayed at home.

Had he known the impending danger he would have stayed at home.

4. If it were not for the expenses involved I would go by air.

Were it not for the expenses involved I would go by air.

Questions :

5. If an angel were to tell me such a thing of her I would not believe it.

1. What is the prime responsibility of man?

2. Who does the earth belong to? 3. When does man lose attachments with Nature? 4. What is the manifestation of man’s greed? 5. What do you do to set things right?

Were an angel to tell me such a thing of her I would not believe it.

6. If I were a monkey, I would hop from tree to tree. Were I a monkey, I would hop from tree to

tree. 7. If I were a bird, I would fly.


1. P r e s e r v i n g N a t u r e i s m a n ’s p r i m e responsibility

8. If you should be late once again you will lose your job.

2. The earth belongs to our children

3. Man loses attachment with Nature when he becomes civilized 4. Many calamities, misfortunes and problems are the manifestation of man’s greed 5. We must reconnect with Nature to set things right.


BEGIN WITH HAD, WERE, SHOULD 1. If I had known you were ill, I would have 

®ê‹ð˜ 16 & 31,2013 °ƒ°ñ„ CI›

Were I a bird , I would fly.

Should you be late once again you will lose your job.

9. If you should need my help again just give me a call. Should you need my help again just

give me a call. 10. If you should need to meet me, you can call this number. Should you need to meet me, you can call this number.



justice and fair play.


2. He was ill at the time of the examination. He obtained a high score in the subject.

1. As my uncle was not willing to help me, I had to apply for a loan from the bank.

My uncle was not willing to help me and so I had to apply for a loan from the bank.

2. It is really surprising that he has not been arrested by the police.

He has not been arrested by the police and it is really surprising.

3. As my uncle was not there, I had to come back disappointed.

My uncle was not there and so I had to come back disappointed.

3. I like tea. I prefer coffee. Though I like tea, I prefer coffee.

4. It started drizzling; the cricket match did not stop.

You must work hard, otherwise you will not pass.

The cat is away and the mice are at play.

6. The sum is too difficult for me to understand.

The sum is so difficult that I cannot understand.

7. As my brother was sick, he could not attend class.

My brother was sick and so he could not attend class.

8. Ram lost the match; he decided to resign as captain.

As Ram lost the match, he decided to resign

6. He tried his best. He could not open the box. Though he tried his best, he could not open

the box. 7. I hurried to the railway station. I could not catch the train. Though I hurried to the railway station, I

could not catch the train. 8. It was raining heavily. The farmers went on their work. Though it was raining heavily, the farmers

went on with their work 9. Priya has recovered after the accident. Her fractured arm is still in a cast

as captain. 9. Run three miles everyday. You will lose one and a half kilos a week.

If you run three miles every day, you will lose

one and a half kilos a week. 10. As the traffic was heavy we could not reach the place in time.

The traffic was heavy and so we could not reach the place in time.

QUESTION NO. 37 COMBINE THE SENTENCE USING That, Though, As, But, etc., 1. I stand for justice and fair play. The whole world knows about it.

The whole world knows that I stand for

As the tranport workers were on strike, I had

to walk back home.

5. When the cat is away, the mice are at play.

Though it started drizzling the cricket match did not stop.

5. The transport workers were on strike. I had to walk back home.

4. Unless you work hard you will not pass.

T hough he was ill at the time of the examination, he obtained a high score in the subject.

Priya has recovered after the accident but her fractured arm is still in a cast.

10. An industrious man is sure to succeed.

A man who is industrious is sure to succeed

QUESTION NO.38 COMBINE THE SENTENCE INTO SIMPLE SENTENCE 1. Anne Mansfield Sullivan was poor and ill. Yet she taught Helen Keller with a passion.

In spite of her poverty and illness , Anne

Mansfield Sullivan taught Helen Keller with passion.

2. Bharat is very arrogant. He will not apologise.

Being arrogant, Bharat will not apologise.

