La Voz Hispana

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Please see page 29


Faces in the shadow

The population of unauthorized immigrants in the United States has stabilized; those who are already living here are more likely to reside with immediate family members, spouses or children. These immigrants are more geographically dispersed than in the past and have children who have been born in this country and are U.S. citizens; however, the likelihood of those children growing and living in poverty is almost twice than that of those whose parents were born in this country. Please see page 8


Kirschner por María del Pilar Ortiz

How to trade with Latin America Progress and trends

Trade is one of the more enduring issues in contemporary U.S.-Latin America relations. Through the last decades the United States and Latin American nations have focuses on strengthening ties, reaching trade partnerships and creating new investment that has allowed the economic expansion of both in the hemisphere. Please see page 6

Gracias a las historias del abuelo paterno sobre su vida en Cuba y las Islas Canarias los Kirschner siempre supieron que existía otro mundo. Una cultura diferente y en un idioma llamado español. El tiempo haría lo propio. Ese mundo dejó de ser ajeno para esta familia de “puros gringos” como la describe Kelly. La curiosidad, el amor o quizás ambas llevaron a Kelly Kirschner a explorar. A los 19 años viajó a Ecuador. Más tarde viviría en Guatemala. El llamado “tercer mundo” forjaría su vida y su futuro. Hoy, a los 34 años, es comisionado y vicealcalde de Sarasota. En un español perfecto habló sobre su pasado, presente y futuro. Ver pág. 18 Foto: Daniela Barón

2 The Hispanic Voice

La Voz Hispana

La Voz Hispana

The Hispanic Voice



The Hispanic Voice

Encuentro de profesionales

La Voz Hispana


Un día lleno de información útil

SARASOTA.- La Organización Internacional María Luisa de Moreno con el apoyo de la Universidad del Sur de la Florida, la Cámara de Comercio Latina y el periódico 7DÍAS realizó el segundo encuentro de profesionales en el auditorio Selby de la USF. Doscientas ochenta y seis personas se registraron para el evento que ilustró a los profesionales hispanos sobre las diferentes oportunidades existentes para validar u homologar su Título Universitario obtenido en sus países o a buscar alternativas dentro de su campo que les permita encontrar alternativas para progresar en este país. La Fundación María Luisa de Moreno nació en Colombia de la necesidad de ayudar a los más necesitados y en 2006 se creó la Fundación Internacional para ayudar a los inmigrantes en Estados Unidos. Su labor va desde ayuda a niños con parálisis cerebral, hidrocefalia, etc., a actividades culturales, artísticas, deportivas y de desarrollo profesional. Carmenza Mendoza la vicepresidente de la entidad, informó que han enfocado su actividad en mejorar las condiciones de vida de los inmigrantes, por eso están empeñados en ayudar a los profesionales a homologar sus títulos. Igualmente tienen becas, cursos de inglés y convenios con Universidades. La Fundación Internacional ha extendido su labor a otros países bajo el lema: “El conocimiento hace la diferencia”.

Palmetto Branch Library

Manatee County libraries will remain open through budget cuts Carmenza Mendoza y Bibiana Serrano.

En el encuentro los panelistas, Bibiana Serrano, Luis Eduardo Barón, Alberto Mariño, Hillary Bardwell, Druci Díaz, Ángela Ramírez, Nicole Strachan y la doctora Lou Nunes explicaron a los asistentes temas interesantes como la homologación de títulos, las

alternativas de financiación, cómo empezar su propio negocio, la evaluación de las notas y su transferencia al currículo americano de acuerdo a los créditos, la preparación para los exámenes, etc. Además se presentaron

MANATEE. In response to a number of public inquiries regarding the future of Palmetto Branch Library, 923 6th Street West, Manatee County officials said there is no truth to the rumor that the library will be closed.

Ver ENCUENTRO en Pag. 5

Ver LIBRARIES en Pag. 5


La Voz Hispana

Viene ENCUENTRO de Pag. 4

invitados de honor que contaron sus experiencias de cómo lograron completar el proceso en este país para ejercer sus profesiones. En la tarde los asistentes participaron en mesas de trabajo de acuerdo a las profesiones para conocer en forma específica sobre la Viene LIBRARIES de Pag. 4

Manatee officials must reduce the coming year’s budget by $25 million, prompting County Administrator Ed Hunzeker to warn of impending cutbacks in quality of life services. And while reduced hours at libraries remain an option, closing any of the six libraries in the county library system is not a possibility. There are no wholesale closures planned for any public libraries, said Deputy

The Hispanic Voice

transferencia de créditos, requisitos, licencias y postgrados. Para más información sobre los temas tratados en el encuentro de profesionales pueden llamar al teléfono 813-735-6532 ó consultar el artículo detallado sobre el encuentro en

County Administrator Karen Windon. We’re looking to see if there’s a need for reductions to operating hours, but those decisions will be based on a holistic view of the library system. Ultimately, Manatee County Commissioners will decide where hours are reduced or where cutbacks are made. Look for Manatee County Government’s proposed budget at

EL MCC ahora State College of Florida

BRADENTON-El Manatee Community College cambia de nombre, pasa a llamarse a partir de ahora “State College of Florida Condados de Manatee y Sarasota” después de un acuerdo de junta directiva el pasado 15 de abril. Además de la nueva denominación de la universidad se ha confirmado la modificación del alias de la mascota deportiva por “Manatee”, asegurando que su elección respeta el patrimonio de la universidad y reconoce su locación costera. Ya se han dado a conocer las representaciones gráficas del nombre de la universidad y los nuevos colores en el logo de la mascota: serán el azul y verde. Esta nueva información se pondrá a disposición del público a través de la página web de la MCC. Y aquí, es donde radica otra de las novedades: la MCC crea

dos nuevas páginas web en español, donde los usuarios podrán obtener la información necesaria acerca de las carreras de MCC, servicios, ayuda financiera y registro. Estas nuevas páginas son y Pero entre tanto cambio, si algo quiere dejar claro el MCC es que la universidad seguirá fiel a su misión.”Seguiremos siendo una universidad que sirve a nuestras comunidades. En el nivel de dos años, nuestra política de puerta abierta seguirá firme en su lugar. Seguiremos fieles para proveer un ambiente de aprendizaje accesible y dinámico. Mantendremos nuestro compromiso de ser la mejor universidad de dos años (y ahora de cuatro años) en el estado,” aseguró Lar A. Hafner, presidente de MCC.



The Hispanic Voice

La Voz Hispana


How to trade with Latin America Progress and trends

POR Mónica Rodríguez Montesdeoca

Adult education student Jose Barragan and his wife Teresa pose with Adult Career and Technical Education director Doug Wagner (far left) and School Board member Bob Gause (far right) after being inducted into the National Adult .

MTI Students Join National Honor Society Manatee Technical Institute inducted 19 into the Adult Education Honor Society

BRADENTON. The Induction Ceremony of the Lee Carter Brown Chapter of the National Adult Education Honor Society at Manatee Technical Institute was held in the Leatherman Auditorium at MTI’s Main Campus. Nineteen students were inducted. Family members joined the students on stage to pin them, and School Board member Bob Gause and Adult Career and Technical Education director Doug Wagner awarded them their certificates. MTI director Dr. Mary Cantrell made opening and closing remarks. The Manatee adult education program serves over 2,000 students. The ones chosen for this honor are an elite group. Inductees must meet membership standards of attendance, cooperation and self-reliance. The MTI Chapter is one of only nine chapters in the state of Florida, according to information from Mr. Lloyd Weaver, president of the NAEHS National Headquarters in Highland Heights, Kentucky. Linda Agresta is the assistant director of academics and Ernie Bishop is the faculty sponsor for NAEHS at MTI. About half the inductees are working towards their GEDs, and the other half are learning English.

Today, although not the largest, Latin America is the fastest growing U.S. regional trade partner, with the exception of Africa, which has had strong export growth based largely on the rise of petroleum prices. The facts reveal than between 1996 and 2008, total U.S. merchandise trade (exports plus imports) with Latin America grew by 137% compared to 110% for Asia (driven largely by China), 114% for the European Union, 294% for Africa, and 120% for the world. This happens because of two import trend changes: First, Mexico has historically been by far the largest U.S. trade partner in Latin America, but total trade with many other Latin American countries increased faster in 2007. Second, for the first time in years, U.S. exports grew faster than U.S. imports according to the report U.S.Latin America Trade: Recent Trends created for Members of Congress in 2008. With regards to U.S. exports to Latin America, they grew at 9.1% in 2008. The export growth to México, was the second largest by only 1.4%, while U.S. export growth to the other major Latin American markets expanded briskly; to Perú by (41.4%), Venezuela (13.3%), Chile (22.1%), Brazil (28.1%), Colombia (28.4%), Argentina (22.9%), and Costa Rica (12.2%). These trends reflect strong national economic growth experienced in much of Latin America. Exports to major Latin American trading blocs varied, expanding by 27.6% to the Southern Cone Common Market (MERCOSUR), 20.8% to the Andean Common Market (AC), 14.3% to the CAFTADR countries, but only 7.0% to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries. On the import side, slower growth in the U.S. economy and the declining value of the U.S. dollar resulted in slower growth in the demand for foreign goods, including those from Latin America. U.S. imports from the world rose by 5.5% in 2007 compared to 10.9% in 2006. Among the larger U.S. trade partners, imports expanded by 11.7% from China, -1.8% from Japan, 7.0% from the EU, 3.8% from South Korea, and 4.8% from Canada. Imports from Latin America rose by 4.2% on average and by 12.5% from Argentina, 7.3% from Venezuela, 6.3% from Mexico, and 5.4% from Honduras. Imports fell from Peru (-10.2%), the Dominican Republic (–6.7%), and Chile (-5.3%). If we have a look at Mexico as an example, it made up 11.1% of U.S. trade in 2007 and, it is the largest Latin American trade partner, accounting for 56% of the region’s trade with the United States. These trends point to the long-term and increasing economic integration between the two countries, in part the result of their deliberate trade liberalization efforts,

Exports to USA by South American Countries • Venezuela • • • • • • • • • • •

Brazil Colombia Ecuador Chile Perú Argentina Bolivia Uruguay Guyana Suriname Paraguay

US$51.4 billion (41.1% of overall South American exports to USA) $30.5 billion (24.4%) $13.1 billion (10.5%) $9 billion (7.2%) $8.2 billion (6.6%) $5.9 billion (4.7%) $5.8 billion (4.7%) $510.8 million (0.4%) $244 million (0.2%) $146 million (0.1%) $126.5 million (0.1%) $78.4 million (0.1%).

Imports from USA by South American Countries • Brazil • • • • • • • • • • •

Venezuela Chile Colombia Argentina Perú Ecuador Paraguay Uruguay Suriname Bolivia Guyana

US$32.9 billion (36.6% of overall USA exports into South America) $12.6 billion (14%) $12.1 billion (13.5%) $11.4 billion (12.7%) $7.5 billion (8.4%) $6.2 billion (6.9%) $3.5 billion (3.8%) $1.6 billion (1.8%) $893.3 million (1%) $406.3 million (0.5%) $389.1 million (0.4%) $288.6 million (0.3%).

including the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). By contrast, the rest of Latin America together makes up only 7.8% of U.S. trade, leaving room for significant growth. Brazil, for example, which has the second largest economy in Latin America, is the second largest Latin American trade partner of the United States, but accounts for only 8.5% of U.S. trade with Latin America, or one-seventh that of Mexico.

U.S.-Latin America Trade Relations The United States and Latin America have pursued trade liberalization through multilateral, regional, and bilateral negotiations, with mixed results. In part this reflects their divergent priorities. For many Latin American countries, reducing barriers to agricultural trade is at the top of the list for a successful agreement. This goal includes reducing market access barriers such as tariffs and tariff rate quotas (TRQs), domestic subsidies, and the use of antidumping provisions. In the United States’ case it focuses its trade negotiating goals on areas where it is most competitive, such as services (financial, tourism, technology, professional, among others); intellectual property rights (IPR); government procurement; and investment. The result has been the proliferation of bilateral and multilateral agreements. The United States has implemented Free Trade Agreement

with Mexico (NAFTA), Chile, the Dominican Republic and the Central American countries- DR, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and Costa Rica -(CAFTA-DR) and Peru, and signed others with Colombia and Panama that await congressional action. These U.S. free trade agreements are permanent. Brazil, as the major regional economy not in an agreement with the United States, has moved ahead separately by adding associate members to MERCOSUR, supporting Venezuela’s admittance to MERCOSUR as a full member, and leading in the formation of deeper economic and political integration pacts in South America.

