Bulletin Newspaper 17 February 2023

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www.farnorthbulletin.co.za FREE 17 February 2023 015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 GET THE BEST OF US WITH EXTRA PERKS! CLICK SUBSCRIBE ON THE BULLETIN FACEBOOK PAGE FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT. READ INSIDE 2 LOCAL SPORT Roof leak at White House FOUR DAYS LATER WHAT THE DUCK IS GOING ON? 5 083 968 0902 Brad extends feathers to Gucci ahead of race day.
Photo: Roelof de Jonge

Personeel | Personnel

Verspreiding | Distribution

New roof leak causes damage at GTM

The roof of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality building caved under the pressure of the annual seasonal rains this week which caused massive flooding of the entire Engineering Department situated on the top floor of the White House.

Bulletin walked through the damage on Friday the 10th of February, and saw brand new office furniture buckling as there pressed wood supports soaked up the water like a dry Weetbix biscuit. Laptops were drenched in water and all the hallways were flooded. Most concerning is the archives department that holds all the building plans which was flooded as well.

The video of this damage can be viewed on our Facebook page Far North Bulletin.

According to Vutivi Makhubele, spokesperson for the GTM, the municipality is currently consolidating the extent of the damage and she will report back on the financial losses suffered as a result of the flooding.

“The asset management team is busy compiling a report on all the damage,” she said.

In response to an official inquiry Makhubele said that the contract to install the new roof onto the municipal buildings was awarded to Mbanga Trading Enterprises. The contract expired and the contractor is working on extension currently. The value of the contract was R6 473 615,42

Bulletin received reports that he contractor was employing EPWP workers on site and according to Makhubele this was standard procedure. “Yes, all government projects are compelled to use EPWP workers as per the government gazette,” she said.

On Wednesday afternoon one of the controversial water tankers regularly noticed at fire hydrants around town was spotted at the municipal buildings. It appeared as though the water tanker was being used to

pump out the water from the Engineering floor. This was confirmed by Makhubele who stated that the tanker is owned by the contractor.

This is a developing story and we will publish updates as they become available.

R196k for Corporate workshop outing

This week the Greater Tzaneen Municipality spent another R196 955 on a three-day excursion to the Karibu Luxury Lodge 32 kilometres outside Tzaneen. This was to allow all of their directors, managers and councillors to attend a Corporate Services Workshop which started two hours late on Wednesday and will likely end early today (Friday).

same employees. The reasons offered to justify the insulting amount of money spent, was that the meeting was of such importance that these public servants were not to be bothered by the public whilst attending.

All employees are reimbursed their travel costs to and from the venue in accordance to the AA rates and it so happened that shortly after their return, the employees submitted their claims.

tee submitted a claim even though this member travelled in a vehicle with a co-worker.

E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: adinda@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Two months ago the GTM spent R850 000 on a three-day excursion to the Forever Resorts Blyde luxury holiday destination in Mpumalanga for these

It was then discovered that one of the employees submitted a travel claim for a Porsche whilst not owning a vehicle.

Another member of the ethics commit-

The opposition made a big noise upon their discovery of these fraudulent claims and promised to push the investigation and root out all corruption within the municipality. A week later however, the DA Caucus Whip referred all related inquiries to the spokesperson of the very municipality where the alleged fraud originated. Not a single word has since been said about this issue again. In this latest instance the opposition objected to the notion that the officials

would stay over at Karibu Lodge, labelling it as an unnecessary expense. The mayor reportedly agreed that all the councillors would take sporadic breaks to head to the shops for lunch and refreshments. He later added that should some of the officials want to sleep over, they could.

Traveling to and from Karibu Lodge is in the region of 65 kilometres and with the employees being told they can submit travel claims, one can only hope that this time the vigilant eyes of the opposition will be present when the process starts.

Tzaneen’s treacherous roads concerning

Tzaneen’s roads are become more and more treacherous as the month progresses. Potholes have made certain routes almost impassable and motorists are required to navigate these obstacle courses at the behest of their municipality who has to date not made a roads maintenance plan available to their rate payers.