3. Ram lost the match.He decided to resign as captain.


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Because of losing the match Ram decided to resign from the captaincy.

details of the constitutional process it had followed - Law

4. The Coffee is very hot. I cannot drink it. The Coffee is too hot for me to drink.

10) A h y b r i d d e r i v a t i v e o f t h e c r o s s between Co5 and N331, the improved fodder cowpea is semi-spreading- Agriculture

5. We must eat. We cannot live

We must eat to live

6. She told me a story. It was about a giant.

She told me a story about a giant.

12) Maruthi Udyog improved its operating margins by 2.4 per cent in 2004-05 -Business

7. I like tea. I preper coffee.

I prefer coffee to tea.

8. The hunter took his rifle. He shot the maneater.

After taking his rifle the hunter shot at the maneater.

9. On seeing the dog the thief ran away.

When the thief saw the dog he ran away.

11. I completed my home work and I set out to play. Having completed my home work I set out

to play.

QUESTION NO. 39-43 SECTION - C Identifying the Field


1) The flight was cancelled owing to fog Weather 2) Cloning has proved that it is possible to replicate human beings – Science 3) An Indian is invited to referee the French Open - Sports 4) The world will have to live with high oil prices and their negative impact on economic growth – Commerce 5) The committee discussed development of ideal teacher training Curriculum – Education 6) Ram at his fluent best, put Ranjit in his place with three boundaries in one over – Sports 7) The improvements in our margins and profitability has been achieved, overcoming the challenge of record high crude oil prices – Commerce 8) The deadlock over the agenda for the peace talks continued with no agreement between the two leaders - Politics 9) The centre was directed to file an affidavit within two days giving 

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11) Walt Disney’s land of fun and fantasy, the version that gives pleasure to kids and adults alike, turns fifty years - Tourism

13) People use binary system, which is able to represent any number using only two digits 0 and 1 – Computer 14) Every plant organ has a definite form and structure and also performs certain specific functions – Botany 15) An Indian woman was honoured to help leadership by starting a bank for poor women- Social Service 16) Spicy food can cause acidity in the stomach – Nutrition and Dietics 17) On our way to Ooty we stayed in a hotel for a night – Travel 18)

The Agricultural College and Research Institute in Coimbatore has studied the effect of planting system on yield, quality and economics of banana – Agriculture

19) Life skills should be realized through curriculum objectives – Education 20) Halley’s comet has an orbital period of about 76 years – Space Science. 21) The board has decided to give the share holders a dividend of 25 percent - Business. 22) Asalaried employee in the highest slab pays income tax at 33.66 percent – Taxation 23) For programming, people use the binary system – Computer 24) Every plant organ has a definite form and structure and performance to certain specific function - Botany 25) “ My goal is winning a Grand Slam” says Mirza – Sports 26) My friend received an e-mail from his brother who is in the States – Computer 27) The quality of tea produced in the experimental automated factory is encouraging – Industry


28) Every physician knows that even a negative report contributes to diagnosis – Medicine

49) The V-2 missile was by far the greatest single achievement in the history of rockets and missiles – Space

29) In this competitive world, one should have good communication skills to get a job – Education

50) She applied for visa to go to America - Travel

30) He hit a huge six in the very first over of the match - Sports

51) He is an expert in using pedagogical methods – Education

31) The monitor displays the menu – Computer

52) The yield of cash crop is increasing due to rain – Agriculture

32) The hybrid variety of paddy was a failure – Agriculture

53) Primary market is concerned with issue of new shares - Commerce

33) There is no drop-out in schools now – Education

54) Manual data processing involves use of papers at each stage – Computer

34) Two women ministers were appointed in the first cabinet after independence –

55) Shakespeare’s plays are read by many people – Literature


35) Organic fertilizers have increased the produce of the land – Agriculture 36) The Prime Minister visited France for talks on the nuclear deal – Politics 37) Faith in God helps one to lead a peaceful life – Religion 38) The Nilgiri’s Biosphere has been affected by pollution – Environment 39) Indian athletes have performed well in the final of the World Championships- Sports 40) As in Janurary 2005, the rate of inflation came down to 3% - Commerce 41) At the international level, global warming has increased the anxiety of many nations – Environment

56) Everybody is expecting a bumper crop this year because of good rains – Agriculture 57) Young people these days are interested more in junk food – Nutrition and Dietics 58) He went to England on a tourist visa – Travel

Qn. No. 44 – 48

5X2=10 Comprehension passage with five questions from latest news paper.


