KUTI#39 Kevät / Spring 2016 ISSN 1796-587X © Taiteilijat / Artists Toimitus ja julkaisija / Editorial & publisher: Kutikuti Painos / Print-run: 6 000 Päätoimittajat / Editors-in-chief: Ville Kallio, Sami Aho Taitto / Layout: Benjamin Bergman Avustajat / Assistance: Janne Kuusiniemi Kirjapaino / Printer: Salon lehtitehdas Mainosmyynti / Ad sales: kutimagazine@gmail.com Tässä numerossa / In this issue: Fanny Ehnvall (FI), Chris Ellegaard (CH), Michael Enzbrunner (CA), Roope Eronen (FI), Jyrki Heikkinen (FI), Ville Kallio (FI), Tiina Lehikoinen (FI), Hanna-Pirita Lehkonen (FI), Mika Lietzen (FI), Mushbuh (US), Lauri Mäkimurto (FI), Jaakko Pallasvuo (FI), Milla Piiroinen (FI), René Rogge (DE), Kari Sihvonen (FI), Erik Solin (FI), Jana Vasiljević (BE), Titas Vilkaitis (LT) Kansi / Cover by: Ville Kallio
Erik Solin
Jane Fonda Instructs// Squeeze, rise/ Press/ when you lead, lead, when you rise/ feel// Rise, breathe out/ take a deap breath/ a hip and your hips/ let them touch// As much as you can/feel your thigh/ hand and breast/ even closer// Squeeze forward your body/ stick on/ spread, breathe in/ repeat backwards// Even further/ move/ so strongly together/ buttocks and body//So strongly/ you should feel/ raise and lower/ repeat the movements// Written by Jane Fonda Fanny Ehnvall
Zombies! 2. Humans! Run!!! 5. No! Valtteri! My son! Liisa no! Come! We have to go! 6. Valtteri is not a zombie anymore. 7. blink blink 8. Come here. Sir. Mister sir. Come. 9. I can’´t watch my own child turning into a human. 10. That lawn is planted against regulations. It is. Yes. No. 11. So much work. I’m stressed out. 12. So much stress. A lot of work. I can’t even sleep. 13. Good bye Valtteri, my child. You have become a mindless creature among others.
You had one job 7. Your majesty, it’s time... Oh, already? Hmm... 9. Okay then. touch touch 14. whisper whisper 19. This pyramid is... ...Really nice! I mean, you did a really great work. It’s a wonderful building! A great one! Like huge and big and I like the color! It’s really nice, thanks to all of you! Really! Thank you! Thanks! 26. slip 29. touch touch René Rogge
2048 2. I’m so disappointed in humanity. 3. Post-fossil hangover. 4. Nazis and other fuckheads. 5. Bloated faces of the arrogant rich at the gala dinner. 6. A hunted giraffe, bleeding to death. 7. - 8. Capitalism has destroyed my relationships. 8. - 9. The world is sick, and because I’m not as sick, I suffer. 10. Going through my options: 11. Should I join a community formed by animals? A hole in the ground or smthng. 12. Or should I modify myself into a cyborg? 51% non-human material. 13-15. I JUST - WANT TO BE - SOMETHING ELSE Jaakko Pallasvuo
Jyrki Heikkinen
Lauri Mäkimurto Due to the difficult bilingual nature and the huge amount of puns and sayings that either don’t translate well or don’t translate at all, we have decided to leave this work untranslated.
Milla Piiroinen This story is told from the perspective of an iPhone 4S / Are you ready for your first public outing? / Ok, ready for your first PR stunt? / Dance, now! / This is how it starts! You’re going viral!
Beauty, art 2. That unbreakable chain between soul and god 3. Well I mean my understanding of god is actually quite Spinozist... Everything else would be pretty embarrassing. I’m after all pretty much a materialist 4. Sorry I’m not really making sense right now... I’ve been thinking of applying for the academy of fine arts 5. Having trouble deciding between the departments, none of them really match my understanding of art 6. Noble Academy of Fine Arts/Department of Urban Guerrilla Warfare/Department of Anti-Fascism/Department of Dealing With Meaninglessness 7. Beauty doesn’t fit into this world Ville Kallio
Michael Enzbrunner 2. Nice sunny day. Can I put my towel here?/Hot/Very hot/Surf/Fuck. Beach is way crowded/Did you say surf/The sun forever/No sure!/Can’t wait to leave (Singing)/Jesus, what is this thing?/ (Singing) Forever. Forever. Yea/(Still singing) Friends and family/Ah thanks/So much sweat 3. Is this Nano VR?/Yeah it’s called ‘ointment’. I’m turning all into pimples & puss and have to put this lotion on all the time. It’s great!/Why’s the beach so crowded today?/Wish I had one of those!/It’s super immersive!/Can’t afford one at the moment/Lost my job/Was a cat trainer for netflix/My wife Britny still has work though/Almost/Almost.../A... Spiritual experience!/All in 3D 4. No, don’t do it 5. Tell me what you see! What’s happening?/There was this vampire guy trying to tell me not to do it/Do what not?/Put ointment on! Just by hesitating for a split second I developed ane all over my arms and chest. My face is covered already/Wow!/That sounds fantastic!/Exciting!/Tell me more, man/YES/What? What?/So I just used my last bit of cream & didn’t follow the vampire’s advice and boom! I got a whole new supply of ointment!/ LOVE - IT - !/Shit. I want one of those nanos now./How much are they going for these days again?/Around 324.578,00. Ahem.../...Not that much considering what you get!/Maybe I can get another cat taming gig?/Oh.../Wait... 7. That’s our spot, hun! 8. Hey!/What’s up? 9. Get up jerks this is our spot!/But it’s fucking crowded today/Make room!/We’re playing ‘ointment’ right now. If he stops he’ll lose all points and the game is over/Ointment? Sounds cool can I try?/Sure 10. I have to give it a shot. Will only take a minute/But you’ll take me to the mall later. In your porsche, you promised!/Of course sweet heart/Ahhw 11. Holy shit! This is better than plastic surgery! Man!/Feels 100 percent real!/Oh wow just defended a vampire. Got a lot more ointment/Wow/Soooo goood/How long does the battery last?/I’m so happy right now/I want to be next I want to be next!/Best beach day ever/Told you!/Don’t ruin my score, please
Oh crap!
A new movie poster!
It is said that in life there are unlimited possibilities.
Rymsk! More suspense in your life!
They are unlimited‌
possibilities to screw up!
No! No more suspense in my life!
Out of order
Roope Eronen
The Tights of Northern Lights / once upon a time there was a guy / who was obsessed with the sky / people came to see it even from the jungle / because he had the tights of Northern Lights / which lighten the path to skiers Tiina Lehikoinen
Titas Vilkaitis
Our kingdom moved underwater to escape the endless violence
Jana Vasiljević
Tilaa sivisTysTä ja solidaarisuuTTa! Puoli vuotta (3 numeroa) uudelle tilaajalle nyt vain 16,90 e! Kaupan päälle uusin numero (teemana kulttuuriyrittäjät)! w w w. KulT T u ur i v ihKo T. f i
politiikka | kulttuuri aktivismi | liberolehti.fi vuositilaus Libero_4 - 2015.indd 1
20 euroa (4 nroa)
07/12/15 12:24
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