The North Ranch

For anyone looking for the ultimate recreation destination, the North Ranch has it all. Abundant water. Exceptional habitat. Plentiful wildlife. Well-designed lodging. New infrastructure.
Property ID: 16305657
Learn More on Page 14
For anyone looking for the ultimate recreation destination, the North Ranch has it all. Abundant water. Exceptional habitat. Plentiful wildlife. Well-designed lodging. New infrastructure.
Born in Texas and baptized in the Guadalupe River, I’m a warm weather guy. Generally, I don’t go north in the winter unless it’s to hunt or ski—and the opportunity for either better be superlative . . . I’m not going to go freeze my butt off for something that is just average.
I tell you this, so you’ll understand how significant it is that I traveled to Des Moines, Iowa, on Jan. 10 to attend the 2023 Land Investment Expo hosted by the Peoples Company. The company is one of the nation's leading providers of farmland sales and auctions, land brokerage, farmland management, land appraisal, energy management and crop insurance.
Peoples Company is a valued client. LAND Magazines and were proud to be counted among the event sponsors.
Although this was the 16 th annual edition of this premier ag conference, it was my first time to attend. Other than knowing that the lineup of mainstage speakers would be stellar (previous keynoters have included Jim Rogers, T. Boone Pickens, Donald Trump, Mary Matalin and James Carville, Ben Stein, Kevin O’Leary, Martha Stewart, and Jon Meacham and Anthony Scaramucci), I wasn’t quite sure what to expect.
Suffice it to say, my mind was blown. Most of my career has been focused on helping people buy and sell ranches. I know what sort of excitement that creates. The attendees—1,200 in person and another 400 participating online—were equally (or may be even more) excited about the possibilities of farmland from the standpoints of production, investment and sustainable, nature-based solutions.
Of course, like all land and real estate conferences, we attendees, who came from across the country and around the globe, found ourselves standing on common ground. Regardless of which facet of the land
business someone is engaged in, being rooted in an industry that traces its success to the soil gives people plenty to talk about.
And as expected, the speakers were topnotch. Of course, everyone on the agenda for the mainstage and breakout sessions were recognized experts in their fields. The mainstage keynoters that included pollster Frank Luntz, geopolitical strategist Peter Zeihan, asset manager and opinion leader Vivek Ramaswamy and Dr. Jeremy Seigel, professor emeritus of finance at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, are all regular commentators on the major news networks.
While they all had too much to say to cover in this space, I was struck by how each one of them spoke the truth as they saw it through the lens of their experience. No one sugar-coated the fact that America is facing challenges on many fronts, but they all maintained that our country was still best positioned to adapt to and address the issues ahead if we return our focus to our similarities and shared goals instead of our differences.
One of the reasons for our nation’s resilience is our abundance of natural resources. Here’s just one example. . .
As the world is facing increased demand for food at a time when weather and supply chain issues could create production shortfalls, Alaska is working to develop an agricultural infrastructure. Our northernmost state has plentiful water, rich soil and elbow room. The same ingredients that attracted our forefathers to the New World in the beginning.
As financier Bernard Baruch, who led America’s economic mobilization efforts during World War I, said, “Agriculture is the greatest and fundamentally the most important of our industries. The cities are but the branches of the tree of national life, the roots of which go deeply into the land. We all flourish or decline with the farmer.”
Because of the ag industry’s long history of creativity and perseverance, I’m betting we will flourish. . .
TOM ALEXANDER Publisher talexander@land.comAgriculture is the greatest and fundamentally the most important of our industries
Dr. Charles Gilliland grew up on a cattle ranch and graduated from Regis College in Denver, Colorado. He currently holds an appointment as a Research Economist with Texas Real Estate Research Center at Texas A&M University and an appointment as Adjunct Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics at Texas A&M University. Dr. Gilliland is a Helen and O.N. Mitchell Fellow of Real Estate and a Clinical Professor of Finance teaching real estate investment analysis for the Master of Real Estate program at the Texas Real Estate Research Center at Texas A&M University. Find out more at
Prior to joining Whitetail Properties Real Estate in 2012, Blake Farrar earned both a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Master of Real Estate from Texas A&M University. With nearly a decade of experience, Farrar, a native Texan who enjoys a long-standing family ranching tradition and a deeply rooted passion for hunting and fishing, has overseen more than 600 ranch transactions. As the Texas Sales Manager for Whitetail Properties, Farrar is primarily focused on leading, training and developing the company’s growing expert team across the state. Find out more at
The Texas Wildlife Association is a statewide membership organization that serves Texas wildlife and its habitat, while protecting property rights, hunting heritage and the conservation efforts of those who value and steward wildlife resources. TWA focuses its mission on private landowners and their ethical relationship to the land, and TWA concentrates on issues relating to private property, hunting and hunter rights, and conservation of our natural resources. The organization’s headquarters office is located in New Braunfels, Texas. Find out more at
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Heritage Land Co. Cole Hoskison
Reported Sold Price: $27,752,816
7,064± Acres Delta County
Panhandle & South Plains
Far West Texas
West Texas
Northeast Texas
Gulf Coast–Brazos Bottom
South Texas
Austin-Waco-Hill Country
Source Top 10 Sold information is pulled exclusively from and does not represent top sales in general.
2 The Texas Ranch Company LLC
Brandon Scott
Reported Sold Price: $15,000,000
624± Acres | Kendall County
3 Burgher-Ray Ranch Group | Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty
David Burgher and Harlan Ray
Reported Sold Price: $14,250,000
691± Acres | Parker County
4 Jones Ranch Realty, LLC.
Jay Jones
Reported Sold Price: $13,900,000
251.23± Acres | Gillespie County
5 Texas Ranch Sales, LLC
5 Texas Ranch Sales, LLC
Reported Sold Price: $13,900,000
251± Acres | Gillespie County
6 Hall and Hall
Hall and Hall
Reported Sold Price: $12,959,341
1,225± Acres | Kendall County
7 Watkins Ranch Group-Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty
Asher Watkins
Reported Sold Price: $9,175,000
5,200± Acres | Coke County
8 Campbell Farm & Ranch
Boone Campbell
Reported Sold Price: $9,096,064
1,621± Acres | Shackelford County
9 Texas Ranch Sales, LLC
Texas Ranch Sales, LLC
Reported Sold Price: $8,900,000
295± Acres | Lavaca County
Dullnig Ranches/Kuper Sotheby’s
Randy Cadwallader
Reported Sold Price: $8,850,000
46± Acres | Kendall County
Texas markets continued to cool in the fourth quarter as rising Fed Funds rates began to inspire significant rises in mortgage rates that drove up the cost of borrowing. Consequently, the 6,677 transactions reported to the Texas Real Estate Research Center throughout 2022 registered a 26 percent drop from 2021 levels. The 952 fourth quarter sales total recorded the lowest one-quarter volume since the fourth quarter of 2014. Volumes have declined now for three straight quarters. Inventories of properties for sale have continued to rise and marketing times have risen in some markets. Total dollar volume at $3.2 billion declined 4 percent despite rising prices.
Prices settled at $4,446 per acre, a new record high. However, the rate of price increase declined throughout the entire year from 27 percent in the first quarter to 12 percent in the fourth. Rising prices accompanied by volume declines have traditionally signaled a fundamental change in the market environment. These developments suggest a weakening of demand pressures as buyers’ attention shifts away from lesser quality lands. Thus, overall typical prices rise as transactions increasingly focus on superior quality properties. This change in market composition disguises weakening price trends as markets post higher average prices. Even with declining volumes of transactions observed prices remain at historically high levels and activity still exceeds pre-pandemic volumes.
REPORT BY CHARLES E. GILLILAND, PH.D. Research Economist, Texas Real Estate Research Center at Texas A&M UniversityPrices rose 16 percent during the fourth quarter to $1,527 per acre and total acres moved up 16 percent to 171,924 acres. The number of sales dropped 13 percent to 510 sales. Total dollar volume was up 31 percent to $263 million.
Activity remained sparse with only 23 reported sales. Total acreage remained nearly steady, declining 2 percent to 38,233 acres. Prices plummeted 74 percent to $474 per acre as oil industry related transactions dried up. Few sales reported in this region make it difficult to establish a reliable measure of market conditions here.
Sales activity declined 22 percent to 879 sales, but prices rose 15 percent to $2,231 per acre. Total acreage inched up 10 percent to 252,510 acres. At $563 million, total dollar volume increased 26 percent.
