Bulletin Newspaper 10 April 2020

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10 April 2020





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■ Jeff Jackson Die VF Plus het gisteroggend, Donderdag die 9de April, met die minister van toerisme, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, in gesprek getreë en het ʼn dringende beroep op haar gedoen om die kriteria vir die hulppaket van R200 miljoen aan klein-, mikroen mediumgrootte ondernemings (KMMO’s) te herroep en om ag te slaan op die VF Plus se voorstelle om groot skade en werkverliese in dié sektor te vermy. Die VF Plus dring ook daarop aan dat die minister van handel en nywerheid, Ebrahim Patel, die sektorale bepalings en die toepaslike wetgewing ten opsigte van Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging (SEB ook bekend as BBBEEE) opskort vir ten minste hierdie tyd van nood om dit vir die verskillende departemente moontlik te maak om hulp te bied ongeag daarvan. Volgens die party is dit skokkend en onaanvaarbaar dat die regering in ʼn tyd waar dit vir elke onderneming belangrik is om die gevolge van die Covid-19-inperking te oorleef, steeds ras gebruik om te besluit wie hulp gaan kry om te oorleef, en wie nie. Minister Kubayi-Ngubane het vandeesweek

aangekondig dat die bystand vir KMMO’s gegee sal word in ooreenstemming met die ANC se beleid oor SEB en ekonomiese transformasie. Volgens dié party het die toerismesektor ʼn baie hoë indiensnemingsyfer, en die minister se optrede kan groot werkverlies tot gevolg hê. Michal Groenwald, woordvoerder vir die VF-Plus, meen dat die meeste KMMO’s in die toerismesektor alleen-eienaars is wat daarom nie gebonde was aan die bemagtigingsvoorskrifte nie. “Omdat die sektor meestal ongeskoolde werkers in diens het, is dit ironies dat swart werkers die hardste getref sal word deur afleggings,” sê hy. “Met Covid-19 moet die regering die heersende probleme en omstandighede verreken en hanteer en nie dié van die verlede nie. SEB-kriteria wat op ras en regstelling gegrond is, is misplaas en skep nuwe diskriminasie sonder om te handel met die huidige probleme.” Die party sê verder in ‘n persverklaring wat gister uitgeryk is dat met SEB as kriterium, die regering slagoffers skep in die huidige krisis. “Dit kan ʼn groot verleentheid vir die regering skep aangesien sake-eienaars ʼn internasionale mark bedien en sommige ʼn sterk internasionale profiel het.” Soos in die boodskap aan die minister vermeld,

is ʼn groot komponent van die toerismebedryf gebou op eenman-ondernemings wat daagliks toeriste rondneem en avontuursportsoorte soos valskermspring aanbied. Die VF Plus stry dat dit onmoontlik is vir sulke ondernemings om aan enige SEB-vereistes te voldoen en die regering stuur met hierdie kortsigtige en onmenslike besluit die boodskap aan wit entrepreneurs in die bedryf, dat hulle oorlewing en bydrae tot die ekonomie nie vir die regering belangrik is nie. Die wet wat SEB rig moes, met die inwerking stelling van spesiale Covid-19-maatreëls, dadelik opgehef gewees het om sodoende toe te sien dat SEB-bepalings nie ʼn rol speel in die toekenning van fondse aan sake-ondernemings nie. Die VF Plus wil intussen die eienaars van alle KMMO’s aanmoedig om steeds aansoek te doen om hulp. Die party sal alle moontlikhede oorweeg om die regering tot ander insigte te bring oor die saak, of om hom daartoe te dwing as dit moet. “Die VF Plus het nog altyd gesê rassistiese beleid soos RA en SEB is diskriminerend en een van die hoofredes vir die kreeftegang van Suid-Afrika se ekonomie. Die party sal voortgaan om dit ten sterkste teen te staan tot dit geskrap word in die belang van almal in die land.”

Two taken down Serialist arrested

Jeff Jackson

Two suspects aged 20 and 21, were arrested on Saturday, 4th of April, at Makhasa Village in the Hlanganani policing area after they were found in possession of suspected stolen properties. The suspects were arrested during a sting joint operation conducted over the weekend, involving members from Giyani Crime Intelligence Unit, Hlanganani Detectives and Visible Policing. The suspects were traced and cornered at their residential place. During the arrest, police confiscated various items such as groceries, clothing, perfumes and cigarettes valued at more than R20 000. Preliminary investigations linked the suspects to two business burglary incidents committed around Hlanganani area last month. Further investigations were conducted, and the suspects were linked with attempted business robbery around the Zebediela policing precinct. The origin of these recovered items will still be determined by the ongoing investigations. The suspects may be connected to other similar incidents in this area and across the province. The two suspects Moses Mutshidzi Ndou (20) and Boniswe Mokwena (21), have appeared in the Tiyani magistrate’s court on the 6th of April on charges of business burglary and possession of suspected stolen properties. Their cases were postponed to 14th of April for formal bail applications and further Police investigations.

