2022 Loyola Hockey Club Yearbook

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51st Annual
t h a n k s g i v i n g t o u r n a m e n t Official p r o g r a m 2022 – 2023 T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
L O Y O L A a c a d e m y

Although the athletes are members of opposing teams, they are friendly rivals. Their participation in the games reflects the essence of interscholastic athletics to play hard but fair.

We encourage you, as fans and spectators, to demonstrate good sportsmanship and cooperation to ensure continued success this year and in years ahead.

Please support the advertisers in this program. Without their help, these programs would not be possible. Thank you for your support of all Loyola Academy sports programs. Go Ramblers!

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family, school,
Go ramblers!
Loyola Academy
Laramie Wilmette, Illinois 60091
School Nickname: Ramblers School Colors: Maroon and Gold School Motto: Women and Men for Others; Leaders in Service
Genevieve Atwood V.P. Athletics & Fitness


board of directors

Chris Gonzalez PRESIDENT

Michael Purcell


Jai Khanna


Sandy Walker


DJ LaVarre




Tom Macina


Joe Hartnett


Joe Kraft


Suzanne Nelson


Heather Quinn


Bill Sweetnam


Patrick Tobin


Yvette Finegan


Jacques Joubert


Jennifer H. Gonzalez


Dave Jones


Tammy Butvilas


Doug Gleber


Heather Quinn


Yvette Finegan


Lauri Hartnett


Kristin Lattanzio


Susan Yates



Welcome to the 56th year of Loyola hockey! It has been an honor and privilege to serve as the club’s President for the past two years. Thanks to the support of our parents, coaches, alumni, friends, and the efforts of our amazing team managers, the club survived a very tough past two years. Most importantly, special recognition goes to the student athletes of the Loyola Academy Hockey Club (LAHC) who have remained resilient and focused through out the pandemic and have stuck with the great game of hockey.

This year the LAHC welcomed a record number of 105 players at the start of the season, and for the first time we have five teams: Girls, Gold, Maroon, JV1, and JV2. Our contract with the Heartland Ice Arena continues through the 2023 2024 season which keeps our ice fees flat. This allows us to continue high quality ice skills sessions, off ice training, and the ability to keep pace with inflationary driven expenses including the cost of tournaments, referees, and trainers.

We are happy to host the 51st Annual O’Grady Thanksgiving Tournament We have 40 teams ready to participate this year at the JV and Varsity level. We are also excited that for the first time in tournament history the Loyola Academy Girls’ team will play an exhibition game I want to thank Dave Jones for doing such a fine job leading the O’Grady tourna ment committee in his first year in this role.

The ad book will continue to be the club’s primary fundraising vehicle again this year. We cannot thank enough the businesses, alumni, and parents who make this book possible As you read through the ad book, please get to know some of these local businesses and please consider patronizing the sponsors that support Loyola Academy hockey The sponsors in this ad book are valued partners of the LAHC and we recognize and appreciate their support this and every year. Please visit the ad book at our website <www loyolahockey com> to support our sponsors and promote their businesses The website is a great way to get updates on your favorite Loyola Academy hockey team, and to utilize the many useful tools which allow

Hockey on Twitter @RamblerHockey and Instagram at ramblerhockey. I want to personally thank Todd Cowen, Tom Macina and their committee who have done an outstanding job with the concept and design of this ad book, and a fantastic effort attracting new sponsors. After three highly productive and impactful years, Todd will step down and turn over the role of ad book lead to Tom Macina who did an outstanding job with the book in this his first year. As always, a special thanks to Peter Birren for his work to organize the ad book entries so incredibly well

I want to recognize Loyola Academy leadership and the cooperation the club enjoys with the school. Thank you to our new President, the Reverend Gregory J Ostdiek , SJ, Principal Charlie Heinz, Athletic Director Genevieve Atwood, Girls’ Moderator Doug Gleber, the new Boys’ Moderator Tammy Butvilas, the Loyola Academy administration and faculty The mission the Academy instills in its students remains the guiding foundation for the LAHC and our student athletes,“To form women and men for meaningful lives of leadership and service in imitation of Jesus Christ through a college preparatory education in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition” .

Finally, I want to thank the volunteer parents on the LAHC Board of Directors and our team managers whose leadership, hard work, and dedication make the experience of playing hockey for Loyola so special for our student athletes You will find their names and respon sibilities on the following page. Many hours of work go into the final product that we only see at game time, and I want to recognize the parents who serve in these roles Please thank them for what they do if you see them at the tournament.

Thank you again for your support and enjoy the tournament Please have a safe Holiday season.

Go Ramblers!

President, Loyola Academy Hockey Club

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The William E Kelly Award 6 2021 22 Academic Awards 7 JJ O’Connor and SHL Player of the Year Awards 8 AHAI All State Players 9 LA Wins Jesuit Cup 10 LA Wins 50th O’Grady Cup 11 LA Wins Scholastic Cup 12 LA Gold Awards Banquet 13 Where Are They Now? 14 Remembering Pamelia

During t he many years of t he Loyola Academy Thanksgiving Hoc key Tournaments, we have benefited greatly from t he favors of our business adver tisers. In t hese most c hallenging times, let ’s return t he favor and purposely patronize t heir businesses.




The O’Grady Tournament

Jack W O'Grady's advertising art studio and sales promotion agency was one of the best known in the country, with a client list that included United Airlines, Kraft Foods, Sears, Zenith, Miller Brewing, Royal Crown Cola and many other Fortune 500 companies.

He was an art gallery owner, a prominent photographer and the longtime hockey coach at Loyola Academy in Wilmette.

Mr. O'Grady passed on June 1, 2003, at age 80.

Anemone 38 Baine 28, 36 Baker 42 Bartilad 78 Beam 96 Bleser 62 Breckwoldt 64 Cowen 24, 25 Demery/Cutro 108 Doonan 94 Finegan 32 Fischer 40 FitzSimons 31 Gabal 36 Goetz 126 Gonzalez 63 Grannan 94 Hartnett 66 Haynie 26, 27 Holton 35 Huening, Class of ‘24 104 Inzitari 94 Jones 83 Joubert 30 Kadlec 43 Kariotis 97 Kasten 81 Kennedy 105 Khanna 80 Klein 37 Koenig 87 Kraft 62 Langill 69 Levi 44 Libel 70 Macina 29 Markiewicz 68 McCain 82 McShane 69 Merrill 71 Nelson, Andrew & Cooper 73 Nelson, Greg 79 Palmersheim 84 Peraino 66 Power 41 Quinn 107 Reynolds 83 Roche 70 Schoonyoung 60 Sipe 42 Skoglund 87 Srichandra 84 Steele 34 St. John 39 Szpak 65 Thomas 80 Unruh 95 Valadez 45 Walker 61 Waltman 38 Yates 97

