One Page_Premiere at Florence

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One Page One Page is an idea of Duccio Trassinelli and Demetria Verduci

art design environment November 18, 2013 Year 3 n. 6

The Premiere at Cinema Odeon in Florence! Big emotion for young filmmakers Slow Movie Contest Massimo Becattini


hen in the spring of 2012 I was contacted by Demetria Verduci and Duccio Trassinelli , to set the criteria of the competition they conceived and fill the role of " artistic director " , I wondered what could be the special value added a new event dedicated to "shorts ", a term now used for a particular type of audiovisual creation , which concentrates in a few minutes vivid " message" , entrusted to a short story by images and sounds, often intended to be seen only within the Festival. Today are many exhibitions in Italy that host the "short" and give them an ephemeral visibility. So I found out that the "Slow Movie Contest" differed totally from various festivals and Reviews : first of all because it proposed a specific territory and a theme, in this first edition identified in the towns of Chianti and in the theme "Arts and Crafts of the territory" . The second stretch of originality was that the "video" were to be made on site , within a week , after which the filmmakers selected should have submitted a " rough cut " substantially definitive , unless made in a second phase improvements of finishing techniques . So essentially the competition offered to young authors , between 18 and 35 years , the ability to deal with a theme and a territory in principle "virgin" for them, receiving in exchange a look uninhibited and a perception unconventional or relating to knowledge fixed in time by environmental practices . In addition, the international aspect of the Contest , could guarantee - in principle - the presence of young filmmakers from other countries and cultures , as well as exquisitely Italian or regional level, thus increasing the possibility of " contamination" between looks and different civilizations, and then the originality of the final works . The stay of selected filmmakers at the Macina di San Cresci , in the center of the area covered by the competition , and a presentation of the cultural peculiarities by individual Departments of Culture of the various municipalities, would guarantee to the directors an indispensable " literacy " ; then, without any constraint language or prior censorship , would entrust them with the realization of a personal vision of the theme. At this point, after the publication of the notice within the time specified , the works flowed with which each of the candidates submitted own "Identity" in the audiovisual field . Works have come from Italy, the United States , Spain, Great Britain ,

Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, France , Lithuania, Romania, Tasmania. The selection was complicated by the presence of a large number of high-quality work , and my work as a " selector " of the eight finalists was difficult , with waivers even painful for the professionalism and competence of filmmakers who had responded to the invitation . When the gossips in the industry say that anyone who makes a "short" , it is because there is no money to make a feature film , ignore the specificity of this new way of communicating , which is being increasingly acknowledged with its unique visual identity , based on the ability to surprise and excite with short stories told as in an aphorism - with a few essential features , often fleeting . For Slow Movie Contest , it was essentially to examine nearly 20 hours of material , which dealt with different techniques - from animation to computer graphics , shot in real life , the fiction more heightened - themes of life, psychological insights , existential paradoxes , etc. . , but all share a great technical mastery and visual originality often extremely interesting. The next phase, the realization of the " short " in according with the theme request by the Competition, led the eight finalists filmmakers - from five different countries - in contact with the Chianti region , brought to its knowledge - as we said - by the reports of various municipalities and - most important – by the personal sensibilities , which can add to the work something of originality and freshness that our eyes become accustomed to the beauties of Tuscany , could not take any more. The eight "short" made reflect a great diversity of ways of seeing , from the ecstatic gaze on the past, so fascinating for the authors of the most " young " Countries , to the interest for the curious or unpredictable characters that inhabit this territory , to the sense of nostalgia for slices of reality that in most other advanced industrial countries are now missing , to the search of a union with the "stuff" - land , houses, trees, - still possible. The movies have generally shown great sensitivity of the authors, who more interested in the work now obsolete of a craftsman, some more to the landscape or to people, but everybody respected the assumption of the contract : to provide " new eyes " for a ancient territory . In this meaning, the eight authors - which had been left maximum freedom of expression - have produced not eight commercials

of the Chianti - like maybe some municipal administrator less "open" would have liked - but eight eyes of author , even if contained in the effective size of "short" . The eight works , collected in a single DVD , after the "premiere " at the Cinema Odeon in Florence , will be proposed both in individual municipalities in