Jeff Jackson

A 32-year-old serial criminal, Khomotso Gerald Makua, who was sought for serious and violent crimes including murder, rape and burglary was arrested in Sterkfontein in the early hours of Tuesday, 7th of April in the Hlogotlou Policing area outside Groblersdal. This arrest followed an intelligence driven operation comprising the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences (FCS) and Crime Prevention (CPU) Units in the area. The crimes were allegedly committed between 2015 and 2019. In one of the incidents that occurred at the Legolaneng public place on the 28th of September 2016 at around 16:45, Police were allegedly alerted about a murder. Upon arrival at the scene, they found the body of a woman with multiple injuries and some body parts missing. She was later identified as Thabitha Makola (62). A case of murder was then opened and Police immediately commenced with investigations, hunting for the suspect(s) involved. The suspect was subsequently arrested through the forensic investigations that followed and was further linked to four other cases of rape and three cases of residential burglary in the area. The motive behind the murder is still being investigated but ritual murder cannot be ruled out. Makua appeared in the Nebo Magistrate’s court on Wednesday where his trail was inexplicably postponed to the 22nd of April for a former bail application. The SAPS Provincial Commissioner in Limpopo, Lt Gen Nneke Ledwaba, applauded this team of police members for their endless efforts in ensuring the suspect is arrested and will face the full might of the law.

Cuffed for smokes

The police in Lephalale have arrested a 27-year old man for trading in illicit cigarettes in that town’s CBD on Monday afternoon. According to the SAPS provincial spokesperson, Col Moatshe Ngoepe, the suspect, Lebona Abo, was arrested after the police received a tip-off that he was selling cigarettes from his corner shop a few blocks from the police station. Upon arrival at the shop, the officers found and seized illicit cigarettes with the approximate street value of R750 000 in the storeroom of the establishment. He had an accomplice at the time of the police raid, but the man managed to evade arrest and was, at the time of going to print, still sought by the police. On Wednesday, Abo appeared in the Lephalale magistrate’s court where he was released on R2 000 bail and his case postponed until the 11th of June pending further police investigations into the matter. The charge he is facing is “trading in illicit cigarettes”. It is still not certain why he was not charged under the disaster management act, or whether this charge will still be added to the sheet.

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Jeff Jackson

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 10/04/2020

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10 April 2020



National Covid lockdown extended to May ■

Joe Dreyer

In what was arguably the second most anticipated live appearance by the president, Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the nation last night (Thursday evening) to affirm the fears of an entire nation. “If we end the lock down too soon and too abruptly, we risk reversing the gains we have made over the last weeks… After careful consideration of the available evidence, the National Coronavirus Command Council has decided to extend the nationwide lockdown by a further two weeks beyond the initial 21 days.” That precise moment will undoubtedly be recognized by future generations as the day the

SMME suffered cardiac arrest. Many small and medium business owners in the formal sector are more than just a little concerned about the effects that the lock down, which has now been extended by another two weeks, will have on what remains of their now fast-depleting financial reserves. Many lodges, pubs and restaurants rely on the spend of daily guests to their establishments. As a result of the complete shutdown of the restaurant industry, many local restaurateurs have had to lay off their entire staff contingent - adding to the already worrisome unemployment figure which was at 29% before the lock down. Though there have been many platforms created by government to assist the SMME owner to minimize the effect of this lock down and perhaps even rescue their businesses from bankruptcy, the red tape surrounding applications and the uncertainty of who exactly qualifies for the bailouts have steered many away from the olive branch. In his speech, Ramaphosa made mention of the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) which has already paid out R356 million of the R40 billion set aside for the lock down. He also mentioned that the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) has set aside R3 billion for the procurement of essential medical supplies and that it has already approved R130 million in funding - and expects to approve a further R400 million in the coming week - to companies who applied for funding under this special facility. The Small Enterprise Finance Agency has approved the postponement of loan repayments for a period of 6 months. Government has reprioritised R1.2 billion to provide relief to smallholder farmers and to contribute to the security of food supply. In addition to these expenditure measures, the Reserve Bank has also lowered interest rates and has taken measures to inject liquidity into the

economy. “I am pleased to report that the Solidarity Fund – which was established to mobilise resources from companies, organisations and individuals to combat the coronavirus pandemic – has so far raised around R2.2 billion,” he added. “It has already allocated around R1 billion to buy sterile gloves, face shields, surgical masks, test kits and ventilators. It will also allocate funds for humanitarian relief to vulnerable households, in addition to the R400 million set aside by government for Social Relief of Distress grants.” In one of the most favoured announcements, the president said that himself, the deputy president, ministers and deputy ministers would each take a one-third cut in their salaries over the next three months which would be donated to the solidarity fund. The highest paid members of the national assembly are the speaker of the national assembly and the chairperson of provinces who each earn R2 825 470 annually – the same as the salary of the deputy president. Cabinet ministers are paid R2 401 633 a year and the national assembly’s deputy speaker earns R1,977,795 a year. Following these salaries are the house chairperson who receives an annual pay check of R1 882 488, senior members of parliament who each receive R1 600 467 per year and parliamentary committee chairs who each receive R1 495 755 annually. Leaders of minority parties earn R1 346 232 a year and the lowest salary an MP in the national assembly or NCOP earns is R1 137 933 a year. You would be forgiven for questioning what exactly these salaries are for… In addition to these enviable incomes, South Africa’s members of parliament also receive a few “perks” of the job. The include 88 single journeys a year (by air, train, bus or car), daily commuting, travel to and from airports, parking at airports, re-

