Die Groter Tzaneense Munisipaliteit (GTM) het skielik in aksie gespring nadat Bulletin verlede week die haaglike toestand van Grens Straat verby die Hoërskool Ben Vorster en die SAVF Kleuterskool uitgelig het.
Tot die verbasing van motoriste is daar dieselfde dag ‘n span uitgestuur om die enorme slaggate te begin herstel. Die spanne het ingespring by die grootste van die slaggate net voor die ingang van die skool se hoofhek.
Alhoewel die herstelwerk netjies voltooi is, is dit al wat die span met die oranje oorpakke vermag het. Hulle het eers weer Dinsdagoggend hul padwerke voortgesit, maar dit blyk asof Minitzani Straat, wat ‘n ver-
takking van Grens Straat is en wat Agatha Straat met hierdie hoofweg verbind, heeltemal tot niet sal gaan voor daar ‘n tender uitgesit sal word om die hele oppervlakte te vervang.
Volgens die woordvoerder van die munisipaliteit, Vutivi Makubele, sal daar in die week wat voorlê verder aan Grens Straat gewerk word en moontlik daarna aan Minitzani. Sy het beweer dat die onlangse reën die onderhoudspanne se werk belemmer het.
Earlier this month residents looked on with some puzzlement as a contractor started erecting a new boundary fence around the once pristine Van Velden hospital in Tzaneen. The government health facility has long since lost its shine and along with it, the trust of the community who would rather travel the extra 30 kilometres to Letaba hospital than navigate unsanitary bedding, inept staff and dirty toilets. So why then, erect a new “clearveu” fence around this facility, and how much did it cost? Well according to the spokesperson for the
Limpopo Health Department, Niel Shikwambana, the new fence is to improve the security of personnel and property at the hospital.
He also said that the contractor, Africa Construction, was paid R6 million to erect this fence and that the project had already started.
We asked him why the department opted to spend so much money on a fence when more pressing issues needed to be dealt with, such as new bedding, bed pans, food and other supplies clearly lacking there.
“A new fence is also pressing because security of personnel and property is also a priority in the department,” he said.
Last week, Bulletin reported the resignation of the controversial Head of Traffic at the GTM, Johannes Malatji amid investigations into the ongoing water tanker saga. According to our sources Malatji resigned with 24 hours’ notice on the 7th of March.
In our investigations into the water tanker saga, Bulletin discovered that Malatji owned at least one of the water tankers and it was claimed that a family member owns at least one more. The GTM’s head of Communications, Neville Ndlala admitted this. The GTM even admitted that they knew Malatji was reselling the water drawn from the hydrants in town, in the rural areas.
We sent our inquiries to the spokesperson of the GTM, Vutivi Makhubele to find some answers to the sudden exit of one of the municipality’s longest serving employees.
“Johannes Malatji has rendered his resignation as Manager for Law Enforcement on the 7th of March 2023. He has opted for early retirement due to his personal reasons. Malatji was appointed on the 1st of February 2006,” Makhubele said.
We asked her how many water tankers Malatji owns and her response was that the GTM never asked him. “That is his personal information that was never requested by the municipality.”
Malatji was the GTM’s manager and law enforcer of their Traffic Department, and despite the fight by the DA to have him held accountable for many of the wrong doings within area of responsibility, he remained in his position of power.
One person who has fought relentlessly to pressurize the municipality to remove Malatji, was DA Councillor, René Pohl, who first put in a motion to
council on the 29th of November in 2011, regarding the first illegal street hawker who setup shop under the bridge over the R71 road. It was at that time alleged that the vehicle used by the illegal hawker, was registered to a member of council, MH Machete, who was the husband of the illegal hawker.
The GTM claimed that the R71 was the property of SANRAL and that they had no jurisdiction over that road.
Again in 2013, it was alleged that Malatji was being investigated by the Hawks after his lifestyle was placed under scrutiny when allegation arose that he owned three minibus taxis which he reportedly did not declare to the GTM. The DA further alleged that Malatji was the brother-in-law of Obby Mkombo, the then director of Community Services at the GTM.
