Crop SMF Finaly Presentation Booklet 2023

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Student Managed Farm Powered by New Holland Crop Technology Final Presentation


March 24, 2023

2023 Lakeland Crop Technology SMF Graduates

Alexander Coulton Ashten Form Austin Beard Brayden Ostafie Colby Wignes Jace Hansen Janna Trenchuk Karleigh Bester Marci LeBlanc

2023 Lakeland Crop Technology SMF Graduates

Mason Edwards Mason Lavoie Moromoke Balogun Nathaniel Cordes Nathan van Staveren Rebecca Gardham Prince Mahendrabhai Patel Pramisha Ahikari Serena Griffin

2023 Lakeland Crop Technology SMF Graduates

Missing from Grad Photos: Sid Matheos Bandiola, Schylour Pike, Reis Roesslein, Kyle Hohmann, Ashlee Hanson, Cory Hohmann Kael Perkins Logan Garnier Ethan Hiebert Torii Muzyka Ryan Lengyel Tanis Herzog Walker Fairley Zachary Tennant Zaidyn Pipke



From left: Nathan van Staveren - Public Relations

Jace Hansen – General Manager

Rebecca Gardham – Assistant General Manager

Ashten Form – Special Projects


From Left:

Mason Edwards

Braelynn Ekstrom

Janna Trenchuk – Manager

Moromoke Balogun

Ryan Lengyel

Kyle Hohmann



Crop Demo

From Left:

Prince Mahendrahai Patel

Pramisha Ahikari

Torii Muzyka – Manager

Serena Griffin

Tanis Herzog

Karleigh Bester

Austin Beard


From Left: Schylour Pike

Alexander Coulton

Missing : Cory Hohmann



From Left:

Brayden Ostafie

Zayden Pipke

Zachary Tennant

Mason Lavoie - Manager

Mixed Farm

From Left:

Ashlee Hanson – Manager

Sid Matheos Bandiola

Colby Wignes

Ethan Heibert

Logan Garnier



Production From Left: Nathaniel Cordes

Walker Fairley

Marci Leblanc – Manager

Kael Perkins

Ries Roesslein


Order of Presentation:


Special Projects



Barley and Corn


Hemp and Flax Crop Demo


The SMF students would like to give a big THANK YOU to all our sponsors, advisors, family, and friends for watching today!


Thank you to these generous supporters who have allowed us to increase our land base.

New Land

Judy Sweet Quarter Roy J. Kubica Quarter Armin and Rita Mueller

2022/23 Wheat


Wheat Seed and Fertilizer Fields AL 01 LC 25/26C Seed Variety AAC Brandon AAC Brandon Seeding Rate 132 lbs/ac 132 lbs/ac Seed Placed Blend 3-15-5-0 6.3-30-10-0 Side Band Blend 67-0-0-0 54-0-0-0
Wheat Yields Fields Average Yield Acres Total by Field AL 01 69.3 bu./ac 135 15,162 bu. LC 25/26C 84.7 bu./ac 174 9315 bu. Total Production: 24,477 bu. 2022/23 Financial Summary $/ac Income $ 690.78 Expenses $ 486.74 Net Margin $ 204.03 2022/23 Break Evens $/bu Actual Yield Breakeven $ 6.22 2022/23 Contracted Wheat Company Tonnage (mt) Bushels Price ($/bu) Contract Type Delivery Month G3 50.0 1837.2 12.75 GPO November G3 350.0 12,860.4 May Futures, not yet priced Basis Only (+$2.63) February G3 15.4 565.9 11.72 Cash Price February

2022/23 Wheat Input Costs per Acre

Cost Per Acre - $ 246

2022/23 Total Wheat Costs per Acre

Total Cost per Acre - $ 488


2023/24 Wheat

Pesticide Application 2023/24 LC 4/5 & LC 18 Application Type Product 1 Rate Product 2 Rate Pre-Seed Prepass Flex 80 ac/jug NA NA In Crop Rexade A 40.5 g/ac Rexade B (2,4-D Ester) 215 mL/ac Fungicide Miravis Ace 404 ml/ac NA NA Pre-Harvest Glyphosate 0.67 L/ac NA NA LC 26 A Application Type Product 1 Rate Product 2 Rate Pre-Seed Prepass flex 80 ac/jug NA NA In Crop Axial Extreme 0.5 L/ac Infinity 0.33 L/ac Fungicide Mirivas Ace 404 ml/ac NA NA Pre-Harvest Glyphosate 0.67 L/ac NA NA 2023/24 Financial Summary $/ac Income $ 700.00 Expenses $ 487.72 Net Margin $ 212.28 2023/24 Break Evens Bu/ac $/bu Actual Yield Breakeven 49 $ 6.13

