Texas LAND Spring 2013

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S P R I N G 2 013

S P R I N G 2 013


Kerr County

East Town Creek Ranch H o o d R e a l E s tat e , I n c

136 L a n d s o f T e x a s M a g a z i n e . c o m

L a n d s o f T e x a s M a g a z i n e . c o m 137



Bear Creek Ranch



Keep It

in the

F a m i ly

Tips for passing property to future generations. by

Farm Credit Bank



Venado Grande Ranch



Publisher Letter Cover Ranch F e at u r e R a n c h Bear Creek Ranch Venado Grande Ranch Craft Alaca Ranch

F e at u r e A r t i c l e

4 6 14 20 28 22

Understanding Rural Property Taxes by

R o b e rt F e a r s

Broker Spotlight Sam Middleton 2



Craft Alaca Ranch


Cut the Confusion: Website Options Y o u C a n U n d e r s ta n d by


S P R I N G 2 013


Mike Ciesiensky



Land News M a r k e t R e p o rt

Closing Out 2012: The End of Uncertainty? b y C h a r l e s E . G i l l i l a n d ,

Regional Real Estate Trends Big Twenty for Sale Big Ten Sold Lands



LOA News Big Fifty for Sale Texas Regional Map Featured Property Listings Parting Shots

36 50 Ph.D.

52 56 58

59 60 64 66 198


To m A l e x a n d e r

(51 2 ) 8 61 - 0 5 5 9 T o m @ L a n d s o f A m e ri c a . c o m E d i t o r & C r e a t i v e D ir e c t o r

on the cover


L au r e t Ja rv i s

(51 2 ) 4 0 2 -7 2 7 5 L a u r e t @ L a n d s o f A m e ri c a . c o m

East Town Creek Ranch

P ri n c ip a l L a y o u t / D e s i g n

A a ron Bergm a n

157Âą Acres in Kerr County

B e r g m a n G r a phi c s

The estate is perfectly situated and configured for luxury living and lavish or relaxed Texas Hill Country entertainment.

C o n t ri b u t i n g D e s i g n e r s

A lison J. H e a d Char lotte Micus Micus Design

Tryo n R o s s e r

Ye l l o w D o g C r e a t i v e F i e l d E d i t o r & C o n t ri b u t i n g W ri t e r

Robert Fea rs

(51 2 ) 8 6 8 - 9 3 0 6 RobertFea rs@Ea rt h li n k.n e t Published By

L a n d s o f A m e ri c a . c o m 9 4 3 3 B e e C av e s R d Building 2, Suite 203 A u s t i n , TX 7 8 7 3 3 (5 1 2 ) 2 6 3 - 5 6 0 0


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Copyright 2012, LandsofAmerica.com. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher.

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H o o d R e a l E s tat e , I n c .

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Lands of America Texas Magazine is published by LandsofAmerica.com. 9433 Bee Caves Rd. Building 2, Suite 203, Austin, Texas 78733. Information provided to LandsofAmerica.com is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. The publisher will not be responsible for any omissions, errors, typographical mistakes or misinformation within the this publication. Measurements and figures are approximate. Properties are subject to errors, omissions, prior change or prior sale. The real estate advertised in this magazine is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and it’s amendments. This magazine will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Dwellings advertised in this magazine are available on an equal opportunity basis. Printed in the USA.



PUBLISHER LETTER Welcome to the Lands of Texas Magazine Spring Issue 2013! We are excited to present our biggest issue to date – 200 pages of the finest properties, brokers, land news and industry information in the state. If you love land as much as we do, you should really enjoy this issue. We’ve included an expanded list of Texas’ largest properties for sale, the ten most expensive sales from our Comparable Sales program, and America’s largest properties for sale in all 50 states. And this is just a sampling of the incredible information available on our website! We’ve also added a new Texas county locator map divided into seven specific regions and an expanded Market Report section for each region. Keep reading and you’ll find an interview with the legendary broker from Lubbock, Mr. Sam Middleton. Sam shares his wisdom and experience as a third generation ranch broker. Our goal is to not only showcase the premier properties and brokers of Texas, but to provide relevant industry information for buyers, sellers and land professionals – any and every one who loves Texas land. Be sure and take time to peruse our host of interesting articles including Keep It in the Family, Understanding Rural Property Taxes, and Website Options You Can Understand. Land is a true source of wealth, provision and pleasure. Email us with your questions, comments and experience buying or selling land or why you love it. We’d enjoy hearing from you! LandsofAmerica.com, keepin’ it rural!

Tom Alexander / Publisher



From Chaos to Cozy

Round Top Model




East Town Creek Ranch

157Âą Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 1005917

On the outskirts of Kerrville, Texas, along the historic Western Cattle Trail to Dodge City, Kansas, and beyond is this 157Âą-acre Town Creek Estate Ranch. The main residence overlooks a beautiful lake on Town Creek and is comprised of 17,000 square feet. The estate is perfectly situated and configured for luxury living and lavish or relaxed Texas Hill Country entertainment. The estate accentuates indoor and outdoor living with a large 50- by 30-foot pool and spa, outdoor fireplaces, and fire pits for outside entertainment during the mild Hill Country nights. The estate is open and bright with two art galleries filled with western art, one leading to the master bedroom suite and the other connecting the main living areas to the game room and trophy room wing. The home features a large living room, library, dining room, den, sun room, and a large country kitchen with utility room. Six large fireplaces located in the main living areas and in the bedroom suites keep the estate warm



H o o d R e a l E s tat e I n c .

www.HoodRealEstateInc.com | howard@hoodrealestateinc.com | (830) 739-3815 mobile Howard W. Hood/Broker | 222 Sidney Baker South, Suite 223 | Kerrville, Texas 78028

and cheerful during chilly winter nights. Outside the den area is an outdoor fireplace situated on a covered porch overlooking the pool, which provides an ideal cocktail hour venue. There are four bedrooms, each with en suite baths, and a guest suite with a panoramic view of the main lake, horse paddocks, and hills. The master suite features a large two-story master bedroom with fireplace, two adjacent gyms, and his and her bathrooms. Upstairs from the master bedroom is a large main office, secondary office, loggia, map room, half bath, and coffee bar. A long covered porch off the office suite overlooks the pool and main lake. From the main den there is a wide art gallery hall leading to a 40 foot by 27 foot game room with fireplace overlooking the pool. Another wide gallery decorated with wildlife art and scenes of Africa leads to a 60 foot by 40 foot trophy room featuring a full kitchen and an adjoining antique bar room accented by a real antique bar and walls of antique long leaf pine. Upstairs from the bar is the palatial guest suite overlooking the lake, outside fire pit, and views beyond. If the estate home itself is not enough, consider that the lakes have been stocked for over 20 years with a bountiful habitat of world-class Florida bass and large catfish. The estate grounds feature a thoroughbred horse barn, tack room, and office. Close by is a large shop, work areas, green house, and air conditioned storage room. There are many separately high fenced pens and alleys designed for the efficient handling of exotic animals and white tailed deer. Large high fenced fields allow for the enjoyment of many exotic animals such as greater kudu, nyala, zebra, red deer, aoudad, axis, blackbuck, or any other beautiful creatures that the new owner chooses to enjoy. There is a Iarge three-bedroom, two-bath guest house also located on Town




East Town Creek Ranch

157Âą Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 1005917

Creek featuring beautiful outdoor porches, decks and outdoor fire pit. Can you imagine that just five minutes from downtown Kerrville, with all its amenities, restaurants, regional hospital, and the beautiful Guadalupe River, there exists an iconic Texas ranch estate which captures the peace, privacy, and beauty of the Texas Hill Country? Come and see for yourself! Price: $5,750,000




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it is the garden

The best land and the best prospects for h e a lt h I e v e r s aw , a n d I d o b e l i e v e i t i s a f o rt u n e t o a n y m a n to c o m e h e r e . T h e r e i s a w o r l d o f c o u n t ry h e r e to s e t t l e . ” - Davy Crockett, 1836

Betcha Didn’t Know By Janelle Fears

• Americans spend more on outdoor recreation than they do on pharmaceuticals, according to statistics by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. • One out of every twenty Americans makes a living off outdoor recreation. • Population of Texas is projected to double in the next fifty years. • Estimated number of feral hogs in Texas is 2.6 million. • Because of the adoption of technology, irrigation efficiency has gone from 60 percent to 88-95 percent in much of the state, allowing Texans to get much more value and agricultural output from its water. • Feral hogs have the highest reproductive rate of any large mammal in the world and are amazingly adaptable.







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Bear Creek Ranch 1,377± Acres | Kimble County Property ID: 1145600

Truly one of the nicest ranches to hit the market for sometime, the Bear Creek Ranch offering means you can now own your piece of Texas Hill Country heaven. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own this well-managed ranch with picturesque live water and a superb package of improvements. This ranch is located approximately ten miles northwest of Junction and is accessed via a county paved road. Bear Creek Ranch is a very unique hunting and recreational parcel complete with both a clear running creek and also a spring-fed creek. This place is in a special class of properties that do not come on the market very often. It is destined to become a family heritage ranch for generations to come. This is God’s country and He spared no beauty on this property. West Bear Creek runs through parts of the property for 1.4± miles, with numerous large water holes. A second spring-fed creek runs through another section of the ranch for approximately almost three fourths of a mile with several concrete and earthen dams that pool water along the way. Ducks and other wildlife are right at home near the large spring-fed tank. Recent pictures of both West Bear Creek and the spring-fed creek show the recent draught has had little effect on the creeks’ flow.



Texas Ranches For Sale

www.TexasRanchesForSale.com | info@texasranchesforsale.com Ken Hoerster/Broker | (830) 249-9339 | 222 S Main St | Boerne, Texas 78006

Good roads throughout the ranch provide access to all parts of the property. A good portion of the ranch has been cleared of cedar over the years. Several parcels make up the total acreage, comprised of both a low-fenced portion and three high-fenced pastures. The owner maintains nice hunting blinds and feeding stations that include bulk protein and corn feeders. There is a shooting range near the headquarters. This property has not been hunted commercially in recent years. The native brush pastures and gentle rolling hills with nice views will delight its new owner and guests. This is an opportunity to purchase a ranch with a long list of equipment, furniture, appliances and more. There are too many extras to list. Enjoy the main home’s 1,970± square feet with four bedrooms and three baths. The wraparound porch overlooks beautiful views of the spring-fed creek. A second home is renovated with 2,404± square feet. This three-bedroom, three-bath home is in good condition and also includes furniture, appliances and a completely furnished hunter’s cabin in the rear of the house, which can sleep up to eight people. There is plenty of storage for hunting gear, and a paved space nearby with a fire pit and cleaning area. Additionally, there is a 2,125± square-foot metal building with another living area for hunters or ranch help. The amenities include two commercial ice makers, a large walk-in cooler, a paved utility area and all the ranch equipment needed to sustain the operation. This ranch will not disappoint the avid hunter. There are abundant whitetail, axis deer and black buck, as well as hogs and wildlife native to the Texas Hill Country. Fishing is great in the creek and spring-fed lakes, making this property a great year-round recreational property. While Texas still has a number of Hill Country ranches available, few places remain with the qualities and pristine “Hill Country” character of Bear Creek Ranch. See it soon and begin your own legacy! Contact Ken Hoerster with Texas Ranches For Sale – (210) 859-6256. Pictures furnished by Siggi Ragnar - Digital Artistry From the Ground Up



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Venado Grande Ranch

3,664-12,158Âą Acres | Knox County | Property ID: 1128732

Venado Grande Ranch is an outstanding Northwest Texas hunting ranch known for excellent trophy whitetail deer, turkeys, doves, quail, ducks and wild hogs. The ranch can be sold as one track of 12,158 acres or broken into three separate tracks of 3,664, 4,055 or 4,439 acres. Two of the three tracts of land have not been hunted in more than 20 years. The majority of the land is rolling with scattered cedar and mesquite tree cover. There are eight pastures and 150 acres previously planted in wheat. The ranch usually carries about 35 acres per animal unit or 300 mother cows. Most of the ranch is a strong red sandy loam soil ... the best. The primary source of water on the ranch is supplied by the Cottle King Water supply. There are many stock ponds with some being large and stocked with fish. Over six miles of Wichita River meanders though the northwest quadrant of the ranch. Venado Grande is conveniently located approximately 180 miles west of Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, 102 miles north of Abilene, 119 miles east of Lubbock and 215 miles southeast of Amarillo. From Benjamin, Texas proceed west on Highway 82 for 8.5 miles the property fronts the right side of Highway 82. ALL of sellers Mineral will be conveyed. Price $795 per acre. www.VenadoGrandeRanch.info



Sam Vester & Joe Wilson

Sam Vester Joe Wilson | (214) 784-3725 | www.JCWilsonInt.com | jcwilson@jcwilsonint.com





U n d e r s ta n d i n g P r o p e rt y T a x e s

description and the owner’s name and address. The appraisal district must appraise each piece of property within the county at least once every three years. Qualified agricultural land appraisals are based on the land’s capacity to produce agricultural products, including timber, rather than its market value. Two different provisions of the Texas Constitution address qualifications for agricultural appraisal. Article VIII, Section 1-d, defining agricultural use, requires you to show farming or ranching as your primary occupation and source of income. Very few property owners qualify under this provision. Nearly all land receiving agricultural appraisal falls under Article VIII, Section 1-d-1, also known as openspace valuation. Open-space land appraisal According to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, “property owners may qualify for open-space valuation if land meets the following criteria: • During my five year tenure on the Williamson County Appraisal Review Board, it became very apparent that many people don’t understand the Texas property taxing process, particularly of rural lands. Although the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts has published several well-written publications on property taxes, the process is not easily understood unless you have been involved with it. Property taxes are assessed and collected under the authority dictated by the Texas Property Tax Code which was developed and enacted by the State Legislature. Overall responsibility for administrating the Texas Property Tax Code was delegated by the Legislature to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. Taxes are assessed on two types of property, real and tangible personal. Real property includes single-family and multi-family residential, vacant platted lots, agricultural open-space land, commercial/industrial, pipelines, minerals, and farm improvements. Tangible personal property is business or manufacturer inventory, furniture, fixtures and equipment. Intangible personal property, such as goodwill, patents, bonds, copyrights, contracts and brand names, is not taxed. The primary focus of this article is the taxing of agricultural open-space land.

• •

The land must be devoted principally to agricultural use, including crop production, livestock, poultry, fish or cover crops. Land can also be left idle for a government program or for normal crop or livestock rotation. Land used for raising certain exotic animals to produce human food or other items of commercial value qualifies. Cutting wood for use in fences or structures on adjacent agricultural land qualifies as well. Agricultural land must be devoted to production at a level of intensity that is common in the local area. The land must have been devoted to agricultural or timber production for at least five of the past seven years.

Production level intensities for each county are recommended by the appraisal district’s agricultural advisory board. One of the agricultural advisory board members must be a representative of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency. The rest of the members must own land within the district that qualifies for an agricultural appraisal and have been a resident of the district for at least five years. When buying land for agricultural purposes, it is very important to determine whether the current owner has an active agricultural appraisal on the property. This information can be verified by contacting the appropriate appraisal district.

The system As explained in 2012 Property Tax Basics published by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, “Each Texas County is served by an appraisal district that determines the value of all of the county’s taxable property. Generally local government that collects property taxes, such as the county, cities and school districts, is a member of the appraisal district. A board of directors appointed by the member governments presides over the appraisal district.” The appraisal district board of directors hires a chief appraiser, approves contracts, sets policy, names members of the appraisal review board and confirms members of the agricultural advisory board. In larger counties, it also names a taxpayer liaison that works directly under the board and fields taxpayer questions. Each year before appraisals begin, the appraisal district compiles a list of taxable property in the county. The listing for each property contains a property 22


If a piece of land is purchased with an agricultural appraisal, the buyer should go to the appraisal district and have the appraisal transferred to the new owner. The necessary use intensity has to be continued by the new owner to maintain the agricultural appraisal. Field checks are made periodically by district appraisers to ensure that the property remains in compliance. Agricultural land used for wildlife management For land to be eligible for special wildlife assessments, it must be appraised for agricultural use during the year prior to changing to wildlife management. To qualify for wildlife management appraisal, a wildlife management plan must be completed, approved by the appraisal district and in the first stages of execution before converting from agricultural production to wildlife management. Most appraisal districts require that the plan be submitted on forms supplied by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department or contain the information requested on

evaluate businesses and rental property on income rather than market value as well. The public needs to be made aware that special wildlife assessments are not a reduction of expenses to the landowner. It is true that property taxes are assessed at a lower rate, but the required wildlife and habitat management practices are very expensive to execute. The practices often include brush clearing with heavy equipment and/or herbicides, installation of watering systems, planting of food plots and terracing highly erosive slopes. In addition to these expenses, it is often necessary to hire a wildlife biologist consultant to help achieve the desired results.

the forms. The plan must include information such as the property’s history and current use, specific species targeted for wildlife management activities; landowner goals for the property; and selected wildlife and habitat management activities and practices that support the species being managed. Management practices and activities listed in the management plan must include at least three of the seven listed below: • • • • • • •

Habitat Control (Habitat Management) Erosion Control Predator Control Providing Supplemental Supplies of Water Providing Supplemental Supplies of Food Providing Shelter Making Census Counts to Determine Population

Unfortunately there are people who try to cheat in obtaining agricultural and wildlife use evaluations and these actions jeopardize retention of the special assessments. I saw several cases of land use misrepresentation while sitting on the appraisal review board. Some examples were: 1. A young man had five red deer on three acres of property that had been part of a farm during the past five years. He requested a wildlife assessment with no wildlife management plan. When asked for his income statement, he quickly answered that he would never sell one of them. They were his babies. The young man had pets not wildlife management property. 2. A developer had five cows and no bull on 200 acres purchased the previous year from a rancher. He was asking to transfer the agricultural use assessment from the previous owner to his company. We denied his request because he was not producing at the level of intensity common to the area and the intended use of the property was a housing development and not agriculture. 3. It was common for manufacturing companies to ask for agricultural assessments because they pasture two or three longhorns on their sites. This does not qualify the land as agricultural use.

Rollback tax The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts states, “If land receiving an agricultural appraisal changes to a non-agricultural use, the property owner who changes the use will owe a rollback tax. The rollback tax is due for each of the previous five years in which the land got the lower appraisal and is the difference between the taxes paid on the land’s agricultural value and the taxes paid if the land had been taxed on its higher market value. A seven percent interest is also assessed for each year from the date that the taxes would have been due. For example, the fifth year of rollback taxes may include as much as 35 percent interest, depending on the date the use changed.” Agricultural appraisal continuance Almost during every Texas Legislature session someone introduces a bill to repeal the current agricultural appraisal system. Until now the bills have failed, but it is certain that urbanites will continue to fight. Landowners and people involved in agriculture and wildlife management must to do a better job of defense and education in order to preserve the current appraisal system. We must be more careful with our terminology to avoid creating public concepts that agricultural and wildlife lands are not taxed. Special evaluations are often incorrectly referred to as 1-d-1 exemptions, agricultural exemptions or wildlife exemptions. The word, “exemption” in these titles is a misnomer. Appraisal of land for agricultural use does not provide a tax exemption. Values of these lands are assessed on what they are capable of producing rather than what they are worth, which is a more equitable evaluation. Appraisal districts have options to

Agricultural and wildlife property assessments are important to promote food and fiber production and the conservation of wildlife and their habitat. Let’s educate ourselves on the property assessment methodology and then do our part in educating the public.

Robert Fears Field Editor and Contributing Writer robertfears@earthlink.net 512.868.9306







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Craft Alaca Ranch

1,989± Acres | Blanco County | Property ID: 1155019 1,701 acres plus an additional 288 acres under lease contiguous to the ranch thus increasing the ranch to 1,989± acres. 15 minutes from Wimberley and Blanco, 45 minutes from Fredericksburg and less than an hour from Austin and two-and-a-half hours from Houston. Rolling with excellent elevations as well as level areas in the river bottom. Multiple hilltops provide numerous future home sites. Three miles of Blanco River frontage plus approximately a half mile in the Narrows Conservancy. There are eight water wells plus numerous surface ponds. Native whitetail deer, wild turkey, varmints and migratory birds. The ranch has never been commercially hunted and has produced trophy whitetail in excess of 170 points Boone and Crockett. The main home originally constructed in 1946 of native limestone. The house has been expanded over the years but the character of a period Hill Country ranch house been maintained. 7, 500-square-foot home with six bedrooms, six bathrooms, and six wood-burning fireplaces. Not far from the house are the horse stables, also constructed of native limestone. An additional two-bedroom one-bath guest house, the foreman’s house, barns, equipment sheds and ancillary building complete the headquarters compound. The River House was built in the 1940s of native stone and wood siding. A typical single level ranch house with beautiful views of the Blanco River bottom and improved pastures. The house has three bedrooms and three baths and approximately 2,000 square feet. About 75 yards from the River House is the Miracle House. Originally built in the 1870s, the Craft Family had the two-bedroom one-bath structure meticulously renovated with all modern amenities. A beautiful example of a 19th century frame farmhouse that the German settlers would have built in this area of the Hill Country. The remnants of old stone fences are close by, casting thoughts back to a different time of ranching in Texas. There are several ancillary buildings in the River Ranch compound. The final house on the ranch is occupied by a ranch employee and his family, a three-bedroom two-bath frame structure built in the late 1970s. There are ancillary buildings near this house as well. The ranch has miles of excellent quality compacted base caliche roads throughout providing year round access to the entire property. The ranch has been in the Craft family since 1946 and the stewardship of the land is evident throughout the property. It is extremely rare that a ranch of this size, location and quality is offered for sale. This is the finest example of a quintessential Hill Country ranch. Price: $21,500,000



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All in the Family

Interview with Sam Middleton

When looking for an example of a family run business, one would be hard pressed to find a better example than Chas S. Middleton & Son. Located in Lubbuck, Texas, the company was founded by Charles Middleton in 1920. Almost a full century later, the company is thriving with a solid reputation as premier ranch brokers and land value experts in Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, Colorado and Oklahoma. While some traits are inherent and consistent in each generation, like integrity, hard work and dedication, each generation has also brought its own contribution to the business, capitalizing on current markets, technologies and trends. Charles S. Middleton forged the company out of an existing cattle sales operation, with inside knowledge and impeccable contacts. Lee Middleton expanded the business to include mortgage loans, loaning money on farms and ranches, which kept him in contact with farm and ranch buyers and lead to many ranch sales. Sam Middleton, took a great interest in the appraisal side of the industry, growing the land value side of the business and establishing the company as land value experts. Charlie Middleton is currently capitalizing on the digital age, offering high tech mapping and marketing technologies. With four generations of deals behind you, what is your favorite thing about the industry? Thinking about different things, I think the one thing that comes to mind, and that is ` 32


important, is the appreciation that land has had over the years. There are properties we have sold and resold over the years, and how great the appreciation has been on these ranches, historically. I can give you many

examples of that to really show how the value has went up tremendously over the years. For example, one ranch my dad sold, 56,000 acres in 1955 for $11 an acre. I sold it 1987 for $450 an acre. Today, it would probably

bring $1,500-2,000 an acre. Those kind of sales really show what a great investment land has been. Do you remember the first ranch deal you worked on? I started with my dad in about 1971, I would have been about 22 or 23 years old. And, the first ranch I ever sold was about 8,000 acres in the Palo Duro Canyon. That is rough, canyon country. I sold that ranch for $65 an acre; and about a year ago, Charlie resold that ranch for about $600 an acre. One of the things I will always remember about that ranch is that it was part of the JA Ranch, a big ole’ ranch in the Texas Panhandle; we had to survey it. And, my dad said, “You need to get experience learning how these surveyors work.” So, he sent me out with the surveyor. That was back in the old days when you drug a chain. The measurement they used was called varas. A vara is 33 1/3 inches; and this chain was 100 varas long. Here we were dragging that chain in this straight up and down, rough canyon country; If you think about that means of measurement compared to today’s satellite imagery, there is no way it could have been very accurate back in those days. A lot of ups and downs, you know? What would you say the market is like today? It peaked in 2007 and then when the recession started at the end of 2007 or early 2008, ranches just quit selling for awhile. They started selling again, but the volume has been down quite a lot. I would say, overall, depending on the type of land, the market has softened somewhere in the neighborhood of 10-15% over the peak. But, it seems

I followed my dad around for twenty years. You can’t buy an education like that. He had great contacts which he passed on to me. I will do the same thing with Charlie. pretty stable right now. The economy and the drought, together, have really slowed things down. So, if I was a buyer, is right now a good time to buy? Oh, I think it’s a real good time to buy! Right now, because, we are going to have inflation again; I don’t know when. Our buyers today, principally, are investors or oil people, without any real ranching background, but they just view land as a safe, long term place to park money. Which one would you fix first, the drought or the economy? The drought! If you could fix the drought, it would do a lot to fix the economy. How has the industry changed over the years? Well, going back to when my dad was in business; I followed him around for about 20 years. When I started out, he would keep an inventory of 20 or 30 ranches for sale. But, he, and most brokers back then, never thought about having an exclusive listing. It was all handshake agreements and open listings. It was more of what I call a “buckshot approach,” where you have a lot of properties for sale, and you find a buyer for one of those deals. He was very successful with that. After I got into the business, I kind of converted our operation into just working on exclusive listings. We generally only have six, or eight or ten ranches for sale, but we have exclusives

on them, where we can spend the money to advertise and really showcase the property and still be protected on the listing. That has been a major change in the business over the last forty years. So, what I am hearing is that when you take on a new property, you kind of take it on as your own and hold the seller’s hand through the deal? Yes, yes, we are an exclusive agent. We represent the seller in the transaction.



I enjoy going out on my ranch. Owning a ranch is kind of like a black hole. There is always something you can do or fix to spend money on. Basically, what I would like to say about my company: We are a small company. We don’t have a lot of salesmen. I own the company, and I handle the larger ranch sales in Texas and the other states we work in. Charlie, my son, is really involved in hunting and he is very interested in the recreational market. Charlie handles all of the recreation type properties. Then, we have two other guys in the office. Chad Dugger helps me on ranch appraisals. He travels with me and writes the reports. Then, we both sign them. And, Rusty Lawson, my farm salesman; he also does all our farm appraisals. The beauty part of our business, right now, is that each of us has our own strength and we work together as a very specialized team. We have been very successful with this. Everybody has their own piece of the pie. What is the best or most interesting deal you have worked on? There are stories about all of them that are great, but I guess that 71,000 aces up in the Texas Panhandle is one of my favorites. I’ve sold it three times. Always a fun deal to work on, the uniqueness of the country, a good cattle ranch, but it also has good hunting on it; and a lot of good history behind it. Does having a “good history” sell property? Oh yeah. Anytime you’ve got a property that is part of a well known, historic ranch, it peaks buyers interest and will usually bring a premium. What have you learned is the most

Mini Bio: Charlie Born: July 16, 1975 Birthplace: Lubbock, Texas Wife: Jennifer Middleton Children: Macoy – 1 year old


Restaurant: Any hole-in-the-wall BBQ joint Road: Anywhere in the Hill Country Body of Water: Any bay I can fish in. “Watering” Hole: Anywhere with cold beer. Dance Hall: Gruene Hall Favorite “Secret Spot:” I can find a favorite spot just about any where.

important aspect of selling large properties? I think you have to learn the property and believe in it. Nowadays, with all the satellite imagery and technology available, it makes it easier. We put together a really good map and put together a good packet of information and figure out the best way to show the ranch. I truly believe that to successfully sell a ranch, you have to be sold on the ranch yourself. What is the key to being a successful broker? I think that what has benefitted me is the history of the company, the longevity of the company and the fact that I inherited some very good contacts! What is the strangest experience you have had while showing a ranch? I remember when we first started our website, and I wasn’t sold on the idea of a website at that time, but I had a lady call me who had seen a ranch we had listed, about a 7,000 acre ranch. She called and was really interested in the property, but wanted to view the property in all four season of the year. She wanted to pick out her “plot” after viewing all the seasons. Apparently, she understood that because the property was listed with a per acre price, you could just pick out five or ten. Nowadays, the website is a very valuable tool for buyers and a big asset to our business. What do you think is the greatest benefit of owning land? Well, I think long term appreciation; the enjoyment of the land, you know, a guy in Houston that works in an office is able to go out and spend a few days on his ranch, get away from the grind of doing business in Houston and enjoy the property and the lifestyle; and then the tax benefits, the depreciation you can get off of the improvements and charge that against your other source of income. It really is the lifestyle and long term appreciation. What do you do on your day off? Well, I’ve got a personal ranch over at Dickens, Texas. We work a lot on the weekends, but if I get one off, I go over there. It is only 55 minutes from Lubbock, which is handy for me. And, what do you do on your ranch?



Oh, you know, dream and plan, look at the cattle. It is something I enjoy. Obviously, selling ranches is in your blood, but has it always been a clear path? My dad got me in the business; I got started in it at a very early age. And, this is all I have ever wanted to do. If you had to pick another career….any career…What would it be? Well, if I could afford it, it would be ranching. But, I have to sell ranches to be able to afford the ranch I’ve got. Your family has been selling farms and ranches for four generations, are we training a fifth? Well, Charlie has a one year old, so hopefully!

Mini Bio: Sam Born: May 29, 1948 Birthplace: Lubbock, Texas Wife: Patricia Middleton Children: Charlie, Jed


Restaurant: Any steak place Road: Love to drive the Hill Country Body of Water: Lake Amstead, Del Rio “Watering” Hole: Caprock Cafe Dance Hall: I don’t dance, anymore! Favorite “Secret Spot:” I love my ranch.



LAND NEWS Did you know that your website (or lack of one) makes more of an impression on a potential client than your office space, your agents’ smiles, and your “For Sale” signs? You need a good website to compete in the realty business. Building or redesigning a website doesn’t have to be confusing or frustrating. I’ve learned some tips during 14 years in the website business, and I’d like to give you clarity about the pieces of the website puzzle. This is the first of four articles that will run in Lands of Texas over the next few issues. This first article will discuss why you need a website and what your options are. The second article will consider the content of your website. The third article will focus on how to get found online, otherwise known as Internet marketing. The fourth article will give you ideas on how to combine Internet marketing with traditional marketing to get the most bang for your promotional buck.

Your Customers are Searching Online....are they Finding your Site? Why your website matters Websites are the new business cards. Similar to a business card, your website should tell potential customers who you are, what you do, and how they can reach you. A website done well accomplishes even more than that. It can also establish “likeability” and trust. Websites create credibility. Many of your potential customers are searching the Internet before making buying decisions, whether they’re considering products or services. You want them to find your business online. Websites are sales tools. A well-done website is your home base for increasing business. Give your customers a great website they’ll be proud to send to their friends, increasing your referral business. Drive phone calls and appointments with your website. Capture the leads who are doing their research, and convert them to customers. What your website should do for you Your website should present you in a professional manner. Like curb appeal and beautiful staging, your website should attract your customer’s positive attention. The design of your site should convey professionalism, be up-to-date, and follow current web design practices. Your website should show your customers how you can help them. The layout of your website should help people find what they need easily and quickly. For example, when potential customers go to your website to find your phone number, they should see that right away on the home page. Don’t make them scroll or click endlessly to get in touch with you. Your website should set you apart from your competitors. What is the unique value proposition you can offer your customers? What makes you different from other realtors in your market? Your website is the best place to start showing your potential customers what makes you worth doing business with. Your website should offer your property listings. Keep your company in front of your potential customers by integrating property listings into your website. You do not want potential customers going to another website to get information about your property listings. This reinforces your brand and your name and gives them more connections with you. The second article will talk about this in more detail. Your



Cut the Confusion: Website Options Y o u C a n U n d e r s ta n d website should increase your visibility online. Your website needs to be found when people search the Internet for properties in your region. A strategic approach to Internet marketing is key in getting the right people to your website. You need a website that is well optimized for search engines, laying the foundation for future Internet marketing, which will be covered in the next two articles. What are your options for a website? Think of website options in terms of housing options. The variables you choose determine the cost. Option one: Pre-Designed Website Your clients, Joe and Sharon, could buy a ready-to-move-in home. They’d just have to paint their name on the mailbox and hang a wreath on the door to personalize it. In the same way, you can get a professional template for your website, add your logo, contact information, and listings, and be ready for business. A pre-designed website is the easiest and least expensive option. Someone has already taken care of the up-front cost of doing designs and then resells that template multiple times. Pro: good looking site for low price. Con: not totally customizable. This is a great option for all but the biggest companies. For them, we would suggest getting a custom design, not a template that could also be used by other companies. Option TWO: Semi-Custom Website Another option for Joe and Sharon is to buy a house they can finish exactly how they want. The home is built, but they can paint the walls, put down carpet, and add granite counter tops. This is like a semi-custom website. You can start from a pre-designed site and then customize it. Pro: you can change the colors and rearrange some elements. Con: just as homeowners have to be careful about modifying walls that could be load bearing, website clients using customized templates may not be able to get things exactly as they would like. Option three: Fully Custom Website If Joe and Sharon know precisely what they would like in a home, they could hire an architect to draft blue prints then they can build a fully custom home. You can build a website from scratch customized exactly how you want. Pro: you will get the website you want down to every detail. Con: this is the most expensive and time consuming option. When deciding which website option is best for you, consider your personal preferences, your budget, and the size of brand and territory. Most real estate agencies do not need a fully customized website that costs ten grand. A good pre-designed site is a great starting place. Making use of pre-built templates and listing tools can save you a lot of time and money. Plus, you will be able to get your new website up and running in just a few weeks. So what are you waiting for? Get started on a new website today!

Mike Ciesiensky CRYSTALCORE.NET 214.810.4051 mikec@crystalcore.net



Broad Oaks Ranch

“...Broad Oaks Ranch is the ideal location to find the peace and privacy of the open range yet retain the access and amenities of the city.“

1,377± Acres | FM 1887 | Waller County, Texas

Located just 45 miles from Downtown Houston, Texas, Broad Oaks Ranch is the ideal location to find the peace and privacy of the open range yet retain the access and amenities of the city. A good mix of dense forest and open, fertile pastures provide an excellent environment for abundant wildlife, horse and cattle grazing and seasonal crops. With several high bluffs along the approximately three miles of Brazos River frontage, the views while riding horseback are stunning. Sand beaches along the river are easily accessible. Broad Oaks Ranch is deeply rooted in Texas’ history. The ranch is the site of Jared E. Groce’s Bernardo Plantation. In 1822, Groce, one of the Stephen F. Austin’s Old Three Hundred settlers, built the largest cotton plantation in Texas. Bernardo was used by Spanish military units during colonial days and provided a staging location for Sam Houston’s army to prepare for the Battle of San Jacinto. The famous “Twin Sisters” cannons were delivered to Sam Houston on the front lawn of the Bernardo Plantation on April 11, 1836. Though the original structures are gone, evidence of the foundations is present, and many artifacts have been uncovered by archeologists. The ranch is an ideal conservation easement candidate because of its historical and riparian status.



The ranch currently supports cattle on sandy loam soil pastures with a series of two lakes and six ponds. Approximately five miles of 8’-6” high fence with galvanized post corners and high-tensile wire encloses the property (except for the river frontage) and features two keypad security gates. The extended oak-tree-lined driveway draws visitors to the main headquarters. Well maintained gravel roads provide access to the pastures and navigate the entire property.

Jeff Hayes : 281.477.4302 | jhayes@newquest.com Dave Ramsey: 281.477.4383 | dramsey@newquest.com www.newquest.com Nestled next to the property’s primary 8± acre lake, the main home features three bedrooms and three baths with hand-pressed saltillo tile floors throughout; clay tile and copper standing seam roof, gutters and downspouts; vaulted ceilings with exposed mesquite ceiling beams; and Viking Professional appliances, granite countertops and handcrafted mesquite cabinetry adorn the kitchen. A Kohler Power Systems 40 back-up generator with auto-transfer switch provides redundant power to the entire house. With a pool view, separate patio area and private outdoor shower, the master retreat includes a wood-and-gas fireplace, and master bath with air tub, steam shower, and double-sink with stone counters. The outdoors were built to entertain with a heated pool and waterfall spa, full outdoor kitchen and bar, covered patio, tennis/ sports court, and two docks on the lake. The two-bedroom, one-bath guest cottage near the main house was recently refurbished with granite counters and mesquite cabinetry. Two barns complete the owner’s headquarters. The first barn is steel-constructed and holds eight active stalls with a concrete center aisle, and air-conditioned office/tack room and shop areas. The second Morton steel-constructed barn is insulated, air-conditioned and fully paneled with an overhead door.

Separate from the main headquarters, the ranch’s horse and cattle operations include three implement barns and a multi-purpose barn. The livestock barn features three stalls, a tack room and three workshops. Complete working pens with pipe-rail fencing and hydraulic cattle squeeze chutes round out the stock handling area. Situated nearby, the foreman’s home includes three bedrooms and two bathrooms, recent cabinetry, new electrical, and a sprinklered and fenced yard.

Pricing: Please contact broker. Surface control of the minerals provided.





T e x a s E x c e pt i o n a l

R a n c h R a n c h e s ,

B r o k e r s ,


E x c e pt i o n a l

P e o pl e

A n d t h e L e n d e r t h at c a n m a k e i t a r e a l i t y

T e x a s R a n c h B r o k e r s , llp

c a p i t a l f a r m Cr e d i t

Mike Bacon, 512-940-8800, PO Box 201330, Austin, TX 78720

Larry Max, 512-715-9239, Toll-Free: 866-715-9239

Drew Colvin, 512-755-2078, PO Box 1338, Burnet, TX 78611

101 N. Pierce Street, Suite 1, Burnet, TX 78611





LAND NEWS 2013 is here and the Texas Alliance of Land Brokers is excited about the coming year. For 2013, the President of TALB is Robert K. “Bobby” Schwab. Bobby has been a member of TALB since 1994 and has previously served as President, Vice President and board member. 2013 Vice President is Steve Williams and 2013 Secretary / Treasurer is Steve Bennett. Dave Culver, the 2012 President, deserves a thank you for the great job he did and all that he contributed. The TALB continues to grow the membership and is looking forward to another year of continued growth. Members meet on the fourth Wednesday of every month, January through October at 11:15 AM at various locations around the Central Texas area. The November meeting is at the same time but is held the week before Thanksgiving. The January meeting’s guest speaker was Wayne Roitsch of Texas 1031 Company. The February meeting was held at Friesenhaus Restaurant in New Braunfels and Mr. Bill West, General Manager of the Guadalupe / Blanco River Authority, was the guest speaker. At the monthly TALB meetings members learn about and discuss issues concerning the real estate industry, present property listings and property needs, and catch up with old and new friends. Throughout the year TALB has guest speakers and / or marketing sessions at every meeting. The 2012 Christmas Banquet at the Omni Colonnade was well attended and enjoyed by all. Doc and Mike Blakely, aka The Swing

Texas Alliance of Land Brokers Riders, provided the entertainment that included music and western lore. Many thanks go out to our wonderful sponsors who provided monetary assistance to make the 2012 Christmas Party one to remember. The TALB was founded in 1994 to promote the professional and ethical standards of rural land professionals and to provide members with marketing and educational opportunities. More information about TALB, the members and properties for sale, can be found at www. TexasLandBrokers.org or by talking to any TALB member.

For more information and membership application, please go to: www.TexasLandBrokers.org Questions: talb@gvtc.com PO Box 1371 Boerne, TX 78006

R. K. “Bobby” Schwab President sri@gvtc.com 830.336.3532

T e x a s S h e e p & G o at R a i s e r s A s s o c i at i o n Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers Association (TSGRA) members and staff were busy during the last quarter preparing for the American Sheep Industry Association (ASI) Annual Convention held from January 23 through the 26th in San Antonio. ASI is the national organization representing the interests of more than 82,000 sheep producers located throughout the United States. The organization is a federation of 45 state sheep associations as well as individual members. During the annual convention, issues were discussed and strategies and policies were drafted. Councils and committees worked in the areas of animal health, legislative action, predator management, public lands, research and education and resource management. We were joined by the American Goat Federation and the National Lamb Feeders Association this year which strengthened our efforts to promote the sheep and goat industries. 42


On February 9, we have our Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers Association winter semi-annual meeting in San Angelo where we will deal with state legislation and discuss Texas applicable issues aired at the ASI Annual Convention. Immediately after the state meeting, we begin our district membership meetings across the state that will be held through April. These meetings are one of the ways we stay in touch with our grassroots producers and keep our finger on the real pulse of the industry. Although most of the sheep and goat raising area is still in severe drought, we did have a little rain in January which lifted our spirits and helped grow a bit of grass. We hope for good spring rains to carry us into summer.

Gil Engdahl President www.TSGRA.com 325.655.7388

Texas and Southwest C a tt l e R a i s e r s A s s o c i a t i o n With the New Year comes a new Congress and a new Legislature, and while some newness brings challenge, it also brings opportunity. Although there are many new faces in Austin and Washington, D.C., the key issues remain mostly unchanged. In Austin, the 83rd legislative session is in full swing. The 2012 elections ushered in the largest freshman class in the Texas House of Representatives in more than 35 years. There are 43 new members of the House, most of them Republicans. House Republicans kept their super majority which allows them to pass or defeat virtually anything they want this session. While the state budget, education and health care costs will take up most of the 140 days, TSCRA will work hard toward even stronger private property protections for ranchers. TSCRA will also be working to make sure that ranchers are not harmed by any proposals that may arise from the state budget discussions. In Washington, the 113th Congress has convened with a daunting task of cleaning up our nation’s finances. They started off with the contentious fiscal cliff debate, which included estate tax legislation. The bill that was signed into law included new permanent amounts for the death tax. Estates worth $5 million or less per person ($10 million per couple) will be exempt from the death tax. Estates worth more than that will pay a 40 percent tax on anything over the exemption level. As an added benefit, these levels are indexed for inflation and also include a stepped-up basis. This isn’t perfect. We would have liked to see the death tax go away forever. But it is better than the alternative, which would have been a

55 percent tax on anything over a $1 million per person ($2 million per couple) exemption level. These levels would have crushed small ranching families. The new law also extended the 2008 Farm Bill until September 2013. Again, this isn’t perfect. This short-term fix gives extreme animal activist groups more opportunities to target the livestock industry, and while we have been successful in holding them off in the past; we will have to continue to work hard to keep them from harming the cattle industry in the next farm bill. Ranchers would have much rather seen a fiscally responsible 5-year farm bill signed into law. A 5-year bill would have provided more predictability for important conservation and research programs that help ranchers produce better beef for consumers while protecting our natural resources. All of this was part of the first fiscal debate, but expect the issue of taxes and spending to be the banner issue for both chambers and the administration for the foreseeable future. The cattle industry is facing some big challenges and opportunities this year, but thanks to an educated and active membership and a strong PAC, it’s safe to say that TSCRA is ready to tackle the issues.