Volume declined 25 percent to 2,019 sales and prices increasing 12 percent to $7,527 per acre. However, total acreage declined 37 percent to 65,627 acres. Despite rising prices, total dollar volume declined 30 percent to $494 million.
Volume also dropped in this region, down 24 percent to 879 sales. In addition, total acres dropped 31 percent to 37,326 acres. Prices increased 14 percent to $9,546 per acre. Total dollar volume dropped 21 percent to $356 million.
Sales activity flagged in the region south of San Antonio, falling 24 percent to 626 sales. Acreage dropped 43 percent to 55,926 acres. Prices rose 23 percent to $5,743 per acre. However, total dollar volume declined 31 percent to $321 million.
Prices in central Texas topped 2021 prices by 24 percent, rising to $7,127 per acre. However, total dollar volume declined 27 percent to $700 million. Total acres sold dropped 41 percent to 98,192 acres.
Buyers continue to actively purchase rural acreage. However, the explosive activity that roiled rural land markets during the pandemic has slowed to more sedate volumes of sales in 2022. Markets await developments resulting from actions by the Federal Reserve Bank’s continuing increases in interest rates. °
Don’t miss this opportunity to own all types of land throughout America anywhere from 1 to 640 acres. Land featured on starts at an incredibly low price, many with financing and monthly payments available. Bid to secure your new piece of America this Saturday, Sunday & Monday.
Located deep in the heart of South Texas' famed Golden Triangle, the North Ranch encompasses 10,687± acres of top-notch wildlife habitat and includes almost 6 miles of the Nueces River. The turnkey property, situated 5 miles north of La Pryor and 15 miles south of Uvalde in Zavala County, is one of the finest hunting ranches available today.
Over the past seven years, the current owner acquired and combined six properties to form the North Ranch. From the beginning, the ranch, which fronts on FM 1436, has been designed to be best in class. No detail from the interior design of the residences to the professional wildlife management plans that have guided every decision from the brush management to the protein feeding program has been left to chance.
As a result, North Ranch is home to exceptional white-tailed deer and some of the best bird hunting—Bobwhite quail, dove and Rio Grande turkeys— in the state. While the deer have been managed under an MLDP-3 since 2017, the hunting has been limited to the owner's family, friends and invited business associates. Mature whitetails measuring 160"–190" have been harvested over the past three years. In addition, the ranch boasts oryx, axis deer and feral hogs as well as a host of non-game species.
The deep, rich blackland found in the river bottom transitions into strong red clay which gives way to sandy loam. Towering pecans, Mexican sycamore and oaks stand sentry along the river, while guajillo, black brush, white brush, mesquite, guayacan and other protein-rich brush species provide food and shelter for wildlife in the uplands.
As part of the brush management plan, the land has been strategically cleared to increase edge preferred by wildlife and strategically roller chopped to increase the diversity of grasses and forbs that are essential to upland birds. Native grasses have been replanted on suitable sites.
The Nueces runs clear and turquoise-hued through the ranch. The river is pocked with deep, blue holes that hold water and allow for swimming and fishing even in the dry years. The North Ranch possesses water rights from the Nueces.
In addition to the river, the North Ranch has approximately 1.5 miles of surface water that measures about one-quarter mile wide. The surface water catchment is a collection of various creeks and ponds that is fed by runoff and irrigation water.
To ensure that water is easily accessible in all quadrants of the ranch, more than 7.5 miles of 2-inch poly water line and an additional 7.5 miles of 4-inch poly water line have been laid and buried. The water distribution system also includes eight cement water troughs that are 8-feet in diameter encircled by 8-foot cement skirts and two cement water troughs, 20-feet in diameter with 8-foot cement skirts.
There are four irrigation wells (one=120 gal./min.; one=300 gal./min.; two=110 gal./min.) The irrigation wells are used, in part, to supply a 40-acre Reinke pivot and a 36-acre Reinke pivot. The pivots water food plots that have traditionally been planted in sunflowers to enhance dove hunting.
To meet domestic water needs, the ranch has two solar wells, six electric submersible wells and another well (60 gal./min.) connected to a 60,000-gallon storage tank that supplies the headquarters compound.
Thanks to the attention to detail, living is comfortable and easy. The style, as befitting a Brush Country ranch, is rustically elegant.
Working in a style reminiscent of Mexico and the Southwest, artisans combined adobe, stone, hammered metal and wood to create spaces that are inviting, warm and reflective of the region's history, culture and lifestyle. Strategically placed courtyards and gathering areas ensure that family and guests can spend their days and nights soaking up the peace, quiet and textured beauty of South Texas.
The two-bedroom/two-bathroom farm house encompasses 1,600± square feet of updated, beautifully appointed living space. Currently used as the owners' home, the open floor plan residence features a kitchen with an eating area and living room.
With four bedrooms and four baths, the 2,500± square foot Dog Trot, situated across the courtyard from the Farm House, serves as a guest house. As the name implies, its architectural design reflects the dog trot cabins favored by early Texas pioneers.
The two-story Chef House, which currently serves as lodging for visiting chefs, features two bedrooms, one full bath and one half bath.
Set away from the main compound, the Cowboy Cabins measure about 1,000 square feet. The lodge, built in a u-shape around a central courtyard, features six bedrooms each with a private bath.
The River House sits near the Nueces. It's currently used as a place to store fishing rods, inner tubes and other gear for water fun, but it could be updated and upgraded to living quarters.
Arguably, the ranch's focal point is the 11,600± square foot Barndominium. The front one-third has been finished as functionally beautiful living space, while the remaining two-thirds is used as storage for hunting vehicles and other equipment.
The living space includes a top-of-the-line commercial kitchen with an attached utility area, a dining area, living room and bathroom. In addition, the Barndominium has four bedrooms each with a private bath. The bedrooms are accessed by a split staircase that is easily reached from the barndo's storage area. This practical configuration allows hunters to wash off the evidence of the day's excursion without passing through the rest of the living space.
—HOWARD HOODEnjoyone of the premier hunting and recreation ranches in the country immediately
In addition to the residences, the North Ranch has a 700± square foot high-capacity laundry and a 500± square foot secure, self-contained gun room.
To ensure that both rifle shooters and shotgunners are in top form, the North Ranch has a shooting range and a skeet range. The shooting range, which has a two-story, covered shooting deck, extends 700 yards, with targets at 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 700 yards. The skeet range features five stations and an elevated shooting pavilion.
The North Ranch's perimeter is high-fenced and there is also a 3,000± acre high-fenced "enclosure" within the ranch that holds the oryx herd and some axis. In recent years, approximately 7 miles of five-wire cedar post fences have been installed as cross fences.
While the ranch hasn't been grazed in the past three years, it is outfitted to handle cattle with a functional set of working pens. The ranch roads provide easy access to the entire ranch.
In addition to the storage space within the barndominium, there are two equipment barns. One is 2,000± square feet and the other is 4,000± square feet
All furnishings and the 29± Atascosa deer blinds, 31± Atascosa 500-pound corn feeders and 32± 2,000-lb. protein feeders convey with the sale.
For anyone looking for the ultimate recreation destination, the North Ranch has it all. Abundant water. Exceptional habitat. Plentiful wildlife. Welldesigned lodging. New infrastructure. And each piece is already in place, so you can begin to enjoy one of the premier hunting and recreation ranches in the country immediately.
Seize this rare opportunity before it disappears as quickly as a wily muy grande into the brush. . .
To experience the opportunity of the North Ranch for yourself, call Howard W. Hood at 830-739-3815 with Hood Real Estate, Inc. The ranch is listed for $5,950/acre. °
Property ID: 16305657
Howard W. Hood , Broker 830-739-3815
Hood Real Estate Inc. is a premier farm and ranch real estate brokerage located in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. In 1992, Howard W. Hood founded Hood Real Estate Inc. with aspirations to turn his core family values and passion for real estate into a business legacy. Over the past 31 years, he has established a specialty in premier, live water farms and ranches across the state of Texas, though he has also represented buyers from around the world. Howard’s son, Conner W. Hood, and brother, Jeffrey C. Hood, are also a part of the family business, enabling Hood Real Estate Inc. to expand and continue providing unparalleled customer service to clients around the globe. If you are looking for expertise, diligence, and world class customer service, Hood Real Estate Inc. is the best in the business.