Question No: 49, 50,51, 52, 53 & 54 15 Marks The Oration of Brutus

Brutus and his men murdered Caesar. Brutus tried to justify his action of killing Caesar. He told that Caesar was ambitious. If Caesar were alive, all the Romans would be slaves. Brutus said that only the vile man would not love his country. Brutus loved Rome more than Caesar.

42) A new rocket launching station is commissioned in Andhra Pradesh – Space Science

43) Your monitor is not working. Get it repaired – Computer 44) Mr.Venkatraghavan is one of the best umpires in the world – Sports

The Funeral oration of Mark Antony:

Antony was a gifted orator. Mark Antony said that he had come there to bury Caesar. He said that Caesar was not ambitious. He was there not to praise him. Antony gave Caesar the kingly crown thrice. But Caesar denied it. Caesar filled the coffers of Rome. When the poor cried, Caesar wept. But the honourable Brutus called him ambitious.

Antony said that he had spoken only the right. Antony remarked Brutus had done the “ most unkindest” cut of all. Antony won the crowd over to his side. Antony was a Player orator.

45) Isolated rain or thunder showers are likely to occur on the coastal areas of TamilNadu Weather 46) Vitamin-B controls the levels of cholesterol – Health 47) Examinations should evaluate all aspects of learning – Education 48) Inflation risk means the risk that money will buy less in the future than it does today Economy


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affected. Scientific advancement were utilized to devastate lives. Thus the aftermath of atomization was touchingly portrayed.

Unit-5: THE MARK OF VISHNU Gunga Ram’s regard for snakes:

Gunga Ram was an old Brahmin. He was an illiterate. He was much devoted to God Vishnu. His forehead always bore the ‘V’ mark. He respected the snakes. A snake lived in his house and he called it Kalanag. Every night he offered milk for the Kalanag. Gunga Ram was highly superstitious. The youngsters of the family made fun of him.

One night there was a heavy rain. All the holes and gutters were filled with water. The Kalanag came out of his hole. The youngsters attacked with bamboo sticks. But Kalanag’s head was undamaged. They put him in a large biscuit tin. They tied it with a cord. At school the teacher loosened the cord. Immediately the snake sprang out of the tin. The boy stood upon their desks. The snake fell out of the tin and moved to the door. Gunga Ram came there. He bowed his head. He offered the snake some milk. The wounded snake was in fury. It hissed, spat and bit Gunga Ram all over his face. Gunga Ram died. The ‘V’ mark was covered with blood.

UNIT – 6 : HIROSHIMA Introduction

Statesmen and politicians were in a dilemma to drop the bomb. Truman of USA, Attlee of UK and Chiang Kai Shek of China took the final decision. The cruel bomb was tested on ‘bad lands’. The element used in the bomb was Uranium 235.

The Aftermath of Atomization

Ans: They refer to sad songs.

2. What is bivouac of life?

3. Where do women claim to dwell?

Ans: They claim to dwell beneath the household roof.

4. What are hedgerows?

Ans: T his is a simile. T he poet compares the women to the unknown and uncared plants and bushes along a village road.

5. Who tried to explore?

Ans: The spider tried to explore.

6. What does the soul do? Ans: It is thinking endlessly.

7. What is leech craft?

Ans: T his is a simile. T he poet compares English to leech- craft. Because it purified our soiled souls like leech-craft which purifies the blood.

8. Explain Indo-Aryan Blood?

Ans: English belongs to Germanic, an Indo-Aryan language.