It has become apparent that the approach to the maintenance of their infrastructure which includes roads and pavements, has devolved into a reactive

exercise reliant mostly on the frustrated calls of their citizens.

Bulletin has repeatedly asked for a detailed plan from the Roads Department at the GTM which should indicate the budget available, the timeslot for scheduled maintenance and the team’s work schedule. This has not been communicated to us as we still await the response from the GTM spokesperson.

We have been unable to gain comment from any of the Ward Coun-

cillors in the affected wards at the time of going to print.

In the meantime we request our readers to send us images of affected streets in their neighbourhoods, via email to joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za or via WhatsApp to 072 930 1462 so that we can relay these issues to the relevant departments and hopefully repair the current abhorrent situation.

www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 2 17 February 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA Tzaneen Ambulance / Ambulans 10177 / 015 307 7077 Police / Polisie 10111 / 015 306 2129 Fire Brigade / Brandweer 015 307 5555 / 7000 Electricity / Electrisiteit 082 679 0720 Water 015 307 8000/8190 a/h Municipality / Munisipaliteit 015 307 8000 Letaba Fire Protection Ass. 076 550 2260 Fire / Brand nr. 076 844 1646 Citizen Band Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal 015 307 8800 Mediclinic Tzaneen 015 306 8500 Child line 0800 055 555 Noodnommers Emergency numbers 10 Aqua ave, Aqua Park, Tzaneen Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130
072 930 1462 (Joe)
Copyright © 2022 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
Tzaneen •  Haenertsburg •  Modjadjiskloof •  Mooketsi   Letsitele • Gravelotte •  Lenyenye  • Nkowankowa   Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit Website Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies. Kontak besonderhede Contact Details www.crisisrescue911.com COMMUNITY CRISIS SERVICES Help for Tourists The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 and help will be on the way. 4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850 084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911 dave@rescue911.co.za 084 400 0911 Kantoor: 015 306 0198 O ce: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Bemarking / Marketing Adinda Tolmay 083 777 4055 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Mia Wiid 076 105 5346 Admin / Finance Birgitte Mac Gregor admin@farnorthbulletin.co.za Drukker/Printer: Novus Print
Ebenezer 102.5% Merensky 123.2% Dap Naude 109.3% Middel Letaba 0.7% Blyderivierpoort 103.7% Klaserie 106.7% Tours 102.1% Vergelegen 105.6% Magoebaskloof 106.2% Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 06/02/2023 Tzaneen 105.7%
Edward Street Van Velden Street

EXCLUSIVE Riverman rescued four days later

A homeless man was swept from his shanty home next to the Letaba River and forced to survive on an island for four days before finally being saved.

The unidentified homeless man who lived in a dwelling behind Claude Wheatley Street, was unexpectedly swept into the heavy current of the Great Letaba River on the morning of Friday, the 11th of February when said river burst into flood due to the heavy rains. He somehow managed to make it to an outcrop in the river and clung onto the debris long enough to position himself onto what essentially became an island upon which he remained stranded for almost a week until finally rescued.

The man was unable to swim across the river on

either side of his island as the currents were just too strong and he very likely would have lost his life. In vain, he attempted to gain the attention of passersby, because of the distance between his position and the pedestrian walkway behind Tzaneng Mall, accompanied by the loud rumble of the flooding river, nobody heard him.

It was on the morning of Tuesday, the 14th of February that a passerby finally heard his cries and called for help. Soon a massive crowd gathered on the banks of the river and emergency services were activated. The volunteer Search and Rescue South Africa (SARZA) members based in the Mopani District under the guidance of Louis Menge in support of the SAPS Water Wing Search and Rescue Unit came to the man’s rescue.

Divers from the SAPS Water Wing first attempted to retrieve the man with a rubber duck. Because of the strong current of the river and heavy debris smashing into the craft, the boat capsized with the divers. The divers in the boat missed their target and had to abandon this rescue attempt.