In 2015 Pohl again submitted questions to council regarding the escalation of several illegal activities in Tzaneen due to non-implementation of GTM policies, by-laws and law enforcement. Later that year Pohl lodged a motion of no confidence against Malatji’s Law Enforcement Department.
Essentially every since then, Pohl has been relentless in her assault against the corruption within specific departments in the GTM, specifically the law enforcement arm under Malatji’s command. Bulletin fought the fight alongside Pohl 13 years ago through the pen of the late Francois Aucamp, and we continue this fight now.
The DA Provincial office has lauded work done by Pohl who has since been appointed the DA Tzaneen Caucus head and they have welcomed Malatji’s resignation. “It is claimed as a victory for the ongoing pressure the DA has been applying since 2011 on the Greater Tzaneen Municipality.”
Daar word nou brandkrane gesteel in Tzaneen en die inwoners van Wyk 15 naby Van Velden hospitaal sit nou al drie dae sonder enige water as gevolg hiervan. Die wyksraadslid vir die DA in hierdie area, Chrizelle Dreyer, het inligting vanaf die FF Plus se PR-raadslid, André Moss, ontvang dat daar ‘n volledige brandkraan uit die grond uit gesteel is in Eerstelaan.
Twee ander brandkrane is beskadig en het veroorsaak dat derduisende liters skoon drinkwater die lug inspuit. Dreyer het bevestig dat hierdie brandkrane nie met die spesiale slotte wat deur Sprayrite vervaardig is, gesluit was nie. Daar word vermoed dat hierdie vandalisme moontlik met die onwettige watertrokke verbind kan word.
The new roof that was supposed to have been erected before the onset of the rainy season at the Greater Tzaneen Municipal buildings in Agatha Street caused roughly R80 000 damage to office equipment and the archives of the engineering department last month.
This after the roof was not completed on time and heavy downpour caused the flooding of the entire upper floor of the GTM’s building. This is the floor that houses the Engineering Department as well as the archives where the building plans are kept.
“There’s significant progress with the roof construction and it is nearing completion, no major leakages have been identified since it last rained,” said Vutivi Makhubele, spokesperson for the GTM. “An assessment of affected movable assets was done and estimated to be around R80 000, an assessment of immovable assets is still being compiled to determine the overall cost, an update will be issued when it is concluded.”
The multi-million contract was awarded to Mbanga Trading, a contractor who employed EPWP (orange overalls) workers as laborers on site. The contractor failed to complete the project in the allotted time and was working on extension at the time of the disaster.
Phalaborwa se inwoners het met skok Saterdagoggend die nuus van Oom Hannes van Dyk se afsterwe probeer verwerk. Hy was 59-jaar oud. Daar word beweer dat oom Van Dyk Vrydagaand saam met ‘n vriend by ‘n gewilde kuierplek op Phalaborwa, Royal Bliss nagklub, gaan kuier het en dat daar later die aand ‘n onderonsie tussen hom en nog ‘n inwoner van dié dorp, ‘n 19-jarige by name Eugene Mulder, ontstaan het.
Hierdie onderonsie het volgens ooggetuies vinnig eskaleer en later in ‘n fisiese konfrontasie ontaard waartydens dit beweer word dat Mulder vir van Dyk met ‘n elmboog bygekom het. Die voorval het na bewering in die parkeerarea buite die nagklub gebeur. Die polisie is omstreeks 01:00 Saterdagoggend ontbied.
Volgens Brigadier Motlafela Mojapelo van die SAPD se provinsiale kommunikasie afdeling het die lede op die toneel aangekom en ‘n man op die vloer in ‘n plas bloed sien lê.
“Die polisie het in die vroeë oggendure van Saterdag, 11 Maart, ‘n oproep ontvang dat ‘n man by die Royal Bliss Bar aangerand is en hulle het onmiddelik lede na die toneel ontbied. Met hul aankoms het die lede ‘n man op die vloer sien lê en hy was besig om te bloei, Die ambulansdienste is ontbied en die man is na die naaste hospitaal geneem waar hy later aan sy beserings beswyk het.”