ABCO Electric 98 AAIM 19

Anemone Landscaping 59 Athletico 89 Autobarn 86

Baird&Warner, Anne Stromayer 98

Ballyhoo Hospitality 67

Burling Bank 106

Busey Bank 85

Coldwell Banker Realty, Andi Wich 99

Chicago Chiropractic 50

Chris Demos @properties 97

C.L.Doucette, Inc. 98

Cobra Concrete Cutting 45

Delaney Hockey 49 DEPT11 50

DG Kitchen & Bath 108 EganVance 108

EJ’s Place 33

Flanagan Group 46 FGMK 129 Gallagher 52 Gatorade 17

Good as Gould 39

Gregorio, Stec, Klein & Hosé 53

Harrison Street 109 Heneghan Wrecking 89

Jerry’s Hockey 127

Johnny’s Ice House 47

KMG Wealth Management 88

Kramer Construction 99 Krusinski Construction 49 Lane Law 99

Lisa FitzSimons Photography 16

Lerner Group 124

McDermott Construction 2

Napolita Pizzeria & Wine Bar 128

Objective Paradigm 125

Paragon Micro 18

Pescadero Seafood & Oyster Bar 128

Phoenix Flower Shops 106

Pinnacle Color 66

Smylie Bros Brewing 46

Spaceco Inc. 86


Stanley Spring 99

StorSafe 125

Telos 88

The Shack 124


Wilmette Bike 88

Wilmette Hockey Ass’n. 65

Winnetka Warriors 48

Wintrust Bank Back Cover

H O C K E Y C L U B Y E A R B O O K 5
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La Varre 15 Loyola Varsity Gold 20 23 Loyola Maroon 54 57 Loyola Junior Varsity 1 74-77 Loyola Junior Varsity 2 90-93 Loyola Varsity Girls 100 103 Tournament Teams and Game Schedules 110 123 Design and Production by Peter Birren 606 340 0023 www birrendesign com Game photos by Todd Cowen,Lisa Fitzsimons and several family members Printing by George McCarthy, Pinnacle Graphics 773 631 2035 www pinnacleg com

the kelly award

Avery Miller Ryan Boersma

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1993 Trip Baby 1994 Jim Luby 1995 Michael Sullivan 1996 Timothy O'Rourke 1997 Michael Nowak 1998 Nick Hynes 1999 Joey Ciulla 2000 John Dalebrous 2001 Jonathan Stevens 2002 Ed Lerum 2003 Pat Tobin 2004 Kristin Vicari 2005 Patrick Saliba, Stephanie Couzin 2006 Alex Tidei, Ilyse Zach 2007 Josh Dessent, Maggie Wright 2008 Sean Wallace, Katie Dessent 2009 Andrew Romer, Maggie Tyska 2010 Nick Avino, Julia Cowan 2011 Charlie Widmar, Martha Kalisz 2012 Nicholas Romer, Simone Gruber 2013 Michael Donato, Clare Kennedy 2014 Jake Skarzynski, Mia Rascia 2015 James Hess, Nicole Matousek 2016 Jake Boersma, Clara Darcy 2017 Ryan Trueman, Greta Skarzynski 2018 Teddy Starr, Kaela Finegan 2019 Owen Boersma and Claire O’Shaughnessy 2020 Joe Walker and Claire O'Shaughnessy 2021 Charlie Loeb and Nina Riley 2022 R yan Boersma and Avery Miller
The William E. Kelly Memorial Award for Academic Excellence is awarded to the Seniors with the Highest Weighted Grade Point Average.
TRADITION N E V E R G R A D U A T E S 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 L O Y O L A H O C K E Y C L U B Y E A R B O O K 7 2021-2022 academic awards GOLD SHL All-Academic Awards Tommy Albrighton Charlie Baine Ryan Boersma Charlie Fritzsche Max Gabal Cole Joubert Nicholas Malaniuk Sam Roti William Steele MAROON Loyola Academy Academic Awards Dylan Libel Joseph Macina Thomas Macina Matthew Markiewicz Will McDonnell Charlie Merrill George Nash Cooper Nelson Jake Peraino Eddie Power JUNIOR VARSITY SHL All-Academic Awards Andrew Bleser William Campbell Sean Conver y Braeden Gibbons Declan Jones Charlie Kasten Sam Khanna Patrick Kraft James McShane Seamus Purcell Henr y Sperling Owen Sweetnam Charlie Winters GIRLS Metro Girls Academic Mar y Balcsik Lily Bowman Alanna Ciesla Addyson Darragh Gabriella Donato Bella Goetz Abby Huening Sadie Klein Karly Kolssak Aver y Miller Kelly Morgan Paige Purcell Tierney Purcell Maddie Quinn Lauren Smith Alejandra Ubarri

JJ O’Connor 2022 illinois AHAI player of the year!

Jack Gustafson had a record setting year by all accounts. He broke the SHL single season scor ing record, putting up 33 Goals and 33 Assists in only 33 SHL Games, for a 2 point per game aver age. Including tournaments and playoffs he amassed 43 goals and 42 assists for 85 points in only 43 games.

Athlete of the Week:

Jack is a senior right winger for the Loyola Gold hockey team. He was an All State selection who led the Scholastic Hockey League in assists and points scored

What are your plans for next year?

I believe I will be attending Indiana University If not, I will probably go to Penn State. Indiana is my first choice but I want to see them one more time.

Why Indiana?

My grandparents went there. I have a lot of friends who go there and I really like the school as a whole

If you could try another sport, what would it be?

Definitely football, especially with how good our football team is at Loyola I think that would be a lot of fun. I would want to be a wide receiver, but I’m definitely too slow for that

What is your favorite thing to do off the ice?

I really like playing pond hockey with friends when it’s winter and playing basket ball in the summer Really just spending time with friends and family, especially before we all go off to college

What led to such a productive season for you?

Of course my teammates. I had a lot of assists this year, finishing passes that I gave them. The coaching staff, DJ, Scott and Dustin, helped me get the tools I needed, put me out there in the right situations to get points I played with a lot of good players. If you look at my line mates, they were also in top 10 for points scored: Ryan Boersma (35 points) and Will Schrieber (35) and then Max Gabal (13) and Garet Grady (23)

How would you describe your senior season?

I’m obviously disappointed in the fact that we didn’t win state. But in the season as a whole, we accomplished so much as a team. We really didn’t have our full lineup because of injuries until the Glenbrook South game (quarterfinals) at state We won the SHL for the second year in a row, the Jesuit Cup (over St. Ignatius), the O’Grady Cup in its 50th anniversary It was really cool to be a part of that and how much success we had

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JJ O’Connor is a Loyola graduate who is the Chair of USA Hockey’s Disabled Section and has helped grow all levels and disciplines of disabled hockey This award is granted by AHAI, the governing body of Illinois Hockey, for the best overall player in all of High School Hockey in Illinois, regardless of school or location.


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all-state players!
the 2022 Illinois All State High
(All State Game MVP) * Also All SHL Team
Loyola Academy players selected to
School Hockey Teams
Karlynne Kolssak Lauren Smith Shira Wein

lag jesuit cup winners! TRADITION

to finish first! Loyola faced St. Ignatius in the championship game, setting up a rematch of the O’Grady Cup final. LAG fell behind 1-0 in the 2nd period then tied the game in the 3rd period with a goal by Waltman assisted by Cowen and Tommy Macina. St Ignatius took the lead back with 5:17 left to play. Loyola then took advantage of a power play with a goal by Gustafson assisted by Boersma and Cowen with 2:06 remaining. Regulation play ended with the game all tied. It remained tied until 3:32 left in overtime when LAG scored the championship winning goal with a shot by Malaniuk assisted by Gabal and Lillybridge. The great team effort was led by Haynie with 28 saves.

Congratulations to all players and coaches!

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loyola wins the 50th o’grady tournament

finals. LAG met St. Ignatius in the final game where they fell behind 2-0 in the 2nd period. Gold came back with powerplay goals by Malaniuk and Schrieber before finally tak ing the lead at 8:08 in the 3rd with a goal by Gustafson. The team effort was rounded out with 15 saves by O’Brien, holding off the St. Ignatius wolf pack to bring home the O’Grady Thanksgiving Tournament Championship for the first time in its history.

