a moment in time
“At Christmas, all roads lead home.” – Marjorie Holmes
Gift giving, then and now. BY » Mickey Dunaway
Limitless Magazine seems aimed at those of us who fall into the group “Seasoned Citizens,” as Rush Limbaugh used to call us. Christmas giving is particularly hard for our group if the giftee has aged gracefully and is called Meemaw, Pawpaw, Bombom, Nanna, Poppop, Dandan, Deedee, or the
traditional Granddaddy, which is how my grandchildren refer to me. I will be 75 this Christmas. What the hell can I get that I have not already gotten or rejected? By the time the December edition of Limitless hits the stands, the question of what-do-you-want-for-Christmas will have
been asked numerous times. Still, as I write this in early November, I don’t know what my answer will be this year. So for December in History, I am focusing on unique Christmas gifts of the last 75 years and some suggestions for the faithful readers of Limitless.
BEST SELLING KIDS’ TOYS (from Time Magazine) The 1940s
Bubble Solution Bubbles are still going strong. Even to being studied in college.
The 1950s
Water Balloon or Water Grenades Personally, I think PEZ was the winner— who doesn’t love PEZ?
The 1960s
Etch-a-Sketch An iconic gift for any age.
44 LimitlessMagOnline.com | December 2021
The 1970s
Nerf Ball I sure wish I still had my children’s Star Wars Action Figures or those Star Trek Phasers!
The 1980s
Cabbage Patch Kids Those Cabbage Patch Kids were as adorable as they were impossible to find.
The 1990s
Little Tikes Log Cabin My young son’s favorite of all time
was the Little Tykes Cozy Coupe Car. That was one well-made toy to sustain the number of wrecks it had in our house!
Bratz Dolls Lots of electronics in this decade, but Bratz dolls beat out Barbie.
Star Wars Baby Yoda Who does not love Star Wars Baby Yoda?