location, travel for their dependants, tools of trade including a cell phone, tablet and laptop, equipment and furniture for their offices, stationery, personal accident insurance, accommodation in parliamentary villages (three complexes in Cape Town that house MPs when parliament is in session) and transport from these villages to parliament. Will the third of their salaries they “donate” presumably involuntarily, to the solidarity fund, include a complete halt to their perks? Will the people we see bickering on our television screens be forced to endure the lockdown with the rest of the country? There are currently 400 members in the South African national assembly. That means that 400 individuals each earn more than the average small business in this country. According to a recent online report released by South Africa Facts, the average general surgeon in South Africa an annual salary of R565 865 – a little more than a third of the salary of a senior member of parliament. The president said nothing in his speech about any plans to assist the education sector which should be on the list of priorities given that the country’s grade 12 students will now be gearing up for the final senior exam. How will this lock down affect the future of the class of 2020? We do not know. Ramaphosa’s attempt to motivate his countrymen in his closing statement will do little to lift the spirits of those facing financial duress as all of us now enter unchartered territory. “As we walk this road together, as we struggle to defeat this pandemic, we remain strong and united and resolved. Much is being asked of you, far more than should ever be asked. But we know that this is a matter of survival, and we dare not fail.” Mister President, when the time comes, will we as South Africans have the freedom to ask of you and your cabinet, the same?

Can South Africa recover from Covid-19? ■

Walter Hohensee

Currently South Africa’s economy is feeling the pinch of the Covid-19 lockdown. While the rest of the world is faced with similar circumstances, the south African economy is taking a beating internationally, as is evident in the downgrading of the credit rating to junk status and the Rand’s plummet against other currencies with similar lockdowns in place. Money, grossly simplified, is a store of value, it allows us to store the effort we put in to produce or deliver a product or service, and exchange this stored value for other people’s efforts and vice versa at a time of our choosing. Modern currency is intrinsically valueless,

except for the faith that trading partners have in the specific currency, i.e. currency is not gold backed and only works because all parties involved trust in it. A currency’s exchange rate is a measure of the trust in the open market in a certain currency’s value. In other words, it is a measure of how much trust there is in the value of the stored effort a currency represents. It is usually compared to the US dollar, as the dollar is used internationally and is therefore a store of value for the globe and not just one country’s people. A nation’s credit rating also represents a measure of trust, It represents the trust in a nation’s ability to fulfil its financial commitments (Paying Debt) based on the country’s economic outlook and its previous dealings.

It is therefore safe to say that trust in South Africa’s economy is relatively low at the moment. Especially when compared to other emerging/developing economies facing the same struggles with lockdowns and healthcare as South Africa is. Comparing economic indicators of South Africa and India might give us more insight into why this is so. India was chosen as their GDP growth forecast for fiscal 2021 was revised to 3,4% growth despite the covid 19 pandemic, South Africa’s GDP growth forecast for the same period is a paltry 0.8% according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). India also has a 21-day lockdown period.


GDP PPP (million $’s) (IMF 2020)

GDP PPP Per Capita ($’s)(IMF 2020)

South Africa

809 034

13 965





+ 26.1



11 325 669

9 027





- 184



It is clear from the above data that except for our unemployment rate and the budget deficit, South Africa is in a much better situation to weather the current lockdown. Why then, the lack of trust in South Africa, you might ask? The answer lies in delving deeper into the data and inferring a couple of conclusions.

Government Debt as percentage of GDP Country




South Africa








From the table above, India has had a historically larger government debt holding versus South Africa, however their government debt has been trending downwards in relation to their GDP despite a deficit. The South African government’s debt has been increasing at an alarming rate and with another large Budget Deficit for Fiscal 2021 and poor GDP growth we will see another large jump in the percentage. This calls into doubt the ability of the South African government to service its current debt obligations which makes future debt more expensive and causes a negative feedback loop. Enter

% GDP Contribution of Healthcare (World Bank)

% GDP Tourism (WTTC)

Dollar Exchange rate change (from 1 year best to today)

Trade Balance ($ billions)

Government Budget Deficit as % age of GDP

Covid 19 and the outlook is even more grim. For South Africa to restart its economy, which has mostly come to a standstill, after the lockdown we will need government funded stimulus packages. Historically, this has been the norm for countries recovering from disaster, and seeing as disaster means lower economic activity, governments have lower tax income and need to borrow money to fund these stimulus packages. In the case of India, they are still holding onto a credit rating just above Junk status and while not ideal, they will be able to easily find credit on the open market for their stimulus packages. The need for economic stimulus is justified in that the longer the economy takes to restart, the more the populous suffers and more businesses close. Therefore, governments receive less tax income and the bigger their deficits will grow forcing them to increase debt either way. Hence the downgrade in South Africa’s Credit rating. The markets are worried that South Africa will not be able to service its future debt burden due to the extra economic pressure the lockdown brings, as we could not get our spending under control in normal circumstances.

