WOW 8 English Language Book

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English Language Book



Master Publishing 1


İSTİKLAL MARŞI Korkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak; Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak. O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak; O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak. Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilal! Kahraman ırkıma bir gül! Ne bu şiddet, bu celal? Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helal... Hakkıdır, hakka tapan, milletimin istiklal! 2




















TEEN LIFE.....................................................



THE INTERNET................................






95 104

natural forces.................................

teog sorular覺..........



rimiz ve


cile Değerli öğretmenlerimiz, öğren velilerimiz,

m ilerlerken bizler de TEOG sınavına doğru adım adı . Bizler İngilizceyi “WOW ” serisi olarak yanınızdayız aşılması gereken sadece bir ders ya da TEOG’da yiz. Artık yabancı dil zorlu bir süreç olarak görmemeli çlarından biri olmuştur. modern çağın en önemli ihtiya rek ve eğlenerek Eğer bilgiye, severek; merak ede mız da daha fazla ulaşmaya çalışırsak; kazanımları ilk sayısında ünite olacaktır. Kitabımız her ünitenin enerek okuyacağınız içerisindeki temel kelimeler, eğl aya yönelik aktiviteler, karikatürler, okuduğunu anlam ve uzman ekip keyifle çözeceğiniz alıştırmalar ime ve TEOG soruları tarafından hazırlanmış olan kel rimizin işini daha da ile bilgiye ulaşmada öğrencile kolaylaştıracaktır. 15-2016 yılı MEB Şu an elinizde olan kitabımız 20 n in English” kitabı müfredatına uygun olarak “Uptur baz alınarak hazırlanmıştır. a destek olan Kitabın sizlere ulaşmasında ban PLAN’a teşekkürü yayınevime ve özellikle Fatih KA borç bilirim. , yanlışlarınızı en aza Aktiviteleri dikkatlice yapmanız arılar kazanmanız indirmeniz ve TEOG’da üstün baş dileklerimle.





FRIENDSHIP In this unit, we will be able to... - understand apologies and excuses. Word List - accept and refuse invitations. accept - understand short, simple offers and invitation letters. animation apologise - understand simple texts on friendship. - ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and informations. arrangement barbecue bicycle race buddy busy chit chat collection competition conversation date depend on depressed event excuse forever glad great guess invitation join live show meet movie nature walking place plan poem poster promise refuse sad sender share shopping mall soccer match stranger swear thriller tournament type visit Good friends are like stars. you don’t always see them, welcoming but you know they’re always there.

: kabul etmek : animasyon : özür dilemek : düzenleme : mangal : bisiklet yarışı : arkadaş, ahbap : meşgul : laflamak : koleksiyon : yarışma : sohbet : tarih : güvenmek : bunalımlı : olay : özür : ilelebet, ömür boyu : memnun : muazzam : tahmin (etmek) : davet, davetiye : katılmak : canlı gösteri : tanışmak, karşılaşmak : film : doğa yürüyüşü : yer : plan : şiir : afiş, poster : söz vermek : reddetmek : üzgün : gönderen : paylaşmak : alış veriş merkezi : futbol maçı : yabancı : yemin (etmek) : gerilim : turnuva : tür : ziyaret (etmek) : karşılama

AT CINEMA What about a little water?

Tom and Michael are close friends. They study at a University. They live the same home together. Please. I want to sleep a little more.

Good morning, Tom. Wake up! I’m very hungry.

Hurry up! I’m having breakfast. I’m so hungry.

Michael likes having meals, going to cinema and playing computer games. Also he is a funny.

Tom likes hiking, going to picnic and going bicycle race. He is also a very hardworking and successful teen.

You start. I am coming soon.

Michael : Which film do you want to go? Tom : I want to go “Sweet November”. Michael : How is it? Tom : It’s a romance movie. Michael : OK. I think, it is a very perfect movie.

I hope so.

Please, be quiet.


I agree with you. I can’t watch it.


I’m so angry. Get out now!

Answer the questions

1. Do they study at a university?


2. Where do they go together?


3. Do they like the movie?


4. Why do they like the movie?


5. What are they talking about?


6. Why didn’t they like the movie?


7. Do they live the same home? Shall we go to the cinema this afternoon?


8. Are they going to movie theater?

I have to study. Maybe at night.


b) Write the correct column TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) TRUE FALSE

1. Tom and Michael are friends. 2. They go to a horror film. 3. They don’t like the movie. 4. Tom likes having meals. 5. Tom likes playing computer games. 6. Michael likes climbing the mountain. 7. Tom dislike sleeping much more.

