All questions are compulsory. Overwriting and cutting will not be rewarded.
Q1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. 10
1. The sending device is also called the ________ or the source.
2. The most powerful and expensive computers in a network are the ________ .
3. Wireless LAN use ________technology
4. There are two types of twisted pair: ______and _____.
5. A cell phone is basically a _________ .
Q2. Circle the correct answer. 10
1. The program to which a virus attaches itself is called the a) host b) malware c) antivirus d) worm
2. If the information in a disk is changed by virus, the disk is said to be a) scanned b) rejected c) infected d) retrieved
3. The free software that automatically plays, displays, or downloads advertisements is called a) malware b) adware
c) software d) spyware
4. _______ scanners are used to detect security holes in a computer, server, network, etc.
a) hardware b) virus
c) adware d) vulnerability
5. Unauthorized copying and resale of software for commercial purposes is called
a) software stealth b) software copyright c) software piracy d) software program
Marks 20 Time 60 min
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. Write some applications of GPS.
Q2. What is the key difference among a LAN, WAN, and a MAN.
Q3. Why do criminals hack others’ computers?
Q4. How is a virus different from a worm? Practical
Marks 10 Time 30 min
1. Fix a LAN card to the motherboard 5
2. Identify different types of physical communication media in your computer lab. 5
All questions are compulsory. Overwriting and cutting will not be rewarded.
Q1. Circle the correct answer. 10
1. Manually constructing spreadsheets was a) easier b) impossible c) time consuming d) interesting
2. The Name Box is on the left of the a) formula bar b) scroll bar c) status bar d) Home ribbon
3. * is the sign of a) addition b) multiplication c) division d) decimal point
4. =SQRT(A8) is the formula that determines the a) percentage b) square c) quarter d) square root
5. =MAX(15,18,22,6,4) determines in the series the a) number of values b) highest value c) lowest value d) middle value
Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. 10
1. A spreadsheet aids _________ decisions.
2. _______ is a button in the upper left corner of the Excel
3. Wrap Text button is in the _________ tool group.
4. The handle is used to auto fill.
5. The key to the chart is called the _________.
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. How is data arranged in a spreadsheet?
Q2. Why are spreadsheet made on computers advantageous?
Q3. What is the difference between a cell and a row?
Q4. What auto fill options are available in the MS Excel? How to use them? Practical
1. Apply different background colors to column labels and the contents of each column of first page of the sheet. 15
All questions are compulsory. Overwriting and cutting will not be rewarded.
Q1. Circle the correct answer. 10
An instruction written in a high-level language is called a) a theorem b) a statement c) an equation d) a problem
2. What is given in the problem statement is called a) the Output b) the Processing requirements c) the problem d) the Input
3. The word ‘Start’ or ‘End’ is usually contained in the a) Start/terminal symbol b) Input/output symbol c) Flow lines d) Decision symbol
4. Material or information entering or leaving the system is represented by a) input/output symbol b) start/terminal symbol c) flow lines d) decision symbol
5. The sequence of steps and the direction of flow is indicated by a) start/terminal symbol b) decision symbol c) input/output symbol d) flow lines
syntax a symbol that represents a specific action
an operator displays data on the screen
* writes the program currently in memory to a disc
<= spelling and grammar of a programming language
SAVE multiplies two numbers
PRINT statement tests whether the first operand is less than or equal to the second operand
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. What are the two types of programming languages? What is the difference among them.
Q2. Write a note on high-level languages.
Q3. What must be extracted from a problem statement for a solution?
Q4. Define a flowchart. Practical
1. Write a program to determine the grade of a student in examinations. 15
All questions are compulsory. Overwriting and cutting will not be rewarded.
Q1. Circle the letter of the best answer. 20
1. Bluetooth technology is based on a) oceanic waves b) light waves c) radio waves d) waves of the moon’s attraction
2. GPS technology is made possible by ________ satellites around the Earth. a) 12 b) 24 c) 36 d) 48
3. Most of the satellites use _________ to gain energy for operating.
cells b) dry cells
chemical cells d) solar cells
4. Unauthorized copying and resale of software for commercial purposes is called
stealth b) software copyright c) software piracy d) software program
5. _______ just performs a scan of a computer’s system volume
a) full scan b) quick scan
c) custom scan d) file scan
6. =SQRT(A8) is the formula that determines the a) percentage b) square c) quarter d) square root
7. =MAX(15,18,22,6,4) determines in the series the a) number of values b) highest value c) lowest value d) middle value
8. Before inserting a chart, the data is arranged in a) rows b) columns c) either in rows or in columns d) in a single cell
9. The sequence of steps and the direction of flow is indicated by a) start/terminal symbol b) decision symbol c) input/output symbol d) flow lines
10. A junction where a decision must be made is indicated by the a) input/output symbol b) decision symbol c) start/terminal symbol d) flow lines
Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. 20
1. There are two types of twisted pair: _______ and
2. A cell phone is basically a ________.
3. Most of the satellites use _______ cells to gain energy for operating.
4. Opening an email does not _______ a computer.
5. __________ scan will scan any removable media that
is attached to the computer.
6. The handle is used to auto fill.
7. The key to the chart is called the ________.
8. Wireless LAN use _________ technology.
9. ________ executes completely independently and spreads on its own accord through network connections.
10. Wrap Text button is in the __________ tool group.
Marks 40 Time 90 min
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. How many types of networks you studied in the unit? Write a note on any one of them.
Q2. Define a virus. Why is it harmful?
Q3. What auto fill options are available in the MS Excel? How to use them?
Q4. What do you understand by a clear problem statement? Elaborate your answer.
Marks 15 Time 30 min
1. Write a program to determine the value of a number raised to a certain exponent 15
2. Pair two Bluetooth devices and send information from one to the other 15
Marks 20 Time 30 min
All questions are compulsory. Overwriting and cutting will not be rewarded.
Q1. Circle the letter of the best answer. 20
1. The smallest computer network can be constructed by linking
a) two computers b) three computers c) four computers d) five computers
2. The data travels through network computers a) on CDs b) through the transmission medium c) on DVDs d) on flash drives
3. The receiving device is also called the receiver or a) data store b) receptionist c) communicator d) sink
4. The central computer on a network is the
a) receiver b) client
c) server d) sending device
5. A modem receives digital data from a computer, converts it into analog waves. The conversion is called a) demodulator b) demodulation c) modulator d) modulation
Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. 10
1. _______ attaches itself to an executable program.
2. Viruses become active when a certain activity is done. This activity or condition is called a ________.
3. The Concept virus refuses to let you save your document after you have made changes, saying the file is _________.
4. ______ executes completely independently and spreads on its own accord through network connections.
5. When a single system is hacked, it becomes possible to hack the ________.
Marks 40 Time 90 min
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. Describe the function of a modem.
Q2. Define transmission media. Write three types of it and explain any one of them
Q3. What facilities does an antivirus program offer?
Q4. Write down any two ways the malware spreads.
1. Identify different types of physical communication media in your computer lab. 7.5
2. Perform quick scan using the antivirus program installed in the computer. 7.5
All questions are compulsory. Overwriting and cutting will not be rewarded.
Q1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. 20
1. A spreadsheet aids ________ decisions.
2. ____________is a button in the upper left corner of the Excel window.
3. Wrap Text button is in the __________ tool group.
4. The handle is used to auto fill.
5. The key to the chart is called the _________.
Q2. Tick T for true and F for false statements. 10
1. Non-financial or even non-numeric data can be analyzed in a spreadsheet format.
2. Gnumeric is not a spreadsheet program.
3. The combination of the name of a column and the name of a row make up the cell address.
4. Press the F8 key. This anchors the cursor.
5. = is the answer sign in MS Excel.
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. What types of charts can be inserted in the MS Excel? Describe the method of inserting a chart in a spreadsheet.
Q2. Write Excel formulas for summation, square and average.
Q3. What auto fill options are available in the MS Excel? How to use them?
Q4. What is the difference between a cell and a row?
1. Select five different cells using different methods. 7.5
2. Change the spreadsheet into a column chart. 7.5
All questions are compulsory. Overwriting and cutting will not be rewarded.
Q1. Match the symbol with its name. 20
Flow lines
Start/terminal symbol Decision symbol
Input/output symbol
Q1. Circle the correct answer. 10
1. A __________ is a list of detailed instructions that tells the computer what to do. a) problem b) program c) statement d) operator
2. _________ languages are the only languages understood by computers.
a) Low-level languages b) High-level languages c) Human languages d) Animal languages
3. The term programming language usually refers to a) high-level languages b) low-level languages c) assembly languages d) human languages
4. A variable’s ________ indicates what sort of value the variable represents a) name b) spelling c) data type d) syntax
5. An error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program or system is called a) a logical error b) a software bug c) syntax error d) READ error
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. Define a flowchart and how many types a flow chart has? Define them.