Carmen Fenton Director of Public Affairs www.tscra.org 512.469.0171

I n d e p e n d e n t C a tt l e m e n ’ s A s s o c i a t i o n During the past few months prior to the 83rd Texas Legislature session, we worked with other farm and ranch associations to develop a position on funding the Texas Water Plan.



transfers. The plan also identifies river and stream segments of unique ecological value recommended for protection and sites of unique value for reservoir construction. Total capital costs to implement the plan are estimated at $231 billion. We and our organizational partners want to ensure that rural property owners are treated fairly in the financing and execution of the Texas Water Plan.

According to the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), 85 percent of the state’s projected population will not have enough water during drought conditions by 2060, if conservation is sidestepped and new sources are not developed. Population in Texas is expected to double by 2060 which could double water consumption. In 2012 the TWDB developed their ninth state water plan based on a regional water planning process. The state water plan serves as a guide to state water policy and includes legislative recommendations that the Board believes are needed and desirable to facilitate voluntary water

Bill Hyman Executive Director www.ICATexas.com 512.620.0162



LAND NEWS Texas Deer Association (TDA) endorsed the newly introduced “21st Century Landowner Guide – Texas Model,” the first guidance document developed for wildlife management and the role of private land ownership. The model was drafted through collaborative work by five of the most respected wildlife professionals in Texas – Macy Ledbetter, Robert Zaiglin, Mickey Gellickson, Horace Gore and Dr. James Kroll. These six men possess more than 170 years of combined professional experience managing wildlife on public and private property in Texas. The authors presented their collective work to the TDA Board of Directors and received endorsement of the model. The new 21st Century Landowner Guide – Texas Model identifies the important role private landowners have had and continue to have in enhancing wildlife welfare for future generations and in providing access to wildlife enjoyment. The Texas Model calls for strengthening landowner rights, including trespass and liability laws. If states that the rights and privileges of Texas landowners should not be weakened for any purpose. The authors authorized TDA to distribute the 21st Century Landowner Guide – Texas Model. To get your copy, visit www.texasdeerassociation. com or call 210.767.8300. One of the TDA Christmas activities each year is a coloring contest. Children under the age of 11 are all given the same Christmas picture

T e x a s D e e r A s s o c i at i o n to color and they are judged on how well they do. Ages 12 to 16 are invited to submit freehand drawn art. Prizes for each age group were $100, $50 and $25 prepaid gift cards for first, second and third places respectively. In the six years and under category, the first place winner was Scarlett McClelland, Addison Pilsner was the second place winner and Skylar Butler won third place. Elyssa Dillard, Hannah Harrison and Abby Hamman were first, second and third place winners respectively in the 7- 11 years category. Hailey Stanush was the only winner in the 12 -16 years group.

Gilbert Adams III President www.TexasDeerAssociation.com 210.767.8300

T e x a s W i l d l i f e A s s o c i at i o n The last three months have been busy and exciting periods for the Hunting Heritage programs of the Texas Wildlife Association. The Texas Youth Hunting Program (TYHP), which is a partnership program of the Texas Wildlife Association and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, conducted over 100 youth hunts across the state. Our organization is so thankful for the generosity of participating private landowners who open their ranch gates and the hundreds of passionate TYHP volunteers who make these youth hunts possible and successful. TYHP will provide a safe, affordable, and ethical hunting experience to over 1300 youth this year. On January 18-20, the 10th Anniversary Cave Creek Super Hunt, which is the largest youth hunting event in the world, was conducted in the Texas Hill Country. The Texas Youth Hunting Program, Austin Woods & Water Club, Austin SCI, and the Cave Creek WMA are having a huge impact on the lives of kids and the future of Texas Hunting Heritage because of their collective efforts at the Super Hunt. 44


It is a remarkable event! The Texas Big Game Awards (TBGA), also a partnership program of the Texas Wildlife Association and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, completed another successful year of recognizing landowners and hunters for their outstanding achievements during the past hunting season. It was particularly gratifying to see the high number of First Harvest entries. The Texas Wildlife Association and its Hunting Heritage programs promote safe and ethical hunting and sound wildlife habitat management by preserving traditions and educating all citizens on the positive values of hunting and the great Texas outdoors.

Glen Webb President www.Texas-Wildlife.org 800.839.9435

Something Remarkable is Happening Right Now with t h e P r i c e o f F a rm l a n d By Becket Adams - TheBlaze.com

More people in America study public relations than study agriculture,” he added. “We don’t have any farmers coming up.” [Below at about the 9-minute mark] However, despite this apparent disinterest in agriculture, and despite the drought that’s still eating away at the industry’s profits, something remarkable is happening right now in the value of U.S. cropland, according to bankers surveyed in the latest report from the Kansas City Fed. “Farm income and land values were boosted by high crop prices and high crop insurance payments. In North and South Dakota, land lease revenue increased thanks to the region’s energy deposits,” Business Insider notes. “Bankers in the Corn Belt and Central Plains reported strong annual increases. Meanwhile in Texas, where growing conditions were poor, farmland values increased a modest 2.6 percent year-over-year,” the report adds. And that’s not all: For the remainder of FY2013, analysts expect farmland values to grow — and grow some more. Investor Jim Rogers and Glenn Beck earlier today discussed the global decline in the number of people interested in pursuing farming as a professional career.

If this trend continues, as analyst Jesse Colombo notes, these agricultural areas may very well become “New Manhattans” (as far as wealth is concerned).

“Nobody wants to [farm],” Beck said, referring to an earlier conversation he had with Rogers. “And it’s not just here — it’s around the entire world. Farming has become a lost art.”

“Farming is going to be one of the great professions of the next 10-20 years,” Jim Rogers told Beck.

“The average age of farmers in America is 58,” Rogers noted. “In Japan, it’s 66. In Canada, it’s the oldest in recorded history. In Australia, it’s 58. In 10 years, those guys will be 68 (if they’re still alive). Somebody has got to go into the fields.”

“When I speak to universities and students, I tell them they should all be studying agriculture. They don’t want to do it. They all want to get MBAs. But it’s a terrible mistake. They should be studying agriculture,” he added.

Lesser Prairie Chickens Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) After a record drought, an estimated 37,000 lesser prairie chickens on the ground range-wide are felt to be in Texas. These estimates have encouraged TPWD wildlife biologists to feel there are more opportunities to recover this species than what many people expected. Texas agriculturists and private landowners may sign up to manage and restore habitats for the lesser prairie chicken within eligible Texas counties. Information can be accessed on the TPWD or National Resources Conservation (NRCS) website. Water Becomes Focus for Texas Legislators The New York Times With the opening of the 83rd Texas Legislature, one of the most frequently discussed topics had bipartisan support – improving Texas water infrastructures. Lt. Dewhurst led other Republicans in proposed tapping of an emergency fund, fed by taxes on oil production for financing new reservoirs and other necessary steps outlined in the state’s 50 year water plan. Feral Hog Approved Holding Facilities in Texas Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service Rising feral hog numbers and potential profits from selling these animals necessitate the

N e w s Y o u M a y H av e M i s s e d By Janelle and Robert Fears need for proper holding facilities known as buyer stations. These stations would provide a way for landowners to make money from hogs, offsetting some of the damage costs. The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service’s new publication, “Feral Hog Approved Holding Facility Guidelines in Texas,” SP-488, is now available. Another Reason to Eat More Beef Drovers CattleNetwork Mayo Clinic researchers conducted a study of relationships between diet and cognitive impairment and published their findings in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. They identified 940 participants who had no sign of cognitive impairment at the beginning of the study, and tracked them for four years. Those who reported the highest carbohydrate intake at the beginning of the study were almost two times likelier to develop mild cognitive impairment than those with the lowest intake of carbohydrates. On the other hand, participants with the highest intake of protein were 21 percent less likely to exhibit cognitive impairment than those with the lowest protein intake. Those whose diets were highest in fat were 42 percent less likely to face cognitive impairment compared to those with the lowest fat intake. Taking fat and protein intake into account, people with the highest carbohydrate intake were 3.6 times likelier to develop mild cognitive impairment.



LAND NEWS You may have chosen your home site or your vacation spot around our most precious natural resource, fresh water. You may have bought your ranch or lot all because of that pond that sits at the back. Water is magnetic....we gravitate to it! Water is the most unique substance on Earth and it has many special features and characteristics. The aquatic ecosystem is home to numerous plant and animal species. Among these frogs, fish, turtles, snakes, water fowl, cattails, and water lillies. Perhaps the most misunderstood, and loathsome, of these is the snake.

D e a d ly S n a k e s

W at e r

close, but it is not recommended to run up and grab a snake without knowing exactly what kind of snake it is. There are some characteristics that can help identify them without being right next to one..

CHARACTERISTICS (seen from a distance)








Body largely on top of water, with head fully erect out of the water, nearly parallel to the water surface Typically dark brown or black and lack luster. Older adults have a nearly black appearance with faint markings. However, juveniles exhibit blotchy cross banding alternating between light and dark Angular WESTERN COTTONMOUTH

Head barely out of water, with body under water

Typically light brown, yellowish, or olive. “Chain like” markings readily visible unless covered with algae or silt. The markings are similar to chain-link fencing.

Flattened DIAMOND BACK WATER SNAKE (non-venomous)


Somewhat timid, has many warnings before striking Pits between eyes and nostrils, hence a pit viper Elliptical


There are many snakes whose preferred habitat description includes water. Snakes play a key role in any ecosystem as they are both predator and prey. The most common water snakes in all of Texas and much of the southeast is the non-venomous Diamond Back Water Snake (Nerodia rhombifer rhombifer) and the venomous Western Cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorous leucostoma).

in the

Very pugnacious, strikes without warning. (I have personally had these snakes pursue me in my boat while performing pond and lake management activities) No Pits Round Two Rows

By knowing the identifying characteristics of the venomous Western Cottonmouth and the non-venomous Diamond Back Water Snake you can feel more at ease at your pond, lake, or river front. Since snakes play a key role in any ecosystem it is advised not to kill these snakes, however exceptions are sometimes made when they are close to your home. The goal should be to discourage snakes from living in your pond or lake. Pond and Lake Management Techniques to Deter Snakes

T h e m o s t c o m m o n wat e r s n a k e s i n a l l o f Texas and much of the southeast is the n o n - v e n o m o u s D i a m o n d B a c k W at e r S n a k e and the venomous Western Cottonmouth.

The range of the Western Cottonmouth in Texas is limited to east Texas, areas around Dallas/Fort Worth, southern shorelines, some of the Hill Country, and parts of the Edwards Plateau. Roughly estimating only about 25% of Texas actually has the venomous Western Cottonmouth. However the Diamond Back Water Snakes range is generally all of Texas, except most of west Texas and the Panhandle How can you identify the non venomous Diamond Back Water Snake from the venomous Western Cottonmouth? The best way to identify these snakes is up 46


- Keep a 15-20’ wide strip mowed around your pond, lake, or river front. The snakes like the protection of brush and grasses, it makes them feel secure. Make sure when you are mowing this strip that the clippings do not go directly into the pond or lake, this will encourage algae blooms. - Limit the amount of debris touching the ground. Keep wood piles, garden hoses, swim toys, etc. off of the ground, these can make an excellent hiding place for snakes. - Do not discourage large birds like egrets and herons. These large birds eat these snakes

Brad Vollmar Vollmar Pond and Lake Management 830.992.0928 www.TexasPondManagement.com

When buying or selling rural real estate, trust your land to only the best -

The licensed members of the

Texas Allianceof Land Brokers The Texas Alliance of Land Brokers offers knowledge of land markets, minerals, water and timber rights. We give specialized insight into the farm and ranch contract, assistance with obtaining financing, and understanding of political issues and government regulations related to rural land ownership. For more information and properties for sale, visit us online at TexasLandBrokers.org

Professionals who specialize in rural land transactions. photo: ŠLaurence Parent www.laurenceparent.com








Closing out 2012: The End of U n c e rta i n t y ?

Closing the book on 2012 with the winter that really wasn’t, Texas land

representing more than 1.2 million acres statewide. The 1990s total

markets posted solid results after a tumultuous year that saw threats

acreage exceeded 1.5 million acres in all but one year and exceeded

of sizable tax increases and other changes in government. Support

2 million acres in 1997 and 1998. The preliminary total for 2012 at

for higher prices emerged in many markets across the state. Even the

slightly more than 965,000 acres falls well short of the 1.5 million

lackluster northeast region saw prices stabilize. At $2,284 per acre,

acres changing hands in 2008. Historical precedent suggests that a

the preliminary 2012 price marks a solid 6 percent increase over the

pent-up supply of acres awaits the awakening of a pent-up demand.

2011 price. This remarkable result appears to signal a departure from the malaise of the past three years, as increasing numbers of buyers

Perhaps as a harbinger of expanding markets, activity noted by market

no longer expect falling prices. As Figure 1 reveals, the statewide

observers appears to have increased in the final quarter of 2012.

nominal price tops the previous peak set in 2008 at $2,247 per acre.

However, this acceleration of activity appears to have concentrated

The inflation adjusted or real price at $407 per acre in 1966 dollars

on three general property types: smaller, sometimes highly improved,

exceeds 2007 prices and is closing in on the 2008 peak real price of

acreages; cropland of all sizes; and large, operating livestock ranches.

$424 per acre. In terms of price, the land market has recovered all of

Missing from that list are the ranchland properties in the middle of the

the ground lost in 2009 to the great recession. These developments

array. Potential buyers appear to be reluctant to commit to purchases

suggest that 2013 may preside over a market renaissance.

of those mid-sized properties at current price levels under current economic circumstances.


ranch purchases

for many millions of

Oil patch prosperity along with increasing economic activity in Texas

dollars also reflect the

has unquestionably fueled the demand for smaller acreages. However,

c u r r e n t i n v e s t m e n t c l i m at e .

reported experiences vary according to the size of property, type of land,


and location. Smaller tracts find eager bidders among professionals in

A lt e r n at i v e

either provide meager returns, p r e s e n t s u b s ta n t i a l r i s k s , o r combine meager returns with

u n a cc e p t a b l e l e v e l s o f r i s k .

the petroleum industry as well as a cross section of the aging babyboom generation set on retirement. Postponed purchases have now begun to occur more frequently. Never the less, buyers’ emphasis continues to focus on high quality properties and an abundance of acreage for sale relieves pressure to close the deal quickly.

However, market price improvements masked a continuing muted level in the volume of sales. The 4,334 sales reported to the Real Estate

Cropland continues to attract strong interest among a wide variety of

Center at Texas A&M University exceeds the 2009 volume of 4,139

buyers motivated by the investment return realized by farm income

sales and approximates the volumes seen in the 1990s well short

plus the potential for future capital gain. Good quality irrigated

of the experience in the 2003-2008 era (See Figure 3). In addition

cropland with strong water sees especially strong interest among

to the lackluster level of transactions, the number of acres changing

potential buyers. These markets reflect the strong prices seen in

hands remained uncharacteristically low for the fourth straight year as

commodity markets starting with corn and touching most other crops

shown in Figure 2. Even the troubled years of the 1980s posted sales

as well. Prices in the cropland region of the high plains and panhandle



saw 2012 expand by more than 24 percent over 2011 prices. The 2011 increase of 20 percent makes the 2012 growth even more remarkable. Anticipated strong prices for agricultural commodities combined with a fear of inflation in the future continue to feed demand for cropland.

Large ranch purchases for many millions of dollars also reflect the current investment climate. Alternative investments either provide meager returns, present substantial risks, or combine meager returns with unacceptable levels of risk. Given these realities, buyers of large livestock operations appear to focus on finding well-run, profitable operations that can preserve capital through uncertain times. The goal appears to be finding a property that can provide cash flow as well as a hedge against uncertainty and the threat of inflation and buyers do not shrink from current market prices.

In the middle, scenic ranch properties that formerly enjoyed strong demand, face a legion of skeptical potential buyers. Unconvinced that all of the carnage following the economic melt down is behind us, these buyers hesitate to commit their capital to landownership under current conditions. Consequently, sales of these kinds of property have been infrequent and often required significant retreats from asking prices. One seasoned broker with a history of handling this kind of property recently said, �I haven’t sold a thing in three years.� This segment of the market continues to await an emergence of favorable conditions.

Undoubtedly, there are a substantial number of potential sellers waiting for legions of serious buyers to appear. Perhaps 2013 will be the year when they come together.

Charles E. Gilliland, Ph.D. Research Economist Real Estate Center Texas A&M University



MARKET REPORT Region 1: Panhandle & South Plains In the North Plains the irrigated land market was active with investors

tax purposes. In the region activity in recreational land purchases is

and area farmers buying irrigated land. Some of the irrigated land

slow, however the prices were stable. Dryland farm purchases were

developed a few years ago was sold at the end of the year for tax

light with some being purchased to develop irrigation where water

purposes. The South plains area was a sellers’ market for irrigated

appears to be available.

and dry cropland. Many of these farm sales were landlord to tenant. Overall, CRP sales slow as property owners still are able to reenroll in the program. Large ranch sales were slow and some of these were for

B.L. Jones | 806-745-4575 The drought continues. bjones@agtexas.com Ag Texas Farm Credit Services 6901 Quaker Ave. | Lubbock, Texas 79413

Region 2: Far West Texas The farm and ranch real estate market in this large geographic region

wildlife habitat and productivity. Typically, few properties become

has generally been stable to slightly increasing during the third quarter

available on the market and, due to demand, tend to be offered at

of 2012. This trend is consistent with the activity in the first three

increasing prices with prospective investment/recreational purchasers

quarters of 2012. The economy of the Trans Pecos area of the region

willing and able to consummate transactions. Although the number of

has been greatly simulated by oil and natural gas exploration and

transactions are limited, and upward trend in prices continues.

production activities with increasing pressures placed on farm land due to the availability of groundwater resources for re-direction to oil

The Far West Texas area of the region is relatively stable as a reflection

and natural gas exploration activities. Farm land and small tracts of

of few properties available on the market. With the exception of

native rangeland (320 to 640 acres) possessing developable ground

increasing farmland values in the Upper and Lower Rio Grande Valley

water resources have experienced the most activity and the largest

due to the urban influence exerted by the growth of the City of El

increases in sales prices. Few larger land sized ranch properties have

Paso, are farmland values are relatively stable. Few ranches in the area

been available on the market and prices reflect relative stability with

are available on the market and listing prices remain consistent with

slightly increasing sales prices.

previous sales prices.

The ranch properties in the Davis Mountains and Highland Plateau areas continue to be in demand as a result of their topographic features,

Karl F. Armstead, ARA 432.336.8455 Omega Appraisals PO Box 358 | Ft. Stockton, Texas 73735

Region 3: West Texas The last quarter of 2012 could best be described as controlled panic.

in the general economy as well as the tax laws not being dealt with.

It seemed that some sellers were going to sell by the end of the year

Overall, the prices would be called stable and the market showed no

to avoid any additional taxes due to the loss of the Bush tax cuts.

real increase of decrease in the number of sales

However, a large number of these sellers still had a price in mind, then they would keep the place. This resulted in some sales but not a huge glut of sales. The prices also appeared to remain stable with no real changes. The buyers in the western portion of this region would not purchase a tract without minerals due to the Cline Shale play in

Victor R. Probandt, ARA 325.658.2773

Glasscock, Sterling, Mitchell, Scurry, and Fisher counties. The sellers


in the area would not convey minerals and therefore, few sales other

Stribling-Probandt Appraisals 502 South Koenigheim Street San Angelo, Texas 76903

than some farmland tracts occurred. The recreational buyers were also slow to purchase tracts, and this could be due to the lack of confidence 52


R e g i o n a l R e a l E s tat e T r e n d s R e g i o n 4 : N o rt h e a s t T e x a s Region 4 includes the area just north of the Dallas Fort Worth

For the institutional investor, the price of timber and forecast for future

metroplex to the Arkansas border and south along the Louisiana

timber values appears to be a major concern.

border to about the Lufkin Nacogdoches area. The western boundary is about I-45.

Sales are active for properties in excess of 20,000 acres to include western Louisiana. Sales for properties between 5,000 and 15,000

Because of the urban influence of the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex,

acres are slow. Tracts below 5,000 acres are the basis for the stability

Dallas, Tarrant and the adjoining counties are not considered.

estimate. There are several sales below 5,000 acres to support the stability indication.

The cropland area along the Red River has seen increases in land value for the larger tracts (>1,500 acres) of about 20% in the past six

There is not enough cropland in the area to derive an indication.

months. The tracts below 1,500 acres are increasing but not to the

Pasture land in the western area along I-45 shows stability to

level of the larger tracts. Pasture and Recreational Land are stable.

increasing values. In the eastern areas, stability is shown.

The support for the increase in value for the cropland tracts appears to be commodity prices and if commodity prices remain strong so will land values. If commodity prices decline, it follows land values will also decline. In the Pineywoods North and South regions, land values remain stable for timberlands. The recreational potential of the property is one of the major imputs to land value.

Scott Seely 936.632.4230 scott@LewisSeely.com Lewis & Seely Appraisals, Inc. 308 E. Lufkin Ave. Lufkin, Texas 75901

Region 5: Gulf Coast - Brazos Bottom Region five is roughly described as the southern piney woods, the

market appreciated slightly through the last quarter of 2012. While

coastal prairie area and the Brazos Bottom.

The Houston area,

I agree the market is improving slightly I believe part of the increase

including the Woodlands and Katy area, has dominated the region

in the general price level is related to increased demand for more

for many years and continues to do so. The last quarter of 2012 was

desirable properties which command a premium over less desirable

reasonably active and “hurried” for lack of a better word. The concern

tracts. A significant portion of the transactions are cash. Cash buyers

surrounding potential tax law changes found many land owners trying

can typically “afford” to be selective and purchase nicer properties and

to sell before the end of the year. I saw a number of contracts that

not surprisingly the more desirable tracts are in greatest demand. This

included one price if the buyers could close before the end of the year

spans all rural property types in the region including farmland, timber,

and another if the closing occurred after the first. In a few cases I could

and recreation.

argue tracts traded at a slight discount due to the perceived urgency market was what I would call healthy in the latter part of 2012, and

Wayne T. Young Regional Chief Appraiser 936.439.0379

most of the year for that matter. Buyers and sellers are approaching


deals with reasonable expectations and most buyers are end users.

Capitol Farm Credit, ACA 624 FM 1791 | Huntsville, Texas 77340

to sell, but for the most part prices did not suffer. In general the

The “flippers” have largely disappeared. The general consensus is the



MARKET REPORT Region 6: South Texas Leading into January 2013, the last quarter of 2012 was met by a

aware of several ranches that sold at the end of the year with short

number of anxious farm and ranch owners. Several aspects of change

term seller financing until permanent traditional financing could be

contributed to uncertainty including the 2012 Presidential Election,

obtained. Prices may have softened for a short term at the end of the

and pending changes with regard to estate tax levels and the increase

year in certain cases due to the motivation of selling before the end of

in capital gains taxes. With the expected fiscal cliff coming at the end

the year. Most sellers took into account what the equivalent sale price

of the year, many owners engaged estate planning measures by gifting

would be before and after the first of the year considering the change

ranch interests to their children or in some cases selling ranches before

in capital gains taxes. In some cases existing owners sold ranches

the end of the year to avoid the increase in capital gains taxes. The

earlier in the year only to find and close replacement ranches before

largest transfer of wealth in many generations likely took place at

the end of the year. Tax deferred exchanges will likely remain popular.

the end of the year to capture the lifetime Estate Tax exclusion of

With the Eagle Ford Shale boom, it continues to be very difficult to

$5,120,000 per person. In essence, a husband and a wife could each

acquire minerals in the Eagle Ford area unless at a substantial price

gift up to $5,120,000 in value or $10,240,000 total. For estate

per net mineral acre is paid. We are aware of unsolicited offers on

planning purposes, many ranches were placed into Family Limited

nonproducing but leased minerals at aggressive pricing. Most sellers

Partnerships before the end of the year with the interests being gifted

in South Texas are reluctant to give up any minerals betting on the

to future generations. Attorneys, accountants, real estate and business

chance for production in the future. If minerals are offered with surface,

appraisers specializing in gift and estate planning were busy at historic

the minerals substantially raise the overall price per acre in some cases

levels. Transaction support professionals including brokers, bankers,

eclipsing the surface value.

title company personnel and surveyors were also very busy at the end of the year making the year end transactions.

The boundaries of the Eagle Ford are becoming more narrowly defined. A number of oil and gas wells are being drilled by the operators to


hold the leases which may be nearing the end of their term. Marginal l a r g e s t t r a n s f e r o f w e a lt h i n

wells may be steering producers to areas with better prospects. Other

m a n y g e n e r at i o n s l i k e ly t o o k p l a c e

formations including the Pearsall Shale and the Buda are perking the

at t h e e n d o f t h e y e a r t o c a p t u r e the lifetime


E s tat e T a x p e r p e rs o n .

exclusion of


e ss e n c e , a

husband and a wife could each gift up to


t o ta l .


i n va l u e o r


“fairway�) are in demand and likely have increased in value. However, ranches over the main Eagle Ford production areas offered surface estate only with mineral production and daily oil and gas traffic are met with market resistance. These ranches are hard to sell and if they

F a m i ly

did sell, they likely are sold at a discount due to the oil and gas activity.

L i m i t e d P a r t n e rs h i p s

before the end

of the year with the interests being g i f t e d t o f u t u r e g e n e r at i o n s .

A number of sellers marketed ranches at the end of the year determined to sell with lower capital gains rates. Price discounts were offered to some buyers willing to close before the end of the year. We are


Sales of ranches over the perceived fringe of the Eagle Ford (out of the

e s tat e p l a n n i n g p u r p o s e s ,

many ranches were placed into


interest of many area mineral owners and producers alike.

Market activity appears to improving. Ranch buyers continue to look at new ranch product once it comes on the market.

Merrill E. Swanson, ARA Duggar, Canaday, Grafe, Inc 210.227.6229 meswanson@dcgappraisers.net 111 Soledad, Suite 800 | San Antonio, Texas 78205

R e g i o n a l R e a l E s tat e T r e n d s Region 7: Austin - Waco H i l l C o u n t ry The fourth quarter of 2012 in the central Texas land market area (Region 7) ended with the uncertainties related to the tax law changes for 2013 motivating a number of sellers to be more aggressive in the marketing of their properties. The desire to avoid possible capital gains tax increases and additional taxes related to the health care bill


influence of the

w e a lt h b e i n g c r e at e d t hr o u g h o i l a n d g a s production outside the region is beginning t o b e o b s e rv e d i n t h e m ar k e t f o r

H i l l C o u n t ry

provided motivation for negotiating a closing prior to the end of 2012.

ra n c h e s w i t h t h e s e

Prices may have been slightly lower but were, overall, consistent with

b u y e r s p u r c ha s i n g s o m e

recent price trends which demonstrated somewhat lower prices from

o f t h e l ar g e r a n d m o r e

the 2007 peak levels and definitely below the peak asking prices.

s c e n i c ra n c h e s s o l d

Without this atypical motivation, some land sales may not have

d u r i n g t h e p a s t q u ar t e r .

occurred or may have been delayed into 2013.

The recent buyers of central Texas ranches represent a wide range

appear to have been the most active buyers in late 2012. Improving

of profiles including both established land owners seeking to expand

economic conditions in the urban areas of Texas combined with the

their regional land holdings and new entrants to the region’s ranch

demand generated by oil and gas revenues are anticipated to have a

market. The influence of the wealth being created through oil and

positive influence on demand in early 2013.

gas production outside the region is beginning to be observed in the market for Hill Country ranches with these buyers purchasing some of the larger and more scenic ranches sold during the past quarter. Cultivated land in the eastern and northeastern portions of Region 7 continued to experience strong demand. High grain prices combined

Wendell C. Wood Kokel – Obbender – Wood Appraisals

with a near average crop in 2012 provided funds for the well established farmers to buy additional land. Investor demand continues to be evident in the region’s cropland market although local producers

512.863.6428 wendell@k-o-wappraisal.com 404 W. 9th St Georgetown, Texas 78626










L OA N e w s

LandsofAmerica.com S m a s h e s S i n g l e D ay Traffic Record! LandsofAmerica.com is proud to announce that we have surpassed our former single day record for unique visitors to our network. Last Monday, January 20, 2013, is now the record holder for most traffic to our network in a single day. We had 57,068 unique visitors to our sites. That’s 57,068 different individuals coming to our site to perform searches and look at land. Thanks to all of our current clients and certainly all the potential buyers out there for making LandsofAmerica.com the most popular rural real estate advertising network in the nation! Keep searching and using our great tools and resources, and letting us know when we can improve your user experience!

LandsofAmerica.com Joins Movement t o P ay T r i b u t e to the Farmer LandsofAmerica.com is honored to be a Publisher in the Dodge Ram “So God Made a Farmer” Campaign. LandsofAmerica.com shares Dodge’s admiration and respect for Farmers and are proud to display this great campaign across our network. Read what Dodge is saying to honor America’s great farmers.... The new Ram Truck spot, “Farmer,” was inspired by the stirring “So God Made a Farmer” tribute delivered by legendary radio broadcaster Paul Harvey and used as an anthem in grassroots videos created by farm families over the past three decades. In this latest extension of the brand’s Guts, Glory, Ram campaign, the video uses slices of farming life to remind us of our shared identity and character, the greatness born out of perseverance and determination and the rewards that come from hard work. For every view, download or share of the two-minute “So God Made a Farmer” spot located on the brand’s website, Ram will make a donation to the National FFA Organization with the intent of generating $1 million.



LANDS OF AMERICA T h e L a r g e s t A c r e a g e P r o p e rt y F o r S a l e I n A ll 5 0 S t a t e s


77,630 A cres


W yoming

Wendland & Associates LLC Property ID: 15773 | $21,900,000


72,034 A cres

4 60


M ontana


T exas


Premier Intermountain Properties Property ID: 1132386 | $18,000,000

57,052 A cres


King Land & Water LLC Property ID: 937965 | $54,868,922


57,052 A cres


A rizona

Whitney Land Company Property ID: 528494 | $9,688,320

44,688 A cres


O klahoma

Hall and Hall Property ID: 1123267 | $51,391,200






44,650 A cres


N ew M exico

First United Realty Property ID: 1145489 | $12,725,000

M aine


I daho


K ansas


21,948 A cres


10,500 A cres


Fountains Land Inc Property ID: 1138807 | $12,875,000

Hall And Hall Property ID: 1100860 | $12,500,000

9,389 A cres


Whitetail Properties Property ID: 1080686 | $9,342,055

8,000 A cres



M issouri

Hopkins & Associates Realty Property ID: 1096725 | $15,572,182

34,496.7 A cres


19,000 A cres


10,000 A cres


C olorado


N ebraska


A rkansas


H awaii


Land Investments & Associates Property ID: 275620 | $30,000,000

Weber & Company Real Estate Property ID: 1091854 | $15,000,000

Tom Smith Land and Homes Property ID: 1128308 | $35,500,000

9,260 A cres


Hawaii Pacific Brokers LLC Property ID: 1073913 | $16,800,000

19 7,634 A

cres in

S outh D akota

United Country - Bertolotto Real Estate & Auction Co. Inc | Property ID: 1084400 | $5,200,000

32,500 A cres


O regon

Hall And Hall Property ID: 1100884 | $13,500,000

15,034 A cres


9,819 A cres


G eorgia

Compass South Inc Property ID: 1133037 | $28,143,648

F lorida

Jon Kohler and Associates, LLC Property ID: 1151116 | Contact for Price

8,200 A cres


A labama

A&M Forest Consultants Property ID: 492429 | Contact for Price

20 7,614 A

cres in

N orth D akota

Naomi Rossow Realty LLC Property ID: 1062913 | $7,775,000





7,516 A cres


T ennessee

RE/MAX Renaissance Realtors Property ID: 915734 | $9,700,800

6,240 A cres



5,339 A cres



3,627 A cres



3,190 A cres



M innesota


M ississippi


N ew Y ork


Halderman Real Estate Services, Inc Property ID: 1157777 | Auction

Fountains Land Inc Property ID: 1102150 | $2,970,000


cres in

South Carolina

AFM Land Sales LLC Property ID: 1108651 | $ 25,000,000

C alifornia

The Chickering Company Property ID: 1036406 | $14,000,000

Main Resource Equipment Auctions & Land Sales Property ID: 1126094 | $18,686,000


22 6,845 A

5,834 A cres


W ashington

Kidder Mathews Property ID: 1031872 | $10,979,000

4,857 A cres


V irginia


I llinois



2,855 A cres


Whitetail Properties Property ID: 1088657 | $9,000,000


L ouisiana

Beverly Development Corp Property ID: 897590 | Contact for Price

cres in

North Carolina

Whitetail Properties Property ID: 1044720 | $ 7,700,000


Coldwell Banker Lafoon Realty Property ID: 899732 | $6,500,000

6,300 A cres

26 5,500 A

M ichigan

AFM Land Sales LLC Property ID: 1046668 | $4,240,200

3,510 A cres


4,214 A cres


K entucky

Whitetail Trophy Properties Property ID: 858671 | $2,001,650

3,500 A cres


N evada

Bottari Realty Property ID: 1051202 | $3,800,000

2,105 Acres


West Virginia

United Country - Yoak Properties LLC Property ID: 1093832 | $2,400,000






2,066 A cres

U tah


A laska


I ndiana

43 853 A


Mirr Ranch Group Property ID: 946581 | $25,000,000

1,683 A cres


887 A cres


J. Riley Realty LLC Property ID: 975854 | $1,275,000

Countrymile Realtors Property ID: 1028147 | $11,000,000

540 A cres


98.31 A cres



C onnecticut


Prudential CT Realty Property ID: 1111037 | $1,200,000


W isconsin


M assachusetts



Earth Asset Partnership Property ID: 942219 | $12,500,000

1,582 A cres


Coldwell Banker Larson Realty Property ID: 1097606 | $2,850,000

cres in

Century 21 Franklin Street Property ID: 182485 | $ 6,950,000

P ennsylvania

Fountains Land Inc Property ID: 1121919 | $1,600,000

V ermont

1,919.37 A cres

360 A cres

M aryland


R hode I sland



Benson & Mangold Real Estate Property ID: 956261 | $250,000

58.14 A cres


Prudential Gammons Realty Property ID: 1128814 | $2,200,000

1,856 A cres


1,071 A cres


I owa

Preferred Properties of Iowa Property ID: 244566 | $16,500,000

O hio

Countrymile Realtors Property ID: 1079751 | $2,100,000

622 Acres


New Hampshire

Equine Homes Real Estate, LLC Property ID: 1124964 | $3,500,000

199 A cres


N ew J ersey

Warner Real Estate & Auction Co. Property ID: 1023853 | $1,890,500

12 A cres


D elaware

Bay Coast Realty Property ID: 1099098 | $399,900





Market Regions

1 Panhandle & South Plains 2 Far West Texas 3 West Texas 4 Northeast Texas 5 Gulf Coat - Brazos Bottom 6 South Texas 7 Austin - Waco - Hill Country



County Region Anderson Andrews Angelina Aransas Archer

Armstrong A ta s c o s a Austin Bailey Bandera Bastrop B ay l o r Bee Bell Bexar Blanco Borden Bosque Bowie Brazoria Brazos Brewster Briscoe Brooks Brown Burleson Burnet Caldwell Calhoun Callahan Cameron Camp Carson Cass Castro Chambers Cherokee Childress C l ay Cochran Coke Coleman Collin

C o l l i n g s w o rt h Colorado Comal Comanche Concho Cooke C o ry e l l Cottle Crane Crockett Crosby Culberson Dallam Dallas D aw s o n Deaf Smith D e lta Denton DeWitt Dickens Dimmit Donley D u va l Eastland Ector E d wa r d s El Paso Ellis E r at h Falls Fannin F ay e t t e Fisher Floyd Foard F o rt B e n d Franklin Freestone Frio Gaines G a lv e s t o n Garza

M a p L o c at i o n

Northeast Texas Panhandle & South Plains Northeast Texas South Texas West Texas Panhandle & South Plains South Texas Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Panhandle & South Plains Austin-Waco-Hill Country Austin-Waco-Hill Country West Texas South Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country South Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country Panhandle & South Plains Austin-Waco-Hill Country Northeast Texas Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Far West Texas Panhandle & South Plains South Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Austin-Waco-Hill Country Austin-Waco-Hill Country Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Austin-Waco-Hill Country South Texas Northeast Texas Panhandle & South Plains Northeast Texas Panhandle & South Plains Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Northeast Texas West Texas West Texas Panhandle & South Plains West Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country Northeast Texas West Texas Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom South Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country West Texas Northeast Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country West Texas Far West Texas West Texas Panhandle & South Plains Far West Texas Panhandle & South Plains Northeast Texas Panhandle & South Plains Panhandle & South Plains Northeast Texas Northeast Texas Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom West Texas South Texas West Texas South Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country Panhandle & South Plains West Texas Far West Texas Northeast Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country Austin-Waco-Hill Country Northeast Texas Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom West Texas Panhandle & South Plains West Texas Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Northeast Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country South Texas Panhandle & South Plains Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Panhandle & South Plains

38 37 46 19 16 17 9 11 22 38 31 15 16 19 4 29 36 8 7 28 4 12 21 28 5 3 24 36 31 1 33 16 13 18 19 23 39 5 17 26 34 4 10 3 19 1 6 40 2 12 8 8 41 29 3 1 22 35 15 12 9 25 12 12 2 22 2 40 45 1 33 3 20 4 10 25 25 9 21 14 15 8 34 29 33

County Region Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gonzales G r ay G r ay s o n Gregg Grimes Guadalupe Hale Hall H a m i lt o n Hansford Hardeman Hardin Harris Harrison H a rt l e y Haskell H ay s Hemphill Henderson Hidalgo Hill Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston H o wa r d Hudspeth Hunt Hutchinson Irion Jack Jackson Jasper J e f f D av i s Jefferson Jim Hogg Jim Wells Johnson Jones Karnes Kaufman Kendall Kenedy Kent Kerr Kimble King Kinney Kleberg Knox La Salle Lamar Lamb L a m pa s a s L ava c a Lee Leon L i b e rt y Limestone Lipscomb Live Oak Llano Loving L u bb o c k Lynn Madison Marion M a rt i n Mason M ata g o r d a M av e r i c k McCulloch McLennan McMullen Medina Menard Midland Milam Mills Mitchell M o n ta g u e M o n t g o m e ry

M a p L o c at i o n

Austin-Waco-Hill Country West Texas South Texas Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Panhandle & South Plains Northeast Texas Northeast Texas Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom South Texas Panhandle & South Plains West Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country Panhandle & South Plains West Texas Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Northeast Texas Panhandle & South Plains West Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country Panhandle & South Plains Northeast Texas South Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country Panhandle & South Plains Northeast Texas Northeast Texas Northeast Texas Panhandle & South Plains Far West Texas Northeast Texas Panhandle & South Plains West Texas West Texas Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Northeast Texas Far West Texas Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom South Texas South Texas Northeast Texas West Texas South Texas Northeast Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country South Texas West Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country Austin-Waco-Hill Country West Texas West Texas South Texas West Texas South Texas Northeast Texas Panhandle & South Plains Austin-Waco-Hill Country Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Austin-Waco-Hill Country Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Austin-Waco-Hill Country Panhandle & South Plains South Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country Far West Texas Panhandle & South Plains Panhandle & South Plains Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Northeast Texas Panhandle & South Plains Austin-Waco-Hill Country Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom South Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country Austin-Waco-Hill Country South Texas South Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country Panhandle & South Plains Austin-Waco-Hill Country Austin-Waco-Hill Country West Texas Northeast Texas Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom

28 32 17 17 14 3 36 7 5 24 4 7 3 6 15 22 37 6 20 35 10 34 31 9 27 30 13 42 39 2 11 8 38 23 26 51 9 24 27 23 32 26 11 24 34 29 18 33 27 13 46 25 14 13 5 23 18 18 32 2 14 14 5 15 23 5 28 32 5 29 38 22 27 6 16 13 14 3 21 41 26 11 29 1 13

County Region

M a p L o c at i o n

Northeast Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country Northeast Texas West Texas South Texas Panhandle & South Plains Panhandle & South Plains Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Northeast Texas Northeast Texas Northeast Texas Panhandle & South Plains Far West Texas Northeast Texas Panhandle & South Plains Far West Texas Northeast Texas Panhandle & South Plains West Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country Northeast Texas Far West Texas South Texas Panhandle & South Plains Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Northeast Texas West Texas Northeast Texas Northeast Texas Northeast Texas Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom South Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country West Texas West Texas West Texas Northeast Texas Panhandle & South Plains Northeast Texas Northeast Texas South Texas West Texas West Texas West Texas West Texas Panhandle & South Plains Northeast Texas West Texas Far West Texas Panhandle & South Plains West Texas Northeast Texas West Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country Northeast Texas Northeast Texas Northeast Texas West Texas South Texas West Texas Northeast Texas Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom Far West Texas Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom South Texas Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom West Texas West Texas West Texas South Texas Austin-Waco-Hill Country South Texas Far West Texas Northeast Texas Northeast Texas Panhandle & South Plains West Texas South Texas South Texas

7 17 7 43 10 52 30 24 4 11 16 19 41 20 18 10 49 12 11 26 16 37 37 6 4 18 9 1 23 35 40 48 47 9 20 17 42 24 27 44 2 35 31 30 28 33 19 43 20 21 31 13 31 21 15 39 30 45 50 28 36 2 44 25 30 8 12 7 6 21 20 1 11 10 32 25 10 6 8 27 30 22 26 7



