10 April 2020
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■ Jeff Jackson Die VF Plus het gisteroggend, Donderdag die 9de April, met die minister van toerisme, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, in gesprek getreë en het ʼn dringende beroep op haar gedoen om die kriteria vir die hulppaket van R200 miljoen aan klein-, mikroen mediumgrootte ondernemings (KMMO’s) te herroep en om ag te slaan op die VF Plus se voorstelle om groot skade en werkverliese in dié sektor te vermy. Die VF Plus dring ook daarop aan dat die minister van handel en nywerheid, Ebrahim Patel, die sektorale bepalings en die toepaslike wetgewing ten opsigte van Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging (SEB ook bekend as BBBEEE) opskort vir ten minste hierdie tyd van nood om dit vir die verskillende departemente moontlik te maak om hulp te bied ongeag daarvan. Volgens die party is dit skokkend en onaanvaarbaar dat die regering in ʼn tyd waar dit vir elke onderneming belangrik is om die gevolge van die Covid-19-inperking te oorleef, steeds ras gebruik om te besluit wie hulp gaan kry om te oorleef, en wie nie. Minister Kubayi-Ngubane het vandeesweek
aangekondig dat die bystand vir KMMO’s gegee sal word in ooreenstemming met die ANC se beleid oor SEB en ekonomiese transformasie. Volgens dié party het die toerismesektor ʼn baie hoë indiensnemingsyfer, en die minister se optrede kan groot werkverlies tot gevolg hê. Michal Groenwald, woordvoerder vir die VF-Plus, meen dat die meeste KMMO’s in die toerismesektor alleen-eienaars is wat daarom nie gebonde was aan die bemagtigingsvoorskrifte nie. “Omdat die sektor meestal ongeskoolde werkers in diens het, is dit ironies dat swart werkers die hardste getref sal word deur afleggings,” sê hy. “Met Covid-19 moet die regering die heersende probleme en omstandighede verreken en hanteer en nie dié van die verlede nie. SEB-kriteria wat op ras en regstelling gegrond is, is misplaas en skep nuwe diskriminasie sonder om te handel met die huidige probleme.” Die party sê verder in ‘n persverklaring wat gister uitgeryk is dat met SEB as kriterium, die regering slagoffers skep in die huidige krisis. “Dit kan ʼn groot verleentheid vir die regering skep aangesien sake-eienaars ʼn internasionale mark bedien en sommige ʼn sterk internasionale profiel het.” Soos in die boodskap aan die minister vermeld,
is ʼn groot komponent van die toerismebedryf gebou op eenman-ondernemings wat daagliks toeriste rondneem en avontuursportsoorte soos valskermspring aanbied. Die VF Plus stry dat dit onmoontlik is vir sulke ondernemings om aan enige SEB-vereistes te voldoen en die regering stuur met hierdie kortsigtige en onmenslike besluit die boodskap aan wit entrepreneurs in die bedryf, dat hulle oorlewing en bydrae tot die ekonomie nie vir die regering belangrik is nie. Die wet wat SEB rig moes, met die inwerking stelling van spesiale Covid-19-maatreëls, dadelik opgehef gewees het om sodoende toe te sien dat SEB-bepalings nie ʼn rol speel in die toekenning van fondse aan sake-ondernemings nie. Die VF Plus wil intussen die eienaars van alle KMMO’s aanmoedig om steeds aansoek te doen om hulp. Die party sal alle moontlikhede oorweeg om die regering tot ander insigte te bring oor die saak, of om hom daartoe te dwing as dit moet. “Die VF Plus het nog altyd gesê rassistiese beleid soos RA en SEB is diskriminerend en een van die hoofredes vir die kreeftegang van Suid-Afrika se ekonomie. Die party sal voortgaan om dit ten sterkste teen te staan tot dit geskrap word in die belang van almal in die land.”
Two taken down Serialist arrested
Jeff Jackson
Two suspects aged 20 and 21, were arrested on Saturday, 4th of April, at Makhasa Village in the Hlanganani policing area after they were found in possession of suspected stolen properties. The suspects were arrested during a sting joint operation conducted over the weekend, involving members from Giyani Crime Intelligence Unit, Hlanganani Detectives and Visible Policing. The suspects were traced and cornered at their residential place. During the arrest, police confiscated various items such as groceries, clothing, perfumes and cigarettes valued at more than R20 000. Preliminary investigations linked the suspects to two business burglary incidents committed around Hlanganani area last month. Further investigations were conducted, and the suspects were linked with attempted business robbery around the Zebediela policing precinct. The origin of these recovered items will still be determined by the ongoing investigations. The suspects may be connected to other similar incidents in this area and across the province. The two suspects Moses Mutshidzi Ndou (20) and Boniswe Mokwena (21), have appeared in the Tiyani magistrate’s court on the 6th of April on charges of business burglary and possession of suspected stolen properties. Their cases were postponed to 14th of April for formal bail applications and further Police investigations.
Jeff Jackson
A 32-year-old serial criminal, Khomotso Gerald Makua, who was sought for serious and violent crimes including murder, rape and burglary was arrested in Sterkfontein in the early hours of Tuesday, 7th of April in the Hlogotlou Policing area outside Groblersdal. This arrest followed an intelligence driven operation comprising the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences (FCS) and Crime Prevention (CPU) Units in the area. The crimes were allegedly committed between 2015 and 2019. In one of the incidents that occurred at the Legolaneng public place on the 28th of September 2016 at around 16:45, Police were allegedly alerted about a murder. Upon arrival at the scene, they found the body of a woman with multiple injuries and some body parts missing. She was later identified as Thabitha Makola (62). A case of murder was then opened and Police immediately commenced with investigations, hunting for the suspect(s) involved. The suspect was subsequently arrested through the forensic investigations that followed and was further linked to four other cases of rape and three cases of residential burglary in the area. The motive behind the murder is still being investigated but ritual murder cannot be ruled out. Makua appeared in the Nebo Magistrate’s court on Wednesday where his trail was inexplicably postponed to the 22nd of April for a former bail application. The SAPS Provincial Commissioner in Limpopo, Lt Gen Nneke Ledwaba, applauded this team of police members for their endless efforts in ensuring the suspect is arrested and will face the full might of the law.
Cuffed for smokes
The police in Lephalale have arrested a 27-year old man for trading in illicit cigarettes in that town’s CBD on Monday afternoon. According to the SAPS provincial spokesperson, Col Moatshe Ngoepe, the suspect, Lebona Abo, was arrested after the police received a tip-off that he was selling cigarettes from his corner shop a few blocks from the police station. Upon arrival at the shop, the officers found and seized illicit cigarettes with the approximate street value of R750 000 in the storeroom of the establishment. He had an accomplice at the time of the police raid, but the man managed to evade arrest and was, at the time of going to print, still sought by the police. On Wednesday, Abo appeared in the Lephalale magistrate’s court where he was released on R2 000 bail and his case postponed until the 11th of June pending further police investigations into the matter. The charge he is facing is “trading in illicit cigarettes”. It is still not certain why he was not charged under the disaster management act, or whether this charge will still be added to the sheet.
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Jeff Jackson
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 10/04/2020
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