Q2. Write down the following symbols and give the symbol description.
Start/Terminal symbol, Input/Output symbol, Processing symbol, Flow lines, Decision, symbol.
Q3. What is a program and what is a programming language?
Q4. Write a note on high-level languages
1. Write down a program to calculate grades of your class fellows. 15
All questions are compulsory. Overwriting and cutting will not be rewarded.
Q1. Circle the correct answer. 20
1. A __________ is a list of detailed instructions that tells the computer what to do.
a) problem b) program c) statement d) operator
2. _____________ languages are the only languages understood by computers.
a) Low-level languages b) High-level languages
3. An instruction written in a high-level language is called a) a theorem b) a statement c) an equation d) a problem
4. What is given in the problem statement is called a) the Output b) the Processing requirements
c) the problem d) the Input
5. Manually constructing spreadsheets was a) easier b) impossible c) time consuming d) interesting
6. The Name Box is on the left of the
a) formula bar b) scroll bar c) status bar d) Home ribbon
7. The program to which a virus attaches itself is called the a) host b) malware c) antivirus d) worm
8. If the information in a disk is changed by virus, the disk is said to be a) scanned b) rejected c) infected d) retrieved
9. The smallest computer network can be constructed by linking a) two computers b) three computers c) four computers d) five computers
10. The data travels through network computers a) on CDs b) through the transmission medium c) on DVDs d) on flash drives
Q2. Match the Column A with the Column B. 20
syntax a symbol that represents a specific action
an operator displays data on the screen
* writes the program currently in memory to a disc
<= spelling and grammar of a programming language
PRINT statement tests whether the first operand is less than or equal to the second operand
Q3. Write T for the True and F for the false statement. 10
1. Non-financial or even non-numeric data can be analyzed in a spreadsheet format.
2. Gnumeric is not a spreadsheet program.
3. A point where a computer is susceptible to attack is called scanner.
4. The persons or companies distributing the pirated software may intentionally infect it with malicious programs.
5. The file that updates the scanner program itself is called a worm
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. Write a note on READ and DATA statement.
Q2. Write down the arithmetic operators, their function and their order of precedence.
Q3. Draw a flow chart to determine the largest number out of three.
Q4. Define a virus. Why is it harmful?
1. Pair two Bluetooth devices and send information from one to the other.
2. Write a program to find the area of a triangular region.
All questions are compulsory. Overwriting and cutting will not be rewarded.
Q1. Circle the letter of the best answer. 10
1. Co-axial cable is also called
a) cock b) coax c) cox d) coxs
2. An optical fiber is a thin, flexible, transparent fiber that can transmit a) light b) electricity c) water d) sound waves
3. A cell phone is basically a
a) radio b) television c) camera d) sound recorder
4. Bluetooth technology is based on a) oceanic waves b) light waves c) radio waves d) waves of the moon’s attraction
5. GPS technology is made possible by ________ satellites around the Earth.
a) 12 b) 24 c) 36 d) 48
1. The Concept virus refuses to let you save your document after you have made changes, saying the file is ________.
2. _______ executes completely independently and spreads on its own accord through network connections.
3. When a single system is hacked, it becomes possible to hack the _______.
4. Opening an email does not _________a computer.
5. ________ scan will scan any removable media that is attached to the computer.
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. What facilities does an antivirus program offer?
Q2. What measures you can take to identify pirated software?
Q3. What do you know about fiber-optic cable?
Q4. Define Wide Area Network, write down the advantages and disadvantages of WAN.
1. Fix a LAN card to the motherboard
2. Perform full system scan using the antivirus program you have installed.
All questions are compulsory. Overwriting and cutting will not be rewarded.
Q1. Circle the correct answer. 10
1. The Name Box is on the left of the a) formula bar b) scroll bar c) status bar d) Home ribbon
2. * is the sign of a) addition b) multiplication c) division d) decimal point
3. =SQRT(A8) is the formula that determines the a) percentage b) square c) quarter d) square root
4. =MAX(15,18,22,6,4) determines in the series the a) number of values b) highest value c) lowest value d) middle value
5. Before inserting a chart, the data is arranged in a) rows b) columns c) either in rows or in columns d) in a single cell
Q2. Write T for the True and F for the false statement. 10
1. Non-financial or even non-numeric data can be analyzed in a spreadsheet format.
2. Gnumeric is not a spreadsheet program.
3. The combination of the name of a column and the name of a row make up the cell address.
4. Press the F8 key. This anchors the cursor.
5. = is the answer sign in MS Excel.