Two Creeks Ranch, 1,313.5± acres located just 30 minutes west of San Antonio in Medina County, is a memorymaking, live-water destination designed to make family, friends or business associates feel right at home in natural Texas.
This wing-shooters paradise has been used as a corporate retreat to entertain up to 24 people per weekend, but it is equally suited as a private family getaway or a rental property. The ranch can also generate income from wildlife and agriculture including a 500-tree irrigated pecan orchard.
Nestled in an ecological transition zone, Two Creeks offers the beautiful live water and legacy oaks and native pecans of the Hill Country and the varied brush and bull mesquite that marks superlative wildlife habitat in South Texas.
Year-round Verde Creek runs through the ranch for about two-and-a-half miles on the east, providing private access to both banks. Hondo Creek runs along the south border for about 1.85 miles.
The 7-acre lake, which is stocked with bass for angling fun, is also a prized swimming hole.
Two Creeks Ranch has five water wells including two Edwards Aquifer irrigation wells: one with 276 acre-feet of base Edwards Aquifer water and the other with 60 acre-feet of transferable Edwards water. The property also boasts six center pivots.
Two Creeks has been managed primarily for doves, but whitetail deer, feral hogs, freeranging exotics and many non-game species call the low-fenced ranch home.
Guests can sharpen their shooting skills at the five-stand skeet range outfitted with six movable trap houses, and then congregate at the 945± square foot Gun Room with a wet bar and gun lockers. A nearby 1,850± square-foot covered porch area allows the party to move outside.
Two identical 3,130± square-foot dogtrot lodges crafted from reclaimed barnwood serve as the main compound’s focal point. Each lodge sleeps up to 12 people and features spacious front and back porches.
Downstairs encompasses 2,072± square feet and includes four bedrooms with private baths. Upstairs features two king suites with private baths.
A short walk brings guests to the welldesigned 11,600± square-foot Party Barn that puts entertainment, ranging from a wet bar to video games, dining, storage and work space, under one roof. The dining hall with a mesquitetopped bar and the state-of-the-art, custom chef’s commercial kitchen encompass about 2,000 square feet and can accommodate up to 50 guests for special events.
Party Barn also has a 3,000± square-foot covered porch with large outdoor fans, a fire pit, an outdoor bar and more.
An outdoor pass-through transitions into a 3,600± square-foot work barn with a gym and loft storage area. In addition, there are three small apartments with private baths, ranging from 180± square feet to 430± square feet.
Two Creeks’ second compound, with two homes and a large storage barn, is just a short drive to the west over improved ranch roads.
The newly renovated two-story, twobedroom, three-bath Casa Verde House encompasses 2,000± square feet with the bonus of a wraparound porch.
The nearby three-bedroom, two-bath Ranchero House with a front porch and screened porch includes a kitchen, office, laundry room, covered carport and detached game room.
The three-bedroom, two-bath Bader House that includes a loft serves as employee housing.
The Two Creeks Outpost, converted from the original New Fountain Post Office, is a multipurpose facility. Another structure, the former New Fountain Café, awaits the new owner’s personal stamp.
The main compound includes an 800± square-foot Laundry Building.
The 5,900± square-foot Maintenance Barn houses a covered game cleaning station, a walk-in refrigerator, freezer, restrooms and additional storage. The Hangar Barn provides 22,500± square feet of storage.
All furnishings with the dogtrots as well as the entertainment area and commercial kitchen transfer with the sale. °
When it comes to hunting, what’s old is new again— and it’s inspiring novice hunters to take to the field to reconnect to the land and their food through TWA’s Adult Learn to Hunt Program.
“Since earliest times, people hunted for sustenance,” said Dr. Matt Hughes, director of the Adult Learn to Hunt Program. “Over the past 60 or so years, the emphasis shifted to recreation. In recent years, though, people have become interested in the origins of their food and this has prompted a whole new group to consider hunting.”
Recognizing the locavore movement as a means of identifying the common ground between sustainable food enthusiasts and hunters, TWA began hosting “Field to Table Dinners” in 2017. The dinners, held in urban areas, featured wild game cuisine and low-key conservation education. At the dinners, one of the most frequently asked questions was: “Where can I learn to hunt?”
The Adult Learn to Hunt Program emerged as an answer to that question. TWA’s long, successful history with the Texas Youth Hunting
Program served as the foundation of the new adult-focused endeavor.
“Developing mentored adult hunting opportunities was a natural outgrowth of our ongoing activities, allowing us to capitalize on emerging opportunities,” Hughes said.
For those in the hunting community, the renewed interest in harvesting wild food is an opportunity that fills a need. Recruiting new hunters into the tradition is one of the long-term goals of TWA’s Hunting Heritage Program, which includes the Texas Youth Hunting Program and the Texas Big Game Awards as well as the Adult Learn to Hunt Program.
“The number of hunters as a proportion of the population is shrinking,” Hughes said. “Declining numbers have big implications for the environment and the economy, especially in rural America.”
In 1937, the Pittman-Robertson Act passed and imposed an excise tax on hunting and shooting equipment. The money was earmarked for conservation at the state level. In 2021, hunters generated more than $1.1 billion for conservation nationally; Texas received $71 million of that total.
On the state level, lead wildlife agencies such as the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department,
also keep 100 percent of the proceeds from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses to fund on-the-ground conservation. In the 2022 license year, hunters in Texas purchased a total of 852,918 licenses, stamps, tags and permits, which translated into $27.76 million of conservation revenue.
“More hunters equal more conservation funding,” Hughes said.
In addition to funding, more hunters translate into healthier wildlife habitat and populations. With fewer predators on the landscape, populations of game such as white-tailed deer and exotics can grow unchecked. If the number of grazing or browsing species exceeds the land’s natural carrying capacity the habitat can be damaged, which in the long-term leads to weakened and malnourished herds that are susceptible to disease.
Hunting, through the sale of hunting leases or guided hunts, also produces revenue for private landowners. The income stream not only funds additional private conservation but strengthens the ranches’ bottom lines. Economically viable ranches are better equipped to withstand the forces that are driving fragmentation, the sub-division and subsequent development of large tracts.
“Texas is losing 640 acres of working land every day,” Hughes said. “Working lands not only provide food and fiber, but wildlife habitat and essential ecosystem services such as carbon storage, oxygen production and water capture and cleaning. As a society, it’s in our best interest that these lands keep working— and hunting helps them do just that.”
Hunting’s economic punch is felt far beyond the fence lines of individual ranches. According to the 2018 edition of “Hunting in America: An Economic Force for Conservation,” produced for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, hunter spending generates more than $185 million per day for the U.S. economy. And this number does not account for inflation or the post-COVID uptick in participation. Nor does it include the cost of travel to and from hunting destinations, which generates an additional $3.2 billion annually.
The expenditures trickle through the economy at the national, state and local levels. Along the way, the money supports a host of industries and translates into jobs, which further multiplies the impact. Every fall, small towns across Texas bedeck Main Street with banners reading, “Welcome Hunters.”
As TWA CEO Justin Dreibelbis said in an earlier article, “Rural Texas needs hunters. Hunters need rural Texas.”
Because the hunting tradition is valuable on so many levels, the hunting community, including NGOs and state and federal wildlife agencies, have joined forces in an initiative known as R3 (recruitment, retention and reactivation). In the broad-based national effort, novice adult hunters such as Matt Rand of Austin are coveted recruits because they, unlike youth hunters, have the means and ability to enter the hunting community immediately once they master the basic skills.
Rand, a senior marketing director for an international real estate data company, was reared in St. Louis, Missouri. Although his maternal grandparents lived in the city, they maintained a huge vegetable garden, raised chickens, preserved food and exposed him to the self-reliant, can-do spirit endemic in the country. His paternal grandparents immersed him in art, music, theater and the like.
“The experience made me well-rounded, but it left me yearning to spend time outdoors,” said Rand, noting his mother’s brother worked for the Missouri Conservation
Department and was an avid deer hunter. “I grew up hearing about hunting, but never got to experience it.”
Instead, he answered the call of the wild with mountain biking, hiking, angling, whitewater rafting, shooting sports and archery. Eventually life brought him to Texas, where he met his wife, Penny. She had been reared in Longview and watched as male classmates disappeared into the woods from November—January and decided early on she wasn’t interested in being a “hunting widow.”
He respected her wishes. Plus, establishing a career and raising a young family didn’t leave much time for Rand to pursue new hobbies, especially those that had steep barriers to entry.
