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Love, Victor is a spin of series from the movie Love, Simon which was the first ever Hollywood studio film to feature a gay protagonist. Set in the same word and though the concept of the series is very much a coming out story it can spend more time exploring the gorgeous unique story of coming out than a movie wouldn’t allow for and with a series the secondary characters can shine. Look out for Ana Ortiz (Ugly Betty’s Sister) as Victor’s Mom. Usually, I hate teen shows with bad writing even more than bad acting. I’m looking at you CW but this show every character is likeable, funny and they look like teenagers not thirty somethings pretending to be in high school. We all have a coming out story and what I like about this show is that its normal, its relatable its family friendly ana all the messages is its ok to be gay.


I’m am one of the biggest He Man fans ever in fact I’m a super fan I even have the tattoos to prove it, so when I heard there was going to be new series, I was a bit yea yea that’s great, but I really want a movie, well that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen any time soon, so I’ll give what I’m given. Of course masters of the universe has been rebooted before in the early 00s and Netflix rebooted She Ra (still on the fence about that one) but this new series is direct sequel from the 80s mega hit and it helms from super geek Kevin Smith not to mention boasts an all star cast voicing these iconic characters is Mark Hamill as Skelator , Lena Headey as Evil Lynn , Chris Wood as He man, 90s icon Alicia Silverstone voices Queen Marlena Prince Adam’s mother and even Buffy herself Sarah Michelle Gellar eeeeekkkkk excited much lends her vocal talents to playing Teela. I’ve read online that this series will be more mature and with a cast like that and with Kevin Smith attached I think He-man fans are in for a treat this summer.

Alas cinemas are back open and just in time for the first movie in phase four of the marvel cinematic universe. So far, we have had 3 shows on Disney+ WandaVision which was amazing, The Falcon and Winter Soldier that was like watching paint dry and Loki which is too soon to tell. Delayed so many times due to the pandemic Scarlett Johansson is finally getting the solo black widow movie she deserves and spoiler alert we all know Natasha Romanoff meets her end in Avengers Endgame so you may be thinking this prequel will be a bittersweet experience, but something tells me with different timelines and multiverses being introduced into the marvel world that we haven’t seen the last of this Red headed Avenger. The trailer looks amazing with plenty of female empowerment and girl power action as Florence Pugh and Rachel Weisz co-star and after the disappointing wonder woman sequel I’m hoping Black Widow will put female superheroes to the front and centre where they belong.


It’s just a coincidence but this horror franchise has cast two television actress I like in their movies, in the first Escape Room Deborah Ann Wholl (Jessica from True Blood) played a supporting but great role and in this sequel TVS Pose India More seems to be featured heavily in the trailer and for that reason I am recommending this flick. The first one wasn’t bad it had some nail-biting scenes this Escape Room sees the survivors Ben (Logan Miller , Love Simon) and Zoey (Taylor Russell, Lost in Space) of the first film trapped again but this time with other survivors who team up together to bring down the creators of these death traps. Much like the Final Destination films, Escape Rooms is a franchise that is best enjoyed at the cinema with a crowd of mates and a big bucket of popcorn. Isn’t great that we can do that again.

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