8 Directors for 1 Territory

the area of Chianti, and in all those contexts - local television Duccio Trassinelli networks, agriturismi , etc. . able to appreciate a portrait not hinking back to the banal or only merchandise of a " story" of SLOW piece particularly rich of our MOVIE CONTEST , region. from the idea born about two years ago to the present in which we are going to attend the premiere of the work of eight young filmmakers , we could not imagine the charge of enthusiasm, curiosity , professionalism and communication skills that each of them has manifested during week of shooting. When the Chianti the These eight young people are arrived in Chianti , some of them produces films had never been there and someone else had never even been in Italy ; what they made is the result of their sensitivity and Carolina Mancini creativity , their way of seeing and interpreting , their capacity for synthesis. Today, we can say with certainty that the main actor et’s go! Soon the result of Although, to be honest , in the of Slow Movie is definitely the Slow Movie Contest will Chianti there are those have artistic aspect that the eight be public . On November been initiated into the pleasures young filmmakers have given in 18th , at 20.30 , at the Cinema of Spritz! their freedom of expression. To Odeon in Florence , the lights MOVIE . The word movie, have identified young people for will turn on the 8 short films , which means films, derived a reading not conditioning , will their directors and the eight from the verb to move , thus give as result a product to municipalities in the Chianti that brings within itself the concept promote the area with values and hosted them this summer when of movement . For the Slow contents capable of arousing new they shoot their stories about Arts Movie Contest , 8 young interest even by observers who & Crafts. In the following pages directors have moved from are not only consumers of you'll find the reflections of the America , Ukraine , England and products already well-known. eight participants , written at the Spain , and from various places The field of action chosen is the end of the shooting of the short of Italy , and once arrived in Chianti area where the mental films . It 's fun to read what they Chianti, they left again to the overcoming of municipal and the activities p r o v i n c i a l b o u n d a r i e s i s have learned by that experience . discovery of We, too , after a year of Slow proposed , which often have f u n d a m e n t a l a n d t h e Movie Contest , we have learned been an opportunity to unearth i d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f the many things . Meanwhile, to new ones. Doing so, they municipalities located in this area understand better why the name . discovered that Chianti is in i s o n l y f u n c t i o n a l t o a SLOW . The slowness as a motion, and that many of those representation that compact the particularity of our territory has trades which would seem to have territory itself . So combine the been emphasized repeatedly by passed off instead still have a synergies ! the directors . The beauty and chance to survive and renew tranquility of our places can often itself through new technologies The topic of the first edition is " suggest an idea of suspension of and creativity of young people. Arts and Crafts" and in the time , especially those who come It’s especially this creativity preliminary stage was asked to from far away, maybe from a big that Slow Movie Contest seeks the Municipalities involved to city and is catapulted by magic in to stimulate. report the niche activities in their one of these eight charming CONTEST . Why there is a race , territory , avoiding activities too villages , surrounded by hills. Yet and there will be winners . We w e l l k n o w n a n d a l r e a d y what emerges from the words of stress , however, that will not be sufficiently promoted . This is all , this being apparently out of the individual municipalities to because the Chianti is a land of time mean to live it fully. This win . We discussed for long time g r e a t t r a d i t i o n s a n d t h e pleases us , because this Contest the possibility to assign or less enhancement must be extended has sense to exist only if it the awards, and we decided to to all the elements present in it . succeeds in telling our territory in yes, especially for their The country already known a non- stereotypical way, and symbolic value. The awards are around the world for the above all not to make a postcard : designed to motivate, to create production of wine , an activity nothing against the cards , of an atmosphere of upright that has given many years its course, but when we thought this c o m p e t i t i o n t h a t p u s h e s promotion to sophisticated project we knew that we were filmmakers to give their best . marketing strategies and various confronted with one of the most Reading their words , the organizations, must also be famous and celebrated place in impression is that each of them discovered and analyzed in its the world, and we were also has already ' brought home ' own iiiii convinced that there was much personal award . We also believe more to say and discover. This that the most important award , Ideato e organizzato da: first experience seems to prove for them and for us, is to sread us right . We deliberately decided their short as possible , in Italy , for example, to exclude the and abroad, in the world. In wine, which now fills the news : order not to lose the rhythm of this Slow Mov (i ) e. we preferred to fill the glasses and drink with our directors .



