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Jasmin Anoschkin Golden Menstruation 6.3.–12.4.2020 Kim Somervuori Maalaus Rules O.K. 17.4.–10.5.2020 Joel Karppanen Alhaisolauluja 15.5.–14.6.2020

www.galleryhalmetoja.com Avoinna: ti, to, pe 11–17 ke 11–19 la, su 12–16 Kalevankatu 16, Helsinki

#55 KEVÄT / SPRING 2020

© Taiteilijat / Artists

ISSN 1796-587X


Toimitus ja julkaisija / Editorial & publisher Kutikuti Päätoimittajat / Editors-in-chief Antti Kurvinen & Evangelos Androutsopoulos Taitto / Layout Evangelos Androutsopoulos Painos / Print-run 5 000

Kirjapaino / Printer Printall AS

Mainosmyynti / Ad sales kutimagazine@gmail.com

Tässä numerossa / In this issue Elisa Malo & Abraham Díaz (MX), Essi Nieminen (FI), Mikko Väyrynen (FI), Lucia Ceta (CA), Tiina Lehikoinen (FI), Lilly Williams (UK), Pablo Boffelli (AR) Kansi / Cover Evangelos Androutsopoulos (FI) Kuti-lehteä julkaiseva Kutikuti ry on vuonna 2005 perustettu nykysarjakuvaan erikoistunut yleishyödyllinen ja taiteilijavetoinen yhdistys. Voit tilata Kuti-lehden myös kotiisi. Suomeen neljä numeroa sisältävän vuositilauksen hinta on 14 euroa, ulkomaille 22 euroa. Teet tilauksen kätevimmin kotisivuillamme osoitteessa www.kutikuti.com. Kuti-lehden seuraava numero ilmestyy kesäkuussa 2020.

Kuti magazine is edited and published by Kutikuti, a nonprofit and artist-driven comics association. You can also subscribe to Kuti. The subscription fee is 14 euros for one year (four issues). Abroad, the subscription costs 22 euros per year. All issues feature translations in English. The best way to subscribe is to visit our website at www.kutikuti.com. The next issue will be out in June 2020.

Piirros: Emmi Nieminen

Elisa Malo & Abraham DĂ­az: Rancho Viejo Feast

1 Don’t forget your raincoats!

1 Hey dad, have you ever seen a real Chaneque? 2 Fuck yeah! 3 They’re small and naughty, they look like children with grandpa faces! 4 Heh heh... They like stealing and confusing those that go into the woods. 5 And to avoid that... You have to put your shoes on the wrong foot.

1 I’m scared. 2 I can’t believe you’re frightened by stories, kids... 5 Don’t stay behind. Keep close!

3 I want to go home... / Oh shit... / Shhhh!

1 After a while... / Oh shit... I don’t seem to recognize this path anymore. 3 Listen girls. 4 I lost track of the main road. Stay inside that tree while I search for a way back home. 5 Stay put!! / Are we lost!?

3 And so...

Essi Nieminen: Visiting broom (a Finnish word to describe someone who enjoys spending time in other peoples homes) 1 It’s a short walk to Maria’s house. 2 Down the hill through Olli-park, past the willow trees and a little bit to the left on Aittakatu. 3 In my Prisma(supermarket) plastic bag I have a toothbrush and pyjamas, sometimes also chips or a towel.4 It’s fun to roll the bag around my wrist, up and down.5Or perhaps the ham bake from yesterday...

1 Howdy! 2 Welcome you... / Will you stay overnight? / ...yeah 3 Hey Essi come by the fridge immediately!!! 4 We went to Prisma today / Come and see. 5 Let’s take a pudding each

2 The decoration is very rich and dusty 3 Everywhere: decorative objects, plastic plants 4 rattan, dark-brown wood 5 On the wall hangs a decorative tile, that always catches my attention / Ullas kitchen is homes’… 6 Ullas kitchen is homes’… / Ants! / Sugar ants / Ullas kitchen is homes’…

2 Dad! / Make us some toasts! 3 Salami, ketchup and cheese! / And also silver tea! 4 Ouch! 5 Pertti is always serving us. Everything is nice and greasy. Even the salad is sometimes fried in the pan with a lot of butter. / Here comes the cola! 6 While waiting, we can have some oat-cookies, fizzy drinks or sugar coated animal-shaped chocolate cereal.

