PORTFOLIO-3.1 group work

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Intelligent Assemblies


Lamiaa Abouelala-Salamah Salleh-Tom Fantom-Nasr Haque-Sabah Ayub

Filtration of nose Extreme Air Pollution Introduction

Soy Beans


Camera Lens


Precedent study & Maquette

The water Beettle


Final Model

Climate Change


Why Bamboo?


Timeline of events

How it Works

Bamboo widely Grown

Final Model

Manufacturing Bamboo Production of biomas Current Climate & Farm Land The Pros + Cons of Success How Scenario Links to Maquette

Scenario: Our scenario stems from current issues with air pollution and thus, global warming. We set out to create a scenario which could be potentially viable based on existing trends, and so after studying climate change patterns we came to a conclusion that by 2100 – there could realistically be a climate increase of 6 degrees. This would ultimately trigger our scenario. On account of a temperature rise, Britain would be capable of exotic planting. The limitations currently imposed on planting strategies within Britain would finally be significantly diminished, and we believe there would be much enthusiasm to explore the newly introduced possibilities of planting. The ultimate message we aim to convey is that these plants that are meant to be green and efficient for the environment are indeed so but with hidden dangers. These hidden dangers need to be taken in consideration and dealt with instead of aiming for prolonging problems, we should be aiming towards a permanent solution. For this, we have chosen an example to take forward; that of bamboo. Bamboo is incredibly popular within South America, due to it being widely available and considerably multi-functional. Our scenario begins with individuals growing their bamboo in their own gardens which then extends to governmental co-operation to growing bamboo on open stretches of green space. With the consistent growth of bamboo across the UK, there would be significantly more opportunities in the functionality of the bamboo. Uses would extend to construction, food, fabric and bio-fuel. With the vast potential of bamboo, there would be a need for factories to be re-opened in order to process the bamboo for its various uses. In terms of Stockport, we believe it could potentially be one of the key areas of production as it was once a key place for industrialisation. It would allow for the existing factories to be re-opened and used for the processing of bamboo. Overall, The combination effect of global warming along with the hidden dangers of manufactoring bamboo wil continue causeing an increase in air pollution. Sooner or later, extreme and permanent interventional sollutions would have to be prioritized for the sake of our future.

NORTH WEST: Average Annual Temperature

NORTH WEST: Average Warmest Summer Days

Map of the UK



30° C

11° C 9° C




Climate Prediction for 2050 by the Met Office


27° C


Climate Prediction for 2050 by the Met Office

The Met Office have produced predictions for climate change in the UK. It has been predicted that the temperate will rise by 2° from now untill 2050 in the North West area. This has urged us to exagerate this evidence and double the rise in temperate for the following 50 years. For our scenario, we assume that the average Annual temperate will rise from 9° to 15° in 2100. Due to the increase in temperate, bamboo is able to be grown into a better performance and increase in production in the UK.

Average Annual Temperate






Year Prediction for Climate Change






Temperature Increases results in more growth of bamboo


Generic Perception of the world : sustainable


Intervention and exploitation of bamboo by humans

We chose bamboo as an example to our manifesto due to the fact that it is extractable for such a wide variety of uses. Within our scenario, we wanted to highlight the contradictory elements of how something natural and seemingly beneficial to the environment can still cause pollution when interfered with by man. Our scenario progresses from the light use of bamboo from individuals on their own land, to the involvement of financially driven, corporate powers.



bamboo manufacturing

As a consequence, the reality of bamboo does just as much harm as good.

Timeline Of Scenario: Increase of pollution in the North West

The European Union have a discussion on the future of Europe and where its heading to, they realise that a change needs to be made in the sense of being more sustainable.



Due to the temperature increase in the north west by 2 degrees, a small amount of local people start to grow bamboo in thier private gardens, to be used for aesthetics, food, bio-fuel, and household DIY uses.

With the temperature increasing year by year, the chances of growing bamboo were also increasing and the councils of north west did’nt want to loose out, so on private land owned by the councils of Northwest bamboo was grown, and was sold locally, and used for many sustainability uses. Public owning large plots of land also started to grom bamboo as they saw profit in it.



North West started to export bamboo to countries around the world. All major factories around the North West opened up, due to this extreme pollution was the consequence.


The world was taken by surpise of the increase in the temperature in the North West, and how much bamboo is being grown, there was too much bamboo being grown and not enought factories open to process them for varies uses, so the Council of stockport decided to open up the old factories.

A before and after picture of the railway station occupied with bamboo at the side.

This where the hat factory is located and in 2075 it is surrounded by the bamboo’s.

The residential area is also filled with bamboo where residence grow on thier private lawn.

Reopen of Factories in Stockport: 2097 Different uses of bamboo’s






1. [Harvest] Bamboo is harvested from farms to use as bamboo in the production of biofuel. 2. [Gasification] Biomass and Oxygen are reacted at over 700 degrees celcius to make syngas (CO+ 2H2 mixture). 3. [Fischer-Tropsch Reactor] The hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide react using an iron catalyst and 300 degrees celius to make FT wax. 6


4. [Hydrocrarcking] At 350 degrees celcius Hydrogen is introduced to crack the FT wax to make alcanes and water. 5. [Distribution] The biofuel is barrelled and distributed to factories. 6 [Usage] Factories use biofuel to poer the engines in order to proces bamboo for other uses.