Marks 40 Time 90 min
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. How can you change the spreadsheet into a column chart?
Q2. Write Excel formulas for summation, square and average.
Q3. Why are spreadsheet made on computers advantageous?
Q4. What types of charts can be inserted in the MS Excel? Describe the method of inserting a chart in a spreadsheet.
Marks 15 Time 30 min
1. Prepare a spreadsheet to show the monthly expenses of your home.
All questions are compulsory. Overwriting and cutting will not be rewarded.
Q1. Match the Column A with the Column B. 10
syntax a symbol that represents a specific action
an operator displays data on the screen
* writes the program currently in memory to a disc <= spelling and grammar of a programming language SAVE multiplies two numbers
PRINT statement tests whether the first operand is less than or equal to the second operand
Q2. Circle the correct answer. 10
1. An error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program or system is called
a) a logical error
b) a software bug
c) syntax error
d) READ error
2. x = 5 Such a statement is called the a) READ statement b) DATA statement c) INPUT statement d) assignment statement
3. The operator tests whether the first operand is greater than or equal to the second operand. a) >= b) = c) ,<= d) <>
4. ___________ is the statement that accepts keyboard input.
a) INPUT statement b) OUTPUT statement c) READ statement d) DATA state
5. IF expression[,] GOTO line number[[,] ELSE statement(s)] is the syntax of
a) IF statement b) ELSE statement
c) IF-THEN-ELSE statement d) GO TO statement SUBJECTIVE
Marks 40 Time 90 min
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. How many types a flow chart has? Define them.
Q2. Draw a flow chart to determine the largest number out of three.
Q3. Define the following terms: constant, variable, logical error, operator.
Q4. Write down the arithmetic operators, their function and their order of precedence
1. Write a program to display some message or text on screen.
All questions are compulsory. Overwriting and cutting will not be rewarded.
Q1. Circle the letter of the best answer. 10
1. The central computer on a network is the a) receiver b) client c) server d) ending device
2. A modem receives digital data from a computer, converts it into analog waves. The conversion is called a) demodulator b) demodulation c) modulator d) modulation
3. Co-axial cable is also called a) cock b) coax c) cox d) coxs
4. The free software that automatically plays, displays, or
downloads advertisements is called
a) malware b) adware c) software d) spyware
5. ___________ scanners are used to detect security holes in a computer, server, network, etc. a) hardware b) virus c) adware d) vulnerability
6. =SQRT(A8) is the formula that determines the a) percentage b) square c) quarter d) square root
7. =MAX(15,18,22,6,4) determines in the series the a) number of values b) highest value c) lowest value d) middle value
8. The word ‘Start’ or ‘End’ is usually contained in the a) Start/terminal symbol b) Input/output symbol c) Flow lines d) Decision symbol
9. Material or information entering or leaving the system is represented by a) input/output symbol b) start/terminal symbol c) flow lines d) decision symbol
10. A variable’s ________ indicates what sort of value the variable represents. a) name b) spelling c) data type d) syntax
Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. 10
1. Wireless LAN use ___________ technology.
2. There are two types of twisted pair: _______ and
3. The Concept virus refuses to let you save your document after you have made changes, saying the file is ________.
4. _________ executes completely independently and spreads on its own accord through network connections.
5. Wrap Text button is in the __________ tool group.
6. The handle is used to auto fill.
7. __________ is a button in the upper left corner of the Excel window.
8. __________ scan will scan any removable media that is attached to the computer.
9. A _______ attaches itself to an executable program.
10. A cell phone is basically a _______.
Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. Define LAN and write down the advantages and disadvantages of it.
Q2. Differentiate between High-Level and Low-level languages.
Q3. Write down the ways malware spreads.
Q4. Draw a flow chart to determine the sum of first fifty natural numbers.
1. Write down a program to calculate the total of your marks obtained in different subjects in an examination.
2. Prepare a spreadsheet to show the monthly expenses of your home.
Attempt all questions. Over-writing or cutting will not be rewarded.
