WWW.SUOMENPELIMUSEO.FI Suomen pelimuseo avautuu 5.1.2017 Museokeskus Vapriikissa Tampereella
Søren Mosdal
I never take the a�ernoon train if I don’t have to. // People are like slalom poles, I don’t want to touch them, burst anyones’ bubble. // These devices are connected so everyone can be “me”. // I’m not connected to anyone. // BE-BEEB- DING / Already at the first sta�on I took my first beta blocker. // 13 inner-city train stops before the long-distance railroad. Dozens of repe��ons, telling us where we started and where we’re heading to. // “Oh what a lovely sound of li�le feet upstairs! / BOOM BOOM BOOM / “Our Pekko started the French school...”// “And WHAT did the shop steward say to THAT? Ha ha ha...” / One, two, three, four, five. / Five knuckles. All five there. // I am a bad person.
The braking distance of a train is hundreds of meters. // A human being is torn to shreds, cut up to pieces. // “One two, three. Three joints.” / I’m not sure if I s�ll exist. / How can I be sure that I’m s�ll here? / Of the fact that I can speak out loud? By feeling anxiety and panic? // I am so close to falling apart. / WHUSHHH Puolimieli - Half-minded is a part of an inclusive web comic called ComicsAboutMadness (hulluussarjakuvia.sarjakuvablogit.com). Viivi Rintanen draws real-life stories of madness soon also in English. Check the sequals of Half-minded from the blog in 2017!
Hi Heikki! dumb. This is kinda t ou it e Leav e it! if you feel lik
Rii�a Uusitalo: LOVE 18,98€, please! / A sec. I’ll get my wallet.
A�aboy. / DAMMIT!
You will be serviced by the next cashier •LOL• / And now, some music by Ian Dury: “Hit me with your rhythm s�ck”
Step inside
Joonas Järvi
Aiju Salminen: KOVIA VALINTOJA, VAIKEITA PÄÄTÖKSIÄ | KYLLÄ syö paskaa - juhlakakkaa tai syö kakkua - syn�ärikakkua / ? helve�, kiva paikka / lyhyet hiukset, pitkät hiukset / Moi! Tuutko käymään, syödä popcornia ja katsoa ne�lixiä? / Ei kiitos, aja�elin mennä käymään siellä hylätyssä kummitustalossa itsekseni. / Muistatko paikan? Metsässä hautausmaan vieressä. / Pitäisikö minun koi�aa tar�ua tuohon oksaan ja pelastaa itseni? / EI / Ehkä menen vain virran mukana / Pitäisikö minun äänestää ihmistä vai HIRVIÖTÄ? / Pitäisikö mennä vai jäädä? / Mitkä kengät lai�aisin?
CLOUDY | Katja Ronkanen 2016 I’m swimming in cloudy water, dodging yellow water-lilies / I was hoping to find you here, in our secret hiding place / Oh boy! Your ridiculous sense of humour / I laughed even when I didn’t understand / There it was good to lie around and build offices and kennels and fortresses and what not, all made out of s�cks and seashells / My fear comes true when I find our island deserted / There’s no sign of anyone ever se�ng foot here
For a while I sit by the water, toes deep in the mud and remember the leeches we constantly had to escape / Now even they are nowhere to be seen. The memory is star�ng to fade away / Maybe it wasn’t even here / I dive back in the freezing water and suspect, if everything was just a fantasy / I’m looking out the window at the s�ll greyness of the water / In reality, I wouldn’t be able to find our hiding place anymore / Did it even exist? / Be�er stop such foolishness / And focus on what’s important.
A DAY ON THE WEB | 2. Is that a black eye / fuck you / that was a genuine worried ques�on / it’s a dark circle / goddammit / it’s that bad? / Write a message… 3. I’m figh�ng myself here to take out the trash that smells like death / if it smells like death it won’t be any worse tomorrow / game’s already lost, might as well do it later / yea right / Write a message… 9. My power animal is THE OWL
Sanna Hukkanen
Leo Kuikka & Heikki Rönkkö | 1. He always just wanted to drive the tractor. So I was told. 2. Miracles? Don’t think so, nah… 3. I’m s�ll in the wheelchair! 4. He gave me these, these are Jesus’ jeans… 5. Umm well. He walked funny. 6. Walked with a limp. 7. Hah… grannies kni�ed him wool socks. He didn’t wear them. 8. He did make wine into those old oil barrels! It was enough for three days… 9. I think he just wanted to drive that tractor. Can’t say if he was Jesus or not.
Pen� Otsamo: YAWNS | 1. Many who abstain from products of animal origin would like to help their winged friends during the winter. 2. The unfortunate fact is that many of the visitors of the bird feeders are predators, that is, carnivores. / “contains animal fat” 3. But ethical and ecological obstacles do not necessarily have to be insurmountable. / Today’s offer: liposuc�on while wai�ng 4. At least ones eagerly following the so-called “chips & beer” vegan diet might have an op�on. / There’s not that much here… / Be�er li�le than none! 5. The generous helper will be delighted to watch how the self-made feed disappears into ravenous beaks. 6. A downside to self-originated winter feed is the possibility of birds’ taking a fancy to the taste of humans.
Mielonen & Otsamo
TILA A SIVIST YSTÄ JA SOLI SO LIDA DAARIS ARIS UU UUTT TTA! A! Puoli vu otta (3 numeroa) uude lle tilaajalle nyt vain 16,90 e! WW W. KU LT TU UR IV IHKO T. FI
Jyrki Mäki
Apinain Tarzan – Kultainen leijona
Janne Kukkonen
Vauhtia ja vaarallisia tilanteita eksoottisissa maisemissa!
Tuhti paketti vilpitöntä Tarzan-nostalgiaa
Huima fantasiaseikkailu kaikenikäisille lukijoille!
Comics about Madness - real-life stories of mental illness by the insane. Soon in English!