1 A-ha, did someone order toasts with salami and cheese? / Yes sir! 2 Just put it in where the voice comes from... ...hahah 4 Hey by the way where is that silver tea draggling? / Coming 5 Hairdresser Ulla Markkanen, Ulla speaking - well hello! / Yes. Lets see… 6 Just wait a second… Yes… Well yes, no problem… Yes… So shall we make it fifteen past fifteen then? And let’s start with the perm? … Yes...

1 Alright, welcome then / See you! / byyyye! 3 Come on let’s go 5 It’s your turn to sit on the sink / Heh, yup 6 There is a similar sink in the toilet as there is in the hairdresser. It is pretty good to sit there and pee.

1 We do everything together / Sometimes we take Seiska-tabloids with us to Maria’s room. 2 We play roles, watch VHSes, eat chips, wrestle 3 Fingers get dirty from the chips and we wipe them on our shirts / Weird smell‌ 5 If I have left my pyjamas home, Maria will borrow me one of hers. It is almost always too small. 6 Maria is older than me, but a lot shorter.

1 She is small, fierce and demanding. / It has to fit because you are younger than me 2 And she is missing some teeth 4 She is my best friend and I admire her so much.

Mikko Väyrynen

Tekijän Nimi: Duunin nimi 1 Dit quat et ut occullaborum quibeatquas dolum am facearcipsam nim volupta tquassi dolore la doluptatio. Tur? Em quas ereprat quatio ea cone in ressi dolest, seque repro beaquo con estem. Ciis ipitasp erferfe rnatisq uiasim doloriam ut eturibus molorit asperro comnimusae. Ommod esectatquis voluptatur aut illaceritae re landipsum quaerum qui dolore, nullupta as comnihil int rehenim nia conemped quam quo quisciet dellorporia nihit officip sapiti simintibusda simil maiossi ncipiditium veratio nsectur, nusaescius et perspienihic test aut vel in expedios sedi nobis dolorep ratempori utemporum dolum fuga. Velibea corepro reperspit venis am qui blaciur ibusam aut am coreperis dolorum at.












n Helsi







scifi ★ fantasia ★ kauhu kirjat ★ leffat ★ sarjakuvat PORTHANINKATU 9 ● OO53O HELSINK I



www.tahtivaeltaja.com www.tahtivaeltajablogi.com



Ei ajatuspaja tai vaippamerkki, vaan

uusliberalismia ja lapsentekotalkoita kriittisesti tarkasteleva mielipide- ja kulttuurilehti


ja taisteluja ”Taiteellisesti kunnianhimoinen suurteos.” – Seura

Caravaggio: Armahdus

Kalevala: Sampo

Caravaggio oli yksi barokin aikakauden suuria maalareita. Milo Manaran upea sarjakuvaromaani kertoo Caravaggion elämän loppuvaiheista, jotka ovat täynnä seikkailuja, kauniita naisia ja miekkataistelua – mutta myös surua ja kipua.

Häikäisevä sarjakuvatulkinta Suomen kansalliseepoksesta jatkuu. Väinämöinen, Lemminkäinen ja muut urhot lähtevät Pohjolaan ryöstääkseen Sammon, mutta heitä odottaa Pohjolan emäntä kauheine voimineen.





Fort Navajo, Ukkosta lännestä, Yksinäinen kotka

Blueberry-albumit 1 – 3 Kadonnut ratsumies, Navajojen jäljillä, Hopeatähti

Blueberry-albumit 4 – 6 OK Corral, Dust, Apassit

Blueberry-kokoelman loppuhuipennus

Legendaarinen lännensarjakuva upeina kirjoina. Blueberry-kokoelmat sisältävät jännittävien seikkailujen lisäksi runsaasti Suomessa ennen julkaisematonta materiaalia.

”Henkeäsalpaavan upea.” – Etelä-Suomen Sanomat

Lucia Ceta: Talvet Limassa / Winters in Lima 1 Living in Lima is hard 2 Existing in a constant state of anxiety.