It was then decided to call for a helicopter to reach the stranded man. Because of the noise of the rushing water, there were no ways to communicate with the man to inform him that the rescue attempt was going to be called off to the next morning, Wednesday the 15th of February. Everyone from the rescue teams kept their fingers crossed that the flood victim would stay put until the next day, which he thankfully did.

The rescue mission was complicated by various

factors including that the only helicopter was from the South African Airforce coming from Mbombela (Nelspruit). The helicopter crew first had to wait for the clouds to clear before they took off. The Air Force crew headed first to Hoedspruit Air Force Base where they refueled before heading to Tzaneen. After retrieving a very hungry and tired survivor from his island, the helicopter rescue team noticed another person stranded not very far from the first flood victim they retrieved. He too was brought to safety and treated by paramedics on the scene. With more rain expected over the next few days which could result in more flooding, SAPS WO Mabetlela from the Limpopo SAPS Water Wing and Rescue Unit urged people to stay away from river banks and trying to cross flooded streams and rivers.

3 17 February 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA www.farnorthbulletin.co.za
The ood victim is nally back on dry land after being rescued in the middle of a ooding Letaba River. Photos: Roelof de Jonge A military helicopter from Mpumalanga was called in to help rescue a man who was trapped on an island in the middle of a ooded Letaba River. The rescuers along with the military service in Mpumalanga came to the rescue of a ood victim in Tzaneen. Rescuers from SARZA and the SAPS Water Wing search and rescue unit indenti es several spots where it was safe to enter the water to save a person from the ooding Letaba River

Onkunde lei amper tot peperduur lewensles

Die een leidraad wat Terreblanch en Menge ontvang het en wat tot die suksesvolle ontdekking van die groep gelei het, was dat die laaste verbintenis wat die groep met hul familie gehad het, was dat hulle by ‘n rivier is wat oor ‘n pad loop en hulle kan nie die rivier in vloed oorkruis nie.

Terreblanch het by die ouers een van die klimmers se sateliet ligging inteken-besonderhede gekry en so kon hulle kon vasstel waar was die laaste omgewing waar die groep hulle self bevind het. Die laaste sateliet lesing van hul ligging was Sondag (die 12de Februarie) om 17:30 by die Bergklub hut op Serala.

Deur middel van die lewensredders se wye netwerk van kontakpersone en organisasies kon hulle drie punte indentifiseer waar hulle moontik toegang verky het. Van die twee punte, New Agatha en by die Wolkberg kampterrein, is betaalpunte en mense moet registreer.

gebring, met hul 14 rugsakke inkluis.

Die vasgekeerde groep het die toue aan ‘n boom aan hulle kant vasgebind en die lewensredders het die tou aan hul voertuig gebind en styf getrek. Alhoewel hulle almal veilig en ongedeerd is, is hulle voertuie steeds vasgekeer anderkant die rivier en sal dit eers kan kry sodra die watervlak van die rivier aansienlik gedaal het.

Volgens Terreblanch en Menge is een van die groot foute wat die groep op hul avontuur tog gemaak het, hulle geen inligting van hulle planne en presiese ligging met enige een van hulle families gedeel nie, behalwe dat hulle in die Wolkberge gaan stap.

Tweedens het hulle ook nie daarop gelet om vooraf die weervoorspelling en waarskuwings van swaar reën oor die area na te gaan nie. En dit het grootliks hul verknorsing veroorsaak.

■ Roelof de Jonge

Op Maandag die 13de Februarie het die plaaslike en vrywillige lewensredders van Search and Rescue South Africa (SARZA), Louis Menge en kollega Ricardo Terreblanch, ‘n soektog geloods na 14 rotsklimmers wat oor die naweek in die Wolkberge vermis geraak het. Bulletin het eksklusief met Terreblanch gesels oor hoe die soektog van stapel gestuur is en hoe hulle uiteindelik die rotsklimmers opgespoor en na veiligheid gebring het.

