LHJ 10-22-15

Page 1

Highlanders continue to soar over league See Sports Page 15

La Habra’s Independent Community Newspaper


No. 95465

October 22, 2015

Westridge housing plans up for review

Gourmet Guys and a little lady

By Jay Seidel La Habra Journal

Jay Seidel/La Habra Journal

Oktoberfest time: Members of the Snyder team Ellie Snyder, Jeff Snyder, Matt Schwarz, Andrew Babbitt and Jim Corbett get into the spirit with a Bavarian themed table at the annual Gourmet Guys event Sunday. Snyder, Schwarz and Babbitt all work at Brea Junior High School. Corbett is from Cal State Fullerton Find out more information about the event and how it helps the Children’s Museum at La Hrabra, inside on Page 9

Heights changes mayoral term

By Daniel Hernandez La Habra Journal


When the La Habra Heights City Council voted to realingn the election this past summer, it was unknown how an ordinance changing election dates and consolidating it with Los Angeles County would effect their terms as mayor and mayor pro tem. Because the first consolidated election with the county is scheduled for November 2017, the election consolidation ordinance adopted by council this past July changed the mayor and mayor pro tem selection to January, rather than the usual date of March. This cuts off about two months of their traditional 12 month terms as mayor. “What we didn’t realize at the time is the unintended consequences of shortening what is typically a year long stint as mayor,” Miller said. “We really didn’t consider this when we

consolidated with the county elections.” Miller pushed at the October city council meeting for an amendment to the ordinance, extending their terms as mayor and mayor pro tem out to February 2016, to create an 11 month term. The city council passed Miller’s ordinance amendment 3-2. Jane Williams and Roy Francis both voted no. The ordinance amendment requires another vote at the next council meeting before it is officially adopted. Miller’s proposal also calls for a mayoral selection on January of 2017, while the year after calls for the mayoral selection process to be December 2017. Every year after that the selection would take place in December.

See MAYOR Page 4

Possible development A suggested initial plan for new development at Westridge Golf Club will be presented for public input in the coming months.


LHPD holds open house for community

LH Rotary recognizes student leaders FEATURES PAGES 7



Essentially this creates three consecutive 11-month terms for the mayor and mayor pro tem, and every term after that would be the traditional year long stint. Miller described it as a patch to move the city towards the next election and to normalize the cycle with the county elections. “Seems like we’re really making this thing really complicated,” Francis said. Francis stressed that if the city left it the way it is, the mayor would lose two months off his term. Williams, who joined Francis and voted no on the amendment, felt it was a problem with the procedure. “You could have read the ordinance,” Williams told Miller about the change in mayoral terms adopted this past summer. “That’s what I object to. It was stated right in there.”

There might be a new look coming for Westridge Golf Club. Developer CalAtlantic has put together a planned development that would create approximately 420 homes are being proposed (145 units will be townhomes and the rest are single-family homes). According to Andrew Ho, director of community & economic development for La Habra, the single family homes will be categorized into four types of homes with three designs in each of the categories ranging in size from 1,900 to 3,200 square feet. The plans are in the early stages of proposal and the developer and city officials are seeking community input. The first study session was held Monday at the City Council Chambers. Some in attendance were able to provide some suggestions and concerns about the project. The developer, along with the city, will hold public hearings in Spring 2016 for consideration of the zoning/ project and then it will come to the Council for discussion and vote, Ho explained. “Once the developer begins public outreach and begins identifying and addressing concerns, the schedule will most likely be refined,” he added. In addition to the homes, the developer is proposing to dedicate the clubhouse and transformer into a community center, dedicating 19 acres to be used as a public park and trails, and dedicating 13 acres for wildlife viewing and education.

Community takes part in Central Drugs’ annual health fair FEATURES PAGE 8



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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Help support the Special Olympics this evening by having dinner at La Habra’s Red Robin for the Tip-A-Cop fundraiser. Local law enforcement will be serving you and in return, 100% of your tips will be donated to benefit the Special Olympics.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

La Habra Historical Museum is open today from 12-4 p.m.-201 E. La Habra Blvd. (just North of the library) Eat at PizzaRev in La Habra from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. for a fundraiser supporting the La Habra Collaborative. Pay what you want for Pizza and 100% of all pizza sales will benefit the La Habra Collaborative and the Move More Eat Healthy Program. For more information please see their ad on page 9 of this issue of the Journal. Free Yogurtland Treat in honor of National Orthodontic Health Month. You can thank Dr. Robert Gire of Gire Orthodontics for this generous treat. Yogurtland, 1350 S. Beach Blvd., La Habra from 1-3 p.m. For more information visit www.gireorthodontics. com/contests-promotions.

Monday, October 26, 2015

La Habra City Planning Commission meeting begins at 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

La Habra Heights Planning Commission Meeting begins at 6 p.m. Save your family history/memories by attending this free “Memoir Writing Workshop” . Workshops are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday’s of each month beginning at 10:30 a.m. at the La Habra United Methodist Church, 631 N. Euclid. Everyone is welcome! For more information please call John Knox at (562) 691-1797 or email him at knoxbox@aol.com

Friday, October 30, 2015

Spooktacular at the Boys & Girls Clubs of La Habra tradition lives on! The annual Halloween Club Carnival is tonight from 4-6pm. Come and enjoy all of the ghoulish activities, music, bouncy house, games, contest and food! Don’t miss out on your chance to participate in the Halloween parade/


costume contest. Admission tickets will be sold at the front counter of the club for $2.00 a sheet (8 pumpkins). All games, food, dessert will cost between 1-4 pumpkins. Bring the whole family for a night of Halloween fun. For more information call the club at (562) 6941805 or visit www.ourchildrensfuture. org