Q1. Circle the letter of the best answer. 10x2
1. The smallest computer network can be constructed by linking
a) two computers b) three computers c) four computers d) five computers
2. The data travels through network computers a) on CDs b) through the transmission medium c) on DVDs d) on flash drives
3. The receiving device is also called the receiver or a) data store b) receptionist c) communicator d) sink
4. The central computer on a network is the a) receiver b) client c) server d) sending device
5. A modem receives digital data from a computer, converts it into analog waves. The conversion is called a) demodulator b) demodulation
c) modulator d) modulation
6. Co-axial cable is also called a) cock b) coax c) cox d) coxs
7. An optical fiber is a thin, flexible, transparent fiber that can transmit a) light b) electricity c) water d) sound waves
8. A cell phone is basically a a) radio b) television c) camera d) sound recorder
9. Bluetooth technology is based on a) oceanic waves b) light waves c radio waves d) waves of the moon’s attraction
10. GPS technology is made possible by ________ satellites around the Earth.
a) 12 b) 24 c) 36 d) 48
Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. 11x2
1. A _______ attaches itself to an executable program.
2. Viruses become active when a certain activity is done. This activity or condition is called a ________.
3. The Concept virus refuses to let you save your document after you have made changes, saying the file is _________.
4. _______ executes completely independently and spreads on its own accord through network connections.
5. When a single system is hacked, it becomes possible to hack the ________.
6. Opening an email does not _________a computer.
7. The most powerful and expensive computers in a network are the _________.
8. Wireless LAN use ____________ technology
9. There are two types of twisted pair: _______ and ______.
10. A cell phone is basically a _________.
11. Most of the satellites use ________ cells to gain energy for operating.
Q2. Write T for the True and F for the false statement. 11x2
1. A point where a computer is susceptible to attack is called scanner.
2. The persons or companies distributing the pirated software may intentionally infect it with malicious programs.
3. The file that updates the scanner program itself is called a worm.
4. USB flash drives, external hard drives etc. are removable media.
Q1. a) What is the key difference among a LAN, WAN, and a MAN. 3x2
b) Describe the function of a modem 9
Q2. a) Write down the ways malware spreads. 8
b) What facilities does an antivirus program offer? 7
1. Fix a LAN card to the motherboard. (5)
2. Pair two Bluetooth devices and send information from one to the other. (5)
3. Update the antivirus program you installed. (5)
4. Perform quick scan using the antivirus program you have installed. (5)
Marks 50 Time 40 min
Attempt all questions. Over-writing or cutting will not be rewarded.
Q1. Circle the correct answer. 10x2
1. Manually constructing spreadsheets was a) easier b) impossible c) time consuming d) interesting
2. The Name Box is on the left of the a) formula bar b) scroll bar c) status bar d) Home ribbon
3. * is the sign of a) addition b) multiplication c) division d) decimal point
4. =SQRT(A8) is the formula that determines the a) percentage b) square c) quarter d) square root
5. =MAX(15,18,22,6,4) determines in the series the a) number of values b) highest value c) lowest value d) middle value
6. Before inserting a chart, the data is arranged in a rows b) columns c) either in rows or in columns d) in a single cell
Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. 5x2
1. A spreadsheet aids _______ decisions.
2. _____ is a button in the upper left corner of the Excel window.
3. Wrap Text button is in the ______ tool group.
4. The handle is used to auto fill.
5. The key to the chart is called the ________.
Q3. Write T for the True and F for the false statement. 5x2
1. Non-financial or even non-numeric data can be analyzed in a spreadsheet format.
2. Gnumeric is not a spreadsheet program.
3. The combination of the name of a column and the name of a row make up the cell address.
4. Press the F8 key. This anchors the cursor.
5. = is the answer sign in MS Excel.
Q4. Write Excel formulas for summation, square and average. 5x2
a) What auto fill options are available in the Excel? How to use them? 5
b) What types of charts can be inserted in MS Excel? Describe the method of inserting a chart in a spreadsheet. 10
Q2. a) Why are spreadsheet made on computers advantageous? 6
b) What is the difference between a cell and a row? 5
c) How is data arranged in a spreadsheet? 4
1. Apply the summation formula to calculate the total expenses. (5)
2. Change the spreadsheet font to Cambria and font size to 14. (5)
3. Prepare a spreadsheet to show the monthly expenses of your home. (10)
Marks 50 Time 40 min
Attempt all questions. Over-writing or cutting will not be rewarded.