MEXICO: Mexico is a member of NAFTA

[the North American Free Trade Agreement, along with U.S and Canada], and it is a neighbor that has maintained close relations with the U.S. It has a common border and shares the problem of the huge illegal immigration from Mexico to the United States. Mexico is among the world’s most open economies, but it is dependent on trade with the U.S., which bought about 82% ($223 billion) of its exports in 2007. Top U.S. exports to Mexico include electronic equipment, motor vehicle parts, and chemicals. Top Mexican exports to the U.S. include petroleum, cars, and electronic equipment. Please see LATIN AMERICA on page 31

La Voz Hispana

The Hispanic Voice


Faces in the shadow


The Hispanic Voice

La Voz Hispana


Origen de los inmigrantes indocumentados en EE.UU.

por Mónica Rodríguez Montesdeoca

The fact that unauthorized immigrants who live in the United States, earn less money, are poorly educated and the majority are Hispanics might not sound new to you. What might surprise you is that in the last few years the immigrants have spread across the country and have more children with U. S. citizenship. These, among others, are the key findings of new analysis done by the Pew Hispanic Center, a nonpartisan research organization that builds on previous statistics estimating the size and growth of the U. S. based on March 2008 data collected by the Census Bureau. According to this new data the number of undocumented immigrants in the United States, after growing rapidly from 1990 to 2006 has stabilized to 11.9 million; however, the trend works the opposite way round when it comes to the number of children born in this country with parents that are unauthorized. In recent years the number of U.S. citizens born to undocumented immigrant parents has expanded rapidly, to

Oriente Medio 2% El Caribe 4% Otros 6% Sur América 7% Centro América 11% Asia 11%

24% Otros 76% Hispanos

México 59%

4 million in 2008 from 2.7 million in 2003. This means unauthorized immigrants tend to have a higher number of children; today 73% of the children of undocumented immigrants are born U. S. citizens.

76% de los inmigrantes indocumentados en EEUU son HISPANOS

Familiar value and children citizens A striking fact is their family patterns. Most of unauthorized immigrant adults reside with immediate family member- spouses or children. Nearly half of undocumented

immigrant households (47%) consist of a couple with children. That is a greater share than for households of U.S.-born residents (21%) or legal immigrants (35%). This difference stems in large part from the relatively youthful composition of the unauthorized immigrant population. Unfortunately the 2007 average household income of undocumented immigrants was $36,000, well below the $50,000 average household income for U.S.-born residents. It is also revealing that children of unauthorized immigrants (73%) are U.S. citizens by birth. The number of U.S.-born children

Latino Today

Reflections of a Hispanic Mirror por Mónica Rodríguez Montesdeoca

Being “Latino” nowadays in the United States no longer has to mean holding lowskilled jobs, being poorly educated or being ashamed of where you come from. Neither means being apart from the American society or not being involved into the new community. Those, among others, were the topics that came out in a conversation between two friends a year ago and that would turn into a starting point of a TV program called Latino Today. This is a new platform that during its 6 months on the air has been giving plenty to talk about in the Latin community members as well as among Americans. Vicente Medina and Jimmy Delgado were those friends and now, the two hosts of the Please see LATINO on page 9

Please see FACES on page 10


La Voz Hispana

The Hispanic Voice


LATINO from page 8

El Pago de Recuperación Económica viene por correo este mes Un pago por única vez de $250 será hecho en el 2009 a: • Jubilados, individuos discapacitados y destinatarios Seguridad de Ingreso Suplementario (SSI) que están recibiendo beneficios de la Administración del Seguro Social. • Veteranos discapacitados recibiendo beneficios del Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos de los Estados Unidos. • Destinatarios de beneficios de Jubilación Ferroviaria. El IRS no efectuará estos pagos — a diferencia del programa de estímulo económico del año pasado. Las personas que pudieran calificar para el pago de recuperación económica de este año deberían comunicarse con su respectiva agencia para más información. El sitio de Internet de la Administración del Seguro Social tiene una sección especial acerca del pago de recuperación económica.

program. Two successful businessmen, one, a Spanish insurance agent and the other, a Mexican attorney, both U.S citizens who have spent most of their lives in this country. Challenged to break down the stereotypes about Latin Americans, one day they decided to stop complaining about what needed to be done and focused about the benefits people would gain from a new project, a Latino TV program that could educate and help others who are like them. What sets “Latino Today” apart from other similar initiatives is its focus on breaking down the various cultural barriers and wrong stereotypes that regularly conspire to keep many Hispanics from realizing their true potential to succeed the American dream. This TV program perfectly combines current issues that concern Hispanics along with interviews with successful Hispanics, who give their solid advice to the viewers. The philosophy they seek is to create pathways to encourage immigrants from different social, economic and civic backgrounds to improve their lifestyle, their education and their aspirations. In their six-month anniversary, and being on air once a week, the hosts, Vicente and Jimmy, assure there is still too much work to do and that they will not give up until goals are achieved. What they called “Three Keys Mission”: First, emphasize that they are Hispanic leaders who have succeeded and are involved not just in the Hispanic community but also in the Anglo Society. Second, teach Americans the similarities among the 21

Vicente Medina and Jim Delgado.

cultures that integrate our Hispanic community.” In a time when everybody talks about our differences we want to show how alike we are and why it should stick us together” claims Vicente Medina. And third, encourage and show young Hispanics to make the right choices about goals, and values and to combine the best of both worlds in order to succeed. What started, as a passion is today a reality that is trying to encourage and help others. “We, Hispanics, sometimes are our worst enemy. It is true that we come from different backgrounds, different cultures and diverse realities but we should help each other in order to succeed. We have too much to offer to this country: family values, job willingness, hard work, but in order to do that, we first must believe in ourselves as a community” claimed Jimmy with great conviction. ‘We all reached this country the

same way, we all left our lives behind, dreaming for a better future. It is in our hands and effort where we have the chance to make our dreams come true”, they insisted. Taking advantage of their similarities as a unit and not in their differences, they assure this to be the starting point for the future progress of the Hispanic community. “We are not Cuban, Spanish, Mexicans but a unity and that is the way Americans should see us, a community that has great values to offer them”, they concluded. Latino Today advocates taking chances. Though this TV program airs in English, every Monday at 7:30, channel 21, Comcast, Vicente and Jimmy wanted to make a difference. So far they are achieving their purposes and everything indicates that they will go farther. Article proofread and corrected by Jorolco International Ventures, Inc.

10 The Hispanic Voice

La Voz Hispana

FACES from page 8

in mixed-status families (undocumented immigrant parents and citizen children) has expanded rapidly in recent years, to 4 million in 2008 from 2.7 million in 2003; however, a third of the children of unauthorized immigrants and a fifth of adult undocumented immigrants live in poverty. It is heartbreaking to know that in all likelihood those children will grow up in poverty, nearly double the rate of children of U.S. born parents.

Where do they live? Unauthorized immigrants are spread more broadly than in the past, into states where relatively few had settled two decades ago. States such as Georgia or North Carolina have witnessed a growth in the number of undocumented immigrants in their cities, and are becoming two of their new destinations. It does not mean that long-time immigrant destinations have changed, approximately half of the nation’s estimated 11.9 million unauthorized immigrants live in just 4 states: California, Texas, Florida and New York. H ;however, it is striking that in California’s case growth of this population has slowed. The Golden State still houses the largest number of undocumented migrants, 2.7 million, followed by Texas, 1,450 million, Florida 1,050 million, New York 925,000 and New Jersey 550,000.

What sort of jobs they have?

The nation’s labor force of 154 million people includes an estimated 8.3 million unauthorized immigrants. The 5.4% undocumented-immigrant share of the labor force in 2008 rose from 4.3% in 2003. More likely to be less educated than other groups, unauthorized immigrants also are more likely to hold low-skilled jobs and less likely to be in White-collar occupations. Consequently, undocumented immigrants are over represented in several sectors of the economy such as 25% of farm workers, 19% of building and maintenance workers and 17% of construction workers. They also hold jobs in food preparation (12%) amongst others.

Where do they come from? About three-quarters (76%) of the nation’s

Población inmigrante indocumentada

unauthorized immigrants are Hispanic. The majority of undocumented immigrants (59%) are from Mexico. Significant regional sources of undocumented immigrants include Asia (11%), Central America (11%), South America (7%), the Caribbean (4%) and the Middle East (less than 2%).

Por estado, 2008

Población en EE.UU.: 19.9 millones

• The contributions of undocumented immigrants generate $6-7 billion in Social Security tax revenue and $1.5 billion in Medicare tax revenue each year. • Unauthorized immigrants access fewer health care resources than native-born citizens. Because of the 1996 welfare reform bill, they cannot access food stamps, housing assistance, Medicaid and Medicare-funded hospitalization. • The only public services they can receive are emergency medical care and K-12 education, which they support through local and state taxes.

Comprehensive reform: why is it important? The current U.S. immigration policy claims “to ensure diversity by providing admission to people from countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States”, according to the congressional publication Immigration Policy in the United States. Following this principle the current U.S’ immigration systems must find a new resolution. The number of unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S.A. nowadays is proof of it. A comprehensive immigration policy, according to experts could be important for: Establishing a workable process to provide undocumented immigrants already in the United States with an opportunity to come




Wash. Ore.







Facts in numbers

• More than two-thirds (2/3) of unauthorized immigrants pay Medicare, social security, and personal income taxes. They also pay rental and homeowner taxes and local sales tax by purchasing goods and services.




Ill. Nev.



OrigenCalif. de los inmigrantes indocumentados en EE.UU. Ariz.

24% Otros Alaska

76% Hispanos




76% de los inmigrantes indocumentados en EEUU Texas La. son HISPANOS

W. Va.


Md. Va.


Tenn. 11

S.C. Miss. Ala.


R.I. Conn. N.J. Del. D.C.


Del total el 59% son de México; 11% Asia, Centro 900,000 - 2.7 millones Hawaii 225,000 - 575,000 América 11%; Suramérica 7%; del Caribe 4%, y 100,000 - 200,000 40,000 - 100,000 Oriente Medio 2% Menos de 40,000



Ind. Ohio






Nota: No hay estados con población inmigrante indocumentada entre 575,000 y 900,000.

Ocupaciones de los inmigrantes indocumentados Campo


Construcción, jardinería y mantenimiento

19% 17%

Construcción Servicio y preparación de comidas

12% 10%

Producción Transporte y movimiento de materiales Fuerza Pública

7% 5.4% Fuente: Pew Hispanic Center.

out of the shadows and earn permanent legal status; Creating realistic legal avenues for immigrant workers to enter the United States to fill jobs throughout the U.S economy, through visa programs that ensure full labor rights; Establishing humane immigration enforcement strategies that respect the dignity of immigrants and prevents the loss of life; Extending full due process rights to all immigrants. There are thousands of undocumented immigrants living and working in the shadows

of American society. Experts talk about a reform that combines a path to citizenship for unauthorized immigrants who are already in the country, could provide for them to pay their taxes, to learn English and to improve their life’s condition. What is even more important, improving their lifestyle could keep their children away from growing into poverty in the U. S. Article proofread and corrected by Jorolco International Ventures, Inc.


La Voz Hispana

The Hispanic Voice 11


La Voz Hispana

The Hispanic Voice


Generalized Anxiety Disorder vs. General Anxiety About the Economy Worries about finances have long been a leading cause of anxiety for Americans. When asked what stressed people the most in a recent online poll at the Anxiety Disorders Association of America Web site (www.adaa. org), 45 percent responded “personal finances.” They have good reason to feel stress. The U.S. Department of Labor has been reporting record numbers of people receiving unemployment benefits. Even among those who feel the economy is improving, a majority named it as a source of their stress. Another ADAA online poll confirms that sentiment: Nearly 77 percent said the economic downturn has caused a moderate amount to “a lot of stress.” If so many people share such deep stress and worry about their bank balances than they did before this financial free-

fall, does that mean they all have an anxiety disorder? Does it mean anxiety disorders are on the rise? The answer: No. Anxiety is a normal reaction to stressful and uncertain situations. It’s your body telling you to stay alert and protect yourself, in this case to watch your spending, try to save for an emergency, work to keep your job or consult a trusted financial expert. However, you may have generalized anxiety disorder if you worry about the economy or your finances for many hours every day, you can’t sleep or perform your usual tasks and you’re aware that your fears are irrational. Also known as GAD, this type of anxiety disorder differs greatly from the normal anxiety we may feel about the economy or any other stressful event. GAD is not triggered by a specific situation: The world doesn’t need to experience an economic downfall for someo-

ne to have GAD. Even in the best of times, GAD affects 6.8 million adults, or 3.1 percent of the U.S. population, in any given year, and women are twice as likely to be affected. People with generalized anxiety disorder experience persistent, excessive, and unrealistic worry about issues like money, health, family or work for six months or longer. They don’t know how to stop the worry cycle, which they feel is beyond their control. Physical symptoms of GAD may include fatigue, restlessness, difficulty sleeping, irritability, edginess, muscle tension, and gastrointestinal discomfort or diarrhea. Help can be found by visiting the ADAA Web site (, where you can find resources to help manage anxiety, find a local therapist, receive an e-newsletter for people living with anxiety disorders or purchase self-help books.

Manzanas: anticancerígenas En diversos estudios e investigaciones los científicos han demostrado las propiedades anticancerígenas y antioxidantes de las manzanas. Entérese de los beneficios que nos aporta la ingesta de esta fruta. Que la manzana es rica en vitaminas, es un aspecto con el que ya estamos familiarizados, pero ahora se le suma una nueva cualidad: su función anticancerígena y por lo tanto su posible utilidad para la prevención de esta enfermedad que tanto nos preocupa. Luego de estudiar los componentes y propiedades de la manzana, los investigadores llegaron a una importante conclusión: la manzana tiene una función inhibitoria

del desarrollo del cáncer, gracias a la presencia, especialmente en la cáscara, de dos sustancias fitoquímicas que actúan conjuntamente (los flavonoides y los polifenoles). Los especialistas también descubrieron que la fruta posee grandes propiedades como antioxidante por su contenido en vitamina E. Los resultados del experimento se dieron a conocer a través de la revista Nature, y uno de los responsables del proyecto, el profesor Rui Hai Liu, explicó cómo la combinación de estas sustancias le otorga a esta fruta la actividad contra el cáncer, y no la acción individual de las mismas.