M o o r e Panhandle & South Plains M o r r i s Northeast Texas M o t l e y West Texas

Nacogdoches N ava r r o Newton Nolan Nueces O c h i lt r e e Oldham Orange Palo Pinto Panola Parker Parmer Pecos Polk Potter Presidio Rains Randall Reagan Real Red River Reeves Refugio R o b e rt s R o b e rt s o n R o c k wa l l Runnels Rusk S ab i n e San Augustine San Jacinto S a n P at r i c i o S a n S aba Schleicher S c u r ry Shackelford Shelby Sherman Smith S o m e rv e l l S ta r r Stephens Sterling S t o n e wa l l Sutton Swisher Tarrant T ay l o r Terrell T e r ry T h r o c k m o rto n Titus Tom Green T r av i s Trinity Tyler Upshur Upton U va l d e Val Verde Van Zandt Victoria Walker Waller Ward Washington W e bb W h a rto n Wheeler W i c h i ta W i l ba r g e r Willacy Williamson Wilson Winkler Wise Wood Yoakum Young Z a pata Z ava l a

Kuper Ranch Sales

www.KuperRanchSales.com | dullnigranches@gmail.com | (210) 213-9700 Robert Dullnig/Broker Associate | 6606 N New Braunfels | San Antonio, Texas 78209

Patricia Ranch

Historic East Forker-Gage Ranch

A unique, large pristine property has highly desirable native brush, support for high quality trophy whitetail deer plus turkey, feral hogs, javelina, Blue and Bobwhite quail, dove plus seasonal waterfowl. Lindsey Creek and Elm Creek combine with multiple lakes. Minerals convey. Robert Dullnig, 210.213.9700 and Al Philip, 210.415.8602

One of the oldest and one of the most historic large ranches in Texas, a legendary property in the majestic Big Bend area. Three creeks flow through the ranch plus there are mountain springs and four wells. The land is divided into pastures and traps for cattle operations, plus is a haven for Trophy desert mule deer, elk, javelina, blue quail, dove, mountain lions and others. Robert Dullnig, 210.213.9700 and Al Philip, 210.415.8602

9,908± Acres | Kinney County | Property ID: 975662

18,811± Acres | Brewster County | Property ID: 1092530

Paloma Ranch

17,342± Acres | Maverick County | Property ID: 1118059 The Paloma Ranch is located in the heart of the best native deer hunting country the state has to offer. This impressive historic property has been owned by the same family since the late 1940s and is set up perfect for cattle and hunting. There are not many ranches left this size with this type of free-range hunting and with this amount of surface water. This is a truly a special offering with 31 lakes and two major creeks, Elm Creek and Picosa Creek. The ranch attracts and holds an abundance of wildlife including trophy whitetail deer, Blue and Bobwhite quail and turkey. In the winter time, the lakes are covered with ducks, and in the spring time, the bass fishing is exceptional. Robert Dullnig, 210.213.9700 66


El Corazon Ranch

8,851± Acres | Kinney County | Property ID: 632975 Fabulous water features one± mile of both sides of Pinto Creek, part of West Pinto Creek, ten domestic wells, two irrigation wells and 400 acre feet of water rights. Improvements include a ranch home, staff home, two barns, excellent roads and fencing/cross fencing into eight pastures. Wildlife includes whitetail deer, turkey, quail, dove, seasonal duck plus fishing for bass and catfish. Al Philip, 210.415.8602

Kuper Ranch Sales

www.KuperRanchSales.com | dullnigranches@gmail.com | (210) 213-9700 Robert Dullnig/Broker Associate | 6606 N New Braunfels | San Antonio, Texas 78209

Leona River Ranch

Rio Leona Ranch

Great turn-key hunting ranch in desirable Frio County! Well watered, it features two-and-a-half± miles of the Leona River, three tanks and irrigation capabilities. Improvements include a nice ranch residence, guesthouse, garage and highfenced perimeter. Abundant whitetail deer, turkey, quail, dove, duck, hogs, javelina plus good bass fishing. Robert Dullnig, 210.213.9700

Frontage on the Leona River supports numbers of whitetail deer, turkey, quail, dove and hogs. This is truly a haven for wildlife with a superb variety of native brush, paved highway frontage and low fencing, a hunter’s dream. Located 70± miles southwest of San Antonio, just west of the Frio/Zavala county line. Robert Dullnig, 210.213.9700

912± Acres | Frio County | Property ID: 1150811

Loma Alta Ranch

900 ±Acres | Dimmit County | Property ID: 942780 In the heart of South Texas prime hunting, this ranch has it all, with gently rolling terrain and brush diversity for superb hunting. 100± acres is under pivot irrigation for year-around food plots plus there is a Carrizo well, three± acre lake, two pivots and five tanks. Wildlife includes a managed deer herd, Bobwhite and Blue quail, mourning dove, duck, sand hill cranes and bass. Robert Dullnig, 210.213.9700

1,546± Acres | Zavala County | Property ID: 924762

East Sister Creek Ranch

391± Acres | Kendall County | Property ID: 1073137 Northeast of Sisterdale, minutes to Boerne or Fredericksburg, and under one hour from San Antonio, this ranch has everything you could ask for in a Hill Country property. The exceptional main residence sits atop a mesa for panoramic views of the surrounding hills, and its grand deck offers breathtaking views as far as the eye can see with no other homes or development in sight. From the improvements, to the land itself, everything has been kept in pristine condition. Home to whitetail, fallow, axis, blackbuck, aoudad and more. Minerals. Randy Cadwallader (210) 860-0093



Kuper Ranch Sales

www.KuperRanchSales.com | dullnigranches@gmail.com | (210) 213-9700 Robert Dullnig/Broker Associate | 6606 N New Braunfels | San Antonio, Texas 78209

Lazy K Ranch

1,042± Acres | Uvalde County Property ID: 1128965 The Lazy K was established by George A. Kennedy in 1905 and has been in the family ever since. Well located, it displays both South Texas brush and Hill Country views. Infrastructure includes electricity, one Edwards water well, storage tanks, troughs plus ideal sites for a ranch home or barn. Whitetail deer, turkey, javelina, quail and dove. Robert Dullnig, 210.213.9700

Ney Ranch

884± Acres | Medina County | Property ID: 1117331 In the same family for over 100 years, this ranch has large trees among diverse brush and an impressive 90± acre lake-fed by the West Squirrel Creek. Wildlife includes protein-fed whitetail deer, turkey and hogs. Includes a small cabin, shed, low-fencing and game-fencing on two sides. Mostly pasture land with some areas previously cultivated with oats and Klein grass. Robert Dullnig, 210.213.9700

Cline Mountain Ranch

1,385± Acres | Uvalde County | Property ID: 947831 Great hunting ranch has impressive Turkey Creek and Cline Mountain, elevation 1263 feet. Great views, good brush and large oaks make it exceptional! Included are a renovated ranch home, equipment shed, large metal building with plumbing and utility building. With 765± acres high-fenced, the ranch has both exotic blackbuck, axis, fallow, sika, oryx and zebra plus native deer and wildlife. Robert Dullnig, 210.213.9700

Muela Creek Ranch

1,185 ±Acres | Uvalde County | Property ID: 1075729 The Muela Creek Ranch is a rare find, offering a beautiful blend of South Texas Brush with Hill Country views and trees. Low fence South Texas hunting is out of the Eagle Ford drill zone. Oak tree-lined Muela Creek, a handsome home and conveyance of minerals add to its uniqueness. . Robert Dullnig, 210.213.9700 68


Kuper Ranch Sales

www.KuperRanchSales.com | dullnigranches@gmail.com | (210) 213-9700 Robert Dullnig/Broker Associate | 6606 N New Braunfels | San Antonio, Texas 78209

Hamilton Creek Ranch

Historic Robinson Ranch

A spectacular water property features the intersection of two major flowing creeks plus two large lakes. A beautifully appointed main residence captures views of one lake and Hamilton Creek. Headquarters includes a lodge, guesthouse, nine-stall horse barn, arena, storage barns, pens plus fenced/ crossfenced pastures. Game-fenced, the ranch supports whitetail deer, wild turkey, dove, exotics plus excellent fishing. 45± minutes northwest of Austin! Robert Dullnig and Al Philip, 210.415.8602

Established in 1885, the land features two rock homes, one the old homestead built in the 1880s by the Robinson Family. A highlight is the incredible twoand-a-half± miles of year-around Cypress Creek that traverses the ranch, plus springs and six water wells. Year around water attracts abundant whitetail deer, turkey, hogs, dove, many bird species and other small animals. Near Horseshoe Bay and a pleasing one hour drive from Austin or San Antonio. Robert Dullnig, 210.213.9700

On the Frio River!

Brumley Ranch

An attractive, comfortable home is shaded by grand trees and overlooks the beautiful West Prong of the Frio River, a year-around recreational getaway offering fishing, kayaking, water activities and hunting. Other features include a barn and one water well. Whitetail deer, turkey, axis deer, dove, hogs, turkey and occasional free ranging exotic aoudad. Robert Dullnig, 210.213.9700

This exciting turnkey ranch offers live water, a managed trophy whitetail deer herd, and a fine home atop Cedar Mountain for stunning views almost forever. Few ranches of this caliber are on the market today. Features include a spring-fed creek, lake for bass fishing, four water wells, guest home, barn, deer pens, highfenced perimeter, excellent roads and minerals. Robert Dullnig, 210.213.9700

1,840± Acres | Burnet County | Property ID: 1073907

207± Acres | Real County | Property ID: 1119280

3,601± Acres | Blanco County | Property ID: 1026028

860± Acres | Blanco-Burnet County | Property ID: 1133896



K u p e r S o t h e b y s I n t e r n at i o n a l R e a lt y KuperRanchSales.com | rick.kuper@sothebysrealty.com | (210) 240-8282 Rick Kuper | 6606 N New Braunfels | San Antonio, Texas 78209

Picosa Ranch

543± Acres | Wilson County | Property ID: 1126214

The Picosa Ranch, former home of Texas Governor John B. and Nellie Connally, is brimming with history, charm and elegance. The ranch has an outstanding infrastructure for hunting, entertaining and events, with an array of improvements that includes a commanding main ranch house, four-bedroom guesthouse, hunting lodge with six private suites, two luxury pools, party barn, tennis court, skeet range, shooting pavilion and wobble trap, horse barn, rodeo arena, fish camp and private lighted air strip. This incredible South Texas adventure boasts exotics, cattle and native wildlife, including whitetail deer which roam the highly improved and captivating land that is 30± minutes from metropolitan San Antonio. Rick Kuper, (210)240.8282 and Lauren Haass (210)294.2728

Wimberley on the Blanco River

214± Acres | Hays County | Property ID: 1097622 Blanco River edged by grand cypress and hardwoods, adds mystique to this inviting ranch, 40± miles from Austin. A focal point is the hacienda style residence that wraps around a pool and terrace that captures incredible, far ranging views. Improvements include a spacious guesthouse and six-stall barn with quarters. The water attracts abundant deer and native wildlife. Rick Kuper, 210.240.8282 70


Historic Fredericksburg

95± Acres | Gillespie County | Property ID: 941641 In the style of a country estate, minutes from historic Fredericksburg, this property offers exceptional privacy and entertainment options! Improvements include a stunning main home with gourmet kitchen, family room with stone fireplace, and deep patios to enjoy views across the four± acre stocked pond plus a guest house, barn and low fencing. Rick Kuper, 210.240.8282

K u p e r S o t h e b y s I n t e r n at i o n a l R e a lt y

KuperRanchSales.com | rick.kuper@sothebysrealty.com | (210) 240-8282 Rick Kuper | 6606 N New Braunfels | San Antonio, Texas 78209

Guadalupe River Ranch

207± Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 1019472 This breathtaking, hilltop gated ranch, minutes northwest of metropolitan San Antonio and Boerne, features unparalleled views, privacy plus 4,500± feet of the flowing Guadalupe River. The serene treed grounds include a fabulous main home, original three-bedroom, three-bath farmhouse, four guest cottages, horse barns, conference center, studio, private office and a full service restaurant. Rick Kuper, 210.240.8282

Picturesque Comfort Ranch

259± Acres | Kendall County Property ID: 1046089 This 259± acre ranch features one-and-a-half± miles of the Guadalupe River plus rambling Flat Rock Creek. Large cypress and hundreds of pecan trees, mature oak woods line the river’s edge. Improved pastures with great top soil, late 1800’s farmhouse, garage, barn and sheds. Abundant native wildlife includes whitetail, dove, turkey, axis and more. Rick Kuper (210) 240-8282

Parish Ranch

75± Acres | Wilson County | Property ID: 1155934 Set on 75± rolling acres, this Texas-custom three-bedroom home features almost 2,200± square feet! Upstairs master suite boasts a walk-in closet and cozy sitting room. Relax on one of the four porches and watch a South Texas sunset over the pastures. Bring your horses! Five-stall horse barn with hay loft, feed, tack and wash room, plus nearby round pen. Ag exempt taxes, fully fenced and livestock tank. Rick Kuper, 210.240.8282



K u p e r S o t h e b y s I n t e r n at i o n a l R e a lt y KuperRealty.com | kevin.manner@sothebysrealty.com | (830) 816-5260 Kevin Manner | 1201 South Main, Suite 1 | Boerne, Texas 78006

Exceptional and Beyond

106± Acres | Kendall County | Property ID: 959446 Gated serenity in Champee Springs Ranches includes a stunning main house, guest house, pool and party house, two-story garage with office and home gym, metal barn with apartment and 87,000± gallon rainwater catchment system. Striking architecture integrates ‘Green Building’ to optimize energy efficiency with masonry exteriors, metal roofs, vaulted ceilings, teak, bamboo plus tiled floors and granite counters. Minutes from Boerne or metro San Antonio, in Boerne ISD. Kevin Manner, 210.722.5822

Unrestricted Beauty

135± Acres | Comal County | Property ID: 1062074 Rare private acreage features a dramatic hilltop for a future home that would include gorgeous, long range views. Level native pastures to rolling land plus a windmill, stock pond and seasonal creek. A private parcel, not in a subdivision, with excellent access to San Antonio off FM 1863, west of US 281, the corridor to the Hill Country! Larry Lester, 830.816.7002 or Kevin Manner, 210.722.5822 72


Proximity To Boerne

80± Acres | Kendall County | Property ID: 1129393 A very attractive 80± acres offers premier home sites that benefit from proximity to historic Boerne and its fine schools, and convenience to metropolitan San Antonio. The level land has a good mix of scattered mature native hardwoods and cropland. The southern boundary is picturesque, seasonal Balcones Creek. Larry Lester, 830.816.7002

K u p e r S o t h e b y s I n t e r n at i o n a l R e a lt y

KuperRealty.com | larry.lester@sothebysrealty.com | (830) 816-7002 Larry Lester | 1201 South Main, Suite 1 | Boerne, Texas 78006

Incomparable Location

504± Acres | Kendall County Property ID: 1150726

This 504± acres ranch is within the city of Boerne and offers the most incredible views and opportunity. With rolling scenic hills, beautiful valleys, native pasture land and current wildlife tax valuation, it has strong potential for development. The property starts one± mile from Boerne IH 10/Hwy. 46 West intersection. Larry Lester, 830.816.7002 and Kevin Manner, 210.722.5822

Boerne City Estate

26.5± Acres | Kendall County Property ID: 1153147 This 26.5± acre estate includes an historic, architecturally interesting home with rare privacy, charm and beauty. Though bounded on two sides by the city of Boerne, it is a wildlife haven that qualifies for wildlife exempt taxes. Larry Lester, 830.816.7002

Kendalia Views

120± Acres | Kendall County | Property ID: 1150730 This view tract is located two miles north of Kendalia and convenient to Hwy. 3351 and Hwy. 281. From this hilltop, you can see into Blanco, Comal, Kerr, Bexar and most of Kendall County, with about a ten acre buildable, level top. It includes a pond and short stretch of a hidden and enchanting stream. If you want to build a home, and view is important, this is about as good as it gets! Larry Lester, 830.816.7002



Kuper Ranch Sales

www.KuperRanchSales.com | jtarrillion@gmail.com | (210) 380-1229 John Tarrillion | 6606 N New Braunfels | San Antonio, Texas 78209

Guadalupe River Frontage

186.5± Acres | Guadalupe County | Property ID: 344023 Fabulous 970± feet on Meadowlake on the flowing Guadalupe River combines with paved frontage on Hwy. 123 South within Seguin ETJ. Minutes from downtown Seguin and IH10, and a 30 minute drive to either San Antonio or New Braunfels. Level pastureland with views descends to lush, pecan treed bottom land and the river. Potential for commercial and/or residential use. John Tarrillion 210.380.1229

Fredericksburg Getaway

80.9± Acres | Gillespie County | Property ID: 1070908 A truly scenic property is highlighted with 1500± feet of both sides of live water Willow Creek. Only 16± miles northeast of Fredericksburg, it includes a cozy weekend cabin, vintage rock walls and original barn with quarters. Wildlife includes whitetail deer, turkey and birds. John Tarrillion, 210. 380.1229 74


Mayfield Ranch

140± Acres | Blanco County | Property ID: 1035606 Minutes south of Dripping Springs, a scenic winding road leads to this impressive land that has been finely improved to provide luxury with an incredible custom home overlooking a lake, plus low fencing/cross fencing. Ideal for horses or cattle plus brush to shelter deer, turkey and seasonal birds. John Tarrillion, 210.380.1229

Carmack Acres, Schertz

30.48± Acres | Bexar County | Property ID: 1068088 A lush 30± acres with gorgeous oaks and ponds is on a hard corner of FM 1518 within Schertz ETJ, and ten± minutes from IH 10/Hwy. 90 for easy access into San Antonio. Improvements include a one-story home with pool, 2040±-square-foot equipment building and perimeter chain link fence. Ideal horse or recreational property with future potential! John Tarrillion 210.380.1229

L a G l o r i a L a n d C o m pa n y

www.LaGloriaLandCompany.com | (713) 402-8827 phone | (281) 232-4067 fax Matt Mann | 603 Woodlake Circle | Sugar Land, Texas 77498

Chicolete Creek Ranch

2,040± Acres | Jackson County | Property ID: 219863 Hands down, this is THE BEST SPORTSMAN’S RANCH within 100 miles of the Sam Houston Tollway on the market today! The rolling hills on this secluded ranch make you feel like you are in Brenham, and the beautiful live water is reminiscent of the Texas Hill Country. Located 10 miles from Edna, Texas and one-and-a-half hours from Houston, this ranch boasts two-and-a-half miles of both sides of clear flowing year-round Chicolete Creek, and has several side creeks and hollows. Offering a high fenced perimeter and deer breeder pens with South Texas whitetails, this property is a hunting paradise, with turkey, ducks, dove, and hogs! The ranch has seven big waterfowl lakes, three ponds, three water wells, electricity, and is covered in monster live oaks and other hardwoods. Will Divide. Price: $7,140,000 or $3,500 per acre.

Running M Farm and Ranch 480± Acres | Wharton County Property ID: 1031461

This irrigated farmland is suitable for a cattle or farming operation, or a development property. It has outstanding irrigation water, including a 22-acre lake and a 1,300 GPM irrigation well. Both can supply water to the miles of underground 16-inch PVC water lines and the center pivot system. This property has paved frontage on three roads, and has three barns shaded by huge live oaks. $4,000 per acre. Price: $1,920,000

Bucks and Ducks Close to Houston

600± Acres | Lavaca County Property ID: 990650

Located 100 miles from Houston, this is an awesome ranch for a deer and duck hunter! Two thirds of the ranch is wooded with mature live oak, post oak and native brush. There is over 50 acres of waterfowl hunting lakes that are fed by a 1,300 GPM irrigation well with a diesel engine pump, and lots of potential for creating new lakes. It has great privacy being set back off of the county road and accessed by a privately owned entrance. Will divide. Price: $1,620,000 or $2,700 per acre.

Rhoden Hollow Ranch

330± Acres | Jackson County Property ID: 504992 This is a gorgeous high-fenced ranch about one-anda-half hours southwest of Houston. It has dramatic elevation changes for the area and rolling sandy hills covered in monster live oaks. Three quarters of a mile of Rhoden Hollow meanders through the property and it is lined with big timber and native brush. It has a water well, a pond, electricity and end-of-the-county road privacy. The ranch has been game managed for five plus years and South Texas whitetails have been released. Great potential for lake building. Perfect for the hunter who wants a high-fenced ranch close to Houston! Asking $3,750 per acre. Price: $1,237,500



H o o d R e a l E s tat e I n c .

www.HoodRealEstateInc.com | howard@hoodrealestateinc.com | (830) 739-3815 mobile Howard W. Hood/Broker | 222 Sidney Baker South, Suite 223 | Kerrville, Texas 78028

4 Aces Ranch

17,132.04± Acres | Uvalde & Kinney Counties Property ID: 914168 The 4 Aces Ranch, the largest, contiguous live-water ranch currently on the market in the Texas Hill Country, is home to magnificent scenery and a fully operational wildlife preserve. The one-of-a-kind ranch spans the borders of both Uvalde and Kinney counties, encompassing 17,132.04 acres. Miles of paved and improved roads provide accessibility throughout this sprawling ranch. The landscape showcases the Hill Country’s topography including low rolling hills and deep canyons. Salmon Peak and Boiling Mountain, the two highest peaks in the area, are located on the property, providing challenging hiking. Live oaks and juniper ensure the view is evergreen. In the process of strategically removing cedar, ranch staffers have uncovered cultural treasures ranging from dinosaur tracks to Native American cave art. In arid southwest Texas, nothing is more desirable than live water. Live Oak Creek and Sycamore Creek course through the ranch for miles, their rushing currents are sustained by more than 30 springs. Working with a wildlife biologist, the current owners have transformed this ranch into a wildlife preserve with an international flair. The 4 Aces is home to: axis, scimitar-horned oryx, red sheep and red stag, eland, zebras, black buck, Catalina goats, aoudad, gemsbok, fallow deer, Corsican sheep, elk, as well as native species such as wild turkey and whitetailed deer. The ranch is surrounded by almost 50 miles of game-proof fencing protecting its high-quality habitat and keeping the myriad of wildlife species inside. At the end of a long day, even the most intrepid adventurers want to relax in elegant comfort. The native limestone main lodge has five-bedroom, four-bathroom that overlooks several of Live Oak Creek’s natural waterfalls. The lodge boasts two master suites as well as a fully updated kitchen. The huge covered patio with its large open-air fireplace, expansive fire pit and a completely covered outdoor bar, is the perfect spot for enjoying the company of guests and clients. A three-bedroom cabin offers additional, private lodging for guests. The 4 Aces Ranch is the ideal world-class commercial hunting operation and or corporate retreat. Price: $58,500,000



H o o d R e a l E s tat e I n c .

www.HoodRealEstateInc.com | howard@hoodrealestateinc.com | (830) 739-3815 mobile Howard W. Hood/Broker | 222 Sidney Baker South, Suite 223 | Kerrville, Texas 78028

Lake Amistad Ranch

872.6± Acres | Val Verde County Property ID: 951942 The picturesque Lake Amistad Ranch invites the discerning buyer to the ultimate recreational water property. Delight in hunting wild game or hiking in the hills of this scenic 872.6± acres property, located only 25 minutes north of Del Rio, Texas. New Owners can fish, swim, canoe, or enjoy a variety of water sports from the four miles of crystal clear lake frontage. This property is an outdoors-man’s paradise! Lake Amistad is rated the #1 Bass lake in the United States. Native game include White-tail deer, turkey, quail, doves, and javelinas. True Texas comfort provided with a 4/3 Stucco home with wood burning fireplace. You can watch the sunrise from the great open kitchen area. Breathtaking views of Lake Amistad and surrounding Texas hills provide a diverse natural terrain. Other amenities include a nice barn, one water well, one tank, and perimeter fencing. This property is versatile and unique for development potential, a corporate retreat, recreational camp, or just living the good life. A rare find in today’s market, this property won’t last long. Price: $3,600,000



H o o d R e a l E s tat e I n c .

www.HoodRealEstateInc.com | howard@hoodrealestateinc.com | (830) 739-3815 mobile Howard W. Hood/Broker | 222 Sidney Baker South, Suite 223 | Kerrville, Texas 78028

JD Game Ranch

805Âą Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 914122 Come savor the splendor of the rolling Texas hills near the Garvin Store, only 40 minutes west of Kerrville. These 805 tranquil acres are the perfect hunting/recreation ranch. The entire perimeter lies under gameproof fencing with 90% of all cedar cleared. Natural beauty includes a variety of live oaks and two ponds that create an excellent habitat for diverse wildlife. Cross-fenced into two 400-acre pastures, the property has a two-story rock home with a nice deck off the upstairs, two water wells and a working set of cattle pens. Picturesque and private in the surrounding Texas hills is the focus of this 805-acre ranch. $3,150 per acre. Call for a private showing! Price: 2,535,750



H o o d R e a l E s tat e I n c .

www.HoodRealEstateInc.com | howard@hoodrealestateinc.com | (830) 739-3815 mobile Howard W. Hood/Broker | 222 Sidney Baker South, Suite 223 | Kerrville, Texas 78028

Double J Ranch

754± Acres | Real County | Property ID: 914150 The Double J Ranch consists of 754± acres, all under high fence, which fronts on Highway 337 between Leakey and Vanderpool, very close to Lost Maples State Park. This ranch can truly be your “home on the range” with the scenic terrain from mountains to canyons and the crystal-clear water. The incredible views remind you of being in Colorado, where you can see for miles. Double J Ranch has numerous springs and one nice lake with several more lake sites. Improvements are nestled in the canyon with an ultimate sense of privacy. Improvements include two lodges, one with three bedrooms and two baths, and the other with four bedrooms and two baths. Also included is a new pool, outdoor kitchen, and large barn with a walk-in cooler. Amazing wildlife cover this ranch with whitetail deer, turkeys and exotics, including axis, aoudad, fallow and blackbuck. This “home on the range” has huge possibilities for a corporate retreat, family getaway or hunting ranch. Priced at $6,631.29 per acre. Call today for a showing. Price: $5,000,000



H o o d R e a l E s tat e I n c .

www.HoodRealEstateInc.com | howard@hoodrealestateinc.com | (830) 739-3815 mobile Howard W. Hood/Broker | 222 Sidney Baker South, Suite 223 | Kerrville, Texas 78028

Rancho Del Sol

231.9± Acres | Gillespie County Property ID: 1108646 15 miles northwest of Fredricksburg, Texas on Nixon Creek Road. is the breathtaking Rancho Del Sol. Enter the Rancho Del Sol thru the rock entrance with security gate. Meander down the granite driveway to the ranch headquarters. Savor the gentle rolling hills, scenic vistas, and abundant wildlife which include white-tailed deer, turkey, dove, axis, blackbuck antelope, fallow, elk, and zebra. Main residence features a four-bedroom, two-bath, cedar home with metal roof, a wood burning rock fireplace, attached two car garage, and a swimming pool with waterfall. Watch the sunsets from one of the two porches. In addition is a one-bedroom, one-bath guest house or foreman’s house. Amenities include a rifle range, a large barn with walk in cooler, two horse stalls inside, two outside horse stalls, tack room, feed room, shop, and also an implement barn. Property has one water well with submersible pump, and also several springs that flow together which are dammed up to form a nice pond stocked with Catfish and Bluegill Perch. This tremendous ranch has so much to offer the new owners with its privacy, amenities, abundant wildlife, and convenient location to Fredericksburg, Texas. Priced to sell at $2,450,000. Won’t last long! Call Howard W. Hood for a private showing!



H o o d R e a l E s tat e I n c .

www.HoodRealEstateInc.com | howard@hoodrealestateinc.com | (830) 739-3815 mobile Howard W. Hood/Broker | 222 Sidney Baker South, Suite 223 | Kerrville, Texas 78028

Leakey Ranch

216Âą Acres | Real County | Property ID: 1156955

This beautiful 216Âą-acre Texas Hill Country property adjoins the town of Leakey. Bushong mountain, with a magnificent 360 view, sits in the middle of the property and offers one of the most beautiful building sites in the Texas Hill Country. The Frio Canyon Valley can be viewed and enjoyed for miles and miles from this vantage point. There is approximately 1,700 feet of highway frontage on both Highway. U.S. 83 and F.M. 336, thus lending itself to unending developmental potential. The Real County airport, with a mile-long runway, is just across F.M. 336 from the property. With the wonderful views around the lower areas of the mountain, the property has great developmental potential. In addition, city water and electricity are already in place on the property. Whether as a family ranch, or for development potential this beautiful property is a must-see. Adjoining 126 acres with house also available. Call for details. Price: $1,512,000



H o o d R e a l E s tat e I n c .

www.HoodRealEstateInc.com | howard@hoodrealestateinc.com | (830) 739-3815 mobile Howard W. Hood/Broker | 222 Sidney Baker South, Suite 223 | Kerrville, Texas 78028

East Town Creek Ranch

47.08± Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 914143 Cradled in the heart of the Texas Hill Country, the premier East Town Creek Ranch features a 2,963-square-foot native limestone and cedar home with metal roof, three bedrooms, three baths, a large covered front porch and a oversized three-car garage with office above. One Trinity well is located on property. Both sides of crystal-clear East Town Creek run through the property, creating several picnic spots. The entire property is under game-proof fencing with lots of live oaks scattered throughout. Rare in today’s market, this immaculate and manicured gem lies only minutes to Kerrville. In a country setting, this ranch has great development potential and could be a perfect horse operation, corporate retreat or family getaway. Priced to sell at only $950,000. Call for a private showing.

N & B Game Ranch

600± Acres | Edwards County | Property ID: 920427

Come see the rustic beauty of the gentle rolling hills on this private game preserve. The tranquil setting is located just 50 miles west of Kerrville, in Edwards County, fronting on FM 41. The 600± acres is all under high fence and has one water well with a submersible pump, one pond, and a 37-foot travel trailer. The ranch could be a hunter’s paradise with excellent habitat for a variety of wildlife such as axis, black buck, auodad, sika, fallow, whitetail deer, and turkey. So many possibilities await the new owners of this property with the diverse natural beauty! The aesthetic appeal and convenient access of the ranch make it a rare find in today’s market. Priced to sell at $2,950 per acre. Call Howard W. Hood for a private showing. Price: $1,770,000 82


H o o d R e a l E s tat e I n c .

www.HoodRealEstateInc.com | howard@hoodrealestateinc.com | (830) 739-3815 mobile Howard W. Hood/Broker | 222 Sidney Baker South, Suite 223 | Kerrville, Texas 78028

LMR Ranch

256.94¹ Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 1050573 The gentle rolling terrain and seclusion are the focus of this YO Ranchland property. Be a part of the historic YO Ranch where wildlife abounds with axis, sika, blackbuck, fallow, whitetail, turkey, dove, and auodad. Amenities include a one-bedroom, one-bath rock cabin with fireplace, all newly renovated and a 1,305-square-foot two-bedroom, one-bath rock home with fireplace. Home has 16- by 16foot unattached garage with 18- by 25-square-foot carport. See the surrounding Texas hills from the 570-square-foot rock pavillion made for entertaining. Watch the sunset from the tranquil pond in front of the main house. Also included are three water wells. Perimeter of property has been cleared for fencing. This ranch has easy access with paved road to the property off Hwy 83 North from Garvin Store. The great location, quiet seclusion, abundant wildlife & native trees make the LMR Ranch a rare find in today’s market. Shown by appointment only. Price: $1,500,000



Texas Land Men,

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www.TexasLandMen.com | (830) 755-5420 28615 Interstate 10W | Boerne, TX 78006

Zavala County River Game Ranch

Rio Ranchito

South Texas game ranch ready to go! This ranch is high fenced with Tightlock and is cross, game fenced as well. The river and approximately 300 acres are not under high fence. 200 acres are under pivot and has a Carrizo 800 GPM three phase well. There are also 15 acres that are flood irrigated. There are three additional electric wells. The ranch conveys with nine blinds and nine spin cast feeders as well as six, 300-plus-pound bulk feeders and two, 2,000-pound bulk feeders.

This ranch has over a mile of the headwaters of the Guadalupe River along with Flat Rock Creek. Gorgeous water! The incredible improvements total over 16,000 square feet. The historic rock lodge sprawls out on the countryside and overlooks the river. There is a 32-stall ,vintage horse barn, another six-stall barn, arena, cabins and much more. This peaceful setting is located near the famous camps of Hunt, Texas such as the Waldemar, Camp Stewart, Camp Honey Creek and MO Ranch.

1,619± Acres | Zavala County | Property ID: 1146421

556± Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 1064333

Squaw Creek Ranch

972± Acres | Gillespie County | Property ID: 1088180 Squaw Creek runs through the property for almost a mile in the lower southwest corner. This a very strong and year round creek that lends itself to the possibility of the creation of a very large lake (although it is gorgeous the way it is). There is also a small cave on one of the rock bluffs about the size of a truck tire with water gushing from it. It creates a fall that drops about 20 feet to the main creek. If you are interested in purchasing a legacy ranch, one that is unique and raw, that you can mold into its full potential, call us.

Comanche Creek Ranch

575± Acres | San Saba County | Property ID: 1023009

The most breathtaking highly-improved Texas ranch on the market today! Property features gorgeous rolling oak country, loaded with an array of colorful hardwoods that has been well manicured and managed. There are three creeks that run through the ranch. Without-a-doubt, the best ranch in Texas! This masterpiece is better than any five-star resort! The lodging and the entertainment facilities are absolutely the best you will find in Texas! One of the best hunting ranches in Texas, with world-class whitetail and axis deer! 84

spring 2013

Texas Land Men,

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www.TexasLandMen.com | (830) 755-5420 28615 Interstate 10W | Boerne, TX 78006

Camp Verde Ranch

1,006Âą Acres | Ker County | Property ID: 1147986 This stunning 1,006-acre ranch located near Historic Camp Verde, Texas is truly a special property. This ranch offers both breathtaking views and beautiful spring fed lakes. In addition, a live creek passes through the property allowing year around access to live water. The ranch is highly improved complete with main lodge, guest house and ranch managers home. The ranch is high fenced and offers excellent native and exotic wildlife.



Texas Land Men,

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www.TexasLandMen.com | (830) 755-5420 28615 Interstate 10W | Boerne, TX 78006

Indian Point Ranch

144± Acres | Bandera County | Property ID: 1076666

Running Bay Ranch

53± Acres | Kendall County | Property ID: 1087439 Located in Medina County, just 12 miles from 1,604 and Culebra. This unique property has approximately 1,400 feet of beautiful Medina River frontage. The tranquil turquoise water is a highlight of this sprawling ranch and a rare find so close to San Antonio. Two dramatic hilltops tower above a wide valley that runs through the middle of the property. A cabin currently under renovation perches on the highest peak. Ideal as a personal retreat or a developers dream.

Just a mile off of Highway 16 in Pipe Creek lies this 144-acre, live-water jewel. Set back among the large oaks is a three-bedrom, two-bath stone home overlooking over 800 feet including both sides of Bear Springs Creek. Fantastic deep swimming holes are captured by a nice dam that captures water on this property. This property boasts a clean 30-acre pasture perfect for equestrian, grazing, or orchard farm. There are few properties of this size with the perfect mixture of field and native ground.

Whispering Water

1,992± Acres | Menard County | Property ID: 1134874 This 1992 acre high-fenced hunting/recreational ranch is located just a few miles south of Menard. Beside the main lodge are the luxurious pool, hot tub, and outdoor kitchen. Excellent all-weather roads provide easy access to all areas of the ranch. This property encompasses both rolling terrain and elevated views. The ranch has its own spring fed lake that encompasses three acres of surface water. Great hunting and 50% minerals. 86

spring 2013

Texas Land Men,

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www.TexasLandMen.com | (830) 755-5420 28615 Interstate 10W | Boerne, TX 78006

Medina River Hill Country Estate

624± Acres | Bandera County | Property ID: 15568444 This ranch has one of the largest native river pecan bottoms in Texas with giant pecan trees and approximately one mile of cypress-lined Medina River! Panoramic Hill Country views, valleys, great road system, abundant wildlife, good fences, grasses, wildlife exemption, and highway frontage. Taking the property farther back in time is a unique log cabin built by timber and stone of Fredericksburg, Texas.

Richards Ranch

1,159± Acres | Grimes County | Property ID: 1033520 The 1,159-acre Richards Ranch is located just north of Richards, Texas and an easy 45 minute commute from The Woodlands. A beautiful four-bedroom, five-bathroom home, with wraparound porch, is surrounded by giant pine trees. Many of the pastures have been planted in improved grasses. The ranch boasts 26 ponds, two well built cattle working facilities, three barns, and threee water wells. Lake Creek flows through the southern portion of the ranch. Property can be purchased as a whole or subdivided into two tracts.

The Falls Creek Ranch

3,000± Acres | Llano County | Property ID: 1015682

This is a great opportunity to own a historic property in Texas. This large tract consists of 3,000± acres sitting on the shores of Lake Buchannan. Falls Creek passes through the property providing strong crystal clear live water. The creek dives off a huge bluff creating a spectacular waterfall cascading into the lake. The ranch offers valleys and large hills offering picturesque views of Lake Buchannan and the surrounding Hill Country.



Texas Land Men,

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www.TexasLandMen.com | (830) 755-5420 28615 Interstate 10W | Boerne, TX 78006

Sycamore Creek

357± Acres | Kimble County | Property ID: 1025701

Deer Creek Ranch

1,648± Acres | Burnet County | Property ID: 1059025 Beautiful spring-fed Deer Creek runs through the ranch for half a mile, both sides! Large home, pool, high fencing, and outstanding whitetail deer herd!

A gorgeous 357± acres with approximately 4,000± feet of both sides of live spring fed Sycamore Creek with three dams that impale very nice clear deep water for fishing and swimming. There are fantastic views and a very private valley that runs through the middle of the ranch. The main home is perched on a scenic hill in the valley overlooking the crystal clear flowing creek. This is a beautiful ranch with fantastic year round water and excellent improvements!

Enchanted Rock Estate

40± Acres | Gillespie County | Property ID: 1077799 A rare opportunity to own an entire Tuscan village just down the road from Enchanted Rock State Park. There are 20 buildings totaling 50,000 square feet. This property is currently used as a wedding destination resort but lends itself to many other possible uses: children's camp, RV resort, shopping village, destination resort, movie set, winery. You won't believe the amenities. There is an old west saloon and the pool in the cave and a wine vault! Like none other....

J&M Ranch

545± Acres | Uvalde County | Property ID: 1078578 Escape to the Beautiful Texas Hill Country!!! The J&M Ranch is located just minutes from Garner State Park, one of the top recreational parks in the State of Texas. There is some excellent hunting of exotics and native game including whitetail deer, turkey, hogs, axis, fallow deer, and blackbuck and great fishing in the tank that has been stocked with catfish and bass. The ranch features in a park like atmosphere, this beautiful Hill Country, custom rock home with six bedrooms and six baths. 88

spring 2013

Texas Land Men,

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www.TexasLandMen.com | (830) 755-5420 28615 Interstate 10W | Boerne, TX 78006

Rock River Ranch

2,000± Acres | Edwards County | Property ID: 1078595 One of the most striking and beautiful features of this ranch is two miles of crystal clear Nueces River. There are several good size fields and with 250± acre-feet. of permitted water right, that would allow these fields to be irrigated for improved grasses and food plots for the free roaming exotics, whitetail deer, turkey, quail and dove. 10,000± feet of new water lines throughout property, three houses, three water wells, working pens and electricity. This is a ranch that has it all, hunting, views and lots of gorgeous water.

Boerne Hill Top Estate

26± Acres | Kendall County | Property ID: 1158123 Located just four miles of IH-10 near the quaint Texas Hill Country town of Boerne, this stunning 26± acres offers breathtaking views of the surrounding hill country. The main house consists of 5000± square feet complete with five bedrooms and four-and-a-half baths. A large highly improved barn complete with 1,456 square feet of garage area and 1,560 square feet of finished living area adds to the properties appeal. The main residence has a large back porch for viewing the abundance of native wildlife roaming the property.

Pedernales River Ranch

192± Acres | Gillespie County | Property ID: 1157987 This 192±-acre property is located at the corner of Klein Rd and Redstone Ranch Rd next to the historic LBJ State Park. The tract includes beautiful Pedernales River frontage with rapids and easy sloping access. The property has deep soil and large trees, wooded areas and a seasonal creek flowing through the ranch along Klein Rd. The large improved field includes a pivot irrigation system. This tract comes with 25 acre feet of water rights from the Pedernales River.

86 Acres Hunt

±86 Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 1157989 2-2 Rock home on 86 acres with Guadalupe River and Flat Rock Creek. Large ranch neighbor. Cute rock home, highway frontage.



Texas Land Men,

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www.TexasLandMen.com | (830) 755-5420 28615 Interstate 10W | Boerne, TX 78006

LR Ranch

3,730.87± Acres | Bosque County | Property ID: 1022873

89 Acres

89± Acres | Uvalde County | Property ID: 1142975 Property includes 3,000 feet of Seco Creek with two dams, great fishing, swimming and kayaking. The ideal spot to get away from it all. Also featured are hills, views, water, wildlife and a comfortable home.

Bella Vista Ranch

162± Acres | Gillespie County | Property ID: 1076725 Less than 15 minutes from downtown Fredericksburg, this pristine ranch offers secluded views, spring-fed lake and lush improved pastures scattered with oaks throughout. Improvements include a newly remodeled 4,500-square-foot stone home with office and Cellar awaiting your reserve. This place has got it all – seperate quarters for your kids/grandkids with one of the best secluded views in the county and stocked live spring fed lake. 90

spring 2013

The 3,700-plus gorgeous acres consist of rolling hills to prime pasture land and is a sportsman's paradise! The ranch has four lakes, three wells, and is a low fenced hunting ranch loaded with native game birds and whitetail deer. Gorgeous 10,000-square-foot log home nestled in the heart of Texas. There are many other improvements including a foreman's home, maids quarters, pool and pool house, equipment barns, quail release pen, dog kennels and much more.

