Karlova Zatoka

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>> STRUCTURE | Karloveská zátoka |SK Poloha/ Location: Botanicka ulica/ Botanicka street Autor/ Architect: Karola Stassel + Juraj Šujan Developer/Developer: J & T REAL ESTATE, a. s. Realizácia/ Construction: SKANSKA PS, a. s.2005- 2006 Objem investície/Investment volume: 18 260 000 Euro Stručný popis územia/ Brief description: Residential complex Karloveské rameno in Botanická street is located near the center of Bratislava. It is well connected to the road network of the city (the highway is located very close, as well as bridge Lafranconi) and tram network of public transport. The objects were completed in 2006. The project designed by architects Karol Stassel and Juraj Šujan consists of two residential houses, both have the same shape of the rectangular volumes in a form of a cascade. The two terrace houses of this complex are descending towards the Danube river and provide high comfort to its residents, which is not just the result of the natural environment in contact with the meander of the Danube, but also conclusion of a sensitive architectural concept and proposal designed perfectly with all the details. Comfort of living in the „embrace” of Danube was, however, not the only priority – together with the residential complex the flood protection was realized in this part of the river bank and the pedestrian promenade with bicycle lanes as well. The complex includes underground garage for 163 cars, 144 flats (2-6 rooms) starting with 57qm with terraces (60qm) and roof gardens, In the basement of both buildings there is underground parking, home and technical facilities and repositories of the apartments. The first floor is equipped with public facilities and services and from the second floor above there are the flats. Both objects have some duplex apartments on the top level (eighth floor). A large grocery store is located 400 meters from the complex. In the close neighborhood of this residential complex are also university botanical garden, university college, sports facilities and the shipyard a center for water sports.


>> STRUCTURE | KARLOVA VES |SK SCHÉMATICKÝ REZ | SCHEMATIC SECTI Údaje/Parameters: Celková plocha/ Total area: 14361 m2 Plocha parcely/ Ground area: 13203 m2 Stupeň zastavanosti v %/ Build area %: 0.24 Hĺbka bloku budov/ The depth of the block of buildings: 24 m Počet podlaží / Number of floors: 9 Hrubá podlažná plocha nad úrovňou/ Gross floor area above: 28521 Z toho bývanie m2/%/ Of which housing: 1 Z toho sociálne a osobné služby m2/%/ Of which services: 0




Hustota podlažných plôch/ Density of floor area: 2.16 Plocha bytov spolu m2/ Total area of flats m2: 3169 Počet bytových jednotiek/ Number of housing units: 140 Nezastavané plochy spolu m2/ Unbuild areas total m2: 11192 Z toho verejné m2/ Of which public m2: 11192 Z toho verejné %/ Of which public %: 100 Z toho poloverejné m2/ Of which semipublic m2: 0 Z toho poloverejné %/ Of which semipublic %: 0 Z toho súkromné m2/ Of which private m2: 0 Z toho súkromné %/ Of which private %: 0 Z toho detské ihriská m2/ Of which playgrounds m2: 0 Z toho detské ihriská %/ Of which playgrounds %: 0 Dopravné plochy m2/ Traffic areas m2: 2198 Nadzemné parkoviská m2/ Surface parking m2: 1040 Index zelených plôch/ Index of green areas: 0.57 Zelené plochy m2/ Green areas m2: 7563 Dĺžka



Lenght of service roads m: 209 Dĺžka zberných komunikácií m/ Lenght of col lecting roads: 0


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