Are Your Teeth Sensitive?

Is a taste of ice cream or a sip of hot coffee sometimes a painful experience for you? Does brushing or flossing make you wince occasionally? If so, you may have a common problem called “sensitive teeth.”

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

Cavities and fractured teeth can cause sensitive teeth. But if your dentist has ruled these problems out, then worn tooth enamel, a cracked tooth (PDF) Link opens in separate window. Pop-up Blocker may need to be disabled. or an exposed tooth root may be the cause. A layer of enamel, the strongest substance in the body, protects the crowns of healthy teeth. A layer called cementum protects the tooth root under the gum line. Underneath the enamel and the cementum is dentin, a part of the tooth that is less dense than enamel or cementum. The dentin contains microscopic tubules (small hollow tubes or canals). When the dentin

loses its protective covering, the tubules allow heat and cold or acidic or sticky foods to stimulate the nerves and cells inside the tooth. This causes hypersensitivity and occasional discomfort. Fortunately, the irritation does not cause permanent damage to the pulp. Dentin may be exposed when gums recede. The result can be hypersensitivity near the gum line. Proper oral hygiene is the key to preventing gums from receding and causing sensitive-tooth pain. If you brush your teeth incorrectly or even over-brush, gum problems can result. Ask your dentist if you have any questions about your daily oral hygiene routine. For more tips on caring for your teeth, see “Cleaning Your Teeth and Gums.”

Treating Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth can be treated. Your dentist may suggest that you try a desensitizing SeeTEETH on pag. 14


The Hispanic Voice 13

La Voz Hispana

Health Insurance and The College Graduate

Consumir frutas frescas reemplaza la ingesta de comprimidos

Los investigadores han encontrado que la mayoría de los efectos antioxidantes de las manzanas vienen dados por la acción de los fitoquímicos, mientras que la vitamina C sólo es responsable de una pequeña parte de dicha actividad. En diversos estudios al respecto se ha demostrado que la ingesta de 100 gr. de manzana fresca con piel proporciona al organismo la misma cantidad de antioxidantes que la ingesta de 3 pastillas de vitamina C de 500 miligramos cada una. Los antioxidantes son útiles para prevenir el daño de las células y tejidos ocasionado por la oxidación. Según explica el especialista Liu se pueden obtener suficientes antioxidantes de los alimentos (frutas y verduras) sin preocuparse por su toxicidad, y es mejor que tomar pastillas . Ver FRUTAS en pág. 14

College graduation is an exciting time for young adults, but this year’s employment outlook for college graduates could put a damper on that excitement. Employers plan to hire 22 percent fewer college graduates in 2009, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, leaving many new graduates without steady employment opportunities, and without health insurance. New graduates have the option to go on COBRA if they were covered on their parents’ policy as students. But, COBRA is usually very expensive. Private health insurance is typically much more affordable, but the private insurance market can be hard to navigate for first-time buyers.

Experts offers the following advice for uninsured graduates: Know your state’s rules. If you live in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Maine or Vermont, you can’t be denied medical coverage for pre-existing health conditions. If you live elsewhere, a pre-existing health condition could affect your ability to qualify for insurance. Shop around. You can access the largest number of plans on the Internet. By law, every broker must sell policies at the same price, so you can’t find a better deal by switching brokers.

cover maternity benefits. If you’re planning to get pregnant, or if there’s a chance you could get pregnant, be sure to buy a plan that covers maternity care. If you can’t find a plan with maternity coverage, you may need to explore purchasing something called a maternity rider; a supplement to an existing health insurance policy that covers maternity benefits.

Practice safe (policy) selection. It’s important for single women to know that private health insurance plans don’t automatically

Maintain your independence. If you don’t want to worry about changing health insurance plans every time you change jobs, consider

buying an individual health insurance plan that you take with you from job to job. If prospective employers offer you health insurance benefits, you can decline their coverage and try to negotiate a higher salary instead.

Protect your private information. Some online brokers aggregate leads and send them to other brokers. To avoid excessive telemarketing calls, make sure your broker doesn’t share private information and allows you to search for quotes anonymously.


The Hispanic Voice

La Voz Hispana


El inventor del “Tamiflu” no descarta rebrote de la gripe A en otoño

El bioquímico austriaco Norbert Bischofberger, inventor del medicamento “Tamiflu” que combate con éxito la gripe, no descarta un segundo rebrote de la gripe AH1N1 el próximo otoño boreal. En declaraciones al diario “Vorarlberger Nachrichten”, Bischofberger se muestra cauteloso ante la pregunta de si el punto culminante de la gripe ha pasado ya. “Es difícil de decir. Quizás sí. Pero la historia de las enfermedades víricas muestra que con frecuencia se producen en dos fases”, recuerda el científico. “La primera fase de la gripe porcina podría ser la de la primavera, la segunda, con posibilidad de que sea peor, vendría en otoño. No quiero difundir pánico, sino sólo mostrar escenarios realistas. En general, por la globalización estamos más expuestos a los riesgos de pandemias”, añade. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)

advirtió que es necesario mantener la vigilancia para prevenir un rebrote en la epidemia. Nacido en 1956 en la localidad de Mellau, en los Alpes austriacos del Estado federado de Vorarlberg, junto a la frontera con Suiza, Bischofberger no sólo ha desarrollado “Tamiflu”, sino otros fármacos para tratar enfermedades infecciosas, entre ellos Airead, un medicamento contra el VIH, el virus del sida.

TEETH from pag. 12

toothpaste, which contains compounds that help block transmission of sensation from the tooth surface to the nerve. Desensitizing toothpaste usually requires several applications before the sensitivity is reduced. When choosing toothpaste or any other dental care products, look for those that display the American Dental Association´s Seal of Acceptance–your assurance that products have met ADA criteria for safety and effectiveness. If the desensitizing toothpaste does not ease your discomfort, your dentist may suggest inoffice techniques. A fluoride gel, which strengthens tooth enamel and reduces the transmission of sensations, may be applied to the sensitive areas of the teeth. If receding gums cause the sensitivity, your dentist may use agents that bond to the tooth root to “seal” the sensitive teeth. The sealer usually is composed of a plastic material. In cases where hypersensitivity is severe and persistent and cannot be treated by other means, your dentist may recommend endodontic (root canal) treatment to eliminate the problem. Viene FRUTAS de pág. 13

Su investigación también está dirigida a probar la importancia de los fitoquímicos para la salud humana, ya que algunos de ellos contienen conocidas propiedades antialergénicas, pero también existen otros fitoquímicos que poseen propiedades anticancerígenas, antiinflamatorias, antivirales y antiproliferativas.


Un grupo de profesionales y científicos estadounidenses trató células de cáncer de colon con extracto de manzana y descubrió que éste, inhibía la proliferación de las células cancerígenas. Dividiendo la manzana en piel

y pulpa, los resultados fueron que el extracto de piel de manzana inhibía en un 43 por ciento el cáncer y la pulpa en un 29 por ciento. En el caso de cáncer de hígado, el extracto de piel inhibía las células cancerígenas en un 57 por ciento y el extracto de pulpa en un 40 por ciento. Estos resultados fueron recibidos con optimismo por la Sociedad Americana del Cáncer, aunque prefirieron tomar con cautela estas conclusiones. Consideran que es demasiado pronto para decir exactamente qué sustancias de las manzanas otorgan esta protección, afirmando que por el momento “la mejor manera de disminuir el riesgo de cáncer es comer suficientes frutas frescas y verduras”.


La asistencia médica en el propio hogar

El hogar está allá donde esté el corazón. Y cada vez más, el hogar también está allá donde esté la asistencia médica. Por varios motivos, las personas mayores prefieren recibir asistencia médico en casa, tanto como si están en sus propias casas como en las casas de sus hijos. Los datos del censo muestran un salto del 67 por ciento entre el año 2000 y 2007 en el número de padres que se han mudado a casa de sus hijos adultos. Más de 8 millones de mayores y personas con discapacidad disfrutan de asistencia médica en casa. Los servicios y equipos que permiten que las personas puedan tener asistencia médica en casa incluye terapia de oxígeno, sillas de ruedas a motor, camas de hospital y medicinas para diabéticos. El Congreso y la Casa Blanca considerarán el valor de la asistencia en el hogar para pacientes y contribuyentes mientras exploran reformas en el sistema sanitario. La reforma del sistema sanitario, especialmente de Medicare, es una prioridad en Washington , D.C. Medicare ofrece seguros médicos a aproximadamente 43 millones de americanos de 65 años o más, y Ver ASISTENCIA en pag. 25

The Hispanic Voice 15

Seniors More at Risk for Anemia: Know the Signs and Symptoms

It is estimated that one in 10 people over the age of 65 is anemic. Anemia is the most common blood disorder and a serious medical condition, although many patients may mistake its symptoms for daily fatigue and stress. In fact, many patients do not realize that they are anemic until they take a blood test. Because anemia occurs when your body lacks sufficient healthy red blood cells to transport oxygen to your organs and tissues, it can make you feel tired and weak. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, pale or yellow skin, dizziness, cold hands or feet and headaches. As people age, the risk of developing anemia increases. “While anemia can sometimes be the result of poor nutrition, it can also be a sign of a more serious underlying medical condition, such as cancer or kidney disease,” says Nancy Berliner, M.D., president of the American Society of Hematology. “It is very important to consult your doctor if you suspect you are anemic, because even mild anemia may be linked to other diseases requiring treatment. Furthermore, in order to properly treat the anemia, it is important to understand what is causing it.” Nutritional anemia (when you do not have enough vitamins like folic acid in your diet) can be prevented by healthier eating habits. Look for iron-rich foods, like beef, dark green leafy

vegetables, dried fruit and nuts. In addition, good sources of folic acid include citrus juice, legumes and fortified cereals. However, Dr. Berliner cautions that older adults should not take iron supplements unless instructed by a doctor. “Iron deficiency anemia is almost always the result of blood loss, and it is important to understand the cause of the blood loss. Taking iron may temporarily fix the anemia, but it will also delay proper diagnosis of the real problem. Although iron deficiency is the most common

cause of anemia worldwide, it accounts for less than one-third of anemia in elderly patients, and delay in seeking a doctor’s opinion may delay the diagnosis of a more serious condition. The sooner you talk with your doctor, the sooner you can find out what is wrong and how to treat it,” said Berliner. If you are diagnosed with anemia, your doctor can determine your treatment and, depending on your condition, may refer you to a hematologist, a doctor who specializes in blood disorders.

16 The Hispanic Voice

Saga Japanese Steak House

La Voz Hispana


Quality makes the difference

por Mónica Rodríguez Montesdeoca The tradition of culinary excellence fostered by the ancient Emperor Saga is reborn in Saga Japanese Steak House Restaurant. Authentic and traditional decor, elegant Japanese cuisine, fresh ingredients and innovative dishes combine to make this an outstanding dining experience in downtown Sarasota. Those are just some reasons why it has been the choice destination for local Japanese cuisine devotees since its opening 17 years ago. By combining traditional Japanese cooking techniques with fresh ingredients and the touch of their master chefs, Saga takes Japanese fusion cuisine to a new level of pleasure. Pristine cuts of sashimi from wild fish, homemade broths with no preservatives and some of the freshest seafood around make the difference in creating a meal that is not only decadent, but also healthy. Taking care of the details, Saga offers different dining rooms where the costumers will enjoy their excellent service. Delicate cooking and a respect for ingredients are the keys of it success. Truly passionate about the cuisine, their owners and chefs Max and Akira make sure that their restaurant consistently features a spectrum of the season’s best, direct from Japan. After training in the best cooking schools in Japan they both decided to run a cozy and comfortable place in Sarasota where to achieve new and exciting goals in the culinary world while bringing a unique dining experience to their customers. The freshness really shined through in each dish. Their chefs will turn steak, lobster, shrimp, and chicken into a gourmet’s delight. They put on utensil-flipping shows and fire displays for their costumers by cooking on a flat teppan table right in front of your eyes, providing an interactive dining experience featuring “visual dining” from Teppanyaki to Sushi and Sashimi or a famous Japanese hot-pot. For those willing to venture away from Saga’s gorgeously crafted Sushi we invite you to try their dining options such as “Sukiyaki” (sliced choice beef, tofu and vegetables cooked in special broth); their delicious seafood; their finest tasteful tempura or the “Unaju” (tender eel served over white rice with a secret sauce). If this still does not sound appetizing to you then you can take a look at their full and varied menu to see all other delicious items they serve. Since early this year Saga Steak House has opened it doors for lunch from 11:30 to 2 Please see SAGA on page 17

Cookie Sundae Adds Fun Twist to Classic

Cake and ice cream and brownie sundaes. The warmth of the freshly baked pastry, slowly working its way through decadent ice cream smothered in chocolate topping is a temptation few people can resist. And while the indulgent dessert remains popular, it takes a little innovation to make the dish unique. Uno Chicago Grill, famous for their Chicago-style deep-dish pizza, put their spin on the dessert and now serve “The Deep Dish Cookie Sundae,” a cookie baked into a deep-dish shape, then covered with whipped cream and ice cream, and topped with chocolate sauce. Lucky for us, the dessert is easy to make at home:

The Deep Dish Cookie Sundae 8 ounces chocolate chip cookie dough 1 scoop vanilla ice cream 1/2 cup whipped cream 1 ounce chocolate sauce 1 7-inch, deep-dish or cake pan Temperature-resistant plate, lined with a moist napkin

Cooking spray (such as Pam) 1. Spray the pan, bottom and sides, with cooking spray. 2. Place your favorite cookie dough into the pan. Press the dough evenly over the bottom of the pan. 3. Bake the cookie according to dough directions. 4. Place hot cookie pizza onto the temperature-resistant plate lined with a moistened napkin. 5. Place a scoop of vanilla ice cream in the center of the cookie pizza. 6. Place whipped cream next to the ice cream in a decorative fashion. 7. Stripe chocolate sauce over the entire cookie pizza. 8. Serve immediately. Please see COOKIES on page 17

The Hispanic Voice 17

SABOR La Voz Hispana

COOKIES from page 16

SAGA from page 16

For other fun variations, try: - A peanut butter cookie dough with chocolate and vanilla ice cream - A chocolate-chip cookie dough with coffee ice cream. - A sugar cookie dough with strawberry or blackberry ice cream - A chocolate cookie dough with mint chocolate chip ice cream - A snickerdoodle cookie dough with vanilla bean ice cream - A chocolate cookie dough with cookiesand-cream ice cream

p.m as well as their famous dinners open at 4.30 from Tuesday to Sunday. Steakhouse is located at Square South Plaza 8383 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34238. Telephone: (941) 924-2800. Reservations are recommended. You should not miss the chance to travel to Japan without moving from Article proofread and corrected by Jorolco International Ventures, Inc.