Tom and Michael don’t like the movie. They don’t like the topic of movie.

The film was very bad.

8. They don’t want to go to the movie theater.

c) Complete the sentences

You choose another time.

1. Tom and Michael are close ____________________ . 2. They are living _____________________ . 3. Tom likes ____________________ and __________________ . 4. Michael likes __________________ and _________________ . 5. They don’t like _________________________ . 6. Tom wants to sleep ______________________________ . 7. Michael is having _____________________________ . 7

because he is so _____________________________ .


Let’s Learn

Complete the sentences with the correct picture.

like love hate

studying lesson. a. They like__________________


verb+ ing

Yapmaktan hoşlandığımız veya nefret ettiğimiz eylemlerde “like, love ve hate” ifadelerini kullanırız. Bu ifadelerden sonra gelen fiiller -ing ekini alır.

I like going to the concert. (Konsere gitmekten hoşlanırım.) We love watching TV at home. (Evde televizyon seyretmeyi severiz.)

b. They like _______________

They hate playing football. (Onlar futbol oynamaktan nefret ederler.) She likes going to the movies. (O sinemaya gitmeyi sever.)

c. They like _______________

My cousin likes having partyes. (Kuzenim parti yapmayı sever)

What do they like doing?


d. They like _______________

Answer the questions, using the given expression.

1. What do you like doing with your family?

(go to the cinema)

I like going to the cinema with my family. ______________________________________________

2. What does Emily like doing with her friends.

e. They like _______________

(go to the shopping centre)


3. What do they like doing with me?

f. They like _______________

(Just sit and chit-chat)


5. What does your sister like doing together?

- playing soccer together - watching movies at cinema - studying lesson - going for walks - playing computer games - going to the shopping malls

(visit relatives)


6. What do you like doing on weekends?

(drink something at a café)


7. What does your uncle like doing with you?


(eat out)


Let’s Learn

Keep in Mind! Would you like?

FUTURE TENSE (be going to) (Gelecek Zaman)

Would you like? ifadesi birine bir şeyi teklif ederken kullanılır.

Önceden planlanmış, karar verilmiş eylemler için ve gelecekle ilgili cümleler kurarken kullanılır.

İsimli tekliflerde “Would you like tea?” “Çay ister misiniz?”

Yapı olarak

Fiilli tekliflerde “Would you like to drink tea?” “Çay içmek ister misiniz?”

(be going to) + (verb)

Accepting invitations

I am going to meet friends this weekend. (Arkadaşlarla bu hafta sonu buluşacağım.) They are going to make a cake. (Onlar kek yapacaklar.)

(Teklifleri kabul ederken) I would love to (isterim)

Affirmative Sentences I He She It We You They

I would like to (isterim)


That would be great (güzel olacak) is

going to

That sounds great / fun (Kulağa hoş geliyor)


Great idea (Güzel fikir) are Refusing invitations

Negative Sentences I

He is not She (isn’t) It We are not You (aren’t) They Question Sentences

am is


(Teklifleri reddederken)


I’m sorry, but I can’t... (Üzgünüm ama....) going to


I’m afraid, but I can’t... (Korkarım ki....) I’d like to, but I can’t ... (İsterim fakat...) No,thanks ( Hayır,teşekkürler) Note: Would’un kısa hali I’d şeklinde de yazılabilir.

I He She It We You They

going to



Respond to the following invitations.

1. A- Are you busy today? We are going to the picnic.

Note: Şimdiki zamanlı cümleler de bazen yakın gelecek anlamı taşıyabilir. We are going to cinema tonight. (Biz bu gece sinemaya gideceğiz.) They are meeting at the café on weekend. (Onlar hafta sonu kafede buluşacaklar.) She is watching a movie this evening. (O bu akşam film seyredecek.)

Would you like to join us? B- (accept) ___________________________________________

2 A- Tomorrow is my birthday. Would you like to come?

B- (refuse) ____________________________________________

3. A- I have two tickets for a football match?

Time Expressions (Zaman Zarfları)

Would you like to go? B- (accept) ___________________________________________

4. A- We are going to have a party. Would you like to join us?

Tomorrow (yarın) Tonight (bu gece) Soon (yakında) Later (sonra) Next (week, year …) gelecek (hafta, yıl …)

B- (refuse) _____________________________________________

5. A- We are going to swim. Would you like to come with us? 9

B- (accept) _____________________________________________


Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. well / with / you / get / on / your friends

6 1

You get on well with your friends _______________________________________________________

2. like / would / join / us / you / to / ?