LAG forwards Boersma, Schrieber and Gustafson were named to the All Tournament Team.

O’Brien was named All Tournament Goalie.

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LEFT: Jack O’Grady’s grandchildren, Katie and Danny, present the trophy to the team captains. INSET: Trophy engraving
RG’O T 1971 – 2021

lag wins scholastic cup!

Back to Back Champions!

Loyola Gold swept New Trier Green in the Scholastic Cup finals by winning game 2 with a score of 3 1. Goals from Malaniuk, Boersma and Gustafson, along with great goaltending from Haynie, helped win the game. It was a great team win that ended with LAG raising the Scholastic Cup once again!

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where are they now?























Top Left: Alejandra Ubarri and Jayna Park (‘20) Jack Gustafson Sam Roti L R: Drew Shearson (‘19) Owen Boersma (‘19) Ryan Boersma (‘22)
Tommy Albrighton Karly Kolssak
Albrighton Wake Forest Univ. Club Hockey Boersma Vanderbilt University Fritzsche Boston College Gabal Miami University, Ohio Grady University of Iowa Club hockey Gustafson Indiana University Club Hockey Kolssak Rochester Inst. of Tech. NCAA Hockey Lattanzio Iowa State University Lillybridge University of Alabama Macina Wake Forest Club Hockey Malaniuk Colorado School of Mines Club Hockey Miller University of Miami Nash Butler University Club Hockey O'Brien Xavier University Club Hockey Orzechowski University of Iowa Club Hockey Purcell High Point University Roti Indiana University Club Hockey Schreiber Miami University, Ohio Bobby Shar fstein –Holderness School Prep Hockey Alejandra Ubarri Amherst College NCAA Hockey
14 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T
Referee Dave Vargas LA Alumnus

La Var re 83, L passed away 2, sur rounded following a hemor rhage 22. behind a legacy ace, kindness, d love. She was out her church, ty, her fr iends, her family. shed by all who ever y person feel t he only one She had unparal y and aut hen ent wit h Lovey r hear ts full. he remarkable La Var re, d) Krautsack, ) La Var re, rautsack, and Var re; She was ndmot her of nick, Bella, y, Leo and g sister to w, Margaret Mar y Bott hof, Dos Condon and Richard Condon. Beloved daughter of t he late Raymond and Betty Condon and late brot her Skip.

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Published by Chicago Tribune on Aug 5, 2022
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caused by excessive alcohol/drug misuse, distracted driving and reckless driving. LEARN MORE: AAIM1.ORG 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 L O Y O L A H O C K E Y C L U B Y E A R B O O K 19
prevent impaired driving crashes in Illinois


Scott is in his fourth year with Loyola Gold, and second year serving as Co-Head Coach He coached Gold to back to back SHL Champi onships (2021 and 22), an O’Grady Tournament Championship (2021) and back to back Jesuit Cup Championships (2020 and 2022) Before joining Gold, Scott served as Head Coach for the Chicago Jets, winning back to back Illinois State Championships (2018 and 2019) and a 2019 Central States Developmental Hockey League Champi onship. Outside of coaching, Scott serves as in house counsel for McDonald's Corporation Scott grew up in the Detroit area and graduated from Western Michigan University and Marquette University Law School

DJ is Loyola Academy’s Hockey Director as well as the Loyola Gold Head Coach/ Loyola Girls Head Coach. He joined the coaching staff in 1990 and has been with us continuously since that time except for one year In 2009, he was admitted into the Illinois Hockey Hall of Fame, has been named AHAI Coach of the Year, SHL Coach of the year and is a past recipient of the prestigious Blackhawk Alumni Coach of the Year He also has coached the Illinois Showcase team. DJ was formally the commissioner of the MPHL

Several of his players have gone onto play in the NCAA Division 1 and 3, ACHA Division 1, 2, 3 and even has a few NHL’ers on that list.

DJ has 2 brothers who have been involved in hockey Middle brother Mark was drafted by the Chicago Blackhawks and played for them in the early 80’s Youngest brother Jon (LA class of ‘90) played D1 Hockey at Providence College, also two years for the Ramblers in HS Jon also coached hockey at Loyola for over 10years. His father Don was on the advisory council for the CBHAA

DJ was previously Hockey Director and coach for the Winnetka Warriors. He has coached for Glenbrook North and Northbrook Clubs. When not at the rink, he can be found golfing throughout the US and Europe. He lives near Wrigley ville and enjoys attending Cubs and Blackhawk games as well as all things Chicago.

DUSTIN LOCKWOOD – Assistant Coach

Dustin is in his second year as an Assistant Coach with Loyola Academy Gold In his first year, Loyola Gold won the O'Grady Thanksgiving Tournament, the Jesuit Cup, and the SHL Championship. Dustin previously coached at Lane Tech High School before moving on to the Chicago Stallions where he spent 5 years coaching at the U12 and U14 levels

Dustin is originally from Madison, WI, where he started playing hockey at a young age He attended Shattuck St Mary’s in Faribault, MN and later attended New York Uni versity, where he played 3 years in the ACHA

STU GOULD – Goalie Coach

Stu brings many years of Instructional hockey and Goaltending to Loyola Academy and is a former college and minor Pro Goaltender He served as the goalie coach for Loy ola for 18 years and is the Director and owner of Good As Gould Goalie School.

A Goalie with Uof I Chicago Flames and Oswego State University of New York, he worked with numerous tier junior programs including the Chicago Steel and Green Bay Gamblers Over his career he has worked with many past and present NHL goaltenders.

22 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S L
4 Aidan Fischer Defense Senior 5 Jacob Holton For ward Senior 8 Tommy Macina For ward Junior 11 Mack Klein Defense Sophomore 12 Matthew St. John Fwd Senior 13 Henr y Fitzsimons Fwd Senior 14 Ryan Cowen Defense Senior 19 Christopher Sipe Defense Junior 24 Cole Joubert For ward Junior 27 Julian Gabal For ward Freshman 29 Will Steele Defense Junior 31 Edward Power Goalie Senior Captain
35 Bradin Haynie Goalie Senior 37 Liam Finegan For ward Junior 46 Nathan Kadlec Defense Senior 48 Gar vin St. John For ward Junior 61 Jacob Valadez For ward Senior 81 Jack Levi For ward Senior 84 Zach Waltman For ward Senior 88 Michael Baker For ward Junior 95 Charlie Baine For ward Junior 98 David Long For ward Junior Alternate Captain Alternate Captain Alternate Captain
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50 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S www.dept-11.com DEPT. 11 PROUDLY SUPPORTS The Loyola Academy
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Will Steele scores!
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Charlie enters his second year coaching Loyola Maroon, and third year coaching at Loyola Academy; having previously coached the Junior Varsity level for the 2020 21 season He also serves as the director of player devel opment, director of the house league and Mite Coach for the Winnetka

ROBBIE GAPP – Assistant Coach

This is Robbie’s first year coaching for Loyola Academy. He has been playing since age five. During his youth career, he played for the Winnetka Warriors and even had DJ as his coach for 2 years of Mites.

Warriors Program

AT LOYOLA ACADEMY Three time varsity letter win er. Illinois state scholar. National Merit semi finalist. Walter E. Kelly Award Winner. Chick Evans scholar. AT ST. OLAF 2017 18. Played in all 24 games his enior year; compiled 15 points on five goals and 0 assists Tied for 4th on team in assists, 4th in shots (45) and 5th in points Season long 4 game point streak from Nov


This is Aidan’s first year coaching for Loyola Academy. Aidan is an alumnus of the Loyola Academy class of 2019 Aidan brings a deep love for the game of hockey and has been playing since age 5 He played youth hockey for the Glenview Stars, Highland Park Falcons, Chicago Mission AAA and Chicago Young Americans AAA. A three year Loyola Academy Gold player, Aidan was a leading goal scorer for Loyola Academy and had a successful run including the 2018 State Championship, 2018 Scholastic League Champions, 2019 Scholastic League Champions, 2019 State Finalist He was also named to the Illinois All State team two years in a row and selected for the 2019 Illinois Showcase Team.