La Voz Hispana

19 11C

The Hispanic Voice

Kirschner “Se habla español” U

por María del Pilar Ortiz

NA OPORTUNIDAD LEJOS DE CASA Se graduó con honores del colegio católico Cardinal Mooney y bastó un verano en Ecuador –en plenas elecciones- para decidir lo que quería hacer. En 1983, “entré a Georgetown a estudiar servicios extranjeros. Pedí un préstamo y para ganar una beca jugué fútbol, trabajé en el gimnasio y como asistente del equipo de basketball”. Recuerda entre risas que “yo ni siquiera jugaba, sólo les daba Gatorade y agua a los jugadores”. Así financió su carrera y su maestría en asuntos de Latinoamérica. Al graduarse resuelve enlistarse en el Cuerpo de Paz. Llegó en 1999 a Chisec Alta Verapaz, Guatemala y según sus palabras “al mejor trabajo que pude tener en la vida”. Vivió allí cuatro años. Esta región había sido azotada por la violencia guerrillera. El reto era fortalecer el proceso democrático. “Fui lejos para aprender cosas relevantes en cualquier lugar. Aprendí que ser pobre no tiene nada que ver con la felicidad en la vida”. Kelly se dió cuenta “de que las piezas fundamentales del sistema deben funcionar para que la gente no sufra”. El gusanillo de la política rondaba. EXITOSA ESTRATEGIA DE MERCADEO Y POLÍTICA El gen de la política lo heredó de Kerry, su padre y alcalde de Sarasota dos veces. Pero a su regreso al país sólo encontró un trabajo en mercadeo con un producto llamado Urineoff. “Al principio me sentía raro trabajando con un producto quita-manchas de orina cuando acababa de llegar de una zona tan pobre. Los contrastes de la vida”. Se dedicó a aprender sin dudarlo dos veces.

Kelly Kirschner.

Se inició en la política porque en su barrio aprobaron la construcción de un edificio de 10 pisos. Para oponerse, abanderó la causa y creó una estrategia

ganadora. Representando ‘el luto’ de la voz de la comunidad, él y 175 personas más −vestidas de negro y con tapa bocas− llegaron a protestar hasta el City Hall. Kirschner y sus vecinos lograron detener el proyecto inicial. Con la ayuda incondicional de Tracy, su esposa juntos siguieron trabajando por la comunidad “logramos decir basta al boom de la vivienda mal entendido”. Ganó un escaño a comisionado con el 75 por ciento de los votos, cargo en el que le quedan dos años. Actualmente es vicealcalde.

Kelly con su hijo Bodhi.

UN FUTURO PROMETEDOR Como padre quiere que sus hijos valoren y conozcan la diversidad. Para cuando circule esta edición −principios de junio− ya habrá nacido su hija. Selby llega a acompañar al primogénito, Bodhi quien luchó intensamente por su vida recién nacido. “Esperábamos –como padres jóvenes- que todo fuera normal y sin complicaciones, pero estuvimos cinco meses en el hospital”. El bebé nació prematuro. Kelly dejó el trabajo para estar al lado de su hijo. “Gracias a Dios todo salió bien y hoy es un niño de 17 meses fuerte y feliz.” . Como ya lo había aprendido en Guatemala, “me di cuenta de lo frágil que es la vida. Aprecio más todo y recuerdo que no se debe dar nada por hecho…” Actualmente Kelly Kirschner comparte la política con el mercadeo en una agencia de publicidad. Su prioridad es seguir trabajando por la ciudad y por quienes viven en ella. “Que cuando los jóvenes regresen −como profesionales− encuentren prometedoras alternativas de trabajo”, dice. ¿Y sobre la alcaldía? “Sería un honor. Aquí en Sarasota uno de los cinco comisionados es nombrado alcalde. Así que el próximo año hay posibilidades...”, dice. Además de la posibilidad existe el deseo. Pero Kelly aprendió a vivir un día a la vez, bien sabe −por experiencia propia− que “en la vida no hay garantías de nada”.

Kelly con su hijo Bodhi y su esposa Tracy. Fotos: Daniela Barón

20 The Hispanic Voice

Mercedes Benz ML320

La Voz Hispana

por Enrique Kogan

No soy un orador del automóvil, ni me siento simpatizante de ninguno. En toda una vida dedicada a las cuatro ruedas, ya pocos carros me llaman la atención, ni los nuevos lanzamientos, ni las extraordinarias proyecciones de cada empresa. Solamente me guío por el historial, y si es por historial, es difícil disputarle el mismo a la Mercedes Benz. Una empresa con un historial impecable y con un nombre reconocido mundialmente. Siempre digo, Mercedes es Mercedes. Y comprar cualquier Mercedes Benz, es garantía de algo seguro. Probé esta vez el Mercedes-Benz Clase ML320 Diesel o el de la Clase ML, un SUV del segmento E. Un cinco plazas con motor delantero longitudinal y tracción a las cuatro ruedas. Las dos generaciones del Clase M fueron lanzadas en los años 1997 y 2005, ambas fabricadas en Alabama, Estados Unidos. Como la otra marca alemana BMW posee los derechos de etiquetar a sus automóviles con la letra M, la denominación por motores usa las letras ML. La SUV Mercedes-Benz Clase M es del tamaño correcto y está bien configurada

para familias. No es tan grande como para que sea difícil de estacionar, pero sienta confortablemente a cinco y lleva un buen espacio de carga. La ML320 CDI, es un diesel distinto a todos. Es suave, silenciosa y limpia, y no renuncia a nada respecto a la ML350 impulsada a gasolina. Está equipada de forma

idéntica, excepto por su motor, diesel. El diesel V6 3.0 litros genera 398 lb/ft de torque, lo que es comparable con un V8 de gran desplazamiento, y trae consigo una mejora sustancial en economía de combustible. Rediseñada completamente para el año modelo 2006, esta segunda generación de la Clase M es mejor que la original en


cualquier sentido. Es más espaciosa, más confortable y más tipo coche en su porte. Su distancia entre ejes es casi cuatro pulgadas más larga y su carrocería tres pulgadas más ancha, todo para acomodar mejor en su interior, a los americanos más grandes. Además, el coeficiente de resistencia, o Cd, ha caído de una categoría tipo ladrillo a un índice de sílfide de 0.34, lo que está a la par con muchos coches de pasajeros que se posan mucho más cerca del suelo. Esto implica un viaje más silencioso en autopista y mejor economía de combustible. En lugar del diseño original tipo SUV de carrocería sobre chasis, esta segunda generación Clase M presenta una construcción monocasco soldada y con subestructuras aisladas adelante y atrás, una técnica que incrementa la rigidez, disminuye la vibración y reduce el peso. La construcción monocasco también reduce su altura total, haciendo más fácil para las familias el entrar y salir. Además del diesel la Clase M MercedesBenz 2009 incluye tres modelos. Cada uno está equipado con una transmisión automática de siete velocidades y sistema permanente de tracción total 4ETS controlado electrónicamente.

AUTOS La Voz Hispana

The Hispanic Voice


Tips for Fantastic Summer Road Trips

The summer road trip is an American tradition. Each year, families across the country pack up their belongings and brave the roads to visit relatives, explore national parks and snap family photos at popular tourist destinations. Before departing on this year’s family road trip, make sure that your vehicle is in proper working order by following a few important maintenance tips: In order to avoid costly repairs, Firestone Complete Auto Care recommends having an ASE-Certified technician perform a complete vehicle inspection as well as an air conditioning check on your vehicle at least once per year, and before you depart for a road trip. This service will help identify any potential issues and can help save you money and frustration in the long run. Before getting on the road this summer, it’s important to check your vehicle’s fluid levels, lights and windshield wipers. Check the engine oil, brake fluid, windshield washer and coolant levels when the engine is cold. Once your vehicle is warmed up, check the levels of your transmission fluid and power steering fluid. If any fluid is low, consult your owner’s manual for instructions on how to properly add fluids to your vehicle. In addition, make sure to check your lights and windshield wipers. Windshield wipers should be replaced at the first signs of trouble, like streaking or noisy operation, in order to provide the best

Before getting on the road this summer, it’s important to check your vehicle’s fluid levels, lights and windshield wipers. Check the engine oil, brake fluid, windshield washer and coolant levels when the engine is cold. Once your vehicle is warmed up, check the levels of your transmission fluid and power steering fluid.

visibility while on the road. One of the most important, and most

overlooked, components of vehicle safety are the tires. Make sure to check your tire

pressure on all of your tires, including the spare, with a tire gauge at least once per month, when the tires are cold or have been driven less than three miles. The recommended tire inflation pressure for your vehicle can be found on the driver’s side door jamb, fuel filler lid or glove box or in the owner’s manual. In addition to checking your tireinflation pressure, have an ASE-certified technician inspect your tread depth and tire condition regularly. Making sure your vehicle is in tip top shape before leaving for a road trip not only will offer peace of mind, it can help you avoid an unnecessary detour to an auto repair shop.

22 The Hispanic Voice

La Voz Hispana


La prestigiosa feria Artbasel Miami Beach, el Festival Internacional de Cine MIFF, la Feria del Libro, la temporada de Ópera y Ballet, los festivales gastronómicos, los cursos universitarios y los congresos empresariales han cambiado el rostro a la región, enfatizando los aspectos de la cultura y el arte. MIAMI, “EN EL MAPA DE LA CULTURA INTERNACIONAL”

paraíso tropical y cultural

Cuando decimos “Miami” pensamos en sol, playas, diversión, paseos, descanso y música, pero Miami tiene mucho más para ofrecernos.


uando decimos “Miami” pensamos en sol, playas, diversión, paseos, descanso y música, pero Miami tiene mucho más para ofrecernos. Miami se ha convertido en un gran centro de actividades culturales, artísticas y empresariales, que atraen público interesado en eventos de fama mundial. La prestigiosa feria Artbasel Miami Beach, el Festival Internacional de Cine MIFF, la Feria del Libro, la temporada de Ópera y Ballet, los festivales gastronómicos, los cursos universitarios y los congresos empresariales han cambiado el rostro a la región, enfatizando

Fotos: Adriana Bianco.

los aspectos de la cultura y el arte. Haciendo historia, los pioneros empresarios Henry Flager y Julia Tuttle, llamados los padres de Miami, impulsaron el ferrocarril y la urbanización hacia el sur de la península. Con ese impulso surgió, a comienzos del siglo XX, South Miami Beach, lugar preferido de millonarios y celebridades y lleno de glamour. Actualmente, South Miami Beach recuperó su antiguo encanto, con moderna hotelería y boutiques sofisticadas. Se restauraron los edificios de Art Deco y ahora es uno de los conjuntos arquitectónicos mejor conservados

del mundo. Frente a la playa, se encuentran hoteles y residencias, entre ellas, la casa del famoso modista italiano, Versace, que la decoró según su estilo y que hoy se puede visitar. Muchos artistas y personalidades frecuentan el lugar, no se sorprenda si desayuna en algún restaurante con su estrella favorita. El encanto se extiende por Lincoln Road, vía peatonal con galerías de arte, teatros y restaurantes. Hoteles modernos con servicios de Spa y gimnasios atienden congresos diversos, moviendo el mundo empresarial.