Guadalupe River Estate

68± Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 1160666 Gorgeous 68± acres on the Guadalupe River with 153-acre-feet of senior water rights. Perfect 2,100-square-foot rock house overlooking gorgeous coastal fields. Owner runs 150 heifers in the summer and 50-75 in the winter. This is a quality gentleman’s ranch that is set up and ready to go.

Texas Land Men,

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www.TexasLandMen.com | (830) 755-5420 28615 Interstate 10W | Boerne, TX 78006

212 Acres on the Medina River

212± Acres | Medina County | Property ID: 1035139 Located in Medina County, just 12 miles from 1,604 and Culebra. This unique property has approximately 1,400 feet of beautiful Medina River frontage. The tranquil turquoise water is a highlight of this sprawling ranch and a rare find so close to San Antonio. Two dramatic hilltops tower above a wide valley that runs through the middle of the property. A cabin currently under renovation perches on the highest peak. Ideal as a personal retreat or a developers dream.

Tuscan Estate

1.49± Acres | Kerr County | Property ID:1077720 This Comanche Trace estate sits on 1.49 acres of incredible Hill Country views! The 6,400-square-foot, five-bedroom, six-plusbath home, is absolutely gorgeous. There is a stunning gourmet kitchen, travertine floors throughout,three fireplaces, the walls all have custom finishes, coffered or barrel ceilings, central vac system, outdoor cabana at pool, game room/guest suite, four-car garage, beautifully landscaped grounds and much more. This is a gorgeous home in a great location that you need to see!

Hamilton’s Finest

775± Acres | Hamilton County | Property ID: 1156807 Located near Hamilton, Texas this highly improved property offers excellent Hunting and Fishing. Approximately 450± acres of the ranch is high fenced for managing the properties desirable whitetail Deer herd. The properties improvements sit high on a hill overlooking the river valley and improved pastures. This property has been operating as a family cattle ranch with some commercial hunting. In addition, to the river frontage on the Leon River the property offers additional lakes for fishing and recreation.

Cypress River Ranch

337± Acres | Bandera County | Property ID: 1040451 Over two miles of the cypress-lined Medina River borders this ranch, and Highway 16 borders the other side. Game fenced with great income producing coastal fields, this property has a neat three bedroom two bath log cabin perched on a hill overlooking the ranch. A large 120- by 254-foot hay barn is included, in addition to the equipment and storage barn near the cabin. This is truly a great ranch located right outside the Apple Capital. Come live in Medina and enjoy the best life has to offer.



The duPerier Texas Land Man

www.Texas-Landman.com | info@texas-landman.com | Office (830) 755-5205 | Fax (830) 796-5488 Trip duPerier/Broker | 28615 Interstate 10 W | Boerne, Texas 78006

Blanco River

368± Acres | Hays County | Property ID:1100621 These 368± beautiful acres are a true Texas Hill Country paradise. Just minutes from historic downtown Wimberley, this property has both open pastures and native Hill Country vistas. The picturesque Blanco River passes through the property with beautiful blue-green water. Enjoy good neighbors, wonderful vistas and plenty of trees. This ranch will not last long at this location.

Granada Springs

230± Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 1000708 230± acres of water-front delight. A unique Hill Country home plus entertainment lodge, two barns and rustic cabin are positioned high on a limestone bluff overlooking an amazing spring-fed waterway and terrific views. The setting for the three bedroom two and a half bath rock and stucco home and lodge is a sunset watchers dream. There is over 4,000 feet of both sides of the spring fed Turtle Creek plus the Granada Spring!

Windmill Hill Ranch

250± Acres | Hays County | Property ID: 1099646 This exquisite 250± acre estate is just minutes out of Wimberley, Texas. The main home is exceptionally well-built and made for entertaining, however, you will be drawn to the large covered porches outside that offer 20 mile views of the Devils Backbone and the surrounding Hill Country. No roof tops! Very private! Guest will be more than comfortable lounging by the pool and resting in the adjacent two bedroom guest house with a spacious glassed-in porch to enjoy the countryside.

Flying Dollar Ranch

1,025± Acres | Lampasas County | Property ID: 1077978 Strong live water passes thought the property supplying a year-round water source for the highly managed whitetail deer herd. The ranch consists of 1,025 acres with the majority of the property under high fence. Several stock tanks have also been constructed and offer excellent wing shooting. Large trees and panoramic views add to the properties appeal. This ranch offers both wooded areas for wildlife habitat as well as good grazing pastures. This property is a turnkey deal ready to be utilized by a new owner. 92


The duPerier Texas Land Man

www.Texas-Landman.com | info@texas-landman.com | Office (830) 755-5205 | Fax (830) 796-5488 Trip duPerier/Broker | 28615 Interstate 10 W | Boerne, Texas 78006

Spring Creek Horse Ranch

270± Acres | Gillespie County | Property ID: 723073 The ranch features 270± acres of stunning oak trees and improved pastures. Spring Creek passes through this property supplying year round running water separating improved pastures from native Hill Country wildlife areas. A stocked lake centrally located adds to the strong water this ranch offers. Two horse barns, a riding arena, two guest houses and an equipment barn add to the improvements. The main residence is truly spectacular, complete with a new swimming pool and landscaping. This property has it all: location, water and wonderful improvements. This ranch is ready for the serious buyer who wants a gentlemans ranch.

Clear Springs Ranch 1,127± Acres Medina County Property ID:1100543

This highly improved 1,127±acre game ranch is truly a oneof-a-kind property. The entrance into the ranch offers a beautiful drive through majestic trees along the banks of Verde Creek. A nice dam on the creek backs up water that is about 12 feet deep and perfect for swimming and fishing. The improvements include a 3,000±-square-foot lodge, main house, two casitas, several barns, and a swimming pool with an outdoor cooking area and bar. The wildlife has a vast range of animals from native to super exotics and they have been managed to optimum levels. This is a turnkey operation ready to go.

Valley Mills Ranch 485± Acres Bosque County | Property ID: 1100100

A beautiful lodge sits on the banks of a 70± acre lake setting this property apart from its competition. The 6,000± square foot lodge contains five bedrooms and three baths with large deck overlooking the lake. In addition to the large lake there are two additional ponds and a creek. Located just northwest of Waco, Texas this property is conveniently situated between Austin and the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex. The ranch has been very well managed and maintained and is ready for a new owner.

La Bonne Vie Ranch

208± Acres | Gillespie County Property ID: 993788 This amazing Hill Country estate is nestled into the picturesque countryside. First class amenities are included in the main house with over 8,000 square feet of high-ceiling, open concept, ranch-style architecture. This dream home has expansive patios for views and entertaining. Varied terrain from improved grass fields to spring-fed creek bottom with huge elms and oaks. An ideal corporate or family retreat – or move your business to the ranch. Call for a showing soon!



The duPerier Texas Land Man

www.Texas-Landman.com | info@texas-landman.com | Office (830) 755-5205 | Fax (830) 796-5488 Trip duPerier/Broker | 28615 Interstate 10 W | Boerne, Texas 78006

Medina River Ranch

Hamilton Ranch

1,169± acres with two sides lined by water! The main home was originally built in the 1940s. Its timeless appeal with updated amenities combine into an extraordinary estate. The compound includes the main home with kids wing and is a total of 9,200± square feet. This gorgeous ranch has not been hunted in many years and has large herds of whitetail, axis and blackbuck roaming the property. Located just outside of Medina, Texas, this ranch is among the elite ranches in the hill country.

This highly improved ranch is set up perfectly for both recreational use as well as agricultural use. The property consists of approximately 2,135 acres with a 450-acre high-fenced pasture which has been highly managed for whitetail deer. The Leon River passes through the property offering over one mile of river frontage. Improvements consists of several homes with a 3,500-square-foot main lodge. The main lodge offers breath taking views of the river bottom and surrounding hills. The ranch is currently a working cattle ranch.

1,169± Acres | Bandera County | Property ID: 1025767

Ranch on Bear Creek

234± Acres | Gillespie County | Property ID: 1046006 The ranch features approximately 2,700 feet of Bear Creek with several dams that create crystal clear lakes. A custom-built waterfall is directly in front of the back porch of the native stone two-bedroom, two-bath home. The property also includes a twostory limestone rock house built in the late 1800s that would make an incredible restoration project. Part of the ranch has gameproof fencing and is cross-fenced. Many good roads throughout the property allow for easy management of the wildlife, exotics, or livestock. 94


2,135± Acres | Hamilton County | Property ID: 1099669

The duPerier Texas Land Man

www.Texas-Landman.com | info@texas-landman.com | Office (830) 755-5205 | Fax (830) 796-5488 Trip duPerier/Broker | 28615 Interstate 10 W | Boerne, Texas 78006

Star R Ranch

850± Acres | Star R Ranch County | Property ID: 1100251

Headwaters Ranch

54± Acres | Gillespie County | Property ID: 1099619 Located 20 minutes west of Fredericksburg is a charming river front Hill Country hideaway! This 54± acres ranch has all the amenities you dream about, two-bedroom, two-bath Native Rock cottage with a garage apartment, both located on a limestone ledge overlooking a crystal clear spring fed two-plus-acre lake, huge oaks, cedar elm and pecans plus a fenced orchard and herb garden. Make it easy on yourself and see this place first!!!

This prime hunting ranch consists of 850± acres located just 30 minutes from San Antonio. The ranch is currently being managed for native wildlife and is operating as a cattle ranch as well. The property offers wonderful trees and rolling hills with nice hay fields covering the bottom lands. The ranch offers a wonderful home surrounded by towering oak trees. There are many additional building sites offering majestic views of the ranch and surrounding hill country. This is a special property that sits in a great location.

Blanco County River

594± Acres | Blanco County | Property ID: 1156859 This 594±-acre property located in Blanco County, Texas offers easy access to both Austin and San Antonio. Rolling hills and native Hill Country along with Pedernales River frontage sets this property apart from the competition. The ranches headquarters offers comfortable living quarters surrounded by majestic oak trees. The river frontage is easily accessed offering both deep pools and flowing waters. This ranch has been well maintained and is ready for immediate showings.



The duPerier Texas Land Man

www.Texas-Landman.com | info@texas-landman.com | Office (830) 755-5205 | Fax (830) 796-5488 Trip duPerier/Broker | 28615 Interstate 10 W | Boerne, Texas 78006

Zant Ranch

± Acres | Menard County | Property ID: 1099625 The ranch offers both excellent hunting and irrigated improved pastures for agriculture value. A centrally located, well-appointed 4,200-square-foot ranch house offers majestic views of the property and surrounding area. The house and it's exquisite finishout flows outside to 2,000 square feet of covered porches with views of Five Mile Creek that traverses the property. This very well-maintained property is priced to sell.

Hunt Area Retreat

42± Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 1158209 Nice three bedroom, three and 1/2 bath two story home on 42± acres. In the gorgeous Hunt area with 1,200 feet of Guadalupe River frontage. Across the river is the Kerr Wildlife Management Area. Large tree-covered acreage, grey bluff overlooking water.

Redstone Ranch

143± Acres | Gillespie County | Property ID: 1158205 This property is equipped with a large metal shop building, a large equipment barn, a hay barn, two silos for crop storage, and pens for game or livestock. There is a 300-foot deep water well with submersible pump that provides water to the ranch. The ranch has two large fields and tucked back in the ranch is a pond that is fed by a seasonal creek and drainage from the fields. This property also include a beautiful 2±acre river front tract that has 25-acre feet of water rights. 96


Bosque Estate

200± Acres | Bosque County | Property ID: 1158199 Gorgeous 10,000-square-foot log home nestled in the heart of Texas. This incredible home was custom designed with mesquite floors, cabinets, and doors, has rock floors, log beams, and makes you feel like you are on a retreat in Colorado. The home is a five bedroom, seven bath architectural feat. There is also a foreman's home, pool and pool house, equipment barns, quail release pen, and much more. The gorgeous property has rolling hills and is loaded with game. More acreage available.

The duPerier Texas Land Man

www.Texas-Landman.com | info@texas-landman.com | Office (830) 755-5205 | Fax (830) 796-5488 Trip duPerier/Broker | 28615 Interstate 10 W | Boerne, Texas 78006

Ranger Creek Ranch

1,100Âą Acres | Kendall County | Property ID: 723010 Stunning views and live water located near historical Boerne, Texas, just 20 minutes from Loop 1604 in San Antonio. This ranch is truly one of the hidden gems in the Texas Hill Country. Good elevation changes afford great building sites with majestic views. The ranch is enhanced with live water and good bottom land for recreation. The property has quality building restrictions to help hold the integrity of the area. The property is priced to sell!



The duPerier Texas Land Man

www.Texas-Landman.com | info@texas-landman.com | Office (830) 755-5205 | Fax (830) 796-5488 Trip duPerier/Broker | 28615 Interstate 10 W | Boerne, Texas 78006

Riverfront Estate

127± Acres | Kerr County Property ID: 1158245 Gorgeous home overlooking the Guadalupe River and Flat Rock Creek. Five bedrooms, five and 1/2 baths, pool area on the bluff with enclosed party area and full bath, and outside BBQ kitchen. Many other improvements including a 32-stall rock horse barn and arena, two cottages, and three-bedroom, twobath foreman's home. This wonderful property has good road frontage on two paved roads. 69-acre feet of water rights, 700-foot new well that pumps 55 gpm, and much more.


113± Acres | Gillespie County | Property ID: 1158237 This acreage has an old dairy house that needs some work and a larger old threebedroom, two-bath ranch home with an incredible view of the Pedernales River right out the front porch. Along with the river frontage the property has some wooded areas and large fields with a pond. The ranch is fenced on all sides and includes 25-acre-feet of water rights. The property has frontage on Redstone Road just down from the Historic LBJ State Park.

Devil’s River Ranch

40,000± Acres | Val Verde County | Property ID: 1158265 The Devil's River Ranch boasts 2.25 miles of Devils River Head waters and is comprised of three distinct habitat types. The habitat types range from Chihuahuan Desert, Edwards Plateau, and South Texas Brushland. Rolling hills, shear rock bluff canyons, flat land, and old arroyos carved through time make up the landscape. Wildlife abounds throughout the ranch due to the habitat diversity. The ranch is supplied water by 21 water wells strategically placed throughout the ranch. 98


The duPerier Texas Land Man

www.Texas-Landman.com | info@texas-landman.com | Office (830) 755-5205 | Fax (830) 796-5488 Trip duPerier/Broker | 28615 Interstate 10 W | Boerne, Texas 78006

Happy Heart Ranch

32± Acres | Bandera County | Property ID: 1077977 This 32-acre equestrian showplace is located between Boerne and Pipe Creek just of Highway 16. The main home is a spacious three-bedroom/two bath complete with commercial grade kitchen appliances, its own bar entertainment room and commanding views of the valley below. The main barn has 14 stalls, tack lockers, office, fly spray system, Poteet sand enclosed light arena and much more. This is a must see for the equestrian minded rancher.

Snook Ranch

1,026± Acres | Burleson County | Property ID: 1049998 The 1,026 acre ranch consists of native woodland habitat and improved Coastal Bermuda fields. Berry and Davidson Creeks flow through the ranch. The 6,500± square feet rock home is centrally located within the 240 acre House Pasture and overlooks a coastal field bordered by trees. The large covered roping arena is lighted and irrigated for year round enjoyment. The 550 acre Ryan Pasture is deer proof fenced and has had genetically superior White-tailed Deer liberated into the property.

Helotes Estate

50± Acres | Bexar County | Property ID: 1160577 Just minutes out of the hussle-and-bussle of San Antonio is this peaceful and serene retreat. 50 acres situated in Helotes – voted #1 city in Texas in 2012. The inviting Victorian-German rock home is secluded among a huge canopy of trees with views of the Hill Country from the three large porches. There are two barns, arena, ponds and the land is totally fenced. This is truly a hidden away treasure like no other. Come escape to your private Hill Country estate.

Pedernales River Ranch

108± Acres | Gillespie County | Property ID: 1160606 This 108± acres has deep soil that offers great tree cover with native live oak, post oak and other trees. The elevation is also of note with many building sites offering great hill county views. Located in the middle of the tract you will find a large tank that host lots of wildlife including some exotics. 2.24±-acre river tract with 25-acre-feet of water rights from the Pedernales River.



R anch


L and D ivision

www.Ranch.BriggsFreeman.com | anelson@briggsfreeman.com | (214) 794-8945 Angie Nelson/Broker Associate | 2913 Fairmount Street, Suite #200 | Dallas, Texas 75201

Arbuckle Ranch

17,632± Acres | Near Davis, Oklahoma Arbuckle Ranch is located approximately 130 miles north of Dallas/Fort Worth in the historic Arbuckle Mountains of Oklahoma, which are considered one of the oldest ranges in North America. This premier ranch consists of 17,632 acres, made up primarily of native pasture land with a gradual elevation change. Currently in operation as a working cattle ranch, it is capable of running 1,200 AU or 2,500 stockers in ideal weather conditions. Arbuckle Ranch sits atop the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer, which gives the ranch a plenitude of water. Access to the aquifer assures an abundance of water resources, delivering all the components necessary for hay production and grass essential to a superb working cattle ranch. This ranch is being offered for $22,028,750. Please call Angie Nelson at (214) 794-8945 for more information. 102


R anch


L and D ivision

www.Ranch.BriggsFreeman.com | www.JBRanchesofTexas.com | jbrosche@briggsfreeman.com Jim Brosche | 2913 Fairmount Street, Suite #200 | Dallas, Texas 75201 | (817) 233-5143

Rocky Waters Ranch

1,375.40± Acres | Hamilton County | Property ID: 1128759 Highly improved 1,375±-acre recreation and agricultural ranch, located four miles south of Hico, with 700+ acre high fenced for deer management. In addition to extensive scientific deer breeding pens, traps and a vet building, there are three homes, barns, a walk in cooler and a professional quail and pheasant breeding barn. The terrain is heavily rolling and offers great views. Heavily wooded with mature oaks, cedars and mesquite, the ranch drives big due to thoughtful brush sculpting throughout. The ranch has large food plots, professional feeders, deer blinds and fresh water troughs scattered throughout. Additionally, Honey Creek, a major rock bottom creek, passes through the ranch. Currently used for cattle, Rocky Waters has two sets of cattle working pens. Perfect for both hunters and ranchers, Rocky Waters Ranch offers tremendous flexibility and is the perfect place to spend deer season this year! Please call Jim Brosche at (817) 233-5143. Price: $4,500,000

Buena Vista Ranch

18± Acres | Bosque County Property ID: 1109218 18±-acre estate overlooking Harmony Valley. Features a main house and a guest house. Price: $639,000. Jim Brosche (817) 233-5143

The Gaston Ranch

645± Acres | Bosque County Property ID: 1076288 Cattle and horse operation with beautiful views in Cranfill’s Gap. Price: $2,451,000. SOLD. Jim Brosche (817) 233-5143.

Diamond M Sportsman Ranch

790± Acres | Bosque County | Property ID: 1087719 One-of-a-kind recreational property in Northern Bosque County. Currently used as fishing and hunting club, the Diamond M features 122± surface acres of stocked lakes and ponds, to include a spectacular 50-acre lake with island and a separate large duck habitat. Located 50 miles southwest of Dallas/Ft Worth, this recreational retreat offers 12 ponds and four lakes, all stocked with Florida Bass and actively managed for the past 25 years. According to the owners, the fishing, duck, dove and deer hunting is phenomenal. This property is a perfect investment for the sportsman, a recreational partnership or entertaining clients. Call Jim Brosche at (817) 233-5143 or Jim Strawn at (214) 553-4500 with questions. Price: $4,977,000

Bar W Ranch

Circle H Ranch

Productive cattle and farm operation in the Bosque Valley. Price: $1,084,215. Jim Brosche (817) 233-5143

Gorgeous ranch with big views. Price: $1,500,000. Jim Brosche (817) 233-5143

442± Acres | Bosque County Property ID: 1094924

199.34± Acres | Lampasas Co. Property ID: 1146251



R anch


L and D ivision

www.Ranch.BriggsFreeman.com | dburgher@briggsfreeman.com | (214) 213-8715 David Burgher/Manager | 2913 Fairmount Street, Suite #200 | Dallas, Texas 75201

Cow Creek Bayou Ranch

1,664± Acres | Falls County Property ID: 1115817 This is a beautiful 1,664± acre cattle rancher’s showplace located only 20± miles southeast of Waco, and approximately one-and-a-half hours from Austin or Dallas. The custom estate home, built in 2006, offers 7,300± square feet of meticulous woodwork and masonry throughout the residence to create a gourmet kitchen, spacious living areas, a luxurious master suite, two additional bedrooms, and a study/playroom on the second floor. The distinguished home overlooks a 15± acre lake and waterfall pool surrounded by magnificent oak trees and breathtaking views. This ranch has too many fine features to list. Priced at $6,950,000. Call David Burgher at (214) 213-8715 or Harlan Ray at (214) 908-7770 or Rick Kuper at (210) 240-8282.

Island Creek Ranch

1,491± Acres | Hill County Property ID: 1076568

This is a great opportunity to own a beautiful ranch only an hour away from the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. Island Creek and Itasca Creek both run through the property, providing some excellent water features throughout the property. If you like running cattle, farming, fishing, and hunting, this ranch has it all. Drive onto a property with great views, great water, and lots of potential! The 1,491± acre property has mature trees, rolling terrain, lush bottoms, deep tanks, and beautiful grazing pastures. Priced at $5,218,500. Contact Harlan Ray at (214) 908-7770. 104


R anch


L and D ivision

www.Ranch.BriggsFreeman.com | dburgher@briggsfreeman.com | (214) 213-8715 David Burgher/Manager | 2913 Fairmount Street, Suite #200 | Dallas, Texas 75201

Escape to Sundance

64± Acres | Henderson County

Located on a peninsula on beautiful Cedar Creek Lake, Sundance is the ultimate retreat poised to welcome guests who arrive by land or air. Built in the style of a sophisticated, New England cottage with a distinct Hill Country spirit, Sundance features sweeping views of the lake from several vantage points including large windows, a screened porch, an oversized patio and a third floor widow’s walk accessed by a winding staircase. The main house includes four oversized bedroom suites, a great room with beamed ceiling and stone fireplace, and a kitchen equipped to host large events. A 12-seat media/game room and comfortable den welcome yearround enjoyment. Much of the property and its premier amenities can be controlled by smart phone or digital note pad. Even the artfully landscaped streams, which run through the property, can be controlled electronically. Sundance welcomes family, friends and retreat opportunities with a separate guest house featuring two bedrooms, two fireplaces, a spacious living area, kitchen and bath. A screened porch overlooking the lake is the perfect place to enjoy a morning cup of coffee. Guests and family have unlimited access to lake side fun with a five-slip boathouse, barn, jet skis, and a covered basketball court. Acres of wooded land with deer and other wildlife are ready to enjoy and explore. With 64 heavily-treed acres, two beautifully designed homes, a tree farm, dock, storage building, barn, game fencing and five-slip boathouse, Sundance offers unlimited opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors looking to create a family retreat or commercial entity that is both profitable and enjoyable. Priced at $6,450,000. Contact Pete Ryan (214) 957-3547 and Susie Ryan (214) 957-6886.

Magic Valley Ranch

3,290± Acres | Palo Pinto County | Property ID: 984400

Magic Valley Ranch is one of the most spectacular ranches in Palo Pinto County. Only 45 minutes west of Fort Worth, this ranch has over six miles of Brazos River frontage with its sandy beaches for swimming, fishing and canoeing. The ranch is conveniently accessible with two miles of Highway 281 frontage and paved entrance to the headquarters. This turnkey horse, cattle and hay operation features a main house, two duplex, managers house, indoor arena, round pen, hay barn, equipment shed, stables and irrigated hay field. Water is abundant with the river, lakes, and stock ponds. The sportsman can enjoy hunting the mountain pasture or fish the numerous waters. In addition, this ranch has unlimited development opportunities with its close proximity to the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Call Jack McGraw at (817) 688-7478



R anch


L and D ivision

www.Ranch.BriggsFreeman.com | dburgher@briggsfreeman.com | (214) 213-8715 David Burgher/Manager | 2913 Fairmount Street, Suite #200 | Dallas, Texas 75201

Johnson Ranch

71± Acres | Kaufman County Property ID: 1104113 Only 45 minutes from downtown Dallas in Kaufman County, this is a wonderful property consisting of 71± acres with amenities that include exquisite horse facilities including barn with office, four stables, 10 covered outdoor stables, loafing sheds, deep pond, creek, resort-style pool with outdoor kitchen. Magnificent home features five bedrooms, three LA, a cooks dream kitchen with commercial grade appliances. A property that offers the best in country living. Price: $1,250,000. Call Brenda Morschell at (214) 957-9401 or Craig Sessions at (214) 957-6682

Magnolia Plantation

75± Acres | Smith County Property ID: 1125837

This 75±-acre Gentleman’s Ranch with 8,000-squarefoot home is located near Tyler and Lake Palestine. The detail and quality of the five-bedroom, four-anda-half-bath house with numerous living areas needs to be seen in person. Porches, balconies and patios overlook the beautifully landscaped grounds include a swimming pool/spa, large patio with mature vines covering the arbor, outside fireplace/kitchen with pizza oven, equestrian facilities with five-stall barn, tack room and improved pastures. Price: $2,800,000. Call David Burgher at (214) 213-8715 or Greg Caton at (903) 452-3239.

600 Wolf Creek Ranch Road 11± Acres | Burnet County

If you ever dreamed of cattle drives and canyon vistas, flights of eagles across the blue Texas skies and painted sunsets, here is your chance to own a vanishing piece of unspoiled Texas Hill Country. Wolf Creek Ranch is designed as a private, shared-ownership ranch. A sweeping common reserve runs throughout the ranch and provides each and every owner access to much of the ranch’s 1,324± acres — big ranch feel without the hassle. This remarkable home is platted on 11± acres and surrounded by a custom split rail fence. Views of Lake Buchanan and the surrounding Texas Hill Country are plentiful from the nearly 1,400 square feet of covered porches. The level of quality and craftsmanship is apparent throughout. Centrally located with easy access to all the attractions of the Texas Hill Country. Priced at $995,000. Contact Christopher McGuire (214) 454-1128. 106


R anch


L and D ivision

www.Ranch.BriggsFreeman.com | dburgher@briggsfreeman.com | (214) 213-8715 David Burgher/Manager | 2913 Fairmount Street, Suite #200 | Dallas, Texas 75201

Plum Cover Ranch

219± Acres | Cherokee County Property ID: 1110224

Gentleman’s Ranch with 9,400-squarefoot home has magnificent hilltop views overlooking the improved pastures and surrounding countryside. It is conveniently located near Tyler and includes a 2nd home, tennis court, two-stall barn, working pens and four stock tanks. Price: $1,995,000. Call David Burgher at (214) 213-8715 or Greg Caton at (903) 452-3239.

Sable Ranch

104± Acres | Cooke County Property ID: 1084070 This one of a kind 110 acres lies on a peninsula of Lake Ray Roberts. Located less than an hour from North Dallas Metroplex. This unique property has scattered oaks, pond, open pasture, cattle pens, and workshop. This beautiful stone house with metal room has the most magnificent views of Lake Ray Roberts. The ranch is surrounded on three sides by Corp of Engineer land. The property has paved road frontage, co-op water and electricity. There is abundant wildlife that meanders on ranch from Corp land. Price: $1,795,000. Call Angie Nelson at (214) 794-8945 or David Burgher at (214) 213-8715

Rockin’ K Ranch

314± Acres | Collin County Property ID: 1084705

Beautiful 314± acre ranch located 45 minutes north of downtown Dallas, is just off Preston Road. A gated estate, the spectacular improvements include a 15,000-square-foot brick and stone house with a 4,000-bottle wine cellar, seven-car garage, and heated pool. It is also a premier horse breeding and training facility and includes two covered arenas, 40 large mare stalls (convertible to 80 stalls), foaling stalls, breeding lab, manager’s office, equipment barn, three-bedroom manager’s house, three stock tanks, skeet range, and more. Priced at $15,000,000. Call David Burgher at (214) 213-8715.



R anch


L and D ivision

www.Ranch.BriggsFreeman.com | dburgher@briggsfreeman.com | (214) 213-8715 David Burgher/Manager | 2913 Fairmount Street, Suite #200 | Dallas, Texas 75201

Wildcat Mountain Ranch 5,033± Acres | Coke County Property ID: 1107521

Trophy quail and deer hunter’s paradise, plus turkey, dove, wild pig and javalena. On the northern edge of the Edwards Plateau with numerous canyons and high mountains with more than two miles of escarpment face and a 800-foot change in elevation. Located southwest of Abilene near Robert Lee, the ranch has been under professional game management for the last 15 years. This property is surrounded by other large ranches and has a 6,000 square-foot hunting lodge, a game processing building with a walk-in refrigerator, a walk-in flash freezer and commercial ice maker. There is water on the property provided by a number of wells and tanks. Price: $11,047,435. Call David Burgher at (214) 213-8715 or Dax Pass at (214) 557-8643.

Veltman Ranch

3,146± Acres | Navarro County | Property ID: 1149515 A one-hour drive from Dallas takes you to this 3,146-acre Navarro County ranch. Native and improved grasses cover the hills and bottom land of this working ranch supporting 500 to 850 head of cattle. Two large conservation lakes, three smaller lakes, and an additional 60 tanks provide abundant water. Spectacular fivebedroom, 3,700-square-foot limestone home is set among mature trees. Additional improvements include a manager’s home, working pens, horse stable and tack room, two hay barns and equipment shed. Price: $9,438,000. Contact Jim Strawn for additional information at (214) 553-4500. 108


5 S ta r C o u n t ry P r o p e rt i e s ,


www.5StarCountry.com | shelly@5starcountry.com | (979) 830-5040 Shelly Moschak | 2668 Highway 36 South, #311 | Brenham, Texas 77833

Yonder Way Farm

94.33± Acres | Washington County Property ID: 1104260 Located in the rolling hills outside the historic town of Brenham is one of the most tranquil, self-sufficient, one-of-a-kind ranch properties in Washington County. Completely set up for operating an organic farm, this property boasts beautiful green pastures, two ponds, scattered mature trees, a 3,656-square-foot, threebedroom, three-bath main home; a four-bedroom, two-bath guest house; flagstone decked pool with rock water slide; several barns; four water wells; and much, much more! Make this your weekend getaway or try your hand at full-time farming! SELLER IS HIGHLY MOTIVATED! Price: $1,490,000

Two Rivers Ranch

341.02± Acres | Fayette County Property ID: 897980 Featuring extensive Colorado River frontage, this property is located near the historic town of Winchester. The interior road winds through the property, which is fenced and cross-fenced. This rolling tract is a good mix of open pastures, and numerous pecan trees and majestic live oaks are scattered throughout. The oxbow and pond offer water sources for cattle, and the avid hunter can find numerous areas for deer stands with ample game including deer, hogs and birds. Price: $2,335,850

Fantasy Farms

48.72± Acres | Kendall County | Property ID: 1104993 As you enter the tree-lined drive, you’ll discover the breathtaking views of the Hill Country. The main house is nestled in a grove of trees at the top of the hill. Featuring three bedrooms plus a study, formal dining, master suite with fireplace and private patio, this home has built-ins and many customized features. Additional amenities include: garage apartment; two large barns; greenhouse; gazebo; one-bedroom, one-bath guest house; four-bedroom, two-bath ranch hand’s house; pens; and loafing sheds. Fantasy Farms is currently a working alpaca ranch. SELLER IS HIGHLY MOTIVATED! Price: $1,200,000

Hunter’s Creek Haven

0.52± Acres | Harris County Property ID: 1113370 Fabulous colonial in Hunter’s Creek Village! Beautiful five-bedroom, four-bath, 7,345-square-foot home has wood floors, high ceilings, fireplace and incredible views of the outdoor resort style setting with pool, spa, rock waterfall, and outdoor kitchen. Island kitchen with slab granite countertops, breakfast bar and stainless appliances, butler’s pantry, game room and elevator ready. Master bedroom downstairs features a separate sitting room, garden tub with separate shower and his and her closets. A must see!! Price: $1,900,000

Le Maison du Serenity

38.03± Acres | Washington County Property ID: 1066909 Located near Brenham and Lake Somerville this 38+ acre property features a stunning four-bedroom, fourand-a-half bath, steel-framed, Austin stone home; a 3,000-square-foot barn with guest quarters; and loafing shed. A double-sided rock fireplace separates dining room from living area, and huge Pella windows boast beautiful views of the expanded lake. Red barnwood custom cabinets, Lutron lighting, granite island, and gourmet Wolf stove with griddle just touch the surface of this astonishing kitchen. The beautiful master suite offers a volcanic ash tub, custom faucets and tile work, and travertine floors. Price: $1,275,000



Texas Ranches For Sale

www.TexasRanchesForSale.com | info@texasranchesforsale.com Ken Hoerster/Broker | (830) 249-9339 | 222 S Main St | Boerne, Texas 78006

Circle B Ranch

3,200± Acres | Edwards County | Property ID: 1074659 One of the nicest ranches we have seen hit the market recently. Truly a turn-key operation that is set up and ready to go. This ranch is high fenced into two pastures, one is approximately 2,100 acres and the other pasture is 1,100 acres. The gentle rolling ranch is loaded with live oaks with good grass turf, with several nice draws running through the ranch. Nice and functional main headquarters with a 5,500±-square-foot lodge that can sleep 20-25 guests, with views of the large pond. The main lodge has a large den area with bar area, pool table to relax and enjoy after the hunts. A second headquarters area has a 1,800± square feet foreman’s house, a 3,000± square feet newer barn with game cleaning area, walk-in cooler, room for equipment storage, and grain bins for feeding the wildlife. Contact Ken for additional information.

Comfort Falls River Ranch

196± Acres | Kendall County | Property ID: 1156884

This exceptional Guadalupe River ranch, with 2,200± feet of river frontage, is located in northwestern Kendall County. The property has stunning home site possibilities, distant views, good hardwood coverage, including pecans, along the eastern section, and towering cypress trees along the river. The old homestead still stands, plus a guest home, dairy barn, mobile home, equipment barn, horse stalls and a hay barn. Gently sloping terrain and a diverse ecosystem unique to the Guadalupe River make this a haven for wildlife, and a special ownership opportunity for the serious outdoor and nature enthusiast. Deep water holes, stair-stepped limestone rapids and ancient cypress trees line this unique stretch of the Guadalupe River, offering endless hours of fishing, swimming, canoeing and bird watching. Strong native Bermuda grasses, primarily silver bluestem and woody shrubs provide good browse and habitat for the whitetail deer, axis deer, wild turkey, songbirds, winter fowl, dove, fox and other small game animals inhabiting this sanctuary. We look forward to showing you the quality of attributes this unique Hill Country gem. Contact Steve Bennett for additional information.


spring 2013

Texas Ranches For Sale

www.TexasRanchesForSale.com | info@texasranchesforsale.com Ken Hoerster/Broker | (830) 249-9339 | 222 S Main St | Boerne, Texas 78006

Bear Creek Ranches

50-250± Acres | Kendall County Property ID: 1077359

Ideally located between Comfort and Fredericksburg with good paved road access. Nice rolling land with views of the majestic Hill County, with many good home sites available. Tracts can be purchased ranging from 50± acres to 250± acres. Beautiful post oak and live oak trees abound on the ranch and little to no cedar. A live water creek is available on a couple of the remaining tracts. Come and find your Hill Country dream, and do not let this property get away. Call Ken Hoerster for more information.

Guadalupe River Equestrian Ranch 15.23± Acres | Kendall County Property ID: 1105070

Live water equestrian ranch located just outside of Waring. Located on the Guadalupe River with 470± feet of Cypress-lined banks. Great income potential or would make a nice personal ranch. With two barns and 30 horse stalls equipped with tack rooms, wash area and feed storage. Outside paddocks and nice pasture areas round out the property. Additional improvements include living areas for on-site owners and horse trainers. Contact Ken for additional information.

Bar W Ranch Estate

82± Acres | Kendall County Property ID: 1147214 Kendall County ranch properties of this quality are special and rare, with an additional 82± acres and 6,500-square-foot home available. Wildlife is abundant and recreational opportunities abound not to mention, your dream home site possibilities. This quality property currently maintains a 1-D-1 Agricultural Exemption providing low taxation and the right to convert the property into a Wildlife evaluation. Located only 20 minutes from The Rim and the Shops of La Cantera yet secluded in a very private Hill Country setting. Rolling terrain, healthy hardwoods, diverse ecosystem and long range vistas await you. Exceptional schools within the BISD offer superior educational opportunities for your children. Contact Ken Hoerster or Steve Bennett for more information.



Texas Ranches For Sale

www.TexasRanchesForSale.com | info@texasranchesforsale.com Ken Hoerster/Broker | (830) 249-9339 | 222 S Main St | Boerne, Texas 78006

Varner Creek Ranch

1,078± Acres | Brazoria County | Property ID: 104746 Enjoy this terrific ranch with over two-and-a-half miles of beautiful Varner Creek! Peaceful lands to enjoy as is or build the ranch of your dreams. The terrain is relatively level with beautiful open pastures in front that give way to scattered oak and pecan trees in the back where the land slopes down to the creek. Choose from many building sites shaded with massive oaks and views of the creek. Several sheds in the cross fenced pasture as well as a large open hay barn. Some minerals available.

Lampasas River Ranch

163± Acres | Hamilton County | Property ID: 1075076

Beautiful ranch with fertile pasture ground near the river to high hilltops with awesome distant views. This ranch offers a diverse topographic environment, yet maintains an easy, comfortable feeling and allows you to drive around to virtually every part of the ranch. Cover on the ranch is good, especially in the ravines that follow the bottom areas and draws. Much of the property has been cleared of cedar leaving areas of open, rolling, grass-covered hills and valleys with many spectacular live oak trees dotting the countryside. Other hardwoods include, spanish oak, post oak and elm. A remodeled, cozy, two bedroom one bath cedar cabin sits on a knoll overlooking the hay meadow and on to the river. Contact Wayne for more information.

Brazoria County Cattle Ranch 1,975± Acres | Brazoria County Property ID: 138839

Exceptional cattle ranch just one hour south of Houston. Custom home, brans, equipment, cattle and some of the best land in Texas. Beautiful open pasture in front with wooded wildlife areas along 2.5 miles of Varner Creek. Unbelievable oak trees. Boarders US Fish & Game Wildlife Conservation Easement. Some minerals available.

North Llano River Ranch

1,820± Acres | Kimble County Property ID: 853557 RECENT PRICE REDUCTION – Beautiful Hill County ranch located on the clear flowing North Llano River, located just west of Junction. With almost a mile of river, the ranch is a paradise. Nice elevations on the ranch ranging from 1,935' to 2,263', with long-range views of the Hill Country. Beautiful pecan trees are in the bottoms along with beautiful oaks throughout the rest of the ranch. A picturesque spring runs through part of the ranch with nice water holes for wading. This is one of the best live water ranches in the area. Modest improvements include an older house and hunter’s cabin. A good road system is in place through the ranch. Contact Ken for additional information. 112

spring 2013

San Saba County Live Water Ranches

700± Acres | San Saba County Property ID: 1132117 Beautiful Hill Country ranch that can be sold in sizes ranging from 148 to 700± acres – three of the ranches have live water and the fourth has three creek bottoms. The parcels have flowing creeks, live Oaks, Elms and Pecan trees with abundant wildlife and big hills. Owner will consider selling the ranches as a whole 1,398± acre parcel or selling one, two or more of the parcels together as the land is contiguous. Great opportunity to own a beautiful Live Water ranch! Contact Larry for additional information.

Texas Ranches For Sale

www.TexasRanchesForSale.com | info@texasranchesforsale.com Ken Hoerster/Broker | (830) 249-9339 | 222 S Main St | Boerne, Texas 78006

Red Hawk Ranch at Lone Man Creek Duval County Ranch 30.39± Acres | Hays Co. | Prop. ID: 1095456

700± Acres | Duval Co. | Prop. ID: 1004248

Lacina Ranch

Exceptional waterfront property with 700± feet of Lone Man Creek frontage with two unique homes.

Nice ranch with rolling topography, red sand and 100% virgin brush. Tons of game and big neighbors.

Spectacular views, good bottom land, good brush cover, excellent hardwoods, nice 3/2 ranch house.

The Quarry at Champee Springs

Wimberley Hill Country Log Home

Duval County Ranch

Enjoy the tremendous views of the Texas Hill Country. There are two 25± acres lots available.

Charming log 3BR/2BA home recently updated, meticulously maintained and beautifully landscaped.

This may be one of the best red sand ranches available. Several 160-170 B&C bucks harvested.

Flying S Ranch

Little Blanco River Ranch

Schleicher County High Fenced Ranch

First time offering of this longtime family owned ranch! Elevation ranges from 1,935’ to 2,263’.

The ranch boasts approx. 2,000± feet of both sides of the Little Blanco River with beautiful Cypress trees.

Located west of Eldorado in an area known for its abundant wildlife. Great hunting / recreation ranch.

Waller County Home

Fulton Draw Ranch

Walton Draw

Close to Houston, terrific 4BR/4BA home with an attached apartment and nice acreage.

Two newly created lakes built along a creek, make this a nice recreational, hunting or fishing ranch.

The ranch has good game, with abundant oak trees and nice views. Fenced with one water well.

