>> STRUCTURE | Eurovea |SK
Poloha/ Location: Bratislava – centrum, Pribinova /Bratislava-city centre, Pribinova street Autor/ Architect: Ing. arch. Marek Varga, Ing. arch. Miroslav Vrábel, Ing. arch. Branislav Kaliský, Bose International Planing & Architecture Michel Desvigne Developer/ Developer: Ballymore Properties, s. r. o./ IR Realizácia/ Construction: ZIPP Bratislava, spol. s r. o., Združenie Eurovea, ZIPP/PORR SK 2006-2010 Rozloha/ Area: 64333m2 Stručný popis územia/ Brief description: Residential zone River place with 254 luxury apartments, providing panoramic views of the river, located on the left bank of the Danube on Pribinova street, between Apollo bridge and Old Bridge, in the neighborhood of new Slovak national theatre building and the Tower 115 office building. The project originated at the former brownfield of Apollo refinery destroyed at the end of the II. World War, therefore were needed extensive rehabilitation due to petroleum contaminated soil. Eurovea extends the narrowest city centre with number of shops and spaces fo entertainment and leisure time. It is well connected to the road network and public transport (bus stop is located directly in front of the building, ie. on Šafárik square on the remote 500m). The project in its first phase (2007-2010) of floor area of 230 000 m2 includes office space (24 000 m2) luxury apartments (235) with views of Danube situated on the south side of the complex, five star hotel, cinema (9 halls), the largest underground parking lot in Bratislava (1729 cars), commercial arcade Galleria Eurovea (60 000 m2), fitness centre, casino, 25-meter pool. The complex has high urbanity degree, perfectly completes the current city centre and its integration into urban structure will even get better by realization of investments in following areas. Planned second phase of project includes high-rise office buildings as well as additional hotel capacities and shops. It counts with building of the newest skyscrapers, the highest should be 33 floor high and following from 13 to 28 floor.
>> STRUCTURE | Eurovea |SK Údaje/Parameters: Celková plocha/Total area: 64333 m2 Plocha parcely/Ground area:63796 m2 Stupeň zastavanosti v %/ Build area %: 0.38 Hĺbka bloku budov/ The depth of the block of buildings: 20 m Hrubá podlažná plocha nad úrovňou/ Gross floor area above: 153518 Z toho bývanie m2/%/ Of which housing: 0.29 Z toho sociálne a osobné služby m2/%/ Of which social and personal services: 0.71 Hustota podlažných plôch/ Density of floor area: 2.41 Plocha bytov spolu m2/ Total area of flats m2: 7045 Nezastavané plochy spolu m2/ Unbuild areas total m2: 39965 Z toho verejné m2/ Of which public m2: 37967Z toho verejné %/ Of which public %: 95 Z toho poloverejné m2/ Of which semipublic m2: 2022 Z toho poloverejné %/ Of which semipublic %: 5 Z toho súkromné m2/ Of which private m2: 0 Z toho detské ihriská m2/ Of which playgrounds m2: 0 Z toho detské ihriská %/ Of which playgrounds %: 0 Dopravné plochy m2/ Traffic areas m2: 537 Nadzemné parkoviská m2/ Surface parking m2: 0 Podzemné parkoviská/Underground parking: 1729 places Index zelených plôch/ Index of green areas:0.14 Zelené plochy m2/ Green areas m2: 9118 Dĺžka obslužných komunikácií m/ Lenght of service roads m: 150 Dĺžka zberných komunikácií m/ Lenght of collecting roads: 0 Zásobovanie energiou/Energy supply: externé elektrina, plyn, extern electricity, gas