Monday, November 2, 2015

La Habra City Council meeting begins at 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Come on out for a fun night of Silent/Live Auctions with the North Orange County Gem & Mineral Society. Some of the items that will be auctioned off will be fine jewelry, handcrafted art, rocks, geodes, minerals etc. The auction begins at 6:30 p.m. at the La Habra Community Center. For more information call Don or Ofelia at (626) 330-8974 or (562) 946-0828.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Wild Turkey Quartermania is tonight from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at the LH Community Center. Cost is $25 at the door, which includes dinner, dessert and an auction paddle. Don’t forget your bag of quarters! For more information, please see the ad on page 4 of this issue of the LH Journal.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Meet top-selling authors Jeri Westerson, Eduardo Santiago and Jessica Fechtor at Soroptimist International of Brea/La Habra’s 11th annual Authors Brunch fundraiser at Alta Vista Country Club in Placentia. The 10 a.m. served brunch will feature an authors’ panel discussion and book signing of books purchased at the event. In addition, attendees will be able to partake in several opportunity drawings plus a grand prize drawing for a diamond necklace, valued at $1800 donated by Ben Bridge Jeweler in Brea Mall. Net proceeds from the Authors Brunch will help benefit various local charities and organizations and scholarships. Brea/ La Habra is a 502(c) (3) non-profit corporation. For more information on Soroptimist of Brea/La Habra or to make Authors Brunch reservations please visit: www.Soroptimistblh.org or email: sibrealahabra@gmail.com.

Sue Thompson/La Habra Journal

Worthy donation: The Rotary Club of La Habra donated over 500 pounds of nonperishable food and 400 bottles of water on October 9 to the Community Resources Care Center in La Habra. CRCC Executive Director Hortencia Vizcarra accepted the donation for the non-profit organization. Food items donated included oatmeal, peaches, snack crackers, macaroni & cheese, ravioli and cans of soup. The food will be distributed to those in need in the community. Rotary Club members Randy Clayton, Mark Chavez, Derek Holland, David Little, Dawn Stille and Iris Perez delivered the food to CRCC located at 350 S. Hillcrest Street.

Meals on Wheels honors longtime volunteers

Two of Meals on Wheels earliest volunteers were honored October 9 at the M.O.W. Volunteer Appreciation Tea. Sometime back in the ‘70s, she is not sure just when, Pat Meyers began delivering Meals on Wheels to people who were sick, disabled, or in need. “I said I would work Tuesdays and that became my job.” Along the way she paired with Donna Moore and the two worked together on Tuesdays serving their route for more than 40 years. They had many adventures, like bringing meals to the blind woman who lived by herself and seldom turned the lights on. One time she failed to answer the door, and Pat wouldn’t leave until she knew the customer was okay. The two of them proceeded to explore a totally dark home until they finally found the woman in her

sewing room in the back of the house. They saw parts of La Habra they didn’t know existed, grew very close with their customers, and seldom missed a Tuesday. Joining the party were several of Pat’s children and grandchildren, including Anne Meyers Drysdale whose photograph hangs on Sonora’a Wall of Fame as does her brother Dave’s. Both played basketball at UCLA and went on to play in the NBA. Anne was the first woman signed to a contract with the an NBA team, the Indiana Pacers. Her brother Dave had been suffering with a brain tumor from which he died later that day. By the way, Meals on Wheels can always use more volunteers. Call the La Habra Community Center for more information. — ­ Jane Williams

Courtesy of Jane Williams

Recognizing volunteers: Pat Meyers and Donna Moore receive certificates from La Habra Mayor Michael Blazey in recognition of their decades of volunteer work with the Meals on Wheels program.



To the Editor:

There is nothing more central to the mission of the League of Women Voters than voting rights. We note with great interest that a number of cities and school districts in Orange County have begun the process of moving to by-district elections from the more traditional at-large representation. This is largely a response to complaints from minority rights organizations that, as demographics change, at-large elections seldom result in the broad representation envisioned under the California Voting Rights Act. As examples, Anaheim, Fullerton, Buena Park and Centralia have all, as cities, school districts or both, completed or are in some phase of this process. This is a very big change that will have far-reaching impacts on elections and governance. Voters who are used to choosing two or three representatives for their local agencies, will instead be voting for only one representative in their specific district. Yet despite often year-long processes involving several community meetings and considerable outreach efforts, plans are usually adopted with pitifully little public input. I have attended every final approval meeting for every school district in Orange County that has completed the process. In all cases the total comments received represented a tiny fraction of the population served. In only one case was there anyone in the audience

other than school district staff and consultants. Lots of people are paying attention in the City of Anaheim, but many more are not. The number of cities and school districts in our county that are currently implementing this change is still relatively small, but the trend is growing. The California Voting Rights Act is clear, and there is really little doubt that cities and school districts will eventually move to by-district elections when they include documented, unrepresented minority populations. The League of Women Voters urges all members of our communities to be aware of this important change. The public has a vital role to play in prioritizing the criteria that are used to develop electoral districts, and to respond to the contours of those district outlines. School districts and cities that embark on this process are required to provide opportunities for significant public input, and it is our experience that they willingly do so. We urge our fellow voters to take advantage of those opportunities. Elections matter, and local elections have a very direct impact on people’s lives. If you wish more information, please feel free to contact me or our Voter Service Chairs through our website at lwvnoc.org. Jan Wagner President League of Women Voters North Orange County

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The La Habra Journal is an independent, locally owned and run, community newspaper published bimonthly and serving the cities of La Habra and La Habra Heights. The Journal’s mission is to provide a vehicle of communication for the whole community and bring the community members together. The La Habra Journal welcomes views and comments from the community. All letters to the editor need to have a name for publication. Comments by the community are the views of the community and subject to verification. Authors will be contacted and notified prior to publication of their letters. The La Habra City Council meets the first and third Mondays of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Civic Center. The La Habra Heights City Council meets on the second Thursday of the month at City Hall at 6 p.m.