“I was interested in hunting, but saw no clear avenues to pursue it,” Rand said.
Now, the Rands’ kids are 16 and 20 giving their dad additional free time. The 45-year-old, who is self-diagnosed with “hobby ADD,” began reconsidering hunting.
“I like learning new things, but I’m all in—I want to master the skills and understand how everything fits together,” Rand said. “I’m someone who knows what I don’t know, so the prospect of hunting was intimidating.”
The barriers—inexperience, expense and access to property—remained. Then Grant Taylor, a colleague, asked if he’d like to accompany him on an Adult Learn to Hunt weekend. Rand’s interest, which had always been more about harvesting food and spending time outdoors with like-minded people than bagging a trophy or embarking on a “rack’em and stack’em killing spree,” was piqued.
“My question had always been: How do I get involved in this tradition, learn deeply and be educated enough to pursue it on my own?” Rand said.
Through the program, he could spend a weekend hunting on a private ranch in Texas for the cost of a TWA membership, a hunting license, and the registration fee for TPWD’s Hunter Education course. In exchange, he would get lodging, game-centric meals, conservation education and one-on-one instruction from an experienced mentor, who would serve as his guide throughout the weekend.
“When Grant suggested the program, I found my perfect way in,” Rand said. “Plus, Grant and I share a similar conservation mindset, so I had the chance to experience hunting with ‘one of my people.’”
He took the plunge in 2021 at the Y Bar Ranch in Tilden, Texas. While Rand didn’t take home
a whitetail from the hunt, he left knowing how to select the appropriate firearm (the one he brought was ill-suited for deer hunting), understanding the shot placement and breath control necessary to take down a deer in the field, and surviving his first bout of buck fever.
Like many novice hunters, his adrenaline got the best of him when a six-point management buck that he and his guide watched the previous day came within range of the blind. Keenly aware that his unsteady hands increased the likelihood that he would injure the deer instead of immediately felling it, Rand chose not to shoot. His mentor praised his trigger restraint.
“He bragged on me for not pulling the trigger until I felt confident in the shot, which actually made me more confident in the long run,” Rand said. “It was just one part of the comprehensive learning experience.”
With one hunt under his belt, Rand applied again in 2022. He was selected to participate in a hunt on the historic Yturria Ranch near Raymondville, Texas. The hunters would not only have the chance to pursue white-tailed deer but could also hunt nilgai antelope and participate in the landowner’s predator management program.
“I was still nervous about taking an animal’s life because it’s a big decision—as it should be,” Rand said. “If someone isn’t respectful of that, they probably shouldn’t be hunting.”
Over the weekend, Rand took a white-tailed deer, a nilgai and a coyote as part of the predator management effort.
“For the first-time, I understood the Native American custom of thanking an animal for giving its life,” Rand said. “There is a sense of reverence that comes with the harvest that is hard to describe."
With guidance, Rand field dressed and processed the deer and the antelope into their component parts. Currently, he’s dry curing a nilgai ham in a traditional Italian style among many other preparations.
“Why shouldn’t we know how to do these things? As humans, we have a responsibility to take care of what God has given us and use the resources wisely,” Rand said.
During his time on the ranch, he also came to understand the importance of balance in nature. While he understood the role of hunting in acquiring sustainable food, the idea of hunting as an applied conservation tool was revelatory.
“Without abundant apex predators, how do you keep wildlife populations in balance?” Rand said. “When there are too many coyotes or too many deer or too many of anything, the habitat and the system suffer. That’s eye opening."
He continued, “As hunters, it’s our job to keep it all in balance. Once you understand that you’re part of the solution, it compels you to keep hunting.” °
Each participant is accompanied by a personal guide/mentor throughout the educational hunt, which typically takes place on a private ranch over three days/ two nights. Novice hunters will learn safe firearm use and handling, shot placement techniques and wild game processing techniques, including skinning, butchering and cooking.
• All meals with an emphasis on wild game
• Firearms, if necessary, and instruction
Hunting guide/mentor
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Land ownership offers different benefits to different people and there is no one-sizefits-all prescription. Every individual has different hopes and dreams related to land ownership, and every property offers something unique. Some people are motivated strictly by the financial benefits of land ownership, while others are motivated by the personal-use benefits.
I think many people may miss the boat by viewing land ownership and investment too narrowly. Their perspective makes perfect sense. Land ownership may seem so daunting financially that many people perceive it as dream and never add it to their list of practical goals.
But what most don’t realize is that by viewing land ownership through that narrow lens, they may be unknowingly sacrificing many of their personal goals along the way. Maybe the most unique and rewarding aspect of land ownership is that it doesn’t fit into one box. Ultimately, it aligns with both personal and financial goals, creating an extremely
rewarding return on investment. When land ownership is viewed within that framework, it becomes far more important financially and personally—and worth strategically planning for in the here and now.
One of the biggest privileges we have at Whitetail Properties is helping our clients identify and achieve their individual goals. Unlike most investments, land ownership is much more than a simple financial transaction and comes loaded with a multitude of additional personal benefits beyond any financial return. One of the most tangible benefits is that landowners can see their investment appreciate over time and enjoy using it, for outdoor recreation, such as hunting, fishing, or for a getaway where they create memories with family and friends.
“Time spent in the outdoors with family and friends is truly priceless and the return cannot be calculated,” said Justin Glass, Northeast Texas agent for Whitetail Properties. “The memories made as a family, the lessons learned and taught through working the land,
and the peaceful seclusion that land offers far outlasts any financial return, in my mind.”
Next time you check on your investment account, evaluate how that experience makes you feel. It can be quite a rollercoaster. When our clients go check on their land investment, I suspect they feel quite differently.
As East Texas Land Specialist Aaron Ablondi said, "Instead of an account balance you can look at on a computer screen, land is an asset you can actually physically enjoy using."
I had one client tell me something years ago that I’ll never forget. While I was helping him work cattle on his ranch, he said, “You know why I like land and working cattle?” After a dramatic pause, he said, “…because they talk back less than people!”
I bet we all can relate to that statement. And I share it because it makes the point that every person experiences and achieves different personal goals by owning land.
For me, a ranch has always been more than just a destination to enjoy. It’s the epicenter of our family’s life. It’s where our extended family
If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand times, “When I hit the lottery, I’ll be calling you.” Because many folks don’t think land investment is a real possibility for them, they don’t give it enough thought or start considering it soon enough. If land ownership does not have a place among your short-term personal goals, it should. Land gives us far more than a return on financial investment.
gathers for holidays. It’s the place I can better experience God’s creation with my wife and kids and savor the adventure of the hunt. Our ranch is a training ground for all kinds of life lessons that are better learned and taught through
experience instead of theory. I can’t really quantify these benefits, but they certainly mean more than words can describe or money can buy.
From a purely financial perspective, owning land is less susceptible to market volatility than any traditional investments in your portfolio, as demonstrated by 2022’s stock market roller coaster driven by inflation, interest rate hikes and recession fears. In contrast to the volatility of equities, land prices have steadily appreciated over time, said Ronnie Strong, Whitetail Properties chief operating officer.
"Day-to-day fluctuations in the market don't change how you can use and enjoy the land every day," he said. "The lower volatility and long-term appreciation of land can provide greater comfort from a psychological standpoint and avoid a common motivation with financial investments to sell when there is a downturn in the market."
Ablondi added that land values tend to hold fairly steady even in a perceived market downturn. "You don't typically see big swings in value, so if you had to sell due to a market downturn, you are less likely to experience your asset being worth significantly less," he said.
Land ownership also offers the opportunity to improve and thereby increase a property's value. This could include clearing some brush and installing hunting blinds and feeders, developing lake sites, timber management, installing an attractive gate to provide a positive first impression, or simply cleaning up the acreage to make it more appealing to a future buyer.
"You can increase the value by spending relatively little money," said Dan Perez, a founding partner of Whitetail Properties. "Traditional financial investments are totally dependent on the market. You can cross your fingers, but that won't help. There is nothing you can do to improve the value of that investment."
Along with the many advantages of owning land, spreading risk by having a balanced portfolio is a sound long-term strategy.
"When you buy stocks and bonds, you're buying a piece of American business," Strong said. "While stocks can give strong average returns over long periods, when you blend land and traditional financial investments, you get less volatility and higher potential return over time."