During his time at Loyola, Robbie was part of 2 state champi onship teams, in both his junior and senior years

In 2017, he was an IHSHL all star as he helped the Maroon team achieve a record of 40 10 7. They placed 2nd in the IHSHL Champions league while also winning the White Division state championship 6 1 over Crystal Lake South.

In 2018, Robbie helped Gold win their first state championship since 1996, finishing the season 52 10 2 with a 4 2 win over Stevenson to secure the state title. Individually, Robbie led the entire SHL in both goals and points in the 2018 playoffs with 7 goals 2 assists in 7 games en route to an SHL championship sweep over New Trier Green.

While at Loyola, he was also a member of the Varsity Golf team Robbie graduated from Loyola Academy in 2018. Upon graduation he attended Miami University and graduated in May of 2022.

STU GOULD – Goalie Coach (see Gold Team) LAURIE HARTNETT - Manager
56 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
2 Cooper Nelson Defense Sophomore 3 Patrick Kraft Goalie Sophomore 6 Aiden Szpak For ward Sophomore 9 Nicholas Gonzalez Fwd Junior 10 Dylan Libel Defense Junior 15 Connor Kennedy Defense Senior 16 Samuel Walker For ward Junior 20 Andrew Bleser Jr Fwd Sophomore 23 Brendan Schoonyoung Fwd Freshman 28 James McShane For ward Sophomore 24 Jacob Gempeler For ward Senior 32 Jake Peraino For ward Junior Captain Alternate Captain
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33 Jack Dwyer For ward Freshman Anthony Donato For ward Freshman
Lukas Breckwoldt Fwd Senior
Chris Langill Defense Junior
Giovanni Anemone Def Sophomore
Zach Tengelsen For ward Sophmore
Gavin Hartnett For ward Junior
Charlie Merrill For ward Junior
Matthew Markiewicz
James Roche Goalie Junior
Alternate Captain
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GO JIMMY GO! From Your Fan Club, Grandma & Grandpa “What if, today, we were grateful for everything?” — Charlie Brown 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 L O Y O L A H O C K E Y C L U B Y E A R B O O K 69
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LUKE LO ss s a oac

Ted grew up in Glenview playing for the Glenview Stars followed by the Chicago Chill for his Peewee and Bantam years. After AAA, he played his four high school years on Glen brook South’s Varsity team followed by four years playing for the Purdue Boilermakers

ACHA D2 club team, where he captained the team hree of those years. In 2010, Ted began his coach ng career and has coached every level from mites o high school He has had the opportunity to coach or and learn from some of the best coaches in the State at the Glenview Stars, Northbrook Bluehawks, PREP High School, Loyola Academy, Ultimate Athlete, and Delaney Hockey. He has received his USA Hockey Level 4 coaching certification and has been behind the bench of numerous league and state champi onship teams, including a JV State Championship in the 2014 2015 season In his 9 years with Loyola, his team has made 3 JV State Championship appear ances and a 2018 SHL Championship.

Ted graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in Civil Engineering and is a licensed practicing Pro fessional Engineer. He lives in Glenview with his wife, Kasia, and daughters Katie, Maggie, and Adaline

Luke is an alumnus of the Loyola Academy class of 2009. Luke brings six years of coaching experience, having coached Winnetka, New Trier and Deerfield. His deep love for the game began at the age of 4, playing youth hockey for the Skokie Flyers and Winnetka Warriors. He then went on to play three years at Loyola, being named Captain twice as a member of both the JV and Maroon teams. After high school, Luke played a season at Ferris State Univer-sity before leaving to follow a career passion in the golf in dustry Luke currently works as a Club Fitting Specialist for PXG

2022-2023 1
76 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
7 Sean Conver y Defense Sophomore 14 Lukas Koenig For ward Freshman 17 Charles Kasten For ward Sophomore 18 Seamus Purcell For ward Sophomore 19 Declan Jones Fwd/Def Sophomore 21 William Ephrem For ward Sophomore 25 Harrison Skoglund Def Sophomore 26 Quinn Reynolds Defense Freshman 31 Ben Srichandra Goalie Freshman 36 Nicholas Thomas Fwd Freshman 42 Adam Bartilad Defense Sophomore 45 William Scholl For ward Freshman Alternate Captain
A A C A V E R U 1
Alternate Captain
2 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 L O Y O L A H O C K E Y C L U B Y E A R B O O K 77
Andrew Nelson Defense Freshman Jackson McCain Defense Freshman Joseph Lattanzio Goalie Sophomore Samuel Khanna For ward Sophomore
Gregor y Nelson For ward Freshman Jett Palmersheim Fwd Freshman Colin Wigmore For ward Freshman Toby Davis For ward Freshman
Andrew Southwell F/D Sophomore
Henr y Sperling For ward Sophomore
78 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
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80 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
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84 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
Building Business. Growing Wealth. Since 1868. busey.com/chicagoland Member FDIC 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 L O Y O L A H O C K E Y C L U B Y E A R B O O K 85
86 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
De Deteter etermi etermin etermine What hat Tru True rue Wealtealth Means to You ManagingPartners: RyanMcCain,CFP® JimKoliatsis,CFP® GregoryTong,CIMA® FinancialPlanning RetirementPlanning EstatePlanning CollegePlanning AssetManagement RiskManagementSecurities (847)679-7889 www.kmgwm.com info@kmgwm.com 4711GolfRd,Ste705 SkokieIL60076 Se Sececu ecur ecuri ecurit ecuriti ecuritie ecurities and Fi Finina inan inanc inanci inancial Pl Plalan lann lanni lannin lanning of offffer ffered th thrhro hrou hrough LPL Fi Fininan inanc inanci inancial inancial. Me Mememb embe ember FI FINRINRA INRA. Me Mememb embe ember of Se Sececu ecur ecuritie ecurities In Invnve nves nvest nvestor Pr Protrote rotect rotecti rotectio rotection Co Cororp orpor orpora orporat orporati orporatio orporation (S (SISIP SIPC SIPC). 88 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S

Over t he many years of Loyola Hoc key, we ha ve benefit ed g reat l y from t he f a vors of our ad ver t isers. In t his c hallenging year, let ’s return t he f a vor and purposely patronize t heir businesses.

90 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S 2

Greg is in his first year as an assistant coach with Loyola Academy V2. Before joining Loyola he coached with the Evanston Youth Hockey Association. Greg has been coaching lacrosse for 19 years with several programs in Illinois and Wisconsin. Currently he coaches lacrosse with Loyola Academy, True Lacrosse and is also n charge of the Loyola Jr Ramblers Lacrosse program Greg is from Schaumburg, IL, where he started playing hockey at a young age and continued playing at St Viator High School He attended St. Norbert College in DePere, WI where he played 3 years of JV hockey as well as 4 years of lacrosse. When Greg is not at the rink, he is enjoying time with his two sons, wife and dog Bella. His family moved to Evanston a few years ago and enjoys living near the lake! GO RAMBLERS!