folds , and in too many aspects sometimes overlooked . Who would have bet on Chianti as home of seamen ? The presentation of the short films will reward the directors for their skills , not individual subjects or areas assigned , what the eight filmmakers have identified and translated with audiovisual language will be shared heritage and the different aspects such because are deliberately programmed in order to arouse the most varied emotions to a wider audience as possible. This is the first objective of Slow Movie : highlight the artistic ability of the eight filmmakers who fell in an area sufficiently unique, seize aspects and different views and are able to convey to the viewer that perceptual variable which is one of the fundamental elements of the human personality and that goes well over the trend of globalization . The contribution that can give an Ukrainian instead of an American or an Italian will still be different and will constitute an endowment of new and innovative wealth to spread around the world. To meet and film the artisans has been the goal of focusing attention on the many minor activities , a world of passions , ideas and a lot of manual work , because it is true that the growth of a region and of a country is obtained while preserving and nurturing the treasure of certainties , but also by capitalizing on everything that contains an old trunk , finding and highlighting what is less known or perhaps just forgotten, in our case the activities less obvious and less redundant. . By making our own the words of Stefano Bellaveglia in the introduction to his monograph Artigianato del Chianti, we can say that this project aims to be "an instrument for those seeking the identity of the Chianti even in small things ." And if some young and less young , seeing these short films is passionate , wants to understand more and maybe pick up the baton of one of the protagonists of the shorts , this would be the realization of a dream , the dream of an Italy in which tradition and creativity are the engine of a upright rebirth .

La Macina di San Cresci Pieve di San Cresci 1 50022 Greve in Chianti (FI) Italy Tel. 055 8544793 Residenza perArtisti

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Romina Contepomi - Chianti Portraits


hen I and Tania arrived in Chianti we could not imagine how it would have been shooting, as we would happen, what would be the final result. The experience of the contest was a pleasant surprise for us , as well as the footage of these seven days. We met so many interesting people living crafts and that have been very helpful and friendly with us. They told us many things about their lives and their work , what inspires them , what they love , what they're passionate about and what they are achieving. At the beginning of our trip we lived at the home of Nora : unfortunately we spent with her just a couple of hours, because then she took a plane to Hong Kong. The following two days we were able to know her through the stories of his friends and of the people who work with her , through her house and the atmosphere in her land. Our stay here has enriched us with creative energy .Then we moved into the residence for artists of Demetria Verduci and Duccio Trassinelli , where you cannot take a step without running into artworks , a constant source of inspiration. Also here we find very well. We got to learn about their projects and their activities , and in their residence meet artists of other countries with which we spent pleasant and interesting time. Shoot there has been a wonderful experience .


Alina Gorlova - Mochao The format of the festival is brilliant, because it gives the director the most important thing : the freedom , the opportunity to film everything that the director considers

i m p o r t a n t . We f e e l v e r y fortunate to be a part of , we are proud to have been selected for the first edition of the festival and we hope many more will follow .

Cristian Benaglio - Scripta Manent


was able to engage people who have shared this experience with me with the promise that it would have been a break from the daily work of everyone , a detachment perhaps not very restful , but certainly challenging ...IL andTEMA so it was. I think I can say on behalf of everyone, including Teodoro ( the protagonist of the short ) to which I asked what he thought of the past days in Tavarnelle : - "It 's like a dream to shoot into such a place, the beauty of the place sometime is a source of inspiration ... sometimes so charms to distract instead of the whole. I am not sure what I did in the days of shooting , I remember little.What I remember are the colors , the smells and faces. " We are happy of this experience ' tavarnellina ' , as I have already confessed ; I had already conquered the area many years ago , now it touched the people