“Ek het deur ‘n plaaslike vlieënier verneem van die 14 rotsklimmers van Gauteng wie oor die naweek in die Wolkberge vermis geraak het. Hierdie vlieënier het my na ‘n vlieënier in Gauteng verwys en hy het my na een van die vermiste rotsklimmers se ouers veerwys.”

Volgens Terreblanch het die ouers verbintenis met die groep verloor en hulle het geen idee waar die groep hulle in die Wolkberge bevind het nie, en die Wolkberg terrein is ongeveer ses honderd duisend hektaar groot. Dit is soos om ‘n naald in ‘n hoop hooimiet te probeer vind.

“Ongelukkig was die inligting waarvoor ons gehoop het dat hulle by hierdie twee punte sou aanmeld negatief. Ons het deur middel van programme wat ons gebruik asook Google kaarte gekyk waar al die moontlike riviere is wat hulle kon oorsteek om toegang tot die staproetes te kon verkry.”

Danksy ‘n stemboodskap op WhatsApp van een die lede wie met sy ouers kontak gemaak het, was dat hulle aanvanklik ‘n laagwaterbruggie op ‘n grondpad oorkruis het met hul voertuie na Serala Kamp toe en dat hulle nie kan terugkeer nie, want die rivier is in vloed en die laagwaterbruggie was onder die kolkende water verskuil.

Die rivier is deel van die Letaba Rivier wat in vloed was. Terreblanch het toe met Menge in verbinding getree en hom verwittig van die groep se omstandighede en verknorsing. Weens die geraas van die water moes die groep een van hul tweerigting radios met ‘n lyn oor die rivier gegooi om te kommunikeer. Die groep was toe met behulp van toue wat oor die rivier gespan is en met katrolle terug na veiligheid

Rest in peace Wynand Tot weersiens mamma

It is with great sadness that Tzaneen bids one of its residents farewell. Wynand McDonald (61) passed away on the 10th of February after a long sick bed. He leaves behind his wife of 40 years, Debbie McDonald, his daughters Wendy and Samantha, and his grandchildren Abigail, Xenia, Dianné, Hannes and Evené. His service was held on Wednesday the 15th of February out of the Bet Elohim church in Tzaneen. The family thanks Bet Elohim church, MediClinic Tzaneen, Dr Nathan October, Dr Ig van Rensburg, Dr Gary Middleton and Dr Zirk Jansen for their attention and care. Further thanks to Mohale from Capitec, Brian from Nedbank, Melissa at Wisani, Deon from Evac 911, Westfalia, LVM Brokers, and Chandlers in Polokwane, The Hydes from Trophy Toyota for their support in this difficult time.

Elise Bezuidenhoud (45) is vroeër die week oorlede na ‘n lang siekbed. Sy sal onthou word as een van die min persone wie werklik altyd positief oor die lewe was, en altyd bereid was om te help waar sy kon. Haar roudiens is Donderdag (gister) uit die NG Moeder Gemeente in Tzaneen gehou. Elise los haar man, Bennie, drie kinders, Almy, Xandrie en Narisha, en een kleinkind na. Rus sag Elise, mag jy nou uiteindelik vrede vind.


www.farnorthbulletin.co.za 4 17 February 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA
Louis Menge en Riccardo Terreblanch van SARZA gedurende die suksesvolle reddingstog wat hulle Maandag 13 Februarie uitgevoer het Die 14 rotsklimmers almal veilig op die bus terug huistoe na hulle oor naweek weens swaar reën in die Wolkberge vasgekeer was

Birds of a feather and leather swim together

The mighty ducks have arrived in their full unadulterated fabulousness in the store fronts of businesses around Tzaneen. This in preparation of the inaugural Great Letaba Warriors Duck Race set to take place in the mighty Letaba River on the 4th of March.