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Contact: news@lahabrajournal.com sports@lahabrajournal.com

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Controlling an unwanted population This Halloween season, there’s an unwanted presence moving into La Habra, and is causing concern among residents. It moves through the streets without fear and preys on the smallest of the community. The presence is…..coyotes. Coyotes are commonplace for La Habra Heights residents. However, they are becoming more visible in La Habra. Stories of missing pets and seeing the canines walking down the streets in the early morning and evenings are popping up all over the city. One was spotted at El Cerrito School. I have experienced these unwanted bandits. I have seen them walking down the street in east La Habra. We had a cat that never came back. Finally, I have had to clean up the remains of a neighbor’s cat that was all over my lawn. Gruesome, but it’s a reality in our community. While the loss of a pet is traumatic, the major concern is with children. Irvine has seen at least four coyote attacks in the past two months this summer. While there have been no reported attacks in La Habra or La Habra Heights, the concern is there. The city of La Habra is working with state fish and game officials to educate the community about coyote deterrents. Things like not leaving pet food out and limit water access can help make your home less attractive. However, if you have

a small pet, your home can now be seen as a possible buffet. Trapping is an option for the city and cost will be a consideration in determining if that is a way to help control numbers. Fish and Game officials say that if you remove 70 percent of a coyote population, it will replenish within a couple months. According to state law, coyotes that are trapped must be euthanized. They cannot be relocated. Coyotes are just part of this area. They will never be eradicated (nor do we want them entirely gone…they help control the rodent population). The Heights provides many areas for coyotes to grow and flourish. But it’s not just there. The hill along the Fullerton border is called Coyote Hills, and provides another sanctuary for coyotes. There is also the Brea Canyon area that also fosters coyotes. So, the local region is surrounded by coyote habitats. Unfortunately, they are part of the landscape. Residents need to be aware and do their best to make themselves less attractive to coyotes. Further, since coyotes don’t respect city boundaries, La Habra, La Habra Heights, Brea, Fullerton and La Mirada should work together on determining effective ways to help control the population.

—The Editor

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The La Habra Journal is a proud member of the California Newspaper Publishers Association.

Editor: Jay Seidel Copy Editor Kyra Kirkwood Operations Manager: Jennifer Seidel Advertising Director Sue Thompson Founding Partners: Jane Williams Nancy Bishop Dotty Shively Reporters: Taylor Engle, Jackie Garcia, Kelsey Hutchison, Daniel Hernandez, Erik Markus, Genesis Miranda, Stephanie Stevenson Photographers: Nicole Anderson, Jenny Montes de Oca



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LHPD opens house to local community

By Matthew Seidel La Habra Journal

The La Habra Police Department held an open house on October 17 from 10:00-2:00 at the La Habra police station. People toured the police station, saw K9 shows and looked at the police equipment. The event helps people know more about the LHPD. They are already planning next year’s event.

Photos by Jay Seidel/La Habra Journal

Police work: Clockwise from top left: K9 officer Renzo of La Habra PD runs back with a toy gun during a demonstration of his ability to find items. Children and adults got to study some crime scene techniques with officer Alex Castillo, and Officer Steve Highley explain the contents of the SWAT vehicles that were on display at the La Habra Police Department’s annual open house event last Saturday.

MAYOR: Term changed to fit Heights’ elections

From Page 1

Williams was visibly frustrated at the meeting and disagreed with the change. She is the only member of the city council at the moment who has not been selected as mayor pro tem or mayor. So, if she were to become

selected as mayor pro tem next February, her term also changes to 11 months, under Miller’s proposal. “I think you think the mayor position is a lot more powerful than it actually turns out to be,” Williams said to Miller at the meeting. Mayor Michael Higgins stated he was in favor of the equitable

division of time for the next three mayor and mayor pro tem terms. “It’s a temporary fix that gets us back to the year long mayor status in November of 2017.” Miller said. This past summer the city voted to consolidate its elections with Los Angeles County after it spent about $184,000 on the last hotly

contested election, mostly due to the Matrix Oil vote or what was titled the Healthy City Initiative and the re-count initiated by a La Habra Heights resident. Approximately 49.5 percent of registered voters turned out at the last election in La Habra Heights.

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Patricia “Pepper” Martin Blais 1969 - 2015

A caring daughter, wife, mother & educator from LH Patricia “Pepper” Martin Blais, daughter of Bruce and Sally Martin passed away peacefully at home with family on September 26, 2015. She is survived by her loving husband, Morgan, her daughters Lauren and Emma and parents Sally and Bruce Martin. A Celebration of Life was held Friday, October 2, at the Fullerton Elks Club. Over 450 people attended to celebrate Pepper’s life. Pepper Blais graduated from Sonora High School in 1987, Marymount Palos Verde College in 1989 and received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Chapman University in 1992. After graduating, she taught first grade at Ocean View Elementary School in Whittier for several years. After her teaching career, she

Patricia “Pepper” Martin Blais became a homemaker and was very active in the Fullerton Rangers Soccer volunteer programs where her daughters participated. The family suggests donations to the CHOC hospital of Orange County in Pepper Martin Blais’

The Religious Centers/Churches Services Page will return next issue.

Help Our Young Musicians!!

INSPIRATIONAL CORNER By Dennis Laherty, the Co-Pastor of Emanuel Lutheran Church, La Habra

Halloween is upon us. It has arguably become one of the most widespread religious holidays in our country. Yes, I mean to say religious. The origins of Halloween date back to the first half of the first millennium. Its origins are in Celtic belief with the day being called Samhain. It was a pagan celebration. In the year 601 Pope Gregory, in an attempt to evangelize foreign lands, decided that instead of doing away with pagan holidays the Church would reassign meaning to them. So, falling on the day before All Saint’s Day (November 1) when those who have died are remembered and revered, All Hallow’s Eve was born. It was set up as a time to scare off evil spirits so that the saints could be remembered in peace. Whether we want to admit it or not, Halloween has a religious connection. Pope Gregory may have had the right idea trying to give new meaning to an old day of celebration. A Vietnamese Pastor from a mainline denomination went in a similar direction a few years ago with All Saint’s Day. She used a traditional Vietnamese emphasis celebrating the lives of those who had died by worshipping them, and instead began celebrating All Saint’s Day as the day when family members are remembered and honored. It took several years for All Saint’s Day to be appreciated as much as traditional Vietnamese worship of family members, but for some the transition was successful. There are many branches of belief that have no interest in acknowledging All Saint’s Day. However I would offer this thought: by honoring the lives of those who have gone before us, All Hallow’s Eve becomes the day to remind us that the next day is the one we really celebrate.

