Japanese SECOND Language 2013
Unit 4 Outcome 2a & 2b, Unit 2 Outcome 1 & 3 Theme The Japanese-speaking communities
Texts Robots and people 1: ロボジー Robots and people 2: 高齢社会のロボット
Topic Changes in daily life
Extension reading 「ロボジー」website http://www.robo-g.jp/
Sub-topic Robots and people ロボットと人
Unit tasks and activities Reading Read Text ロボジーand answer the questions. Read Text 高齢社会のロボット and answer the questions.
Text types movie / interview / article / essay / speech / discussion / report Speaking What do you think of the message of this story? Make a speech. Answer questions about the robots in an interview. Focused language functions discussing explaining Writing investigating In this story, how are elderly people and robots are arguing pictured/described? Compare these two and write your view in an giving opinions essay. reasoning Write a review of one of the robots made for the aged society. Focused vocabulary robots technology the aged society SAC (School Assessed Coursework) Unit 4 Outcome 2 (40 marks out of 50 for Unit 4) Respond critically to spoken and written texts which reflect aspects of the language and culture of the Japanese speaking communities Assessment Task a: 600 ji informative, persuasive or evaluative written response, for example report, comparison or review (20/50 for Unit 4) b: A three- to four-minute interview on an issue related to the texts studied (20/50 for Unit 4) Unit 2 Outcome 1 (30 marks out of 100 for Unit 2) Participate in a spoken or written exchange related to making arrangements and completing transactions Assessment Task Formal letter/ fax/ email or Role-play or Interview Unit 2 Outcome 3 (30 marks out of 100 for Unit 2) Give expression to real or imaginary experience in spoken or written form Assessment Task Journal entry or Personal account or Short story
Unit 4 Outcome 2 (40 marks out of 50 for Unit 4) Respond critically to spoken and written texts which reflect aspects of the language and culture of the Japanese speaking communities Assessment Task a: 600 ji informative, persuasive or evaluative written response, for example report, comparison or review (20/50 for Unit 4) MARK RANGE
DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range
17–20 marks
Highly effective, original, personal or imaginative text focusing on an event or experience in the past, present or future. Comprehensive understanding of the narrative perspective and kind of writing required for the task, including, for example, appropriate use of an introduction, body and conclusion. Relevant and comprehensive content showing some sophistication in the writing. A broad range of language (including accurate vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and where relevant, script) is used appropriately for the audience, context, purpose and text type. Ideas are organised and effectively sequenced throughout, for example, within and between paragraphs and with cohesiveness in the writing as a whole. Simple stylistic techniques are successfully used for effect.
13–16 marks
Effective original personal or imaginative text focusing on an event or experience in the past, present or future. Clear understanding of the narrative perspective and kind of writing required for the task, including, for example, appropriate use of an introduction, body and conclusion. The content is relevant and covers a wide range of aspects within the topic. A range of language (including vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and where relevant, script) is used appropriately for the audience, context, purpose and text type. Ideas are well organised within and between paragraphs and follow a logical sequence throughout. Stylistic techniques are used.
9–12 marks
An original personal or imaginative text focusing on an event or experience in the past, present or future. Some understanding of the kind of writing and narrative perspective required for the task. The content is generally relevant and covers a range of aspects within the topic. Language (including vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and where relevant, script) is appropriate to the audience, context, purpose and text type. Ideas are organised, follow a logical sequence but may lack direction. Some stylistic techniques enhance the writing.
5–8 marks
A personal or imaginative text with original elements and some features of the kind of writing and narrative perspective required for the task. The content may be limited in scope and relevance. Language (including vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and where relevant, script) is sometimes appropriate to the audience, context, purpose and text type. Ideas may be disjointed with little attempt to organise or sequence them. Some simple stylistic techniques appropriate to the task may be attempted.
1–4 marks
Limited originality and awareness of the kind of writing, narrative perspective or content required for the task. Limited ability to use language (including vocabulary and grammar, and where relevant, script) appropriate to the audience, context, purpose and text type. Limited ability to convey meaning. Limited organisation and sequencing of ideas.