I met , who, without mincing words , proved to live up to their country of origin. Among all the meetings, the most intense were those with Lea Bilanci that with an endless hospitality has opened the doors of her workshop and her house, and the one with Marco Guarducci that I renamed with the role coined by me of ' cine joker ' , true pivotal figure of this small troupe strolling on the streets of the country. For this short I chose a subject cleanly without irony or sarcasm , and with narrative tenses , I hope to be able to say , very consistent with an event that is born 'slow ' . Maybe it's risky to play with the same positive and universal elements that have made a certain place well-known and desirable. Especially in the visual arts too often we consider the linear narrative based on the enhancement of aspects already

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Stampa : Tipografia Grevigiana

characterized by all as trivial and obvious , but in this case I personally do not care , I think Tavarnelle and its people have the honor and the burden to preserve intact the features already known and that through the centuries may continue to be inspiration and provocation for anyone lucky enough to cross them. The choice of this subject was contextual to the exclusion for reasons of force majeure of a couple of ideas related to anecdotes collected from the legends and history of the place that I honestly hope to achieve in the near future , although now I am interested in discovering the country's response to the little work we have accomplished. I am not a lover of the UNESCO logo , but a hint to the theme of a new edition could be just about the symbolic role of ' guardians of a universal heritage ' .

he week spent in Castelnuovo Berardenga will remain in my memory for many years to come . It has been such an incredible experience and we met so nice and interesting people ! From the first meeting with the Mayor we felt more than welcome. They gave us permission to shoot in different areas of the town , and organized for us meetings with local artisans and visit the most treasured places. We had such a variety of locations to choose from , each LA MATERIA more beautiful than the other , and it was hard to decide what to shoot in such a short time . Beyond the breathtaking landscapes and nature , what I enjoyed most about shooting here was that everyone with whom we spoke was happy to be part of the project and give us an hand. The first day in Castelnuovo , I was looking for people to feature in the film; I walked and passed in front of the old men , to which I asked if they wanted to be part of the film. Immediately we were invited to join their meeting to “ Centro Terza Età CGIL”. I thought we would have learned a little surprise, thus interrupting their routine . However, Mr. Luigi (the head of the center) has agreed to meet us. He did not want that we exchanged phone or email, said simply : " I'll see you here on Wednesday at 11 ." Being so used to the technology, we were afraid not to find them, but the following Wednesday they were waiting , ready to start .. Together with the Mayor helped us to find the right people to create the ' portraits '. We thought it would have been difficult to find people willing to appear in a movie, but we were surprised by a positive feedback as well . We also had people waiting in line! This was particularly moving for me to see how they related to the concept of the film and help to implement a portrait of their beloved land and represent the "Chianti Portraits" . They involved the whole family, calling grandchildren , wifes and friends. Similary the craftsmen have opened the doors of their homes and their shops , happy to have

someone to show what they do and that they're passionate about . It was very interesting to see the differences between the generations, as the fathers had worked hard to allow their children to develop their work into an art. Like Mr. Zacchei and his son . Zacchei worked as bullettaio , and told us that in the past were 15 families working iron in Castelnuovo , and now they are the only ones. His son continued and also creates sculptures under the gaze met his father . Mr. Di Cocco has mastered the art of making baskets from his grandfather , and it is clear that this activity is a way to remain attached to his roots , to keep alive the memory of his family and to use the products of the earth to create something simple but beautiful. It was mesmerizing to watch. One of the members of the CGIL told us that being part of the film for them is to have something to be remembered as a photo for their great-grandchildren to see once they are no longer here. A memory of what Castelnuovo Berardenga is today, of a generation that is proud of its work and who does not want its traditions and its culture may be lost. They feel the importance of having a sense of belonging and to keep alive their heritage.

I think this is as relevant as ever now, at a time when the young population of the Mediterranean countries leave their countries to seek a way and a job elsewhere. They should keep this message and be proud of where they belong in order to keep alive places like Castelnuovo . For this has been a great source of inspiration to meet a young couple sculptors, working marble and iron in a way very similar to that of many years ago. It is important for me to convey this message to a young audience, hoping that they feel involved , and maybe feel that this is a way to choose from. I am so grateful for all the help we have received. Everyone made us feel part of Castelnuovo , and the last day, when we met the people in the street ,they smiled at us and invited us to have a coffee and asking about the short. Now that I'm back in London I think of them. In so depersonalized metropolis , the memory of my time spent in Italy reminds me of the importance of a community and of preserving ones identity with pride. I just hope I have been able to make them proud and that my film can express modestly all that they represent .