Calculating for your total return on investment with land must not be limited to dollar-fordollar financial returns, you must also factor in the experiences and memories that are created by owning land. When you can achieve wins in both personal and financial categories with one investment decision, I believe it’s safe to say that investing in Texas land has more potential total return than any alternative.
As you are considering your financial and your personal goals, land should move higher and higher on the list, much earlier in life. Everyone can dream of that “lottery” ranch, but a 50-acre slice of heaven may just meet your needs right where you are—and give you the jumping off point to start aligning personal and financial goals much sooner. °
Day-to-day fluctuations in the market don�t change how you can use and enjoy the land every day
These watches contain the original movement, dial, and hands from a vintage pocket watch. It was genuinely carried by an individual 100 years ago.
Why We Love It → Each time you wear this watch, you will be transported through time.
If you are an avid upland sportsman or just looking for a classic waxed cotton coat that will last a lifetime, look no further.
Why We Love It → This jacket runs slightly larger to allow layering. Perfect for spring weather.
Danner's iconic USA-made hiking boot inspired by Oregon's wilderness and released in limited edition honoring Oregon State Parks' 100th anniversary.
Why We Love It → $100 from each pair sold will be donated to Oregon State Parks Explorer Series
With a winning combination of breathable polyester and cozy fleece, you don't have to choose between one or the other in your next sleeping bag.
Why We Love It → It's roomy and breathable. WENZELCO.COM
This stainless-steel coffee maker includes a stainless-steel filter and a matching Camp Mug for brewing the perfect cup.
Why We Love It → Now fresh brewed coffee can be part of any outdoor adventure.
Featuring sturdy cast zinc and solid birch construction, this call creates the illusion that other birds are in the area, which causes birds of a feather to flock together.
Why We Love It → This little doodad imitates mutiple sounds with a simple twist and fits easily into a pocket.
Ranch waters that are distinctly Texas influenced with flavors that cater to the essence of the land. Bold, refreshing combinations to suit every thirst.
Why We Love It → Delicious flavors created with the spirit of the Four Sixes Ranch. 6666GRITANDGLORY.COM
Nine incredible ingredients, exhaustively researched, taste-tested, calibrated, and ethically sourced, come together to create a trail mix so good.
Why We Love It → This mix has pecans from Guemando Valley, Texas in a sustainable jar. SHARSNACKS.COM
Few things are as wonderful as that first cup of coffee in the morning. This coffee scoop features a titanium gold scoop, which holds two-tablespoons and a stunning bocote wood handle.
Why We Love It → This impeccable coffee scoop is hand-turned in Waco by Woods by Wheat. SHOP.TEXASHIGHWAYS.COM
Say goodbye to your dry winter skin with this rich goat milk lotion and cherish the aroma of bluebonnets.
Why We Love It → The wonderful smells will always remind us of Texas in Spring.
Local pure Texas Hill Country Mountain Cedar is the only scent in this soap, so it is perfect for hunters and for a day at the office.
Why We Love It → The best control for itchy, flaky skin, and also for unhealthy scalp.
Assortment of gourmet flavors inspired from the ballad “Yellow Rose of Texas”
Why We Love It → Delicious truffles that honor all of the ladies in Texas.
100+ recipes and party ideas for camping, picnics, porch parties and more.
Why We Love It → It features easy, madefor-the-outdoors dishes that require few utensils and minimal clean up.
An informative and eye-catching reference book for beginner and intermediate backyard bird enthusiasts with engaging answers to all of your birdwatching questions.
Why We Love It → This book is chock full of information and packs a pleasing visual punch.
A great step-by-step, how-to guide that leads readers through the process of saving seeds from 43 different crops.
Why We Love It → Seed savers of all levels will benefit from Cohen's easy-to-follow explanations on important techniques.
An entry-level guide to backyard chicken keeping.
Why We Love It → This book provides all the information you need to enjoy yard-fresh eggs for breakfast everyday.
Part travelogue and part historical examination. This book is an intimate tour of the wondrous wild, public places of the American landscape.
Why We Love It → It's Inspriation to get off the couch and explore the American landscape.
at a Time
A guide to helping our ecosystems and feeling good about your garden.
Why We Love It → Murphy shares easy-tofollow principles for regenerative gardening that foster biodiversity and improve soil health.
After yesterday's predictions, the famous groundhog emerged from his burrow and saw his shadow declaring there would be six more weeks of winter. ��Bundl e u p an d stay warm!!!
Sunny days and skeet ranges are tough to beat! #burgherrayranchgroup #landsales #shotgun #shooting #skeetshooting #skeetrange #shootingsports #sidebyside In Bosque County, Texas.
We are all stewards of the land. All of our Land Specialists are National Deer Association Deer Steward Level I certified - and many are at Level II. Our Land Specialists don’t just know land, they know deer, and they know hunting.
We are your @texasranchesrealestate team. If you're looking for farm and ranch land, a country home or raw land, we can help. Whether it be big, small or somewhere in between, our expertise is as big as our great state of Texas.
For the birdwatcher, Commissary Point is a yearround delight. From the year-round shorebird population to migratory waterfowl to springtime neotropicals returning north to Louisiana’s own brown pelicans, there are always plenty of species to enjoy, so keep your ID guide and life list handy!
Rain or snow we always show!! #redstagrealestate #realestate #realtor #realtorslandinstitute #farmandranch #longviewtx #longviewtexas #tylertexas #tylertx
The 5,698± acre T&C Ranch, located in Edwards and Kinney counties, provides complete privacy in a ruggedly beautiful setting. Neighbored by large ranches and nestled between Rocksprings, Brackettville and Barksdale, the ranch is a secluded oasis.
The ranch’s terrain encompasses bottomlands, majestic bluffs and Indian Mountain, the area’s highest peak. Three observation decks, one outfitted for skeet shooting, are placed at prime locations. Most ranch roads are improved.
Cedar has been strategically removed. Several oak varieties, elm, sycamore and other native tree species as well as native grasses, forbs and brush comprise the diverse vegetation.
The majority of the ranch is high-fenced, but a few select sections have been low-fenced to maintain Boone & Crockett Club eligibility. Native whitetailed deer and Rio Grande turkey as well as free-ranging exotics including elk, Auodad, red stag, Addax antelope and Axis, Fallow, and Sika deer are spotted regularly.
In recent years, T&C Ranch has been managed solely for wildlife. Approximately 24 box blinds are set up on the ranch.
Nine water wells (one solar and eight electric) and several stock ponds
are scattered throughout. During wet years, Sycamore Creek and Little Sycamore Creek run.
With nine bedrooms and four baths, the lodge can accommodate large groups. Outside gathering spaces include covered porches, a rock patio with fire pit, a barbecue area and the thatch-roof African Palapa. Pole-mounted kerosene lanterns illuminate the night.
The rock lodge features a stone fireplace, custom mesquite furniture, a fully equipped commercial kitchen as well as a media room, office, utility room and walk-in cooler.
The 8,500± square-foot saloon’s focal point is an antique-style bar reminiscent of the Old West. In addition, the saloon boasts 16 custom wooden lockers, a bandstand, custom mesquite furniture, commercial kitchen, numerous game tables well as a merchandise room. The nearby trophy room, with a wine grotto, accommodates life-size game mounts.
For overflow lodging, T&C Ranch provides three cabins and an RV park complete with five full hook-ups. The four-bedroom/four-bath main house with a sleeping loft boasts multi-level decks, including a hot tub deck.
The primary ranch entrance provides access via a private easement road. The second entrance fronts on Cedar Creek Road, a county road.
The T&C Ranch has a 4,000’± x 75’ paved runway, a grass landing strip and a lighted, concrete helipad.
Other ranch infrastructure includes a covered game processing area with walk-in coolers, two mobile homes, an equipment barn, a workshop, an overhead grain storage bin, two grain buggies, two overhead fuel tanks, a set of livestock working pens, a two± acre chain link dog kennel, three gun safes and three large ice makers. °
$15,950,000 • Property ID: 14753605
Howard W. Hood , Broker
830 739 3815
home to big water and big opportunity
17,132 Acres
Agua grande means “big water.” Fed by more than 30 springs, year-round Live Oak Creek, which bisects the 17,132± acre Rancho Agua Grande for about seven miles, is indeed big water. Located about 25 miles northwest of Uvalde and just two hours west of San Antonio, Rancho Agua Grande is one of the largest live water ranches for sale in Texas today.