2022-2023 2 M o s t a c t i o n s h o t s b y L u z S i l v a
92 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
12 Theodore Fedorinchik Fwd Sophomore 51 Patrick Inzitari For ward Freshman 39 Alexander Beam Goalie Freshman 44 Alexander Bottcher Fwd Freshman 47 Nicholas Nicolandis Def Freshman 62 Luca Mellado For ward Sophomore 5 Ciaran Koehn Defense Freshman
60 Matthew Ohlinger Fwd Freshman 22 Matthew Grannan Fwd Freshman
2022-2023 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 L O Y O L A H O C K E Y C L U B Y E A R B O O K 93 94
Fwd Freshman 72
97 Aidan
ward Freshman 90
Michael Smylie Jr.
Joseph Kariotis For ward Freshman
Reeder For
Owen Sweetnam Fwd Sophomore
Benjamin Silva For ward Freshman
William Doonan Defense Freshman
Griffin Huntington Fwd Freshman
Edward Unruh Defense Freshman
Ayden Yates Defense Freshman
94 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
2 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 L O Y O L A H O C K E Y C L U B Y E A R B O O K 95
96 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
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98 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
Electrical Construction and Design L.L.C. Have a Great Season!
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100 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S


Gina has played hockey for 19 years and has been a coach for nine years. She recently coached Learn to Skate, hockey camps, squirts, U12 and U14 girls teams at Franklin Park for three years. Gina also coached girls U12, U14, U16 at Glenview for 4 years, ran off ice training for the U16 irls team and summer conditioning She is excited or her third season at Loyola

Carla played AAA girls hockey for Team Illinois, Chicago Mission and CYA, while double rostering as captain of the Loyola Academy Girls Varsity Team. Her Junior and Senior Year of High School, Carla was a member of USA Hockey’s U18 National Develop

ment Pr Lake Placid, NY Carla went on to two DI national championships at the University of Wisconsin Madison, and received the Badger Community Service and Most Inspiring Player awards.

Carla has coached girls hockey at the AAA, AA, and High School levels. She coached CYA to USA Hockey Nationals and helped guide the New Trier Girls Varsity Trevians to back to back State Champi onship appearances in 2014 and 2015, winning in 2015. Carla was the Girls Director and Coach for the USA Hockey ADM Model Club, the Admirals, and the Chicago Jets Hockey Club. Carla has also coached at the collegiate level; she was the Associate Head Coach of Robert Morris University’s Women’s Ice Hockey team and the Assistant Coach of DePaul University's Men's Ice Hockey team

Carla enjoys giving back to Hockey by coaching the Chicago Blackhawks Blind Hockey Team and serving as a USA Hockey Coaching Education Program Instructor. Carla is thrilled to return to the Loyola Hockey Program for her first season as a coach!

102 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
3 Kelly Morgan For ward Senior 6 Lia Mellado For ward Freshman 7 Gabriella Donato Defense Junior 8 Julia Carrigan For ward Sophomore 10 Callie Sharfstein Defense Sophomore 11 Sadie Klein For ward Sophomore 13 Eliza Lillybridge For ward Freshman 15 Colleen Kennedy Def Freshman 18 Lauren Smith For ward Senior 20 Abigail Piatigorsky Fwd Sophomore 21 Cecilia Cutro For ward Sophomore 24 Abigail Huening For ward Junior Captain Captain
2 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 L O Y O L A H O C K E Y C L U B Y E A R B O O K 103
Bella Goetz Defense Senior Kylie Titzer Defense Junior
Mar y Balcsik For ward Junior
Nora Joan Kulovitz Def Senior
CatherineDemer y Fwd Sophomore
ShiraWein Goalie Senior
AddysonDarragh Fwd Sophomore
Olivia Maksud Fwd Junior
87 Lilian Bowman For ward Freshman
89 Pearl Steinhouse Goalie Senior 95 Maddie Quinn Defense Senior Captain Captain Captain
104 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
106 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
108 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
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Benet Academy

Carmel Catholic

Evanston Glenbrook Nor th Glenbrook South Loyola Academy Gold Maine Township New Trier Blue New Trier Green Oak Park River Forest Providence Catholic St Ignatius St. Rita St Viator York


Chicago Nor th

Fenwick Glenbrook South

Loyola Academy Maroon Marmion Academy New Trier Gray New Trier White St. Viator



Benet Academy

Chicago Nor th



Glenbrook Nor th Glenbrook South Loyola Academy JV1 Loyola Academy JV2 Maine Township New Trier

Oak Park River Forest Providence Catholic St. Ignatius St Viator York

51st Annual

O’Grady Thanksgiving Tournament schedule

Visit www.LoyolaHoc key.com for tournament scores and standings.

VARSIT Y 1 varsity 2 JV

A- Loyola Gold a- Loyola Maroon A- Benet B- OPRF b- New Trier Gray B- Glenbrook Nor th C- Carmel Catholic c- Glenbrook South Black C- Maine D- Benet d- Fenwick D- Loyola JV2 E- Glenbrook Nor th e- Chicago Nor th E- Evanston F- Evanston f- Marimon F- St. Viator G- St Ignatius g- St Viator Blue G- Loyola JV1 H- Barrington h- New Trier White H- Providence I- Providence I- Glenbrook South J- Glenbrook South Blue J- St Ignatius-H K- York K- New Trier JV L- New Trier Blue L- OPRF M- MaineM- York N- St. Viator Red N- Fenwick O- St.Rita O- Barrington P- New Trier Green P- Chicago Nor th


FRIDAY, Nov 25

WILMETTE HEARTLAND EVANSTON RINK 1 EV RINK 2 SKOKIE 8:00 AM B- A 8:00 PM C-D 8:00 AM A B C D 8:00 AM a b 9:50 AM E-F 9:50 AM G-H 9:30 AM E F E G 9:50 AM c d 11:40 AM I J 11:40 AM K L 11:00 AM J I K L 11:40 AM g h 1:30 PM M-N 1:30 PM P -O 12:30 PM M N O P 1:30 PM e f 3:20 PM B-D 3:20 PM A -C 2:00 PM D B C A 3:20 PM a c 5:10 PM G-F 5:10 PM E-H 3:30 PM G F E H 5:10 PM b d 7:00 PM I-K 7:00 PM J-L 5:00 PM I K J L 7:00 PM h e 6:30 PM P N O M



SKOKIE 9:30 AM P -N 9:30 AM D A 9:30 AM B C 9:30 AM O-M 11:20 AM C-B 11:00 AM G H 11:00 AM E F 11:20 AM f g 1:10 PM G-E 12:30 PM a d 12:30 PM K J 1:10 PM H-F 3:00 PM K J 2:20 PM L A Girls 2:00 PM I L 3:00 PM L I 4:50 PM M-P 3:30 PM A -D 3:30 PM M P 4:50 PM N-O 6:40 PM h f 5:30 PM c b 5:00 PM N O 6:40 PM g e

SUNDAY, Nov 27




K E Y C L U B Y E A R B O O K 111
2 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 L O Y O L A H O C

Barrington Varsity 1

Ohern, Braeden

Quaranta, Michael

Lenderman, Connor

Lenderman, Brady

Remi, Michael

Cichosz, Daniel

Galvan, Nathan

Silberg, Hawthorne

Lucas, Will 37 Holmes, Daniel

Morch, Jack G 41 Sherrin, William

Rojas, Andres

Kania, Matthew

Valskis, Grahme 97 Kania, James

Krueger, Kyle Assistant Coach Matassa, Rob Assistant Coach Mar tins, Steve Head Coach