Silvio D’Angelo - Per Caso


he main feeling that gave me the Chianti area is to be in a kind of kingdom outside of Italy . The sinuous hills and long rows of grapes are completely forget about the intertwining of roads and buildings. We realize it especially when you go to take the highway. I remember at the HANNOthat DETTO roundabout before entering the toll I decided to make a U to go back to discover some village that I had not visited . Even people who I met and interviewed in San Casciano convey the feeling of a way of life away from the ways and city rhythms. All this with a great awareness of what surrounds them. Among all, I admit was particularly fascinated by the workshop of the family Sani: a place full of history , a witness of


Ancient masters , made even more precious by the interpretation. Finally, the Macina di San Cresci is a place that welcomes you when the door openings , rarely I happened to feel at ease so

quickly in different houses from my house. The theme for the next edition of Slow Movie I think might be the relationship between man and nature.

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Amanda Rodriguez Lorenzo - Nostalgia


y adventure in Greve really starts to 131 m i l e s a w a y, i n Bologna . I have an appointment there with my friend and cinematographer Alberto Riestra , who for more than a month toured Europe with his pickup truck and agreed to pick me up in this city to go along with Greve . After our stay in Tuscany , we will continue our journey to Europe, but that's another story . We start after spending the night in Bologna , which we leave with a balance of food poisoning for iiiiii

Alberto and an allergy to mosquito bites for me. Italy could not greet us better , we think. However, as we approach the Chianti , it invades a different feeling . It may be due to the beauty of the landscapes , or ' character ' of the country, which is something timeless , do not know, but we sense that things will be different . We are not wrong . Upon arrival at the Macina di San Cresci , residence for artists where we stay , Demetria , Duccio and Leo welcome us. The house smells of freshly brewed iiii

coffee and breathes a family atmosphere, which means that from the first moment we feel at home . The same afternoon , Demetria and Duccio show us the village, and some of the crafts that have been proposed , and the day ends with a wonderful welcome dinner. The welcome could not have been better. The next day we visit the home of Franco Bozzi , incredibly magnetic man, which will become one of the leading character of our history. We find it hard to understand, both for his emphasis , both for our limited knowledge of Italian, but because his open laugh and the force of his gaze we will emphatize with him from the first moment . Bozzi built himself his house , which over time has become a museum. He insists to be considered as a craftsman , but it is evident that it is much more. Ended the day with Bozzi, we dive into the life of the village with the help of Leo, who by this time will give us the most important mainstay of our stay. Beside him we will witness the rhythm of life of Chianti , a time that seems to obey a beat really. We will visit squares, markets , farms, and steal expressions of faces that we will never know , but that will leave their mark on the camera and on film . We'll eat pizza , will drink spritz and learn the non-verbal Italian language, and laugh , laugh a lot. And so, almost without realizing it , already accustomed to this typical Chianti’s rhythm , will end the week, a week full of enriching experiences that we will remember for life.

Darim Da Prato Terra di Siena


hen I heard that I had been chosen as a finalist for the " SLOWMOVIECONTEST " , I immediately felt a great satisfaction. Firstly because it was a recognition of the work done up to this point, then for a chance to measure myself with a reality far from what I normally live. The hospitality that Gaiole in

Chianti has given to me and to my colleague Carlo Carmazzi was the best . From the first moment extremely helpful : the municipality, the tourist board , and the people. I met friendly people, very attached to their roots , willing to give me a bit of time to tell anecdotes, or just to show some characteristic glimpses of their land. The