Durante todo el año hay ferias internacionales como la Feria de Anticuarios, el Show de Náutica, la Semana de la Moda, los Festivales Gastronómicos y de Arte. “Cuando la feria ARTBASEL de Suiza eligió como sede a Miami Beach -dice su alcaldesa Matti Herrera- puso a Miami y al sur de la Florida, en el mapa de la cultura internacional”. Grandes coleccionistas, más de 1000 galerías mundiales, artistas y un público informado se da cita los primeros días de diciembre, para asistir al gran evento de arte. El fenómeno se ha extendido al Distrito de Diseño y al barrio de Wynwood, donde hay galerías y donde se llevan a cabo varias ferias de arte que complementan la gran semana de Art Basel Miami Beach. Tiziana Finzi la directora del Festival Internacional del Cine en Miami, nos dice: “El MIFF es un festival internacional, que ofrece estrenos y óperas primas de jóvenes realizadores. Más de 200 cineastas, productores, actores y representantes de la industria se reúnen en Miami”. Otro tanto acontece con la Feria Internacional del Libro, durante el mes de noviembre, que convoca a escritores y editores de todas partes del mundo con un fuerte énfasis en la literatura latinoamericana y en novedades editoriales. La Ópera de Florida, creada por el maestro italiano Arturo di Filippi, en 1941, ofrece su temporada lírica en Adrienne Arsht Center, un complejo teatral creado por el famoso arquitecto argentino Cesar Pelli, donde también se presenta el Miami City Ballet y orquestas sinfónicas internacionales.

Para los que prefieren los ritmos tropicales hay show en vivo en diversos restaurantes y hoteles, con excelentes grupos de música caribeña y jazz.


Y fiesta son los paseos de arte abiertos al público. El primer viernes de cada mes es la Noche de Galerías en Coral Gables.

The Hispanic Voice 23

TURISMO La Voz Hispana Hotel Biltmore en Coral Gables.

Bayside. Desde donde salen los barcos excursión por las islas y Bahía de Miami. Lugar de compras y para comer frente al mar.

Y también los viernes en la noche es la Fiesta de la Calle Ocho, con música, galerías y negocios abiertos. Los sábados tenemos el Paseo del Distrito del Diseño y Wynwood, con galerías, talleres y restaurantes abiertos durante la noche. La oferta de Museos es muy variada, el MAM (Museo de Arte de Miami) ofrece una

buena colección de artistas modernos. El Museo Histórico del Sur de la Florida es un recorrido por el pasado y presente a través de mapas, documentos y miles de fotografías.

UN LARGO PERIPLO DE MUSEOS El BASS sorprende con su nueva museografía y sus eventos culturales; el Museo

Frente a la playa, se encuentran hoteles y residencias, entre ellas, la casa del famoso modista italiano, Versace, que la decoró según su estilo y que hoy se puede visitar. Muchos artistas y personalidades frecuentan el lugar, no se sorprenda si desayuna en algún restaurante con su estrella favorita.

Fotos: Adriana Bianco.


La Voz Hispana

Judío, una Antigua sinagoga, cuenta la historia de casi 250 años de la comunidad judía y el Museo Wolfsonian se dedica a diseño de Europa y América. El Museo de Arte Erótico, inaugurado recientemente, ofrece una colección de más de cuatro mil piezas, mientras que el Museo Vizcaya encanta con sus bellos jardines y la arquitectura de la villa de estilo renacentista creada, en 1916, por el ingeniero James Deering. En frente se encuentra el Museo de Ciencias, centro de la vida animal y la fauna local, con un interesante Planetario y programas educativos. Un lugar histórico es Coral Gables, allí vivió el poeta español Juan Ramón Jiménez y se encuentra el antiguo Hotel Biltmore visitado por presidentes y reyes de todo el mundo. La urbanización diseñada por George Merrick en la década de los 20, mantiene el estilo colonial floridano, con avenidas arboladas de señorial elegancia. En la zona se encuentra uno de los más prominentes parques botánicos del mundo, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, con una amplia variedad de plantas tropicales. Para los que deseen actualizarse, prestigiosas universidades como Universidad de Coral Gables, Miami Dade College, Universidad de la Florida y San Thomas University ofrecen cursos de idioma y carreras cortas para estudiantes extranjeros y cursos para graduados. Para los amantes de la naturaleza es rigor visitar el Parque Nacional Everglades, el pantano más grande del mundo, y una gran reserva ecológica de la flora y fauna tropical. Miami es paraíso de deportes al aire libre, existen muy buenas canchas de golf en toda la región donde se realizan campeonatos mundiales. Centros de pesca para alquilar botes con equipos y torneos en muelles abiertos al público. Cursos de buceo y todo tipo de deportes náuticos y regatas. Además, Miami es sede del Torneo de Tennis- Sony Ericsson Open, que atrae maestros en su serie. Para relajarse y admirar la belleza del paisaje, del Bayside Market Place salen

The Hispanic Voice

Casa del famoso modista italiano Versace, en South Miami Beach, abierta al público.

excursiones en barco recorriendo las islas y la bahía, en el Bayside se puede hacer compras y comer junto al mar. Miami tiene una variada cultura culinaria, hay restaurantes con menú internacional, festivales gastronómicos en los grandes hoteles y cursos de degustación de vinos. Si desea comida latinoamericana y un buen café cubano, nada mejor que la pintoresca Calle 8, que atraviesa la Pequeña Habana y es famosa por sus negocios y su sabor latino.

South Miami Beach y los edificios estilo Art Deco.

Miami es la capital del sol, de las bellas playas y la “movida” pero también un gran


Fotos: Adriana Bianco.

centro de arte, historia y cultura, que se descubre en unas vacaciones diferentes. Turismo: 305-673-7400 ó 305-672-1270. ArtBaselMiami Beach: Feria Internacional del Libro: Miami Dade College. Tel.: 305-237-3258 Festival Int.del Cine Miami-MIFF: Florida Gran Ópera: Tel.: 305-854-1643 - - MAM: AdrienneArsht Center:

The Hispanic Voice 25


Advantages to 55+ Living

Viene ASISTENCIA de pag. 15

personas con discapacidad permanente. Se prevé que el gasto de Medicare crezca anualmente un 7.5 por ciento a lo largo de la próxima década. Los miembros de Medicare prevén que el fondo de inversiones se extinguirá en el 2019. Mientras el precio total de Medicare se dispara, la porción dedicada a la asistencia médica en el hogar y sus equipos permanece en una cantidad inferior al 2 por ciento. Al mismo tiempo, la asistencia sanitaria del hogar mantiene mejor los costes que otros segmentos de la salud. Dos años de terapia de oxígeno en casa cuesta menos que el coste medio de Medicare de un solo día en el hospital, el cual supone más de $5.500. Ofrecer asistencia sanitaria a los mayores en sus propias casas requiere ciertos servicios. Los agentes de asistencia en el hogar atienden a sus clientes a cualquier hora y durante los fines de semana para asegurarse de que reciben el tratamiento adecuado y mantenerlos así lejos de las salas de urgencias. Del mismo modo, estos agentes ofrecen ayuda a personas mayores más débiles durante las emergencias que puedan ocurrir como por ejemplo tormentas de hielo o huracanes. Mientras el Presidente y el Congreso trabajan para encontrar soluciones para aquellas personas que no están cubiertas por el seguro o para la subida de los costes del sistema sanitario, el papel de la asistencia sanitaria en el hogar y su material médico es probablemente una de las claves para la solución que ayudará a mantener a Medicare

y Medicaid. Tyler J. Wilson, presidente de la Asociación Americana de Asistencia en el Hogar, afirma que: “La asistencia en el hogar continuará siendo segura y rentable sólo si los políticos en Washington recuerdan que la asistencia en el hogar necesita un toque humano, incluyendo servicios y atención personalizada”. Para más información sobre la asistencia sanitaria en el hogar y sus servicios, visite

Look around many of the suburban areas, and you are likely to find age-restricted communities catering to adults who have hit the magical age of 55. At this age you may be thinking of retirement or are ready to put in a few more years on the job. What you may be looking for is a home that is less maintenance, affordable, meets your needs (instead of the needs of kids who have long left the nest), and offers convenience items all in one package. That is just what 55+ communities; also known in some places as “active adult” or “lifestyle communities,” offer. Forget preconceived notions about “senior living.” These are not nursing homes or assisted living facilities. They are simply sub developments that traditionally offer affordably priced living and amenities to an age-restricted group. Some communities will even allow individuals ages 18 and older to live in the homes, provided there is at least one other individual in residence who meets the age requirement. 55+ housing offers many advantages to interested individuals: * Cost factor: Many 55+ homes are priced considerably lower than homes of similar sizes that are not in age-restricted communities. For individuals on a fixed salary or preparing for retirement, this feature alone can be a major advantage for purchase. * Proximity to friends and family: Active adult homes are cropping up in suburban areas

all around the country. Their popularity and availability has grown as more baby boomers reach age 55. Because of this, individuals can still live close to friends and family -- and continue all of their social visits -- but have the convenience of adult living. * Amazing amenities: Active adult communities are more than just homes. They typically are built on a sprawling campus complete with clubhouse, pools, exercise rooms, and nature trails. Most offer recreational activities such as craft classes, movie trips, card games, and much more. * Desirable home designs: New homes are being built with open floor plans in a variety of styles. Many feature single-level living, to eliminate the need for scaling steps. Energy efficient materials and many other features make these homes desirable and attractive. * Security and safety: Many communities are gated with announced visitors and have private security patrols. Some are located in close proximity to hospitals and other medical care in the event there is an emergency. * Social gatherings: It’s easy to meet friends of similar ages and like-minded interests in a 55+ development. * Transportation convenience: If you don’t like to drive, that’s taken care of in an active adult community. Transportation to stores, places of worship, and even doctors’ appointments can be arranged, with costs generally covered in monthly association fees.

26 The Hispanic Voice

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What are the dangers of fleas and ticks?

outside can easily pick up fleas or ticks so we recommend the preventative approach.

Fleas can cause medical problems in pets including flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), tapeworms, hair loss due to scratching, and secondary skin irritations. In large numbers, fleas can cause anemia from blood loss, especially in puppies and kittens. Some pets have been known to die if the anemia is severe. Ticks can also transmit serious diseases, including Lyme Disease, Ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

Can I stop worrying about fleas and ticks once it gets cold out?

How can I tell if my pet has fleas?

The simplest way to tell if your pet has fleas is by finding the adult fleas or the flea feces (often called “flea dirt”) on the animal. Brush your pet over a white sheet or paper towel and look for small dark specks. Flea feces contain digested blood and they will turn a reddish brown color when moistened with a small amount of water.

No! Ingredients in many flea products labeled for dogs can be harmful or fatal to your cat. An example of this is the ingredient permethrin. Cats have a very sensitive metabolism, and using these products on cats or even allowing your cat close contact with a dog that has been recently treated can have disastrous consequences. Many other flea and tick product options are available for cats.

Can’t I just deal with a flea problem if it happens?

What is the best treatment for pets with Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD)?

When it comes to fleas, prevention is the key. Controlling and eliminating an already existing flea problem takes a lot of time and effort. And it can become quite expensive if any of the steps are overlooked. We recommend monthly topical medications as an easy and low cost way to protect your pets from the discomfort and disease fleas can spread, and to protect your house from possible infestation.

Since your goal is to prevent bites from occurring in the first place, you should use a product that kills adult fleas and also eliminates as many stages of the flea’s life cycle as possible. If your pet is on a flea control program and still suffers occasional flare-ups, itching can be controlled with some antihistaminics. In severe cases, your veterinarian may prescribe oral steroids or even hyposensitization injections.

How can I help reduce my pet’s exposure to ticks?

I went on vacation, and since I’ve been back, my house is suddenly infested with fleas! No animals were in my house while I was gone. What happened?

Keeping pets out of grasses and woods helps to reduce their exposure to fleas and ticks. Removing leaves and clearing brush and tall grass from around the house and kennel areas can also help reduce the number. But any animal

No. Remember that cold weather does not kill ticks. In fact, spring and fall are when the deer tick numbers are at their peak. In warmer climates, flea and tick protection should be provided year round.

Can I use dog flea products on my cats?

Most likely, there were quite a few flea eggs and larvae in your house before you left, but so few adults that you didn’t notice them. While

you were gone, the adults laid more eggs and the eggs and larvae continued to develop. The complete flea life cycle, from egg to larva to pupa to adult, normally takes about 15 days. However, under inhospitable conditions (e.g.; cold temperatures, or lack of a host) the pupa stage can become dormant. This dormant period can extend the flea’s life cycle to over a year. When the pupa senses the vibrations, carbon dioxide, or warmth that tell it an animal host is near, it finishes developing into an adult and emerges from its cocoon. While you were gone, all of the immature fleas in your house developed to the pupa stage, and then stopped. When you came home, the dormant flea pupae quickly finished developing into adults and emerged. That is why you “suddenly” have so many adult fleas in your house. Now you’ll need to be very diligent about treating both your pet(s) and your house to get the flea infestation under control. We recommend using a topical product such as Revolution or Frontline Plus for your pets, and a product like SIPHOTROL for your house. For more details on how to get the fleas under control, contact us at 941-351-8888, or e mail us at info@parkwayanimalhospital. net or check our website, WWW.PKWYANIMALHOSPITAL.COM.