Barrington JV

Chavous, Brody

Kania, Nathan

Babka, Lucas

Kodukula, Anish

Kunzon, Drew

Novelli, Anthony

Andreae, Parker G

Rolain, Nicholas


Hanaishi, Sora 97 Kania, James

Krueger, Kyle Assistant Coach Mar tins, Steve Assistant Coach Matassa, Rob Head Coach

Benet Varsity1

112 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
Remi, Matthew
Kunzon, Jake G 79 Gillespie, Ethan
5 Briac
2 Leo
50 William Janus 62 Ethan
77 Charles Turza 80
82 Hudson Hollweck 85 Jeremy
89 Zandis Hoover 91
94 Cole Rosenthal 96
Gavin Murphy
Alex Karas
Gianluca DiCosola
Niccolo Caulfield
Brendan O'Neill
Daniel Hor vath
Croy, Zachar y
Remi, Matthew
Canavan, Connor
Fitch, Tyler G 66 Kania, Matthew
Scipione, Dominic 76 Rolain,
Gillespie, Ethan 93 Gaffney, Alexander
LOYOLA academy 51st Annual O’Grady t h a n k s g i v i n g t o u r n a m e n t 2022
2 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 L O Y O L A H O C K E Y C L U B Y E A R B O O K 113 enet JV ohn Skerrett James Cannon Thomas Dusek Merrick Sullivan Vincenzo Porro Evan Petratos Luke Alpeter Jack Ao Michael O'Rourke 28 Nikolas Hensel 29 Carson Stone 32 Nicholas Calandra 35 Ava Christensen 46 Luke MacDonald 61 Jack Vought 66 Davin Frasco 68 Nedas Vasiliauskas 84 Joseph Hiatt 88 John Neboyskey 97 Joseph Ihde Carmel Cat holic Varsity 1 2 Leon Swiatkowski 3 Jack Renn 4 Evyn Jensen 6 Will Kula 7 Ethan Sykes 8 Nolan Herubin 12 Kyler Gornick 13 Jacob Dankelson 14 Niko Kempa 16 Nick Hriljac 18 Michael Huffman 19 Kerr y Eberhardt 20 John Harrop 23 Charlie Lenihan 29 David Hernandez 37 Nick Leaf 40 Dylan Lloyd 44 Michael Kemp 61 Br yce Stensrud 81 Andrew Munro 92 Deacon Rose 93 Mark Moseley hicago Nor t h dians arsity 2 Diego Condie Espinosa Charles Reeder Augustine Watts yan Dooley Alexander Kupfer 16 Owen McGill 19 Shane Looney 20 Henr y Conlin 25 James Brady 26 Jason Lam 27 Brendan Urganus 29 Annika Solberg 33 Emmett Heneghan 46 Finley Gauger 65 Johannes Von Bodman 72 Mar tin Salomon 74 Karol Czajko 78 Nick Scavone 91 Nico Valentino LOYOLA academy 51st Annual O’Grady t h a n k s g i v i n g t o u r n a m e n t 2022

anston Varsity 1

Row: Evan Neilsen, my Val, Titan Mrozik, k Clair, Nick Ghate, koMarich, Sean Kennedy, l Dunlap, Ryder Bellios, Gavin ara, Paden Taylor, Jimmy hn, Del Morris

nt Row: Ilija Marich, g , Goldberg, Charlie Bird, Robo Gallun, Jonah Gerstein, Charlie Dillman, Kingston Scrim, Will Wagener, Vinnie Miller

anston JV

Row: Dakota Gaudet, ran Blackmore, Josh Wiltgen, rlo Goldberg, Jonah Hofeld, h Kuhn, Freddie Durston, aru Greene, Jack Zebala, ve Crews, Joe Heaton

nt row: Will Gurley, Nord, Jaxson Ghate, Conor Bediz, Brady Ahern, Garrett Hager ty, Brenner Riley

114 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S hicago Nor t h
Maxwell Engel Patrick Buckley Benjamin Brown 7 Charles Unetich 8 Ryan Looney 1 Amir Baddi 4 Padraig Lucey 6 Ellison Barlow 39 Dean Lane 44 Alexander Gwinn 55 Emmet Obrien 67 Gavin Obrien 81 Keaton Jones 86 Ian Donohoe 88 Vincent Mena
ndians JV
LOYOLA academy 51st Annual O’Grady t h a n k s g i v i n g t o u r n a m e n t 2022
2 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 L O Y O L A H O C K E Y C L U B Y E A R B O O K 115 Fenwic k Varsity 2 2 Jack Pasternak 3 Joey Krzak 4 William Pabst 5 Michael Cur tin 6 Thomas Kala 7 Jake Alessi 8 Jonathan Svete 9 Arden Tantaro 10 John Moore 11 Billy Buckley 12 Christopher Godellas 13 Tommy Fleming 16 Alex Matysiak 17 Giovanni Sena 18 Charlie Bastedo 19 Michael Verni 21 Dominic Munaretto 22 Dominic Fosco 26 Justin Pinkowski 27 Luke LaChance 28 Sean Pondelicek 30 Spencer Lisek 32 Cole Alessi 33 Demetri Karabatsos 34 Car ter Fask 36 Owen Fask 37 Cam Cor vo 39 Jack McDowell Fenwic h JV 2 Jack Pasternak 4 Luca Gattone 5 Mack Hamilton 6 Daniel Kaiser 7 Santino Carideo 8 Jonathan Svete 10 William Pabst 11 Jack Lotito 12 Christopher Godellas 13 Dominic Munaretto 15 Alex Pisano 16 Dean Vijuk 18 Charlie Bastedo 19 Matthew Brown 20 Emmet Hynes 22 Jacob Fuhr y 24 Anthony Balesteri 26 Justin Pinkowski 27 Henr y Schmidt 28 David Schubkegel 30 Spencer Lisek 39 Jack McDowell 43 Jack Buel Addison Boehm lenbrook Nor t h arsity 1 p Row: Coach Rob hmidt, Coach Evan ulakidas, Coach Ben ein, Coach Gauger w 3: Michael Dimoff, nthony Rafalowski, tsamakis, Jordan Kane, Alan Adanin Row 2: Jacob Smith, Owen Just, Ryan Sandler, Noah Master, Colin Cyphers, Joshua Genin, Cooper Shalin Front Row: Michael Reyderman, Noah Wilson, Ryan Rossi, James Dahlke, Brady Henricksen, Aidan Siegel, Connor Steiner, Nate Kasdan LOYOLA academy 51st Annual O’Grady t h a n k s g i v i n g t o u r n a m e n t 2022

lenbrook or t h JV

p Row: Coach Austin ahr, Tyler Joseph, axwell, Schwar tzberg, njamin Melnick, ke Jackson, oach Evan Poulakidas

, Belguudei Zoljargal, Raymond Caris, Noah Reinglass, Benjamin Ovnanyan, Aubrey Chiemmongkoltip, Brendan Contreras