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Strategically Using Resources to Prepare Students for the 21st Century October, 2015

In Spring 2015, with input from stakeholders, the La Habra City School District, reviewed and updated the District’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The updated plan was adopted by the La Habra City School District Board of Trustees on June 25, 2015. The LCAP addresses the required eight State priorities and defines a 3-year plan to address the five goals that set the direction for the District.

To read the complete La Habra City School District Local Control Accountability Plan please use the following QR Code

Local Control Accountability Plan – Goals and Update Goal 1 - Academic Excellence

All schools will meet or exceed the accountability requirements for students’ academic proficiency The District made significant progress in meeting the 2014-15 LCAP identified actions. For 2015-16 our Middle School Academies expanded educational opportunities for all students and all students in grades 6-8 have 1:1 iPads. The average class size in grades Kindergarten3 reduced to 28:1. The Dual Immersion program at Arbolita in grades Kindergarten and 1 st has a total of 118 students learning Spanish. The Measure of Academic Progress (MAP), aligned to the Common Core standards, is providing valuable data to guide the instruction of all students in grades 3-8. The addition of four Academic Coaches provides additional support in the area of Literacy in grades Kindergarten-8. Project Based Learning provides all students access to 21st Century Learning Opportunities with an emphasis on STEM and Next Generation Science Standards. The ‘Imagine Learning’ Students using iPads to Program supports our English Learners and Read 180 and our Summer Academy provide support for our most at-risk support their learning. students.

Goal 2 – Business/Finance

Manage District resources to maintain a sound financial position LHCSD has just completed the second year of Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown in July of 2013. The LCFF brings new dollars, greater transparency, and more local control to school district funding. The Supplemental and Concentration funding component of the LCFF supports the District’s implementation of programs to improve student achievement. Some of these programs include increasing class offerings at our middle schools, reducing class size, providing community liaisons, expanding our physical education program and offering professional development to staff. The chart on the right demonstrates the District’s previous allocation of funding and shows where we are headed in the future. The new funding model is adding new dollars to support our most at risk learners and restoring our base funding to the 2007-08 level which was the District’s funding prior to the State’s fiscal crisis.

State Funding Under LCFF (in millions) 40




2.79 1.11














1.17 35

5.47 1.11




25 20 15





10 5

0 Base Rev. Limit/LCFF

State Rev. Tier III



Goal 3 – School Safety and Student Wellness

Students at PE

Schools are safe, healthy, and secure places for student learning School safety and wellness have always been areas of priority for the LHCSD. Our Student Wellness and Welfare Coordinator works with the City of La Habra, the Orange County Department of Education, and St. Jude Medical Center to support the La Habra Move More Eat Healthy Campaign. Activities include Walk to School Day and the Walking School Bus, hydration stations at all our schools, and ‘Smarter Lunchrooms’ at our Middle Schools. A School Resource Officer supports our schools and we work with the La Habra Police Department’s ‘Cop on Campus’ program to promote positive relationships with the School District, Law Enforcement, and our community. The addition of two physical education teachers for our K-5 schools to support physical fitness is also made possible through the LCFF and our LCAP.

Goal 4 – Parent Community Partnerships

District is supported and respected by the community A partnership between the school district, parents and the community is integral to the success of our students and schools. The District works with The Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) Parent Engagement Education Program to empower parents on how to foster a positive educational environment for their children both at home and at school. All nine schools in the La Habra City School District have the support of a bilingual Community Liaison on their school site. In addition to Let’s Talk that provides Parents, Staff and Community Members the opportunity to share comments, compliments, and feedback, we have also introduced ‘Your Voice’ which makes survey data available to all stake holders. ‘Your Voice’ also invites stakeholders to participate in the conversation. You may access ‘Let’s Talk’ and ‘Your Voice’ on the District’s website at www.Lahabraschools.org.

Your Voice We are pleased to announce the addition of ‘Your Voice’ to our District Website. In the La Habra City School District we understand the importance of working with our community stakeholders. Currently ‘Let’s Talk’ provides stakeholders the opportunity to share their comments, compliments and concerns with the District. ‘Your Voice’ provides the community with access to the results of the most recent District surveys. In addition, by signing up with Your Voice, community members will be invited to participate in the conversation. Please use these QR Codes to access “Your Voice” and “Let’s Talk” on our District Website.

Goal 5 – Human Resource Development

Provide continual professional development to all District Staff Implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and preparing students to be 21st Century learners requires supporting teachers with professional development to enhance their instructional skills. The District provides professional development in the District’s researched based initiatives such as Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI), Extending Children’s Mathematics (ECM), Guided Language Acquisition (GLAD), Thinking Maps, Implementing Technology to support instruction, and Project Based Learning (PBL). In addition, teachers receive support from our highly trained Academic Coaches to guide them in the implementation of these initiatives in their classroom program.

Teachers participating in Thinking Maps training

Have you ever seen a Walking School Bus? On October 7th the Walking School Bus made its inaugural trip on the sidewalks of La Habra as part of International Walk to School Day. Over 500 parents and students walked along 22 different routes to all nine schools in the La Habra City School District. Walk to School Day and the Walking School Bus are integral parts of the platform for the District Wellness Committee. Encouraging students to walk to school also supports the City's Move More Eat Healthy campaign and the City of La Habra’s Safe Passage Grant. Parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, several canine companions, District administrators, LEAP Interns from Cal State Fullerton and St. Jude, City Interns with Move More Eat Healthy, The Walking School Bus members of the Chamber of Commerce and a group of five volunteers from Southern California Credit Union participated. The La Habra Police Department Traffic Enforcement Officers and City Crossing Guards were also there to ensure our student’s safety. The Walking School Bus will continue every Wednesday along three routes for each of our three 3-5 schools.