Mulder is deur die polisie later opgespoor en inhegtenis geneem waar hy na sy verskyning op aanklagte van moord in die Phalaborwa Landdroshof, inhegtenis bly in afwagting vir sy volgende verhoordatum volgende week. Hy is nie tydens sy eerste verskeining gevra om te pleit nie.
Die polisie se ondersoek duur voort en daar word ook gekyk na bewerings wat deur ander lede van die gemeenskap gemaak is, oor die moontlikheid dat ‘n groep jongmans van die dorp ‘n dodelike speletjie daarvan maak om veral ouer mans by kuierplekke te teiken. Die polisie kon nie kommentaar hieroor lewer nie, maar het bevestig dat hulle wel die gerugte van so spel, sowel as ander soortgelyke aanvalle ondersoek.
Intussen het dié wie vir Oom Hannes geken het, hul misnoë en skok oor sosiale media platforms bekend gemaak en is daar teen tye van hierdie berig, reeds ‘n onoffisiële beweging op die been gebring om geregtigheid vir Ooom Hannes en sy gesin te verseker.
“Hierdie bakleiery in Phalaborwa is niks nuuts nie en dit was net ‘n kwessie van tyd totdat hierdie hartseer gebeurtenis homself sou uitspeel,” het een inwoner gesê. “Die jong ouens in ons dorp drink by hierdie kuierplekke en soek vir moeilikheid met die ouer mans. Daar is ‘n groepie jong latte wat die laaste ruk hierdie tipe lukrake aanvalle uitvoer en ons is moedeloos dat daar niks daarvan kom nie.”
Hannes van Dyk se gedenkdiens is vandag (Vrydag die 17de Maart) uit die NG Kerk Phalaborwa gehou. Hy laat drie seuns agter.
Chery Motors returned with a vengeance to the South African market in November 2021. This Chinese brand has launched three exciting new premium class Sport Utility Vehicles (SUV’s) soon after its return.
It has since then caused quite a stir in sales figures related to the South African vehicle industry. And rightly so. Since its return, Chery has taken huge strides and can now offer customers real value for money vehicles that look as good as their price tag.
This Chinese motor manufacturer was originally introduced to the local market in 2008 under the Imperial banner. Sales however dwindled and the brand withdrew from the market.
Chery established upon its return, a fully owned affiliate in South Africa and partnered with more than 80 dealers across the country, as revealed during its launch in 2021. One of those partner dealerships is Simpson Motors in Tzaneen which established the Chery Tzaneen dealership.
Chery kicked operations off with the Tiggo 4 Pro which proved to be the most popular model in its product range. The Tiggo 8 Pro however, is its flagship product.
Manning the sales of Chery’s premium class SUV’s
are sales executives Brian Letsoalo and Ivan van Heerden. Currently Chery sells more than 1 500 vehicles per month. Every month.
One of the most impressive features of the Chery Tiggo product range aside from its sporty, stylish and luxury offerings, is the engine warranty. In fact, this Chinese car maker has so much trust in their product that it is offered with a 10 year or 1 million kilometer warranty.
More exciting is that Chery Tzaneen will soon be moving in to a bigger and better facility which will complement its vehicles even further.
“We are expecting to move in by the end of May. This dealership will have a larger showroom, improved parking space for our valued buyers and a fully-fledged parts department and workshop. We are so excited for what awaits Chery Tzaneen and its customers,” said Letsoalo.
Chery Tzaneen operates from Monday to Friday from 07:00 until 17:00 and is open for business on Saturday’s and public holidays from 08:00 until 12:00.
Contact Chery Tzaneen today on 015 590 1892 to be introduced to Chinese premium quality and style laced with a fun factor. Or contact sales executives Brian Letsoalo on 065 698 3555 or Ivan van Heerden on 079 073 5016.
After weeks of back-and-forth flirtation between the geese and ganders of Tzaneen’s business community, the time has finally come to put your money where your beak is. Tomorrow the inaugural Great Limpopo Warriors Duck Race is set to fill the rapids of the mighty Limpopo River with the brightest yellow racing stripes this side of the Cheese Curls wrapper. And no, this is not just a lekker day out next to the river. There are so many fantastic prizes up for grabs that this is expected to be a web-footed battle royale.