Driven by Tracey van den Dool in aid of the Warriors Foundation in Magoebaskloof, the idea was born out of the need to sponsor youngsters who can benefit from the gap year program offered at the academy. “I came across the idea when I started looking around for fun and innovative new ways to engage the community, other than golf days which have become exclusive events that attract mostly only golfers,” she explained. “In some areas in the world there are duck races that have up to 250 000 entries on the day!”

The mechanics of this event are simple. There are a thousand rubber duckies. Businesses or individuals buy a duck or ducks, from Tracey. These rubber duckies will be launched into the Letaba River at a designated starting point and “race” to the finish line at Fairview Hotel and Spa in Tzaneen. The ducks that cross the line first are the winners and will receive their prizes accordingly. One of the prizes is a trip for two down the Orange River. Duck sheriffs and duck corporals will be stationed along the route to ensure that all the yellow speedsters don’t lose their way and get stuck somewhere along the course. They will also act as umpires at the finish line. After the race, the river will be swept to ensure that all the ducks are retrieved and that no litter finds its way into the river.

Every business involved in the Great Limpopo Warriors Duck Race received a large wooden Duck Mascot which they were charged with decorating and displaying. The mascots are on display in the business premises and visitors are encouraged to vote for the ducks by placing a R5 coin into the bucket the mascot is perched upon. The mascot with the most votes wins. There will also be a duck parade at Lifestyle Centre before the race where the public can vote for their favourite.

For more information please check out the video interview with Tracey on the Far North Bulletin Facebook page or give her a call on 083 968 0902. Also go and like and follow The Great Limpopo Warriors Duck race on Facebook to stay in the loop.

5 17 February 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA www.farnorthbulletin.co.za
Brad Bird the Bulletin Bad lad. Dainty Painty of Paint Pot Group Dainty Painty of Paint Pot Group Marinda Swanepoel and Tracey van den Dool. Sonneblommetjie of Pannekoek Den Maluma of Krabbefontein. Duxy the Tooth Fairy of Tzaneen Dental Studio. Gucci of See . Scrooge McDuck of Hair by Corne


Phoenix Cricket Club will be running a ra e until 20 March to upgrade our pitch. Amazing prizes are up for grabs. We have limited tickets available @ only R100 per ticket! Get yours ASAP. Your support will be greatly appreciated. We would like to thank our sponsors, Die Kraal Leather and Magoebaskloof Gataway for the prizes!! The following members can be contacted to purchase your ticket.

Contact: Hein - 076 480 0329 • Stiaan - 074 102 0406 • Rainart - 064 261 8749 Tickets will also be available at the Bulletin o ce and Nino’s Pub & Grill (Duiwelskloof Cricket Field)


Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937,I, the Registrar of Deeds at Polokwane intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of DEED OF TRANSFER NUMBER T72149/2007 passed by AMBER SUNRISE PROPERTIES

3 PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration Number 2006/008329/07 in favour of ROGEEMA

KENNY, Identity number 801016 0091 08 9, Unmarried in respect of certain ERF 122 LEYDSDORP TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION


(FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY FIVE) SQUARE METRES which has been lost, destroyed, incomplete or unserviceable. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at POLOKWANE within six weeks after the date of the publication of this notice.

Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys. Address: 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel no: 015 307-3660. Email address: reandi@ joubertmay.co.za


I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan Town Planners, being the authorised agent of the registered owners of Erf 5535 Tzaneen Extension 94 hereby give notice in terms of Section 57 of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s SPLUMA By-Laws of 2016, that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the townplanning scheme known as the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 by the rezoning of the property described above from “Residential 1” to “Residential 1 with annexure 336”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen for a period of 30 days from 17 February 2023 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the appli-

Legals & Notices

cation must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or be delivered to room 9 at GTM Satellite Office, situated at 15B Peace Street, Tzaneen within a period of 30 days from 17 February 2023 by quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address.

A person who cannot write may during office hours visit the abovementioned municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments, or representations.