Keeping you informed about your public schools Office of Superintendent Susan Belenardo

500 North Walnut Street

La Habra, CA 90631

(562) 690–2305




LH Rotary honors high school leaders By Jane Williams La Habra Journal

Rotary kicked off its monthly salute to outstanding high school students in September by introducing the top student leaders at each of the high schools. Katie Goshen was ASB Dance Chairman last year at Whittier Christian and is ASB president this year. Since her sophomore year she has been a varsity cheerleader and is the captain of the varsity squad. Last year the squad was the Champion of the Fellowship of Christian Cheer leaders, and Katie was named an All-Star for the third year. At the same time she has been on a month-long mission to a small rural village in Nicaragua and a shorter one to an orphanage in Costa Rica. There, her group did special projects for the building and grounds, and entertained the children when they returned from school. She also was selected to attend the Youth Citizenship Award seminar at Pepperdine. She dreams of attending Chapman, or USC or Cal Baptist, but is also investigating getting trained as a dental assistant or in nursing. After serving three years as a member of ASB, this year Henry Bunyard is the president of Sonora’s ASB along with being a candidate for an International Baccalaureate diploma. That means he is a member of the 14-hourclub, a group of students who begin and end their school day in the dark. He h a s me ntore d f re sh me n

through IMPACT for the past two years, as a team leader, participated in Sonora’s awesome food drive the last three years. Last year he coached a recreation youth team of basketball players full of 7 & 8 graders to a championship. For five years he has served on the Golden Hills Baseball Officials Association. He plans to attend Pace University in New York City and pursue a degree in philosophy and religious studies. After securing his Bachelor ’s degree, he hopes to go to law school and pass the bar exam so he can manage music groups and A-list celebrities. At the same time he plans to make time to educate underprivileged adolescents in financial planning, so they are empowered to manage their finances for their long term benefit. Henry also has charge of the morning announcements and manages to imbue them with enough humor, drama or excitement that students actually listen to them. Madison Martin, captain of the La Habra Cheer group, has been a varsity cheer member since sophomore year when she also served as the Spirit Commissioner and was named MVP for Varsity Cheer. In 11th grade, she was the Junior Class President and outstanding Link Crew Leader. A four-year member of the AP/Honors Heritage program she was elected to the National Honor Society. If she looks familiar to you, it is probably because you bought a ticket for the Lions’ Fiat from her at

Jane Williams

Leading the way: The La Habra Rotary Club honored the local high school student government leaders (from left): Whittier Christian’s Katie Goshen, Sonora High School’s Henry Bunyard and Madison Martin from La Habra High. All three are student body presidents for this academic year.

the Corn Festival. She was La Habra Princess. This summer she and her family hosted Chinese exchange students during summer school and spent many hours teaching them about La Habra High and American culture. In her spare time Madi is President of ASB. She would like to attend a faith-based college like University of San Diego or Loyola Marymount University, but she is also applying to Cal State Fullerton,

Cal State Long Beach and other local colleges. She plans to become a high school history teacher and eventually a principal of a high school She added that her motivation comes from her instructors. “I’ve been inspired by extraordinary teachers to work my hardest and push through all the adversities of high school, which in turn inspired me to share in passing on knowledge and life lessons to others.”



One Community, One Family, One Person at a Time By Yilean Morales La Habra Journal

Members of the La Habra community gathered at Central Drugs Pharmacy on Saturday, October 10 to take part in the fifth annual Community Health and Lifestyle Fair where the they were provided with free health screenings, medical information, and a day full of fun. Established in 1954, Central Drugs Pharmacy has been a landmark in the City of La Habra for many years. The Central Drugs staff has formed close relationships with their clients over the years and has always strived to provide them with the best services at the best prices. Ben Cano, store manager of Central Drugs and the coordinator of the Community Health and Lifestyle Fair, explains that every year he and his team gather representatives in the community that are in the health industry and ask for volunteers and donations. These representatives donate the resources necessary to provide those who come out to the fair with examinations, shots, and other medical information. “There are a lot of families with lower financial status who do not have the means to secure basic medical needs” says Cano, who believes that events such as this can change the lives of so many people in the La Habra community. And of course, the event is targeted for people of all ages. With represen-

tatives ranging from dental, vision, hearing, nutrition, and brain support, everyone can find answers to medical questions and concerns. Along with support from local organizations, Cano reaches out to student volunteers, who receive hands on experience in the community. USC School of Pharmacy and Western University were among the student volunteers offering information and screenings, such as blood pressure checks and diabetes testing. “Many people are not aware that they have medical issues, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, and the screenings we provide can really help them,” says Jian Gong who was at the fair with Western University. “I live in this area and I think this is a great way to give back to my community.” The fair was not only an excellent way of raising medical awareness in the community, but also a great opportunity for La Habra residents to enjoy the warm sunny weather. Carol Armas and her Zumba class danced the morning away, demonstrating that exercise can be a fun and joyful way of achieving great physical health. Loud music and a lot of smiles filled the dance floor as members of the community, from young to old, were encouraged to join in on the fun. Carol Armas is a three-year participant in the Community Health and Lifestyle Fair and she promotes that her Zumba classes are not only fun, but allow people to lower their

Photos by Jay Seidel/La Habra Journal

Check up: Volunteers were on hand to help provide free checkups during the free checkups last week at the annual community health fair put on by Central Drugs.

stress levels, gain energy, be happy, and most importantly, be healthy. As far as goals for next year’s event, Cano said he wishes to get more participants to come out to the fair and help the community. Cano explained that every year has shown a greater turn out and he hopes that next year will be no different. He laughingly said: “Next year, lets fill up the whole lot!”

Dance it out: Various Zumba and dance classes were given to help keep everyone at the annual health fair moving last Saturday.