Riccardo Salvetti - Semifonte si fa città

Gina M.Napolitan - Castellina Travelogue


orking on this film was a welcome challenge: making a live-action film in one week is challenging in itself, but to make a film that incorporates a substantial amount of animation is even trickier. Adding to this challenge was the fact that olive oil—my assigned topic—is only in active production for a brief period during autumn, and my residency took place in July. Focusing on history seemed the most logical solution, and we were graciously

given access to the Mazzei family estate, which was founded in the mid-1400s. The grounds are impressive, filled with meticulously maintained gardens, vineyards, and groves, but I was immediately smitten with a small study in the main part of the villa, filled with books and records dating back to the Mazzei company’s inception. Taxidermy animals in bell jars rested on wooden tables with ornately carved legs, papers dated from the 1700s happily mingled on the

shelves with books from the 1980s, faded photographs of Unknown persons peered out of cardboard boxes. As an experimental filmmaker obsessed with old objects and the stories they tell, this room felt like a fever-dream. Every corner of the room told a secret history. Castellina almost seems like a temporal anomaly, existing at many points in time at once. I was deeply struck by this casual cohabitation of the modern with the ancient. In Italy, the coexistence of old and new feels natural—embedded in the cultural fabric; in America, it is much more tenuous, and we struggle to preserve buildings far younger than those found in Europe. However, the more I filmed, I more I was overwhelmed by the idea that these man-made structures are not especially old, at least not in the cosmic sense. The pictures I studied while researching olive oil production clearly showed how the technology has changed over the centuries. Simple wooden implements were gradually replaced by whirring stainless steel machines. But the olive trees and the little insects that pollinate them are ever the same, reassuringly constant. There is terror in the speed of human progress, but a great comfort in the slowness of nature. In the end, I wanted to make a film that takes refuge in this simple fact.

UNA PAGINA è pubblicato da La Macina di San Cresci

organization was flawless , " Mimma" ( Demetria ) and Duccio , have proved of great creators . Like many others I knew the Chianti mostly for the production of wine, but I was delighted to discover a rich and varied reality . The activities that Were identified in the area as possible ideas for my short film proved to be both rich in charm and appeal . I preferred , however, to focus on only one of these , not to upset what I had imagined in my initial idea . As the days passed , I realized the enormous potential that the country given me , on the other hand grew in me the feeling that I would not be able to show everything in just fifteen minutes . From the beginning my priority was to tell the relationship between an individual and his work, possibly in the context lived . Olivier Fernandez was the most I could aspire . This artist , who has chosen to live and work in Chianti , has proved a very nice person . He and his wife Margaret have opened their home and made us partakers of their world , made up of simplicity and passion for an old work , almost old as man himself. I was fascinated by an artist so complete: potter , sculptor, painter , man of music. Before I knew him, I never thought that in a week in chianti I could have a personal and professional enrichment of such thickness . I am grateful to him and his wife , to Mimma and Duccio , to the whole community of Gaiole in Chianti , to the possibility that I was offered and I hope with my film to get them something pleasant , or at least to give back a drop of the sea that I received. If it is so , I will be satisfied .


t's long past days, but those moments in Chianti remained etched in my memory as indelible frames on the film. I remember Barberino Val d' Elsa like a magical village where history and tradition continue to live intertwined with the beautiful landscapes that characterize the Chianti . There I met many artisans who have their roots in the love for their land and for their

work . Five reality most of all fascinated me becoming the protagonists of the short : painting, sculpture , woodworking , ceramics , and equestrian art , all faithful to the philosophy of slow , well-being and tradition.Arts and crafts that you can rarely see live , but thanks to this contest I had the good fortune of being able to even tell, sharing them with Chiara, my

inseparable assistant on the set and companion in life. Essential was the support of the Municipality, the councilor Patrizia Sollazzi , Bruno and Carolina that have been valuable guides: rich in passion for their territory they have been able to feed the magic of Barberino , making us feel at home. For that I would say that " hospitality " is one of the best of these lands and of the organization of the contest that could propose " hospitality " as the theme for the next editions . After this experience I feel the Chianti as the park close to home : I go out and just beyond the Tosco- Romagnolo Appennino , I find those places where stop , breathe, watch and meet new friends. We will return often to achieve these friends met during this adventure . A fond memory of those days is always linked to the evenings spent with Mimma , Duccio , Elia, Frank , Mary , Jill , Gabrielle , Carolina and the other artists of the Macina di San Cresci . I got a lot from this experience and I hope I have left a small token of my passage with the short film made about Barberino , where I tried to enclose the description of the territory with the personal stories of the artisans , each with its art, its history , but all with one thing in common : an endless passion for their work! Same passion that I tried to put in the making of this short film.

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