25.2± Ac. | Kendall Co. | Prop. ID: 1081567

580± Acres | Kimble Co. | Prop. ID: 1027169

7.4± Acres | Waller Co. | Prop. ID: 1094077

7.25± Acres | Hays Co. | Prop. ID: 1100573

64± Acres | Blanco Co. | Prop. ID: 1035779

126± Acres | Hays Co. | Prop. ID: 1021873

29.6± Acres | Bandera Co. | Prop. ID: 1052744

600± Acres | Duval Co. | Prop. ID: 965850

960± Acres | Schleicher Co. | Prop. ID: 975219

255± Acres | Menard Co. | Prop. ID: 1049422





wwwlandtx.com | dec@landtx.com | (210) 422-4676 | (830) 997-8616 David E. Culver/Broker | 405 W Live Oak | Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

River Cliffs Ranch

7,850Âą Acres | Menard County This legacy juggernaut includes over three miles of easily accessible and visible San Saba River, including an awesome series of deep, blue holes connected by noisy shoals flowing over rock bottoms. With 6,200+ high-fenced, managed acres, this award-winning ranching and hunting operation comprises the premier offering in the area. Spectacular cliffs and stunning hardwood bottoms characterize much of the river zone, and the uplands include distant vista points, food plots, oak forests, irrigation and solid ranch infrastructure. Co-listed with David Faust, KW Farm & Ranch. $3,750/acre = $29,625,000




www.landtx.com | dec@landtx.com | (210) 422-4676 | (830) 997-8616 David E. Culver/Broker | 405 W Live Oak | Fredericksburg, Texas 78624


Owl Creek Ranch

879Âą Acres | Kerr County Comfort / Texas Hill Country | Property ID: 987153 This splendid canyonlands ranch on US 87, just south of Fredericksburg, boasts strong springs flowing throughout recent droughts, coupled with dramatic ridges and long range vistas, topped with major league lake site(s) and the very best location. Exquisite, rock bottom creeks flow over small waterfalls into fernlined pools, in fantastic exotic settings of giant grottoes, lush riparian hardwoods and artifact-laden bottoms. This is some of the prettiest, most pristine permanent water in the state! $6,250/acre = $5,493,750

Bandera Creek Ranch

2,328Âą Acres | Medina County Tarpley / Texas Hill Country | Property ID: 1096004 Simply put, this is the best live water value currently on the public market in the Texas Hill Country. The upper section of Bandera Creek, which flowed through the Great Drought, features falls, shoals and shallow, fern-lined pools suitable for floating. Twin Springs is a highly exotic spring complex hidden away in classic Balcones Canyonlands, shaded by awesome giant hardwoods and flanked by rock ledges. Soaring ridges provide views to south Texas, over wide, grassy valleys. $2,375/acre = $5,529,000





wwwlandtx.com | dec@landtx.com | (210) 422-4676 | (830) 997-8616 David E. Culver/Broker | 405 W Live Oak | Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

Enchanting Springs Ranch

490± Acres | Gillespie and Llano Counties Fredericksburg / Texas Hill Country Property ID: 1078396

Located in the center of the awesome Enchanted Rock/Oxford area, this nicely situated ranch offers sterling views of “The Rock” and surrounding area granite mountains/outcrops. A large seasonal creek holds water in wet years, and a lush pecan bottom is testament to the abundant shallow water. An extra-nice, small cabin affords comfortable digs for a family-plus, and the land features oak-lined draws and interesting rock outcrops, with a high percent of good clay loam soils. $5,500/ acre = $2,695,000

Wittington Creek Farm

212± Acres | Gillespie County / Stonewall Texas Hill Country | Property ID: 1054079 New listing with prized Stonewall sandy soils, located on quiet paved country road in middle of area of LBJ Parks and ranches. 40% is either clean grass fields or cultivated ground, all suitable for orchards, grapes, horses, etc. 60% is scattered, large oaks, elms with small patches of brush. A rock bottom creek flows seasonally, and a clean ranch house, good barn and usable outbuildings complete the package. $6,950/acre = $1,473,400 116



www.landtx.com | dec@landtx.com | (210) 422-4676 | (830) 997-8616 David E. Culver/Broker | 405 W Live Oak | Fredericksburg, Texas 78624


Water Valley Ranch

280± Acres | Kerr County / Comfort Texas Hill Country | Property ID: 1132828

Blanco River Farmstead

39± Acres | Blanco County / Blanco / Texas Hill Country | Property ID: 1141955 This shiny little rancho features one quarter mile of both sides of the Blanco River, with a unique, deep, clear river swimming hole/lap pool located beside grassy banks and towering oaks. A nice, landscaped ranch compound with a four-bedroom home that overlooks the river bottom, and is backed up by clean horse paddocks, knee deep in coastal Bermuda, with wooded hills looming in the background. NEW! $1,000,000.

Source springs issue forth above this ranch that have never stopped flowing, according to old area landowners. This is the headwaters of well known North Creek, just west of US 87, in primo spot between Comfort and Fredericksburg, offering some of the best potential monster lake sites we’ve seen. Draining down through stunning Canyonlands, the scenery, fields, location and water are solid, and the price is lowest in the area. $4,950/acre = $1,386,000

Owl Springs Ranch

468± Acres | Kerr County Comfort / Texas Hill Country | Property ID: 1135545 This fresh, new offering comprises the northern portion of Owl Creek Ranch, featuring some of the most pristine, constantflowing live water in Texas. Rock bottom creeks cascade down narrow canyons through incredible falls, pools and riffles, in riparian settings that are simply mind boggling. Well-positioned on US Highway 87, this tract also features vista points that will take ones’ breath away. $6,500/acre = $3,042,000

North Creek Ranch

422± Acres | Kerr County / Comfort / Texas Hill Country | Property ID: 1135560 New! This is the southern portion of Owl Creek Ranch, featuring the headwaters of strongflowing North Creek, and the classic Balcones Canyonlands typical of the area. This tract has a solid lake site, and several hilltop building sites with monster vistas to the south and east. Well positioned on US Highway 87, there are no better area values that we know of. $5,950/ acre - $2,510,900



K e l l e r W i l l i a m s R e a lt y L u x u r y / F a r m & R a n c h www.FineTexasRanches.com | W.K.Shumpes@gmail.com | (210) 415-6161 Skip Shumpes/Broker Associate | 312 River Road | Boerne, Texas 78006

Close to San Antonio Hunting/Investment Ranch 509Âą Acres | Bandera County | Property ID: 34961

The 509Âą acre Sierra Vista Ranch offers dramatic long range views of Medina Lake, gorgeous building sites for home or lodge. Ideal blend of majestic hills and fertile valleys full of native wildlife. Approximately a mile of seasonal creek just waiting for your dam to be built. All this for less than $4,000/acre!!! 30 minutes to San Antonio, ranch neighbors, can be divided into two 254 acre parcels. 1/2 minerals convey, Wildlife Exempt Taxes. Seller LREA. $2,030,000


spring 2013

K e l l e r W i l l i a m s R e a lt y L u x u r y / F a r m & R a n c h

www.FineTexasRanches.com | W.K.Shumpes@gmail.com | (210) 415-6161 Skip Shumpes/Broker Associate | 312 River Road | Boerne, Texas 78006

Breathtaking Guadalupe River Ranch

117± Acres | Kendall County | Property ID: 1066455 Drive right to the water’s edge on 3 gravel beaches - nearly one mile spectacular river front lined with cypress and pecan trees, plus productive hayfields, scenic high bluffs and paved road frontage, yet only minutes to Boerne and San Antonio! Dynamite two bedroom/two bath weekend home - privacy with a view. Bring your horses - metal horse barn with apartment, sand arena, hot walker and lots of beautiful countryside to explore. Multiple sites overlooking the river reserved for your dramatic new home or lodge. $3,000,000.

Sendero Ridge Tracts at Cordillera Ranch

12.5 – 14.4 Acre Tracts | Kendall County

Premier heavily wooded large tracts in Cordillera Ranch, Kendall County’s most prestigious guard gated development with a Jack Nicklaus 18 hole golf course. Choose from nine gorgeous lots – all Wildlife Exempt! Some have been manicured to reveal sculpted stands of live oaks - perfect for horse lovers. Other parcels have the ultimate feel of privacy amid the dense native hardwood forest. Lot buyers may purchase golf memberships at additional cost from Cordillera Ranch. Tract prices range from $310,000 to $385,000.



K e l l e r W i l l i a m s R e a lt y L u x u r y / F a r m & R a n c h www.FineTexasRanches.com | W.K.Shumpes@gmail.com | (210) 415-6161 Skip Shumpes/Broker Associate | 312 River Road | Boerne, Texas 78006

Prime Boerne Ranch Minutes to Town

103± Acres | Kendall County | Property ID: 975741 Looking for value that remains convenient to services? This 103±-acre jewel is a quick 5 minute drive to Main Street and within the acclaimed Boerne ISD. Perfect setting for a family estate or future subdivision - unrestricted land with plenty of road frontage. Dramatic hilltops offer choice homesites with commanding views over the old growth hardwood forested valley. Charming older two-bedroom rock home ready for makeover - features standing seam metal roof, hardwood and tile floors plus well and septic. $1,325,000

Top of the World Overlooking Boerne - Vintage Estate 40.58± Acres | Kendall County | Property ID: 1105306

Looking for the ultimate family estate near Boerne with true investment potential? Come see this 40 acre 1980’s six bedroom 5,700 square foot (per KCAD) opportunity ready for your personalized update. Capture the essence of Hill Country living convenient to services and bank the savings! Park style trees adorn the landscape. Numerous additional private homesites for a family compound plus great dam site for your own private lake! Award winning Boerne schools and only 25 minutes to San Antonio! $1,425,000. 120

spring 2013

K e l l e r W i l l i a m s R e a lt y L u x u r y / F a r m & R a n c h

www.FineTexasRanches.com | W.K.Shumpes@gmail.com | (210) 415-6161 Skip Shumpes/Broker Associate | 312 River Road | Boerne, Texas 78006

Hill Country Work of Art Masterpiece 524± Acres | Kendall County

Imagine waking up everyday to magnificent vistas suitable for framing? You can, by acquiring the Majestic Arts Foundation Ranch, a treasured one-of-a-kind classic beauty that has inspired many renowned landscape artists. Included with the see-forever views are modern classroom and storage buildings, a covered pavilion overlooking the sublime scenery, a 3-bedroom, 2-bath home and two one-bedroom cabins. All of this dramatic beauty lies only five miles west of Boerne and a mere 30 minutes to San Antonio. $3,406,000

Not So Little House on the Prairie!

25± Acres | Bandera County | Property ID: 1147571

Looking for a ready-to-move-into horse ranch with good soil, pipe fencing and a modern home in a private, but close to services Hill Country location? This is the one! The 2008 highly energy efficient home was built with ICF blocks and foam insulation, and utilizes a state-of-the-art rainwater catchment system with 30,000 gallons of storage. The four-bay metal barn features a horse stall and tack room with a 40x40 pad. Located just a mile north of the charming town of Medina. $597,500

Medina Lake Area Hunter’s Paradise

77± Acres | Bandera County | Property ID: 1147568 Bring the family or your best friend to enjoy the days and nights in the scenic Texas Hill Country overlooking Medina Lake. The well maintained three-bedroom, two-bath mobile home serves as the gathering spot to take in the sunsets and toast the weather, but the true beauty of this ranch is found atop its massive hills with their breathtaking views. The rugged terrain is filled with native game including white tail deer, wild turkey and occasional feral hogs. $450,000



Texas Ranch Brokers,


Mike Bacon/Broker | mike@txranchbrokers.com | (512) 940-8800 | PO Box 201330 | Austin, Texas 78720 Drew Colvin/Broker | drew@txranchbrokers.com | (512) 755-2078 | PO Box 1338 | Burnet, Texas 78611

San Gabriel Farms

Plentl Estate

Scenic country, river front, ranch house, guest cottage, two barns, two wells, outbuildings. Close but secluded. Price: $775,000. Seller will divide.

Scenic estate located 30 minutes north of Austin, fantastic 360 views. Old homestead, barns, fenced, ponds, electrical, water. Price reduced: $874,825

97.91± Acres | Burnet County | Property ID: 905635

109± Acres | Williamson County | Property ID: 1072967

Back Bone Ridge

Naruna Ranch

Tyra Ranch

Fantastic ranch, 20 mile vistas, old oaks, bluff and outstanding hunting. Cleared home sites, water well. One hour from Austin. Price: $826,000

This ranch has it all from tall post oak and live oak trees, a running creek, and several stock tanks! One hour from Austin. Price: $4,602,500

Highly improved ranch with an abundance of wild game and surface water. Spectacular 10,700 SF main house. 90 minutes NW of Austin. Price: $3,900,000

118± Acres | Burnet Co. | Prop. ID: 846819

1,315± Acres | Burnet Co. | Prop. ID: 920666

401± Acres | Lampasas Co. | Prop ID: 1106591

Kirby Ranch

Box Canyon Ranch

Gorgeous acreage with breathtaking views. Great hunting, fields, tanks for livestock. Two homes and a shop. Third home site on mountain top. Price: $599,000

Fantastic Hill Country ranch, 20 mile vistas, comfortable ranch house, outstanding hunting, and famous Peters Creek. Price: $2,463,945. Seller will divide.

118± Acres | Lampasas County | Property ID: 1101945



411± Acres | Burnet County | Property ID: 1099089

Texas Ranch Brokers,


Mike Bacon/Broker | mike@txranchbrokers.com | (512) 940-8800 | PO Box 201330 | Austin, Texas 78720 Drew Colvin/Broker | drew@txranchbrokers.com | (512) 755-2078 | PO Box 1338 | Burnet, Texas 78611

Stone Mountain

Sam Bass Springs

Dramatic views of the Colorado River Valley and famous Sam Bass Springs, natural pools, waterfalls, heavy tree cover, restricted. Cleared home site. One hour from Austin. Seller motivated. Price reduced: $1,087,500

Fantastic ranch, 20-mile vistas, oaks, granite outcropping, huge live spring and waterfalls, excellent hunting, thick tree cover, water well, restrictions. Seller motivated. Will divide. Price reduced: $1,971,825

145± Acres | Burnet County | Property ID: 846821

262.91± Acres | Burnet County | Property ID: 565504

The Old Ranch

Izoro Ranch

Watering Hole Ranch

Fully furnished lodge sleeps 16, deer stands, feeders, creek, seven ponds, barns and cattle working pens. Plentiful game. Price: $1,499,999

Beautiful ranch with varied terrain. Good tree cover, seasonal creek, 5 ponds, and remodeled 3/2 home. 90 minutes from Austin. Price: $1,717,987

Beautiful and diverse with a balance of pasture and woods, plus a creek. The historic Water Hole has not gone dry in 50 years! Will divide. Price: $1,100,750

Old Thomas Ranch

Table Rock Creek

The Estancia

Rugged ranch, huge vistas, majestic oaks, rock outcroppings, live springs, outstanding hunting, 3 RV hook ups , barn and 2 wells. Price: $1,351,500

Rolling terrain with views, limestone bottom creek, heavily treed. Ideal for hunting, recreation, livestock or development. Price: $770,000

Horse Lovers Dream, ideal for hosting commercial/ competition venues. 5/4 Austin stone home, barn, covered arena, roping pens, creek. Price: $1,750,000

356± Acres | Coryell Co. | Prop. ID: 1073048

170.17±Acres | Burnet Co. | Prop. ID: 1136154

458± Acres | Lampasas Co. | Prop. ID: 842713

220± Acres | Coryell Co. | Prop. ID: 1150973

220.15± Acres | Burnet County

110± Acres | Burnet Co. | Prop. ID: 1026381



Texas Ranch Brokers,


Mike Bacon/Broker | mike@txranchbrokers.com | (512) 940-8800 | PO Box 201330 | Austin, Texas 78720 Drew Colvin/Broker | drew@txranchbrokers.com | (512) 755-2078 | PO Box 1338 | Burnet, Texas 78611

Cross Bar Ranch

Lucky Penny Ranch

Spectacular executive ranch with first class amenities. Custom log home, guest house, barn and more. High-fenced, exotics, white tail deer, and MLD permit. Stocked multi-acred lake. 45 minutes NW Austin. Price: $4,900,000

Spectacular ranch 45 minutes NW of Austin. Stocked 8± acre lake, 1.5 miles of Clear Creek frontage, with dam. High-fenced, MLD permitted, hunting, fishing. Three homes, horse barn, lighted arena. Fantastic views. Price: $5,500,000

343.19± Acres | Burnet County | Property ID: 1026910

533.77± Acres | Bell County | Property ID: 1033759

A Bar Ranch

Sycamore Creek Ranch

LLK Ranch

Premier ranch 45 minutes from Austin. 100-yearold family land offers hilltop views, creek, ponds, wildlife. Heavily treed. Owners will divide into 330 to 654 acre tracts. Price: $7,021,455

15 minutes from Del Rio, Texas. Ranch has three flowing creeks, mostly high game fenced, stocked with trophy deer and exotics. Seller will subdivide. 50% of minerals will convey. Price: $12,057,500

Gently rolling terrain, combination of tree cover and open pasture with big views. Large lake stocked with bass. Price: $1,404,200. Call Mike Bacon (512) 940-8800 or Paul Hudson (512) 328-8744.

Waggoner Ranch

Robertson Ranch

Messenger Mountain

High fenced, 360-degree views, 5.5-year-old 2,100SF rock ranch house. Large steel building, nice trailer, stock ponds, well. Call Mike Bacon (512) 940-8800 or Randy Lenz (512) 787-6978. Price: $1,200,000

Located just minutes south of Lampasas and 40 minutes NW of Austin. Over 3,000 feet of Hwy 183 frontage. Good motts of oaks and virtually no cedar. Owner will consider dividing. Price: $475,000

15 minutes from Lampasas and 5 minutes to Lometa. Peaceful seclusion and privacy, 150 foot elevation changes, dramatic 30+ mile views. Tree cover and several ponds. Price: $1,237,500

2,009± Acres | Fayette Co. | Prop. ID: 156460

248± Acres | Lampasas Co. | Prop. ID: 1088039



9,100± Acres | Val Verde County

80± Acres | Burnet Co. | Prop. ID: 1133230

476± Acres | Lampasas Co. | Prop. ID: 973296

450± Acres | Lampasas Co. | Prop. ID: 1088002

Texas Ranch Brokers,


Mike Bacon/Broker | mike@txranchbrokers.com | (512) 940-8800 | PO Box 201330 | Austin, Texas 78720 Drew Colvin/Broker | drew@txranchbrokers.com | (512) 755-2078 | PO Box 1338 | Burnet, Texas 78611

645 Acres in Fayette County, Texas

1255 Ranch

Own a part of the historic A Bar Ranch which has been in the same family since the 1800s. Post oaks, pine, mesquite, cedar, and a pond stocked with bass. Hunt for deer, turkey, hogs, and dove. Additional land is available. Price: $2,576,775

Minutes from Lampasas. Rolling topography with great views and good tree cover. Four ponds, good paved road frontage and community waterline. Hunting, recreation, livestock, future development. More land available. Price: $1,335,770

High Mountain Ranch

Limestone County Ranch

14 miles north of Llano. Diverse land with live oak, pecan, oak, cedar, and brush. Granite outcropping and incredible views. Over 200 foot elevation change. Loads of game. 4/2 home, 3/1 guest quarters, barn and pens. Price: $1,846,314

A recreational paradise with healthy trees, ponds fed by a creek and artesian springs. Good building sites with views. The perimeter is high game fenced with whitetail deer, game feeders, blinds, turkey and dove. Price: $575,000

Spring Box Ranch

Harbison Ranch

Serene hunting and recreational ranch. Gently rolling terrain with live oak, elm, two springs, fishing lake and abundant wildlife! Steel frame barn with custom living quarters, a view of lake Buchanan, all perimeter fenced. Price: $1,750,000

20 mile vistas, majestic oaks, granite outcropping, and outstanding hunting. Rolling woodlands and native brush with ravines and views of the Texas Hill Country. 1 hour to Austin, two barns and 3 RV hookups. Price: $1,351,500

645± Acres | Fayette County | Property ID: 865805

281.88± Acres | Llano County | Property ID: 922947

177.14± Acres | Burnet County

446± Acres | Lampasas County | Property ID: 1109534

216.40± Acres | Limestone County

170± Acres | Burnet County



K e l l e r W i l l i a m s Fa r m


Ranch Group

www.KWFarmAndRanchGroup.com | diamondfranch@hotmail.com | (512) 940-3300 David Faust/Broker | PO Box 340080 | Austin, Texas 78734

Senator Ranches M


Brazos, Leon And Robertson Counties

First offering on these ranches in almost three decades! Close to 11,000 acres of rolling country along the banks of the Navasota River. Some properties have modest improvements of residences, barns, working pens and out buildings. This beautiful landscape provides excellent hunting and habitat for native wildlife and waterfowl, while providing excellent grazing for livestock. All properties have been recently appraised and are ready to be sold. This offering is for surface only. This is an exclusive offering and is co-listed with Brian Gammill Transwestern Property Company. Contact David Faust/Broker for showings and information (512) 940-3300.


Senator Headquarters

2,593.85± Acres | Madison County | Property ID: 1158675 | Price: $6,825,000


Senator Brazos 1

142.14± Acres | Brazos County | Property ID: 1158688 | Price: $446,250

Senator Brazos 2



Senator Leon South

605.41± Acres | Leon County | Property ID: 1158949 | Price: $1,428,000


Senator Robertson 1

2,057.12± Acres | Robertson County | Property ID: 1158950 | Price: $3,780,000

Senator Robertson 2

549.15± Acres | Brazos County | Property ID: 1158695 | Price: $1,732,500



360.93± Acres | Robertson County | Property ID: 1158951 | Price: $1,134,000

Senator Wilson Pasture

586.29± Acres | Brazos County | Property ID: 1158952 | Price: $1,386,000

Senator Tatum Pasture


1,727.94± Acres | Brazos County | Property ID: 1158953 | Price: $3,627,750


Senator Leon North

642± Acres | Leon County | Property ID: 1158948 | Price: $1,344,000



10) Golden Eagle Ranch 814.39± Acres | Leon County | Property ID: 1158954 | Price: $2,352,000

11) Conquistador Ranch 768.62± Acres | Madison County | Property ID: 1158955 | Price: $2,016,000

K e l l e r W i l l i a m s Fa r m


Ranch Group

www.KWFarmAndRanchGroup.com | diamondfranch@hotmail.com | (512) 940-3300 David Faust/Broker | PO Box 340080 | Austin, Texas 78734

Sisterdale Showplace

224Âą Acres | Kendall County | Property ID: 1155944 This secluded ranch is well located near San Antonio, just outside of Boerne, Texas. Solitude and privacy await you with nearly a mile of paved road to the compound from the front gate. Beautiful four-bedroom, three-and-one-half bath limestone home of approximately 3,000-square-feet, guest home with three bedrooms and two baths, large horse barn with huge entertaining area, bunk room and quarters. Work your roping horses in the 300'x150' arena or your cutting horses in the covered area as well. This ranch is well watered with two wells logged at 65-70 gpm per owner and a windmill feeding the cowboy swimming pool. Pastures have been cleared of most cedar and six surface tanks collect water throughout the ranch allowing the abundant free ranging wildlife, horses and cattle to graze. 100 percent of minerals will convey. This exceptional property is offered at $4,000,000



K e l l e r W i l l i a m s Fa r m


Cheryl Fowlkes/Agent | cafowlkes@kw.com 1921 Lohmans Crossing, Suite 100 | Austin, Texas 78734

Ra n c h G r o u p

Double LL

15± Acres | Williamson County | Property ID: 1141459

This unique one-of-a-kind horse ranch with mature trees and lush landscape has three bedrooms, three-and-ahalf bathrooms, game room, three living spaces, two fireplaces, a great room overlooking the private back yard and pool with year-round Brushy Creek. The three-plus car garage is every man’s dream with air conditioning and heat, workshop and direct access to the back yard. A two story barn has a tack room, bathroom, exterior horse stalls, functioning windmill providing water to the horses’ pastures, RV/boat storage and much more. Call Cheryl Fowlkes at (512) 749-8509 for your personal tour of this property. Price: $1,500,000

Fresh Water Ranch

44.6± Acres | Milam County Property ID: 1129518 This grand equestrian ranch sets in Central Texas just an hour from Austin. 44-plus acres of grazing pastures are cross-fenced for rotation and separation, beautiful oak and pecan trees including a large pond in front pasture. A beautiful country-style, three-bedroom ranch home with open floor plan, double-sided fireplace, and is surrounded by a covered porch. The stall barns each have four-plus stalls, multiple equipment/tack rooms and living quarters. A large covered, lighted round pen is ready for training. Call for a private tour. Cheryl Fowlkes at (512) 749-8509 or Darren Logsdon at (512) 423-1770. Price: $1,175,000 128


K e l l e r W i l l i a m s Fa r m


Ra n c h G r o u p

Rick Doak/Agent | jrdoak@kw.com | (361) 243-1040 1921 Lohmans Crossing, Suite 100 | Austin, Texas 78734

Beautiful Ranch near Circuit of the Americas Race Track 521± Acres | Caldwell County | Property ID: 1141542

This beautiful cattle and hunting ranch is located near the new Circuit of the America’s F1 race track, east of Austin, and a few miles east of Lockhart. Located in McMahon on FM713 with road frontage on three sides. It’s surrounded by small to medium-sized tracts and bordered by a much larger tract. The all brick home, built in 2001, has an oversized garage The 521 acres is divided into five cross-fenced pastures plus a trap for working cattle. There are no pipelines or easement on or across the property. There are two water wells with one at the house at 479 feet, and one at the cattle working pens at 274 feet. There are four water troughs and several tanks and ponds. All pastures have water. The pastures are mostly improved grasses with coastal, kline, medio, bluestem, common Bermuda and native grasses. The ranch is covered in scattered oaks and pecan trees. There is electricity on three sides of the property and the lake by the house can be fed by the well. The owner believes that they own 100% of the minerals and will convey one half of all owned minerals and all executive rights with sale. Call agent for more details or to schedule a showing. Rick Doak (361) 243-1040

Sportman’s Beach Property

295± Acres | Calhoun County | Property ID: 1159738

Fisherman and hunter’s dream place! 295 acres of good brush and cover with good senderos for deer, hogs, dove and quail. Over 3,900 feet of frontage on the Victoria barge canal. Easy access for fishing and boat launch. Plenty of alligators. Seller has been getting three tags per year. Lots of deer. The property is perfect for high game fencing. There is an all metal two-story, 1,600-square-foot, two-bedroom, threebath, open concept barndaminium. There is a 400-square-foot upper deck and lower screened porch with great views of the canal, Guadalupe Bay, Mission Bay and Hynes Bay. On the back side is a 1,600-square-foot boat and car garage/shop space. This property would be a great hunting and fishing lodge. There is also part of the property that was built up by Ducks Unlimited to hold water for waterfowl. It is currently dry due to the current draught. Call agent for more details or to schedule a showing. Rick Doak (361) 243-1040

One-of-a-Kind in Llano County

972± Acres | Llano County | Property ID: 1121848 This spectacular ranch is being offered for sale featuring 972.785± acres. Located less than ten miles from Llano, Texas. The ranch is high-fenced round the entire perimeter of the ranch in 2008. The barn/shop building is on a four-inch slab on pier and beam, 40x60, with two roll up doors and electrical. There are four water wells on the property, including one main well at the camp site and shop that is approximately 60 feet deep. Electricity comes into the ranch from two sides. The land has very good roll to it with varying elevations. Very good views from the higher spots on the ranch. There is very little cedar and mesquite on the property and the owner tries to keep it cut and sprayed. There are thousands of live oaks and other hardwood trees on the ranch. Good native grasses and brush give wildlife excellent cover. There are several outcrops of granite, but does not cover the property as it does on other ranches in the area. A recent wildlife survey estimated deer count of one deer per every three acres. The ranch has good numbers of turkey, hogs and dove. The ranch has ten hunting blinds, 11 corn feeders, three 2,000 pound feeders and two 1,000 pound feeders. Call agent for more details or to schedule a showing. Rick Doak (361) 243-1040



P h y l l i s B r o w n i n g C o m pa n y

www.PremierRanchesofTexas.com | premierranchesoftexas@gmail.com | (210) 213-5402 George M. “Mitch” West/Broker Associate | 6601 Broadway | San Antonio, Texas 78209

Spring Fed Valley

319± Acres | Bandera County | Property ID: 1063174 This lush 319± acre ranch in a spring-fed valley, covered with mature live oaks and pecans, offers incredible views of the surrounding Hill Country. High-fenced for game with very good whitetail and axis herds. The custom limestone home is well-appointed with high quality details, combining luxury with convenience. The five bedrooms, four baths, with a three-car garage, welcomes you with a slate floor entry and wood flooring in the living area. The open floor plan has high ceilings and alder kitchen cabinets with Amazon riverbed Rainforest granite counter tops. Other kitchen amenities include a granite-topped island, granite-topped breakfast bar, walk-in pantry, stainless steel appliances, wine cooler, ice maker, refrigerator drawer, double ovens and a warming drawer. The split master retreat is equipped with a fireplace and private patio plus a large bath with a copper soaking tub and walk-through shower. The living area opens to the back patio area overlooking the spring-fed lake. Significant price reduction.

Hill Country Ranch

1,600± Acres | Kimble County | Property ID: 1049792 Pride of ownership is apparent in every aspect of this fine1,600± acre Hill Country ranch. From the outstanding high quality game fencing and numerous well constructed barns and outbuildings, this picturesque retreat is only minutes from IH 10 on Highway 290. Big skies and beautiful rolling oak terrain highlight the large exotic herd, including black buck, whitetail, axis and nilgai. There is an extensive list of improvements that have been well designed and constructed and maintained meticulously, including two very nice limestone houses. You have to see this property to appreciate the time and effort involved in its development. 130

spring 2013

Medina River Frontage

304± Acres | Bandera County 304± acres with crystal clear Medina River frontage. The ranch is located just outside Bandera, Texas on Highway 16 North and less than 45 minutes from San Antonio. The property is loaded with live oaks and the large post oaks. There are three houses on the ranch and three water wells. This wonderful property has plentiful wildlife and perfectly suited for horses. The ranch is an ideal weekend getaway and at the same time, a great investment for the future because of it`s proximity to Bandera.

P h y l l i s B r o w n i n g C o m pa n y

www.PremierRanchesofTexas.com | premierranchesoftexas@gmail.com | (210) 213-5402 George M. “Mitch” West/Broker Associate | 6601 Broadway | San Antonio, Texas 78209

Quality Coastal Plains Ranch 2,346.5± Acres | Dewitt County

This ranch is located 12 miles east of Cuero, Texas and has access from Wolf Hollow Road (County Road). Constant flowing Chicolete Creek traverses the ranch in the southern portion of the ranch and there are two sizeable lakes on the property. The largest is approximately eight acres and the other is three acres. There are four water wells on the ranch with an average depth of less than 200 feet. The coastal plains are renowned as great cattle country and the house ranch is no exception, native grasses flourish throughout the ranch but the real beauty of the ranch are the marvelous oak trees that blanket the ranch and create pastures that are not only productive for livestock but a haven for all types of wildlife such as whitetail deer, wild turkeys, hogs and a wide array of varmints, maybe even a chupacabra... just kidding!!! There is a cabin located at the edge of the eight acre lake that could use some TLC. There are cattle pens and the ranch is perimeter and cross-fenced (low-fenced). An all weather main road runs through the entire ranch and a good system of secondary roads, as well. The minerals on the ranch have been conveyed previously and therefore no minerals convey to the new owner. There are two producing wells on the ranch at the present time.

Rolling Terrain

420± Acres | Medina County | Property ID: 1131203 Beautiful rolling terrain. 420± acres of virgin brush, abundant wildlife, excellent corrals, paved access and good fences. 45 minutes west from San Antonio. New water well. Good neighbors. No junk on property. Beautiful rolling terrain. The ranch is located approximately three miles northwest of D`Hanis in the heart of the highly desirable Medina Valley. The owner will include some minerals with the sale. This is a great recreational ranch in a wonderful location.

Rio Grande Valley Ranch

847± Acres | Hidalgo County | Property ID: 844579 This Incredible 847± acre working ranch located in the gorgeous Rio Grande Valley only six miles north of Edinburgh off Highway 281S. This impressive estate is well appointed with two electric irrigation wells, one domestic well, two lakes, a number of majestic oak trees, good brush and lots of game plus three magnificent homes situated in a 30± acre compound setting. All three homes, totaling over 20,000 square feet and ten bedrooms, are located next to an eight-acre lake which is fed by an irrigation well. The homes have been done to the highest standards featuring outstanding architectural details and have been very well maintained. Please call for a detailed list of all the outstanding amenities.



P h y l l i s B r o w n i n g C o m pa n y

www.PremierRanchesofTexas.com | premierranchesoftexas@gmail.com | (210) 213-5402 George M. “Mitch” West/Broker Associate | 6601 Broadway | San Antonio, Texas 78209

Big Joshua Creek Retreat 49± Acres | Kendall County

Wonderful weekend home on fabulous Big Joshua Creek. The creek is crystal clear and has a solid rock bottom with nice clear pools of water. The property consists of a little over 49± beautiful acres with lots of trees. There is a six to seven acre picturesque meadow close to the creek and terrific Hill Country views from many locations. This a great recreational property which also includes tennis courts and is very conveniently located only 40 miles from San Antonio and less than two miles from IH 10. This kind of property is not available very often! Significant price reduction.

Camel Ridge Ranch

1,130± Acres | Bandera County | Property ID: 1047487 Camel Ridge Ranch, in the heart of the best of the Texas Hill County, is less than an hour from San Antonio and only 15 minutes from Kerrville. High-fenced for game, sporting oryx, black buck and whitetail, provides excellent hunting and wildlife habitat. Good access with a dramatic stone entry gate on Highway 173, then FM 2828 along the southern property line and excellent roads throughout. This unique property features a luxurious 9,000-square-foot estate home with a hand cut limestone facade and travertine columns. Custom iron doors welcome you into the 1,200-square-foot living room, featuring 38-foot cathedral ceilings with reclaimed barn timber beams and a floating spiral staircase. The entire lower level of the house is floored with polished Travertine tiles, and very high quality craftsmanship throughout. The gourmet island kitchen highlights include Brazilian granite counters, Viking gas stove, alder cabinets and a walk-in pantry. The attached 26x34 family room/party barn is self-cooling with six custom arched French doors, 21-inch thick walls, recessed ventilation windows and ceiling fans. The water system for the house is highly engineered with three storage tanks and a water softener. Other amenities on the property include a very nice foreman`s house, hunting cabin, large barn and workshop area plus warehouse, pecan orchard, two ponds, 80 cultivated acres with coastal and a large wet weather creek. Significant price reduction.

En La Subida

185.83± Acres | Karnes County

Located less than one hour south of San Antonio, En La Subida is one of the finest recreational ranches South Texas has to offer. Superb improvements include spacious lodges that can accommodate up to 20 guests. The ranch has four lakes stocked with fish, a picturesque skeet range next to one of the lakes, great hunting, bird watching, four-wheeling, horseback riding and much more. At the end of the day, first class facilities offer a great way to wind down and relax. There’s a wonderful swimming pool / spa in the center of the compound with a great outdoor cooking area nearby. The ranch is offered fully furnished allowing the new owner to enjoy the ranch from the very first day. 132

spring 2013

James L. Ahern, Jr., Ranch Broker

www.AhernRanches.com | james@ahernranches.com | (210) 827-0505 James L. Ahern, Jr. | PO Box 153 | Alpine, Texas 79831

Clark Creek Ranch

404± Acres | Bandera County | Property ID: 1126028

This place is super private! Its at the end of Clark Creek Road and through two gates. Cool cabin that sleeps 10 with a game room and party room separate from house. Electricity and two water wells. Great hunting and awesome views. Best roads I have ever seen on a hill country place! All made with material from this ranch and must have been built by a real road contractor. Lots of the cedar has been cleared but more could be done.

Tarpley Ranch

Fashing Ranch

Located eight miles south of Tarpley, Texas. A half mile east of FM 462. Easement road access, rectangular shape, power and rustic cabin. No water well but one can be drilled. Two sides of the property have good fence and two sides are not fenced. Big views, big trees, great price. Just 75 minutes from San Antonio! Price: $527,745 or $3,495 per acre

Located a half mile north of Fashing, Texas in Karnes county. Farm house, pond, 50 acres in brush and 100 acres in improved grass pasture. Paved road frontage on FM 2904 and CR 407. Water wells, rural water and three phase power. No minerals. This property can be divided into smaller tracks! Price: $2,125,000 or $8,500 per acre

151± Acres | Medina County | Property ID: 1102607

250± Acres | Karnes County | Property ID: 1102612



James L. Ahern, Jr., Ranch Broker www.AhernRanches.com | james@ahernranches.com | (210) 827-0505 James L. Ahern, Jr. | PO Box 153 | Alpine, Texas 79831

Island Ranch

800± Acres Milam County Property ID: 1161546 Good fences, gravel road access, good irrigation wells, pivot system, great cow place with some hunting. Minerals available. Price: $3,000,000

Pecos Hunting Ranch

Pecos River Ranch

Brand new on market! Approximately 1,032 acres of wild and scenic mountains with breathtaking views! Less than one mile from the pristine Pecos River (public access pictured). Abundant wildlife! Caves! This is an explorer’s delight! More details to follow. Adjoining 320 acres Pecos River Ranch available. See property below. Asking price: $670,800

Unique big country property includes abundance of accessible spring-fed surface water, excellent views of the Pecos River, good wildlife, usable improvements, power, wells, Indian mounds, caves/shelters, etc. This ranch has a lot of attributes for its size. Adjoining 1,032 acres Pecos Hunting Ranch available. See property above. Asking price: $640,000

1,032± Acres | Val Verde County | Property ID: 920683



302± Acres | Val Verde County | Property ID: 1058599

James L. Ahern, Jr., Ranch Broker

www.AhernRanches.com | james@ahernranches.com | (210) 827-0505 James L. Ahern, Jr. | PO Box 153 | Alpine, Texas 79831

Lockhart Mountain Ranch 932± Acres | Llano County Property ID: 920403

This great ranch is 932± acres and located nine miles north east of Llano, Texas in Llano county. The ranch has Lockhart Mountain on it, which is a huge granite mountain. The views back towards Austin, Texas are fantastic. This ranch is five minutes from the Llano airport, yet totally secluded at the end of a county road. The property has good hunting and will run some cows. It also features several nice stock tanks, a water well and electricity. This fantastically located ranch is only one hour from Austin, Texas and is priced at $3,400,000.

North Llano River Ranch 793± Acres | Kimble County Property ID: 920404

This beautiful 793± acre hill country ranch is located seven miles west of Junction, Texas and has a mile of frontage on the north Llano river. The ranch has approximately 200± acres of river bottom country and 600 acres of mountain country to the south. The cedar has been removed from the mountain country that over looks the river and would be a great place to build a ranch house. There is a water well and electricity at the home site. The ranch will run some cows and has deer, turkey and hog hunting. This ranch is unimproved and ready for someone to create their dream hill country place. The price of this great ranch has been lowered to $2,995,000.