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Gourmet Guys cook up recipes for a good cause By Kelsey Huchison La Habra Journal

People filled the Community Center tasting the homemade delicacies of the local amateur chefs as the Friends of The Children’s Museum of La Habra hosted the Gourmet Guys competition Sunday. This annual event brings local businesses together for a spirited, friendly culinary competition and silent auction. Roberta Jenkins, Missy Fleet and Nancy Zinberg cooked up the idea 23 years ago as a way to bring awareness and raise money to support the great work of The Children’s Museum of

La Habra. “This event benefits the museum,” enthused Roberta, “and everyone has a great time doing it.” Over the years, Gourmet Guys has evolved into quite a culinary event. The competition is fierce but friendly, and La Habrans have eaten it up – literally. The crowd brought their appetites and for a $40 admission were greeted with music, tantalizing aromas, and a smorgasbord of amazing food dishes. Managing Director of the museum Lovely Qureshi has been involved with Gourmet Guys for the last 13 years. “Each year, the chefs get more and more competitive and it’s great to see

Cooking line: Chefs Richard McKinley, Kenny Cordua, Le Verne Tate, Vincent Butler and Larry Young show off their football-themed table at the annual Gourmet Guys fund raising event Sunday.

Photos by Jay Seidel/La Habra Journal

Mountain men: Mark Sanders, Mike Steves, Kwan Lee, Buck Hannah, Jack Gregg and Greg Dickinson, share their campfire recipes at the annual Gourmet Guys event Sunday at the Community Center.

the friendly competition between them to help The Children’s Museum of La Habra,” she said. A silent auction was also held for awesome gift baskets provided by local businesses that included food and wine, sports memorabilia, and a variety of special services. Each table was uniquely decorated and featured the culinary creations of local vendors. The themes ranged from favorite football teams, Oktoberfest with German-inspired décor, and a new take on “Vitameatavegamin” made famous by Lucille Ball. Foodies who don’t eat meat were treated to a tasty alternative called vita-meatless-avegamin chili! The winner of the Most Outstanding Chef Presentation was Mike Steves, who along with other members of the La Habra Host Lions Club, had an outdoor theme complete with pine trees, a bear, hunting attire and a toilet. One of the dishes was called “Spanish Rice Meets Jack Daniels,” and Mary and Jack Gregg, a local veterinarian who has participated in

the event for 12 years, prepared it. When asked about the recipe, Mary said, “We started adding Jack Daniels to our dishes for the last five years. Gregg’s favorite year was when we baked apple pie infused with Jack Daniels in the apples.” All event goers were happy to test each dish, and the music made the atmosphere fun. The kids in attendance had a blast dancing along to the music on a small stage. At the end of the successful event, awards were handed out to participants and the gift baskets were given to the winning bidders. Qureshi summed it up when she said, “This event wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for Missy Fleet, Angela Owen, Susan Miles, and Nancy Zinberg. All proceeds from today go to benefit The Children’s Museum of La Habra.” If you are interested in participating in this event next year, you can contact Roy Mueller at (562) 383-4242 or by email at rmueller@ lahabra.ca.gov.


Saturday, October 24, 2015


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Service is what drives Overbey

By Yilean Morales La Habra Journal

Overbey Transmission, which has been serving the community since 1978, is unique among most other businesses in the area and in particular in the amount of care the employees put into the service they provide, and in the way the company gives back to the community. The customer service that the shop is known for dates back to a time in which stores were smaller and the relationship between owners and customers were just as much personal as they were business. In reminiscing about how the relationship between him and the founder of the shop, Chuck Overbey, began, Scott Demongin, a local La Habra resident and current owner of Overbey Transmission, recounts, “Chuck and I traded information about cars. He knew everything about older cars and how they worked and I knew everything about the newer cars and how they worked.” Although the two were generations apart, their respective knowledge of transmissions became the foundation of a professional and personal relationship. When Overbey retired in 2000, he sold the shop to Demongin. “If there is anyone I’d want to buy the shop, it would be you,” Demongin recounted Overbey saying to him. The shops success into the 21st century has much to do with the options it offers to customers in

fixing their vehicles. “Many people do not prepare themselves annually for a $2,000 or $4,000 transmission repair,” Demongin said. As a result, Overbey Transmission offers different choices to customers tailored to meet their budget. “Each customer makes the choice. We provide them the options, but ultimately it’s their money and their investment in their car. We guide them as well as we can through the whole process,” said Demongin To many, the idea of having to bring your car into a shop brings anxiety. Whether it be due to fewer offerings of shop classes in the high school curriculum or in needing to know more technical knowledge in order to fix modern cars, less and less of the general public knows how to fix their own cars. As a result, there is a general suspicion that comes along when dealing with those that fix your car. There is a fear of being taken advantage of. Overbey Transmission offers a solution to this not only through price options, but also through actually getting to know their customers. “If you’re investing in your car, you should know who is fixing it,” said Demongin. It is perhaps this awareness and understanding that led to the shop in giving back to the community. Overbey Tranmission gives back 10 percent of the total cost of a repair to one of the five charities the shop supports (the customer chooses which charity). Overbey Transmission thrives on

Service is the standard: Overbey Transmission has been providing services to the community since 1978. Scott Demongin took over the company and continues what Chuck Overbey started.

the trust and relationships it has built over the years, and it is this personability that keeps people coming back. Even after their cars are fixed, customers are encouraged by Demongin to come back in and chat. In fact, so many people come back that it was difficult for this reporter to find parking. “You probably had to park across the street,” said Demongin, grinning. And considering the excellent service Overbey Transmission provides for its customers, it will be hard to find parking for years to come. Terry


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En Español

Chef comparte los secretos de la ensalada Azteca Por Belén Alzamora-Barragán La Habra Journal

El sábado 10 de octubre, la biblioteca Pública de La Habra ofreció una clase gratuita de comida saludable, traída por el Chef Luis Muñoz. Esta ocasión el platillo fue la famosa “ensalada Azteca” del Chef Muñoz, inspirada en “los tacos dorados con salsa verde”, dijo el chef. La rica ensalada contiene los mismos ingredientes que los tacos dorados, pero con menos calorías, lo que lo hace más nutritivo. “No es lo mismo comer que alimentarse”, dijo el Chef muñoz. “Comer es nada más ingerir cualquier cosa que nos cae y nos hace sentir llenos al estomago. Una alimentación es algo que contiene nutrientes y es beneficioso para nuestro cuerpo”. El chef explicó que la ensalada es más nutritiva y saludable que los tacos ya que se puede comer en mayor cantidad y con menos calorías. El chef Muñoz enseñó paso a paso como preparar este saludable y nutritivo platillo. Desde el marinado de pollo, el aderezo de chipotle y el balsámico, hasta la decoración. Dando a conocer tips básicos de cocina. Enseñó cómo cortar y escoger los vegetales, así como también decorar la ensalada para que esté apeteciblemente presentable.

