5 minute read





So, how is everyone holding up?

Its been a long year thus far, but thankfully things are now returning to some sort of normal with the gradual reopening of many sectors across the nation and about time too! If you haven’t lost your mind already then give yourself a pat on the back, it hasn’t been easy! Now that gyms and leisure centres are finally open once more *hurrah!*, we can all breathe a collective a sigh of relief. Over the past month and a half it has been amazing to see how many of you have returned in your droves, ready to kick start those fitness routines again. I have been chatting to many of you also since then and it is amazing to hear all the things you missed most about the gym. Hows that equipment you acquired at the start of the year holding up? Is it a very expensive clothes rack yet? (Hehe) I for one found myself exclaiming, “ Hallelujah! ” when I could finally use something other than a few ropey dumbbells I had laying around the house, and I will most certainly be glad to see the back of resistance bands for a while after one too many accidents! The physical scars may have faded but I promise you the emotional ones still remain.

Since returning to the gym and chatting to clients, the number one thing you all seem to have missed the most is the social element that being in a gym environment brings. I have to say for me also this was most definitely the case! You see, many newcomers have a perception that the gym is a place where you dive in, get your workout done and get out as quickly as possible without making eye contact with anyone. But there really is a lot more going on in the gym space than you might first realise. You would be amazed to see the positive impact that being a part of the gym community brings. The same applies to any sporting activity that brings groups of people together who are all working towards similar goals! Immersing yourself in the social aspects of the gym will most likely increase your chances of achieving your goals, and I think right now we could all do with being a bit more social again am I right? So if you haven’t yet taken that first step I strongly recommend making it a consideration now that you have the option of setting foot inside gyms once again! And if it is your first time, yes it can be daunting, but like most new things after those first few sessions you will relax into the routine. Most trainers will empathise with this as will existing members of the gym since we have all been through this experience. Heck, I didn’t dare step into the weights section of the gym for about three years when I first started as everyone in there looked like they would eat me for breakfast! You would be surprised at how most will make room for newbies and even offer some helpful tips and advice along the way. So if you are nervous, do it at first just for the social elements and hey if you throw a few dumbbells around whilst in there then thats a bonus. I promise you, it will work wonders for your head!

“ But what if i’m not ready to go back just yet? ”

This is something I hear a lot, especially with new clients and its a perfectly understandable concern if its all new to you. Ask yourself, what’s holding you back? Below are some of the most frequent reasons that come up when I first get chatting to prospective clients.

“But gyms are scary!” So the thought of entering the gym fills you with dread? Again, I get that, it’s like anything you do for the first time. Remember your first few driving lessons? You eventually found a way to get past that initial fear and with the gym you will too. People in gyms are generally quite upbeat and friendly and will help ease those fears once you get chatting a little bit. A good trainer can always put you at ease also once they show you the ropes!

“Sure gyms are too expensive!” is another one I hear often. Many gyms now offer multiple membership options when it comes to joining and very competitive with pricing. For the cost of one less takeaway a week theres your gym membership covered right away. Think about how much money you may blow on a night out each week and have nothing to show for it the next morning except a stinking hangover and regret. Well yeah, theres your gym membership with personal training on top!

“There are no gyms close to me!” Yes some of you may not have a gym or fitness club in close proximity but it shouldn’t be an excuse to not get some exercise done each day. Get outside and go a brisk walk for 20-30 mins, it costs nothing and you will feel much better after doing it as the brain will release all those lovely feel good endorphins afterwards.

“I don’t have the time.” This is the one I probably hear the most. If you find you sit most evenings and can binge on 4-5 episodes of your favourite box set then maybe cut that back to 2-3 episodes and give yourself an hour of the day to get a quick workout in! Find a way to work it into your day and if you can’t then you need to relook at that daily routine. Make the time if you are serious about living a healthier and fuller life! Simples!

So what have you got to lose? Except a few lbs of course and stress!

Go on and take that first step and get back on that wagon, your body and mind will thank you down the line. Carpe Diem and all that! And as always if you need a helping hand with anything fitness related I am always happy to chat! I am on instagram under the name “tony_cools” or you can always find me on facebook or email

me at anthony_cooley@icloud. com

Lets kickstart those fitness

routines and I hope to see many of you in the gyms over the coming months!

Coach Anthony.

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