FEATURE story by Charis Patires
The season of giving
Several organizations offer a way for you to help bring Christmas to needy Lake area families this season. Thanks to these organizations, families will wake up Christmas morning with packages under the tree. Citizens Against Domestic Violence
ganizers say they also provide gifts to adults Citizens Against with disabilities, and all Domestic Violence in adults receive a food Camdenton has a list of voucher and usually a families in need. Consmall need is filled for sider adopting one or them as well. more families to make While the Child Adsure they do not go withvocacy Council relies on out this Christmas. After state agencies such as signing up, donors will school districts, family get a list of suggested services and other orgagifts for their family. Donizations that assist famnors are encouraged to ilies in Camden County wrap the parent’s gifts to provide referrals of but to leave the chilthose in need, anyone dren’s gifts unwrapped to can fill out a form if they allow the parents to wrap are interested in bethose gifts themselves. coming adopted. Gifts need to be deIf you would like to livered to the shelter (45 adopt a family, stop 5th Street, Camdenton) by the Child Advocacy by Dec. 14. Council thrift store to Sign up by going to pick up a form, email Tons of gifts are collected during the annual Christmas for www.cadv-voc.org. Kids. ikillam1971@gmail.com Lake Media File photo or go to Child Advocacy Rotary Club’s Candyland Council on Facebook. Thrift The 38th annual Canstore hours are Tuesday-Saturday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. dyland, presented by the Lake Ozark Rotary Club, will and Thursday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. A family who wants be held Nov. 26-Dec. 16. Select a candy cane off of to be adopted can also pick up a form. The forms must the tree at Nick’s True Value Hardware store or at the be completed and returned by Dec. 1. Monetary donaOsage Beach Tri-County YMCA. Each candy cane has a tions are welcome and can be mailed to Child Advocacy card with the name of a child in need in the community Council, Box 1002, Camdenton. For more information, and their wish list. All you have to do is shop for the call 573-346-0003. child and return the gifts to nick’s True Value Hardware. The Rotary Club will deliver all gifts. Cash donations are Christmas for Kids also welcome for donors who do not wish to shop. The Ozark Coast Kiwanis Club collects toys during Candyland was founded in 1984 and has served over the Christmas for Kids event. It will be held Dec. 4 from 1,000 local children. 6-11 p.m. at The Encore Lakeside Grill and Skybar. For more information, call Kevin Wood at 636-262Doors open at 6 p.m. with Dueling Pianos playing from 8051 or email kevin@yourlake.com. 7-11 p.m. while attendees enjoy complimentary appetizers, pictures with Santa and other entertainment. Child Advocacy Council Table sponsorships are available. Everyone is enThe Christmas is Sharing program is already undercouraged to bring a new, unwrapped toy or a $20 way, and the Child Advocacy Council expects to help donation to help provide gifts for families. A list of sugprovide gifts for between 600 to 1,000 kids this year. gested gifts can be found online. For more than 40 years the council has been offerFor more information, go to www.lakeareachristmasing the program. While kids are their first priority, orforkids.com. November 4 - December 1, 2022