Portfolio lamiaa

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EDMA Research Center (Education For Micro-Algae Research ) Year 3 Portfolio Lamiaa Abouelala

EDMA Research Center

Group Scenario to Programme Agenda

-My agenda focuses on Eradicating

Air pollution. This will be acheived through various methods:

-Commercializing and Branding Microalgae processess through Research and innovative Technologies whom resourses are dedicated to acheive the best and most efficient method. A method that enables Microalgae to be utilized as a power tool that can not only generate it's own electricity but simultaneously, under one body of technology, purify the air from CO2 -Educating the public, especially young youths; the future generation. Knowledge is key to our future's success

Climate Change : Temperature rises to an annual average of 15°C by 2100

Increase in Bamboo growth

-Sharing and Exchanging information between other scholars, scientists, students and the rest of the public.

The Educational Center for Microalgae Research


The diagram is inspired by the process of photosynthesis. What it’s really doing is showing how the Research facilities, being the brain of the programme, utilizes and feeds into all the other spaces in order to flourish and succeed with succesffull outputs to share back with the rest of the spaces. The Spaces act as a ‘give and take’ method amongst each other; an endless cycle.


N ER G S Existing Mills reopen for the Manufactoring of Bamboo into Biofuels

Population Increases due to increase in employment


Temperature Climate Increases even more

Represent the final stage: the output (releases O2 back in the environment)

Attract more investers and sponsors for more research facilities

City Council invests into researsh facilities

New technologies or inventions that aim to eradicate air pollution


Core of the Programme

Represent the CO2 and Water captured by the microalgae

CO2 an d Water Capture

Solar Light

Represent Solar Light

Greenhouses Spaces



es liti i c Fa

O2 Release


Key Events

Office Spa ces Educ atio na l Fa cil itie s Exh ibi tio n Sp a Re se ar

an environment free of air pollution whilst maintaining a strong aesthetic vision through its inovative solution

External Spaces

s ce

Social Spaces

Endless cycle

Seminar Spaces

Office Spaces


EDMA Research Center

Site Plan 1:500 (A2)

EDMA Research Center

Underground Floor Plan 1:200 (A2)

Ground Floor Plan 1:200 (A2)

4 8




1 7


9 UP





1 5

1: Laboratory 2: Cold Room 3: Dark Room 4: Plant Room 5: Storage 6: Cloakroom N


First Floor Plan 1:200 (A2)

1: Reception 2: Food and Beverage Space/Event Space 3: Bar/Cafeteria 4: Lecture Theator 5: Storage 6: WC 7: Office Space 8: Plant Room 9: Courtyard/ Outside Space 10: Algae ponds


3 4

Second Floor Plan 1:200 (A2)

11 8

4 UP



1 3

9 7 9 6


7 5




3 1


1: Computer Cluster 2: Seminar Room 3: Void 4: Lecture Theator 5: Group Room 6: Private Room 7: WC 8: Plant Room 9: Storage 10: Laboratory Classrooms 11: Private Test Laboratory




1: Laboratory 2: WC 3: Storage 4: Plant Room 5: N Roof

EDMA Research Center

Landscape system initiative

Perspective Section A

Site Plan


Pipe connecting Mersey Canal providing ponds with water Main pipes connecting ponds to plant rooms Plant Room A

Smaller pipes exposed externally connected to laboratories

Pipe transfering water from Mersey canal to ponds

Screen Filter

The Touchstone Research Laboratory in Ohio are conducting experiments using a phase change material on ponds. This is key as this phase change material has several advantageous characteristics as listed previously. I made it my mission to utilize my outdoor ponds for the researsh and testbeds for this new transparent material to increase CO2 absorption, hence reducing CO2 emissions.

I tried to implement a system that allows my building to transfer it’s own CO2 emmisions as a source to the external ponds . This will help to generate back some of it’s energy output.

Section A 1:500

Building’s CO2 output Nutrients + CO2

Separator/Solids Recovery - potential use for Biofuels

pipes transfering and reusing CO2 to generate biofuels


Pipes connecting directly to Laboratories for pond sample collections and Phase Change Material trasnfer


The Phase Change Material transfer is mainly for testing, however is the key to reducing CO2 emmisions through controlling my external ponds temperature and reduce water evaporation.