Mertzon Ranch

568± Acres | Tom Green County Property ID: 1107705 Great hunting ranch! $200 per month cash flow from oil well. Owner will convey minerals. House and furnishings included. Four deer blinds, two wells, a solar and submersible pump, 22 gpm on electric well, 11 gpm on solar well. Price: $1,150,000



Republic Ranches

www.RepublicRanches.com | info@republicranches.com | (888) 726-2481 Jeff Boswell | Charles Davidson | Mark Matthews | Bryan Pickens | Dallas, Hondo, Houston, San Antonio

Hoyt River Ranch

4,223± Acres | Uvalde County Property ID: 1055622 Exceptional high-fenced recreational and agricultural ranch with over two miles of the Leona River, located ten miles south of Uvalde. Along with rolling hills covered in excellent south Texas brush and rich river bottom soils, the ranch includes excellent groundwater resources including several high volume irrigation wells and a unique historic home built on the banks of the river. This ranch appears to be OUT of the Eagle Ford play and is not burdened by traffic and continues to be a peaceful and secluded property. Price: $12,500,000

Tres Arroyos Ranch

2,308± Acres | Duval County Property ID: 1095099 Tres Arroyos Ranch is an exceptional high-fenced recreational and agricultural ranch appropriately named for the three predominant drainages that are on the ranch. Along with rolling hills covered in excellent south Texas brush, the ranch includes an extensive water distribution system benefitting both wildlife and livestock. Price: $3,738,960

H G Ranch

1,050± Acres | Henderson County Property ID: 1075496 This is simply a rare opportunity to own one of the largest permitted private lakes in Texas. It is the chance of a lifetime for a select few to acquire a trophy bass fishery near Athens that is arguably one of the finest. At 300 acres, this size of lake with water depths of around 35 feet is unmatched: it is extremely difficult to receive a permit to build one like it, very expensive to construct it, and highly challenging to find something similar on the market. Price: $11,000,000

Schumann Ranch

215± Acres | Gillespie County Property ID: 1116941 This Gillespie county ranch has been in the Schumann family since the 1800s. It is located outside of historic Albert, Texas and has everything this classic area of the Hill Country has to offer and more! From the 26-acre lake to the finely crafted custom home, SE Schumann Ranch offers endless possibilities for both recreation and relaxation. Price: $2,495,000 136


Lavaca Prairie Ranch

2,451± Acres | Jackson County Property ID: 1143696 Excellent turnkey cattle ranch in northern Jackson county between Victoria and Edna. This ranch is primarily open range land with sandy loam soils and a mixture of Bermuda and native grasses. The ranch has multiple pastures with new fences and water lines. Excellent groundwater, lots of deer, quail, dove and hogs as well as being in an outstanding waterfowl region. Price: $5,150,000

Republic Ranches

www.RepublicRanches.com | info@republicranches.com | (888) 726-2481 Jeff Boswell | Charles Davidson | Mark Matthews | Bryan Pickens | Dallas, Hondo, Houston, San Antonio

Skipper Ranch

812± Acres | Brooks County Property ID: 1102210 PRICE REDUCED 1/8/13! Skipper Ranch, located in an area long famous for its hunting opportunities, is an exceptional high-fenced recreational and agricultural ranch maintaining its historic name since the early part of the 20th century. This ranch boasts one of the finest headquarters compounds in all of South Texas, coupling an historic remodeled main house, a modern residence, remodeled bunkhouse, extraordinary grounds and top-notch ranch operations infrastructure. The rangelands are well-managed and well-watered by approximately three miles of water distribution to eight ponds/lakes and several irrigated food plots. Price: $3,285,000

Spring Creek Ranch

858± Acres | Waller County | Property ID: 598016 This gorgeous tract of land is located in the rolling hills of northern Waller county, 45 minutes from downtown Houston. Huge post oaks, live oaks and pecan trees are spread among the improved pastures. Great road frontage on FM 1488 (one mile), FM 1736 (.7 miles) and Giboney Road (1.25 miles). This is a rare opportunity to own such a beautiful ranch that is so accessible and close to Houston and still have the big country feel that would usually require several hours drive to get to. Price: $9,438,000

Triple Creek Ranch

3,258± Acres | Red River County Property ID: 1143602 Triple Creek Ranch’s 3,258 acres are spread out over some of the best cattle country in northeast Texas. An abundance of creeks, flowing artesian wells and ponds give the ranch ample water even in dry periods. It is a truly rare opportunity to find a single tract with this much good pasture and water in northeast Texas. The wooded creeks and proximity to the Sulfur River bottoms endow Triple Creek with superb hunting and outdoor recreational opportunity, as well. Price: $7,656,300

Good Springs Ranch

2,760± Acres | Johnston County, Oklahoma Property ID: 1146128

Good Springs Ranch is a remarkable property with fantastic hunting. It is distinctively unique because it is covered in flowing artesian springs and is centered around a large creek system with dynamic wooded, rolling hills around it that range from 675 to 950. Near Tishomingo, within 140 miles of Dallas, 110 miles of Oklahoma City, and 40 miles of Ardmore. The ranch also has substantial income from managed pecan orchards and areas of improved pasture. Price: $6,900,000

Big Sprig Ranch

233± Acres | Brazoria County Property ID: 1071472 Big Sprig Ranch is an outstanding recreational property, just outside of Danbury, Texas and is located only 47 miles from downtown Houston. The ranch includes a newly built 4,800-square-foot lodge sitting over a 17-acre fishing lake and includes 12 duck hunting lakes and several smaller ponds used for hunting and raising stocker fish for the main bass lake. This is a beautiful ranch with outstanding fishing and waterfowl hunting that is in a great area, easy to reach for a weekend away from the city or duck hunting trip before work. Price: $1,400,000



Republic Ranches

www.RepublicRanches.com | info@republicranches.com | (888) 726-2481 Jeff Boswell | Charles Davidson | Mark Matthews | Bryan Pickens | Dallas, Hondo, Houston, San Antonio

North Indian Creek Ranch

1,500± Acres | Freestone County Property ID: 1155200

The lake on this ranch is 175± acres and was professionally designed and engineered by name brand consultants. It is currently managed and makes for a very exciting fishery with a great deal of submerged structure and shoreline appeal. The balance of the main part of the ranch is covered mostly in native, rolling woods, and there are also some open areas along the Trinity River, which bring in a lot of waterfowl, as well. Price: $8,400,000

Lake House & Ranch Estate on Lake Jacksonville

65± Acres | Cherokee County | Property ID: 1160170 This East Texas ranch and lake house combination is a rare find! Situated on 65 partially wooded, deeded acres outside the city limits, this ranch also has over 450 feet of lake frontage, a furnished modern home with 4,700 square feet, four bedrooms, four-anda-half baths, a designer kitchen, game room, and four-car garage with abundant storage. This offering boasts a salt water pool, lighted tennis court, one-and-a-half mile ATV track, a two-stall fully enclosed boat dock with upper deck, and a stocked fishing pond. Price: $2,400,000

Red Fork Ranch

1,100± Acres | Erath County Property ID: 1055983 Price reduction! This one is ready to move. 1,100 acre recreational ranch has great topography and diverse cover, a deer herd with enhanced characteristics via introductions of 200 genetics, a new high fence and a soft release pen. The ranch is mostly rolling but has elevation changes of 400 feet with a high ridge line on the southern end. This land is only 80 miles west of Fort Worth, south of Strawn, and with deer blinds and feeders in place, it is ready for the season. Price: $2,800,000

Riverbend Ranch

430± Acres | Cooke County Property ID: 1146640

Riverbend Ranch is a scenic 430 acre ranch that lies on one-and-a-half miles of the Red River and is surrounded by the beautiful North Texas Hill Country. A gorgeous 10,000-square-foot home is thoughtfully positioned on a ridge overlooking the Red River and Oklahoma. With miles of white pipe fence, first class horse facilities and lush rolling pastures, Riverbend is among the finest properties of its kind in the state. Price: $3,995,000 138


Blue Creek Ranch

2,540± Acres | Latimer County, Oklahoma Property ID: 1133079 This is an excellent ranch in the heart of the most scenic hills southeast of McAlester, Oklahoma. It is loaded with whitetail deer and turkeys, and also has good pastures around the creek bottom areas in the middle part of the ranch. Improvements include a 2004 home with 3,500 square feet, a foreman’s home and several barns and corrals. The topography is varied and stunning, which also offers good terrain for a future large lake basin. Price: $4,260,000

D av i s V e r n o n R e a l E s t a t e

www.DavisVernon.com | info@davisvernon.com | (940) 552-0500 Dane Mount/Broker | 1011 Hillcrest Drive | Vernon, Texas 76384

Happy Creek Ranch 404± Acres Armstrong County Property ID: 1154955

The Happy Creek Ranch is located just northeast of Wayside in the Palo Duro Canyon. This is a oneof-a-kind ranch that has approximately 1,300 feet of Palo Duro Canyon frontage and approximately one mile of Happy Canyon frontage. This ranch is surrounded by beautiful canyon views, rugged terrain and great hunting. Happy Creek runs through Happy Canyon on the south side of the ranch, which creates great habitat for trophy mule deer, aoudad and other species of wildlife. Ranches like this rarely come on the market with this much canyon rim!! Price: $2,150 per acre/$868,600

Smith Ranch

767± Acres | Cottle County | Property ID: 1046151 The Smith Ranch is located in northeast Cottle County just north of the Pease River. This is a highly improved hunting ranch with a nice cabin, blinds, feeders and food plots in place and ready to hunt now. The current owner has spent the last nine years developing this prime hunting ranch. He has maintained a year-round feed program, deer management plan and developed food plots strategically placed within the ranch to optimize deer production. The ranch is within one quarter mile of the Triangle Ranch, which is over 200,000 acres in size. Price: $1,295 per acre.

Roadrunner Ranch

760± Acres | Hardeman County | Property ID: 1047323

The Roadrunner Ranch is located approximately 13 miles southwest of Quanah, Texas in Hardeman County. The ranch is surrounded by other large ranches such as the Lazy U (13,000 acres) to the east and the Triangle Ranch on the south side of the river. This is the 7L Camp of the Triangles and it is over 50,000 acres. These large ranches and minimal hunting pressure is part of the reason this is trophy whitetail and mule deer country. The Roadrunner Ranch is highly improved with a nice threebedroom, one-bath cabin, blinds, feeders and food plots in place and ready to hunt now. Price: $1,425 per acre



Texas Best Ranches,


www.TexasBestRanches.com | jeff@texasbestranches.com | (210) 705-4013 Jeff Soele/Broker | #15 Champions Run | San Antonio, Texas 78258

All or Part – Devil’s River/Lake Amistad

6,600± Acres | Val Verde County | Property ID: 843806 One of a kind rare find! Approximately 20+ miles of water! Paved access, paved ranch roads, ranch home, guest cabin, bunkhouse, wildlife galore! Wild and Woolly ... texas style!!

2 Million Price Reduction Burn Bargain

2,863± Acres | Nolan County | Property ID: 954336 This is a ready-to-go, “live water”, game-fenced, Whitetail-Exotic hunting and recreational ranch! Main lodge that has five bedrooms, five-and-a-half baths. Also has a guest house, a foreman’s house, workshop, deer handling facility. Call Jeff Soele (210) 705-4013.

34 Acres on the Frio River

34± Acres | Uvalde County | Property ID: 843756

Frio River land/Fully-operable campground! Approximately 2,800± feet of crystal-clear rock bottoms, limestone ledges, deep holes, waterfalls! 50 RV spaces, 20 cabins, campsites, two bathhouses, three water wells, a retail store and Rock main house. Call Jeff Soele at (210) 705-4013

Area’s Best Live Water – Boerne!

166± Acres | Kendall County | Property ID: 843745 Unique Hill Country property nestled between Boerne and Comfort! Both sides of the Big Joshua Creek with limestone bluffs, many springs, deep holes, a gorgeous waterfall, and an engineered rock dam! Features a main house, rock guest house, cabin, pool, a horse barn, a coastal field. Call Jeff Soele today! (210) 705-4013.

“Live Water” Boerne!!

215± Acres | Kendall County

Wow! Both Sides of Three creeks, seven miles to Boerne, paved access, Great usable land with nice fields, Hill tops, great trees and views of the Texas Hill country! Nice ranch home, guest house, entertaining patio with outdoor cook area, hay barn, equipment barn, wildlife galore. Rare find!! Call Jeff Soele, (210) 705-4013

Live Water – San Antonio, 30 Minutes!

110± Acres | Kendall County | Property ID: 843816 Both sides of a crystal clear, rock bottom creek with deep holes, rapids, two dams and gorgeous limestone bluffs! Paved access, a two-bedroom, one-bath cabin, well and electricity. A rare find, in a rare location! Call Jeff Soele, (210) 705-4013

Rare & Unique Outdoorsman’s Paradise!

94± Acres | Bandera County | Property ID: 1133472

94± Acres in Bandera County, just minutes to Bandera! Awesome 10±-acre, creek-fed lake in your own backyard! Four-bedroom, three-bath rock ranch home sitting on your own private lake, nice deck, rock patio, equipment carport, barn, workshop, rustic cabin, floating dock, and lots of wildlife!! Call Jeff Soele at (210) 705-4013

Bandera 309 Acres – Medina River

309± Acres | County | Property ID: 1110646 Best Location!!! 2± miles of the Medina River. Add three dams, fishing lakes, a river pavilion, four-bedrom, fourbath main house, guest house, bunk house, two cabins, game room, caretaker’s house, barns, equipment barn, swimming pool, pool house, and paved ranch roads!!! Call Jeff Soele 210-705-4013 140


Texas Best Ranches,


www.TexasBestRanches.com | jeff@texasbestranches.com | (210) 705-4013 Jeff Soele/Broker | #15 Champions Run | San Antonio, Texas 78258

81-Acre Hill Country Live Water– Game-Fenced Estate! 81± Acres | Comal County | Property ID: 1137656

Four-bedroom, four-and-a-half-bath home between Canyon Lake and New Braunfels. Enjoy both sides of a spring-fed, rock-bottom creek, a private fishing lake, and a negative-edge pool. Also includes a custom workshop, RV barn with concrete floor, and equipment barn. Call Jeff Soele (210) 705-4013

Water, Water, Water – Giant Cypress

178± Acres | Bandera County | Property ID: 875388

Crystal clear, “Medina River” giant cypress trees, rock ledges, deep holes, and rapids! Both sides of your own running creek. Rock ranch home with three bedrooms, three baths, a granite kitchen, landscaping, outdoor kitchen, a guest house, an equipment barn, a six-stall horse barn. Call Jeff Soele at (210) 705-4013

“7 Creeks” Fredericksburg – Will Divide!

909± Acres | Gillespie County | Property ID: 844004 Minutes to all modern conveniences! Paved access, end-of-the-road privacy – awesome lake, creeks and springs. Totally game fenced! Rare opportunity!!

Rare & Unique 7-Acre Waterfront Hill Country Estate 7± Acres | Travis County | Property ID: 1145082

7,500 square-foot home with 54’ ceilings and 2,000± feet of Lake Travis waterfront. Property offers a rare Hill-Country lifestyle located in The Reserve of Lake Travis! Then add a 3-stall horse barn with corral and living quarters, pool, helipad, private boat dock, all at the end of a private cul-de-sac! Call Jeff Soele (210) 705-4013

Bandera 543 Acres

543± Acres | Bandera County | Property ID: 1114546 Both sides creek, two fishing lakes, pool, picnic tables, porches, and patios. Add a skeet range, ropes course, tennis and basketball courts, office, main lodge, pool house, game room, conference room, many cabins and storage buildings, workshop, equipment barn, and five water wells. Call Jeff Soele (210) 705-4013.

“Best Live Water” Game Fenced Deal!

871± Acres | Uvalde/Bandera Counties | Property ID: 843820 871± acres near Utopia! Includes both sides of a creek, two dams, five stock ponds, cleared cedar, , a road system, game fencing, two water wells, electricity, blinds/feeders, year-round feeding program, 100+ trap and transfer bred does and scientific breeder whitetail from the best!!! Call Jeff Soele, (210) 705-4013.

South Texas Best! Quiet & Private, Game-Fenced Rare Find with Water! Water! Water! 2,572± Acres | Maverick County | Property ID: 1132187

A rare, game-managed find with no oil field traffic or production. Property includes an eight-bedroom, two-bath entertaining lodge, enclosed barn, two fishing lakes, two± miles of South Texas Creek, two tanks, and five wells. Call Jeff Soele (210) 705-4013

Spectacular Waterfront & Horseman’s Estate Near New Braunfels 14.6± Acres | Guadalupe County | Property ID: 1155091

Rare opportunity near New Braunfels overlooking Lake McQueeney! This 3-bedroom, 3-bath home features a “must see” master bedroom, infinity-edge pool, boat dock, beach area, and boat house. Also features a riding arena with horse barn. Truly one of the best I have seen!! Call Jeff Soele (210) 705-4013.



J i m B e r r y H i l l C o u n t r y R a n ch S a l e s www.JimBerryRanchSales.com | ranches@jimberryranchsales.com | (512) 756-9230 503 South Water | Burnet, Texas 78611

Baker Ranch

380± Acres | Burnet County | Property ID: 1131365 Nestled in the Highland Lakes just one hour from Austin is the 380-acre Baker Ranch. Scenic vistas of Lake Buchanan greet you as you drive through the rolling land. Granite out-croppings, large oaks and high bluffs add to the beauty of this ranch. The main home, completed in 2006, is 3,148 square feet. It has four bedrooms, two-and-a-half baths, hardwood floors, granite counter tops and many other high end features. The home was built next to a beautiful spring-fed pond. A large porch and covered patio invite you to sit for a while and enjoy the view. A three-bedroom, two-bath guest house and horse barn are located within walking distance. Council Creek, four water wells and six additional ponds are also located on the property. Whitetail deer and other wildlife complete this magnificent ranch. Price: $2,375,000

Rancho Venado

360± Acres | Lampasas County | Property ID: 1112372 An excellent example of what a Hill Country ranch can be when managed for conservation and wildlife. A high fence was built in 1999 and an optimum deer population and buck doe ratio has been achieved. A flood control dam on the ranch forms the lake that has held good water since it was built and is stocked with bass. The 3,200-square-foot house has a stone exterior, metal roof, wide porches and lots of windows to provide views of the hills as well as the native game. Easy to step in and continue the ranch operation. Includes all ranch equipment, feeders and wildlife blinds. Price: $2,950,000

40 Acres on Lake Travis

40± Acres | Burnet County | Property ID: 1128267

Turkey Bend Ranch — Lake Travis 194± Acres | Burnet County Property ID: 1159258

The open waters of Lake Travis form the southwestern boundary of this scenic Hill Country ranch. The unique shoreline offers the best of both worlds. First, a high bluff affords dramatic views of the lake and hills up and down the Colorado River Valley. Second, a privately owned cove provides great access to the lake. The cove also serves as the perfect swimming hole and is an ideal location for a boat dock. A combination of deep ravines, superior soil, and good cover creates an excellent deer and turkey habitat. Located on a quiet paved county road, 20 minutes to Marble Falls or 30 minutes to Austin. Price: $2,250,000 142

Spring 2013

This waterfront estate on Lake Travis offers everything one could hope for bundled in a 40-acre package. The four-bedroom, three-bath Fredericksburg style home with large wrap around porches affords beautiful views of the Colorado River valley and beyond. There is a perfect blend of indoor and outdoor living. A fantastic pool and hot tub just off the back porch provide plenty of relief during the hot Texas summers while the multilayered view extends across a coastal Bermuda field and towards the shoreline. The gently sloping property provides excellent beach access for 893 feet of lake frontage. Lake Travis is the most popular recreational lake in Central Texas. The upper end of the 64-mile long lake offers peace and quiet rarely found on the busier sections on the lower end of the lake. Large, loud boats rarely venture up this far where the lake more closely resembles a wide river. It is reserved mostly for fishermen and the few lucky owners who reside on this part of the lake. Even during extreme droughts when Lake Travis may drop to historic low levels and parts of the lake dry up completely (e.g., 2011), this portion of the lake continues to hold water as the property takes on a more of a riverfront feel. Boats are temporarily replaced with canoes and kayaks. Then, when normal weather returns, the lake comes back and it’s time to dust off the water skis and re-launch the boat. In addition to the main home, other improvements include a lakeside guest house, a second guest house, detached 2,400-square-foot, four car garage with ample storage and working space, barn with stables and tack room, pens and cross fences, 6-hole putting green and much more. Price: $1,985,000

J i m B e r r y H i l l C o u n t r y R a n ch S a l e s

www.JimBerryRanchSales.com | ranches@jimberryranchsales.com | (512) 756-9230 503 South Water | Burnet, Texas 78611

CK Ranch

414± Acres | Burnet County | Property ID: 1016766 Located on FM 2147 just west of Marble Falls and adjacent to Horseshoe Bay, this beautiful ranch is in one of the most desirable areas in all of the Hill Country. Being entirely high fenced makes this a premier recreational property that has great development potential. A Fredericksburg style rock home built in the 1800s, fantastic Lake LBJ views, year-round springs, and a variety of mature trees add to the beauty and charm of this ranch. Will divide into 240 or 174 acres.

Crown Creek

203± Acres | Burnet County | Property ID: 1069505 This ranch features some of the most dramatic scenery in all the Hill Country. There are views of Inks Lake and Lake Buchanan from numerous sites all over the ranch. Additionally, approximately half a mile of a wide and deep rock bottom creek flows through the property with many impressive waterfalls along the way. This is one of the strongest spring-fed creeks in Burnet County and continued flowing through the extreme drought of 2011. This ranch has over a mile of paved road frontage and can be divided. The ranch is located on highly desirable Park Road 4, across from Longhorn Cavern State Park, within 15 minutes of Burnet and Marble Falls or an hour from Austin.

Flat Rock Ranch

295± Acres | Llano County Property ID: 969269

Stone Mountain

78± Acres | Burnet County | Property ID: 1128252 This gentleman’s ranch is located in the exclusive Stone Mountain development just outside of Marble Falls. An exquisite 3,772-square-foot custom home perched on a hill highlights this property. The approach to the home from the gated entry is fabulous. And it only gets better. The home overlooks a lush coastal field and pond on the front half of the property. From there, the view extends towards distant hills 30 miles to the south. While unique details highlight the exceptional craftsmanship of the home, the best part is whats outside. There is ample outdoor living, including a veranda with a wood burning fire place. Large oak trees provide plenty of shade and are a perfect accent to the stunning views. Additionally a 1,600-square-foot barn is in close proximity to the house. The back half of the property is densely wooded with lots of oak and a second pond. The property has both community water and two excellent water wells. This is truly a “must see to believe” type of property. Price: $1,950,000

Presenting 295 acres in Llano County, the Deer Capital of Texas. This long time family ranch is now being offered for sale for the first time. Beautiful granite outcroppings, lots of mature oaks and mesquites, four ponds, two seasonal creeks, two good wells, windmill, cattle pens, and excellent fences. Wildlife abounds with deer, turkey, dove, quail, hogs, and bobcats. There is a three-bedroom, two-bath brick home with 2,056 square feet of AC/H space and a two-car attached garage. Great location on paved RR 2241 only nine miles northeast of Llano and five miles west of Lake Buchanan. Price: $1,327,500



E va n s & A s s o c i a t e s R e a l E s t a t e

www.TexasRanchLandForSale.com | doug@texasranchlandforsale.com | (830) 895-0777 Doug Evans/Broker | 1209 Junction Highway | Kerrville, Texas 78028

Whitetail Game Ranch

565± Acres | Medina County Property ID: 1130261 Beautiful totally high-fenced whitetail game ranch located 14 miles northwest of San Antonio city limits near Medina Lake. Features include 1.5 miles of paved drive through ranch leading to an upscale 5,000-square-foot home, with below grade media room. There is an elevator to the third floor observation room, a grand courtyard, and a 1.6-acre fish and wildlife lake supplied with two strong water wells. Approximately 1,000-square-foot hunters cabin with walk-in cooler. Price: $3,995,500

Flying J Ranch

50.44± Acres | Comal County Property ID: 1056162 Great Potential! 50± acres with two houses. The ranch features both sides of Cibolo Creek. There are lots of oaks and other native trees. The ranch features highway frontage, barns, pens, hanger/ barn and two water wells. Price: $975,000

Painted Horse Ranch

54± Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 1107710 Great location just five miles from Kerrville with ranch style home, guest house, horse barn and Bear Creek. Beautiful views, hunting and more. Price: $1,150,000 144

spring 2013

South Texas Ranch

1,000± Acres | Maverick County | Property ID: 1002129 200 B&C bucks, breeding pens, four-bedroom lodge, two master suites, owners house, lighted skeet range, five lakes, walk-in cooler, equipment barn, storage, three water wells, very good interior roads. A turn key ranch! Price: $5,500,000 or $5,500 per acre

E va n s & A s s o c i a t e s R e a l E s t a t e

www.TexasRanchLandForSale.com | doug@texasranchlandforsale.com | (830) 895-0777 Doug Evans/Broker | 1209 Junction Highway | Kerrville, Texas 78028

Lamb Creek Ranch

90± Acres | Kerr County Property ID: 266549 This ranch is located just 10 miles south of Kerrville on Highway 16. Both sides of Lamb Creek with beautiful waterfall dam, a very nice three-bedroom, two-and-one-half bath main house with wood floors, two guest cabins, two water wells, horse barns, exotic game and native game, 75 of the acres is game fenced. New price: $1,475,000.

Highway 479

17± Acres | Gillespie County | Property ID: 1077318 This is a beautiful small ranch with a century year old home. Included are barns, a pen, trees and several outbuildings. Game with whitetail deer, dove and some turkey. Strong water well. Price: $259,500

Kerr County Ranch

160± Acres | Kerr County Raw land ready for your Dream House with veiws, fields, river bottom land and the beautiful Guadalupe River. A must See!

Llano River

Rock Ledge Ranch

This is approximately 10 miles west of Cooper’s BBQ in Llano Texas. An end of the road ranch with exotics, whitetail deer, turkey, dove and quail. Excellent fishing and swimming in the clear Llano River. Owner will sell 83± acres. Price: $1,300,000

The is a hunters paradise with excellent whitetail, axis,turkey and hog hunting. Lush bottoms and big hills with long distance views. Lots of trees and good cover for the game. Private lane to the body of the property. Priced right! Great Location! Between Comfort-Luckenbach, Price: $2,946,300

103± Acres | Llano County | Property ID:

427.21± Acres | Kendall County | Property ID: 1130284



R e n o R e a lt y G r o u p

www.JimmyReno.com | jimmy@jimmyreno.com | (830) 329-1930 Jimmy Reno/Broker | 1614 Sidney Baker, Suite 200 | Kerrville, Texas 78028

Oasis Creek Ranch

108± Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 989161 A gorgeous estate outside of Hunt, Texas! The six-bedroom, six-bath, three-half-bath house offers granite counter tops, high ceilings, three living areas, formal dining and a gourmet kitchen. The porch runs all along the back of the house, providing tremendous views of the creek. There is an outdoor living area, an observation deck and a pool. The grounds around the house are beautifully landscaped. The property boasts of a beautiful creek, large trees and hilltop views. There is a private river park on the Guadalupe River for Comanche Caves landowners. There are too many nice things about this property to list. Price: $3,950,000

Thistlewood Ranch

Circle H Ranch

Thistlewood Ranch is located five minutes from Kerrville. There is a large beautiful tree-lined lake, tremendous views, beautiful valleys, wildlife, and huge trees. The improvements include two houses (one overlooking the lake, and one overlooking the horses), a cabin, pipe pens, stud barn, hay barn, fencing, indoor arena, and multiple wells. The 32-stall horse barn looks like a barn right out of Kentucky. It has large tack and feed rooms, offices, huge ball room, guest rooms, a threebedroom apartment, and full bar. It is an equine “show place”. Price: $3,250,000

Beautiful ranch just outside the city limits of Kerrville. The hilltop house offers wonderful views of the river valley. The house has 12 & 14” ceilings throughout, granite, travertine tile, hardwood floors, gourmet kitchen, huge master suite, large porches, standing seam roof, and many other details that are too many to list. Half of the land is terraced field, and the other half is native land with nice trees, and large numbers of wildlife. This is a very horse and livestock friendly property. Price: $1,850,000

236± Acres | Kerr County


Spring 2013

79± Acres | Kerr County

R e n o R e a lt y G r o u p

www.JimmyReno.com | jimmy@jimmyreno.com | (830) 329-1930 Jimmy Reno/Broker | 1614 Sidney Baker, Suite 200 | Kerrville, Texas 78028

Hidden Hills Ranch

73± Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 1057437

A true show place, located in gated Hidden Hills Ranch in the highly desirable Camp Verde area. This property offers a four-bedroom, four-and-a-half bath hilltop house offering 360 degree views, with tremendous views from every room. The house brags of chiseled edge travertine tile and hickory wood floors. 14-foot ceilings, with 19-foot ceilings in the master bath. It has huge closets, a butler’s pantry, two laundry rooms and surround sound inside and out. The kitchen has knotty alder cabinets, granite counter tops, a huge island and an eight burner stove. The large covered back porch offers an amazing southeast view of the valley below. The two living areas, large porch and full bar make it a great place to entertain. The house has a large three-car garage, tankless water heater and four-zone heating and a/c. The land is covered in nice hardwoods and beautiful wildlife. Less than 15 minutes from Kerrville and 45 minutes to San Antonio. Up to 221 additional acres are available. Price: $2,500,000.

Storm Ranch

131± Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 131896 Located one mile west of Center Point, this ranch has everything you’d want. There is over 1,900 feet of Guadalupe River frontage and a beautiful one acre lake. 35 acres are in improved pastures, with the remainder in hardwoods, ideal for wildlife. There is a four-bedroom, three-and-a-half-bath, 4,200±-squarefoot main house with a swimming pool, making it great for family, and a 1,261±-square-foot guest house. Great views and less than a hour from San Antonio. Price: $1,249,000

Las Colinas

47± Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 1127279 A wonderful Hill Country estate five minutes from Kerrville. This beautifully maintained 47 acres offers a wonderful German style home with breathtaking 360-degree views. The porches, beautiful pool, cabana, and open floor plan make it ideal for entertaining. The house has saltillo tile and hardwood floors. There are high ceilings, large fireplaces, large bedrooms, and a wonderful kitchen. The house has extensive wood and rock work on the inside. The large barn has a one-bedroom, one-bath apartment. The land is covered in large oaks, and it is ideal for animals. A great place for the family! Price: $995,000



J a c o b s P r o p e rt i e s / C a b e l a ’ s T r o p h y P r o p e rt i e s www.TXLand.com | info@txland.com | (936) 597-3301 Larry Jacobs/Broker | PO Box 1370 | Montgomery, Texas 77356

Hallmark Ridge

Glenmont Country Estate

This high-fenced game ranch offers habitat diversity, production, value, and beauty. The 738± acres are ready for you to manage and hunt. The whitetail genetics are well on their way to producing numerous trophies every year. Currently hunted under a Level III LAMPS permit, the harvest window is quite large. Amenities include three cabins and a 6,000-square-foot headquarters building with a processing area and a large stainless walk-in cooler/freezer. Located on Highway 377 near Yates Crossing. A 300-foot-high ridge overlooking the beautiful Llano River valley runs through the heart of the ranch. Price: $2,177,100

Come through the grand entrance into this elegant country estate with its elaborate grounds that include 54.66 acres with a 3,557-squarefoot home, a fabulous outdoor pavilion, pool and ponds all within the manicured and landscaped lawn. As you leave the lawn and step back on the acreage property, you’ll find highly improved pastures and a timber area that provides a sanctuary for wildlife. The property boasts a vineyard, horse stable, workshop, second barn and two ponds. Within easy driving distance of Houston. Price: $1,750,000

Valentine Ranch

Allen Ranch

Premier horse ranch in an exclusive neighborhood of estate ranches just south of historic Montgomery. The magnificent 5,180-square-foot home is perfectly set to offer maximum views of the beautiful rolling terrain. Great room with vaulted beamed ceiling and stone fireplace overlooks extensive stone-flagged patio with dining arbor, pool and spa. Four bedrooms, four-and-one-half baths, study, guest suite, gourmet island kitchen. Custom horse barn has seven stalls and cedar-lined tack room. Dressage arena equipped with lights and mirrors. Three ponds, 50-acre hayfield, extensive white rail fencing. Bring your horses and enjoy elegance and sophistication in the country.

Beautiful 123±-acre ranch with 2,662-square-foot home with pool and 1,553-square-foot guest house/foreman’s quarters. Home features granite counter tops, decor lighting, terrazo/carpet flooring, crown moulding, fireplace, walk-in pantry, custom cabinets and covered-andscreened swimming pool. Property offers improved rolling pastures, lake, stock ponds, barn with corrals/chutes, 4,000-square-foot equipment building with concrete floor, fenced and cross-fenced, ready-for-your-own cattle operation. Price: $1,295,000

738± Acres | Kimble County | Property ID: 1064890

111± Acres | Montgomery County | Property ID: 1153766



54± Acres | Montgomery County | Property ID: 1070820

123± Acres | Montgomery County | Property ID: 1074554

J a c o b s P r o p e rt i e s / C a b e l a ’ s T r o p h y P r o p e rt i e s

www.TXLand.com | info@txland.com | (936) 597-3301 Larry Jacobs/Broker | PO Box 1370 | Montgomery, Texas 77356

JS Ranch

Bellville 115

Home, guest house, and shop on 109± rolling, mostly wooded acres convenient to The Woodlands and Bryan/College Station. 3,276-square-foot home designed for gracious entertaining. Walls of windows bring nature in to combined living and dining rooms. Huge island kitchen, two fireplaces, study, deck. Land is fenced and cross-fenced with two ponds and several pastures.

Just two-and-one-half miles west of Bellville, this unimproved property has 700+ feet of frontage on Clens Road. Land is gently rolling and partially wooded. Great potential for investment or a family estate.

C Bar T Ranch

Pinedale 192

40± acre ranch close to Conroe. Front portion of the property is improved pasture with scattered hardwoods and a pond. Wooded buffer at the back of the property provides privacy as well as a wildlife sanctuary. The 4,976-square-foot, recently updated ranch home offers two living/dining areas each with fireplace and kitchen. The large master suite has a brick wall and the home’s third wood-burning fireplace. C Bar T would make a great horse or cattle ranch.

191± rolling acres with mix of open fields and woods. Located on FM 247 and county maintained road. Long frontage on Hadley Creek, great home sites, and lots of wildlife. Easy access to I-45 north of Huntsville makes this an ideal tract for recreation, investment, or your new family estate.

109± Acres | Montgomery County | Property ID: 1140000

40 ± Acres | Montgomery County | Property ID: 1130448

115± Acres | Austin County | Property ID: 1103110

191± Acres | Walker County | Property ID: 1117092



K i n g L a n d & W at e r

www.KingLandWater.com | james@kinglandwater.com | tammy@kinglandwater.com | (432) 426-2024 Tammy & James King/Broker | PO Box 109 | 600 State Street | Fort Davis, Texas 79734

Cottonwood Springs Ranch

1,533.67± Acres | Jeff Davis County | Property ID: 517825 Cottonwood Springs Ranch is located 25 miles west of Fort Davis inside the scenic loop. The Ranch consists of rolling hills, lush valleys, massive rock formations and picturesque mountains, all of this can be enjoyed from the front porch of the very clean two bedroom two bath cabin with modern kitchen. The abundance of water from a natural spring on the ranch keeps a variety of native trees and grasses growing strong. The ranch is home to aoudad sheep, desert mule and whitetail deer, javelina and feral hogs, along with other smaller species of wildlife. The majestic peaks of the Davis Mountains make for a captivating backdrop for Cottonwood Springs. Price: $3,044,335

Gallagher Headquarters Ranch

1,509± Acres | Bexar & Medina Counties | Property ID: 1076274 Located 20 minutes from San Antonio, Gallagher Headquarters Ranch is a world all unto itself. An incredibly peaceful and protected setting so close to a metropolitan area. It’s like going back in time both in the natural world as well as the historical buildings, as if time stopped in the mid 1800s, when the ranch was founded by Peter Gallagher, an Irish immigrant, brought to San Antonio as a young engineer-master stone mason by Santa Anna. Today, with all the modern amenities of a new home, this hand cut stone 19-bedroom, 17-and-one-half bath historic compound with 22 original fireplaces, sprawling porches, huge manicured lawns and beautiful gardens, makes it seem that you are on a working historic Spanish hacienda. Price: $21,000,000 150

spring 2013

Cloud Nine Ranch

676± Acres | Kerr County | Property ID: 1083111 Cloud Nine Ranch is located equidistant between Comfort, Kerrville, and Bandera, in the heart of the Texas Hill Country – one hour from San Antonio and just under two hours from Austin. Cloud Nine Ranch can best be described as a jewel nestled in a pristine, unspoiled, natural environment inclusive of a “camphouse compound,” celebrating its outdoor feel via its Lake Flato design, simple construction techniques and regional materials. Price: $5,250,000

K i n g L a n d & W at e r

www.KingLandWater.com | james@kinglandwater.com | tammy@kinglandwater.com | (432) 426-2024 Tammy & James King/Broker | PO Box 109 | 600 State Street | Fort Davis, Texas 79734

The Rockpile Ranch

55,704± Acres Jeff Davis County Property ID: 937965

Rockpile Ranch is named for the massive geologic formations located at the entrance to the Ranch. This ranch was once a major portion of the historic 380,000-acre X Ranch in Jeff Davis County. This is only the third time in its 115-year titled history that this Ranch has been offered for sale. All Seller owned mineral classified and fee minerals will be included. There is a specific website set up for The Rockpile Ranch for additional information and pictures at www.TheRockPileRanch.com. Price: $985 per acre for a total price of $54,868,922

Dry Canyon Ranch 2,906± Acres Jeff Davis County Property ID: 1118325

Located off Highway 118 a historic Scenic Loop below McDonald Observatory in the Davis Mountains of West Texas. Two major canyons bisect this high forested rangeland creating some of the most scenic bluffs, rocky outcrops, canyons, meadows, and mountains in the region. This is ponderosa and pinyon pine country, huge red oaks, big tooth maples, madrone, and lush grasslands. The central geologic features on the ranch are Dry Canyon and Horse Spring Canyon, creating magnificent vistas rivaling any national park in the country. There are more than seven springs and 10 tanks that naturally supply the wildlife and its habitat with ample water. The most amazing aspect of the ranch is the well designed road network that allows excellent access throughout the ranch which can be used by vehicles or by horseback for scenic tours. These roads were designed by the Sproul family starting some 100 years ago for working cattle, building earth tanks, and accessing the amazing wildlife that this family has nurtured over the years. Price: $3,632,500

High Canyon Ranch

1,424± Acres | Jeff Davis County Property ID: 1014064 High Canyon is located in the heart of the Davis Mountains, a Sky Island of the Chihuahuan Desert with elevations ranging from 5,200 feet to 6,280 feet. Two major canyons bisect this high forested rangeland creating some of the most scenic bluffs, rocky outcrops, canyons, meadows and mountains in the region. This is ponderosa and pinyon pine country, huge red oaks, bigtooth maples, madrone and lush grasslands. The central geologic features on the ranch are upper Short Canyon and Dry Canyon creating magnificent vistas rivaling any national park in the country. Price: $2,541,840

Crowe’s Castle

22.9± Acres | Jeff Davis County | Property ID: 1131451 Crowe’s Castle is set at the end of Sproul Road, a maintained county road, near the Historic Prude and Sproul Ranches. Surrounded by native gramma grasses, set atop the foothills of Davis Mountains. The custom four-bedroom, three-bath home’s focal point is a large great room accented by tall cathedral ceilings, a stone fireplace and custom built-in shelving. Wet bar and cabinetry. Windows frame unsurpassed views of the surrounding mountains. A wrap around deck affords space for outdoor entertaining and breathtaking views. This home was originally listed for over $1 million in 2006 and is a bargain based on its location, square footage, and quality of construction. Price: $575,000



Chas. S. Middleton



www.ChasSMiddleton.com | sam@csmandson.com & charlie@csmandson.com | (806) 763-5331 Sam Middleton & Charlie Middleton | 1507 13th Street | Lubbock, Texas 79401

Covered S Ranch

23,013± Acres | Scurry County | Property ID: 1100092 These 23,013± acres located northwest of Snyder, Texas, offer miles of highway frontage and gently rolling to broken terrain. The ranch is highly improved with paved private roads, beautiful owner’s home, covered cutting arena, pipe shipping pens, roping arena, horse barn, employee homes, and many additional improvements Outstanding hunting and productive cattle country. Price reduced to $16,000,000 or $695 per acre.

Southern Colorado Ranch

10,719± Acres | Las Animas County, Colorado These 10,719± acres are located in the heart of the Sangre de Christo Mountain Range. Elevations run from 8,500 feet to 13,700 feet, and the ranch has a rugged mountainous terrain with excellent live water features. Improvements include a lodge, two guest houses, manager’s house and outbuildings. Great hunting opportunities with trout fishing in the creeks. Priced at $29,960,000 or $2,795 per acre with 100 percent of the mineral rights. 152

Spring 2013

Texas Panhandle Ranch

18,964± Acres | Moore County | Property ID: 1070690 These 18,964± acres are located approximately 40 miles north of Amarillo. The terrain ranges from elevated uplands to low lying creek bottoms. Two live creek areas run through portions of the property. The ranch has excellent water features with irrigation quality water available. This productive ranch is priced at $12,326,600 or $650 per acre.

Chas. S. Middleton



www.ChasSMiddleton.com | sam@csmandson.com & charlie@csmandson.com | (806) 763-5331 Sam Middleton & Charlie Middleton | 1507 13th Street | Lubbock, Texas 79401

Trinchera Creek Ranch

21,955± Acres | Las Animas County, Colorado These 21,955± productive acres are located in Southern Colorado, east of Trinidad. The terrain is diverse, ranging from scenic live water creek bottoms and gently rolling prairie lands to elevated timbered mesa side slopes. Antelope, mule deer, elk, and turkey are all found on this scenic ranch. This long-term ownership property is realistically priced at $9,330,875 or $425 per acre.

ABC Creek Ranch

1,380± Acres | Kent County These scenic 1,380± acres offer an exceptional blend of rolling terrain, excellent diversity of cover, good fencing, and very well maintained nearly new improvements. Improvements include a furnished two-bedroom, two-bath home with open living area and kitchen, along with an attractive guest cabin. Other improvements consist of a large metal barn, bulk feed storage, and walk in cooler. Two established food plots, along with blinds and feeders make this a ready to enjoy recreation ranch property. Priced at $1,173,000 or $950 per acre.

Canyon Vista Ranch

2,715± Acres | Stonewall County These 2,715±- acres offer rugged topography and a remote location. Exceptional views of some of the highest peaks in the area. Productive bottoms and rocky hillsides with live spring-fed creek and several ponds. Good deer hunting. Priced for quick sale at only $1,764,750 or $650 per acre.



Foster Farm & Ranch

www.FosterFarmAndRanch.com | chadfosterjr@gmail.com | (830) 776-3605 Chad Foster, Jr./Broker | 400 E. Nopal Street | Uvalde, Texas 78801

Living Waters River Ranch

720± Acres | Uvalde County | Property ID: 1160109

This high-fenced game reserve is a Hill Country masterpiece with pecan groves, oak knolls, savannah, scenic vistas, brush shrub land and one-and-a-half miles of river frontage on the headwaters of the Nueces River. Located north of Uvalde and approximately 90 miles west of San Antonio, this is 720 spectacular acres of recreational and agricultural paradise. Included are a beautiful 6,000-square-foot limestone lodge, bunk house, large storage, and on site manager’s quarters. The main lodge features river access, a patio area overlooking the Nueces River, six bedrooms and a large central living area. Price: $7,200,000

Sunny Clime Farm

333± Acres | Uvalde County | Property ID: 1145930 HORSE FACILITY with 200 acre-feet of permitted Edwards Water. There are four domestic/livestock water wells and one irrigation well. The main residence is an impressive 4,140 square-foot, three-bedroom, three-and-one-half-bath home. Additional residential improvements include a guest house, a three-bedroom, two-bath, manager’s home and several apartments. The equine facilities include multiple stalls, a vet barn, a receiving/quarantine barn, equipment shed and shop, a hay barn and roping arena. Numerous paddocks and turn-out areas are located on the property. The races track is 5/8 mile with a 440 yard straight. Price: $2,300,000 154


Foster Farm & Ranch

www.FosterFarmAndRanch.com | chadfosterjr@gmail.com | (830) 776-3605 Chad Foster, Jr./Broker | 400 E. Nopal Street | Uvalde, Texas 78801

Great Location!

350± Acres | Uvalde County | Property ID: 1156443 350± acres within miles of Uvalde, Texas. The property is comprised of open improved pasture, native brush and dotted with oak trees. With access off of FM 2690 and frontage on Highway 83, this ranch is both easy to access and easily divided. A well-built road system, good neighbors and a great location make this on of the best properties in the area. Price: $875,000

Perfect Size!

250± Acres | Uvalde County | Property ID: 1156510

250± acres within minutes of Uvalde, Texas. This property is the perfect size get away. This ranch has the right mix of brush, open pasture and a great location. All native species of native wildlife plus axis deer can be found in the area. Price: $625,000

Hill Country Dream

33.3± Acres | Real County | Property ID: 1016148 33.3± acres with beautiful four-bedroom, four-bath lodge style home. Located in Southeastern Real County in a gated, restricted subdivision. Private location, minutes from Garner State Park. Price: $790,000

55 Acres Utopia

55± Acres | Bandera County Property ID: 1149451 55± acres approximately three miles north of Utopia with frontage on Hwy 470. This tract is covered with a mix of oak, cedar and numerous large live oak, providing many desirable home sites. The terrain has a slight slope with views across the Sabinal Canyon. The sellers will divide the property. Price: $440,000

LBDT Ranch

93± Acres | McLennan County Property ID: 944952 93 acres on the outskirts of Crawford, Texas. This ranch has the end-of-the-road privacy most buyers are looking for, within minutes of town. Multiple creeks traverse the rolling terrain. The property is lightly wooded and dotted with large oak trees. Two stock tanks are on the property, as well as, all species of native game, making this the perfect year-round retreat. One small cabin is located on the ranch.