Prizes include 4 nights self catering at Leshiba Lodge in the Soutpansberg, a Magoebaskloof mountain hike for four people courtesy of The Mountain Company, a 4-day trip down the Orange River in a canoe courtesy of the Warriors, and of course a Brandy and Coke hamper for the Last Duck In courtesy of Anthony Bret at Superspar Tzaneen.
There will be loads and loads of other prizes for various competitions on the day which also include massages, Tarzan Vellies, beauty vouchers, cash vouchers and other accommodation prizes.
Teams who will be facing off tomorrow are The Frikkels, Gucci Girls, Machi Mechanics, Zennie, Tzaneen Dental Studio, The Amore Ducks, Disco Ducks, Kiddeo Tots, Lady Julia, Prozak Pennys, Le Grand Ducks, The Real Queens, Bulletproofs, Trauma Queens, Ricky Rescue and a special entry all the way from Australia, Duckin Down Under.
The Race Day will get under way at the Tzaneen Showgrounds at 11:00 on Saturday morning (tomorrow) where the instructions and the rules and all the
rest of the official business will be covered. From there, the ducks will be taken to the start line and the race shall commence amid much pomp and ceremony.
Those who have not yet adopted a duck are welcome to do so on the day and join in the cause to change a life for the better. For more information contact Tracey van den Dool on 083 968 0902.
This last week I experienced once again what the “new age” of communication has done to the media industry. And I’m not talking about the move away from print toward a paperless society (which money seems to be following at an alarmingly rapid rate), but I’m referring to the idea that you can say and post whatever you like over social media without the fear of any repercussions.
Mike Tyson famously told an interviewer that “social media has convinced you that it is okay to say whatever you want about whoever you want, without being punched in the face.”
Whilst that is a bit of an extreme example, the past week I saw people jump onto social media blatantly calling a young man from Phalaborwa a murderer and calling for justice to have him “rot in jail” and even proclaiming loudly that if you live by the sword you will die by the sword.
Regardless of whether those statements were driven by emotions, one must remember that the facts don’t care about your feelings, and in court, your emotions have absolutely no bearing. In court it is not what you know or what you feel, it is what
you can prove.
And most importantly, right now, we don’t have ANY real facts other than the report of what appeared to have happened. In short, our story on page 4 involves a young man and an older man who somehow engaged in a physical altercation during which the old man was allegedly injured and later past away in hospital from his injuries. The police are busy with investigations into exactly what happened. During these investigations it will be determined exactly what caused the altercation, who provoked it and ultimately what caused the elderly gentleman’s tragic death. Nowhere has it been stated with certainty that the victim was beaten to death.
There are rumours flying around and accusations being levelled by people who were not even at the venue at the time of the incident. In fact there are people who don’t even live in that town claiming that the police and the media have got it all wrong!
These people are claiming that the police information is incorrect and that our reporting on the matter is riddled with holes, some have even insinuated that the family of the suspect has somehow paid the media off to keep the story under cover. An investigation is an ongoing thing. Initially when the news is broke, information was extremely limited and for a newspaper or media organization to speculate, is not only extremely dangerous as it can negatively affect the court process, but it is also very irresponsible and flies in the face of what journalism is meant to be. To the sanctimonious commentators I offer the following question: would you be willing to stand witness in a court of law during a murder trial and have your say on the record knowing that you were not there, and that your speculation could send a young man to jail? What happens if the investigation reveals that the cause of death was not what you speculated? Would you be willing to face jail time for your opinion on something you did not witness?
“The media, the media, the media!”
■ Ben Theunissen
Met die volgende les in ateljee 13 wat ons, dis nou Kommissaris, Weyers, Dawid en die uwe, bymekaar kom, daag Weyers op met ‘n gips, vol boodskappe van simpatie op, in al die kleure van die reënboog, selfs die kleure van die Suid-Afrikaanse reënboog.
“Wat makeer die gips?”, vra Dawid die vraag wat al afgesaag is.