Q1. Circle the correct answer. 10x2
1. An instruction written in a high-level language is called a) a theorem b) a statement c) an equation d) a problem
2. What is given in the problem statement is called a) the Output b) the Processing requirements c) the problem d) the Input
3. The word ‘Start’ or ‘End’ is usually contained in the a) Start/terminal symbol b) Input/output symbol c) Flow lines d) Decision symbol
4. Material or information entering or leaving the system is represented by a) input/output symbol b) start/terminal symbol c) flow lines d) decision symbol
5. The sequence of steps and the direction of flow is indicated by a) start/terminal symbol b) decision symbol
c) input/output symbol d) flow lines
6. A junction where a decision must be made is indicated by the
a) input/output symbol b) decision symbol c) start/terminal symbol d) flow lines
7. The operator tests whether the first operand is greater than or equal to the second operand.
a) >= b) = c) <= d) <>
8. ___________ is the statement that accepts keyboard input.
a) INPUT statement b) OUTPUT statement
c) READ statement d) DATA state
9. IF expression[,] GOTO line number[[,] ELSE statement(s)] is the syntax of
a) IF statement b) ELSE statement
c) IF-THEN-ELSE statement
d) GO TO statement
10. x = 5 Such a statement is called the a) READ statement b) DATA statement
c) INPUT statement d) assignment statement
Q2. Match the symbol with its name. 5x2 Processing symbol
Start/terminal symbol Decision symbol
Q3. Match the Column A with the Column B. 10 syntax a symbol that represents a specific action an operator displays data on the screen * writes the program currently in memory to a disc <= spelling and grammar of a programming language
SAVE multiplies two numbers PRINT statement tests whether the first operand is less than or equal to the second operand
Q3. Draw a flow chart to determine factorial of a number. 10
a) What is a flow chart? How many types a flow chart has? Define them. 2+6
b) What do you understand by a clear problem statement? Elaborate your answer. What must be extracted from a problem statement for a solution? 6+2
Q2. a) What is a programming language? Write a note on high-level languages. 2+4
b) Define the following terms: constant, variable, logical error, operator. 4
c) Write a note on READ and DATA statement. 4
1. Draw a flow chart to determine the sum of first fifty natural numbers. (5)
2. Write a program to find the area of a triangular region. (7)
3. Write down a program to calculate the total of your marks obtained in different subjects in an examination.
90 (8)
Marks 50 Time 60 min
Attempt all questions. Over-writing or cutting will not be rewarded.
Q1. Circle the letter of the best answer. 10
1. A modem receives digital data from a computer, converts it into analog waves. The conversion is called
a) demodulator b) demodulation c) modulator d) modulation
2. Co-axial cable is also called a) cock b) coax c) cox d) coxs
3. An optical fiber is a thin, flexible, transparent fiber that can transmit
a) light b) electricity c) water d) sound waves
4. _______ scanners are used to detect security holes in a computer, server, network, etc.
a) hardware b) virus c) adware d) vulnerability
5. Unauthorized copying and resale of software for commercial purposes is called
a) software stealth b) software copyright
c) software piracy
d) software program
6. ___________ just performs a scan of a computer’s system volume
a) full scan b) quick scan c) custom scan d) file scan
7. Manually constructing spreadsheets was a) easier b) impossible c) time consuming d) interesting
8. The sequence of steps and the direction of flow is indicated by
a) start/terminal symbol b) decision symbol c) input/output symbol d) flow lines
9. A junction where a decision must be made is indicated by the
a) input/output symbol b) decision symbol c) start/terminal symbol d) flow lines
10. x = 5, Such a statement is called the a) READ statement b) DATA statement c) INPUT statement d) assignment statement
Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. 10
1. A ________ attaches itself to an executable program.
2. Viruses become active when a certain activity is done. This activity or condition is called a ___________.
3. Wireless LAN use___________ technology
4. There are two types of twisted pair: _________ and ____________.
5. A cell phone is basically a __________.
6. Wrap Text button is in the __________ tool group.
7. The handle is used to auto fill.
8. A spreadsheet aids _________ decisions.
9. __________ is a button in the upper left corner of the Excel window.
10. __________ scan will scan any removable media that is attached to the computer.