2 I moved to Montreal when i was 17. I usually come back just for chirstmas. 3 But I´ve spent the last three summers here. Taking care of my mom.

1 Summers in Montreal are winter in Lima when it’s winter in Lima. / The sky is grey every day. 2 I´ve lost three summers here.

1 Taking care of someone sick is hard. I always feel tired. And lonely. And angry, and sad.

1 It’s been good having family and friends be so supportive. Because cancer isn’t like they show on TV. 2 It doesn’t come neatly packaged: diagnosis+treatment=outcome. 3 (friend) In reality it´s complex and no one really know what´s going to happen. It´s a state of constant uncertainty.

1 Will the treatment work? Will the cancer come back? Will she die? Will she have any quality of life left after the treatment? How long will I need to stay here in Lima, with my whole life on hold? 2 I feel guilty and selfish for thinking about myself. But I can´t help it. I feel angry and exhausted. 3 I´m trying to stay positive. To not lose hope. 4 But it´s been hard.

Tiina Lehikoinen: Luolakaupunki / Cave city

Lilly Williams: Se valtava asia / The enormous thing 1 What is that? / What? / That enormous thing there. / What do you mean? / That huge thing next to you. / Oh its just this enormous thing that might explode one day and kill us all. 2 What?? / Yeah but no-one really talks about it, I forget its there. / you do? 4 I thought I had forgotten about it myself. 5 But then I started to notice that I kept coming back and sitting in front of it. 6 I didn’t realise I was doing it. 7 I would just find myself suddenly there. 8 Just sitting, staring. 9 Contemplating

1 Eventually it was all I could think about. 4 I set up camp. 5 I just wanted to keep an eye on it. 6 After a while other started to join me. 8 We just felt a need to watch.

1 Now there were so many of us paying attention we realized that the enormous thing was growing ever so slightly bigger as the days went on 2 It was happening so slowly 3 we probably wouldn’t have noticed if we hadn’t stopped 4 to watch 6 we began to discuss what we could do about it. / Maybe we could send it in to space? 7 Or maybe we could bury it deep underground 8 Maybe if we continue to study it closely we can find a way to make sure it never explodes? / Maybe we should all just move far away? 9 Maybe we should all live deep underground! / I’ll invent something to regulate it! / But what? / The problem is we don’t really understand how it works. / Isn’t there some way we can diffuse it? / Could we cut it up?

1 We eventually decided that the best thing would be if everyone who was able to took a small piece away with them. 2 We think that this way everyone might have to deal with a small explosion causing minimum harm, where as if it had stayed whole the violent explosion would have caused huge destruction. 3 Some people buried their piece in the garden. 4 other kept it in the attic. 5 Some who didn’t have much space found alternative solutions… 6 Some liked to be able to see it often. 8 Some built a kind of shrine. A There haven’t been any explosions. B Yet…

Pablo Boffelli: Crash!

Tuli & Savun


Jyväskylän kaupunginkirjastossa 6.–30.5.2020

#tulijasavu #postitaide2020 #nihilinterit #nokturno.fi

postitaidenayttely_.indd 1

Maan ainoassa alan yleislehdessä luodataan sarjakuvan nykytilaa, arvioidaan uutuusalbumit ja pienlehdet, raportoidaan festivaalikuulumiset ja haastatellaan kiinnostavimmat tekijät kotimaasta ja ulkomailta. TILAA SARJAINFO! €). Sarjakuvaseuran jäsenyys 35 € (alle 18 v. 30 € Saat myös jäsenkortin ja rahanarvoisia etuja sekä tuet suomalaista sarjakuvaa. » www.sarjakuvaseura.fi » www.sarjakuvakeskus.fi

13/11/2019 10

TAIDETYÖPAJAT YRITYKSILLE Upeat workshopit helposti verkkokaupastamme! Kuule ensimmäisten joukossa lisää palvelusta, ja kokoa kokemuksia ja elämyksiä tapahtumiisi! napaschool


Aika jänniä näyttelyitä sieltätäältä. Kissankulma (Kissamaankatu 11, Tre) Osallistu> pikkuprantti@gmail.com

Ada kylmän sodan keskellä. Vietkong, CIA, JFK, 1960-luku! Vihdoin saatavana: sarjakuvakauppa.fi

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