Unit 4 Outcome 2 (40 marks out of 50 for Unit 4) Respond critically to spoken and written texts which reflect aspects of the language and culture of the Japanese speaking communities Assessment Task b: A three- to four-minute interview on an issue related to the texts studied (20/50 for Unit 4) MARK RANGE
DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range
17–20 marks
Capably identifies and comments on culturally specific aspects of language, behaviour or attitudes. Presents an opinion or information about an aspect of the culture associated with the language, with a range of ideas, opinions and comparisons effectively supported by relevant evidence from the texts studied. Capably maintains and advances the exchange, linking with the partner and using effective communication and repair strategies. Uses a broad range of appropriate language, including vocabulary and grammatical structures, and achieves a very high level of accuracy. Consistently uses appropriate language for the audience, context and purpose. Demonstrates excellent pronunciation, intonation, register, stress and tempo.
13–16 marks
Identifies and comments on culturally specific aspects of language, behaviour or attitudes. Presents information about an aspect of the culture associated with the language, with particular ideas, opinions and comparisons supported by relevant evidence from the texts studied. Maintains and advances the exchange, linking with the partner and using communication and repair strategies. Uses a range of language, including appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures, and achieves a high level of accuracy. Usually uses appropriate language for the audience, context and purpose. Demonstrates good pronunciation, intonation, register, stress and tempo.
9–12 marks
Identifies and comments on some culturally specific aspects of language, behaviour or attitudes. Presents information about an aspect of the culture associated with the language, with a limited range of ideas, opinions and comparisons given. Evidence from the texts studied is offered for some of the points raised. Some understanding of the requirements of the oral interaction. Usually uses appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures, and achieves a satisfactory level of accuracy. Occasionally uses inappropriate language for the audience, context and purpose. Demonstrates minor problems in pronunciation, intonation, register, stress and tempo.
5–8 marks
Identifies some culturally specific aspects of language, behaviour or attitudes. Demonstrates limited ability to present information about an aspect of the culture associated with the language. Ideas, opinions or comparisons may be present, but minimal attempt is made to support these with evidence from the texts. Limited understanding of the requirements of the oral interaction. Uses simple language to convey meaning with limited accuracy. Demonstrates significant problems with pronunciation, intonation, register, stress and tempo.
1–4 marks
Limited awareness of culturally specific aspects of language, behaviour or attitudes applicable to the task. Demonstrates difficulties in presenting information, ideas, opinions or comparisons and little or no attempt is made to support these with evidence from the texts. Shows little evidence of understanding the requirements of the oral interaction. Very limited level of accuracy in language, using few appropriate structures and items of vocabulary. Pronunciation, intonation, register, stress and tempo interfere with ability to convey meaning.
Unit 2 Outcome 1 (30 marks out of 100 for Unit 2) Participate in a spoken or written exchange related to making arrangements and completing transactions Assessment Task Formal letter/ fax/ email or Role-play or Interview MARK RANGE
DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range
30–25 marks
Highly effective spoken or written exchange related to making arrangements or negotiating a transaction to obtain goods, services or information. Very effective use of structures appropriate to the topic and the task, and oral/written techniques, in order to advise, suggest, explain, agree or disagree. Expresses opinions or ideas commenting on relevant factual information. Maintains the communication, achieving a very high level of accuracy in the language, including vocabulary, expressions, script, punctuation, pronunciation, intonation, stress and tempo as appropriate to the task. Links and sequences ideas clearly and logically. Consistently uses appropriate register for the audience, context and purpose of the task. Self-corrects and/or rephrases if applicable.
24–20 marks
Effective spoken or written exchange related to making arrangements and negotiating a transaction to obtain goods, services or information. Effective use of structures appropriate to the topic and the task, and oral/written techniques to advise, suggest, explain, agree or disagree. Expresses opinions or ideas referring to items of relevant factual information. Maintains the communication, achieving a high level of accuracy in the language, including vocabulary, expressions, script, punctuation, pronunciation, intonation, stress and tempo as appropriate to the task. Links and sequences ideas logically. Uses appropriate register for the audience, context and purpose of the task. Usually self-corrects and/or rephrases if applicable.