San Pedro Ranch

1,067± Acres | Val Verde County Property ID:1015580 This 1,067±-acre ranch is ideally located north of Del Rio and minutes east of Lake Amistad of Highway 277. It is the perfect hunting and recreational retreat. Good management practices over the years have produced an excellent native deer population. Price: $954,965



W e s t e r n H i l l C o u n t r y R e a lt y

www.WesternHillCountryRealty.com | info@westernhillcountryrealty.com | (830) 683-4435 Glynn Hendley/Broker | 202 East Main Street | PO Box 856 | Rocksprings, Texas 78880

M&T Ranch

644± Acres | Edwards County | Property ID: 1125225 The M&T Ranch is an exotic and whitetail hunting ranch that is stocked with wildlife and all equipment is in place. Years of land and wildlife management. 2,450 square foot lodge with rustic finish, deck and hot tub. Three bedroom, two bath guest house. 3,200 square foot barn. Three large earthen ponds and two water wells. Years of habitat control. Exotics include ibex, red sheep, numerous trophy axis, blackbuck antelope. Excellent quality whitetail. Gently rolling terrain with abundant live oaks. Elaborate holding and handling facilities for exotics. Price: $2,300,000

Historic Ranch

2,940± Acres Edwards County Property ID: 938019

Hackberry Ridge Ranch

223± Acres | Edwards County | Property ID: 1106137 A rare find! The Hackberry Ridge Ranch has Highway 55 frontage and is not located in a subdivision! Located 10 minutes south of Rocksprings. Breathtaking views throughout property overlooking nice valleys and seasonal creek beds. Water and electricity. Two wells on property. Several areas for home or camp sites. Large valley running through property. Perimeter low fenced. Mature live oak and pinon. Beautiful open meadows. Cave on property. Large ranches as neighbors. Variety of game. Exempt taxes. (listing #276). Price: $560,000 156


Huge Price Reduction! Family owned and operated for over 100 years. Western edge of the Texas Hill Country. 75 years of conservation practices. Over 45 years of wildlife management. Terrain varies from gently rolling hills to rocky canyons to fertile mesquite flats to live oak bottoms. 20 minutes from Rocksprings. No through traffic/easements. Three strong water wells. Electricity. Area known for great whitetail and abundant turkey. Property set up and ready for any rancher, hunter or outdoor adventurist. Price: $1,450 per acre

W e s t e r n H i l l C o u n t r y R e a lt y

www.WesternHillCountryRealty.com | info@westernhillcountryrealty.com | (830) 683-4435 Glynn Hendley/Broker | 202 East Main Street | PO Box 856 | Rocksprings, Texas 78880

H-5 Ranch

High Lonesome Ranch

Located less than one mile off Highway 377 at the end of the road. 1,300 square foot two bedroom, two bath Santa Fe style furnished home with front and back porches, large utility room, private water well, electricity, licensed septic. Gently rolling terrain with heavy cover in live oaks and native vegetation. Great hilltop views. Like new perimeter fencing. Private entrance and drive. Watering troughs located throughout ranch. Great hunting: whitetail, turkey, hog, axis deer. This ranch is the perfect family hunting and retirement place completely ready to enjoy! Price: $350,000

Great access. Rolling hills and large fertile valleys with abundant live oaks. Large low fenced ranches for neighbors. Main house and additional bunk house situated on top of hill with spectacular views. Two water wells. Electricity. Septic. Additional equipment shed. Two 8’x20’storage containers. Improved internal road system allowing access to all parts of property. Watering troughs and header pond. Whitetail, turkey, hogs, axis, aoudad. First class blinds and feeders. Exempt taxes. Set up and ready to enjoy! Price: $799,000

Round Pen Oaks Ranch

Pot Rock Ranch

Round Pen Oaks Ranch is a rare find! First class accommodations perfect for family or company recreation. Easy access with county road frontage. Not in a subdivision—no restrictions. Completely low perimeter fenced with large neighbors. Working pens with barn. Gently sloping terrain with abundant mature oaks throughout property. Minimal cedar but perfect blend of vegetation for wildlife habitat. Tremendous views from hilltops. Watering troughs in place for wildlife. Great area for whitetail, turkey, axis, hogs. Price: $575,000

Bank and seller financing available with as little as 10% down! Electricity in place. Agricultural water will be furnished. Excellent native and exotic game. Fertile valleys and large oaks, elms, mesquite and other South Texas type vegetation provide ideal habitat for wildlife. Panoramic views of the distant hills and game rich draws and valleys below. The game management program gives you the opportunity to enjoy the Hill Country hunting experience as only a large land owner has in the past. Price: $154,000

77.27± Acres | Edwards County | Property ID: 983760

300± Acres | Edwards County | Property ID:

528.11± Acres | Edwards County | Property ID: 1146974

103± Acres | Edwards County | Property ID: 1083150



T h e T e x a s R a n c h C o m pa n y Farm & Ranch Real Estate


www.TexasRanchCo.com | Johnny Cavazos/Broker | johnny@texasranchco.com | (210) 260-1897 Brandon Scott/Broker Associate | brandon@texasranchco.com | (210) 421-8181

The 339 Ranch

339± Acres | Frio County | Property ID: 1100759 It can’t get any better than this! This is truly one of the best high-fenced properties of its size on the market, located in the highly prized area of Northern Frio County. This unique ranch has an excellent combination of prime habitat with awesome native brush and big bull mesquite trees, nice improvements, rolling terrain and lots of wildlife. A “must see” property for someone looking for their dream ranch. Located only one hour from San Antonio. This place is set up and ready to go!

1938 Acre South Texas Hunting Ranch

Brooks County Ranch

This unimproved ranch is located in a special area of South Texas known for its shallow Carrizo water and producing giant whitetail deer. The ranch is highfenced and has two water wells, several water troughs and a nice tank. There is excellent brush diversity throughout, and good roads and senderos are in place. The ranch has not been hunted or had cattle in several years and the game is plentiful. This property offers a rare combination of great habitat and spectacular views. Priced to sell!

Income producing property in Brooks County, 5 miles east of Falfurrias. Paved frontage on two sides, electricity, water well and two water troughs. A mix of mesquite,light brush and some open areas. Olmos Creek runs along the southern boundry. Game includes native whitetail deer, Nilgai Antelope, dove and quail. A small herd of axis deer has also been spotted. This propery has a Salt Water disposal well on site that produces a yearly income and will be conveyed to the new buyer.

1,938± Acres | Zavala County | Property ID: 122311


spring 2013

508± Acres | Brooks County | Property ID: 1155918

T h e T e x a s R a n c h C o m pa n y


www.TexasRanchCo.com | Johnny Cavazos/Broker | johnny@texasranchco.com | (210) 260-1897 Brandon Scott/Broker Associate | brandon@texasranchco.com | (210) 421-8181

Farm & Ranch Real Estate

Moore Hollow Ranch

993± Acres | Frio County | Property ID: 1109125 Conveniently located only 45 minutes from San Antonio. Words cannot describe the potential of this prime South Texas high- fenced hunting ranch. Fantastic brush diversity, rolling terrain, nice improvements and great water are just a few of the key features this property has to offer. Most of the hard work has been done and now it’s time to move in and enjoy. You will not find a better ranch with a better location anywhere on the market.

1,000 Acre Atascosa Ranch 1,000± Acres | Atascosa County Property ID: 1156078

Absolutley some of the most unique country in South Texas. This ranch is loaded up with all types of wildlife. Dove, quail, and turkey are in abundance and the native whitetail deer are incredible in terms of quality as well as quantity. The ranch has had very little hunting pressure in the past two years and deer have been harvested in the upper 190” B&C range. There is one water well and several water troughs along with some wildlife ponds throughout the property. Located only 30 minutes South of San Antonio.



D e a n & W a l l a c e R e a l E s tat e

www.SouthTexasRanchGroup.com | jwallacerealestate@sbcglobal.net | (361) 442-1001 John Wallace/Broker | 453 Robert Drive | Corpus Christi, Texas 78412

Cuchilla Pasture Ranch

927.30± Acres | Brooks County | Property ID: 105637 This is the perfect quail and dove hunting paradise with good deer. Located in between Falfurias and Rivera along the King Ranch fence. Price: $2,317,500

Rooke Ranch

1,200± to 6,100± Acres | Refugio County | Property ID: 1080200 New on the market, this land is part of the famous Rooke Ranch. It can be purchased as 6,100 acres, 4,900 acres, or 1,200 acres. It offers five miles of Aransas River frontage. This is a big ranch with lots of diversity. Features include the river, large deer, open spaces, big trees, good South Texas brush, big creek, farm land, lakes (one very large), and a house.

860 Acres - Minerals

860± Acres | Medina County | Property ID: 1079925 This is a beautiful ranch with large oak trees located outside of Devine. The perfect getaway place. *Minerals Available* Price: $3,000,000

459 Acres Bee County

459± Acres | Bee County | Property ID: 1109902 459 acres in Bee County with a great house, large oak trees, and possible minerals. This new home has five bedrooms, a den with vaulted ceilings, a great bar area, open kitchen, indoor pool and attached three car garage. The ranch has a wonderful location between the towns of Beeville and Refugio, along SH 202 with big trees, nice open areas and lots of game. Price: $2,550,000 160


Dos Lagos

1,053± Acres | Kenedy County | Property ID: 944412 Offering 1,053 acres with very large neighbors. Incredible hunting with deer, nilgai, turkey, dove, and quail. This is part of the best motte country in South Texas.

D e a n & W a l l a c e R e a l E s tat e

www.SouthTexasRanchGroup.com | jwallacerealestate@sbcglobal.net | (361) 442-1001 John Wallace/Broker | 453 Robert Drive | Corpus Christi, Texas 78412

705 Acres Near Junction, Texas

535 Acres Near Orange Grove

705 acres in Junction, Texas, along the North Llano River. Lots of gorgeous river frontage, an incredible house, big hills, steep canyons, and springs. The live springs and river frontage give the ranch a unique blend of rugged Hill Country with lots of live water. Hunting is superb with trophy south Texas whitetail genetics introduced five years ago. Price: $3,195,000

535 acres, *Producing Minerals* Jim Wells and Nueces Counties, a short distance west of Corpus Christi. The property has large neighbors, big deer, great bird hunting and is equipped with a newly renovated house. Several water wells and ponds add to the unique terrain that includes a large creek with large oak trees. The property also comes with 50% of the minerals/royalty with five producing gas wells. A great ranch with oil/gas income. Price: $2,500,000

705± Acres | Kimble County | Property ID: 1120635

535± Acres | Jim Wells County | Property ID: 1120942

Great Get-A-Way

540± Acres | Bee County Property ID: 1109902 540 acres in Beeville, Texas. A great get away. An oak tree lined entry leads you to a newly remodeled spanish style home, with saltillo tile floors, granite countertops, an oversized fireplace, screen porch, pool, a guest house and a foreman’s house. This place is built for entertaining! Price: $3,500,000

575 Acres on Baffin Bay

575± Acres Kleberg County Contract pending. 575 acres on Cayo De Grullo and Baffin Bay. What a unique opportunity to own a ranch outside of Kingsville, near the King’s Inn, on the water and covered with great south Texas brush. Mobile home, barn and water wells add to the property.

208 Acres West of Kingsville 208± Acres | Duval County Property ID: 1100270

208 acres, west of Kingsville, high fenced, huge whitetail, lots of exotics, and a nice cabin and barn. The tract of great south Texas brush, also has water wells and a small pond. Turnkey deal. They have done the work, now you get to enjoy their labor. Price: $645,000



Bill Johnson & Associates

Real Estate Company

B i l l J o h n s o n & A s s o c i at e s

www.BJRE.com | billjohnson@bjre.com | (979) 865-5969 William R. Johnson, Jr./Broker | 420 East Main Street | Bellville, Texas 77418

Lane’s End Texas

301.24± Acres | Waller County | Property ID: 1136137

A Division of Lane’s End Farm, Versailles, Kentucky. This renowned thoroughbred horse breeding and training facility is home to Valid Expectations, leading sire in the Lone Star State for the past eleven years. Less than an hour from Houston, the ranch has approximately one-and-a-half miles of paved road frontage, 15 miles of board fencing and over a mile of paved inner ranch roads allowing easy access to the 26 paddocks, barns, homes and other improvements. Lane’s EndTexas also offers excellent development potential, being located in a fast developing residential neighborhood a few miles off both Highway 290 and Highway 6. Lane’s End-Texas – A Rewarding Opportunity!!! Price: $3,850,000

Lee Ranch

767.45± Acres | Colorado County Property ID: 1052879 This 767.45±-acre working ranch between Columbus and Rock Island is gently rolling with sandy soil, has seven ponds, a seasonal creek, mature oak trees, improved grasses and bountiful wildlife. Various barns, other outbuildings and pens enhance the daily operation of this working ranch. The five-bath ranch home, built in 2009, has over 4,000 square feet of living area, two fireplaces and a spacious island kitchen perfect for entertaining. A stone firepit with seating is convenient to the home. Come and enjoy life in the country! Price: $3,450,000

Walking T Ranch, Cat Spring

94.82± Acres | Austin County | Property ID: 1127081

An easy commute from Houston or Austin makes this property the perfect weekend retreat or a place to call home. Located near much desired Cat Spring, this 94.82±-acre property boasts a sparkling 13-acre stocked lake with several fishing piers. Build your dream home on the existing engineered home site overlooking the magnificent lake or settle into the c. 1867 farmhouse. This vintage cypress home with a wraparound porch on three sides, was moved onto the property and remodeled in 2003. Life in the Country is waiting for you! Price: $1,600,000 162


B i l l J o h n s o n & A s s o c i at e s

www.BJRE.com | billjohnson@bjre.com | (979) 865-5969 William R. Johnson, Jr./Broker | 420 East Main Street | Bellville, Texas 77418

Bill Johnson & Associates

Real Estate Company

Double R Ranch

66± Acres | Colorado County | Property ID: 952481 This fabulous home is set in 66± acres of Colorado County liveoak country. Construction throughout reflects close attention to detail. Only the finest woods, imported tiles and marble, premier appliances and modern finishing touches are used all through the home. Special features include a luxurious master, exquisite kitchen and dining rooms, a spacious Trophy room and an underground Wine Cellar. For your most discriminating clients. Price: $2,250,000

Texas Cross Ranch

995± Acres | Limestone County | Property ID: 552840

Gently rolling hills, improved pastures, eight ponds and unlimited views! Located on top of the highest hill of this 995-acre property, one finds a three-bedroom, three-and-a-half bath brick home overlooking the two-acre lake. The ranch boasts lush improved pastures with cross-fencing, cattle pens, large hay barn, tack room and ample road frontage with entrance and pipe fencing. Property is divisible with 570 acres and home priced at $2,999,000. Texas Cross Ranch is truly a unique property in the heart of Limestone County. Price: $3,764,000

Triple S Ranch

89.48± Acres | Colorado County | Property ID: 1001100 The Triple S Ranch is located south of I-10 near Weimar. The 89±acre ranch’s home base is the stunning three-bedroom, two-anda-half bath brick home. Double front doors open into a majestic foyer and sunken living room with a travertine fireplace and wet bar, convenient to the formal dining room and island kitchen. An impressive stairway leads up to the family room loft. The spacious master suite offers a private fireplace and sitting area as well as access to the covered back porch and pool area. Two ponds, a large 60’ X 74’ metal barn, and immense views of the rolling hills complete the package! Please call for an appointment today. Price: $995,000



C a r p e n t e r R e a l E s tat e

www.JWCarpenter.com | jw3@jwcarpenter.com | (432) 837-3325 John W. Carpenter/Broker | 708 East Avenue E | Alpine, Texas 79830

43071 FM 1703, Alpine, Texas

10± Acres | Brewster County This custom-built, mountain-top home is approximately 5,400 square feet, with three bedrooms, two baths, sitting on ten acres. Features include brick-set floors in a wishbone pattern, tongue and groove ceilings with solid wood beams, 23-inch adobe walls throughout, large bedrooms and a master bath you will love! Additional amenities include a wonderful 20x40 foot, solarheated indoor pool, solar windows in each room, a three-car garage, large wisteria-covered porch, beautifully landscaped yard. Price: $1,400,000

#35 Quail Ridge Court, Sierra la Rana, Alpine, Texas 10.55± Acres | Brewster County

This spectacular and spacious home is approximately 4,070 square feet with two bedrooms and two-and-a-half baths. Located in Sierra la Rana, just outside of Alpine city limits, on ten acres with amazing mountain and city views. Features Include flagstone/oak wood floors, cathedral pine ceilings, native stone gas fireplace in living room, granite counter tops, large outside fireplace and outside shower, landscaped courtyard. Price: $1,250,000

1112 Loop Rd, Alpine, Texas

177.29± Acres | Brewster County This exceptional mountain-top home has panoramic views of the city of Alpine and surrounding mountains. This home sits on 177.29± acres with three bedrooms, four baths, and 3,575 square feet of spacious living space. Features include saltillo tile, vaulted/cathedral beam ceilings, fireplace in family room and Kiva fireplace in master bedroom, a three-car garage, covered front porch/patio, courtyard with double stockade entrance doors, cobblestone floor and water feature. Price: $849,900 164


C a r p e n t e r R e a l E s tat e

www.JWCarpenter.com | jw3@jwcarpenter.com | (432) 837-3325 John W. Carpenter/Broker | 708 East Avenue E | Alpine, Texas 79830

Woodward Ranch

2,197± Acres | Brewster County

Since 1884, located 16 miles south of Alpine with highway frontage, two live running creeks, exceptional views, scenic rolling mountains and canyons, mule deer and whitetail deer, home of the largest varieties of agate, hunter’s camp house facilities with campground and RV hookups. Price: $2,500 per acre

Rosillos Mountain Ranch

23,809± Acres | Brewster County

The Rosillos Mountain Ranch offers all aspects for an owner’s enjoyment and pride of ownership with scenic beauty. Features Include a 4,200-square-foot paved landing strip, spacious twostory adobe headquarters home, hunters’ facilities (The Star House), seven completely fenced pastures, extensive network of roads, extensive water system, steer, yearling and goat country, trophy mule deer, javelina, dove and quail. This beautiful land is a geologist’s playground with petrified wood and fossils. Big Bend National Park is located on three sides of the ranch. Price: $600 per acre



V I P C o u n t ry P r o p e rt i e s

www.VIPCountry.net | info@vipcountry.net | (979) 865-9459 office PO Box 582 | Bellville, Texas 77418

Winchester Peak Ranch

249± Acres | Fayette County Property ID: 1047491

Belle Meade Farm

93± Acres | Austin County | Property ID: 1155889 This elegant and comfortably restored three story 1900’s home captures stunning views of the bulkheaded lake and countryside from the wrap around porches and balconies. The front meadow of the 93± acres hosts a wide variety of wildflowers each spring and the remaining pastures are of improved grasses used for hay production. With the home being the focal point, the remaining compound consists of barns, a guest house, a wonderful pool complex, and gazebos. Price: $1,920,000

Near the small town of Winchester, just minutes from La Grange, boasts 249± acres of rugged Texas land. With a good mix of open areas for grazing livestock and heavy woods filled with native wildlife, this property is extremely versatile. Interior roads, trails, a lake, ponds, a seasonal creek, fantastic views, numerous building sites, road frontage on FM 153, and electricity combine to make this property a must see. Price: $5,900 per acre

Wild Hare Ranch

Cross Roads Farm

Quiet Meadow Cabin

A classic farmhouse atop a hill provides the focal point of this 37± acre ranch in the Greenvine area of Washington County. The charming house has been artfully styled, creating a cheerful base complemented with decks and porches. Accompanying the farmhouse are a landscaped yard, large trees, shop/utility building, horse barn, loafing sheds and a pond. Price: $575,000

This 50± acre tract located between Bellville and Industry is well suited for a cattle or horse farm with a restored barn and a 60'x40' metal storage building. An excellent homesite with distant views overlooking the pond and rolling pastures enhances the appeal to build a permanent home or an accessible country farm. Price: $595,000. Additional acreage available.

This peaceful tract of land features an exceptional diversity with rolling hills, open pastures and wooded areas throughout the 175 acres. Enjoy the simple life while staying at the camp house located in the tree dotted pasture overlooking a large scenic pond. While currently offering a quiet retreat, this tract also has potential to become an impressive ranch if so desired. Price: $8,750 per acre

37± Acres | Washington County Property ID: 1155894



50± Acres | Austin County Property ID: 57520

175± Acres | Colorado County Property ID: 938811

V I P C o u n t ry P r o p e rt i e s

www.VIPCountry.net | info@vipcountry.net | (979) 865-9459 office PO Box 582 | Bellville, Texas 77418

Wishing Star Ranch

Los Arroyos

This four-bedroom three-and-one-half bath home has a commanding presence overlooking the landscape of the surrounding. The approach from the road gives but a hint of the beautiful view from this custom home with elegant architectural details on this attractive 70± acres with lush rolling pasture, two ponds and a wet-weather creek meandering through a ribbon of mature trees. Price: $1,455,000. Property is also available as home on 30± acres.

This 71± acres of rolling sandy soil is interspersed with densely wooded areas and quiet meadows. The entire infrastructure is in place with a gated entrance, equipment barn, horse barn with quarters, manager’s house, well, septic tanks, fenced pastures, gravel roads and underground electric. A clay pad waiting for a house completes this opportunity to add the last piece of construction and finalize the farm just minutes from Bellville. Price: $1,225,000

70± Acres | Washington County | Property ID: 1068079

71± Acres | Austin County| Property ID: 1048920

Creek Bend Ranch

Bluebonnet Hill

The Meadows

Near the quaint town of Columbus, lies this beautiful 93± acre tract of land. Roughly 35 minutes from Katy and highly commutable, this property is very versatile and boasts numerous amenities, including a nice building site on top of a hill, rustic barn, working pens, electricity, well, butane tank, recent fencing around the entire property, road frontage on two sides, grazing pasture, pond, creek, birds and wildlife. Price: $927,350

This 67.6± acre tract has it all with a distant view, easy access, two large ponds plus a smaller pond, improved pastures and a hill of bluebonnets in the spring. A great home site situated near the center of the property overlooks the double ponds and features the view of rolling hills. With frontage on two sides, there is opportunity to divide creating a 17-acre tract and a 50-acre tract. Price: $676,620

This perfect getaway on FM 1155 is an easy drive from Houston. These 15± acres consist of beautiful country meadows and a charming farm house overlooking a pond. Completely furnished and accented with easy care landscaping, this 2008 farm house captures a classic Chappell Hill vista embraced by a view of nearby rolling hills and trees. Price: $545,000

93± Acres | Colorado County Property ID: 1103468

67± Acres | Austin County Property ID: 221819

15± Acres | Washington County Property ID: 1038841



D e i t r a R o b e r t s o n R e a l E s tat e ,


Deitra Robertson | Deitra@IKnowRanches.com | (979) 921-9470 IKnowRanches.com | 38351 FM 1736 | Hempstead, Texas 77445

Vonderosa Farm

Austin Branch Ranch

Some properties are just very special, and this is one of those properties. Located only an hour northwest of Houston, this exceptional horse farm invites you to enjoy country living at it’s very finest. The magnificent custom home will exceed all your wants and desires-it is beautiful! The ten-stall center aisle barn has custom apartment. Fenced paddocks, loafing sheds, pond, this estate has everything for the horse lover. Price: $1,799,000

Located an hour from Houston. This cattle/horse ranch is waiting for you to call it home. There is a ranch home, two caretaker homes, and a barn/workshop. This property has a 22± acre hay meadow, sandy soil pastures, four ponds, a wooded seasonal creek and is fenced and cross fenced. Seller will divide. Price: $850,000

42± Acres | Waller County | Property ID: 1045618

Navasota 30 Acre Parcel

30± Acres | Grimes County | Property ID: 1159955

Exceptional 30± acre parcel with county road frontage. Enjoy driving through the beautiful mature hardwood trees back to the newly expanded pond. The barn is ready for your cattle or horses with improved pastures offering quality grazing for your animals. Water and electrical hook-ups for camper trailers and horse trailers. Fenced and cross-fenced. Price: $375,000

Country Retreat

108± Acres | Waller County Property ID: 1159790 Cooking steaks and swapping stories with friends doesn‘t get any better than this. Kick back and enjoy this beautiful outdoor entertainment area. A very private 108± acres less than an hour from Houston in beautiful Waller County. Three bedroom, three bath Barndominium with pool overlooking gorgeous pond surrounded by live oaks. Fenced and cross-fenced with two barns, turn out paddocks, riding trails. Perfect mix of improved pasture and woods. A very special property. Price: $1,695,000 168


68.07± Acres | Waller County | Property ID: 1053366

D e i t r a R o b e r t s o n R e a l E s tat e ,


Matthew@IKnowRanches.com | Matthew Menke | (936) 825-5256 IKnowRanches.com | 38351 FM 1736 | Hempstead, Texas 77445

Diamond K Ranch

837± Acres | Waller County | Property ID: 1159938 Cattle, Horses, Privacy, and Convenience. That’s what you get at this one-of-a-kind Texas property that “Has it all.” Imagine 800± acres of rolling hills, improved pastures, scattered hardwoods, dense timber and beautiful water features, all lying halfway between Houston and College Station. There are three completely remodeled homes plus a private office facility. The horse barn has 20 stalls complete with fans and five connected turnouts. The covered arena is fitted with a roping chute, cattle holding area and rest rooms. There is a stateof-the-art cattle working facility that will accommodate the most intensive registered operation. Barns, great fencing and a network of roads and fresh water provide the ultimate “Ranch” experience. Come and see for yourself. Price: $11,700,000



Ranch Investments

www.RanchInvestments.com | info@ranchinvestments.com | (800) 447-8604 John Ed Stepan/Principal | PO Box 6309 | San Antonio, Texas 78209

Grimshaw Ranch

237± Acres | Milam County Property ID: 1108430 This incredible 237± acre ranch is located just eight miles east of Taylor in Thorndale, southeast Milam county, approximately one hour from Austin. Located on paved FM 486, just five miles off Highway 79. This ranch offers high end comfort with quiet country living. The 4,400+ square-foot custom smart home was built for entertaining and can allow you to manage your home from anywhere that you have internet access. This property also includes a custom barn designed to hold 20 horse stalls, office, feed and tack rooms and a second level apartment. Price: $2,200,000

Winchester Ranch

1,941.06± Acres | Fayette County | Property ID: 996529 This ranch consists of 1,941.06± productive and recreational acres and is located in the pristine piney woods just outside of the Winchester community, in northwest Fayette County. It is about 20 minutes northwest of the city of LaGrange, about one hour south of Austin, and about 1.5 hours from San Antonio and Houston. The ranch accesses off paved state FM 153. This one of the prettiest ranches in Central Texas, and has about 4.5-5 miles of Colorado River frontage! Excellent wildlife habitat, offers a great hunting opportunity. This property is loaded with whitetail deer! The great location of this ranch allows you to live in the quiet of the country and still be a reasonable distance from the cities. Price: $9,122,700 170


Jackson Ranch

4,494± Acres | Lampasas County | Property ID: 141204 The Jackson Ranch is located approximately 13 miles west of Lampasas, Texas on FM 580 and approximately 63 miles from the Austin, Texas city limits. Three miles of the Colorado River frontage, varies from 200 foot high cliffs overlooking the river and views to the west, to low sloping grassy banks sheltered by pecan trees. The ranch is contiguous native rangeland which is located in the famed Texas Hill Country. The terrain is hilly to rough with a substantial portion on the west being rocky hills, ridges and canyons. Price: $3,400 per acre

Ranso Ranch

30± Acres | Burnet County Property ID: 1067110 Less than 45 minutes from downtown Austin, exists a 30 acre piece of land that offers total relief from the distractions of the city. This property sits above the beginning of the South San Gabriel River with over 1,000 feet of river frontage. The main residence is a 3,200-square-foot home built in the 1960s (remodeled in 2008). A wonderful cabin with a porch hangs over the front pasture. You can also have coffee in the trees. There is a four-stall barn with a tack room for your equine needs. The property will support two or three horses during an average year. Improvements: Water well, septic tanks, electric service to all of the living areas. Come experience the serenity of this ranch. It’s one of a kind. Price: $499,000

Ranch Investments

www.RanchInvestments.com | info@ranchinvestments.com | (800) 447-8604 John Ed Stepan/Principal | PO Box 6309 | San Antonio, Texas 78209

School Creek Ranch

1,516± Acres | Lampasas County | Property ID: 1158208 A beautiful combination hunting and working ranch with over two miles of limestone bottomed creek along high rock bluffs, approximately one hour north of Austin. Multiple dam sites on the creek offer the ability to back up long pools of water for year round enjoyment. The ranch has been owned and operated by the same family for over 50 years and offers the new owner a great investment opportunity in the northern Hill Country. The upland portion of the ranch has dense cover and several deep draws for wildlife habitat. The lower areas along the creek offer very fertile soil and some improved pasture offer outstanding food plot possibilities. This property is a prime candidate for conversion to a game ranch, with the varying terrain, abundant water and great location. Price: $4,458,000

Shipping Pens Farm

340± Acres Jim Wells County Property ID: 1118478 This property is primarily all row crop land and is located off of State Highway 359 East and County Road 305. The property is between Alfred, Texas and Orange Grove, Texas. This highly productive row crop farm has been farmed by Tenant Farmers for numerous years and is available either to the Farmer or the investor that chooses to utilize the Tenant Farmer. Production records are available upon request. Price: $2,200 per acre

Cuernos de Venados Ranch Spindler-Arms Ranch

726± Acres | Coke County | Property ID: 865127 Located on State Highway 208 with over 6,000 feet of frontage, approximately five miles north of Robert Lee, Texas. The ranch is well known for its state-of-the-art 1,000 meter shooting range. The home is 2,195± square feet with guest rooms, three bedrooms, three baths, storm shelter, central heat and air, attached garage, covered porch with wonderful views. Two side buildings, utilities, water well and septic at site, buried phone lines and internet service. 3,200-square-foot building in the valley, equipped with workshop, office and rest rooms. This could be converted into a residence or guesthouse. Part of the ranch has been under a Wildlife Management Plan since 2002. Deer, turkey, dove and quail on property. Windmill equipped with water well with tank to supply water for the wildlife. This ranch has it all! Pasture with native grasses, brush, hills and valleys, even its own caliche pit. Price: $1,950,000

75-210± Acres Burnet County Property ID: 1118451 The Cuernos de Venados Ranch offers the peace and serenity of country living only five minutes from town! This 210± acre, park like property with gently rolling topography is completely high fenced with an outstanding herd of whitetail deer and the bonus of a quality custom home! The owner has done extensive brush work and there is very little cedar remaining on the property, only a few dense sections left for game cover. The entrance road is of very high quality, compacted base material suitable for any kind of vehicle. If you are looking for a “Turn Key” ranch, this is it. Price: $1,675,000



Schulgen Ranch Investments

www.SchulgenRealEstate.com | schulgen@ktc.com | (830) 896-5503 | (830) 739-1865 691 Whiskey Canyon Ranch Road | Kerrville, Texas 78028

Mounted shed horns of one of the Breeder Bucks

184 5/8 B&C

Tipurtu Ranch

3,457± Acres | Dimmit County

This 3,457± acre ranch is located only six miles west of Carrizo Springs and has approximately 2,000 acres with minerals. For the TRUE TEXAS TROPHY HUNTER, this high-fenced, sequestered ranch is unsurpassed in quality BIG DEER management! The DNA on this ranch is exceptional! Producing past contest winners scoring in the 180-190’s B&C and incredible mass up to 44 inches. Strict culling and a deep passion for allowing bucks to reach their full potential (passing on their trophy genes) has been the steadfast goal on this family owned ranch. Two sets of breeding pens enhance that goal. Just last year, 30 doe were bred by a (“native - born on this ranch”) typical 12 pt. 186 B&C buck. Outstanding improvements consist of three structures totaling 10 bedrooms, eight baths, three kitchens, and entertainment areas. There is also a covered barbecue pavilion, covered bench shooting range, very large attached metal building for vehicle storage, game processing, and walk-in cooler. A very important factor (as we all know due to the series of droughts South Texas has experienced) is that this ranch has excellent water availability. There are four wells (electric) and five earthen tanks, and Pena Creek with potholes transverses the ranch. Simply stated: This is one of the finest, proven trophy ranches in South Texas and one of the few with minerals. PRICED RIGHT at $1,895 per acre. 172


185 3/8’s gross 40 4/8’s horn mass

Schulgen Ranch Investments

www.SchulgenRealEstate.com | schulgen@ktc.com | (830) 896-5503 | (830) 739-1865 691 Whiskey Canyon Ranch Road | Kerrville, Texas 78028

Texas Hill Country — Water, Water, Water 75± Acres | Kerr County

Approximately 75 acres only four miles west of the artsy little hamlet of Ingram, Texas, and 10 miles from Kerrville. This property has EVERYTHING that people look for in a Hill Country ranch. Approximately 2,000 feet of crystal clear, always flowing, wide and deep Johnson Creek. Lots of big hardwoods line the creek frontage; there are multiple untouched Indian mounds; level, fertile fields for horse pastures; and a panoramic hillside homesite with a water well and electricity. Great year-round recreation includes water sports, very good fishing, and lots of wildlife. Whitetail and axis deer abound, as well as an abundance of turkey, squirrel, and wing shooting for dove. This is a beautiful, special little ranch — it’s “WATERFUL”! Few places like this ever become available. They are passed down from one generation to the next! Price: $1,295,000



Terry Wootan Real Estate Hill Country Ranch Finders

T e r r y Wo o t a n R e a l E s t at e

www.TerryWootanRealEstate.com | courtney@terrywootan.com | (325) 247-5711 Terry Wootan | 506 West Young | Llano, Texas 78643

San Saba River Ranch

6,500± Acres | Menard County | Property ID: 1111577 The San Saba River Ranch is one of the most well known ranches in all of West/Central Texas. Possibly the best live water ranch to be on the market in years. The deer and bird hunting on this property is second to none and will rival anything in South Texas for quality of game. Fishing on the 2.5± acres of spring-fed San Saba River adds another recreational feature that not many ranches can offer. Improvements on the ranch are very well done and well maintained but are not overbuilt or overdone. The main headquarters complex includes an owner’s home that has been recently updated, guest quarters, and foreman’s home. The river frontage is very close to the head waters springs of the San Saba River located at Fort McKavett. The water flow remains very constant level, year in and year out. We, here at Terry Wootan Real Estate, are privileged to offer you one of the premier live water ranches to ever be offered in the state of Texas. If you are looking for a large ranch with live water and superior wildlife, this is a MUST SEE!! This may be one of the best investment opportunities in land to be found in a long time. Please contact our office for additional information or photos of the property. We will be more than happy to oblige. We are aggressively pricing this ranch to SELL! PRICE REDUCED!!! Price: $19,175,000 or $2,950 per acre. Contact Joe David Yates at (512) 567-3036 for more information.

Hungry Hollow

344± Acres | Mason Co. | Prop. ID: 1056648 Hungry Hollow ranch is located just west of Streeter off Highway 337. The ranch is a multi-dimensional ranch that has everything you need to have a turn key, ready to go, move-in ready ranch in the Texas Hill Country. The ranch has a simple yet elegant set up, and is fitting for any potential buyer that may be looking for the ideal hunting/production ranch, providing excellent opportunity for the new owner in either case. The ranch has improvements that will need no hands-on work from new owner, with more time to explore the potential this land has to offer. Very nice, remodeled, ranch style two-bedroom, two-bath home. Setting amongst beautiful live oaks and pecans. Two workshop buildings, carport, and hunters cabin. (The present owner has exceptional taste and has remodeled the home in a way that it is comfortable for all.) Perimeter/interior fencing has continuously been worked on and updated. Ranch is surrounded and has nice elevation changes with a multitude of different, native western Hill Country hardwoods, adding to the character that this ranch possesses. Come see this one, it won’t disappoint! REDUCED! Price: $1,238,056 or $3,599 per acre. Contact Joe David Yates at (512) 567-3036 for more information. 174


Turkey Hollow Ranch

639± Acres | Sutton Co. | Prop. ID: 1072030 Turkey Hollow Ranch is located approximately 12 miles southeast of Sonora. If you are in the market for a great all around ranch with excellent hunting for turkey, deer and exotics, this is a ranch that needs to be seen. Lots of great improvements on the ranch! The main residence was built in the 1930s and is constructed of native stone and is approximately 2,400 square feet with three bedrooms and three baths. Metal roof, hardwood and tile flooring, three fireplaces, central air and heat, and large patio into the backyard next to the pool. All enclosed within a six-foot high native stone wall. There is a two-bedroom, one-bath help house, a bunkhouse, three-car carport, dog kennel, bird pen, rock barn, red metal shed, and much more! All sorts of extras on the ranch! The ranch is perimeter fenced, has three water wells, and many more improvements. The current owner has made this an excellent headquarters set up and one of the most enjoyable ranches in the area. Come take a look!! REDUCED!! $1,975 per acre. Contact Joe David Yates at (512) 567-3036 for more information.

Oatman Creek Ranch

218± Acres | Llano Co. | Prop. ID: 24125 Oatman Creek Ranch is located four-and-a-half miles south of Llano off of Highway 16. This is a ranch that the avid hunter/sportsman/family man should take a look at. It has something for everyone, from the early morning deer hunts, to the star gazing from the wraparound covered porch, to the family barbecues on the back patio. Oatman Creek Ranch has some very nice yet comfortable and manageable improvements, making this ranch turn-key. There is a spacious, four-bedroom, three-bath rock home with large, open living area and family room. Rock fireplace, tile throughout, and large bedrooms for guests. There is a great covered front wraparound porch for relaxing and taking in the views that surround. Patio in the back as well for entertaining, and a two-car carport. Electric gate entry to property and to the home. The ranch also has a barn as well as a cooler for deer. Picturesque ranch located between Llano and historic Fredericksburg with excellent terrain, comfortable home, and an awesome hunting season. Only 30 minutes from dining and shopping in historic Fredericksburg! It’s just waiting for YOU to come make it your perfect Hill Country getaway! REDUCED!! Price: $1,295,000

Big League Ranches,

ll c

www.BigLeagueRanches.com | brady@bigleagueranches.com | (512) 394-8354 Brady Moore | 4300 Small Drive | Austin, Texas 78731

Cypress Creek Ranch

875± Acres | Blanco County Heaven on Earth! Located just west of Austin, this fabulous 875±-acre ranch is on famed Cypress Creek, known as being the best live water in the Hill Country. Towering cypress trees grace the banks of the creek and offer shade to the wide, ten foot deep swimming holes, which remained full and constant level even in last summer’s drought. Stunning views can be enjoyed from the north side of the ranch and offer world class homesite locations. This is truly a gem of Texas! $13,500 per acre

Wilbarger’s Bend Preserve

76± Acres | Blanco County | Property ID: 1039256

Price reduced! Wilbarger’s Bend Preserve is a heavily wooded and desirable 76-acre tract in Bastrop County on FM 969 between two meandering bends of the Colorado River. Carve your own dream home or ranch house back in the trees for complete privacy. Currently under agricultural exemption, eligible for conversion to a wildlife exemption. City water runs down the front of the property. Owner financing available. Now offered at $7,800 per acre. 4 tracts of 17, 17, 21 and 21 acres. Price: $592,800. UNDER CONTRACT

Live Water, Views & Hunting!