Contact person: Mr. B Mathebula (015 307 8031). Address of authorised agent: Omniplan Town Planners, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 307 1041. Ref No: J343, TZANEEN


549 MET BYLAAG 336









Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz van Omniplan

Stadsbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaars van Erf 5535 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 94 gee hiermee ingevolge

Artikel 57 van die Groter Tzaneen Munisipale SPLUMA By-Wette van 2016 kennis dat ek by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf vanaf “Besigheid 1” na “Besigheid 1 met ‘n bylaag nr. 336”. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 17 Februarie 2023 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 17 Februarie 2023 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by kamer 9 by GTM Sateliet kantoor te Peace Straat 15B, Tzaneen deur die verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/


redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel.

Kontak persoon: Mnr. B Mathebula (015 307 8031). Adres van gemagtigde agent: Omniplan Stads- en Streekbeplanners, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. No. (015) 307 1041. Verw. No. J343


In the estate of the late

JEANETTE VALENTINE DEEKS, Identity Number 350214 0010 08 5, who resided at MACADAMIA VILLAGE, TZANEEN and died on the 21st of DECEMBER 2021, Estate Number 2174/2022. Notice is hereby given to all creditors and debtors in the above Estate to lodge their claims and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 (thirty) days from date of publication hereof.

STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC.Attorneys for the Executor. Lex Numeri. 32 Peace Street. P O Box 242, TZANEEN, 0850


Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of B109085/2007 registered on 5 July 2007 passed by FADEELAH

KENNY, IDENTITY NUMBER: 840513 0117 081, Married according to Islamic Law , for the amount of R150 000,00 (ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND RAND), in favour of THE STANDARD BANK LIMTED, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1962/000738/06 in respect of certain ERF 135 LEYDSDORP TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which bond has been lost or de-

stroyed, and of which the registration duplicate has also been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at the deeds registry in which the bond is registered, within a period of six weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice.

Applicant : Joubert & May Attorneys. Address: 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel no: 015 307-3660. Email address reandi@joubertmay. co.za. REFERENCE: WFB/EM/EST. DEEKS

■ Ben Theunissen

Die rugbywedstryd tussen die Bokke en die manne in wit, dis nou hulle kouse en stewels (sommiges) ook en sommige se velle (spierwit), nie daai wit wat bulte maak nie, maar die wit wat ‘n gebrek aan genoegsame sonblootstelling weerspieël, was ‘n guldige geleentheid vir die lekkerlagvriende om die Britse inval in Graaff Reinette vir n wyle te herdink.

Al vier van ons was dit eens voor die aanvang van die wedstryd dat indien die Bok sou seëvier, ons nie meer so ontsteld sou wees oor die gebeurtenis in die Oos-Kaap nie.

Gelukkig was dit toe ook so. Eintlik nie “gelukkig” nie, aangesien die groen golf en die groen gras alles oorheers het...tot die skeidsregter. Die Bokke het die spel so oorheers dat die skeidsregter naderhand vir Siya gevra het watter beslissings hy wou hê.

die hoogtepunte (dit is oor en oor vertoon) was en opgemerk dat wanneer die skeidsregter ‘n skrum beveel, dit enkele sekondes neem om die skrum te vorm.

Met die prosedure wat deesdae gevolg moet word, wanneer ‘n skrum gevorm word, neem dit geweldige tyd in beslag om uiteindelik die bal in die oond te plaas. Hy sê dit het onlangs gebeur dat ‘n speler met ‘n wedstryd in die Kolonie, die bal aangeslaan het met die afskop.

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My name is Obertina Malatji. I am looking for part time domestic work. I can start immediately. I have references. Contact me on 079 623 3522

Die Pioniers bedank die volgende persone: Thys Steynberg en die boere vir die heerlike groente. Henk Minnie vir die kospakkies vanaf Woolworths wat hy afgelewer het. Koelkamers vir die maandelikse hoenderpakkies wat Steven vir ons afgelewer het. Ansie Opperman vir die dragon fruits. Die Here seën julle.