“Ek het my arm op drie plekke gebreek”, sê Weyers. Dawid het dadelik ‘n oplossing vir die probleem en sê: “Jy moet wegbly van daai plekke af.” Toe breek Weyers homself.
Kommissaris is toe van mening dat die breek van ‘n arm nie soveel ernstige konsekwensies het, soos ‘n belofte wat gebreek word nie. Vat nou maar ‘n huwelik. As jy die troubelofte breek en ma vind dit uit, gaan jy gips aan verskeie liggaamsdele nodig hê.
Die ergste is dat jy nie eers met ‘n kierie sal kan loop nie. Toe wonder Dawid waar die woord kierie sy oorsprong gekry het.
Kommissaris, wat ‘n toegewyde boekwurm is, sê toe dat ons eie moedertaal heelwat van die Khoi-bevolking se woorde bevat. So is daar abba, boegoe, dagga en kiri…
Laasgenoemde het toe later kierie geword. Daar is ook ander name vir die kierie. Soos wandelstaf en stapstok. Die woord kierie het ook onder die voëls ‘n bydrae gemaak. So is daar kierieklapper en bokmakierie. Die kierie is nie net vir ondersteuningsdoeleindes gebruik nie, maar die knopkierie word vir selfverdediging en jagtogte gebruik.
Die geselskap raak stil en vir ‘n wyle word die kele benat om die verbasing te delg van die kieriegeskiedenis wat ons te beurt geval het.
Ek vertel toe dat wyle Danie Smuts, bekend vir sy vroeë-oggend program op Springbokradio en verskeie televisierolle, ook beroemd was vir sy kierie waarmee hy nie net die wêreld vol beweeg het nie, maar dit ook as “wapen” gebruik het as iemand met hom ‘n argument sou aanknoop. Of met hom sou verskil oor wat ‘n hou met ‘n kierie regverdig.
Tannie Stienie het ook met ‘n kierie gestap. Sy het in ‘n woonstelletjie in Sunnyside stoksielallen gebly...elke aand. Op ‘n dag besluit sy om ‘n entjie te gaan stap en die gewoel van die strate te ervaar. Sy stap toe die straat binne met die geklop-klop van haar kierie op die sypaadjie. Om die hoek van die woonstelblok waar sy woon, is die dienaars van die gereg toe besig om meisies van swak reputasie in ‘n vangwa te laai. Sy vra toe vir die een dametjie wat daar aangaan.
Die sê toe: “Tannie, hulle deel lemoene uit daar voor, aangesien sy nie vir tannie Stienie die waarheid kon vertel nie… Tannie Stienie val toe ook in die tou. Toe die polisieman by haar kom, vra hy: “Tannie, is jy nie te oud vir hierdie dinge nie?”
Waarop sy antwoord: “Boetman, ek druk hulle pap, dan suig ek hulle uit!”
■ Joe Dreyer
Die Cape Epic in die Kaap word vanaf die 19de Maart tot die 26ste Maart in die Kaap beslis. Trophy Tyres in Letsitele wil graag vir Moné en Mark Pieterse baie sterkte en voorspoed met hul Cape Epic bergfietswedren toewens. Die plaaslike pa en dogter paar sal op die 19de Maart in die Kaap wegspring en ry tot die 26ste Maart toe.
Die Cape Epic, geborg deur Absa, is een van die land, en selfs die wêreld se gewildste bergfietswedrenne en word elke jaar oor ‘n afstand van 700 kilometer beslis. Die roete verander elke jaar, maar dit is oor die algemeen sowat 700 km en 17 000m se klim. Deelnemers ry in spanne van twee en beide ryers moet saam die wedren voltooi om vir die algemene klassifikasie in aanmerking te kom
In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in Tzaneen. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account.
Registration Number of Estate: 010677/2021
Surname: MARAIS.
ETTE. Identity Number: 3401210037088.
