WOW 8 English Language Check-Up

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English Language Check-Up



Master Publishing


CONTENTS 1 ......................................................3 T I N U DSHIP.................. FRIEN

9 .................... IT............2 ..................... ... ... ... ... ... UN ... ...... N LI FE TEE


3 ................................................1 UNGI......T ... ... ............ ...... COOKIN

4 ...............................................21 T I N U NICATION... U COMM

7 ...........2 ITNE5 ..................... ... ... ... ... UEN ... ... T INTER TH

6 ..........................................33 T I N U TURES............ ADVEN

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8 ........................................45 T I N U S................................. CHORE

9 ...............................................51 T I N U E.............................. SCIENC

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Test 1 1.

Peter : What do you think about Clara?

Sophia : ......................... . We usually argue with her because we haven’t the same interests.



4. Jane : ………………………… Sarah : No, not at all. There is nothing special. Why? Jane : I have two tickets for a rock concert. Would you like to come with me? Sarah : Yes, I would.

A) I think she is a true friend. B) I can’t get on well with her.

A) What types of music do you like ?

C) I don’t know her qualities.

B) Are you busy tomorrow evening?

D) I’ll make a friend with her.

C) What do you think about rock music ? D) Shall we watch a movie tonight?

5. Marta : Would you like some cheese? Liz : ......................... I’m not hungry, but I can have a cup of tea.

2. Daniel : We’re going to for a walk. Would you like to come with us? Mark : ......................... . I don’t have anything to do and I need some fresh air.

A) No, thanks. B) Yes, please. C) Why not?

A) I’m really sorry.

D) I’d love to, but I can’t.

D) Of course.


C) That would be great.


B) No, I’m not.

6. Dear Students, The School Soccer Club is organizing a soccer tournament on Saturday afternoon. It starts at 12 p.m. Please, if you want to join, ......................... .

3. Robert : I heard a good romance is playing at the movie theater.Let’s go there. Bob : Great idea! ..................... Robert : Ok! I will take you at 7 p.m.

A) Will you pick me up? B) What about sci-fi movies? C) Would you like to come?

A) watch a tennis match.

D) Do you like romances?

B) take your umbrella. C) buy a pair of rackets. D) bring your trainers.



Test 1



7. Carol’s

Photo Album

10. 11. ve 12. soruları tabloya göre cevaplayınız.






Bicycle Race

1 June

10 a.m.


Class Picnic

15 May

2 p.m.


Tennis Competition

23rd December 3 p.m.


Rock Concert

20th July



7 p.m.

10. ......................... joining the tennis competition on 23rd December.

Carol is ......................... in this photo.


A) Bill

Fotoğraf albümüne göre hangi ifade boşluğa göre uygun düşmez?

B) Tina C) David D) Bob

A) meeting her friends at the cafe B) having breakfast with her family C) doing barbecue in the garden D) camping in a mountain Publishing


8. Selçuk : We’re having a party tonight. Why don’t you join us? Jack : .......................... I have a Math exam. I have to study hard to pass it.

11. Bob is going to........................ at 7 p.m. on 20th July.

A) go to the rock concert B) have a class picnik C) join the bicycle race

A) I’m sorry, but I can’t.

D) play tennis at competition

B) That sounds great. C) It’s a good idea. D) Yes, I would like to.


9. Antony : ......................... Silvia : Nothing special, but I want to go to the movie theater. Antony : Well! Let’s go together.

Tabloya göre hangi seçenekteki ifade yanlıştır? A) Tina is going to have a picnic on 15th May. B) David’s competition starts at 3 p.m. C) Bob is going to be in concert on 20th July.

A) Do you enjoy eating out?

D) Bill is joining the bicycle race on 23rd December.

B) Do you have any plans for today? C) Do you play soccer? D) Do you like watching romances?


Test 2 1.



Nobody wants to make friends with Robin because ......................... .


A) he is always honest to us B) he never helps anyone in the class C) he has lots of the same interests D) he gets on well with everyone

Thomas and Arthur have lots of things in common. They ..........................

2. Kevin : I have two tickets for the cinema. Would you like to go with me? Joseph : I’m sorry, but I can’t. ....................

A) never shares similar likes. B) have different qualities. C) do the same things all the time. D) don’t love each other.

A) I really love watching movies B) We can go together.

6. Jessy : Would you like to come over tomorrow? We are going to have a party with a few friends. Melinda : ......................... . I have to help my mother to clean the house.

C) That would be great. D) My cousin is coming us tonight. 3. “This is the most exciting day for me. I’m going to play soccer in school team for the first time.”



A) I’d love to, but I can’t


Verilen ifadeye uygun düşen resmi işaretleyiniz.


B) Yes, I would C) That’s better D) It seems great! 7. romance Peter

 








Tabloya göre aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenebilir? A) Lara likes thrillers, but she doesn’t like romances.

4. Merve : What about watching a thriller movie? Linda : ......................... It’s my favorite type of movie. A) No, thanks.

B) I’m sorry, I can’t.

C) That’s great!

D) Not, really!

B) Peter likes romances and sci-fi movies. C) Martin doesn’t like sci-fi movies and comedies. D) Lara likes romances, but she hates thrillers.


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