Marks 30 Time 30 min
Q1. Fill in the blanks. 10
i. A computer has __________ main parts.
ii. All the parts of a computer are attached to the __________.
iii. The monitor looks like a _________ screen.
iv. A, B, C, D … Z keys are called _____________ keys.
v. The mouse is used to ___________ something on the screen.
Q2. Match the Column A with the Column B. 10
A B three buttons 0, 1, 2, 3, … 9 numeric keys mouse monitor keyboard Keys monitor
Q3. Write the correct name under each picture. 10
Q1. Name the four important parts of the computer. 10
Q2. What are the alphabetic and numeric keys? 10
Q1. Match the names with the relevant pictures. 10
Q2. Label the desktop. 10
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Q3. Draw lines from the icons to their names. 10
Q1. Define the desktop, icon and cursor. 10
Q2. What is the difference between the taskbar and the Start button? 10
Q1. Draw the following pictures and fill color with the use of Brush and Airbrush tool using Paint. 15
Write your name in capital letters in Paint.Q1. 10
Q2. 10
Write the following words in small letters: computer mouse televion keyboard desktop
Open Calculator and add the two numbers: 156 and 730. 10
Open Windows Media Player, and play an audio file form your computer.
Q1. Fill in the blanks. 10
i. A computer has ________ main parts.
ii. All the parts of a computer are attached to the ________.
iii. The monitor looks like a _________ screen.
iv. A, B, C, D … Z keys are called __________ keys.
27 v. The mouse is used to _______ something on the screen.
Q2. Circle the pictures of computer parts. 5
Q3. Tick the correct one. 5
The first step to turn off the computer is:
Q1. What is the function of the clock? 10
Q2. What is the use of the calculator? 10 Practical
Q1. Draw the following pictures: 5
Q2. Write your name in capital letters. 5
Marks 30 Time 30 min
Q1. Write the correct name under each picture. 10
Q2. Match the column A with the column B. 10 A B three buttons 0,1,2,3…9 numeric keys mouse monitor keyboard Keys monitor
Q3. Which option should be selected to turn off the computer on the following screen: 10
Q1. What does the system unit look like? 10
Q2. Name the mouse buttons? 10
Q1. Label the Paint window. 10
Q2. Tick the correct one. 10
Q3. Match the names with the relevant pictures.
Q1. What is the function of the clock? 10
Q2. What is the toolbar? What is its use? 5+5
Q1. Draw the following objects. 10
(a) Use Curve tool (b) Use Line width tool (c) Use red color for outline (d) Fill in yellow color in any object.
Q2. Write the following sentence in small and capital letters: 10
I love my country, Pakistan.
Q3. Draw the shapes with the use of polygon tool. 10
(a) Use Polygon tool
(b) Use Line width tool
(c) Use Fill Style option
(d) Fill color from the color palette
Q4. Use the following tools to draw the hut. 10
Q5. Open Windows Media Player, and play an audio file by inserting a CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. 10
Q2. Match the names with the relevant pictures. 5
Q3. Color the monitor. 5
Q1. Name the four important parts of the computer. 10
Q2. What is the difference between the taskbar and the Start button? 10
1. Draw the following shapes. 5
(a) Use Curve tool (b) Use Line width tool (c) Use red color for outline (d) Fill in yellow color in any object.
2. Open the Pinball game. 5
Q1. Write the correct name under each picture. 10
Q2. Circle the pictures of computer parts. 10
Q3. Color the mouse. 10
Q1. Write the names of the two types of monitor. 3+3
Q2. How many buttons does a mouse have? 4
Q3. Which button we press to start the computer? 10
Q1. Write the names of the icons under them. 5
Q2. Draw lines from the icons to the correct names. 5
tQ3. Tick ( ) the correct one. 10
Q1. Define the desktop. 10
Q2. Write down the functions of windows control buttons. 10
Q1. Open the Paint program and draw the following picture. 10
Q1. Tick the true statement and cross the false statement. 10 + is used for adding. is used for multiplying. * is used for subtracting. / is used for dividing.
Q1. What is the use of the calculator? 10
Q2. Why do we use Windows Media Player? 10
1. Draw the following picture in the Paint. 10
2. Open the Windows Media Player. 10
Q1. Write the names of these objects. 5
Q2. Tick the correct one in circle. On which device do we find the power button to start the computer? 5
Q3. Tick the correct one. 10
Q1. Define the following: 10 Cursor , Desktop.
Q2. What is the Paint? 10
1. Tell the names of the mouse buttons. 5 (Give a mouse to the student and ask him / her the names of all three buttons)
2. Play a video file in Windows Media Player. 5
Marks 20 Time 30 min
Instructions: Multiple choice questions are given in this part. Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. System Unit, LCD/Monitor, and keyboard are three main parts of the computer. Which is the fourth main part of the computer?