Widow. Last address:
1 Maculata Street, Tzaneen.
Joubert & May Attorneys, 50 Boundary Street, P O Box 35, 0850 Tzaneen. Tel (015) 307 3660
Ref.: Mr Rech/avs/ R15826
Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T89212/1997 passed by LIMPOPO in favour of PAARDEDOOD
3. REMAINING EXTENT OF PORTION 9 OF FARM GEMSBOKSPRUIT 349, REGISTRATION DIVISION LT, LIMPOPO PROVINCE which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deed at Limpopo within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
Applicant : Joubert & May Attorneys
Address : 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850.
Telno : 015 307-3660
Email address : lilize@
Elzé Engelbrecht was one of the athletes who competed in the Wik Junior Individual Triathlon
The annual Wik Memorial Triathlon took place on Sunday the 12th of March at Stanford Lake College.
This event is held in tribute to a former Stanfordian staff member, Wik van der Walt and is an honorary gathering of Van der Walt’s friends and family along with athletes and sports lovers of different ages.
As the only Triathlon South Africa sanctioned race in the Limpopo province, the event’s popularity has grown each year since its inception in 2013. It gives beginners and young enthusiasts, families and more seasoned athletes an opportunity to experience a multi-disciplinary event in a fun, scenic environment.
Walt Katzke took a dominant victory in the Wik Stanfordian category in a time of 02:12:15. It was a closely fought battle until the end between Johan Boonzaier and Matthew Wilkinson for the second place.
Boonzaier took the second spot on the podium by the narrowest of margins. His time of 02:35.40 was just enough to finish ahead of Wilkinson, who posted time of 02:35.51.
Sonja Nel was the first female contender to finish in the Wik Stanfordian category. She took the winners laurels in a time of 03:09.49. Juané Fick took the second spot and Angelica Mills was the third female to complete this race.
Tristan Brett was in a class of his own in the Wik Individual Junior division. He took a dominant first place in a time of 01:23.23, about three minutes clear of his closest rival, Samuel McIntosh in 01:26.09. The third place went to Willem Sweep who finished in a time of 01:41.46.
The first female athlete across the line and in an excellent fifth position overall was Isabella Dando, with the stopwatch recording a time of 01:43.58. The second place was occupied by Lianke Fourie who completed this challenge in a time of 01:53.08 ahead of third placed Elzé Engelbrecht who finished in a time of 02:12.04.
Kuno Venter took the winner’s honours in the Individual Open division. His stunning time of 01:26.44 was testimony of his dominant performance. The second and third places though provided for a thrilling finish.
Lia Revelas, the first female compet itor to complete the race, and Stuart Hillary battled until the end for the fi nal steps on the podium. Both of them posted the exact same time, 01:38.50,
Anthony Pretorius was the third best male athlete, and he was classified fourth overall. The next woman contender to reach the end after the winner, Revelas, was Britt Dando. She was classified eighth overall with a time of 01:49.38. Anja Volker was the third woman’s entrant to finish this triathlon and posted a time of 01:51.09.
The 3 Sims won the Team event with Snap, Crackle and Pop claiming second place and in third place was the team of The Wikets.
18 March
The Great Limpopo Warriors Duck Race will be held on 18 March 2023 from 12:00 on the banks of the Letaba River.
For more information contact Tracey on 083 968 0902 or go to The Great Limpopo Warriors Duck Race Facebook page
25 March
The St Patrick’s Day Festival will be held on 25 March 2023 at Blueberry Heights from 09:00 until 18:00.
Tickets available at Quicket
For more information contact 079 845 0707 or email
8 April
The Tzaneen Parkrun is held every Saturday (April - September) from 08:00 and starts at Safari Pub & Grill. Visit
For more information email
15 April
The Galaxy Bingo Wolfpack 4 in 1 will be held on 15 April 2023 at Merensky High School from 05:30 Enter online
For more information contact Tracey van den Dool on 083 968 0902 or email tracey@
15 April
Joe Niemand is performing on 15 April 2023 at The King’s Court Christian School from 18:00.