Q3. Write T for the True and F for the false statement. 9
1. Non-financial or even non-numeric data can be analyzed in a spreadsheet format.
2. Gnumeric is not a spreadsheet program.
3. The combination of the name of a column and the name of a row make up the cell address.
4. Press the F8 key. This anchors the cursor.
5. = is the answer sign in MS Excel.
6. A point where a computer is susceptible to attack is called scanner.
7. The persons or companies distributing the pirated software may intentionally infect it with malicious programs.
8. The file that updates the scanner program itself is called a worm.
9. USB flash drives, external hard drives etc. are removable media.
Q4. Draw a flow chart to determine the largest number out of three. 10
Q5. Define Flow chart. Match the symbol with its name. 1+10
Processing symbol Flow lines
Start/terminal symbol Decision symbol
Input/output symbol
Q1. a) Write about different kinds of physical transmission media. 1+9
b) Write some applications of GPS. 5
Q2. a) Define a virus. Why do criminals hack others’ computers? 2+3
b) Write down the arithmetic operators, their function and their order of precedence. 5
c) What are the two types of programming languages? What is the difference among them. 5
1. Download and install trial/full version of any of antivirus program mentioned in this unit. (5)
2. Change the spreadsheet into a column chart. (5)
3. Draw a flow chart to determine factorial of a number. (5)
4. Write a program to determine the value of a number raised to a certain exponent. (5)
Ist 1
2nd " "
Computer Networks: (1.1.1 to 1.1.6) 2 to 10
Cutting-edge Technologies (1.2.1 to 1.2.4) Exercise & Lab Activities
3rd " " Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 1 )
4th 2
Computer Security Threats (2.1.1 & 2.1.2)
5th Using and Managing an Antivirus Program (2.2.1 to 2.2.4)
6th " Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 2 )
11 to 18
20 to 24
24 & 30
7th " Exercise & Lab Activities 31 & 32
8th 1st Term Paper (Units 1 & 2) ORAL, LAB ACTIVITIES & WRITTEN
Introduction and Purpose of a Spreadsheet (3.1.1 & 3.1.2)
10th " Introduction and Purpose of a Spreadsheet (3.1.3 to 3.1.5)
11th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 3 )
34 to 36
37 to 48
12th " " Introduction and Purpose of a Spreadsheet (3.1.6 to 3.1.8) 49 t0 63
13th " " Formatting Worksheet Elements (3.2.1 to 3.2.5) 63 to 69
14th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 3 ) 55 to 61
17th 4
Creating Charts in MS Excel (3.3.1 to 3.3.3)Exercise and Lab Activities
2nd Term Paper (Unit 3) ORAL, LAB ACTIVITIES & WRITTEN
70 to 75
Problem Solving (4.1.1 & 4.1.2) 76 & 77
18th " Flowcharting (4.2.1 to 4.2.3) 78 to 82
19th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 4)
20th Exercise & Lab Activities 84 to 88
21st 5
Introduction to Computer Programming (5.1.1 to 5.1.3)
22nd Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Units 4 & 5 )
Annual WEEK UNIT #
26th 1st TERM (REVISION)
1 to 2
27th "
" Programming in Basic Languages (5.2.1 & 5.2.2)
86 to 90
91 to 98
" Exercise & Lab Activities 101 to 103
3rd Term Paper (Units 4 & 5) ORAL, LAB ACTIVITIES & WRITTEN
Computer Networks: (1.1.1 to 1.1.6)
/ Cutting-edge Technologies (1.2.1 to 1.2.4) Exercise & Lab Activities
/ Computer Security Threats (2.1.1 & 2.1.2) / Using and Managing an Antivirus Program (2.2.1 to 2.2.4) / Exercise & Lab Activities
Preporatory Tests' Week
1 to 32
Introduction and Purpose of a Spreadsheet (3.1.1 & 3.1.2 / ) / Introduction and Purpose of a Spreadsheet (3.1.3 to 3.1.5) / Introduction and Purpose of a Spreadsheet (3.1.6 to 3.1.8) / Formatting Worksheet Elements (3.2.1 to 3.2.5) / Creating Charts in MS Excel (3.3.1 to 3.3.3) / Exercise and Lab Activities