(a) Mouse (c) Mouse pad (b) Calculator (d) Table
2. What looks like a box?
(a) The keyboard (c) The system unit (b) The LCD (d) The mouse
3. All the parts of a computer are attached to the (a) keyboard (c) mouse (b) system unit (d) LCD
4. What looks like a TV screen? (a) mouse (c) keyboard (b) system unit (d) LCD/monitor
5. To which is the monitor/LCD attached? (a) to the keyboard (c) to the system unit (b) to the mouse (d) to the mouse pad
6. The A key is a (n) (a) alphabetical key (c) mouse button
(b) number key (d) printer button
7. The 7 key is a (n) (a) alphabetical key (c) mouse button (b) number key (d) printer button
8. Which of the following has keys on it? (a) the mouse (c) the system unit (b) the keyboard (d) the LCD
9. Which will be the final screen when a computer starts?
10 Which is the first step to start a computer?
Marks 10 Time 30 min Instructions: This part has 2 open ended questions. Please use blank space given below the question to write the answer.
1. (a) Name the mouse buttons. (2) (b) What are alphabetical keys? (3)
2. (a) Name the number keys. (2) (b) How do you turn the computer on? (3)
Marks 20 Time 30 min
1. Turn a computer off safely. (5)
2. Draw a fish in MS Paint and then color it. Use the Pencil tool, the Fill With Color tool, and the Eraser tool for this. Save your work when you have finished. (15)
Marks 10 Time 30 min
Instructions: Multiple choice questions are given in this part. Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. Instructions: Multiple choice questions are given in this part. Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. The final screen after a computer turns on is called (a) desktop (b) task bar (c) cursor (d) icons
2. An icon looks like (a) a small picture (b) a moving picture (c) a moving arrow (d) a
3. The bar at the bottom of the task desktop is called the (a) task bar (b) toolbar (c) clock (d) pointer
4. The button on the extreme left of the task bar is called (a) the start button (b) the right-click button (c) the left-click button (d) the mouse pointer
5. Where is the clock on the desktop? (a) on the bottom right corner (b) on the bottom left corner (c) on the top right corner (d) on the top left corner
6. What is displayed when you point the cursor to the clock?
(a) day (b) date (c) time (d) all of the above.
7. Move the mouse randomly. An arrow sign also moves on the screen. What is it called?
(a) cursor (b) mouse (c) icon (d) desktop
8. What is this button called? (a) Close button (b) Minimize button (c) Maximize button (d) Restore button
9. What is this? (a) Menu bar (b) Color palette (c) Title bar (d) Toolbar
10. What is this tool called?
Draw a fish in MS Paint and then color it. Use the Pencil tool, the Fill With Color tool, and the Eraser tool for this. Save your work when you have finished.
Instructions: Multiple choice questions are given in this part. Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is this tool called?
(a) Ellipse or Circle tool (b) Eraser tool (c) Pick tool (d) Brush tool
2. When you select the Ellipse or Circle tool and move the cursor to the drawing area, its shape changes to: a) b) c) d)
3. In order to draw a circle, what should you also do after while dragging the cursor?
(a) Press and hold the Shift key. (b) Press and hold the Ctrl key. (c) Press and hold the Right mouse button. (d) Press and hold the Enter key.
4. How would the drawing look if you select fill style? a) b)
Model Paper Computer 1
c) d)
5. Which one is a brush shape?
a) b) c) d)
6. Which is the Brush tool?
a) b) c) d)
7. What should you do before typing all the text in capital letters?
(a) Press the Caps Lock key. (b) Press the Crtl key. (c) Press the Alt key. (d) Press the Zero key.
8. How many times can you adjust a curve without clicking anywhere else?
(a) two times. (b) three times. (c) four times. (d) five times.
9. Which tool do you use to draw a shape with straight lines?
(a) Polygon tool (b) Curve tool (c) Pencil tool (d) Rectangle tool
10. What do you click on the File menu to save your work for the first time?
(a) Save As (b) Save (c) Open (d) New
Instructions: This part has 2 open ended questions. Please use blank space given below the question to write the answer.