2023/24 Projected Wheat Input Costs per Acre

Cost per Acre - $223

2023/24 Projected Wheat Costs per Acre

Total Cost Per Acre - $488



2022/23 Pesticide Application

2022/23 Canola Pre – Seed Applications


2022/23 Victory Canola Contracts

Field Crop Acres Product 1 Rate Product 2 Rate Water Volume LC 18 RR Canola 80 Prospect 80 ac/jug Glyphosate 0.5 REL 5 gallons LC 17 RR Canola 95 Prospect 80 ac/jug Glyphosate 0.5 REL 5 gallons LC 26B LL Canola 45 Prospect 80 ac/jug Glyphosate 0.5 REL 5 gallons
Application Field Crop Acres Product Rate Water Volume LC 18 RR Canola 80 Glyphosate 1.0 REL 5 gallons LC 17 RR Canola 95 Eclipse XC 40 ac/case 10 gallons
Application Field Crop Acres Product Rate Water Volume LC 18 RR Canola 80 Proline 40 ac/jug 10 gallons LC 17 RR Canola 95 Proline 40 ac/jug 10 gallons
2022/23 Canola In Crop
2022/23 Canola Fungicide
2022/23 Canola Contracts
Buyer Date of Establishment Delivery Month Futures Month Contract Type Amt. (MT) Amt. (Bu.) Net Price ($/MT) Net Price ($/bu.) Spec./ Grade Terminal Delivery Status G3 Feb 22/22 Oct Nov GPO 20 882 846.57 $19.20 #1 Vermilion Y Cargill Mar 3/23 April May Premium 43 1896 $859.79 $19.50 #1 Camrose N Cargill Mar 15/23 April May Spot + Call 42 1852 $757 Floor $1716 Floor #1 Camrose N
Canola Contracts
Buyer Date of Establishment Delivery Month Futures Month Contract Type Amount (MT) Amount (Bu.) Net Price ($/MT) Net Price ($/bu.) Spec./ Grade Terminal Delivery Status Cargill Jan 18/23 March May Basis Only 15 661 Open Open #1 Camrose Y Cargill Jan 18/23 March May Basis Only 35 1543 Open Open #1 Camrose Y Cargill April 1/22 March Jan Spot 20 882 $1,021 $23.15 #1 Camrose Y Cargill Feb 12/23 March March Spot 20 308 $864.64 $19.61 #1 Camrose Y