1,100± Acres | Blanco County | Property ID: 1001334 Located just 60 minutes from Austin and 15 minutes from the Horseshoe Bay Resort, this Hill Country beauty encompasses 1,100 acres and has over 5,000 feet of both sides of strong flowing Comanche Creek. Loaded with deer. Excellent views. Three wells and a hunter’s cabin. Price: $8,521,855

Wilbarger Creek Ranch

185± Acres | Bastrop County | Property ID: 1018130

Located just east of Austin, this heavily wooded 185 acre ranch is ideally suited for a country estate or hunting ranch close to town. It has three ponds and both sides Wilbarger Creek for over 1,500 feet. Very private. This is a hidden gem ready for a new owner! Owner financing available. Price: $1,017,499

Turnkey Livestock Operation

87± Acres | Bastrop County | Property ID: 1060619 Includes 40% of minerals! This 87 acres is a cattle operation ready for a new owner to step in and enjoy a turn-key cow or equestrian center of their own. Located 45 minutes from Austin, one-and-a-half hours from Houston and one hour from College Station. An adjoining 29-acre tract is also available, which can bring the total to 116 acres. UNDER CONTRACT



M a r k h a m R e a lt y ,


www.MarkhamRealty.com | info@markhamrealty.com | (936) 295-5989 Geoffrey Markham/Broker | 2715 11th Street | Huntsville, Texas 77340

Bar Triangle E

Coyote Trails Ranch

This amazing Texas ranch will exceed all of your expectations. The 6,303-square-foot home was completed in 2009 and has four bedrooms, five-and-a-half baths, game room, media room, exercise room, fabulous pool and superior quality craftsmanship in every aspect. Equestrian amenities include a beautiful barn with apartment, arena, pipe pens, etc. The property is fenced and cross fenced, has gated entrance, concrete drives, pond, lake and beautiful views. There is a summer kitchen, outdoor fireplace, sweeping porches and so much more. Let us show you this exceptional property. Price: $1,995,000

This wonderful five-bedroom home is less than one hour’s drive from Houston Intercontinental Airport. The property backs to the Sam Houston National Forest and fronts on FM 2296 just 30 minutes north of The Woodlands. The home features a gourmet kitchen to delight any chef, large living areas, game room, two master suites on first floor and sweeping porches for enjoying the wonderful views. The back yard has a beautiful pool surrounded by wrought iron fencing and there is a covered outdoor kitchen. There is a five stall horse barn, two ponds, RV covered parking and a security system. The hilltop setting offers beauty and privacy and the convenient location makes this an ideal country home near the city. Price: $1,250,000

39.61± Acres | Walker County | Property ID:

114.80± Acres | Walker County | Property ID: 1138385

Superior Quality Ranch Home

50.72± Acres | Walker County | Property ID: 1131151 Just an hour from Houston, in the hills of Huntsville, this beautiful property is ready for a new owner! The setting is private, the property is scenic and the home is immaculate! With 5,646 square feet of living space, the floor plan is open and features four spacious bedrooms, two large living areas, study, hobby room, and a fantastic kitchen with top of the line appliances. Skilled craftsmanship is apparent in every detail. Strategic lighting and amazing windows combine to show off these features. The property is fenced and cross fenced, has a 36' x 36' horse barn with 12' overhangs, concrete floor, wash rack and more. The rolling pastureland is in improved grasses and there are three ponds and scattered hardwoods. Completed in 2009, this home and property shouldn’t be missed. Price: $999,000

Godkin Ranch

85± Acres | Grimes County | Property ID: 1059951 Great country home on 85± acres. Three bedroom, two-bath home custom built in 2006, featuring hardwood flooring, silestone kitchen counters, and stainless appliances. The property is fenced, cross fenced, features a large carport with additional storage shed, a 30'x40' barn with two 20'x40' wings on each side, with excellent pastureland and hardwood trees. There are two, two-acre lakes, and one smaller lake. These scenic views, coupled with numerous improvements, make this a prime piece of property. Price: $549,500

Carroll Farm

156.45± Acres | Walker County | Property ID: 1140801

The perfect get-a-way. Secluded end of the road location with easy I-45 access, about a one-hour drive north of Houston. Nice twobedroom hilltop house overlooking the property. Abundance of wildlife, four ponds, partial woods, good grass lands with scattered trees. Two very productive hay fields. The property is fenced and cross fenced, plus has several nice outbuildings/workshop. Excellent recreational place to raise cattle, hunt or just enjoy the peace and quiet outdoors. Price: $597,500 176


F r o s t y M i l l e r R a n c h R e a lt y ,


www.FrostyMiller.com | frosty@tstar.net | (325) 247-3997 | (325) 247-3657 1200 Ford Street | Llano, Texas 78643

The Joseph Ranch

768.83± Acres | Llano County Property ID: 1102866 The ranch is located just minutes from Marble Falls, Horseshoe Bay, and Llano. Comanche Creek runs through the eastern end of the ranch, and there are two wells and two large tanks. Two cabins sit near the entrance of the ranch. One is used as a cook shack for hunters. The other cabin has four bedrooms and two bathrooms. This is a very pretty area with the creek running by the cabins and lined with big oak trees. This is a very private ranch in one of the most sought after areas east of Llano. The two large lakes and the running creek add to the scenery. Price: $3,075,320

Threadgill Ranch

490.55± Acres | Mason County Property ID: 1106952

Packsaddle Ranch

1,447± Acres | Llano County | Property ID: 1071540 LIVE WATER — LAKE VIEWS — PACKSADDLE MOUNTAINS — This spectacular one-of-a-kind ranch is being offered for sale. Located on Highway 71 east of Llano near HSB. The ranch features 900 acres high fenced and is blessed with 4,000 feet of Honey Creek. There is a large rock home with three bedrooms, three baths that sits on a bluff overlooking the rapids and deep swimming hole on Honey Creek. There is also the Mountain Cabin located deep in one of the canyons surrounded by the peaks of Packsaddle Mountain. A very unique, history filled property to call your own. Price: $12,950,650

Located just north of the Mason-Gillespie county line off Threadgill Road, this ranch is exceptionally priced for the area. There is a nice insulated metal barn with interior bathroom, cement flooring, and patio. Nice uninterrupted views, a wet-weather creek, and new road system complete the package. The ranch makes an excellent hunt property within minutes of Fredericksburg without the higher Gillespie pricing. Price: $1,569,769



N i n e B a r L a n d & C at t l e

www.WeSellRanchLand.com | timdockal@verizon.net | (325) 347-8020 office | (325) 347-2571 mobile Helen Dockal/Broker | PO Box 1050 | 705 San Antonio, Highway 87 South | Mason, Texas 76856

Art, Texas Ranch

333± Acres | Mason County | Property ID: 1127728 330± acres located near Art, Texas, with FM 1900 highway frontage. Rolling terrain with plenty of live oak and post oak trees along with other scattered brush creating an excellent habitat for white tailed deer and other wildlife. The northwest portion of the property encompasses a high rough hill with panoramic views of the Hill Country. Two wet weather creeks and several dirt tanks and spreader dams furnish water. There is not a well, however a well site has been established and electricity is nearby. If you are looking for a classic Mason County Ranch look no further. This ranch has all the qualities Mason County is noted for – from its scenic beauty and productivity, plus its great location, this ranch has all that and more! Price: $915,750

Fredonia Hunting Ranch

100± Acres | McCulloch County Property ID: 944713 This attractive live oak covered ranch is located about one mile off Highway 71 with access being down a short easement road. The gentle rolling terrain is accentuated by beautiful live oak trees. All cedar and mesquite have been removed, and there is very little prickly pear. A wet weather draw runs through the property and the owner has utilized it with short rock retainer walls all along to maximize the valuable moisture. Two equipped water wells, one 90 gpm, the other 10 gpm, and a rock reservoir provide water for domestic use to livestock and wildlife. There is also a cozy one-bedroom one-bath cabin that will sleep up to six. The whitetail deer on this property are fantastic. The deer have been managed intensely and improved genetics introduced into the herd. A three-ton protein feeder, several smaller feeders, blinds, all convey with the sale. Price: $425,000 178

spring 2013

H i l l C o u n t r y R e a l E s tat e


WardWhitworth.com | ward@hillcountryrealestatellc.com | (210) 215-7790 Ward Whitworth/Broker | 702 College Street | Junction, Texas 76849

Hill Country Real Estate L.L.C

James River Springs Ranch 1,234± Acres | Kimble County Property ID: 1026572

Hill Country Diamond. The most diverse ranch available in the area. James River springs erupt and flow over 3,000 feet through a beautiful tree-lined stream bed. Balance of the ranch is timbered in live oak and red oaks and very little juniper. This ranch has springs, live water, timber, long range views, history, wildlife, four water wells (all with pumps) and excellent distribution of power. A modest home and barn make this incredible ranch ready to use. A rare offering. Call now!!!

Blue Mountain Ranch

1,578± Acres | Kimble County | Property ID: 974620 A Hill Country ranch with a south Texas accent. This is an excellent wildlife and livestock ranch. Blacktop frontage. Ranch is characterized by a few nice hills outcropping from the Blue Mountains and a dry creek that bisects the ranch. Two water wells with power and submersible pumps. If you’re looking for a ranch to high fence with potential to grow big deer, you’ve found it. Reduced to sell at $2,250 per acre. Price: $3,550,500

North Llano River Retreat

16.89± Acres | Kimble County | Property ID: 911751 Over 414 feet of Beautiful North Llano river front. Beautiful views of surrounding hills, pecan bottom across the river, and plenty of wild game. Beautiful clear water that you can see the fish from all along the river bank. Seller wants offers! Price reduced to $219,000



H elm L and & C attle

www.HelmLandandCattle.com | (903) 438-6818 Jonas Helm | helmracing@hotmail.com

David Little Real Estate, inc

Lightfoot Farms

509± Acres | Hopkins County | Property ID: 1136518 This sprawling country estate is located just one mile north of Sulphur Springs on Highway 19. With 509± pristine acres to graze cattle, a four-acre lake to fish, and a gorgeous five-bedroom, five-bath, 6,600-squarefoot house to call home, this property is what some spend a lifetime waiting on. The main house is a rock and stone two story house with an oversized three-car garage, big closets, formal living room, den, media room, and office. The secondary home on the property is a log cabin, just cozy enough for any guests, or perfect for a foreman to live. With numerous ponds on the property and White Oak Creek bordering the south edge of the property, this tract is perfect for hogs, deer, and ducks. Other amenities include metal covered working pens, and a 30x60 barn with an apartment. The pastures have rye, bermuda, and dallis grasses with new barbed wire fences. With nearly a mile of road frontage, pipe fence, and a stone entry way with gates adorned with metal cut out horses, this place welcomes you at first glance. This property is a show place that you have to see to believe. It is the perfect place to watch your children grow, or just watch the sunset. Price: $1,950,000

Franklin Co. Ranch

573.74± Acres | Franklin County | Property ID: 1133704

Located in Franklin County, just 10 minutes from Winnsboro and 22 minutes from Sulphur Springs, is this immaculate property with options galore. Formerly a dairy, this tract has a double 12 barn, two Mueller milk tanks, a 50x500 concrete feed lane, two wells, a lagoon, and an overhead bulk feed tank to get your dairy herd started. If raising livestock is what you enjoy, this place has something for you also. With a 75x40 barn with covered working pens and squeeze chute complete with 20,000 lb. capacity livestock scales with digital readout and printer, a truck chute, a 40x50 metal building, an office at the front entrance, and pastures of rolling hills and grass, this property is a rancher’s dream. And for the hunter, this ranch has acres of both open land and timber, perfect for deer and hogs. To complete this gorgeous ranch are the two houses on both sides of the property. The main house is an absolutely beautiful 1,734-square-foot two-story house with garage. The view from the back of the house looking out across the many rolling acres behind it, is simply breathtaking. With this view, you will never want to leave home. The secondary house is a wood frame 1,260-square-foot house on the back of the property. From this house, the cattle can be seen and the peacefulness felt. There are many places in northeast Texas that are beautiful properties, but this one, you must see to believe! Price: $2,650 per acre or $1,520,403 180


C onlee R eal E state - K eller W illiams R ealty

www.ConleeRealEstate.com | conleerealestate@yahoo.com | (325) 347-7757 Craig D. Conlee | PO Box 1810 | Mason, Texas 76856

Noel Ranch Sabinal River Place

411.47± Acres | Bandera County | Property ID: 1098564 This ranch has it all: hunting, river, hay fields. Located on the Sabinal River and uniquely positioned in the canyon between Vanderpool and Utopia. Noel Ranch has 1.33 miles of Hwy. 187, 3,300 feet of both sides of the Sabinal River, and two cabins on the river. River with highway frontage (could be subdivided into river lots) and three great springs feeding the river from this property. A 240-acre mountain with a 500-foot elevation change makes for great hunting. Two tillable fields for forage crops. Better hurry! Price: $2,880,221

Las Piedras Ranch Real County

646± Acres | Real County | Property ID: 1074044 The quintessential hunting and recreational ranch in Real County. Close to Garvin’s Store and surrounded by large neighbors, Sanchez and Knob Creeks provide habitat for whitetail, axis, sika, fallow and elk, while mouflan and aoudad roam the steep hillsides. A great headquarters house and guest house sleep 12 easy. There are 12 corporate blinds, timed feeders, and protein feeders. Privacy and seclusion at this end-of-the-road ranch yet underground telephone lines service the main house. The perfect family or company retreat. PRICE REDUCED TO: $1,227,400



T he C ountry C onnection / D ave P erry -M iller & A ssociates www.CountryConnection.com | brian@countryconnection.com | (972) 588-8300 Brian Smith | 6025 Luther Lane | Dallas, Texas 75225

Wonderful Family Ranch Retreat

762.84± Acres | Fannin County | Property ID: 865793 Wonderful Family Ranch Retreat near Savoy, Texas (east of Sherman) with hardwood forests and rolling pastureland featuring a secluded 30-acre lake with a boathouse and two jet ski slips, 15 ponds, and seven dwellings (19 bedrooms-15 bathrooms), constructed between 1996 & 2002. Homes feature gourmet kitchens with natural gas, stained concrete floors, energy efficient, and most with 2x6 construction. Main home has an inground pool overlooking the lake. Activities include excellent fishing, boating, jet skiing, and hunting (deer, turkey, hogs, and ducks). Miles of hiking and four-wheeling trails and a trap-house for shooting sporting clays. The ranch is crossfenced into 17 pastures with a good set of working pens, a 90x60 barn with an office, kitchen, and storage areas. There are two water wells on the property. This is a little piece of heaven 75 minutes north of Dallas! Price: $3,975,000

Recreational Ranch

1,300± Acres | Henderson County | Property ID: 917273 1,300± acres southeast of Ennis in Henderson County. Pure wilderness within one hour from Dallas along three miles of Trinity River hardwood forests. Grand log hunting lodge, seven bedrooms, six baths, two half-baths, sleeps 20, overlooking a ten acre stocked bass lake and miles of countryside. Superior 200+ B&C class genetics throughout 650 high-fenced acres with deer pens/breeding area and native wildlife roaming the remainder. Excellent 40-acre waterfowl wetland. 100x60 barn with office, game processing, walk-in cooler and kitchen, workshop area and 162x48 equipment shed. This unique ranch will offer an unforgettable wildlife and outdoor experience. Includes DNA registered deer herd and equipment Price: $5,500,000 182


Deep Creek Guest Ranch

1,448± Acres | Shackelford County | Property ID: 1122094 Go back 150 years and enjoy the scenic ruggedness of this 1448 acre recreational ranch located near Moran, TX in Shackelford County. With over 12 miles of roads, a 175’ elevation change and a beautiful meandering creek, entertain your family and friends with excellent deer, turkey, dove, quail and hog hunting. 700 acres are high-fenced. 7 ponds, some stocked with bass, catfish and crappie. There are 3 large very nice manufactured homes, a small log cabin and the headquarters. Game cleaning station, dog kennels, a 6-stall barn/arena. Equipment is included. Price: $3,995,000

Fantastic Recreational Ranch

492± Acres | Jack County | Property ID: 1141358 492 EXCITING ACRES IN THE HIGH COUNTRY of Jack County southwest of Jacksboro, TX. Excellent hunting. Big deer; well-managed for 15 years. Plenty of wildlife habitat and diverse topography. Hills, creeks, valleys, trails and panorama. Very nice 5 bedroom, 4 bath home with 2,500 square feet featuring vaulted ceilings, stained concrete floors and stone fireplace. Covered back patio to watch the wildlife. SELLS FURNISHED. Price: $1,525,000

L a n d A d v i s o r s O r g a n i z at i o n

Carlotta McLean | cmclean@landadvisors.com | Tim Riley | triley@landadvisors.com | (512) 327-3010 www.LandAdvisors.com | 901 S. Mopac | Barton Oaks Plaza II, Suite 525 | Austin, Texas 78746

East Peacock Ranch

Blanco River Ranch

1,350± Acres | Travis County | Property ID: 120122

626.43± Acres | Blanco County | Property ID: 1061265 This property features approximately 2,000 feet of Blanco River frontage which has been dammed on the property. The land has a gentle roll with two hilltops offering excellent Hill Country views. There is a balanced combination of open pastures, scattered hardwoods and densely wooded oak and juniper forests. Improvements include a large main home and two guest houses plus numerous barns, outbuildings and sheds. The perimeter of the ranch is 100% game-fenced and the native population of deer has been selectively managed for many years. Owner will consider dividing. Contact broker for details.

East Peacock Ranch is located in the beautiful Texas Hill Country on Hamilton Pool Road, South of Highway 71 in Travis County and is roughly 25 miles west of downtown Austin. It is also two miles away from Reimers Ranch County Park and Hamilton Pool Preserve. The property features incredible vistas, rolling hills and beautiful live oak trees. Bee Creek, which originates on the property, runs through the middle of the ranch and is rock bottom and spring fed. Much of the cedar has been cleared throughout the ranch. The geographic region offers tremendous access to nature parks and preserves. There is a wildlife exemption on the property. Price: $24,500 per acre

XS-12 Ranch

260± Acres | Williamson County This property is located on CR 323 just ten miles west of the intersection of Highway 183A and Highway 29 in Liberty Hill, just 30 minutes from Austin. Features include 4,000 feet of Dog Branch Creek, a two-acre bass lake, a 3,000foot paved and lighted private airstrip, three hangers totaling over 26,000 square feet, three paved helicopter pads, an eight-foot perimeter game fence and preliminary development plans for an 86 lot residential aviation community. Price: $3,500,000

Lake Buchanan Ranch

546± Acres | Burnet County | Property ID: 113029 This ranch provides the opportunity to experience the best of a Hill Country ranch and lake house in one. It has a variety of terrain from red sandy loam, where the owner has cultivated numerous wildlife food plots, to a rugged granite ridge rising 160 feet above the remainder of the ranch and offering dramatic views of Lake Buchanan and the surrounding countryside. The ranch features a 14-acre dammed lake, two stock tanks, one and a quarter miles of wet-weather and spring-fed creeks and over five miles of crushed granite roads. Accessing Lake Buchanan and Inks Lake for fishing, boating and swimming are as simple as can be given the property’s location on RR 690. This property is a sportsman’s dream containing outstanding wildlife consisting of whitetail deer, turkey, wild hogs, dove and duck. Also, with over two miles of frontage along RR 690, this property has realistic development potential. Price: $4,000 per acre




www.FindARanch.com | tyler@findaranch.com | (877) 396-4477 toll free Tyler O. Wright/Broker | 200 Ellis | Menard, Texas 76859

Whitehead River Ranch

1,338± Acres | Llano County | Property ID: 1092691 This picturesque Llano County property, just 10 miles east of Llano, Texas boasts almost a mile of Llano River frontage, five-bedroom custom rock home with pool and two water wells. Accessed from scenic Texas Highway 29, these 1,338 acres provide a serene retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life, but still offers the amenities of town just down the road. The terrain of this stately property consists of gently to medium rolling hill country of native pasture and traversed by two seasonal creeks. The rolling hills provide excellent views of nearby Packsaddle Mountain. All-weather red granite ranch roads navigate throughout the ranch, while access is paved from the entrance at Highway 29 to the headquarters. Some minerals will convey. Priced at $9,750,000

Voca Ranch

2,404± Acres | McCulloch County | Property ID: 1069204 Located in southeastern McCulloch County, this 2,404±-acre ranch is just north of the San Saba River and less than 10 minutes to Brady, the heart of Texas. The headquarters consist of an older 3,000-square-foot ranch house, a guest house and another small foreman’s cabin. County road access on two sides. All-around good combo ranch featuring several stock tanks, two water wells, an additional Hickory Aquifer water well and a few wet weather springs. One 50-acre cultivated field in the southeast corner of the ranch gives way to elevation ranging from 1,560 to 1,725 feet. This acreage was originally part of the historic Appleton Ranch; a place like this is rarely on the market. Priced at $7,212,000 184


T e x a s H o m e - L a n d R e a lt y

www.TexasHome-LandRealty.com | samantha@texashome-landrealty.com | (325) 347-0100 Ken and Samantha Burton | PO Box 1636 | Mason, Texas 76856

Mule Deer Mesa Ranch

2,254¹ Acres | Terrell County | Property ID: 234370 OK, boys, get out your checkbooks!!! If you’re looking for a top-notch mule deer ranch in Texas, this is the one for you! This West Texas ranch was high-fenced in 2007 and stocked with some of the best mule deer genetics in Texas. All pictures were taken on this ranch. Improvements include electricity, two water wells, protein feeders and cattle pens. This ranch has level three MLD mule deer management plan in place. There is not another high-fenced mule deer ranch in Texas of this caliber at this price!! Price: $595 per acre, or $1,341,130



S a m - M a r R a n c h R e a lt y ,


Margo Davis (830) 456-8615 | Sam Davis (830) 385-7971 | Mel Noah (830) 431-0413 | Michelle O’Rear (210) 857-0003 www.SamMar.net | (830) 833-4898 | 208 Carlie Lane | Blanco, Texas 78606

426 Preiss Ranch Road

31.00± Acres | Blanco County | Property ID: 1153687 Off the Grid... Country living at it’s best! Solar powered custom rock home built in 2011. Nestled in the heart of 31 oak-studded acres along FM 473 (East) near Blanco. Energy efficient and low maintenance was designed into this lovely home. Amenities include: metal workshop, livestock pens, fenced, two ponds, greenhouse and guest house. Private setting with abundant wildlife and nature surround the property. This property is a RARE find and priced to sell. Price $725,000.00

951 Dos C Doe

25.35± Acres | Blanco County Property ID: 1131470

25.35± acre income producing property with three cabins (all newer construction). Amenities include: RV site, workshop, storage area, hay barn, chicken coop, 55 GPM water well, Ag Ex., vineyard, young fruit orchard, black berries, pomegranates and raised-bed gardens inside high-fenced areas. Multi-use property... live onsite, rental property, B&B operation or a great family compound. Peaceful and private location. Price $489,000.00

Marshall Ridge

37.00± Acres | Blanco County Property ID: 1129169 A horse lover’s dream property located in Marshall Ridge between Johnson City and Fredericksburg. 2,100-square-foot architectural designed home, nestled along the ridge overlooking a pond and improved pastures. Designer home with integrity and respect for the natural landscape and surroundings. Low maintenance exterior and rainwater collection system, amenities designed to offer a lock-and-go lifestyle. The warmth and beauty surrounds you from the AWE-INSPIRING views! Equine friendly property with horse improvements. Price $892,000.00

Hunter’s Paradise

416.00± Acres | Gillespie County | Property ID: 1102199 This 416-acre recreational paradise is located near the quaint community of Albert, Texas. Centrally located between Blanco and Fredericksburg. The parcel consists of fertile improved pasture land, open meadows, variety of trees, natural habitat with abundant wildlife including whitetail, axis deer, wild hogs, turkey and dove. Unlimited places to hike, bike, ride horses or spend hours on the ATV. You’ll enjoy the refreshing cool waters of two shared 20± acre lakes on the property. Absolutely breathtaking! Price $3,495,342.00 186


D B L R e a l E s tat e

www.DBLRealEstate.com | dblrealestate@sbcglobal.net | (936) 348-9977 Don Hatcher/Agent | 1702 E. Main Street | Madisonville, Texas 77864

Central Texas Beauty Madison County Showplace

218.94± Acres | Madison County | Property ID: 1033182 Breathtaking 218.94± rolling acres fenced with four ponds, multiple barns, pens, deer feeders and underground storm shelter. Beautiful three-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath home offers great attention to design and detail: fire-side dining, luxurious master suite with en suite sitting area and gorgeous views of the acreage. Price: $1,200,000

Madison County Ranch

192± Acres | Madison County Property ID: 1148633 3,000 square foot ranch-style home offers two master bedrooms, custom cabinetry and a living room centered around a woodburning fireplace. Land is maintained by a premiere Texas Longhorn Rancher and improvements are spectacular: numerous barns, galvanized cattle guards and rock road throughout property. Main barn has separate office, recreation area and bathroom. Price: $1,125,000

56.15± Acres Madison County Property ID: 981219

Grand rustic-style home with four bedrooms, office/flex room, upstairs game room, granite counters and engineered hardwood floors. Acreage features lighted horse arena, pond and 40x60 steel barn with tack room. Price: $569,500

Hideaway Ranch

158.58± Acres | Madison County Property ID: 1137506 Quaint, beautifully decorated barn with living quarters; multiple outbuildings, tractors, vehicles, tools and countless other farm items all in pristine condition. Included with the property is a herd of some of the finest bred Texas Longhorns in the region, many of them award winners! Step on to this property and step into your dream of owning a ranching business! Price: $1,150,000



T e x a s S p o rt i n g P r o p e rt i e s

www.TXSportingProperties.com | blastandcast@sbcglobal.net | (214) 207-8871 Tom Stephenson/Broker | 3508 Greenville Avenue #31 | Dallas, Texas 75206

Colorado River Ranch

1,336± Acres | McCullough County | Property ID: 1102637 4.3 miles of Colorado River frontage. 1,336± acres with a 4,000-square-foot limestone ranch house, breezeway, 1,600-square-foot guest quarters, four bedrooms, six baths, garage, carport, all one continuous steel frame under 20,000-square-foot metal roof, with 12 foot high wrap-around porch. Plus large implement shed with enclosed shop, covered kennels with carport. City and river water to all. Ten tanks, two large ponds with genetically tested Florida bass. Various elevation changes, live oaks, highly-improved pastures, grasses, roads, fences. Deer, turkey, quail, dove, etc. Highway frontage, just 30 minutes from Brownwood, Coleman, Brady. Call Tom at (214) 207-8871. Price: $6,200,000

Family Resort or Personal Hunting

540± Acres | Coleman County | Property ID: 1054100

This 5,400-square-foot magnificently adorned house sits majestically on a one-mile bluff overlooking a 50-acre lake. The inside is sculpted in masculine beauty featuring a roaring oversized fireplace, deep leather chairs, two massive bedrooms, and a downstairs game room with full-sized pool tables, keg beer, dart boards and poker tables. Outside are more man toys including clay target shooting and a putting green. The lodge sits on 540± acres all manicured for wildlife and featuring some of the finest bass fishing for miles. This lodge is home to a humbling array of all that is wild and beautiful in the Heart of Texas. Located right in the opening breach of the “Almost Hill Country.” An idyllic setting for large populations of deer, dove, turkey and even quail. This 540± acres, splendid house, bunkhouse, recently excavated and stocked fishing pond, barn/hangars and equipment sheds—you name it and this place has got it and got it right! Gorgeously redone and professionally decorated patio and BBQ area landscaped with literally tons of natural rock. An opulent pond with landscaped terraces and waterways sits within walking distance from the house. The front porch is a fabulous spot to look for shooting stars. If it’s chilly, you can build a crackling fire going in the outdoor fireplace. And inside there is a regulation pool table, plasma screen TV and DVD, cards and poker chips. This a “turn-key-sale.” Owner will consider dividing residences and acreage. Price: $2,000,000 188


L a n d & R a n c h R e a lt y ,

ll c

LandAndRanchRealty.com | lem@texanproperty.com | (210) 275-3551 Lem Lewis | 382 Hwy 83 South | Leakey, Texas 78873

Frio Cypress Ranch

583± Acres | Real County | Property ID: 1071874 This Texas Hill County ranch is ideal for recreation or to settle down with a family. It has a diverse topography with great views. It offers privacy with easy access and a good network of interior roads. The cypress-lined Frio River and Cypress Creek, along with the balance of bottom land and hills, make this ranch very unique. There is currently not a comparable ranch for sale in Real County. Price: 4,600,000

Pecos River Ranch

Ash Creek Place

177± acres on the Pecos River ideal for year around recreation. Deer, quail, turkey are on the property. The ranch offers beautiful views of the Pecos River basin, as well as the distant mountain ranges. Asking $895/acre. Price: $158,415.00

PRICE REDUCTION! 27.5± acres North of Leakey on Ash Creek with a 2,000± square-foot home, fishing pond, store room, two car carport and a barn with living quarters. Ash Creek runs through the property creating seasonal water, and the property has county road frontage creating easy access to town. There are numerous oaks, an abundance of game and fantastic views. Seller will divide. Price: 395,000

177± Acres | Val Verde County | Property ID: 1053272

27± Acres | Real County | Property ID: 117888

Real County Hunting Ranch

250± Acres | Real County Property ID: 1040838

250± acres located in central Real County. Great hunting ranch with double wide home, barn and single wide trailer. The property has a tank, highway frontage and great game, including numerous exotics. Asking $2200 an acre. Price: $550,000



T e x a s H e r i ta g e B r o k e r s ,


www.LandsofTexas.com/Member/12970/Properties | connallymm@gmail.com | (512) 944-4435 Mark Connally/Broker | Carlos Klutts/Broker | 2000 Mistywood Drive | Austin, Texas 78746

Comanche Ridge Ranch

Kickapoo Valley Ranch

These 4,846± acres located on the outskirts of Aspermont, Texas, offer HUGE WIND FARM POTENTIAL. Purchase all or part. This would make a good recreational ranch or cattle operation. Great brush, grasses and water provide the perfect habitat for all animals, including whitetail, mule deer, ducks, abundant quail, dove and more. There are 14 stock tanks, two water wells and two city water meters with four miles of water lines, as well as, two sets of working cattle pens, great roads and good fencing. Price: $4,797,540 or $975 per acre

These 765± acres in Kinney County, Texas, with more or less acreage available, are located 25 miles from Brackettville, with access through Kickapoo Cavern State Park. This property features beautiful rolling hills and great tree cover, including oaks, cedar, pinyon pine and mesquite. The property has had a management program in place for more than ten years and offers abundant whitetail, axis, hogs and turkey. The property has electric and a water well, along with good roads and great neighbors. Price: $918,000

4,846± Acres | Stonewall County | Property ID: 972644

765.89± Acres | Kinney County | Property ID: 1093829

Maverick County Ranch with Minerals

1,038.22± Acres | Maverick County Property ID: 1156878

These 1,038± acres in Maverick County include partial minerals. The ranch is TURN-KEY — all equipment, deer blinds, feeders and furniture go with sale. This ready-to-go hunting/cattle ranch conveys with approximately 25 percent of the minerals on half of the property. Great location just south of El Indio, Texas, off Highway 1021. Great water with 12-acre lake and five other size tanks (water piped to each). The ranch includes ten deer blinds, 14 deer feeders and five hog traps. The property has 35 percent in hay fields with the remainder native brush. There are nine irrigated food plots and twoand-a-half miles of concrete irrigation canals. Price: $3,900,000

Bastrop Homestead

30± Acres | Bastrop County Property ID: 1036292 These 30± acres, located just south of Bastrop on CR 304, would be great for a bed and breakfast or a large family! The home has it all. Enter through the paved pine tree-lined entrance to the beautiful home, which features seven bedrooms, seven baths, utility rooms, garage apartment, game room, pool, pool house, playhouse, tennis court and eight garage spaces along with covered parking. The rolling landscape and large pond make a perfect setting. Price: $550,000 190


M a rt h a T u r n e r P r o p e rt i e s

www.Leigh-Martin.com | lmartin@marthaturner.com | (713) 520-1981 office | (713) 835-9839 cell Leigh Martin/Agent | 50 Briar Hollow Lane, Suite 700W | Houston, Texas 77027

0 County Road 100

212.10± Acres | Brazoria County | Property ID: 1045185 Massey Ranch offers a rare development opportunity in Pearland, one of Houston areas fastest growing communities and a slice of Texas history. The 212± acre tract is the original family home of one of the founding families of Pearland. The Massey Ranch comprises 212.10± contiguous acres with nearly a .5-mile of frontage on CR 100, a road slated to become a major east to west thoroughfare in the Pearland area. The property includes two homes, one metal building and three frontage entries. Price: $3,800,000

5110 Newpoint Drive

3± Acres | Fort Bend County | Property ID: 1150370 Estate living, 3± acres, horses allowed, property fully fenced and gated, indoor basketball/sports court, game rooms both up and down, exercise room, media room, card room, trophy room, billiards room, seven bedrooms with private baths, quarters, pool, summer kitchen, outdoor catering kitchen, picnic area, six car garage, parking court, beautiful reclaimed hardwood floors, custom wall treatments and much more. Only five minutes from the Fort Bend Toll Road for an easy commute to the city. Horse friendly with additional 4± acres available for purchase. Price: $2,450,000

0 County Road 128

145.45± Acres | Brazoria County | Property ID: 1067304 Rare development opportunity. This tract is adjacent to Property ID: 1045185. Join these two tracts together for 357.5± contiguous acres with almost a half mile of road frontage on CR 100. Current cattle lease in place. Please call to walk the property. Price: $2,036,297

555 Dickens Landing

616 County Road 44

Lake Livingston’s private feel and lack of congestion is an ideal getaway location. Situated minutes from several golf courses and the Livingston Municipal Airport, this 6.563 acre, partially cleared picturesque lot features 403 feet of waterfront land (335 feet of bulkhead and 168 feet of sandy beach). Property driveway is at the end of a cul-de-sac and has 629 feet of wooded, road frontage on FM 2457. 80 foot dock in place with storage room, jet ski lift and electricity. Price: $675,000

This secluded and private 39± acre ranch is located just off Highway 288 and less than 45 minutes from downtown Houston. The fully fenced ranch features a recently built 2,355 square foot home with luxury finishes and an in-ground salt-water pool, a fully outfitted six horse barn, small storage barn with RV parking, roping arena and lots of pasture! *Additional, adjacent 24± acres available for purchase.* Price: $625,000

6.56± Acres | Polk County | Property ID: 1042065

39.43± Acres | Brazoria County | Property ID: 1117340



S o u t h w e s t L a n d A ss o c i a t e s ,

ll c

www.SWLandTX.com | swlandco@sbcglobal.net | (830) 278-3612 | (830) 279-2384 Buck Laning - Broker/Appraiser | Rick Taylor - Broker/Biologist | 124 N. East Street | Uvalde, Texas 78801


Blue Mountain Ranch

Crooked Lake Ranch

This game-fenced ranch has it ALL! Starting off with an elegant five-bedroom lodge with a pool with hot tub and a huge game room! Multiple living quarters. With five water wells, five tanks, and water troughs, this ranch has water everywhere! Blinds, feeders, breeding pens, walk-in cooler – THIS RANCH HAS IT ALL! Fenced into two pastures for easy management. More than 15 species of exotics! Paved road to lodge. This ranch is THE REAL DEAL!

BIG, BIG Lake!!! Crooked Lake is more than five acres in size when full! This low-fenced ranch is PRIMO! Nice manufactured home has three bedrooms and two baths. The property includes two wells and outstanding brush. Mostly bottom land with thick, thick brush. New metal barn, cooler, blinds, and feeders. This is a GREAT RANCH for the low fence deer hunter!

2,392± Acres | Uvalde County

1,285± Acres | Zavala County

4-G Ranch

887± Acres | Zavala County

Kinney County Ranch

1,650± Acres | Kinney County UNDER $1,400 PER ACRE! This affordable hunting ranch offers a twobedroom ranch house, barns, and two water wells. Wildlife includes white-tailed deer, turkey, quail, and dove on this game managed ranch. Mesquite, live oak, guajillo. Excellent views! A BARGAIN! 192


This game-fenced ranch has it ALL! Three very nice and very unique living quarters. The main house is a four-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath residence with a stucco and rustic look to it. Nearby is a 100-year-old refurbished log cabin – rustic but elegant! Finally, a Santa Fe-style cabin with mesquite floors and a kiva fireplace. Nice barn, deer pens with several DMP pens, and a yearround feeding program. Superior genetically improved white-tailed deer, as well as javelina, turkey, quail, and dove abound! A few exotics including red stag, axis deer and blackbuck antelope are found. Great South Texas brush. Move in and enjoy this well finished ranch!

M c A l i s t e r R e a l E s tat e

www.MCA-RE.com | mcalister@mca-re.com | (713) 535-2245 3200 Southwest Freeway | Suite 3000 | Houston, Texas 77027

Schott Ranch

3,437± Acres | Medina County Property ID: 1156584

This must-see 3,437± acre ranch is located just outside of Helotes in beautiful Lakehills, in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. Rolling hills and magnificent scenic views describe a few of the many attributes within this breathtaking tract. With nearly two miles of frontage along Park Road 37, the property lies in between Medina Lake and State Highway 16. Quick access is available to almost anywhere on the tract. Two homes on site: primary residence is a 2,000± square foot three-bedroom, twobathroom and secondary residence is a 1,400± square-foot, three-bedroom, one-bathroom. $7,950 / Acre = $27,324,150

Ranches of San Geronimo

1,767± Acres | Medina County | Property ID: 1157583 Minutes from San Antonio’s loop 1604, sits one of the area’s most pristine properties. Bound, on its east side by 3/4 of a mile of frontage on Hwy 16, and 1.25 miles of Park Road 37 frontage to the south, the property is close enough to call home yet remote enough to tranquilize the soul. From north to south, San Geronimo’s natural waters flow through the land into an immaculate lake stocked with varieties of perch and the elusive large mouth bass. The property’s undulating terrain provides breathtaking landscapes of the surrounding area, making this property a true cornucopia of Texas Hill Country attributes. Several test wells have been drilled revealing copious amounts of water rarely found below the surface of this rocky and dry landscape. Come and see for yourself! Price: $12,000 / Acre = $21,204,000. Owner will Divide.



D T S P r o p e rt i e s

Barry Johnson | bjohnson@dtsproperties.com | (254) 733-7512 AceHighRanchForSale.com | Austin, Texas

Ace High Ranch

1,067 Acres | McLennan County | Property ID: 1054584

A True Sportsmen’s Paradise! The Ace High Ranch features staggering improvements that include a gorgeous 14,000±-square-foot home, 4,700±-square-foot hunting/ recreation lodge, state-of-the-art deer breeding facility, horse arena and walker, skeet range, rifle/pistol range and one of Texas’ premier deer hunting operations. The avid fisherman can enjoy over 30± acres of lakes that have huge Florida strain bass, while the golf enthusiast can enjoy a 2,800±-square-foot indoor practice facility and outdoor driving range! Located two hours south of Dallas, two hours north of Austin and just 15 minutes from the Waco Regional Airport and the Texas Aero Private FBO. Owner is willing to sell all or part from 400 to 1,067 Acres. Price: $6,900,000



J. R. Woodley Co. • Ranch Brokers

www.JRWoodley.com | woodley@swbell.net | (214) 215-5637 James Woodley | PO Box 12382 | Dallas, Texas 75225

Coon Creek Ranch

1,922.00± Acres Bosque County Property ID: 1065867 Bosque County’s finest! Over one mile of both sides of crystal clear, seasonal Coon Creek. An elegant 3,474 foot Austin Stone, four-bedroom, four-bath home overlooking a beautiful lake with miles of pristine views. Excellent roads, fully highfenced, highway frontage. 140 acres of coastal with steel pens with the balance in native country. This ranch will appeal to the discerning buyer who appreciates value, excellence, taste and beauty! Price $8,595,000.00



W o o l l e y & A s s o c i at e s

Larry Woolley | larry@woolleyauction.com | (817) 648-1879 cell www.WoolleyAuction.com | (817) 866-3866 | PO Box 1414 | Cleburne, Texas 76033

Hill Country Ranch 533Âą Acres Hill County Property ID: 1134677

Beautiful Hill County Ranch with lots of possibilities. This ranch has it all: minerals, senior level water rights, wildlife, irrigation capability, river frontage, grass, cultivation, water reservoirs, two miles of road frontage and a beautiful home. Aquilla schools close to Waco, Texas. Can divide. Price just reduced to $2,475,000



H e r i t a g e T e xa s C o u n t r y P r o p e r t i e s

www.E-CountryProperty.com | webleads@heritagetexas.com

Ranch with a View

76.07± Acres | Austin County | Property ID: 1102633 Set on a hill overlooking the pastures and distant pond, this ranch has it all: nice ranch-style home, pool, ponds, guest house, barns, working pens, and creek. The one-story home is 3,590 square feet (according to recent appraisal) with three bedrooms, three baths, plus office, formal dining, and a huge great room with high ceiling and antique mantle on the fireplace. You’ll love the king-sized master bedroom and bath with spa tub, shower, twin vanities, and separate water closet. Stairs lead from the large wooden deck—which is partially covered—to the pool area where there is another patio and pergola covered by wisteria. The large barn has working pens, stalls, a squeeze chute, weigh scale, equipment/hay storage, and office. An older barn and shed provide additional equipment/hay storage. The “guest house” is two-bedroom, one-bath with a full kitchen and combined living room/dining room that overlooks the pond pasture. But what makes this ranch really special is its location and the land. It is surrounded by other large ranches on a quiet road and is ideally situated just an hour from Houston. Price: $1,095,000. Contact Linda Niehuus (979) 277-5391.

RE / M A X S e l e c t

www.ReMaxSelect.com | dsorrells@windstream.net | (979) 820-4107 Don Sorrells/Agent | 161 North Earl Rudder Freeway | Bryan, Texas 77802

Pigeon Creek

49.71± Acres | Leon County | Property ID: 1123225 Come through a 39-acre park-like setting into this magnificent four-bedroom, four-bath underground home where beauty surrounds you. Nestled up against Pigeon Creek in southwest Leon County, this home combines luxury and craftsmanship with low maintenance and energy efficiency. The home features a 15 x 60 foot front porch under metal roof, a hot tub room, a formal living area and a more casual living area, a butler’s pantry, granite countertops throughout, and so much more. The original 2,586-square-foot underground structure includes tunnel areas along the 10-inch concrete back and side walls. This 3,000+ square foot home with three-car-garage includes an additional 1,000 square feet, rough-framed, above the garage. Ten acres heavily wooded, 12 acres in coastal, and roughly 28 acres of manicured woods along with a magnificent underground home all combine to make this property a one-of-a-kind masterpiece! Price: $755,000



W. K . “ S k i p ” S h u m p e s

Keller Williams Luxury/Farm & Ranch 10 lb Bonefish caught with a fly rod using 6 lb leader after a 45 minute battle March 2011 in about one foot of gin clear water off Stocking Island, Bahamas

Tyler Jacobs Jacobs Properties Working brahma cows

P at r i c k M c N ama r a

Keller Large Athens,

M a r g o D av i s

KUPER RANCH SALES Large mouth bass Athens, Texas

Charlie Middleton

Sam-Mar Ranch Realty Harvested this whitetail buck while hunting in Brownwood, Texas November 2012, scoring 155 3/8

Chas S Middleton & Son This mule deer was taken on the CS Ranch in Colfax County, NM on a muzzle loader hunt

A ta s c o s a W i l d l i f e S u p p ly www.AtascosaWildlifeSupply.com 198


James Woodley

D av i d F a u s t

J. R. Woodley Co. Ranch Brokers With new friends on a church building mission in Kenya

Keller Williams Farm & Ranch November, 2012 in Pagosa Springs, Colorado

Dane Mount

Davis Vernon Real Estate Elk hunt in Northern Colorado in 2011 hunting a private ranch north of Ft. Collins, Colorado on the Wyoming border

J o r d a n S t e pa n

RANCH INVESTMENTS New Years Eve in northern Lampasas County Guided by her father, John Ed Stepan

Submit Your Shot

Hunt H. Hellums


Lauret Jarvis

HHH Land Co, LLC 115 pound striped marlin caught off the coast of San Diego,CA about 16 miles out

Editor & Creative Director


Triple JJJ Ranch www.TripleJJJRanch.com landsoftexasmagazine.com



Spring 2012



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