Avid NASCAR fans should be familiar with the racing term “lucky dog.” During a race, the Lucky Dog Rule allows the driver of the next lapped car behind the leader to gain back a lap during a caution -- a time when drivers are forced to reduce speeds due to trouble on the track. But a new contest takes the term “lucky dog” a bit more literally. NASCAR fans and pet lovers will find much to love in “The Luckiest Dog of NASCAR” Contest, which could put one lucky winner’s pooch on Kyle Busch’s No. 18 Pedigree Toyota Camry during the Checker Auto Parts 500 in Phoenix on Nov. 15. The winning dog’s owners will receive a three-day, twonight trip to the race. And what does it take to win? Creativity and a dog unafraid to dress-up. During the entry period, which runs through Sept. 12, 2009, dog-loving NASCAR fans can log onto to either upload a race-themed photo of their dog, or to vote on the other photos. Each voter is automatically eligible to instantly win one of 200 available $25 Pedigree gift cards. There’s no limit to how many times a person may vote. Every week, the popular vote on will determine a finalist. After voters choose 20 weekly finalists, a panel of judges will select one grand prize winner on or about Oct. 1, 2009. The judging process will be based on creativity, originality and adherence to the NASCAR theme. “We’re excited to give one pet owner the chance to publicly profess the love they have for their dog,” said John Anton, Marketing Director of the Pedigree Brand. “At Pedigree, everything we do is for the love of dogs, and this contest is really about giving people a platform to celebrate the bond between them and their best friend.”

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“Hagámoslo aunque duela” MARLON’S NEW SINGLE

Debuted in the United States and Puerto Rico. His third album titled “Estoy de Pie” The anticipated album release date is July 14th.

After a year and a half away from the recording studios, singer Marlon returns to radio in the United States and Puerto Rico with a new single titled “Hagámoslo aunque duela”. The song is his first promotional single off his new album “Estoy de Pie”, Third album in his career after winning the singing competition show Objetivo Fama in 2006 by more than one million votes. Marlon, from a young age demonstrated his passion for music. His enthusiastic character, positive attitude, simplicity and humility added to his fine tuned voice. His versatile and sentimental singing won over the judges, press

& public as well as the other members of one of the most prestigious competitions for the Latin community in the United States. Through his career Marlon has been taken under the wings of great icons in the music industry such as La India. Marlon recorded a duo with La India titled “Usted Abusó” as homage to the great Celia Cruz. This young man born in Cuba has worked with producers such as Sergio George and is supported by Olga Tañón who composed two tracks for one of his productions. Without a doubt the new album from this Cuban singer and composer confirms his passion for music and extraordinary voice Nominated multiple times for “Premios Lo Nuestro” (Peoples choice Awards) and Latin Billboard Awards proves his tenacity in the music industry. “Estoy de Pie” on sale July 14, 2009.

Juan Luis Guerra recibe doctorado honorífico

El cantautor dominicano Juan Luis Guerra recibió un doctorado honorífico de la universidad Berklee College of Music de Boston, donde estudió hace más de dos décadas y a donde podría volver como un alumno más, según manifestó. “La mayoría de los músicos que conozco al sur de Miami quieren venir a Berklee porque Juan Luis Guerra estudió aquí”, afirmó durante la ceremonia Roger Brown, el rector de la universidad. El intérprete de éxitos como “Visa para un sueño” y “Ojalá que llueva café” recogió de manos de Brown el título de doctor honoris causa, ante más de 4.000 personas, entre ellas 850 estudiantes que se graduaban. Guerra dedicó el doctorado a su esposa, a sus hijos y a sus amigos dominicanos presentes, que hicieron temblar con sus aplausos la sección 113 del estadio Agganis, de la Universidad de Boston, donde tuvo lugar la ceremonia, según Allen Bush, un portavoz de Berklee. “También me gustaría dar mis alabanzas y amor a Jesús, mi señor y salvador, pues sé que toda mi inspiración viene de él”, dijo Guerra en una breve intervención en inglés. Durante la ceremonia Brown leyó felicitaciones enviadas por Ricky Martin, Rubén Blades, el cantante de música cristiana Marcos Witt y Gabriel Abaroa, el presidente de la Academia Latina de Grabación (LARAS, en inglés). El músico dominicano se graduó de Berklee en 1982 con un diploma en composición de jazz y durante su visita reiteró su interés, ya

Kylie Minogue, por primera vez en EE.UU.

expresado el año pasado, en volver a la universidad y estudiar específicamente arreglos para grandes bandas.

La cantante australiana quien trabaja en la elaboración de su undécimo disco de estudio, llevará a cabo su primera gira estadounidense a partir de septiembre. El recorrido llevará a Minogue, de 40 años, por seis ciudades: Oakland, el 30 de septiembre; Las Vegas, el 3 de octubre; Los Angeles, el 4 de octubre; Chicago, el 7 de octubre; Toronto, el 9 de octubre, y finalmente Nueva York, el 11 de octubre. “He querido hacer una gira en América y Canadá durante años y sé que los aficionados han estado esperando esto mucho tiempo”, dijo la artista en un comunicado. “Estoy entusiasmada con que la oportunidad haya llegado finalmente”, agregó. Su anterior espectáculo, “KyleX2008”, visitó 21 países y vendió unos 70 millones de dólares en venta de entradas. Minogue, quien superó un cáncer de mama que la mantuvo alejada de la vida pública durante cerca de un año, ha encontrado de nuevo el amor con el modelo español Andrés Velencoso, tras romper con el actor francés Olivier Martínez.

The Hispanic Voice


28 The Hispanic Voice

Zoe Saldaña, a rising ‘Star’

Solución Crucigrama

When the original “Star Trek” TV series came out, actress Zoe Saldaña wasn’t even born, but her mother was always inspired by the strength and fortitude of Uhura, the African-American officer aboard the Starship Enterprise. So in a way it seems appropriate that director J.J. Abrams chose Saldaña for the Uhura role in his new, updated “Star Trek” film. “I never saw the series growing up,” says the 30-year-old actress, who was born in New Jersey and raised in the Dominican Republic and Queens. “But what’s interesting is that in ‘The Terminal’ [2004] I played a character who was a Trekkie, and who in the film goes to a Star Trek convention.” Abrams’ film is set a decade or two before the original series, when James T. Kirk is fresh out of Starfleet Academy, and he and Spock meet for the first time. Still, Saldaña had a sitdown with Nichelle Nichols, who played the role in the original

series, and based part of her portrayal on that conversation. “I wanted to embrace the fact that in the series, Nichelle is strong, stoic and commanding,” says Saldaña. “But it would have been one-dimensional for me to have Uhura have it all together from the beginning — she’s a kid, she’s stepping into her own as the film is progressing. That gave me the liberty to play a young person who’s trying to find a way to be comfortable in her own skin.” This year looks like breakout time for the Dominican beauty. Although Saldaña has appeared in films like “Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl” (2003) and “Center Stage” (2000), she’s hardly a household name. But that might change with “Star Trek” and her starring role in the upcoming “Avatar,” the first film in more than 10 years from “Titanic” director James Cameron, and another actionpacked sci-fi film.


Christina Aguilera debutará en el cine con “Burlesque”

“Reggaeton” ofrece perspectivas sobre este género musical latino El libro “Reggaeton”, publicado por la editorial Duke University Press, ofrece variadas perspectivas de este género urbano que ha tenido gran impacto mundial desde su origen en Jamaica, Panamá y Puerto Rico. “Reggaeton”, de Raquel Rivera, Wayne Marshall y Deborah Pacini, es una recopilación de artículos y entrevistas de educadores,

La Voz Hispana

artistas y periodistas sobre este género, que ha ganado atención internacional y fanáticos de todas las edades. El reguetón, con letras que van desde el humor a lo sensual y de provocativo baile, es un género en español que ha sido tocado por emisoras pop en inglés y que podría pasar a la historia como la primera música trasnacional.

La cantante debutará en la gran pantalla con el musical “Burlesque”, que se grabará este año y será dirigido por Steven Antón. Aguilera, ganadora de cuatro premios Grammy, un Grammy Latino y que ha vendido más de 25 millones de discos en todo el mundo, interpretará a una joven con portentosa voz que busca triunfar en un club de Los Angeles que parece inspirado en la película “Cabaret” (1972). “No podría estar más entusiasmado porque este proyecto se escribió pensando en ella”, dijo Clint Culpepper, director de la productora Screen Gems, responsable del filme. Será el primer papel de Aguilera en un largometraje de acción real después de haber prestado su voz a la cinta animada “Shark Tale” (2004).

FARáNDULA La Voz Hispana

The Hispanic Voice

Mexico’s forbidden songs

First there was Camelia, a gutsy Texan heroine on the margins of the law. While trafficking her “weed”, Camelia shot her partner in crime, EmilioVarela. Seven bullets. Camelia and the money were never seen again. With 30 years of history, The Tigers of the North are considered founding fathers of the narcocorrido Far from dying, Camelia became part of popular imagination. “Contraband and betrayal”, the song which immortalised her gave birth to a musical genre: the narco corrido. It was also the first commercial hit for “Los Tigres del Norte” (Tigers of the North), the region’s most representative band with more than three decades’ worth of records and a legion of followers. Heroic tales accompanied by the accordion is nothing new: the waltz and polka-inspired ballads and corridos have formed part of Mexican folklore for at least a century. They are heard in every rural bar, their catchy choruses repeated to the strident notes of the brass instruments. Language academic Jose Manuel Valenzuela explains that for the largely illiterate population of 19 century Mexico, the corrido served as a constant supply of information on tragedies and other events of the time.

To the narco heroes Then, when the heroes began to boast


The corridos, formerly rural tales, thus made their way into urban culture, as if underworld drug stories gave it a kind of “narco-chic” feel, making the songs palatable to new audiences. This change of direction together with accelerating globalisation of the record industry made the narcocorrido the leading genre of the “most listened to”. According to Wald, more than two thirds of records of Latin music sold in the US in the 90s, were Mexican narcocorridos and Los Angeles became the epicentre of the genre beyond the Rio Bravo (Grand). Many voices, one style: narco exploits sung to Northern rhythms.

Chief of chiefs

about other kinds of exploits, the corridos simply reflected that reality. With illegal crops and traffickers on the border, the narco got to have his own sound. Many people say that the cartel bosses handed over fistfuls of money in order to get bands to write songs to perpetuate their misdeeds. The author of the book “Narcocorrido”,

Elijah Wald says “the first thing a trafficker did, following a successful deal, was to contract somebody” to write a song about his exploit. The majority of the bands however, have always denied all links with the cartel bosses and their underlings. They are, they insist, contemporary entertainers who simply tell stories and repeat gossip - including narco stories.

In the meantime The Tigers of the North continue with their records and tours, despite the controversy. Together with “Los Tucanes de Tijuana”, the Hernández brothers’ quintet is one of the longest standing corrido bands. This is borne out by their 47 albums, 130 Platinum discs and more than 32 million copies sold, as well as extensive tours in Spain and the US in 2008. The band from Sinaloa who have always classed themselves as simply chronicling Mexican daily life, say they shun the glorification the drug traffickers.

30 The Hispanic Voice

La Voz Hispana

Las 20 máximas para adelgazar

20 ideas y trucos para bajar de peso sin esfuerzo y en forma saludable, según expertos de la organización Naturalínea Ideas sencillas, pero efectivas, para que logre la figura deseada sin pasar hambre o tirar la toalla a la primera de cambio. 1.– No pretendas lo imposible: adelgazar lleva su tiempo. No comiences ninguna dieta pensando que vas a ser capaz de perder 10 kilos en una semana. Si lo haces el fracaso está totalmente asegurado. Latinas spending 50 percent more on hair care products than other americans.

Maintaining strong, healthy, shiny hair has long been a struggle for women, including latinas. So when a new product comes on the market claiming to have the secret to that perfect hair, many ladies jump on the bandwagon. The beauty industry continues to be lucrative with latinas spending 50 percent more on hair care products than other americans, according to the Global Marketing Development Center. But stylist to the stars Robert Ramos says that while some hair care products like shampoo are necessary for daily upkeep, the secret to strong, healthy, shiny hair is through proper nutrition that includes milk. “Most people appropriately associate milk

2.– No te mueras de hambre: es un sacrificio inútil. Tu organismo necesita como mínimo 1.000 calorías diarias.

9.– Si un día haces un extra: no pasa nada.

se trata se de una comida copiosa.

10.– Infórmate muy bien: lee revistas de

15.– Retira la grasa de los alimentos y desgrasa guisos y caldos: elimina la piel

3.– Debes comer: eso de que “Si no como

nutrición y dietética, si estás bien informado/a no cometerás errores nutricionales.

nada, adelgazaré”, es mentira. No comiendo lo único que se consigue es perjudicar gravemente tu estado de salud.

11.– Las dietas siempre compensan:

4.– Usa platos de postre: incluso para tomar los platillos principales. Comerás menos, pero tendrás la sensación de que comes más.

5.– No comas con prisas: mastica cada bocado. Recuerda que la sensación de saciedad llega a tu cerebro un cuarto de hora después de empezar la comida. Si eres de los que comen en 5 minutos, proponte masticar cada bocado un número determinado de veces. Te saciará más.

6.– No te sientes después de comer: realiza cualquier actividad que te ayude a quemar calorías.