9. What is Etna?

Ans: It is a volcanic mountain in Sicily.

10. Why does the poet remind albatross?

The 6th of August 1945 was a black day. Three planes crossed HIroshima. The plane carrying bomb was one of them. The cruel bomb was dropped. It fell at a speed of 32 feet per second. There was no sound. Thousands of people were killed or injured. It generated a terrific heat of 1300oC. Even scientists could not calculate the aftermath of atomization. It was an unearthly evil. Some victims were sterilized. Pregnant women aborted. They could not conceive again. Even stonehearted leaders pitied. One bomb caused an unimaginable destruction. After a few days, Nagasaki was bombed. More than 1,60,000 people were

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S ix P oetr y appreciation Questions: 6X1=6 1. What are mournful numbers?

Ans: It refers to the temporary life.

The Capture of Kalanag

(Qn. No. 55 to 60)

Ans: It is a literary allusion. The poet thought of the sailors suffering after the death of albatross. So, he wished that his snake would come back alive.

11. Why did they join the army?

Ans: They were out of work. So they joined the army.

12. Why ‘because’ is repeated? Ans: The poet has no valid reason for killing the enemy. So, he repeats, ‘because’ out of guilt and hesitation.

13.How does the poet describe war? Ans: War is curious and strange.

14.What would have happened had they met in an inn?


Ans: They would have drunk and felt happy.

Ans : This is a metaphor. (English words are compared to fire flames).

15. What is a nipperkin?

Alliteration (Initial letters being same Consonants) (Pages 54 & 280)

(Qn. No. 61, 62, 63)

7. To die, and not a heart that does not love us know where we’re laid.

Ans: It is a small glass for beer.

Poetry - Three Appreciation Questions 3X1=3 ( R h y m e s c h e m e , s i m i l e , m e t a p h o r, alliteration, allusion) (Refer to Pages: 54 and 279 – 281 for more)

Qn : Write out the words in alliteration Ans: die, does, not, where, we

8. And as he put his head into that dreadful hole.

Qn : Write out the words in alliteration Ans: his, head, hole.

Rhyme Scheme (Pages 54 & 279)

9. And I thought of the albatross

1. ‘Had he and I but met

And I wished he would come back, my snake.

By some old ancient inn

Qn: What is the “Allusion”?

We should have sat us down to wet

Right many a nipperkin

Ans: It is a literary allusion about albatross, a sea bird found in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”, by S.T.Coleridge.

Qn : What is the ‘rhyme scheme’?

Ans: The rhyme scheme is a b a b (met, inn, wet, kin)

2. Not in a dreamy and inane abstraction

To sleep out life away

But, gathering up the brightness of home sunshine.

To deck our way.

Qn : What is the ‘rhyme scheme’?

Ans: The rhyme scheme is a a b c b (abstraction, away, sunshine, way)

10. “Dust thou art, to dust returnest”

Qn: “What is the allusion”? Ans: It is a biblical allusion found in Genesis.

11. In the beginning was the word

And the word was God Qn: What is the “allusion”? Ans: It is a biblical allusion.

ERC (Question: 64, 65, 66) (Any two)

2X3=6 1. Context:

Simile: (Comparison with ‘like’ or ‘as’)

Poem : A Psalm of Life

3. Be not like dumb, driven cattle.

Poet : H.W.Longfellow

Explanation :

Qn: What is the ‘figure of speech’ employed? Ans: This is a simile.

4. As humble plants by country hedgerows growing.

Qn: What is the ‘poetic device’ employed? Ans: This is a simile.

Metaphor (Comparison without ‘like’ or ‘as’) 5. You ripened into nectar in fruit jars.

Qn : What is the “figure of speech” employed? Ans : This is a metaphor. (English words are compared to nectar.)

6. O tongues of fire! You came devouring.

Qn : What is the “poetic device” employed?

H.W.Longfellow’s, ‘A Psalm of Life’, gives a great deal of good advice. One should not think that life is an empty dream. Life is to be enjoyed. Life is real. Mere enjoyment or sorrow is not our goal. We must work hard.