There is an upside though

It is not all gloom and doom. Compared to India, our Healthcare system should be more robust and able to handle the health crisis better, saving lives. While a certain percentage of our Healthcare GDP contribution can be attributed to profits due to wealth inequality (Private vs Public) as long as these profits are spent locally, they should help our economy. The Rand’s loss in strength will also benefit our agricultural, min-

ing and manufacturing sectors as the exports they generate after the lockdown will now garner bigger value being brought into our economy at the cost of more expensive foreign goods. As we are in a positive trade balance, the effect on our economy could also be positive. In effect, the value of South African Effort/Labour has been devalued, making exportation of South African products more profitable. Hopefully international markets’ demand returns to normal quickly, as we should be able to increase production and lower unemployment with the right combination of stimulus and incentives. Despite government’s insistence on growing the tourism industry, it is a good thing that our economy is not overly reliant on tourism, as most forecasts predict a global slowdown of tourism due to fear and economic uncertainty. To put this into perspective, India would have to increase their deficit by 270% in order to cover the economic shortfall of a tourism collapse, while South Africa would only have to increase it by 36%. In conclusion, the entire world economy is on shaky legs right now with economic forecasts everywhere being very pessimistic. However, if South Africa sticks to its strengths, supports the local economy wherever possible, and does not lose confidence, it might see itself in a better economic position than it would’ve been without the lockdown. While a lot of people struggle with justifying the economic cost of the lockdown, the human cost without it would have been horrific and would have come with its own economic costs, incalculable due to the severe inhumanity of pondering the thought. The best we can do is use the downtime to ponder our economic strategy and decide whether wasting our effort on post-apartheid pseudo-economics (land expropriation) is the best way to solve the economic and wealth inequality problems our country now faces.


10 April 2020









10 April 2020


Everest an rugged, ideal family SUV

Ford Ranger Wildtrak

Roelof de Jonge

“For families who like to adventure together, a sport utility vehicle (SUV) is a great investment,” he continues. “You get the compact models, like Ford’s segment-leading EcoSport. And then you get the bigger premium models, like the Ford Everest”, said Dale Reid, Product Marketing Manager at Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa. “The Everest is well-suited to those who need a large, robust family car for the busy morning and afternoon commute during the week and would like a rugged off-roader for some adrenaline-fuelled family fun on the weekends,” he added. “The elevated ride height and commanding road presence means you always feel comfortable and in control, on tar or gravel”, said Reid. The New Everest has benefited from extensive suspension refinements, achieving improved steering precision and control, and a plusher ride over rough surfaces, or imperfections like potholes. As a seven-seater, which can fit up to five child seats, the load space of the Everest is rated at 1 050 litres of cargo, with the cabin expanding to accommodate a total of 2 010 litres when the seats are folded flat. In the Limited model, with its third row PowerFold feature, this can be done simply at the push of a button. Ford’s extensive range of smart and safe driving technologies provides a welcome peace of mind, so you can focus on enjoying the views outside. Fitted as standard on all New Everest models are Electronic Stability Control with Traction Control, Trailer Sway Control, Load Adaptive Control, Roll Over Mitigation, and Hill Start Assist, with Hill Descent Control on the 4x4 models. Additional standard features on the Limited model include

Semi-Automatic Parallel Park Assist, Active Park Assist, Adaptive Cruise Control with Heads Up Display, Forward Collision Alert (which now detects pedestrians, as well as other vehicles), Collision Mitigation, Distance Alert, Lane Keeping Aid and Lane Departure Warning, Blind Spot Information System with Cross Traffic Alert, Tyre Pressure Monitoring System and Auto High Beam Control. All models come with dual front, side, and full-length curtain airbags. A driver’s knee airbag is also standard across the range. Ford’s latest-generation SYNC®3 with Navigation, fitted as standard on all XLT and Limited models, is an integrated communications and entertainment system which keeps you connected while you’re on the move. Supported by a stylish integrated eight-inch colour touchscreen which can be operated with pinch and swipe gestures, SYNC®3 is Apple CarPlay and Android Auto enabled, allowing you to tune into your favourite radio station, or play your favourite music or podcast. Bluetooth and voice control allow you to use voice commands to make hands-free calls, listen to text messages through the speakers (the system even understands emoticons and popular abbreviations), send quick replies by selecting from a list of pre-set text responses, listen to voicemail, and adjust your climate control settings. Rear parking sensors are paired with a full-colour rear view parking camera. The XLT and Limited models also features front parking sensors as well. The XLS model, which is fitted with USB and Aux ports, uses Ford’s first-generation SYNC® system supported by a 4.2-inch colour screen, allowing audio streaming, and Bluetooth and voice control. Customers can order SYNC®3 with Navigation on the XLS as an option.