7.– No te dejes tentar por los dulces: cuando te apetezcan, chupa un limón o cómete una manzana

8.– Hacer deporte: siempre con sentido común. No sirve de nada “matarse” un día, si luego las agujetas no nos dejan movernos en una semana; ni realizar una actividad muy fuerte, si no tenemos costumbre.

de las aves, el blanco de la carne y del jamón, retira con la espumadera la capa de grasa que flota en la superficie de las sopas.

quedarse solamente con el mensaje “No puedo comer” es una manera bastante negativa y bastante reducida de verlo. Esa terrible frase puede sustituirse por: “Podré ponerme el bikini”. “Estaré más sana”. De esta manera la dieta ya no será un fin frustrante, sino un medio que te gratificará.

16.– Depúrate cada cierto tiempo: has

12.– No confundas tus centímetros de más con la integridad de tu físico: y mucho

la báscula, pero tampoco es bueno que evites comprobar la realidad.

menos de tu persona. Hay mujeres que sí lo hacen. Por el solo hecho de estar gordas se rechazan hasta el punto de odiarse a sí mismas. Esa falta de valoración es lo que hace muy difícil el proceso de adelgazamiento.

18.– Cambia de imagen: córtate el cabello, prueba un nuevo maquillaje… todo lo que te ayude a verte mejor también te ayudará a la hora de mantenerte firme mientras haces una dieta.

13.– Si te asalta el hambre, bebe primero un gran vaso de agua: si esto no es suficiente

una dieta desintoxicante. Prueba a estar un día a la semana consumiendo únicamente fruta y verdura.

17.– Comprueba tu peso una vez por semana: no se trata de que te obsesiones con

recurre a una crudité –pepinillos en vinagre, cebollitas, zanahorias…-: verás cómo se aplaca el gusanillo.

19.– Mantén el orden: Vivir, y sobre todo comer, en un ambiente relajado y ordenado, ayuda a mejorar la fuerza de voluntad por lo que resulta más difícil excederse con las comidas.

14.– No dejes de hacer 5 comidas diarias:

20.– Consejo final: sinceramente la mejor

las tres principales y dos ‘meriendas’ a media mañana y a media tarde. Tu organismo quemará calorías mejor poco a poco mejor que si

manera de adelgazar es comer la mitad de lo que se comía, y hacer el doble de deporte del que se practicaba.

Better Hair Days With Milk

with strong bones,” says Ramos, stylist to actors like Jessica Alba and Eva Mendes and co-owner of Estilo Salon in Hollywood. “But what many people don’t know is that milk is also one of the best kept beauty secrets contributing to strong, healthy, shiny hair. Beauty begins with proper nutrition and milk contains the necessary proteins and nutrients for better hair days.” Ramos has partnered with of the California Milk Processor Board (CMPB), the creator of GOT MILK? and TOMA LECHE, letting latinas know that they just have to look in their refrigerators to have the lustrous hair they’ve always wanted. Research has shown that the proteins


and lipids in milk work to strengthen hair, while the calcium promotes hair growth and aids in preventing hair loss. Milk also contains other hair-friendly nutrients like Vitamins A, B6, and biotin and potassium all of which work together to keep hair soft and shiny. “Latinas now have another reason to drink milk,” says Ramos. “Beauty comes from the inside out.” To complement Ramos´ work, TOMA LECHE is launching a brand new fully animated television advertisement starting today to support the milk health benefit of strong, healthy, shiny hair. Airing on Spanish-language TV in Califor-

nia, the spot explains that the Princess of Valmont is unmarried because of her ugly hair, represented by Medusa’s storied snakes. One day, the king decides to give his daughter in marriage to the man who could tame her horrible locks. While many courageous men unsuccessfully try to fight the snakes off with scissors and other assorted tools, a wise peasant brings a glass full of milk into the castle. The snakes slowly begin to disappear from the princess’s head and are then replaced with lustrous, long, beautiful hair, as she drinks the glass of milk. With this act, the peasant wins the princess´ love, a wedding ensues and everyone lives happily ever after.


La Voz Hispana

The Hispanic Voice

LATIN AMERICA from page 6

CHILE: The United States and Chile signed their Free Trade Agreement in 2004. Chile’s overall trade profile has traditionally been dependent upon copper exports although it has made an effort to expand nontraditional exports with forestry and wood products, fresh fruit and processed food, fishmeal and seafood, and wine. The total trade with the U.S. was U.S. $17 billion in 2007 as compared to U.S. $14.8 billion in 2006. Since the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement went into effect on January 1, 2004, U.S.-Chilean trade has increased by 170%. Nowadays Chile’s exports are $69.1 billion, including copper, fishmeal, fruits, wood products, paper products, fish, wine and its major market is U.S followed by Japan. On the other hand Chile´s imports were $46.2 billion through goods, chemicals, motor vehicles, fuels, electrical machinery, heavy industrial machinery, and food, and its major suppliers are the EU, Argentina, followed by the U.S. PERU: The United States and Peru signed

the U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA) in April 2006. Both enjoy strong and cooperative relations on efforts to interdict the flow of narcotics, particularly cocaine, to the United States. Peru is the world’s second largest producer of silver, sixth largest producer of gold and copper, and a significant source of the world’s zinc and lead. Mineral exports make up around half of Peru’s total export revenue. Peru´s exports in 2008 were $33.27 billion including copper, fishmeal, petroleum, zinc, textiles, apparel, asparagus, and coffee and its major market was the U.S with 19%. With regards to Peru’s imports, they were $29.08 billion through machinery, vehicles, processed food, petroleum and steel and its major supplier was also U.S with 17.7%.

COLOMBIA: Colombia and the United States have a Trade Promotion Agreement since 2006. U.S.-Colombia trade grew by 54% in the first six months of 2008 (faster than U.S. trade expanded with any other Latin American nation). Colombia has became the United States’ fifth-largest export market in the Western Hemisphere behind Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and Venezuela and the largest agricultural export market in the hemisphere. Colombia’s exports in 2008 reached $41.08 billion. Regarding U.S. exports to Colombia in this year, they were U.S. $8.6 billion, up 28% from the previous year. U.S. imports from Colombia were U.S. $9.4 billion, up 2%. Colombia’s major exports are petroleum, coffee, coal, nickel, and nontraditional exports (e.g., cut flowers, gold, bananas, semiprecious stones, sugar, and tropical fruits). The United States is Colombia’s largest trading partner, representing about 35% of Colombia’s exports and 26% of its imports.

PANAMA: Panama and U.S have a Trade Promotion Agreement since 2006. These countries share a century-old U.S.-Panama geo strategic partnership. From the time of the canal’s construction, the United States and

Panama have made common cause on issues from security to commerce. With a remarkable one third of its population speaking English fluently and a fully dollarized economy, Panama is a good partner of the United States. In 2008 U.S. exports to Panama reached $10.37 billion and imports from that country were $377 million (3.9% of total) through bananas, petroleum products, shrimp, sugar, and coffee. On the other hand, Panama’s imports from the U.S. reached $15.18 billion in the form of crude oil, foodstuffs, chemicals, and other consumer goods.

BRAZIL: The United States and Brazil have an important stake in deepening their bilateral trade relations. Both have common objectives in advancing trade reforms at home and abroad and both could benefit from an opening of their markets that spurs competition and innovation in their economies, boosts productivity, and augments growth. For Brazil, it is a propitious time to move forward on the trade front, the government has made reforms to both domestic economic and trade policies and it needs to take advantage of its competitive exchange rate. For the United States, closer ties with Brazil would reinforce efforts made over several decades to promote economic development and to strengthen democratic processes in the region. Brazil’s exports in 2008 reached $200 billion and among its major markets the United States represented 15.8%. Brazil is the world’s largest producer of sugar cane, coffee, tropical fruits, frozen concentrated orange juice and also an important producer of soybeans, second to the United States. CUBA: Relations between the United States and Cuba deteriorated rapidly as the Cuban regime moved toward adoption of a one-party communist system. In response, the United States imposed an embargo on Cuba in October 1960, and broke diplomatic relations on January 3, 1961. Nearly half a century later, the United States has maintained a trade embargo and other sanctions against Cuba, with the expressed goal of a democratic transition on the island; however, other governments in the hemisphere have maintained diplomatic and economic relations with Cuba. Cuba’s exports in 2008 reached $3.497 billion in the form of nickel/cobalt, pharmaceutical and biotech products, sugar and its by-products, tobacco, seafood, citrus, tropical fruits, and coffee. On the other hand, its Imports reached $11.74 billion through petroleum, food, machinery, and chemicals. Among the country’s major suppliers is Venezuela with $2.209 billion

(24%); China with $1.569 billion (17%) and Spain with $846 million. Latin American Trends in the Near Future Latin American nations nowadays, unlike in the past, are aware that they play significant roles in the international trade but in order to keep growing they have to accomplish a mission: to overcome the current economic crisis. In 2009 World demand for Latin American exports has dropped, remittances back to the region have fallen and many Latin Americans are returning home with little prospects for employment. In the short term the antidote the region is waiting for is a healthy U.S. economy. According to the facts countries tightly linked to the U.S. economy such as Mexico and the Central American nations will be more negatively affected by the current crisis than those that are more diversified. On the other hand, nations that are relatively more linked to other regions, like Argentina, Peru, and Brazil, will see a delayed impact, as long as China’s growth remains robust. “The priority in Latin America right now must be to overcome the crisis. But they must guarantee a sustainable growth. This means not just overcoming the crisis in any way possible, but doing it with economic diversification because Latin America cannot continue to depend exclusively on the U.S. trade” claims Jorge R. Chacón, President of Jorolco International Ventures, a consulting firm that offers customized services and expertise in international business. This expert asserts “Latin American nations are waiting for the U.S. to save them after the world crisis, as they depend of U.S. leadership. But it is a must for them to regain trust in themselves, in their possibilities and their significant roles in global trade in order to overcome the current crisis”. Latin America is focusing its attention on overcoming the current economic crisis and avoiding any chance of another lost decade like the one it experienced during the 1980s. “Right now the U.S. has to “clean its house” before helping others and Latin America is afraid of that. When your best partner has problems you start wondering what to do with your products. From my point of view what they have to be focused on is in generating political trust as well as financial trust in order to overcome the crisis“ explained César Gómez, an expert in financial trends. “The Stock Exchange works with trust and the investor needs a guarantee, which only can be provided by a healthy economy,” concluded César Gómez, Executive Director of the Gulf Coast Latin Chamber of Commerce.


32 The Hispanic Voice

La Voz Hispana

Horario de Misas Iglesia San Judas Tadeo Dirección: 930 17th Street esquina con Hammock Place, en Sarasota Horario de Oficina: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00m. y de 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Informes: 955-3934


En inglés 7:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. y 5:00 p.m. En español 9:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. y 1:30 p.m.

Lunes a Viernes

En inglés 7:30 a.m. En español Miércoles: 7:00 p.m.


En inglés: 7:30 a.m. y 4:00 p.m. En español: 7:00 p.m.


Qué hay

para hacer? OPEN HOUSE Conexión Latina

Iglesia Sagrado Corazón (Sacred Heart) en Bradenton

Gulf Coast Latin Chamber of Commerce networking event June 22nd, ComCenters. 9040 Town Center Parkway Suite 101 in Lakewood Ranch. Information: 941-358-7065

Dirección: 1220 15th Street West, Bradenton, FL 34205. Informes: (941)748-2221 Sábado de vigilia: 4:30 p.m,. Domingos: 8:00 AM, 10:00 a.m., 12:30 PM (Español) Lunes a Viernes: 7:30 a.m. Sábados: 8:00 a.m. Días festivos: 4:30 p.m. (Vigilia), 7:30 AM, 7:30 PM, 8:00 p.m. (Español)

Holly Cross Church en Palmetto Dirección: 505 26th Street West, Palmetto, FL 34221-5425 Informes: (941)729-3891 Lunes a viernes : 8:00 a.m. Vigilia: 4:00 p.m. Domingos: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m. (Español) Vigilia de Día festivo: 7:00 p.m. Días festivos: 8:00 a.m., 12:00 m, 7:00 p.m.(Español)

Iglesia Anglicana La Iglesia del Redentor

Dirección: 222 Palm Avenue (esquina de Ringling) Sarasota Domingos: 10:00 p.m.