Dit was ook die eerste keer dat Faf de Klerk so puik gespeel het dat hy voor die einde van die wedstryd van die veld af gedra is, soos ‘n koning in Egipte, op ‘n draagbaar. Sy enkellopende dae was getel, daar was net een.

Weyers, wat ‘n stoetbul is, ‘n Bloue, merk toe op dat die reëls in moderne rugby so drasties verander het dat dit die spel stadiger maak, instede van vinniger, soos die rugbybase gehoop het, sou gebeur.

Hy het onlangs na ‘n program gekyk waarin Mannetjies Roux se drie

Met die daaropvolgende skrum, wou die skrumskakel die bal ingooi, toe die fluitjie vir rustyd blaas. Die tweede helfte van die wedstryd is toe daaraan gewy om die skrum te voltooi. Dawid sê toe dat ‘n vriend van hom was ‘n puik rugbyspeler, maar het eensklaps opgehou speel. Die afrigter was uiters teleurgesteld en het begin navrae doen oor die speler se optrede. Hy sou later by een van die ander spelers uitvind dat die spesifieke man aan ‘n geweldige minderwaardigheidskompleks ly, want as spelers in die skrum sak, dan dink hy hulle skinder van hom. Hy sê toe ook dat in sy dae die voorspelers met kopskerms gespeel het om koolblaar-ore te voorkom. Dit is egter opvallend dat agterspelers ook deesdae van kopskerms gebruik maak, soos boksers met ‘n oefensessie en dis juis waarvoor die agterspelers dit gebruik...vir ingeval hulle met die teenstanders ‘koppe stamp’.

Rassie twiet en die skeidsregter blaas fluitjie. Kommissaris wonder wie gaan die laaste blaas of twiet. Fluit fluit, my storie is uit...

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■ Roelof de Jonge

From the 3rd until the 5th of February a promising group of young South African Fly Fishermen took part in the Protea Trials for national teams traveling to the World Youth Fly Fishing Championships in Bosnia and a development tour to Spain in 2023.

Campbell Mclean, a 10th Grade pupil from Merensky Agricultural Academy, took part in the trials and received his Protea national colours.

The South African Fly Fishing Association (SAFFA) selected him to represent South Africa at the 20th FIPS

MOUCHE CORTLAND World Youth Championship BiH (Mostar) from the 19th until the 24th of July in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The trials to select the teams took part on the Bushman’s river in KwaZulu-Natal and the conditions allowed these young guns to showcase their talent. The other flyfishing anglers who will accompany McLean in July are Liam O’Flaherty, Daniel Duane, Luke Fairhead, Ben Blaauw and Liam Swart.

Rooiskool claims top Prestige trophies

■ Roelof de Jonge

Phalaborwa-Noord Primary School, (Rooiskool) again hosted its annual Prestige Athletics Meeting sponsored by Chery Phalaborwa Motor Dealership on Saturday the 4th of February.

Michaela Francisco was the host school’s most outstanding athlete and bagged three trophies. She was awarded with the Champion of Champions Girls award, the winner of the Best Track Athlete and also the recipient of the Senior Victrix Ludorum trophy.

Fellow athlete Khikhi Sehlako was announced as the Best Field Athlete and Lentso Selepe added another Ludorum to the Rooiskool’s trophy cabinet by claiming the Senior Victor Ludorum.

shines at Excellence Awards

The Maruleng Municipality in Hoedspruit recognised matriculants and schools on Wednesday the 8th of February and handed out several District Awards.

One of those schools was Lowveld Academy which received a Certificate of Merit award for its 100% matric pass rate obtained in 2022. It is the third year in succession that Lowveld Academy reached this achievement.

The educators who received first places in their respective subjects which included a 100% pass rate were Reinhold Deacon for Engineering Graphic and Design, Nkhuruma Asubonteng for Physical Science, Clarika Strydom for Mathematical Literacy and Sheri-Lee MaGuire for English Home Language.