Front Row: Ethan Heiman, Jordan Ekstein, Nicholas Jackson, Victor Brennan, Spencer Goldman, William Brojkovic, Alec Wise, Logan Bilinski

lenbrook out h Varsity

1 Mulvey, Ryan Ahlgrim, Michael Loughran, Grant Vander Ploeg, Asher Sokol, Adam

Pajerski, Benji

Mulvey, Jack

Steenstrup, Erik

Almburg, Owen


out h Varsity


Racana, John

Decross, Anatole

116 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
19 McClung,
45 Leitel,
49 Cesario,
52 Zebell,
55 Parsons,
rikos, Eddie tevens, Ben Stanard, Will McClung, Evan
Bonnell, Evan
McPherson, Cole
Scheffler, Patrick
Adler, Dylan
Jester, Kian
Tomsheck, Henr y
Kelly, Patrick
Lentz, Grant
Tubikanec, Jerr y
Hughes, Ben
Higgins, Will
LOYOLA academy 51st Annual O’Grady t h a n k s g i v i n g t o u r n a m e n t 2022
Ventura, Nicholas
Kamins, Eli
Winger, Lucas
Callaghan, Mac 44 Ban, Jason
Wojdyla, Kacper
Stevens, Will 81 Freimuth, Zack
Sokol, Adrian 88 Davidson, Pierce
Monagan, Dylan 94 Sher wood, Wyatt
2 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 L O Y O L A H O C K E Y C L U B Y E A R B O O K 117
JV Weller,
Bonnell, Isaak Johansson,
Hoffer, Blake 1 Vergamini, Matthew y, 0 Ventura,
21 Pinto, Anthony 22 Leitel, Dillon 28 Tsogtbayar, Anand 32 Sit, Caleb 33 Alhgrim, Ryan 34 Higgins, Jack 35 Kopinski, Cooper 38 Nor wood, Nicky 48 Kennedy, Aidan 57 Day, Liam 72 Adams, Mitchell 79 Rudd, Austin 83 Moeller, Oliver 91 Bor ys, Zachar y 93 Sokol, Daniel 95 Lomer, Andrew Maine ownship V Mark Diatte Ryan Hauptman Gavin Brich ck McGovern 22 Shane Rothenberger 34 Amado Cabrera 42 Matthew Marcucci 43 Christopher Kulas 48 Franceso Anzaldi 52 Charlie Migon 62 Cole Zocher 65 Alex Lohens 66 Nathan Kapetanou 70 Joseph Murphy 88 Declan O'Connell 96 George Murphy Head Coach: Grant Paulsen Ass't Coach: Anthony Reda Maine ownship arsity 1 Ethan Fogar ty Ryan Belz Aidan Costigan 9 Peter Koepke 12 Ryan Freytes 13 Jake Salvatore 19 Ryan Goff 20 Jack Koteles 21 Jack Stelter 25 Hayden Weber 27 Ben Kappel 29 Peter Thompson 36 Ryan Besenjak 44 Olivier Nalepa 49 George Lohens 60 Michael Schuyler 61 Mike Migon 73 Patrick Bayraktarov 75 Nicky Gournis 91 Ryan Moore 98 Dean Andrews Head Coach: Greg Mrofcza Ass't Coach: Brian Barnes Ass't Coach: Jimmy Kasch LOYOLA academy 51st Annual O’Grady t h a n k s g i v i n g t o u r n a m e n t 2022

Dan Sitarz

J.W. McKay

Caleb Lind

Beckham Dempsey

A J Iwinski

Marmion Academy Varsity 2

Trey Howicz Joey Trocchio Sonny Lombardo Sammy Lombardo

J Mumford

Michael Greco

Santino Grano

Nate Mahon

Ben Phelp’s

Giancarlo Petrucci

Henr y Junge

Mario Solar te 68 Connor Edger ton

Paul Hibbler

Nolan Scheel

Charlie Donoghue

Joey Nowicki

Charlie Zebig Christian Esposito: Head Coach Assistant Coaches: Jared Weaver, JC Weems and Josh Bletzinger

ew Trier Blue arsity 1

Row: ach Rob Malstrom, arlie Trukenbrod (A), arlie Fiske, Ashton Freel, amus Voycey, g ( ) Cheng, Coach Mike Malstrom, Coach Carl Cook

Middle Row: Declan Bornhoeft, Oliver Banks, Charlie Wer th, Dylan Harris, PJ Sibell, Dominic Fichera, Max DeGroot

Front Row: Liam Reger, Charlie Andrews (C), Luke Purcell (A), Ryan Roeser, Ethan Smith, Jack O’Toole, Cole Ouyang, Gruia Radu ew Trier Green arsity 1

Row: lliam Cusick (C), x Fur ton, Jack Savino, ach Matt Kenyon, vid Wolff, Shane Randle, g Chessen (C)

3rd Row: Coach Adam Cheris, Juhan Jaason, Ian Finger, Owen McAdams, Connor Hirschtritt, Tyler Smith, Landon Douthit, Coach Brian Enriquez

2nd Row: Tyler Baker, Kitchel Snow (A), Aleks Cheris, Sam Shenton, Aidan Nolan, Joey Rabinowitz, Henr y Miller (A) Front Row: Drew Durdov, Wyatt Schmidt

118 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
LOYOLA academy 51st Annual O’Grady t h a n k s g i v i n g t o u r n a m e n t 2022

ew Trier Gray arsity 2

Row: istant Coach k Santelli, oper Lazor, Ryan Barr, att Lazor, Car ter Gulyas, Asher Waimon (A), Jack Hales, Head Coach Ryan Pecka

3rd Row: Dylan Pudr ycki, Colgin Hirschel, Dillon Kotz, Kai Bandari (C), Luke Pauly (C), Isaac Goldstein (A), Finn Jensen, Cale Matyas

2nd Row: Noah Toma, Jack Wereski, Patrick McGreal, Charlie Morse (A), Sam Ouyang, Jason Guo, August Wentz

Front Row: Mark Pauly, Max Ascione

ew Trier White arsity 2

Row: ach Jeremy Ellis, ns Huber, Cooper Sell, chael Pedraja, dy Finger, Billy Cannon, James Friedman, Coach Christian Schurmann Colicchio

3rd Row: Emiliano Vasquez, Cole Adam, Aiden Maher, Hunter Carlson(C), Mitch Seifer t (C), Stuar t Elsman, Will Knight

2nd Row: Simon Mytty (A), Jack Olson, Harrison Miller, Jon Olson, John Curr y (A), Ryan Hundley, Clark Smale (A), Harrison Hundley

Front Row: Colton Denham, Boden Macika

ew Trier V

Row: Chase Crawford, meron Crawford, tthew Brunso, h Halverson, phen Zhao, Jack Andrus, Gunner Hutchen (C)

3rd Row: Coach Brent Segvich, Luke Dillig (A), Finn DeGroot (A), Charlie Harre, Jay Kohn, Fritz Duda, Ronan Kelly, Car ter Thompson, Charlie Flanigan, Coach Jack Raith

2nd Row: Jake Oseland, Emmett Harootyan, Alex Preda, Mac McCormick, Keegan Rowean, Evan Lesperance, Ryan Johnson

Front Row: Cooper Lanci, Cole Scherb (C)