2. Context:


: Women’s Right


: Annie Louisa Walker

Explanation :

Annie Louisa Walker emotionally and satirically expresses her views on women’s right. Men cannot rob their rights. Women want to live secluded beneath the household roof but not as an insane. They bring brightness to home. Like hedgerows, they


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spread sweet smell. They feel privileged to make the family happy. They want to die unknown to others. These are a women’s mission. 3. Context: A Noiseless, patient spider Poem :

(Question NO. 67, 68, 69) POETRY PARAGRAPHS

Poet : Walt Whitman

Explanation :

Walt Whitman saw a spider. It was noiseless and patient. The spider tried to touch the vacant surrounding. It sent out filament out of itself. It was spinning its web. The poet compares the spider to the human soul. 4. Context:


Poet : V.K.Gokak

: English Word

Explanation :

V.K.Gokak is a famous poet in Kannada. In this poem, ‘English Words’ he admires the efficacy of English words. He compares English to leech-craft, because it purified our soiled souls. He calls it tounges of fire, winged seeds, winging words, fireflies and nectar. English poses cosmic riddle. It is a biblical allusion.


: Snake


: D.H.Lawrence

Explanation :

The poem ‘Snake’ by D.H.Lawrence gives us a moral. All things created by God are beautiful. Man must learn to appreciate them. It was a hot day in July. The poet saw a poisonous snake emerging from a fissure. It was drinking water in a water trough. The voice of his education told him to kill the snake. But he could not do that.

6. Context: Poem

: The Man He Killed

Poet : Thomas Hardy

Explanation :

Thomas Hardy’s ‘The Man He Killed’ brings out the unpleasant realities of war. The poet and his enemy were out of work. So, they joined the army. They shot at each other. The poet killed the enemy and felt guilty. Because, the poet has not valid reason for killing the enemy. Had they met in an inn, they would have drunk and felt happy. Thus, war is curious and strange.

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H.W.Longfellow’s, ‘A Psalm of life’ gives a great deal of good advice. One should not think that life is an empty dream. Life is to be enjoyed. Life is real. Mere enjoyment or sorrow is not our goal. We must work hard. Life is short. Art is long. Make it great. Time is running. World is a broad battle field. Our life is a temporary camp. We should not be like dumb driven cattle. Do not depend on future. Forget the past. Act in the present. Have faith in God. Leave footprints. Lives of great men are good lessons for us. We should always be ready to accept anything that comes in our ways. There is no end for achievements.

Poem: A Noiseless, Patient Spider Poet: Walt Whitman

5. Context:


Poem : A PSALM OF LIFE Poet H.W.Longfellow

Walt Whitman saw a spider on a promontory. It was noiseless and patient. The spider tried to touch the vacant surrounding. It unreeled filament after filament out of itself. It was spinning its web. The poet compares the spider to the human soul. We do not know where the soul stands. It is surrounded by space. It is isolated from the world. The space is vast like ocean. The human soul is musing endlessly. The human soul searches something infinite and eternal. When the nations are bridged with a gossamer thread, the vast space can be conquered.

Poem:SNAKE Poet: D.H.Lawrence

The poem ‘Snake’ by D.H.Lawrence gives us a moral. All things created by God are beautiful. Man must learn to appreciate them. It was a hot day in July. The poet saw a poisonous snake emerging from a fissure. It was drinking water in a water trough. The voice of his education told him to kill the snake. But he could not do that. He was happy for the snake to enjoy his hospitality as his guest. But really he was afraid. The poet picked up a log and threw it against the snake. It did not hit. Convulsed in haste, the snake entered the burning bowels. The poet regretted his act. The poet was ready to expiate like the sailor who killed the albatross. He wished the snake to come back again. The snake was like a king in exile.


Kunguma Chimizh Fortnightly Registered with the Registrar of Newspaper for India under No.R.N.42528/83. Price Rs.10.00. Day of Publishing: 1st & 15th of every month

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