3. don’t / sci-fi / like / movies / I



4. you / like / of movies / what types / do / ?


5. going to / we / malls / the shopping / like



9. not / do / anything / to / am / I / going


10. Thriller’s / my / movies / are / favorite



Keep in Mind! to count on someone → birisine güvenmek to get on well with someone → birisi ile iyi geçinmek to have something in common → ortak birşeye sahip olmak to back someone up → birisini desteklemek


I have two tickets for a good thriller film. Would you like to watch together?


I’m sorry, but I can’t. I have very important meeting on saturday evening.


I’d love to but our family and I are going to visit my grandpa on Tuesday evening.


Yes, of course. Thriller films are my favorite. I would like to.


I’m sorry, but I have an appointment with my dentist at tomorrow evening.


That’s very kind of you. I have nothing to do on friday. I would love to.

Our basketball team is going to have a match tomorrow evening. Would you like to come with me?

8. you / doing / what / are / tonight / ?

Thank you. I would love to. I have nothing to do at weekend.


7. very / evening / I / busy / am / tomorrow _______________________________________________________


We are going to have a picnic with our class on friday. Would you like to join us?


Are you doing anything on saturday evening? Would you like to come to the cinema with me?


6. sports / playing / together / They / like

Match the invitations with the responses. Write the answers into the box.


Our class is going to have a class party on tuesday evening. Would you like to join us? Are you going to do anything at this weekend? We are having a camp with our friends. Would you like to join us?

Read the dialogue

1 2 3 4 5 6 b

Answer the questions.

Ronald : Hello. Flora : Hi, Ronald. It’s Flora calling. Ronald : Hi, Flora. Flora : Are you busy this weekend? Ronald : No, not at all. I’m going to do nothing. Why are you asking? Flora : Benjamin and I are going to movie theater on this weekend. Would you like to join us? Ronald : OK. I would love to. What kind of movie are we going to watch? Flora : Do you like a thriller or a sci-fi movie? Ronald : I like a thriller film. Flora : OK. Then. A Bruce Wills film is going to come out on this weekend. Ronald : OK. See you on weekend. Bye, Flora. Flora : Good bye Ronald. Take care of yourself.



1. What are they talking about?


2. What are they going to do on weekend?


3. What kind of movie are they going to watch?


4. Are they going to watch at home or at cinema?


5. Is flora like a sci-fi movie?



TEOG TEST 5. martha : What would you like tea or coffee? suzan : ........................... I’m a bit hungry.Do you have anything to eat?

1. Khan : Are you busy on Saturday? Sophia : No,not at all.Why? Khan : Would you like to watch movie at my home? Sophia : ……………… What types of movies do you have? Khan : I have si-fi and comedy films.

A) That would be great. B) I’m sorry, but I can’t. C) Not,really. D) I’d like to, I can’t.

A) No, thanks. B) Yes, please. C) Why not? D) Of course.

6-7-8. soruları tabloya göre cevaplandırınız.

Join the birthday party 2. Ashley : We’re going to visit my grandparent’s farm. Would you like to join us? john : ........................ . I’m not feeling well.I have to stay home.

A) Sounds good. B) I’m sorry,I can’t. C) That would be great. D) I’d love to join you.

watch movies

 




 X

 X

Sofia X

 X


A) watch movies at home B) study together with friends C) go to shopping mall D) buy some trendy clothes

7. …………... studies together with her classmates but she doesn’t like watching movies.

A) Will you take me to go there? B) Do you read a sport magazine? C) What can I do for you? D) Do you like watching movies?

4. David : Hi,do you have any plans after school? Sally : No, not at all. There is nothing special. Why? David : I’m organising a barbeque party in my garden. ...........................? Sally : Yes, I would like.

Go to shopping mall

Jane X

6. Nancy is going to join the birthday party and ………

3. Ahmet : I’m going to watch soccer match at the stadium. Are you free tomorrow afternoon? Abby : Great! ....................? Ahmet : Yes,of course! Be ready at 12 o’clock.

Study together

Clara X

A) Nancy B) Jane C) Clara D) Sofia

8. Tablodaki bilgilere göre aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?

A) Would you like to join us? B) Are you ok? C) What do you think about documentary ? D) Shall we go to the cinema?


A) Sofia is going to join the birthday party. B) Jane likes watching movies at home. C) Clara never goes to shopping mall. D) Nancy prefers studying with her friends.

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