2 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 L O Y O L A H O C K E Y C L U B Y E A R B O O K 119
LOYOLA academy 51st Annual O’Grady t h a n k s g i v i n g t o u r n a m e n t 2022
120 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S ak Park –iver Forest arsity 1 1 Henr y Metric 4 Caleb Schulz 5 Weston Kirk 8 John Philip Ferraro 1 Sameer Chand 22 Andrew McConville 24 Quentin Wei Henr ys 25 Samuel Busch 28 Brady Bailitz 37 Henr y Mickus 38 Eli Wallichs 43 Aaron Jenkyns 50 Michael Layton 60 Walker Wood 70 Simon Ruff 73 Ivan Gillman 77 Connor Jones 78 Theodore Friedman 80 David Peel 89 Griffin Lane 91 Cyrus Herber t 95 Miles Clar y Oak Park –iver Forest V Maxwell Fransen Jack Fransen Liam Moroney Luca Trotta Jack Panichelli 8 Oliver Puntillo 12 Joseph Leshnock 13 Connor Barr 16 Trevor Lane 17 Mitchell Speer 23 Dominic Trotta 27 Colin Powers 30 Parker Moen 44 Sebastian Robinson 55 Benjamin Sirota 61 Griffin Lane 65 Nolan Smith 66 Ryan Scott 68 Owen Yang 81 Luke Barron 92 Cooper Smith rovidence at holic arsity 1 Zach Xydakis Nico Felice Charley Muraskas Ben Schwarz 10 Vince Felice 11 Noah Oliver 12 Lucas Dukups 14 Carson Burriss 16 Joe Ramos 18 Bruno Handzel 19 Fin Harris 20 Tom Dukups 24 Ethan Ganz 26 Drake Thomas 27 Aidan Castleton 33 Andrew Pavich 36 Nick Mastro Nick Iaciancio: Head Coach Kevin Oliver: Ass't Coach John McDonnell: Ass't Coach Matt Iaciancio: Ass't Coach Ryan Iaciancio: Ass't Coach LOYOLA academy 51st Annual O’Grady t h a n k s g i v i n g t o u r n a m e n t 2022
2 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 L O Y O L A H O C K E Y C L U B Y E A R B O O K 121 St. Ignatius JV 2 Sean Biden 3 Jack Walsh 4 Henr y Pisor 5 Michael Hollub 7 Kiefer Gilber tson 9 Jack Rogers 10 Emmett Murphy 11 Kristiano Dcunha 13 Ari Ram J 17 Nic Lissuzzo 18 Jackson Bosser t 20 Patrick Altman 22 James Doher ty 23 Danny Heidkamp 24 Austin Haynes 25 Markus Panel 26 Simon Moynihan 29 Samuel Reif 30 Cole Jackson 33 Jackson Steinlauf 37 Carson Gelatka 38 Alex Cook 40 Nicholas Nocera 41 John Lyons IV 42 Brooks Colmone 44 Colin McGrath 46 Owen Huffman 47 Augustus Bergmann 49 Nicholas Smat Michael Rigitano, Head Coach St. IgnatiusVarsity 1 2 Victor Ventura 5 Michael Hollub 6 Moses Rodgers 8 Colum Chinlund 9 Jack Eber 11 Jack Rhyner 13 Ari Ram 16 Mick Gilber t 17 Owen Ray 18 Jackson Bosser t 19 Cameron Kosmala 22 Dennis Fencl 23 Danny Heidkamp 24 Austin Haynes 25 Andrew Lannon 26 Simon Moynihan 29 Corbin Klein 30 Cole Jackson 32 Eghan Ryan 33 Jackson Steinlauf 34 Jack Perreault 40 Nicholas Nocera 43 Francis Dunlay 44 Colin McGrath 47 Luke Vega 50 Ethan Laughlin Spencer Montgomer y, Head Coach Providence Cat holic JV 1 Justin Laakson 13 Declan DeMent 15 Nick Pavlis 25 Gavin Las 28 Anthony Germann 31 Drew Spencer 37 Aidan Flood 38 Alan Har tman 39 Josh Laakson 40 Aidan Kilcoyne 42 Ryan Sterr 43 Matt Myers 44 Ryan Kundys 46 Cole DiNolfo 47 A J Winkleman 52 Brad Pich 54 Jonathon Schlender 55 Aodhan McGee 56 Jackson Hunniford Kris Vandenberg: Head Coach Zack Davis: Ass’t Coach Len Edling: Ass’t Coach Colton Edling: Ass’t Coach LOYOLA academy 51st Annual O’Grady t h a n k s g i v i n g t o u r n a m e n t 2022
122 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S St. Viator Varsity 1 19 JOHN DAHLIN 16 ROSS DAVIS JR 30 DOMINIC GRIMALDI 38 BROCK HARER 9 DYLAN HARER 6 CARSON HART 42 PATRICK HENEGHAN 25 CONNOR JONES 86 JAKE KNIELING 66 JACK KUFFEL 14 RYAN I LOFTUS 56 ANGELO MASSARO 62 LIAM MORAN 88 NICHOLAS MUNAO 21 SEAN NUTLEY 92 AIDAN O'NEILL # SEBASTIAN PACOCHA 78 VITALII STRUTYNSKYI 77 MATTHEW VORIS 8 EVAN WENZEL 23 SEAN WILSON 83 JINGWEN ZHANG St. V iator Varsity 2 1 Nazar Yakubyak 7 Tommy Speck 13 Nikita Yakubyak 14 Ryan Loftus 18 Zach Waltuck (A) 19 John Dahlin (C) 35 Patrick O'Gara 37 Cameron Baer 38 Brock Harer 39 Calder Turpin 50 Sebastian Pacocha 52 Jacob Paciej 58 Jiyong Hong 79 Michael Conrad 84 Brandon Thomsen 90 John Kulpins 97 Giovanni Di Pinto (A) 98 Finn Hogan Head Coach: Jason Hogan Asst Coach: Peppi Laboy . Rita Varsity 1 minic Adduci ey Bedtke nny Byrne ank Consiglio ark Daly no Gentile hie Glenke endan Harkins e Maher Ryan Mancine Brendan Melzacki Jacob Moyer Nolan O'Malley Joe Palzkill Vinny Petrich AJ Petrulis Aidan O'Brien Joey Rodriguez Jack Specht TJ Swan Joey Tracy Nate Tracy Jack Willette LOYOLA academy 51st Annual O’Grady t h a n k s g i v i n g t o u r n a m e n t 2022
2 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 L O Y O L A H O C K E Y C L U B Y E A R B O O K 123 York Varsity 4 Ryan Booth 7 Daniel Costabile 8 Frank Nicosia 9 Matt Moore 12 Frank Rosa 14 Tyler Peiffle 15 Ben Smith 18 Matthew Soehn 24 Aaron Curr y 27 Luke Dizillo 31 Eli Maurer 33 Adam Kaczmarek 38 Nico Ptak 40 Nick Composono 44 John Sanfilippo 55 Ethan Coyte 65 Nick Sanfilippo 66 Mike Anderson 68 Charles Colantonio 88 Jack Brown 96 Jack Maier Head Coach: Matthew Boeing t. Viator JV GEORGE BAZIANOS AMES BIELARZ III OEY DITTRICH GRIFFIN ELLIS YAN GALLAGHER AM GEIER RTEM GRYNIV NICK JACOB JOHN MAYER JIMMY MAZZA SEAN NAGY MICHAEL PADOL NICK PAPANICHOLAS ANTHONY PETRECCA SETH ROSLAND WILL SHANNON JERICHO TAGUINOD CALDER TURPIN NATE WALTUCK JP WONG York JV 1 Oscar Pysz 2 Drew Game 3 William Loeser 9 Cole Maier 10 Jack Ciannella 11 Andrew Pettorelli 20 Ben Dizillo 28 Andrew Papadopoulos 30 Ethan Maurer 32 Jack Paschen 37 Alex Pastircak 39 Justin Lococo 45 Caden Buenz 46 Anthony Pierotti 48 Paul Kallianis 67 Matthew Gleason 75 Andrew Gumbach 77 Gavin Brown 80 J T Maffia 81 Frankie Sanfilippo 89 Peter Kallianis Head Coach: Brian Finner ty LOYOLA academy 51st Annual O’Grady t h a n k s g i v i n g t o u r n a m e n t 2022
124 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
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128 L O Y O L A A C A D E M Y H O C K E Y T R A D I T I O N N E V E R G R A D U A T E S
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