1. (a) Name the mouse buttons. (2)
(b) What are alphabetical keys? (3)
2. (a) Name the number keys. (2)
(b) How do you turn the computer on? (3)
1. Turn a computer off safely. (5)
2. Draw a fish in MS Paint and then color it. Use the Pencil tool, the Fill With Color tool, and the Eraser tool for this. Save your work when you have finished. (15)
Instructions: Multiple choice questions are given in this part. Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Which button is used for multiplication?
a) c) b) d)
2. Launch a ball in the Pinball game. Where does the ball appear?
(a) in the top left corner
(b) in the bottom left corner (c) in the top right corner (d) in the bottom right corner
3. What is the function of the flipper?
(a) to nudge the table up (b) to hit the ball (c) to nudge the table to the right (d) to nudge the table to the left
4. Which key moves the left flipper in the Pinball game?
(a) The Z key (c ) The M key (b) The S key (d) The N key
5. Where do you insert the CD-ROM or disk?
(a) in the LCD (c) in the disk tray (b) in the system unit (d) in the Windows
6. How many buttons usually does a mouse have?
(a) three buttons (c) five buttons (b) four buttons (d) six buttons
7. Which is the Turn Off button? a) c) b) d)
8. What is this icon?
(a) Recycle Bin (c) My Documents
(b) My Computer (d) Internet Explorer
9. Which key is used to delete letters?
(a) Delete key
(b) Backspace key
(c) Both the Delete and Backspace keys
(d) Caps Lock key
10. The first step to turn off a compute is
(a) removing the cables
(b) clicking the Start button
(c) pressing the power button
(d) turning off the fan
Marks 10 Time 30 min
Instructions: This part has 2 open ended questions. Please use blank space given below the question to write the answer.
1. (a) Label the Pinball window. (3)
(b) Label different parts of the computer. (2)
(a) Define the following: desktop, cursor. (2) (b) What is the toolbar? What is its use? (3)
1. Turn a computer off safely. (5)
2. Draw a fish in MS Paint and then color it. Use the Pencil tool, the Fill With Color tool, and the Eraser tool for this. Save your work when you have finished. (15)
2nd “
4th 2
The System Unit/The Monitor/LCD / The Keyboard/The Mouse
4 & 5 / 6
Solution of Activities # 1 to 7 7,8,9,10
“ Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 1 )
How to start a computer ? 12
Solution of Activities # 1, 2 & 3 / How to turn off the computer? / Solution of activities # 1, 2 & 3
6th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Units 1 & 2)
7th Preparatory Tests’ Week (Unit 1 Theory & Lab )
8th 1st Term Paper (Units 1 & 2)
10th 4 PAINT
Desktop/Components of desktop / Solution of Activities # 1, 2 & 3
How to open the Paint?/Components of the Paint window/How to close the Paint?/ Solution of Activities # 1,2,3 & 4
11th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Units 3 & 4)
12th “
13th “
Paper 14th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 4)
13 / 14,15 / 16
18 to 21
23 to 27
Use of Paint Tools(5.1 to 5.2) 28, to 31
57 Use of Paint Tools(5.3 to 5.4) 32, to 35
15th Preparatory Tests’ Week (Unit 3 & 4 Theory & Lab )
16th 2nd Term Paper (Units 3 & 4)
17th 4
18th “ “
Use of Paint Tools(5.5 to 5.7) 36 to 41
Use of Paint Tools(5.8 to 5.9) 42 to 44
19th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 4)
20th “ “
21st 5
How can I save my drawing work?/ Projects 45 to 48
Why we use calculator? 50,51
22nd Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 4)
23th “ “
24th Preparatory Tests’ Week (Unit 4 & 5 Theory & Lab )
25th 3rd Term Paper (Units 4 & 5)
Final Term
26th 1
27th 2
Playing Games on the Computer/ Windows Media Player 52 to 56
The System Unit/The Monitor/LCD / The Keyboard/The Mouse/Solution of Activities # 1 to 7
How to start a computer ?Solution of Activities # 1, 2 & 3 / How to turn off the computer? / Solution of activities # 1, 2 & 3
28th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 1 & 2)
29th 3
58 Desktop/Components of desktop / Solution of Activities # 1, 2 & 3 /How to open the Paint?/Components of the Paint window/How to close the Paint?/ Solution of Activities # 1,2,3 & 4
4 to 10
12 to 16
1 18 to 27
30th 4 PAINT
Use of Paint Tools(5.1 to 5.9) / How can I save my drawing/work?
31st Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 3 & 4)
32nd 5
33th “ “
28 to 48
Why we use calculator? 50,51
Playing Games on the Computer/ Windows Media Player 52 to 56
34th Final Term Paper (Units 1 to 5)
NOTE : Teachers may synchronize this “Scheme of Study” with our (Term Wise ) “Model Papers”, according to their specific needs.
First Term Unit 1 &2
Second Term Unit 3 & 4 (5.4)
From Page 3 to 16
From Page 17 to 35
From Page 36 to End Final All 5 Units
Third Term Unit 4 & 5