El chef eligió el nombre “ensalada Azteca” inspirado en esta cultura y su forma de cultivar el maíz y el frijol, así como en su manera de comer saludable. “Tomamos algo muy de nuestra cultura para crear este platillo saludable,” comento el chef mientras introducía los ingredientes. Éste y otro platillos se pueden encontrar en el restaurante Provenance en Newport Beach, donde él es el chef principal. “De la huerta a la mesa”, es el lema de este innovador restaurante. El restaurante posee una huerta al lado, de donde obtienen los vegetales, frescos y orgánicos, para sus platillos. El chef Muñoz llegó a los 21 años de Guadalajara México, ya “enamorado de la cocina” desde los 16 años como nos cuenta él mismo. Fue a través de su padrastro, que también era chef, por el cual conoció esta profesión. “Esto es mi mundo, me encanta” compartió el chef mientras rebosaban los olores de las tortillas que freía. Ayudando desde muy pequeño a su padrastro aprendió las destrezas básicas de la cocina, enamorándose poco a poco hasta convertirlo en su pasión. Ya en Estados Unidos, tuvo la oportunidad de certificarse como chef, y tomar clases avanzadas de carnicería, cocina internacional,

City of La Habra’s

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Domingo, 29 de noviembre En el centro de la comunidad La gente puede entrar en concursos de tamale y salsa.

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5-9 p.m .

Belén Alzamora-Barragán/La Habra Journal

Mas ensalasa: Chef Luis Muñoz enseña a preparar su famosa ensalada Azteca en un taller en la biblioteca de La Habra la semana pasada.

pastelería y repostería fina. El chef posee, además, el primer nivel de catador de vinos a nivel estatal. “Me he preocupado en superarme, porque venimos a eso ¿verdad?”, compartió el chef con sus oyentes mientras empezaba a decorar su ensalada. Al concluir con la clase, el chef compartió la riquísima ensalada en-

tre los asistentes los cuales pudieron saborear y disfrutar, saludablemente, cada uno de los ingredientes que componía el platillo. Para los que se perdieron esta oportunidad, el chef estará de regreso el día 6 de diciembre en la biblioteca de La Habra, esta vez compartiendo un plato típico, sorpresa, de fiestas navideñas.

Altares de los Muertos en La Habra Por Belén Alzamora-Barragán La Habra Journal

Altares de los Muertos en la iglesia Guadalupe La iglesia Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe celebrará el Día de los Muertos el sábado 31 de octubre de 12 a 9 p.m. con altares para celebrar a los queridos difuntos. Las familias de La Habra podrán ser parte de este evento y reservar un espacio para crear su altar familiar y exhibirlo en la comunidad. Desde el domingo 18 de octubre se estarán reservando los altares para las familias que desean participar. La coordinadora de eventos Alvar Ramiro estará afuera de las misas, tanto las de inglés como las de español para poder ayudarlos con la solicitud y más preguntas. El evento tendrá comida para comprar y entretenimiento para toda la familia. También habrá una Fiesta de Halloween de disfraces para niños.

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Heralds outmatched by larger Crusaders By Bryant Freese La Habra Journal

Whittier Christian was unable to get much offense going against a larger Valley Christian team, losing 48-14 Friday night at Whittier College. The Crusaders started off strong, scoring on their first three possession of the football game. It didn’t matter what Whittier Christian tried on the offense, the Heralds couldn’t get anything going against the Valley Christian defense. The size of both the offensive and defensive lines of the Crusaders created a challenge for Whittier Christian. Herald Head Coach Sergio Gradialla noted that Whittier Christian lines were getting “over powered” by the larger Crusaders. Whittier Christian was down 0-13 with 8:06 still left in the first quarter. However, the Herald’s didn’t let the size difference get to them. On Whittier’s fourth drive of the game, Quarterback Quinn Commans put together a 73-yard drive, finishing it off with a six-yard touchdown pass to Thomas Ditmar. Cutting the Crusader lead to 13-6, with 5:33 left in the first quarter. Commans finished the game with 14-26 for 123 yards with one touch-

down and two interceptions. Valley Christian answered back and went on to score on the very next possession, with a 60 yard touchdown pass from quarterback Jesse Smith to Michael Polk. But it was right before the end of the first quarter, that the whole mood of the Heralds changed. On an interception thrown by Commans, Ditmar was hit on a crack-back block, leaving him on the ground. Within minutes the Whittier Fire Department and ambulance were on the field attending to Ditmar and he was taken off on a stretcher. According to coach Gradilla, Ditmar was taken to a local hospital where he would get an MRI. Gradilla said Ditmer was in good spirits, and explained “his parents said he was joking around with doctors.” After the injury the game resumed, but with a different feel. The energy of the crowd and the Whittier Christian team seemed to be deflated. Valley Christian went on a 95-yard scoring drive to increase their lead. The Crusaders scored four straight touchdowns after the injury. Whittier Christian trailed Valley Christian 48-6 at the half. The Heralds scored late in the

Jay Seidel/La Habra Journal

Looking for a receiver: Herald Quarterback Quinn Commans was 14-26 for 123 yards, with one touchdown and two interceptions Friday against Valley Christian.

second half on a fumble returned for a touchdown by linebacker Chris Almeda.

Whittier Christian will play Village Christian next week at Occidental College.