Seventh Annual Florida Minority Community Economic Development Summit May 26-27, 2009 Sheraton Sand Key Resort 1160 Gulf Blvd. Clearwater Beach, FL Information:

El Festival de San Juan 2009

Sábado 20 de junio, 8:00 p.m. a 2:00 a.m. Domingo 21 de junio, 11 a.m. a 8:00 p.m. 7125 E. Fruitville Rd. Sarasota, 34240 Informes: Club Selva Sarasota $10 admisión general Informes: Tel. 941-536-7262

Clases para primeros compradores

Tercer sábado del mes 8:30 a.m. a 4:30 p.m. Catholic Charities Diocese of Venice, Inc. 1219 16th St. W., Bradenton, FL 34205 (Detrás de la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón) En Inglés y español Informes: Tel. 941-714-7829


La Voz Hispana



ARIES: El color armonizador es el rojo. Regálate hoy un tiempo extra y, si has estado trabajando muy duro durante estos días, concéntrate más en tu distracción. Esas horas ociosas que vas a disfrutar te reportarán grandes beneficios.¡Mucho tacto a la hora de discutir tus opciones! Números de la suerte: 5, 11, 40, 70

El color armonizador es el beige. Cuidado porque no todo el mundo está diciendo la verdad en este día. Comprueba lo que escuches antes de darle crédito a un comentario o chisme relacionado con alguien que amas y que pudiera dañarte sentimentalmente. Una mujer de Cáncer te ayuda. Números de la suerte: 11, 22, 49, 53

TAURO El color armonizador es el terracota. Algo que has estado deseando durante mucho tiempo está a punto de ocurrir y te das cuenta que ha valido la pena esperar. Las noticias que hoy te llegan cambiarán positivamente tu actitud y te colocarán en el camino correcto. Alguien esta tratando de contactarte con buenas noticias. Números de la suerte: 1, 18, 27, 46

ESCORPIO El color armonizador es el oro. Tiempo favorable para recibir amistades en tu casa. Si estás solo, o sola, mantén abiertos los ojos porque el amor puede llegarte en la figura de un desconocido que aparece repentinamente en tu horizonte sentimental. La rutina esta causándote problemas para dormir, solo tu puedes cambiarla. Números de la suerte: 14, 23, 51, 66

GÉMINIS Elcolorarmonizadoreselverdeesmeralda.Si tuvidaamorosaestáenpeligrotienesquehacer todoparasalvaguardarla,aunqueaotrosnoles agraden lo que decidas. El azar es propicio y si tienes un sueño o intuición síguelo y verás resultados. No sigas posponiendo tu visita al dentista, prevenir es mejor que curar. Números de la suerte: 3, 53, 57, 65 CÁNCER El color armonizador es el azul prusia. Tus esfuerzos y sacrificios empiezan a dar sus frutos y a partir de ahora y en lo que resta del año estarás recogiendo lo que sembraste. En este mes el toque del amor llega a tu vida de una manera excepcional. Hay un dinero que llega por el correo. Números de la suerte: 17, 32, 54, 56 LEO El color armonizador es el café. Lo mejor está por verse, pero en estos momentos no esperes demasiado. Es posible que surja algo inesperado en tu trabajo que te moleste un poco. Mantén la calma y verás como las cosas recuperan nuevamente su nivel. Tu habilidad para bloquear sentimientos puede servir algunas veces pero también oculta tu forma de ser. Ábrete más. Números de la suerte: 11, 45, 50. 62 VIRGO El color armonizador es el beige.Alguien de tu familia vendrá a ti en busca de ayuda y como siempre eso te causa un conflicto porque, en tu afán de no decepcionarlos, tomas decisiones que luego te perjudican. Antes de dar una respuesta diles que vas a pensarlo bien. Números de la suerte: 5, 13, 28, 33 LIBRA

The Hispanic Voice


SAGITARIO El color armonizador es el naranja. Hoy vas a lograr un punto a tu favor en tu trabajo con una idea innovadora. Si no tienes empleo este es un buen momento para enviar solicitudes y buscar soluciones. No sigas posponiendo esa visita al dentista, mañana puede ser demasiado tarde. Números de la suerte: 12, 32, 44, 75 CAPRICORNIO El color armonizador es el rojo. Pon tu mente a funcionar y verás cómo te surgen ideas magníficas para hacer dinero. Los asuntos relacionados con préstamos y créditos están muy bien auspiciados, pero no así el azar. No arriesgues tu fortuna en juegos improvisados. Para poder amar con pasión hay que sentir fuego por dentro, ¿tu lo sientes? Números de la suerte: 2, 17, 54, 69 ACUARIO El color armonizador es el blanco hueso. Dale una oportunidad a tu pareja para demostrar su amor. Combate el aburrimiento con originalidad. Intenta algo diferente esta noche para sazonar tu relación. Un cambio en tu trabajo puede asustarte, pero no te inquietes. Números de la suerte: 3, 5, 46, 69 PISCIS El color armonizador es el azul celeste. Estarás evaluando una relación para saber si te conviene o no. A pesar de que el aspecto sexual es el que te atrae, descubres que hay muchas más cualidades en esa persona que te inspiran curiosidad. Ejerce la moderación, sobre todo si después de la fiesta tienes que conducir algún vehículo. Números de la suerte: 16, 29, 30, 66

HORIZONTALES A. Personas incapacitadas por lesión congénita o adquirida, para ciertos trabajos, movimientos, deportes, etc. B. Competidor de una persona o cosa que procura aventajarla. Gabán de paño grueso, largo y entallado, pero sin faldas como el levitón. C. En plural, tonto, lelo. Ate. D. Al revés, gasta del todo, consume. Tres consonantes iguales. “El mago de --“, Cuento. E. Nota musical. Con las dos siguientes, desplazarse, moverse de un lugar a otro. Hay cuatro en la baraja. F. Oeste. Saco una consecuencia, deduzco algo. Otra vez, desplazarse, moverse de un lugar a otro. G. Dicho de la voz de las aves y de las personas: Grato y melodioso.Apl. a la poesía, a los instrumentos musicales, etc. Las tres siguientes forman un condimento muy usado en Argentina, y en Ecuador significa ruborizarse. H. Hace o forma masa. En zoología, abertura parecida a una boca. I. Al revés, predecir, anunciar, generalmente desdichas. Elige. J. Quinientos dos.Al revés, quiero. Ates. K. Al revés, níquel. También al revés, nota musical. Producir algo de la nada. L. Prefijo aire. Al revés, privación o disminución de la facultad de oir. M. Sedado. Conozco.


1. Desarrollo excesivamente grande del corazón. 2. Remeda. Recojas en todo o en parte las velas de una embarcación. 3. Incapaz, física o moralmente, para algo. Al revés, antiguamente era Persa. Nota musical. 4. Dicho de una planta: Que crece en terrenos húmedos. Al revés, desmenuza con los dientes. 5. Hidróxido sódico. Ruido estruendoso. Vocal. 6. Romano. Corriente de agua. Americio. Prefijo negativo. 7. Al revés, el que manda en la Iglesia Católica. Las dos siguientes forman un río gallego que se compone de dos vocales.Al revés, caja de madera con cerradura. 8. Sirven para dar luz. Lo que separa a los tenistas. 9. Especie de éxtasis contemplativo, durante el cual se suspenden las sensaciones exteriores, y queda el espíritu en un estado de quietud y arrobamiento. Fue capital del imperio Español. 10. Al revés, en inglés es Net. Vocal. Gemir, gimotear. 11. En lenguaje jurídico, además. En plural, matriz de la mujer. 12. Bajo, grosero, indigno, vil. Compones un verso. Otra vez, conozco. Ver solución en Pág. 28


The Hispanic Voice

EDITORIAL Latino or Hispano Ever since the first issue of this paper was released we have been receiving comments about the right way to name our community. Are we Latino or Hispano? However, we are not alone in this dilemma. This is an issue that has caused a lot of controversy for years. Latino is a word that describes an ethnic group and has been used officially since 1997 in this country. It comes from the word latinoamericano and it is the primary reason that Latino to some Americans means Latin because of the English word Latin American. Latino is more commonly used in the West Coast and is usually used to describe broad cultural elements like “música latina” or “comida latina”. Technically, “latin music” does

not mean Salsa or Merengue but instead refers to music in the Latin language and this is one of the reasons that the word “Latin” is not widely accepted in many “Latino” communities. Latino is more colloquial and familiar. Latino in many areas is a term given to low class “Hispanics” and in countries like Spain the use of Latino could be offensive. A lot of these negative connotations come from gangs like the “Latin Kings”. In some areas of Los Angeles Latino is synonymous with troublemaker. However, we use “Latin Lover”,” Latin Passion”, “Latin flavor” and other similar terms in a different context. Latino has the added benefit that it includes the Latin American countries that are not necessarily

La Voz Hispana

Spanish speaking. So Brazilians (Portuguese speakers) can identify themselves as “Latino” but they do not feel that they are a part of the same group. The word Hispano was used wrongly by the Census as a reference of race and then fixed later as ethnic group “Hispano/Latino”. Hispanic or Hispano means people of the Hispano American countries, which include Spain and 19 Spanish speaking Latin American countries. We never hear the expressions “Hispanic Lover” or “Hispanic music singer”. However, we often hear “Hispanic members” of President Obama’s cabinet or “Hispanic Caucus”. The term Hispanic has a different connotation and is more formal. Also, the use of Hispano in English, Hispanic, is more accurate than the translation of Latino, Latin, which is not

appropriate. Other frequently used labels are Hispano-Latino or HispanicLatino. This is a redundant expression and is grammatically flawed. It would be like saying Black-African American or USAmerican or “Gringo” Americano or Americano-Estadounidense. I remember a local organization with the name Hispanic-Latino coalition, la “Coalición de Hispanos y Latinos”. It sounds strange, right? It almost makes it sound like there is a division of two different groups and exposes a lack of understanding that some people have about our community. It is difficult to come to an agreement about the use of a single word that can express the reality of our community. Latino, not Latin, is a familiar word that can be used to describe our culture; it is a friendly


The term Hispanic has a different connotation and is more formal. Also, the use of Hispano in English, Hispanic, is more accurate than the translation of Latino, Latin, which is not appropriate.

word. Hispanic or Hispano is more formal and accurate and should be the official word to describe our ethnic group. Regardless of which word we use to label our community we will still continue to be a group full of color, flavor, music, friendship, family, loyalty and many other values that go beyond a simple word. Article proofread and corrected by Jorolco International Ventures, Inc.

Many believe end of Argentina’s ‘K’ era is near BUENOS AIRES.- Seven weeks before Argentina’s muchawaited June 28 legislative elections, there is a growing consensus that populist President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner will lose her majority in Congress, and that there will be major political changes in this country. After a weeklong visit here, I found it hard to believe that Argentina is only preparing for a congressional vote. The country is in a state of political effervescence that makes it look like it was about to have crucial presidential elections. Former president and ruling party leader Néstor Kirchner, the president’s husband and, according to insiders, the one who still calls the shots in the government palace, said April 27 that Argentina will head toward ‘’chaos’’ if the opposition wins a congressional majority. President Fernández de Kirchner said a few days later that the country will ‘’explode’’ if that happens. The president has been ruling with a 135-member majority in the 257-seat lower house of Congress. But polls say she will almost surely lose next month’s elections in the key provinces of Santa Fe, Mendoza, Entre Ríos and Córdo-

ba, which will leave her with about 120 loyalists in Congress. If, in addition to that, the government loses the ANDRÉS Buenos AiOPPENHEIMER res province, which accounts for 38 percent of the country’s population, the results would be even more catastrophic for the ruling couple. Opposition leaders are already savoring what many are calling the beginning of the end of what is known here as the “K era.” While few expect the president to resign, several well-placed politicians told me that a loss of their legislative majority will force the Kirchners to give up their near absolute power, and to get used to “conditioned power.” The presidential couple will have to leave behind their authoritarian and confrontational style, and negotiate with ruling party governors and congressmen who will no longer respond to them, they say. Will there be chaos in Argen-

tina if that happens, as the Kirchners say? Congressman Francisco de Narváez, who is running for reelection as a leading candidate of an anti-Kirchner wing within the ruling party, doesn’t think so. “We will have a new equilibrium, in which the president will have to go to Congress to discuss major issues, something that she’s not doing right now,” de Narváez said. “We will have a country that is more balanced, with the checks and powers of a true democracy.” Ruling party secretary general Alberto Fernández, who served as former President Kirchner’s chief of staff from 2003 to 2008 and occupied the same position in President Fernández de Kirchner’s Cabinet until recently, told me that the Kirchners are pragmatists, who will most likely accommodate to the new circumstances. “For Cristina, having a more diverse Congress won’t be a problem that will affect her too much, because she has a lot of experience in legislative wheeling and dealing,” he told me. “At the most, she will remember her years as a legislator, and will promote a system of dialogue that will allow her to reach consensus on various

issues.” And it’s by no means clear that the government will be seriously weakened, because the opposition is made up of many parties, “which does not guarantee that it will be able to unite against the government,” Fernández added. My Opinion: While I’m not a big fan of Argentina’s presidential couple −their habit of constantly blaming others for the country’s ills has scared away domestic and foreign investors, among other things− one has to hope that the president finishes her term. Argentina has a sad history of military coups and early presidential resignations that should be left behind once and for all. There is always the chance that, as is happening in Venezuela now, a poor election result may radicalize the president. That, and Argentina’s expected economic decline this year after several years of record growth rates, could lead to a new period of instability. But, more likely, the June 28 elections will help bring a balance to this country’s politics and end the Kirchners’ confrontational governing style. That would be a big step forward.

Main phone: 941-341-0000 Founded in 1996 PUBLISHER Luis Eduardo Barón ASSISTANT EDITOR Mónica Rodríguez Montesdeoca CONTRIBUTORS Andrés Oppenheimer María del Pilar Ortiz Luz Corcuera Mariela Vargas PHOTOGRAPHY Daniela Barón ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Marisa Blumenthal Carlos González Castillo Publishing Christian Echeverría CREATIVE DIRECTOR Giancarlo Rodríguez MARKETING DESIGNER Juan Pablo Sanín SEND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS TO: LA VOZ HISPANA 2555 Porter Lake Dr. Sarasota, Fl 34240 La Voz Hispana is Publishing by TV Net Media Group, LLC. All rights reserved. Contents of La Voz Hispana may not be reproduced in any matter without written consent of La Voz Hispana. In our pages appear articles and comments from different views. They do not necessary represent the views of the publishers. Mention of any product or services does not constitute endorsement by TV Net Media Group, LLC.

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The Hispanic Voice


36 The Hispanic Voice

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