Top performing students in their subjects who also received awards were Matlhatse Manyike for Computer Applications Technology (CAT) and for Engineering Graphics and Design (EGD) and Nye-

leti Chavalala for English Home Language. This event was followed by the Mopani West District Awards on Friday the 10th of February in Tivumbeni. Three of Lowveld Academy’s educators attended this event, along with the principal, Gert Rautenbach, where they received awards for their excellence during 2022. These awards were for schools situated in the Mopani West District. Rautenbach received a Certificate of Merit for a 100% pass rate in the Mopani West District. The Educator’s Award for third place in the district for English Home Language was received by teacher Sheri-Lee MaGuire.

Clarika Strydom was awarded with a third place for her 2022 matric results in Mathematical Literacy and Wouter Vos received a second place award for his 2022 matric results in CAT. Nyelethi Chavalala was awarded first place in the district for her results in English Home Language and Hope Sithole was awarded with a third place prize for her results in English Home Language.


7 17 February 2023 FAR NORTH MEDIA www.farnorthbulletin.co.za Tel: 015 309 9382 • 078 1919 111 info@hobbyprint.co.za FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING Full Colour Work Invoice Books, Statements, Receipt Books, Delivery Books, Order Books, Credit Books, etc. Programmes, Wedding Cards, Invitations, School Reports, Certificates, Mark Schedules, Advertising, Pamphlets, Calendars, Business Cards, etc. bulletin©0496hp180119tl Lowveld
beckons Mclean
Low Academy’s principal, Gert Rautenbach, and teachers Wouter Vos, Clarika Strydom and Sheri-Lee MaGuire who all received awards for the 100% matric pass rate result. Khikhi Sehlako Michaela Francisco Lentso Selepe

Spor t

17 February 2023

Hornbills retain Premier title

Roelof de Jonge

The last matches of the Limpopo Impalas Sunday Premier League were all cancelled the past weekend because of wide-spread rain across the province, which meant all the teams were awarded points. This however made no difference to the log as the BB Motors Hornbills team from Tzaneen, who were the leaders, took the title for a second

points. however consecutive year.

According to Diviya George, the club cricket coordinator from Limpopo Impalas Cricket Union in Polokwane, even if all the clubs submitted their results of this past weekend, there would exist only a very slim chance that one of the other teams would have threatened the Hornbills’ position. Even the third placed Nashua Aces from Polokwane, would not have been able to overtake the

weekend, Bills. ary. and to

The last win the Hornbills recorded for the 2022/23 season was when they faced Nkowankowa on Sunday the 5th of February. Playing at home, Hornbills won the toss and elected to field first, sending Nkowankowa in to bat.

Nkowa posted

a target of 136 for 10.

The Bills hunted down the required runs to win by two wickets. Their mainstay with the bat was Wilhelm Groenewald who just fell short of a half century. Groenewald was in sublime form and his 49 runs from 47 balls, which included three fours and four sixes, caused the visiting bowlers all sorts of headaches.

Nkowa’s trusted bowler, Don Radebe, was the player who eventually caught Groenewald wandering in front of the stumps with an LBW dismissal.

The other significant contributors with the bat were Dean Conradie who scored 38 runs which included four boundaries, Abré Cilliers (not out) with his 24 runs, including three boundaries, and Richard Atherstone who made eight runs from eight deliveries.

The bowlers from Nkowa who especially posed a threat to the Hornbills were Xolane Shongwe and Don Radebe. Shongwe claimed four scalps for 19 runs in his 10-over spell which included four maiden overs. Radebe took two wickets for 27 runs in his 10over spell, and bowled four maiden overs.

There were a couple of batsmen from the visitors who played a significant role in setting up the 136 runs. They were the opening batsman Nyiko Shikwambana, who just fell short of his half century after being caught on 48 runs, Don Radebe who made 23 runs including one four and a six and Chris Mathebula who played a clinical 20 runs.

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Dean Conradie Richard Atherstone

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