2022/23 Financial Summary

2022/23 Canola Input Costs per Acre

Cost Per Acre – 269.67

2022/23 Canola Costs per Acre

Total Cost Per Acre - $ 523.97

Total $/ac Income $ 183.307.40 $ 833.22 Expenses 107,212.45 487.97 Net Margin $ 76,094.95 $ 345.87
Pesticide Application Plan
Pre- Seed Application Field Crop Acres Product 1 Rate Product 2 Rate Water Volume LC 14 RR Canola 130 Conquer II 242ml/ac Glyphosate 0.5 REL 5 gallons LC 19 RR Canola 93 Conquer II 242ml/ac Glyphosate 0.5 REL 5 gallons LC 20 LL Canola 109 Conquer II 242ml/ac Glyphosate 0.5 REL 5 gallons LC 26 C RR Canola 39 Conquer II 242ml/ac Glyphosate 0.5 REL 5 gallons 2023/24 In Crop Application Field Crop Acres Product Rate Water Volume LC 14 RR Canola 130 Eclipse XC 40 ac/case 10 gallons LC 19 RR Canola 93 Eclipse XC 40ac/case 10 gallons LC 20 LL Canola 109 1.Liberty + 2.Centurion 1= 1.65L/acre 2= 40ac/case 10-12 gallons LC 26 C RR Canola 39 Eclipse XC 40 ac/case 10 gallons 2023/24 Fungicide Application Field Crop Acres Product Rate Water Volume LC 14 RR Canola 130 Proline Gold 40ac/jug 10 gallons LC 19 RR Canola 93 Proline Gold 40 ac/jug 10 gallons LC 20 LL Canola 109 Proline Gold 40ac/jug 10 gallons LC 26 C RR Canola 39 Proline Gold 40ac/jug 10 gallons
Pre-Harvest Field Crop Acres Pre-Harvest Rate Water Volume LC 14 RR Canola 130 Swath N/A N/A LC 19 RR Canola 93 Swath N/A N/A LC 20 LL Canola 109 1.Glyphosate + 2. Heat LQ (merge included) 1= 0.5-1 L/ac weed pressure dependent 2= 43ml/acre 10 gallons LC 26 C RR Canola 39 Swath N/A N/A 2023/24 Financial Summary Total $/ac Income $ 281,032.50 $ 757.50 Expenses 137,641.00 371.00 Net Margin $ 143,391.50 $ 386.50 2023/24 Break-Evens Bu./Ac. $/Bu. Expected Yield 50.5 $ 10.00 Current Futures Price 24.7 $15.00

2023/24 Projected Canola Input Costs Per Acre

Cost Per Acre - $270

Cost Per Acre - $255


2023/24 Projected Canola Costs Per Acre

Total Cost Per Acre - $550

Total Cost Per Acre - $ 540


2022/23 Corn Silage Input Costs per Acre

Cost Per Acre - $258.43

2022/23 Corn Silage Costs per Acre

Total Cost Per Acre - $543.86

LC 1/3 Pesticide Information Application Type Product 1 Rate (REL) Product 2 In Crop Glyphosate 1.0 Bayer Research Application In Crop 2 Glyphosate 1.0 N/A LC 4/5 Pesticide Information Application Type Product 1 Rate (REL) Product 2 Rate (REL) In Crop Eclipse XC 1.0 Viper 480 1.0 In Crop 2 Glyphosate 1.0 N/A N/A
Corn Silage Pesticide Application 2022/23

Pesticide Application Plan 2023/24

Application Type Product 1 Rate Product 2 Rate Seed Treatment LumiGEN: Lumivia TM N/A N/A N/A In Crop Glyhposate 360 g/acre Sortan IS 15 g/acre Fungicide Trivapro Trivapro A: 0.40 L/ac Trivapro B: 0.12 L/ac N/A N/A Application Type Product 1 Rate Product 2 Rate Seed Treatment LumiGEN: Lumivia TM N/A N/A N/A In Crop Glyhposate 360 g/acre Sortan IS 15 g/acre Fungicide Trivapro Trivapro A: 0.40 L/ac Trivapro B: 0.12 L/ac N/A N/A

2023/24 Corn Silage Input Costs per Acre

Cost Per Acre - $280

2023/24 Corn Silage Costs per Acre

Total Cost Per Acre - $585



2022/23 Barley Silage Input Costs per Acre

Cost Per Acre - $250.44

2022/23 Barley Silage Costs per Acre

Total Cost Per Acre - $508.46

Pesticides Application Type Product 1 Rate (REL) Product 2 Rate (REL) Pre Seed Paradigm Pre 0.5 Glyphosate 0.5 In Crop Rezuvant XL 0.5 MCPA Ester 600 N/A Fungicide Miravus Neo 0.5 N/A N/A
Application Type Product 1 Rate (REL) Product 2 Rate (REL) Pre Seed Paradigm Pre 0.5 Glyphosate 0.5 In Crop Rezuvant XL 0.5 MCPA Ester 600 0.5 Fungicide Miravus Neo 0.5 N/A
Pesticide Application 2022/23 LC 1/3
LC 14 Pesticides