19–13 marks
Some capacity to participate effectively in a spoken or written exchange related to making arrangements and negotiating a transaction to obtain goods, services or information. Some use of structures appropriate to the topic and the task, and oral/written techniques to advise, suggest, explain, agree or disagree. Expresses opinions or ideas commenting on some relevant factual information. Maintains the communication generally achieving some accuracy in the language, including vocabulary, expressions, script, punctuation, pronunciation, intonation, stress and tempo as appropriate to the task, although inaccuracies occur. Generally links and sequences ideas logically and uses appropriate register for the audience, context and purpose of the task. Generally self-corrects and/or rephrases if applicable.
12–8 marks
Limited capacity to participate in a spoken or written exchange related to making arrangements and negotiating a transaction to obtain goods, services or information. Limited use of structures appropriate to the topic and the task, and oral/written techniques to advise, suggest, explain, agree or disagree. Limited capacity to express opinions or ideas. Achieves some accuracy in the language using a narrow range of structures and vocabulary but may have significant problems in pronunciation, intonation, stress and tempo. Attempts to use appropriate register for the audience, context and purpose of the task. Unable to identify errors or to self-correct when necessary.
7–1 marks
Shows little evidence of understanding the requirements of the spoken or written exchange. Uses a very limited range of structures or oral/written techniques to advise, suggest, explain, agree or disagree. Very limited opinions or ideas. Limited accuracy in the language, using a very narrow range of structures and vocabulary. Inaccuracies in pronunciation, intonation, stress and/or tempo interfere with ability to convey meaning. Demonstrates little or no awareness of style or register. Unable to identify errors or self-correct.
Unit 2 Outcome 3 (30 marks out of 100 for Unit 2) Give expression to real or imaginary experience in spoken or written form Assessment Task Journal entry or Personal account or Short story MARK RANGE
DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range
30–25 marks
Highly effective original personal or imaginative spoken or written text focusing on an event or experience in the past, present or future. Comprehensive understanding of the conventions of the text type required for the task. Uses a broad range of language for describing, recounting, narrating or reflecting (including vocabulary and expressions, and where relevant, script) and varies language appropriate for the audience, context and purpose. Consistently organises and sequences ideas logically using a variety of stylistic techniques. Meaning is accurately and clearly conveyed.
24–20 marks
Effective original personal or imaginative spoken or written text, focusing on an event or experience in the past, present or future. Clear understanding of the conventions of the text type required for the task. Uses a range of language for describing, recounting, narrating or reflecting (including vocabulary and expressions, and where relevant, script) and varies language for the audience, context and purpose. Organises and sequences main ideas effectively using a variety of stylistic techniques. Meaning is accurately conveyed.
19–13 marks
Original personal or imaginative spoken or written text focusing on an event or experience in the past, present or future. Some understanding of the conventions of the text type required for the task. Attempts to use a range of language for describing, recounting, narrating or reflecting (including vocabulary and expressions, and where relevant, script) and attempts to vary language for the audience, context and purpose. Organises and sequences ideas using some stylistic techniques. Meaning is conveyed although inaccuracies may occur.
12–8 marks
Limited capacity to produce a personal or imaginative spoken or written text focusing on an event or experience. Limited understanding of the conventions of the text type required for the task. Uses simple language (including vocabulary and expressions, and where relevant, script) which may be generally appropriate to the audience, context and purpose. Organises and sequences ideas using some simple stylistic techniques. Inaccuracies and/or omissions affect the ability to convey meaning. Ideas may be disjointed with little attempt to organise or sequence them.
7–1 marks
Very limited capacity to produce a personal or imaginative spoken or written text. Minimal understanding of the conventions of the text type. Very limited ability to use language (including vocabulary and expressions, and where relevant, script) for the audience, context and purpose. Minimal organisation of ideas and very limited ability to convey meaning.