EDMA Research Center

Site Section B 1:200 (A1)


EDMA Research Center

Site Section A 1:200 (A1)


EDMA Research Center

Elevation A 1:200 (A2)



EDMA Research Center

Elevation B 1:200 (A2)


EDMA Research Center

Functional Facade

Internal light renders of the Main Social Space Winter Time shadow effects Without Micro-Algae panels

South East Facade

With Micro-Algae panels

Functional process for small micro algae panels 1 Summer Time shadow effects Without Micro-Algae panels 1:The small micro algae panels react to excess of sunlight 2: pipes connecting to the main micro algae storage tank collects algae and transfers it to the empty bioreactor panels to create shading inside the space. This is shown in the internal renders to the left. With Micro-Algae panels


3: The panels fill up with algae, creating a distint green light effect inside the building whilst providing shading. Once the sunlight diminishes, the same process happens in reverse.


Micro-Algae storage Tank

EDMA Research Center

Facade Properties South Perspective

Detailed Partial Facade




1:External Micro-algae bioreactor (acts as a second skin to the building 2: Primary Steel Structure 3: Vertical pipework for the medium to enter and leave 4: Main Horizontal Pipe connected to Plant room 5: Metal facade frame 6: Concrete Wall 7: Secondary Steel Structure

2 7


Partial elevation of the Louvers 4 5

Site Plan The main purpose and aim for my program is to decrease pollution, CO2 emmissions in particular. This gives reason to utilize Micro-Algae Louvers as a secondary skin to my building. These louvers help reduce both the building’s CO2 emission but also some of it’s external environment. These louvers respond to Sunlight and will be able to multiply rapidly during the day, at the presence of sunlight. Amongst many other purposes, the louvers will also help regulate internal shading.


1 2


Industrial Estate: Woodbank mills Plant room N

3 Mills at close proxemity to site CO2 emissions from mills

Plan diagram of Louver mouvement in response to sunlight direction

Increase Micro algae multiplication, thus increases the CO2 absorption


EDMA Research Center

3d Detailed Section E



18 7 9 10 11 17




8 2 16 6

4 3

13 12 11 10



1:Pipework for the micro-algae to enter and leave 2: Stainless steel mesh/also acts as framing for the micro-algae panels (60mm) 3: Primary structure C section beam for secondary skin facade 4: Primary structure I section beam for secondary skin facade 5: Pivot fixing allowing for rotation 6: External Micro-Algae Louvre 7: Precast Concrete 200mm 8: Primary Strcuture trussed beam 9: Damp Proof Membrane 10: Hard Insulation 150mm 11: Vapour barrier 12: Timber battens 13: Plasterboard 14: Actuator pivoting the panels 15: Metal coping 16: Moisture barrier with finishing 17: Screed 18: Metal Decking

EDMA Research Center

Sectional Perspective F


EDMA Research Center

External Perspective- The Ultimate Experience

The strong connection between the landscape and the building create one experience that is directly proportional to it’s surrounding mills especially that of the Woodbank Mill. The ponds serve not only as functional and experimental test beds for the Labs but also create an experiencial landscape for the public; a safe haven from all the pollution around stockport. The edma Center becomes the one place to go for fresh air and for leaping for innovative solution to Co2 emissions.

Entering the Mini Tunnel


Second Entrance to main space through courtyard

Overlooking the Woodbank Mill across the street

EDMA Research Center

External Perspective


EDMA Research Center

Internal Visual-Main Hall Entrance

EDMA Research Center

Internal Visual-Main Laboratory Space

EDMA Research Center

Site Model 1:500

EDMA Research Center

Site Model 1:500

EDMA Research Center

Site Model 1:500 -3d Printed columns

Levi Theator Year 2 Portfolio

The Levi Theater project is based in Levenshulme, Manchester. This pavilion functions as an event space/theater. The advantage this design has is it's flexibality and potential to either enlarge vertically or horizontally depending on the event. I was mainly inspired by geometric designs that tend to be autonomous.

Levi Theator

Model 1:50

Levi Theator

Site Model 1:100

Levi Theator

Render-Night shot

Levi Theator


Levi Faith


Ground Floor

underground Floor

The Levi Faith building is also based in Levenshulme, Manchester. It is a multifaith center where religious/spiritual activities take place amongst all religious faiths. The idea is to create a spiritual space where free spirited people either seeking for solitude and peace or for social activities are welcomed. The design is based primarily on the geometry of the site that commands it's external borders in accordance to other geometric site patterns that highlight internal spaces

Levi Faith

East Elevation

Levi Faith

Section A



Levi Faith

Model 1:100

Levi Faith

Model 1:100

Levi Faith

Renders-Main Hall

Levi Faith

Renders-Roof Structure

Levi Faith

Renders-Underground Space

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