Barley Silage 2023/24

Pesticide Plan

Barley Silage Input Costs per Acre

Cost Per Acre - $210

Barley Silage Costs per Acre

Total Cost Per Acre - $475

Application Type Product 1 Rate Product 2 Rate Seed Treatment Raxil Pro 0.325 L/100 kg seed N/A N/A Pre-Seed PrePass XC PrePass XC A: 0.04 L/acre PrePass XC B: 0.375 L/acre N/A N/A In Crop Liquid Achieve 0.2 L/acre Pixxaro Pixxaro A: 0.125 L/acre Pixxaro B: 0.235 L/acre

Malt/Green Feed Barley

Pesticide Application 2022/23

LC 19 Pesticides

2022/23 Green Feed Input Costs per Acre

Cost Per Acre - $178.24

2022/23 Green Feed Costs per Acre

Total Cost Per Acre - $435.89

Application Type Product 1 Rate (REL) Product 2 Rate (REL) Pre Seed Paradigm Pre 0.5 Glyphosate 0.5 In Crop Rezuvant XL 0.5 MCPA Ester 600 0.5 Fungicide Miravus Neo 0.5 N/A N/A

Pesticide Plan 2023/24

Malt Barley 2023/24

2023/24 Malt Barley Input Costs per Acre

Cost Per Acre - $240

Application Type Product 1 Rate Product 2 Rate Seed Treatment Raxil Pro 0.325 L/100 kg seed N/A N/A Pre-Seed PrePass XC PrePass XC A: 0.04 L/acre PrePass XC B: 0.375 L/acre N/A N/A In Crop Liquid Achieve 0.2 L/acre Pixxaro Pixxaro A: 0.125 L/acre Pixxaro B: 0.235 L/acre Fungicide Prosaro XTR 0.325 L/acre N/A N/A Pre-Harvest Swath N/A N/A N/A Growth Regulator Moddus 0.42 L/acre N/A N/A

Projected 2023/24 Malt Barley Costs per Acre

Total Cost Per Acre - $520 2023/24 Financial Summary Total $/ac Income $ 66,500 $ 700.00 Expenses 49,400 520.00 Net Margin 17,100 $ 180 00 2023/24 Break-Evens Bu./Ac. $/Bu. Expected Yield 74 $ 5.20


Pesticide Application 2022/23

Seed Treatment Pre seed In Crop Fungicide Pre harvest LC 12 Trilex Everglo Glyphosate & Voraxor Viper ADV Assure II Delaro Reglone LC 26A Trilex Everglo Glyphosate & Voraxor Viper ADV Assure II Delaro Glyphosate Company Metric Tonnes Bushels Net Price ($/MT) Net Price ($/bu) Delivery Month Contract Type Viterra 30.598 1124 $437.97 $11.92 August GPO Viterra 23 845 $450.11 $ 12.25 October GPO Viterra 23 845 $ 477.67 $ 13.00 October GPO Viterra 100 3674 $477.67 $ 13.00 November GPO Viterra 30 1102 $486.86 $13.25 January GPO

2022/23 Input Cost per Acre

Cost Per Acre - $ 170

2022/23 Total Cost Per Acre Total Cost Per Acre - $ 438

2022/23 Financial Summary

2022/23 Break Evens

Total $/ac Income $110,993 30 $643.60 Expenses 76,924.88 446.19 Net Margin $34,068.42 $197.41
$/bu Actual
Breakeven $ 8.56

Peas 2023/24

Pesticide Plan

Seed Treatment Pre Seed In Crop Fungicide Pre Harvest

LC 25 Trilex Everglo Valtera and Glyphosate Viper and UAN Delaro Reglone

LC 26B Trilex Everglo

Valtera and Glyphosate Viper and UAN Delaro Reglone or Glyphosate

Projected 2023/24 Pea Input Costs per Acre

Cost Per Acre - $170

Projected 2023/24 Total Cost per Acre

Total Cost Per Acre - $460

2023/24 Financial Summary

Total $/ac Income $142,500 $750 Expenses 84,550 445 Net Margin $57,950 $305

Flax 2022/2023

$34.31 Custom, 24.53


33 2023/24 Break Evens Bu/ac $/bu Actual Yield Breakeven 60 $ 7.41
Pesticide Application 2022/23 Application Type Product 1 Rate Product 2 Rate Water Volume Pre Seed Authority 32 ac/jug Glyphosate 0.5 REL 10 gallons In Crop Assure II 40 ac/case Curtail M 20 ac/case 10 gallons Pre-Harvest Roundup ? N/A N/A 2022/23 Input Costs per Acre Input Costs $ Per Acre 2022/23 - $142.98 2022/23 Total Cost per Acre Total Cost Per Acre 2022/23 - $222.62 Insurance,
Comparitive Farming Cost, $160 Fertilizer, $88.46 Pesticide, $54.52 *$40/ac Seed Donated