One of the main defining features of the New Everest line-up is the all-new, range-topping 2.0-litre Bi-Turbo engine, and the all-new 2.0-litre Single Turbo engine. The Bi-Turbo engine employs an innovative twin turbocharger set-up to improve both low-end torque and high-end power, while reducing fuel consumption and emissions. A maximum power output of 157kW is matched to a peak torque of 500Nm. The Single Turbo engine delivers 132kW and 420Nm. The existing 2.2-litre Duratorq TDCi engine, which delivers 118kW and 385Nm, and a 3.2-litre five-cylinder TDCi engine, delivering 147kW and 470Nm, complete the range of engine options. The new-generation 2.0-litre Bi-Turbo and 2.0 Single Turbo engines are exclusively available with Ford’s sophisticated, all-new 10-speed automatic transmission. The 10-speed architecture reduces the gaps in available power and acceleration between gears, providing smoother acceleration response, and enabling improved performance at lower engine speeds. Both the 2.2 and 3.2 Duratorq TDCi engines are coupled to the existing six-speed automatic transmission. Ford Protect, which comes standard on all New Everest models, offers a holistic suite of warranty, service, and roadside assistance products aimed at maintaining the perfect working condition of your vehicle. This includes a four-year or 120 000km comprehensive warranty; a five-year or unlimited km corrosion warranty, a six-year or 90 000 km service plan with 12 months or 15 000km service intervals and a three-year or unlimited km roadside assistance for flat tyres or batteries, mechanical, electrical, or medical emergencies and towing service to the nearest Ford dealership, if needed.

Ford’s Ranger wins Best Buys Title ■

Roelof de Jonge

The Ford Ranger has been selected as South Africa’s best double cab pickup for an unprecedented ninth consecutive year in CAR Magazine’s annual Top 12 Best Buys Awards recently during the month of March. As one of the longest-running awards in South Africa’s automotive industry, conducted by the country’s oldest and most popular motoring publication, the Top 12 Best Buys is a prestigious and highly revered accolade. The best products available across the various segments competes in this annual event. Performance, package, personality and price factor most strongly in the judging criteria. “We are absolutely delighted that the Ford Ranger continued its peerless reign as CAR Magazine’s top choice in the double cab pickup segment for the ninth year in a row,” says Doreen Mashinini, General Manager Marketing at Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa (FMCSA). “This is an exceptional achievement that reaffirms the trend-setting attributes and continued evolution of the current Ranger since it was first introduced in 2011”. In 2019 Ford comprehensively updated the Ranger that featured the introduction of the allnew 2.0 Bi-Turbo and 2.0 Single Turbo diesel engines and the revolutionary new 10-speed automatic transmission. Once again, this created a new performance standard, allied to unrivalled fuel efficiency as proven by the Ranger’s victory in the inaugural WesBank Fuel Economy Tour in Novem-

ber last year. The Ranger remains among the top three in overall vehicle sales in South Africa and is the second best-selling vehicle in the pickup segment. It has retained leadership of the double cab sector through the dealer channel, which testifies to the continued strong demand from private customers choosing to spend their money on a Ranger. It was also recently announced by Autotrader that the Ford Ranger was the top-selling used vehicle in South Africa during the second half of 2019, confirming its popularity as the number one choice amongst used car buyers. Aside from its local success, the Ranger remains South Africa’s top light commercial vehicle export to more than 100 global markets. It also maintained its top-selling status in the European pickup market for 2019.

Ford Everest


10 April 2020





Granny’s Grumbles -WHERE WERE YOU ON 9/11? Many years ago when I was running a Bed and Breakfast from home I realised that many gentlemen from colder climes seemed prone to appearing at the breakfast table and wandering around the garden in nothing other than their air conditioned underpants. Presumably the hundreds of tiny holes in the white underpants were for health reasons! The first guest was Friedl from Austria who would arrive daily at the breakfast table daily sporting only said underpants and gnawing away on a piece of German sausage which he had smuggled into the country. The second pair was a father and son team from Sweden who were avid bird enthusiasts and who were going into the Kruger daily with their paraphernalia which consisted of enormous cameras with tripods and “Birds of South Africa” under their arms. Upon arrival home they would undress and move into the garden in their underwear with a warm ale and discuss the day’s events. It was then that I discovered that men and women have very different opinions when it came to the word “strange”. I mentioned that I found them rather strange (meaning their attire at a guest house). Turned out the only thing about them that my husband found strange was that they could drink warm beer! However, by the time Sven arrived I had more or less got used to the fact that certain men from the cooler countries liked wearing their undies anywhere in the house. Sven arrived alone – he had come to the “great Kruger Park for the experience of a lifetime” His words. He wanted to be at the gate as it opened so I banged on his door at five and saw him off. I was somewhat surprised when he arrived back just after three. He was very disappointed – he had gone miles without seeing animals – even rabbits were scarce. I tried to explain that Kruger was no ordinary game park where animals were

in enclosures and suggested that he try again the following day. He was back at midday – same story. Anyway he was going to wander around the town the following morning and then come back and watch TV. My own lunch break was between one and two and the following day as I pulled up in the driveway, Sven came rushing through the gate that led to his room (in his underwear) and grabbed my hand as I slammed the car door “Come quickly – come quickly” he shouted whilst dragging me along. To say I was startled is an understatement. I was no oil painting and was well into my fifties – why on earth was a half-naked man dragging me into his quarters? He turned my head in the direction of the television – “The third world war has just started”. I saw a plane crashing into a highrise building and my first thought was that we were in the middle of a movie. Not so according to my guest “This is news”. To be honest I didn’t believe it so asked where it was taking place and who was fighting who. “In America so it is probably Russia or China that has started it”. More likely a kamikaze pilot from Japan I thought somewhat sourly, but surely wars didn’t just start over nothing. There had to be some sort of build-up. Anyway I extricated myself from my half-naked friend and went to my side of the house to watch my TV. Every station was showing he same scene and when I returned to the nursery at two o’clock it appeared that the entire town had watched the same scenes. And why am I telling you this? Well my husband and I were watching Aircraft Investigation” on TV last week and the commentator said “Ask anybody what they were doing on 9/11 and they will be able to tell you”. So I thought I would!!!..........