Tickets available at Quicket
For more information contact 082 934 8562 or email admin@
My name is Ruel Ramaila. I am looking for a position in Agricultural science. I have a diploma in Agricultural Science. I have experience in Microsoft Word and Excell and experience in fruit, vegetables and Agronomic crops. Form management, nursery, packhouse or logistics administrator. Contact me on 078 436 9953
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My name is Solomo Sitoe. I am looking for full or part time security work. I can start immediately. Contact
■ Roelof de Jonge
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se O/18 netbalspan het Dinsdagmiddag met ‘n enkele doel hul plek in die Limpopo Mini-Wêreldbeker verseker. Dit na die Vossies teen Merensky in die eindstryd van die Mopani Mini-Wêreldbeker op die Blouskool se bane geseëvier het. Ter bewusmaking en viering van die 2023 Netbal Wêreldbeker wat vanjaar in Kaapstad plaasvind, het hoërskole vanuit die Mopani Distrik op Dinsdag die 14de Maart aan Mopani se Mini-wêreldbeker
Bulletin het die geleentheid bygewoon waar tientalle O/15 en O/18 meisiesspanne die stryd gevoer het. Merensky Landbou Akademie se netbalterrein was behoorlik ‘n miernes van netbalspelers en ondersteuners. Die hoofwedstryd van dié kampioenskap was die eidnstryd tussen die O/18 meisies van Merensky Landbou Akademie en die Hoërskool Ben Vorster. Hierdie twee spanne het deurentyd in die eindstryd skitter spel gelewer wat hul ondersteuners so byna na kalmeerpille
Daar was min te kies tussen die Plasies en die Vossies met beide spanne wat deurentyd met ‘n doel voorgeloop het. Dit was uiteindelik Ben Vorster wat met ‘n enkele doel, 15 doele teen 14, hul plek vir die Limpopo Mini-wêreldkampioenskap bespreek het. Die wenners van hierdie distrik kampioenskap dring deur om aan die Limpopo uitspeelrondte in Polokwane deel te neem. Dié wenners van die provinsiale kampioenskap sal die geleentheid hê om aan die nasionale kampioenskap deel te neem. Elke skolespan het ‘n land verteenwoordig wat aan die ware wêreldbeker gaan deelneem. Bulletin sal ‘n volledige verslag oor die toernooi saamstel en al die spanne bekend maak wat na die Limpopo Mini-wêreld Kampioenskap deurgedring het.
The popular annual open water swimming event, the Ebenezer Mile at Ebenezer Dam near Haenertsburg, was held for the 31st year on Saturday the 11th of March.
The first of the five races was for female swimmers aged under the age of 14 and 31 years and older. Pia Stewart set the pace for her rivals to follow and was the first to complete the one-mile course, claiming the category win for women 31 years and older. Her winning time was 23 minutes and 44 seconds.
The U/14 contender, Rozaan Korff, took a fine second place overall and the category win in a time of 25 minutes and 46 seconds. A total of 48 female swimmers completed the one mile race.
Gary Albertyn, swimming in the 31 years and older age group, was the first of the 57 finishers in the Open Mile race for male swimmers U/14 and 31 years and older. It took Albertyn precisely 22 minutes to blitz through the course. The second place went to Kuno Venter in a time of 24 minutes and 34 seconds. He was followed by Leon Roode who finished in 26 minutes and 2 seconds.
The Open Mile crown for swimmers 14 years to the age of 30 belonged to Connor Albertyn. His time of 20 minutes and 53 seconds was the fasted finish time for the day. The first female swimmer to reach the end was Jean-Marie Swartz in 23 minutes and 50 seconds to claim second place overall.
settled for the third place overall, posting a time of 23 minutes and 58 seconds.
One of the mainstay events on the program is the challenging 3 000m race for more advanced and fitter swimmers. The winner this year was Dylan Kamstra. It took him 49 minutes and 53 seconds to win ahead of his rivals.
The second and third steps on the podium were respectively occupied by female swimmers, Caroline Koll and Danté Botha. Koll’s finish time was 50 minutes and 54 seconds and Botha recorded a time of 51 minutes and one second for her third place.
The 500 meter event concluded the pro
a time of 11 minutes and eight seconds was Leah Stewart followed by Hendré Venter, who was the first male participant to finish this event. Venter’s time was 11 minutes and 45 seconds.