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Raiders win in final seconds By Erik Markus La Habra Journal

A last second touchdown caps off a fourth quarter rally by the Raiders, stunning the Lancers , winning 35-34. With just a quarter of football left to play for the Raiders, they rallied to overcome a 13 point deficit. The Lancers had been pushing the Raiders around with their physical running, and had a two touchdown cushion to bleed the clock. “The effort we put forth tonight, that’s not going to cut it for us,” head coach Paul Chiotti said. The Raiders were able to score a quick touchdown to trim the lead to 7, behind the furious running of Jacob Fimbres and Cole McDonald. “We had to get after it a little bit harder,” Chiotti said. The Raiders were then able to follow that up with a defensive stop to get the ball back. McDonald and Fimbres led another drive, as the Raiders trotted down the field and pulled within one with 5:25 to play. With Fimbres able to get wherever he wanted, the Raiders were able to convert a two point conversion and take the lead. But with 5:25 left on the clock, the Lancers drove down the field, led by Brandon Castelo and Malcom Dixon. A 14 yard touchdown run by Dixon, and a two point conversion, gave the Lancers a 34-27 lead with 1:01 to play. With a minute to play, the Raiders needed a big play. With time working

against them, McDonald found a seam in the defense and ran down to the 10 yard line. With 33 seconds to play, the Raiders tried to run into the endzone, but were denied. The following play, they threw a pass to Ethan Cook, but were called for an illegal block in the back, as McDonald cut back to create time and space. Now with only 15 seconds to play and now 20 yards needed, the Raiders found Landon Williams open in the back of the end zone. “They usually go to Riley, so I didn’t expect it kind of, because he’s the go to, but you have got to always be ready,” Williams said. William made the catch and immediately jumped into the arms of McDonald and the rest of his teammates. “I just wanted to congratulate my quarterback for the good throw, and give (Jason) Clayton a big hug, he’s always there for me,” Williams said. “To see him make that play, I was just so happy, I walked up to him and I told him I loved him,” Riley said. Still down one, the Raiders went for two again, and found Riley open in the end zone after McDonald turned and threw against the flow of the defense. “He was supposed to scramble to the right side, but I saw him go to the other side, so then I just figured, and we kind of just clicked at that moment, and it was just my time to make a play,” Riley said. The Raiders would hold on to complete the comeback. “That was guys making plays. We’ve gone through our share of tough times, so I’m glad to see these guys as seniors

Jay Seidel/La Habra Journal

Tuck and run: Sonora Quarterback Cole McDonald tucks the ball in and runs in a game earlier this season. The Raiders overcame a 13-point deficit in the fourth quarter to beat the Sunny Hills Lancers.

step up and make plays,” Chiotti said. Despite the victory, Chiotti was frustrated with the effort his team showed. “My hat’s off to Sunny Hills. They outplayed us tonight, and we are really lucky to walk off the field with a win,” Chiotti said. The Lancers took control early in the game by using their physical running style to bully the Raiders. They also created issues by utilizing Dixon’s speed in contrast to the power running of Cabral and Castelo. “He’s a pretty dynamic runner, he’s got great speed, and even when we were keying, and looking, he was still able to outrun us, and that put us in a bind,” Chiotti said about Dixon.

At halftime, the Lancers led 12-7. Sonora received the kickoff after halftime, and took the lead 13-12. “We were able to make some plays, but our effort needs to improve,” Chiotti said. However, the Lancers offense stayed on track adding two touchdowns to their total during the third quarter, to extend their lead to 26-13. “It was frustrating,” Riley said, “everybody wasn’t on the same page for most of the game.” The Raiders victory allows them to keep pace with the rest of the Freeway League at 1-1 The Lancers fall to 0-2. The Raiders will play their next game at home against Troy.

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Highlanders overpower Coyotes By Jason Burch La Habra Journal

La Habra football remains the power of the Freeway league, after running through Buena Park 48-14 at home Friday night. The Highlanders jumped out to a 14-0 first quarter lead and held the Coyotes explosive offense in check most of the night. The first score came on a 24-yard pass from quarterback Eric Barriere to tight end Chris Brown. Not long after, Barriere hit a wide-open Amon Fellows on a crossing route for a 51yard touchdown. Fellows had three catches for 71 yards and added two carries for 21 yards. Barriere gave way to the running game, finishing with 102 yards passing and two scores. Much like last week, Cortlin Taylor carried the bulk of the load for the Highlanders, rushing for 191 yards and three touchdowns. Taylor also setup the Highlanders third touchdown in the second quarter with runs of 44 and 22 yards on consecutive carries. The Coyotes defense looked good in stretches, but they played with nine or 10 men in the box the entire game. Inevitably, the Highlanders got past the stacked line-of-scrimmage frequently for big plays. “[The Coyotes] defense allows you to break runs and throws because they have everybody up at the line of scrimmage,” said Frank Mazzotta,

Highlanders head coach. “You just have to be willing to take a chance and beat somebody, that’s all you got to do.” Madison Wheeler had a big night on both sides of the football. Early in the first quarter, Wheeler picked off quarterback Zach Taylor. Offensively he made his presence felt spelling Taylor in the backfield, finishing with 70 yards on the ground and two touchdowns. The Coyotes entered the contest averaging nearly 42 points-pergame, but could not get into rhythm on offense against the Highlanders swarming defense. The Coyotes playmakers showed flashes, but Taylor failed to stretch the field with any deep or intermediate passes, which allowed the Highlanders to clamp down on the run and short passing game. The Coyotes finally got on the board with only 40 seconds remaining in the first half when junior wide receiver Elijah Gates caught a screen pass at the Coyotes 15-yard line, made two cuts and raced past the Highlanders defense for the 85-yard touchdown. The lightning fast score offered a glimpse at the Coyotes reputed high-powered offense. The Highlanders defense did an excellent job containing the Coyotes speed at the skilled positions, holding the Coyotes backs and receivers to just four plays over 10 yards the entire game. “I have six championships on my wall over there and all six of them

City of La Habra

Jay Seidel/La Habra Journal

Not stopping: La Habra’s Cortlin Taylor rushes through the Coyote defense Friday night. Taylor was the Highlander’s offensive driving force with 191 yards and three touchdowns.

played great defense, you cannot win championships without a great defense,” Mazzotta said. The Highlanders have now dismantled their top-two league competitors by a combined score of 83-21 in consecutive weeks, putting them

in the driver’s seat for another run at the Freeway League title. The Highlanders (6-1, 2-0) will be on the road next Friday taking on the Fullerton Indians (4-3, 0-2).

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