2022/23 Financial Summary

*Includes $40 per acre seed costs

Total $/ac Income $51,838.85 $467.02 Expenses 42,572.94 383.54 *47,012.94 *423.54 Net Margin $9,265.91 $83.48 *$4,825.91 *$43.48

Pesticide Options 2023/24

Pre Seed In Crop

Glyphosate Assure II and Pardner

Express SG, Conquer


Projected 2023/24 Input Costs per Acre

Projected Seeding and Fertilizer 2023/24

Yield Target 2.5 tonnes/ac

Seeding rate 50 lbs/ac

Blend 40-15-15-10

2023/24 Input Costs Per Acre - $141

Projected 2023/24 Total Costs per Acre

Total 2023/24 Costs Per Acre - $196

2023/24 Financial Summary

Hemp 2023/2024
Total $/ac Income $19,908 $553 Expenses 7,056 196 Net Margin $12.852 $375

Manure Trial

Crop Demo 2022


Three tons/acre was applied on April 29, 2022. There were three replications with four treatments in each replication. The synthetic fertilizer treatment was applied at normal rate for crop type and field. The graph below shows the average yield of each fertilizer/manure.


Stoller Trial

The Stoller trail consisted of treated and untreated replication on LC 20 which was seeded with flax. The treated replication had Bio-forge Advanced and X-Cyte applied.

The Bio-forage Advanced application was to help with plant stress after an in-crop herbicide application, hail, or any other form of stress.

X-Cyte is a plant growth optimizer that helps correct the plants hormone balance during high heat

Both X-Ctye and Bio-forge were applied at 250ml/ac.

Below are the yield results of the replications harvested.

Tillage Demo

We arranged a tillage demo this fall for the first-year Crop Technology students. Webb’s Machinery demoed the Salford Halo disk on LC 12 which was pea stubble. This disk was 33 feet with 2 rows of 22-inch disks angled at 14 degrees followed by baskets


Moddus Trial

We are applying Moddus on a portion of the malt barely on the south end of LC 17.

Moddus is a plant growth regulator that helps prevents lodging, the active ingredient in is Trinetapac-ethyl. We will be applying Moddus to 20 acres at .42 L/ac at the 30-32 Zadoks barley growth stage.

Anvol Trial

The Anvol trail is on a 12 acre plot in LC 18, a CWRS wheat field. Anvol is a nitrogen stabilizer that is applied to urea. The active ingredient is Duromide, which acts as a urease inhibiter.

We are planning four different rates and four replications. The four rates are:

• untreated urea lbs/ac,

• nothing,

• 40% under (the normal rate) and

• 40% over (the normal rate).

39 Cost s and Returns 2022 /23

Thank You to our Supporters!

New Holland Agriculture

Webb's Machinery

Roy J. Kubica

Judy Sweet

Armin and Rita Mueller

Top Grade Ag

AGI SureTrack Compass

Meridian Manufacturing


Gary Moses

George Winny

Six Strong Agronomy (James Oberhofer)

Zone 5 Pulse Growers

Lakeland College Applied Research

Lakeland College Marketing Department

Lakeland College Central Feed

Drew Transport


Point Forward Solutions

Derek Sargeant



(Leighton Blashko & Hayden Tremblay)


20/20 Seed Labs

Climate Field View

Pride Seeds


Imperial Seed





Richardson Pioneer



Geoff Brown

Denise Martin

Trisha Mechor

Kyle Kipps

Tracy Quinton

Amy Hill

Janet Kerr

Zenon Kotowich

JP Pettyjohn

Amy Stanley

Kris Lehmann

Jayden Cramer

Sharon Reiter

Farm Team

Adrienne Levay

Kaitlin Hirsekorn

Jordy Howlett


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