The SPAR Tzaneen Tuffy 4-in-One Marathon on the 11th of March showcased exceptional athleticism and an event filled with great energy and enthusiasm. Set against the stunning backdrop of Tzaneen’s natural beauty, the event started at sunrise and featured 1 125 participants from all over the country.
The challenging course was no match for Timothy Munzhelele, a rising star from Limpopo, who dominated the men’s 42.2km race. In an exciting battle, Munzhelele fought off stiff competition from Phaladi Pholosho and Isaac Mokgola, who came in second and third, respectively.
Mamala Maponya was equally impressive in the women’s 42.2km race, beating out Jane Mudau and Monica Erasmus to take the top spot. The half-marathon (21.1km) races were just as thrilling, with Ananius Masila and Rosaline Isaiah emerging victorious in the men’s and women’s divisions, respectively.
42,2 km results:
Timothy Munzhelele from the Murray & Robberts Athletics Club Limpopo conquered the steep hills of the Tuffy 42,2km race and clinched a stunning victory. Munzhelele’s winning time was 02:48.17.
The race winner though had to dig deep all the way to the finish line to keep Phaladi Pholosho from the University of Limpopo Athletic Club at bay.
The university athlete eventually settled for second place, just a few seconds behind the winner, Munzhelele. Pholosho’s finish time was 02:48.51. In the third place, some couple of minutes behind the front runnners, was Isaac Mokgola who recorded a time of 02:57.24.
Another strong performance from the University of Limpopo’s Athletics Club who delivered the first female runner in the 42,2km marathon. Annah Maponya won in a time of 04:12.32. She completed this race in an overall 23rd place.
The second woman’s athlete across the line was Nedbank Running Club Limpopo’s Jane Mudau. Her time was 04:31.47. The third place with a time of 04:35.04 was Monica Erasmus from Polokwane Athletics Club.
021,1km half marathon:
The SPAR Tuffy half marathon also provided a couple of steep climbs on the route and gave the runners a proper workout. Seilago Masila, another student runner from the University of Limpopo, had quite a tussle with independent entrant, Phuti Sethowa.
In the end Masila managed to build up a slender lead which he kept until the end to win in a time of 01:18.06. Sethowa could not keep up with the flying Masila and eventually took second place in a time of 01:19.02. In third place with a time of 01:23.50 was Emmanuel Ramohale.
next female athlete after Isaiah was Joyce Netshitenzhe (also an independent entry) who ran a time of 01:47.18. In third place was Monique Smit from the Nedbank Running Club Limpopo. Smit posted a finish time of 01:52.14.
10km race results:
Calvin Malatji blitzed the tame 10km Tuffy course to take the overall win in a time of 36 minutes and 17 seconds. A mere minute behind Malatji was the former Ultra Comrades winner Ludwick Mamabolo with a finish time of 00:37.42. Tuwani Mulaudzi who claimed the final spot on the podium finished in a time of 38 minutes and six seconds.
The first of the women’s runners to reach the end, was Violet Kamogelo. She ran a time of 46 minutes and four seconds and finished in 11th place overall.
She was followed by Gift Ramabele who took 50 minutes and 37 seconds to complete the 10km course. Gift was the winner of the 42.5 marathon last year. The third and final step on the podium, with a time of 53 minutes and 23 seconds, went to Phalaborwa Athletics Club’s Sina Malatji.
Far North Bulletin spoke to Tertius Erasmus, the chairperson of Tzaneen Marathon Club, afterwards. Tzaneen’s marathoners were once again the host of the annual event.
“I have been involved with this club since 2019 and I have competed in each Tuffy race, with exception during the Covid-19 period. It is the ninth year that Tzaneen Marathon Club hosted the SPAR Tuffy Marathon,” he said. “We are very fortunate not to report any incidents during any of the marathon races. Kudos to all the waterpoints on the route which were all very well prepared for the over a thousand runners. There was even cold water available until the end for the participants.”
“We just would just like to emphasize our sincerest appreciation to all our valued sponsors who contributed in the success of the Tuffy Marathon. Without these sponsors, which is mainly from our local community, is it not possible to hold a race of this magnitude.”
■ Roelof de Jonge