Things We Can Do to SAVE ENDANGERED SPECIES and PREVENT A NEW WAVE OF EXTINCTION More than 37,000 species are threatened with extinction. On Endangered Species Day, help us save together the species at risk by supporting the World Sustainability Organization conservation projects.
THE RED LIST But, which are the most threatened species? The main reference to answer this question is the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species. Established in 1964, it’s the world’s most comprehensive information source on the status of animal, fungus, and plant species.
The list is being continuously updated by scientists who so far have assessed more than 134,000 species. THEIR STUDIES REVEAL SOME SHOCKING FACTS:
Here’s what you need to know about the most threatened species on the planet and how to help them.
rom an adorable panda to a white shark, from a Tristan albatross to the Titicaca water frog and pangolins, these are all endangered species, which means they are under a real threat of extinction if nothing is done to prevent it. As we look at images of dinosaurs and wonder what these incredible creatures looked like, one day, our sons and grandsons might stare at the picture of a tiger and ask why didn’t we make enough to save them. For this reason, every third Friday of May, we mark Endangered Species Day. It’s a date to raise awareness about the species in danger, but most importantly, to take action to protect the biodiversity of our planet. The World Sustainability Organization supports conservation projects to restore the population of species under threat and prevent others from becoming endangered. 114