Both banks of Live Oak Creek lie within the ranch’s borders ensuring complete, private access. The creek’s flow is slowed and pooled by 10 dams. Numerous lakes dot the landscape. Ground water is equally abundant. Water wells have been punched throughout the ranch.
Both Boiling Mountain, the highest peak in Uvalde County, and Salmon Peak, the highest point in Kinney County, are located on Rancho
Agua Grande, adding craggy grandeur. The rugged hills and deep canyons contrast with the shady pecan creek bottom.
Because three ecoregions converge on the high-fenced ranch, the vegetation is diverse. Between 2007 and 2010, more than 10,000 acres of cedar were cleared.
Rancho Agua Grande, run primarily as an exclusive hunting operation, has been the site of numerous high-profile hunting shows. More than 60 species of wildlife ranging from rare exotics to trophy whitetails call the ranch home.
The ranch’s main residence, an expansive custom-designed, two-story rock house, is
sited near the ranch’s geographic center. Secluded and private, the home, which is resplendent with high-end finishes, overlooks Live Oak Creek.
Eight mid-19 th century cabins, transplanted from the mountains of Kentucky, have been restored to provide unique guest lodging.
The 6,000± square foot lodge, featuring an antique bar, dance floor and bandstand, is the perfect place to celebrate. The lodge easily accommodates 250 people. By using the additional 2,300± square feet of covered porches, the guest list can swell.
Agua Grande has a 5,800-foot by 75-foot instrument-marked, painted and lighted runway. Other ranch infrastructure includes: two additional three bedroom and one bath cabins, numerous equipment sheds and storage buildings as well as a meat processing room with a walk-in cooler.
$150,000,000 • Property ID’s: 13250520, 13250517
Howard W. Hood , Broker 830 739 3815
Baffin on the Rocks, a 26±-acre private fishing retreat near Riviera, Texas, is the ultimate destination for outdoors enthusiasts. The retreat, 20 minutes from Kingsville and less than an hour south of Corpus Christi with easy access to the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, is nestled deep in the South Texas brush country.
Baffin Bay forms part of the boundary between Kleberg and Kenedy counties. The area’s hunting, which includes whitetails, feral hogs and nilgai as well as quail, dove, turkey and waterfowl all accessible through local guides, is as legendary as its sprawling ranches.
With 350±-foot of bay frontage, Baffin on the Rocks provides superlative fishing from its 300foot lighted pier. Prime species include speckled trout, redfish, flounder and drum. In fact, anglers have reeled in record-setting specks and redfish from the property’s pier and in nearby waters. A seawall offers protection against erosion and tidal surges from hurricanes.
Baffin on the Rocks, currently used as a rental retreat, features four identical two-bedroom/ two-bath cabins that were completely renovated in 2020. Each cabin has a full, completely outfitted kitchen.
The cabins’ front porches face Baffin Bay, making them the ideal location to enjoy a cup of coffee at sun rise. Every cabin also has an open-flame fire pit, so guests can unwind at the day’s end. A swimming pool offers a refreshing respite any time day or night.
In addition to the cabins, the property boasts a one-bedroom/one-bath home currently used for employees, an open-air pavilion with its own fire pit as well as an enclosed climatecontrolled conference center. Two converted cargo containers house three washers, three dryers and maintenance equipment.
Baffin on the Rocks is a piece of outdoors paradise that can be an income-generating rental retreat, a corporate getaway, or the ultimate family destination. Here, the opportunities that await are as big as the adventures. Contact Conner W. Hood at 830 928 2317
The P. Bode Ranch offers Hill Country living on a scale that is increasingly hard to find. Although most Hill Country ranches of this size are far off the beaten path, access to the P. Bode Ranch is easy, with the entrance being six± miles from the intersection of I-10 and US-290. The ranch is within easy reach of the small-town amenities of Fredericksburg, Junction and Kerrville, and both Austin and San Antonio are 90± minutes away. The gently rolling hills, covered with native grasses, live oak and cedar, provide a blank canvas of opportunity. Stunning views abound. While it has been used primarily as a cow-calf operation, the ranch is home to a variety of native wildlife. A water well with an electric pump and a concrete holding tank serve the needs of livestock and wildlife. For those looking to create a oneof-a-kind life against the beautiful backdrop of the Hill Country, the P. Bode Ranch offers the opportunity on a rare scale.
$2,644,044 • Property ID: 12465498
C. Hood , Broker Associate 830 431 1177It is tempting to stay at home on a ranch like this. Like most in Texas’ “other Hill Country,” the land rises and falls gently. An ideal home site sits near the center of the ranch, offering ultimate privacy. Electricity from Fayette Electric is readily available. The best-positioned tie-in pole has already been identified. Preliminary arrangements have been made with a water well driller to site a well at the new owners’ preferred location.
Recent selective brush clearing has heightened the land’s natural beauty. The well-planned work created a mosaic of pastureland and brush that not only showcases legacy oaks and majestic cedar elms but provides plenty of habitat for wildlife. As part of the brush management efforts, the perimeter has been completely cleared, making it easy to see the neighboring farms and ranches.
In addition, two 10± acre tracts—one in the north part of the ranch and the other in the south— have been cleared to provide additional forage for cattle and wildlife. The areas surrounding the two ponds have also been “cleaned up” to create an oasis for angling if the new owners choose to stock them with bass, catfish, perch, or other suitable freshwater species.
The ranch, which has been used primarily for livestock, maintains an agricultural tax valuation and is home to white-tailed deer and feral hogs. Turkeys, doves, and waterfowl frequent the property as well. It could be easily transitioned to a wildlife tax valuation if the new owners are inclined.
The Whitford Ranch is a rare chance to have it all for those seeking country living with easy access to the world beyond. Contact Conner W. Hood at 830 928 2317
$1,699,000 • Property ID: 14416886
For hunters, exotic game enthusiasts, and western equestrians, the 292-acre Rockin’ S Ranch, located three miles south of Menard on Highway 83, is the destination of a lifetime. And while the ranch feels a world away from the metropolitan hustle and bustle, the newly constructed, custom-designed main entrance, which features an electric gate, is only a two-hour drive from San Antonio and just about two-and-a-half hours from Austin. Live oak mottes and small clumps of cedar dot the rolling terrain. The brush has been carefully sculpted so that patches of wildlife habitat providing food and cover are interspersed with an open, native range. The game includes native white-tailed deer and free-ranging Axis. Whether you’re looking to get away for the weekend or embrace the rural lifestyle full-time, the Rockin’ S Ranch is a worthy place to stake a claim.
$1,695,000 • Property ID: 13534786
Located just 40 minutes west of downtown San Antonio in Medina County, the 83±-acre Stein Ranch, situated between Hondo and Devine, is the perfect country home or weekend getaway. The low-fenced ranch fronts County Road 467, which connects with Highway 90.
While the ranch has historically been used for cattle grazing and maintains an agriculture valuation, the native brush is good wildlife habitat. White-tailed deer and feral hogs frequent the property.
$1,250,000 • Property ID: 14271930
Less than an hour’s drive from Houston, the incomparable Broad Oaks Ranch in Hempstead Texas includes 1,409± acres. This superlative property is home to 3.7 miles of Brazos River frontage with beaches, several ponds, eight+ acre picturesque, stocked fishing lake, five water wells, improved open pastures with native pecan trees/mixed oak and mesquite trees, thickly wooded acreage providing a natural habitat for wildlife.
A truly unequaled high-fence hunting ranch with white-tailed deer, exotics, waterfowl and upland game birds. Exquisitely appointed main house with four-bedroom/five bath/six half-bath, outdoor fire pit/oversized infinity edge, heated pool/water features, and bubblers/hot tub. Beautifully remodeled three bedroom/three bath guest house.
The ranch is home to a spectacular barndominium/event center that is handsomely designed for entertaining with six bedrooms, eight and one-half baths/spacious living areas/commercial kitchen. The complex includes an eight-stall horse barn/office/conference room/workshop.
In addition, there is a two-bedroom/one-bath overflow cabin. Every structure has been appointed with great attention to detail, fabulous millwork and exceptional stonework.
Approximately half of the ranch is located out of the floodplain with rolling hills covered in large oaks. The river bottom is a mix of open, improved pastures and thick woods dominated by hundreds of pecan trees and massive cottonwoods along the river.
Most of the river frontage is accessible and there are multiple large sand beaches, a unique feature to have extensive access points along the river. Property along the river is thickly wooded and excellent habitat for wildlife. The bottomland adjacent to the river is a mix of improved pastures, native pecan groves and mixed oaks and mesquite trees.
