Desert Museum Palo Verde
Bonsai Blue Jacaranda
Little Gem Magnolia
canopy was our respite from the summer heat. Each August, it blooms hotpink flowers, just before our daughter’s birthday. The color is so vibrant, we still remain in awe of its beauty when it’s in bloom. In the fall, the leaves quickly drop and require little effort to clean up. It’s the perfect tree for all seasons. > DETAILS: Up to 30 feet in height; single and multi-trunk; white, pink, lavender, or red blooms; full sun; drought tolerant; deciduous.
LITTLE GEM MAGNOLIA (Magnolia grandiflora “Little Gem”) This dwarf southern magnolia has a gorgeous, sweet aroma and lotus-like blooms in late spring through summer that do well as cut flowers. The smaller, two-tone, dark-green and brown foliage can be shaped for privacy and is truly captivating when trained as espalier against a wall or fence. > DETAILS: Slow growing, reaching 20–25 feet; full sun; moderate watering; evergreen.
INTERPRETING TREE DESCRIPTIONS Descriptions should be used as general guidelines. The specific planting location will determine the performance.
USDA assigns a plant hardiness zone based on zip code. Pasadena is 9b and 10a (Mediterranean, hardy).
Many trees requiring full sun (minimum six hours) can take light/partial shade (minimum four hours of sun), but produce fewer flowers and less density with taller branches. Full shade (minimum two hours of sun) requires wetter soil.
BONSAI BLUE JACARANDA (Jacaranda mimosifolia “Sakai01”) Bonsai Blue is an ideal specimen tree for smaller gardens and equally useful as a large border accent, while the dwarf variety is perfect for decorative pots on a terrace or patio. The large, deep-purple, tubular flowers with bright-green, fernlike foliage take well to pruning. > DETAILS: Quickly reaches up to 12 feet tall and up to 8 feet wide in ground; dwarf species grows to 30 inches; full sun; low water needs; semi-evergreen.
DESERT MUSEUM PALO VERDE (Cercidium x “Desert Museum”) This gorgeous, thornless California native hybrid makes a fine, upright lightshade tree. Showy large yellow blossoms give a dazzling display of color in the spring. After the foliage falls, the trunk and stems remain chartreuse green, providing year-round interest. > DETAILS: Fast growing; up to 30 feet tall and 25 feet wide; full sun; drought tolerant; deciduous.
Consult your local nursery.
TREE CARE Water newly planted trees once every five to seven days.
Trees drink water at the feeder roots located at the drip line, which is the edge of the tree’s canopy (leaves), not at the trunk, and can extend two to three times the width of the canopy.
Mulch 1–2 inches away from the trunk.
Avoid digging under the canopy, which can kill small roots.
● Remove
rocks and vegetation within 3–5 feet of the trunk.
RESOURCES See tips on tree care, Pasadena tree ordinances, and the city’s Master Street Tree Plan at urban-forestry — L . B .
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