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10 April 2020



10 April 2020





Mazda3 the crown bearer of top accolade ■

Roelof de Jonge

An elderly man was allegedly subjected to inhumane treatment and The new Mazda3 has been named the Supreme Winner of the 2019 Women’s World Car of the Year awards. In addition to taking the top award, the model also won Women’s World Family Car of the Year. Established in 2010, the Women’s World Car of the Year awards is voted on by a panel of female judges from over 30 different countries who are asked to vote according to criteria women use when buying a car. The Mazda3 adopts a matured Kodo design language that aims to embody the essence of Japanese aesthetics. While the overall form presents a simple, single motion, subtle undulations bring the design to life through shifting light and reflections that glide over the body surface. The result is a more natural and powerful expression of vitality than previous Kodo models. Despite sharing the Mazda3 moniker, the hatchback and sedan models have distinct personalities, the design of the hatchback is emotive, the sedan elegant. Based on its philosophy of designing the car around the human being, Mazda has dramatically enhanced the model’s fundamental driving attributes to make accelerating, turning and braking feel completely natural. The model incorporates Mazda’s Skyactiv-Vehicle Architecture, designed to help people to make the most of their natural sense of balance. The Skyactiv-G engines in 1.5L manual and automatic transmissions as well as the 2.0L automatic line-up provide responsive speed control in any driving situation for the Southern Africa market. The seventh generation Mazda3 range is designed and built to the highest standard of performance and reliability. This standard is backed up by a three-year unlimited kilometre service plan. To provide complete peace of mind motoring, a three-year factory warranty, a three-year roadside assistance and a five-year Corrosion Warranty are also included. The Next-Generation Mazda3 adopts a matured KODO design language that embodies the essence of Japanese aesthetics. The result is a richer and more powerful expression of vitality than seen in previous KODO models. Despite sharing the Mazda3 name, the hatch and sedan models have distinct personalities, the design of the hatch is dynamic, while the sedan elegant. The hatch design is topped with a roofline that suggests speed and helps express a powerful presence. Other differences include black roof lining on the hatch derivatives from the Active model. The Astina hatch gets black metallic 18inch alloy wheels. The sedan derivatives have

grey roof lining and on the Astina model, silver metallic 18-inch alloy wheels. Inside the cabin, the new Mazda3 driver will experience improved reduction to external noise and the elegant designed cabin offers reduced visual noise. The vehicle’s uncluttered cockpit has controls and switches with a consistent and unified feel that provide the driver with intuitive operation of the cabin. The clear view of the driver facing the MZD Connect screen with improved system performance, standard Android Auto and Apple Carplay and head-up display help keep the driver focused on the road, while the adjustable upright driver seating position with a low center of gravity lends a reassuring sense of confidence when driving. Mazda3 is the first to introduce an allnew 8.8-inch MAZDA CONNECTTM infotainment screen supporting MZD Connect, which comes standard on all models. Standard fitted is an all-new three-way layout eight-speaker sound system for the Active model, and the BOSE 12-speaker layout for the Individual model. A new leather wrapped steering wheel featuring illuminated controls and switches expresses luxurious cues. Standard features such as the seven-inch TFT reconfigurable gauge cluster display, Bluetooth phone and audio pairing, remote keyless entry, push-button ignition, auto door lock, auto headlights and wipers, electronic parking brake, new knee air bags and two USB audio inputs, elevates the Mazda3 to premium status. The powertrain line-up comprises the latest Skyactiv-G 1.5L and 2.0L engines, each of which provides responsive speed control in any driving situation. As an Entry package option, the Active derivative will be available with a 1.5L engine in Manual transmission. The Dynamic 1.5L engine in both Manual and Automatic transmissions will package the Core offering, while the Individual 1.5L in both Manual and Automatic transmissions and Astina 2.0L in Automatic will make up the High package offering. The Skyactiv-G 1.5L engine will be available with a choice of the six-speed manual and sixspeed automatic transmissions producing maximum output of 88kW at 6 000rpm and maximum torque of 153Nm at 4 000rpm. The Skyactiv-G 2.0L engine will be available in six-speed automatic transmissions producing maximum output of 121kW at 6 000rpm and max-

imum torque of 213Nm at 4 000rpm. Mazda dedicated every effort to maximizing occupant safety in the new Mazda3 by installing active safety measures to help identify potential risks early on and reduce any chance of damage or injury. These include the wide adoption of Mazda’s advanced safety technologies, as well as i-ACTIVSENSE, which enable the driver to enjoy every outing, on any road condition. The i-ACTIVSENSE technology combines the basic performance aspects of excellent dynamic performance with linear response and clear visibility to support the driver through all the driving processes of cognition, judgment, and operation. The Mazda3 Astina i-ACTIVSENSE safety features include Adaptive LED Headlights (ALH), Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) and Blind Spot Monitoring (BSM). Hill Launch Assist (HLA) is available for all models along with standard safety features, which include Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS),

Child restraint anchor points (ISOFIX), Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), electric Break-force Distribution (EBD), Emergency Brake Assist (EBA) as well as Driver, Passenger, Knee, Side and Curtain Airbags. Mazda’s commitment to safety was acknowledged with a maximum five-star rating by Euro NCAP earlier this year.