The higher country is a mix of improved hay pastures and wooded areas dominated by large oaks. Wildlife enjoys ample, thick cover in this area as well.
The ranch is set up as a fantastic hunting ranch. The entire ranch is high-fenced and has several different high-fenced pastures. Improved genetics have been introduced and the ranch carries tremendous trophy whitetails and a diverse array of exotic species including black buck, oryx, addax, buffalo, red lechwe, waterbucks, and Père David’s deer.
Waterfowl hunting is excellent within the Brazos River valley, which is a major flyway for ducks. Two wetland units have been developed to provide prime duck hunting. Both units have water wells that pipe water to the units allowing full control of the water level.
This area is also known for holding good dove numbers. Several fields are planted for doves on the ranch every year. Plenty of hogs and several blinds are kept outside the high fence area along the river for less controlled hunting opportunities.
The ranch runs a small cattle herd that is rotated through numerous pastures. There are also several hay fields growing primarily coastal Bermuda. Water wells were drilled to allow for irrigating with irrigation guns when needed.
Main house: Built in 2015, this magnificent home includes a spacious downstairs master bedroom with an expansive bathroom and huge closets. The bottom floor is also home to a great room with a den/kitchen and dining room, a large study and sitting room, utility room, scullery, mudroom and interior access to the garage.
Upstairs are three large bedrooms with private bathrooms, a large game room and a utility room. A large outdoor patio with a barbecue grill overlooks the lake with a sitting area around a firepit.
Pool area: Between the main house and the guest home is a large pool with an outdoor covered lounge area that includes a fireplace, separate bathrooms and a spa.
Guest home: Built in 1965 and beautifully updated is the guest home next door to the main house. This three-bedroom, three-bathroom home has a kitchen, dining room, den and living room. This house also sits above the lake and has access to the pool area.
Horse barn: Next to the housing/pool complex is a large horse stable with multiple stalls, an office, and an equipment room.
Guest house (small): A small two-bedroom, one-bath home adjacent to the lake offers overflow room for guests.
Barndominium/Event Center: The complex containing the barndominium/event center where most of the barns, the manager’s home, and the event center is situated farther up the road and accessed by a separate entrance.
The event center has a spacious garage with an industrial kitchen for events. Alongside the garage is a large living area that includes a kitchen/ den/dining room that also acts as a meeting area. The bottom floor also contains two large bedrooms and bathrooms. There are four additional bedrooms, sitting/tv room and small kitchen area upstairs. This building is wired for corporate board meetings, events and large social gatherings.
Third Home: Up on the ranch’s north end, there is an Austin limestone home with three bedrooms, a large den/kitchen area with a fireplace as its centerpiece. Another large horse barn with multiple stalls is next door.
Other: The entire ranch is high-fenced and there are four separate high-fence pastures on the ranch. Great roads with gates that all have automatic openers to make getting around very easy. There is a great shooting center that includes a rifle/handgun range, and a five-stand shooting area all with a covered area for lounging. Several other barns are located on the ranch for equipment and hay storage. Multiple, low cross fences break up the ranch into smaller pastures allowing for rotation of stock and hay production.
Surface water on this ranch includes approximately 3.7 miles of Brazos River frontage and an 8+ acre stocked fishing lake near the main house. The lake is a well-managed trophy bass lake and has bluegill and crappie.
Five water wells serve the homes and cattle/wildlife water troughs. There are also two large-volume water wells used for maintaining the fishing lake, providing water for the wetland units and irrigation. Significant underground piping has been laid throughout the ranch.
The seller owns a portion of the mineral estate and will consider selling with a proper offer. There is no production on the ranch.
This ranch is also the site of one of the first plantations in Texas. Bernardo Plantation was settled from one of the original Austin 300. It was also the staging area for Houston’s troops prior to the Battle of San Jacinto.
Surface minerals: A study done on the property showed extensive gravel deposits that could one day be mined should an owner wish to pursue them.
Cattle and hay: The ranch runs a small herd of cattle that are rotated through numerous pastures. There are also several hay fields growing primarily coastal Bermuda. Water wells were drilled to allow for irrigating with irrigation guns when needed. This ranch is co-brokered by Republic Ranches and Martha Turner Sotheby’s.
“The incomparable Broad Oaks Ranch is a superlative property with truly unequaled high-fence hunting”
$414,000,000 2021 TEAM VOLUME
$322,000,000 2021 INDIVIDUAL VOLUME
Fine improvements overlook the most unique water features of 50± acre and 26± acre Lakes.
This ‘Transition Zone’ ranch captures the best of both South Texas and the Hill Country with superb wildlife.
This heritage cattle and hunting ranch has been owned and operated by the same family since 1939.
PROPERTY ID: 11758395
Owned by the same family since 1900 in an area that supports large native whitetail deer.
PROPERTY ID: 15141343
A turnkey outdoorsman’s paradise offers whitetail deer, quail, dove, turkey plus waterfowl and bass.
PROPERTY ID: 13179627
Ample water, including Palo Blanco Creek and great brush are in the best hunting area the state has to offer.
PROPERTY ID: 16134208
This grand tract of land has remarkable Live Water and is amazingly convenient to metropolitan San Antonio.
PROPERTY ID: 13933012
Enjoy great privacy and luxury plus live water just minutes from historic Boerne or metro San Antonio.
PROPERTY ID: 14235188
Turnkey! Fabulous hilltop home, restored homestead, guesthouse, party pavilion and barn.
Historic and modern improvements, live water, wildlife, pastureland and current income potential.
PROPERTY ID: 14425897
Owned by the same family for over 70 years, this blank canvas includes Leona River frontage.
PROPERTY ID: 12323612
Sweeping terrain and impressive brush offer an ideal environment to support native whitetail deer.
PROPERTY ID: 15078531
A turn-key first class hunting ranch has improvements, managed deer herd and Leona River frontage.
PROPERTY ID: 15450940
Well conceived high fenced hunting and cattle grazing ranch is in the famed ‘Golden Triangle’
PROPERTY ID: 15752023
Livestock and outdoorsman’s paradise with native and exotic wildlife, fenced pastures and traps.
This spectacular turn-key ranch is set up for ultimate enjoyment with live water and income potential.
Springs, live water Little Creek, plus both a newer home and an 1860s rock home make this ranch unique.
An amazing and beautiful livework-play property with established infrastructure near Austin.
A beautiful lodge overlooks 7,000± feet of crystal clear, year around Nueces River and distant hills.
PROPERTY ID: 13911558
Productive land has three pivots, multiple irrigation wells plus the unique water of the Leona River.
PROPERTY ID: 13442783
Perfect size hunting/cattle ranch is a recreational getaway near town highlighted by a five± acre lake.
PROPERTY ID: 15678456
In the heart of Big Deer country and premier habitat for quail, set with comfortable improvements.
PROPERTY ID: 11699025
‘Off the Grid’ recreation in Big Bend /Trans Pecos country with an astounding array of native wildlife.
PROPERTY ID: 14938080
A rare combination of recreation, views, cattle grazing, superb hunting plus proximity to major cities.
PROPERTY ID: 16302344
This well-maintained hunting and cattle ranch offers seasonal creeks, well and water lines and ideal privacy.
A highly productive, organic produce farm has established distribution and revenue.
PROPERTY ID: 11165437
391± Acres in Hays County | Property ID: 16321105 | $15,500,000
This high-fenced ranch features incredible views and great hunting. A paved asphalt driveway leads to a 4,000± square-foot custom house with a 1,680± square-foot guest wing, and a 3,100± square-foot garage/storage area.
3,493± Acres in Gillespie County | Property ID: 15329847 | $26,197,500
Hermans Point Ranch is one of the largest continuous ranches remaining in the county. At 2,244± feet, Hermans Point offers dramatic 360-degree views, a 2,300± square-foot main house, a 2,000± square-foot guest house, and a 3,600± square-foot barn.
110± Acres in Kerr County | Property ID: 16162363 | $4,900,000
The ranch offers Cypress Creek frontage, great fertile farmland, and stunning views. Towering cypress trees highlight the creek’s beauty. Features a main house, a guest house, a guest cabin, two barns, paved road frontage, and multiple sheds.