Here is an example of the hidden dangers of Bamboo. The temperature at which it is being reacted, utilizes extreme amount of energey

Posibble processing of Biofuel: Current Climate and Farm land

Current UK farm land shows the majority of arable land lies to the East. Mixed land could also be used to grow biomass for fuel production


Current Uk oil refineries that processes crude oil into products like petroleum. These could be adapted to refine biomass into ethanol biofuels

Current Petrolium Refineries

North West map showing the two post industrial cities of Manchester and Liverpool. These could be re-industrialised to process bamboo as a raw material

Major North West cities

The three diagrams overlap to show how the whole country works as a system for biofuel production and consumption. Crop grown in the East is refined in the West and the product is consumed in co by industry the central core

UK Biofuel Possible Processing


As we have mentioned before, settling for less bad is not enough, infact the world needs to wake up and dedicate their full potential and knowledge to new findings on how to address Air Pollution once and for all .

The dark side of the earth : A Polluted environement

The potential the earth would attain if it elimates air pollution: green

In searsh of more permanent solutions


So what are the options

T h e s a l i e n t f e a t u re i s t h e re l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n the two rings and how they can manipulate i n c i d e n t l i g h t w i t h s i m p l e ro t a t i o n . T h e s y s t e m c a n b e d i re c t l y m a n i p u l a t e d b y t h e u s e r t o s u i t t h e i r n e e d s , r a t h e r t h a n re l y o n t e c h n o l o gy or external factors. The number of moving parts could become an issue however as t h e re a re a l o t o f f r a g i l e p i e c e s . Human Eye

Camera Diagram

T h e b l a d e s a re s p l i t o v e r t w o l e v e l s s o t h a t they dont have to over lap at any points when they close. This is a benefit as the b l a d e s c a n b e m a d e o f s t ro n g e r m a t e r i a l s . A l l b l a d e s h o w e v e r a re a c t u a t a t e d u s i n g the outside ring and pinned in place using the inner ring. The blades shut when the o u t e r r i n g i s ro t a t e d a n t i c l o c k w i s e .

T h e b l a d e s a re a l l s e c u re d o n t h e s a m e l e v e l t o a r i n g o f c a rd u s i n g p a p e r f a s t e n e r s . C o t t o n t h re a d l i n k s t h e c o r n e r s o f a l l t h e b l a d e s s o t h a t w h e n p u l l e d t h e b l a d e s c l o s e t o re d u c e t h e e m i s s i o n o f l i g h t f ro m t h e h o l e . T h e l i g h t i s e n c l o s e d i n b l a c k c a rd s o t h a t t h e o n l y e m i s s i o n c o m e s f ro m t h e h o l e a n d n o t f ro m t h e s i d e s .

What, when, and why? The dytiscidae adapted because of the PH lebels in the lakes and ponds rising and the aquatic beetle couldn’t get to its Oxygen, on the right you can see what it as adapted it self to do to survive Quatic Adaptations S i m p l e d i f f u s i o n o v e r a re l a t i v e l y t h i n integument temporary use of an air bubble extraction of oxygen in hemoglabin molecules in hemolymph taking oxygen f ro m sur face via b re a t h i n g t u b e s .

The maquette we produced is to model the relationship between root growth in the soy bean plant in the presence of heightened ground ozone. The ballon in the bottom compartment represents the increasing ozone presence when blown up. The pressure of the balloon pushes againts the plate with dowels, forcing the dowels out of the plant and how they have to grow in the presence of zone. The spring retracts the roots when the balloon defaltes.

Tubes in the lungs are lined with mucous-secreting cells and tiny hairs called cilia. The mucous traps bacteria, dust and viruses. The cilia beat and create an upward current. This moves the mucous up and into the oesophagus. Here it goes to the stomach. When we clear our throats we force the mucous away from our vocal cords. This is often called coughing. It is used to get rid of irritants and excess mucous from our respiratory system.

Oxygen Curtain The Oxygen Curtain idea is meant to clean the air inside a buildings as long as it is exposed to enough light. This helps purify the air we breathe and hence elimates CO2. They produce an amount of oxygen equivalent to a mature broad leaved tree. It is essentially composed of Algae bioreactors. They expand and contract with circulating air. This reveals a mechanic-organic organism, thus, refreshes the air.

Eco-Pods Eco-Pods is designed by Boston Architects Howeler + Yoon Architecture along with digital designers Squared Design Lab in downtown Boston. Their concept was to instal modular pods of micro-algae where an unfinished building would be situated. These pods would then be rearranged by a robot (powered by the micro-algae produced) according to their best growing conditions. These would be used for biofuel and to inform the public of their importance to the environment.

Process of Filtering the air

Model of Gimbal Mechanism

1. Model untouched

2. Example of Spin

3. Example of Spin 2-opposite direction

The Grimbal Model functions in a very simplistic way. By twisting the woodent stick opposite directions with a relative amount of speed, the inner grimbal parts will twist following the direction of the twist movement. After the speed augments, the inner grimbals spins faster than the outer ones. This shows the growth of Algae as it multiplies with sunlight. However, the overall concept of this model is to demonstrate the filtered method of cleaning the air around us. 3D Model of Gimbal Function

Model of air filtration We used Perspects for the external and internal walls whilst using plywood to demonstray the cogs. The filtration windows are made out of cardboard that are attached to wooden structures. These structures are what control it’s movement, indireclty from the cog’s handles.

Renders for air filtration model

The renders visualize the model in a different manner, one that is very helpfull to understand the model whilst in the process of making the the physical one to avoid errors.

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