10 April 2020



10 April 2020





Nissan’s LEAF charged up against pollution

Roelof de Jonge

With the Nissan LEAF already saving more than two million metric tons of CO2 since its launch in 2010, electric vehicles are proving to be a sustainable alternative in addressing air pollution. In Asia and Oceania alone, approximately four billion people, 92 per cent of Asia and the Pacific’s population, are exposed to air pollution levels that pose a significant health risk. This was further highlighted with the February 2020 launch of the world’s largest real-time air quality data bank under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), indicating that much of the region remains on ‘unhealthy’ air quality levels. In fact, air pollution

is now globally the fifth leading cause of death among all heath risks and nine percent of deaths are attributed to it. To address this as part of the commitment to reduce CO2 emissions, Nissan, the creator of the world’s first mass production electric vehicle, the Nissan LEAF, has collected analysis of the impact the vehicle has had worldwide since its debut in 2010. At the same time, there is compelling data to demonstrate how electric mobility can be part of solutions to address air pollution levels: Just one electric vehicle (EV) can save 4.6 metric tons of greenhouse gases each year, which is equivalent to planting 209 trees.

To date approximately 460 000 Global Nissan LEAF Owners have contributed to: Around 2.1 million metric tons of CO2 saved. To put that in context, more than 81 million trees are needed to process that much CO2 in a year Over 13 billion emission-free kilometers driven by LEAF owners, the distance of driving to the moon more than 33 800 times With a 55% reduction in current CO2 emissions needed by 2030 to halt global warming, 2020 could be the catalyst year of change for consumers making choices, like switching to EVs, to have a direct impact on air pollution.





10 April 2020



10 April 2020









10 April 2020


Mahindra to honour essential workers ■

Roelof de Jonge

Mahindra South Africa wants to honour the workers who are sacrificing their time and energy and putting themselves in harm’s way to support their fellow South Africans during the coronavirus pandemic. The company has launched a Hero Campaign where it will engage its dealer network, employees, suppliers and fellow South Africans to share stories of selfless sacrifice and thank all these everyday South African heroes with a candle-lighting ceremony planned for Tuesday the 14th of April at 20:00. “Throughout this lockdown period we have heard countless stories of South Africans who have sacrificed time with their families and faced personal risk to support their fellow countrymen. This is true for all our healthcare workers, but also for the many essential services that help to keep us safe and our food shelves stocked,” says Rajesh Gupta, CEO of Mahindra South Africa. “Like a candle, each of these essential workers has selflessly given of themselves to bring light and warmth to their fellow South Africans.” As a vehicle supplier to many essential services, including municipalities, policemen and women, the military and healthcare services, Mahindra has committed to keeping a core network of dealers open to help during this time. Elsewhere, for instance in India, the company has also extended its support to the manufacturing of critical medical equipment and protective clothing. “Throughout our many global divisions and affiliates, we have been sharing stories of heroes who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to serve their fellow countrymen. These stories all resonate with our corporate ethos of ‘Rise’, where we commit to rising above our circumstances to support our customers and to grow. It is in light of this, and as a simple act of gratitude that we would like to light a candle for our essential services,” says Rajesh. For the next week, Mahindra will encourage people and companies in its circle of influence to light a candle and personally thank any essential workers that they know or come into contact with. The company hopes that this small act of appreciation will spiral wider and wider and help essential workers to stay the course dur-

View Audi production onlline ■

Roelof de Jonge

Despite the corona pandemic and halted production, customers and fans can explore the high-tech production of Audi with the online AudiStream tour experience. The plant in Ingolstadt is open to visitors in virtual form. Anyone interested can book an interactive tour online at www.audi.stream and experience Audi at home. There are currently no factory tours taking place at the Audi site in Ingolstadt and for many guests who would normally travel from all over the world to see the Audi production live, the brand is offering an online alternative with AudiStream. Those who are interested can participate in a virtual tour through the Audi plant in Ingolstadt from home on the display of their computer or mobile device. Experienced Tour Guides narrate the online tour live from a studio and explain the production processes. With the use of video sequences, participants learn how an Audi is made, from the first production steps in the press shop to the final manual

operations during final assembly. Among other things, the processes in the body shop of the Audi A3 and videos from the Audi A4 assembly line can be seen. In addition, the Tour Guides present technical highlights from the Audi world and answer questions in dialogue with participants. With their knowledge acquired from numerous tours at the Audi plant in Ingolstadt, the Tour Guides determine the route for the roughly 20-minute livestream according to the individual interests of the international participants. Users select the desired stream and a suitable time slot in German or English online at www.audi. stream. The offer is free of charge; fees may be charged for Internet access, however, depending on the selected provider. With AudiStream, is Audi the first manufacturer to offer online discovery tours. The stream “Audi live at the Ingolstadt factory” has been available since November 2019. Participants can now book additional live sessions. Online tours on other topics from the Audi brand world is also planned to be introduced.