33 to 75
29th "
30th 3rd terms (REVISION) unit 4 to 5
Preporatory Tests' Week
Problem Solving (4.1.1 & 4.1.2) / Flowcharting (4.2.1 to 4.2.3) / Exercise & Lab Activities / Introduction to Computer Programming (5.1.1 to 5.1.3) / Programming in Basic Languages (5.2.1 & 5.2.2) / Exercise & Lab Activities
76 to 103
31st "
Preporatory Leaves' Week
32nd Final Term Paper (Units 1 to 5) ORAL & LAB ACTIVITIES
33rd Final Term Paper (Units 1 to 5) WRITTEN
34th "
1st Term
Ist 1
2nd " "
3rd "
4th 2
Computer Networks: (1.1.1 to 1.1.6) 2 to 10
Cutting-edge Technologies (1.2.1 to 1.2.4) Exercise & Lab Activities
Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 1 )
11 to 18
Computer Security Threats (2.1.1 & 2.1.2)
98 20 to 24
5th " "
Using and Managing an Antivirus Program (2.2.1 to 2.2.4)
6th " Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 2 )
24 & 30
7th Exercise & Lab Activities 31 & 32
8th " Preporatory Tests' Week
9th " Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 2 )
10th 1st Term Paper (Units 1 & 2)
2nd Term
Introduction and Purpose of a Spreadsheet (3.1.1 & 3.1.2)
12th " Introduction and Purpose of a Spreadsheet (3.1.3 to 3.1.5)
13th " Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 3 )
34 to 36
37 to 48
14th " " Introduction and Purpose of a Spreadsheet (3.1.6 to 3.1.8) 49 t0 63
15th " " Formatting Worksheet Elements (3.2.1 to 3.2.5) 63 to 69
16th Revision and Test of the Above Topics ( (Unit 3
17th " " Creating Charts in MS Excel (3.3.1 to 3.3.3) 70 to 73
18th " " Exercise and Lab Activities 74 & 75
19th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 3 )
20th 2nd Term Paper (Unit 3)
3rd Term
21st 4
Problem Solving (4.1.1 & 4.1.2) 76 & 77
22nd " Flowcharting (4.2.1 to 4.2.3) 78 to 82
23rd Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 4)
24th " Exercise & Lab Activities 84 & 85
25th 5 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Introduction to Computer Programming (5.1.1 to 5.1.3) 86 to 90
26th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Units 4 & 5 )
27th " Programming in Basic Languages (5.2.1 & 5.2.2) 91 to 98
28th " Exercise & Lab Activities 101 to 103
29th Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 5 )
30th 3rd Term Paper (Units 4 & 5)
31st 1st term (revision) Unit 1 to 2
32nd "
100 34th "
Computer Networks: (1.1.1 to 1.1.6) / Cutting-edge Technologies (1.2.1 to 1.2.4) Exercise & Lab Activities / Computer Security Threats (2.1.1 & 2.1.2) / Using and Managing an Antivirus Program (2.2.1 to 2.2.4) / Exercise & Lab Activities
1 to 32
Preporatory Tests' Week 77 to 101
Introduction and Purpose of a Spreadsheet (3.1.1 & 3.1.2 / )
/ Introduction and Purpose of a Spreadsheet (3.1.3 to 3.1.5)
/ Introduction and Purpose of a Spreadsheet (3.1.6 to 3.1.8) / Formatting Worksheet Elements (3.2.1 to 3.2.5) / Creating Charts in MS Excel (3.3.1 to 3.3.3) / Exercise and Lab Activities
Preporatory Tests' Week
33 to 75
35th 3rd TERM REVISION) UNIT 4, 5
36th "
Problem Solving (4.1.1 & 4.1.2) / Flowcharting (4.2.1 to 4.2.3) / Exercise & Lab Activities / Introduction to Computer Programming (5.1.1 to 5.1.3) / Programming in Basic Languages (5.2.1 & 5.2.2) / Exercise & Lab Activities
Preporatory Tests' Week
37th Preporatory Leaves' Week
38th Final Term Paper (Units 1 to 5) ORAL & LAB ACTIVITIES
39th Final Term Paper (Units 1 to 5) WRITTEN
40th "
76 to 103
NOTE : Teachers may synchronize this “Scheme of Study” with our (Term Wise ) “Model Papers”, according to their specific needs.
First Term Unit 1 & 2
Second Term Unit 3
Third Term Unit 4 & 5
From Page 1 to 32
From Page 33 to 75
From Page 76 to 103 Final All 7 Units