ing the lockdown. It will conclude the campaign with a special candle-lighting ceremony on social media on 14 April at 20:00. “On 14 April we, our dealers, suppliers and friends will light a candle and let it burn for a while in your doorway, balcony or in your home to commemorate every selfless sacrifice during the lockdown. During this short time, we encourage everyone to think of the essential workers that have supported us during this time,” says Rajesh. South Africans who would like to participate are encouraged to join the conversation by using the tags #AlwaysUpForAChallenge, #MahindraSA and #WithYouAlways, to allow Mahindra to share their thoughts. Mahindra South Africa committed to support customers during national lockdown Mahindra South Africa has confirmed that nine of its large dealerships in key points have remained open to service and support emergency and essential services. The dealerships are in Gauteng (Springs, East Rand, Autosphere, Menlyn and Hatfield), Mpumalanga (Nelspruit and Middleburg), Western Cape (Kuilsrivier) and the Free State (Ficksburg). The locations were chosen based on the past sales of Mahindra vehicles, such as the Pik Up, to emergency services, the police and military and local security companies. “While these dealers, like the rest of our network of 67 dealers in Southern Africa, will not be able to sell new vehicles, they are ready to support customers with round-the-clock roadside assistance and prompt recovery” says Rajesh Gupta, CEO of Mahindra South Africa. Gupta mentioned that customers who are not able to service or repair their Mahindra vehicles during this time, and who may have reached the end of their service plan or mechanical warranty period between the 1st of March and the 30th of April, will receive a complimentary extension of two months. This extension not only includes service plans and the standard mechanical or powertrain warranties, but also applies to vehicles that were due for a service in this period. These vehicles may be brought in for up to two months after the lockdown ends for their required service, without affecting their warranty. Mahindra has also kept its Customer Care division operational during this time. Customers, who may have any queries or concerns, are invited to call (012) 865 0171 or send an email to customercare@mahindra.co.za to receive rapid feedback and support. “We would also like to remind our customers of our Mzanzi App, which is available on the Apple and Android app platforms. You can use the app to enquire about your vehicle and, once the lockdown is lifted, schedule your next service,” says Rajesh.


10 April 2020









10 April 2020


Sport 10 April 2020

Golf hits a COVID-19 bogey

Roelof de Jonge

“All golf clubs in Limpopo are autonomous and they are entitled to continue with their trade.” This is according to Thinus Labuschagne, President of the Limpopo Golf Union, after the first announcement of a national lock period of 21 days, which has since been increased by another two weeks as from Friday the 10th of April. “We urge the members of Limpopo Golf Clubs to keep supporting your local club, but to take extra hygienic measures to keep yourself and others safe”, said Labuschagne. “With due consideration of the National Disaster pronounced by State President Cyril Ramaphosa on the 15th of March 2020, the executive committee has decided to postpone a number of events until further notice”, said Labuschagne. These are all the Open Tournaments at Groblersdal, Koro Creek and Marble Hall. This includes all scheduled league events for April, all-union meetings and travelling. “Tournaments beyond April 2020 will be considered for continuation or cancellation on a rolling basis at least 30 days before the event with due consideration of the prevailing state of affairs around the Coronavirus National Disaster at that time”, said Labuschagne. An update on the cancellation status of National Tournaments was also issued out by the South African Golf Association (SAGA) and Womens Golf South Africa (WGSA). Further to the memorandum issued by SAGA and WGSA on the 16th of March regarding the cancellation of tournaments, these associations are implementing the following amendments and additions to that advisory: All tournaments under management authority of SAGA and WGSA scheduled to be held up to the 30th of June are cancelled. All cancelled events are “cancelled” and will not be rescheduled. Though not advisable, should Unions reschedule cancelled tournaments, no SAGA National Order of Merit (OoM) points or WGSA Ranking Points will be allocated. Tournaments beyond the 30th of June will be

considered for continuation or cancellation on a rolling basis at least 60 days prior to individual events and 90 days prior to team events with due consideration of the prevailing situation around the Corona Virus National Disaster at that time. By implication, the cut-off date for a decision on the SAGA Open Amateur IPT is thus the 15th of June and the WGSA Inter-Provincial is the 20th of June. The allocation of SAGA OoM and WGSA Ranking Points have been “frozen” from the time of the first tournament cancellation (16th March) and those tournaments will not be removed from the SAGA OoM or the WGSA Ranking until all returns back to normal. After the return to normal, tournaments played will replace the same tournament of 12 months prior. This means that tournaments not played during the current period would be reflected for a period of no less than 12 months prior to being replaced. The national selection policies will be adapted accordingly to allow for the disruption to the SAGA OoM and the WGSA Ranking Points until 12 months after the resumption of tournaments. SAGA and WGSA highly recommended that Unions also revise their own selection policies to accommodate the potential selection of Provincial Teams due to a very few events having been played in the time leading up to the teams’ tournaments. SAGA and WGSA encouraged its members to continue the safe behaviours and protocols in the continued fight to turn the Covid-19 pandemic around.

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