202± Acres in Kerr County Property ID: 15785912 | $3,000,000
A rare opportunity to purchase—Quaint Spring Ranch was once part of one of the largest ranches in the area. It is fenced on three sides and currently carries an ag exemption.
50± Acres in Kendall County Property ID: 15995305 | $1,495,000
Cedar Elm Ranch is a tremendous opportunity to own a blank canvas within a few minutes of Boerne. Beautiful cedar elm and hardwoods fill the ranch. Features a prime location and is nearby Tapatio Springs Resort and Golf Course.
461± Acres in Comal County | Property ID: 15794309 | $12,895,000
A phenomenal opportunity—Gragg Ranch offers stunning views of Canyon Lake from its hilltops. A weekend getaway house and a barn can be found at the ranch’s headquarters. Great potential to be a development opportunity with the location.
35± Acres in Kendall County
Property ID: 16071521 | $1,395,000
Perfect-sized live-water property—Ranger Creek Ranch features both sides of Ranger Creek. The captivating scenery of the flowing Ranger Creek offers the perfect backdrop for a permanent residence or weekend getaway.
20± Acres in Kendall County
Property ID: 16071809 | $815,000
High Hopes Ranch is centrally located in the heart of the Hill Country. Exceptional views of the surrounding rolling hills, a large five-bedroom, three-bathroom house, a five-stall horse barn, and an abundance of wildlife make this ranch a soughtafter place.
2,020± Acres in Burnet County | Property ID: 14948348 | $37,500,000
This is a premier live-water property featuring two± miles of Colorado River frontage and multiple springs. The ranch has spectacular views and a threebedroom, three-bathroom home. Located between Lampasas and Burnet, with paved county road access.
60± Acres in Bandera County
Property ID: 15520819 | $3,795,000
The ranch has 940± feet of Sabinal River frontage. Improvements include a main house that sits atop Panther Hill with 360-degree views, a guest house, a horse barn with an arena and a round pen, and an equipment barn.
1,089± Acres in Frio County
Property ID: 15565748 | $7,585,000
The 57 Farm features seven pivots and four high-producing irrigation wells. Located near the center of the property are two large 7,500± square-foot equipment/storage barns. Over 750± acres are currently under pivots.
4,365± Acres in Real County | Property ID: 14299243 | $21,690,000
Highveld Ranch is an elite Tecomate Signature Property with exceptional hunting. Improvements include a 6,900± square-foot newly-renovated lodge, a newly-renovated foreman’s home, a game processing facility with a walk-in cooler, and a deluxe rifle range.
413± Acres in Kimble County Property ID: 15076942 | $3,125,000
This ranch features 1,150± feet on both sides of the Big Saline Creek with a spring-fed oasis. Improvements include a threebedroom, three and half-bathroom modular home, concrete with stone barn, and working cattle pens.
72± Acres in Kendall County Property ID: 14973347 | $2,650,000
Located between Boerne and Fredericksburg – The Guadalupe River Ranch features awesome river frontage, backdropped by a stunning rock-faced bluff, hilltops, and towering cypress trees. Good hunting and recreational opportunities.
11,610± Acres in Sutton County | Property ID: 14359362 | $28,950,000
This property features pure secluded beauty with stunning views. Improvements include a 4,000±-square-foot main house, a 3,000±-square-foot lodge, a foreman’s home, a hunter’s house, and two fully-enclosed barns with multiple sheds.
195± Acres in Gillespie County
Property ID: 16186564 | $6,825,000
A beautifully detailed two-bedroom, two-bathroom home overlooks Honey Creek. Located seven± miles west of Fredericksburg with 3,550± feet of paved Highway 290 West frontage. Endless possibilities exist for this unique property.
303± Acres in Frio County
Property ID: 13489088 | $1,787,700
The K Ranch is an ideal size turnkey game-fenced hunting ranch. It features easy access, lots of elevated hunting blinds, and a good-sized hunting cabin. Conveys with hunting blinds, feeders, a tractor, implements, and cabin furniture.
New Listing
2,805 ACRES
Costa Grande Ranch is located along the waterfront of the Texas Gulf Coast in Calhoun County just three miles west of Port O’Connor, 75 miles northeast of Corpus Christi. Costa Grande Ranch lies within the Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes Ecoregion and is part of the Ingleside barrierstrand plain geologic system, a unique Pleistocene coastal system Property ID: 15924875
424,000 ACRES
Over 650 sections of contiguous West Texas property. Located in classic “Big Bend country. This ranch is divided into seven contiguous ranches that can be purchased separately. From the majestic peaks to the clear water creeks to the Rio Grande, enjoy your very own national park! Big Horn sheep, elk, and desert mule deer abound on this ranch. Property ID: 11213121
120,444 ACRES
Dagger Flats Ranch has a variety of habitats and improvements, which start on the north at Tres Hermanos summit on the Shely Peaks at 5,210 feet down into a wide scenic valley where you find the live water section of San Francisco Creek that is cottonwood lined for over five miles. Property ID: 11213889
102,078 ACRES
Dove Mountain Ranch is a massive contiguous cattle and hunting ranch at the gateway to Big Bend National Park to the south and is home to a wide array of natural features. If there is one thing that makes this ranch stand out, it is the availability of desert big horn sheep habitats as well as the availability of permits by TPWD. Property ID: 11213445
YE Mesa is an elevated high mountain volcanic structure sitting high over Big Bend National Park’s north entrance along and includes 10 miles of the Santiago Mountains that form Persimmon Gap to the south. Rugged, wild, secluded, and amazing are just a few words to describe this true mountain ranch. Property ID: 11214568
Located in the vast expanse between Big Bend National Park and Black Gap WMA to the west, Highway 90 to the north, and Mexico to the south in one of the last truly wild landscapes of the Chihuahuan Desert. This ranch has maintained much of the environment and appearance of times past, including the Lower Canyons of the Rio Grande River. Various amenities make this large ranch diverse, interesting, scenic, and adventuresome. Property ID: 11213918
Located a 30-minute drive from the Gage Hotel in Marathon, the gateway to Big Bend National Park. Horse Mountain Ranch is a wide valley between the Pena Blanca Mountains, Horse Mountain and Twin Peaks creating an expanse called Lightning Flat where the headwaters of Horse Draw and Pena Blanca Draw are located. The headquarters is located adjacent to the Historic Reed Spring which makes a beautiful cottonwood tree lined lake. Property ID: 7598290
19,814 ACRES
Tesnus Ranch is a cattle and hunting recreation ranch just 45 minutes from Marathon, Texas, and the Gage Hotel yet feels amazingly secluded. This vast, private area is bounded by the towering House Top Mountains on the north and east and Shely Peaks Mesa, where you can look off over San Francisco Creek valley into Mexico, with a series of wooded canyons, mountains, valleys and draws. Tesnus is sunset spelled backwards, a creative name for a historic railroad town established in 1882 on the Southern Pacific Railroad. Property ID: 6996904
10,955 ACRES
The 4M Ranch is a world unto itself with an incredible suite of worldclass improvements including a 5,000-foot paved airstrip, crushed rock roads and headquarters complex. Set miles away on a limestone perch sits a truly remarkable 10,000-square-foot home with infinity pool peering down at the four miles of accessible Lower Pecos River frontage below. Property ID: 9569427
Price Reduced
20,424 ACRES
Desert Mountain Ranch name says it all. Tucked away within the solitude of the Chihuahuan Desert of Brewster County just north of Big Bend National Park and Black Gap WMA. The ranch is rich in history, habitat, geology and modern conveniences. Property ID: 13431082
6,253 ACRES
Maravillas Creek Ranch has recently had a major overhaul of roads, fences, wells, water troughs, dams, tanks and a new private building site up in the hills with electricity. The ranch terrain varies from a nice combination of overflow flats next to igneous rolling hills. The ranch is embedded in a landscape of public lands creating unlimited hunting and recreational opportunities. Property ID: 10766014
10,438 ACRES
31 miles south of downtown Marfa on paved Casa Piedra Road, you turn east past the Alamito Creek bridge onto a private deeded easement road for five miles to the front gate of Ocotillo Ranch. The ranch comprises 9,957 acres of vistas, plateaus, mountains, canyons, igneous outcrops, and sweeping grasslands, making for excellent hunting opportunities. Sell will convey 50 percent of the minerals owned. Property ID: 14279647
7,410 ACRES
Located “West of the Pecos,” a region full of history and natural habitat and wildlife. Rolling hill country and rugged wild canyon country. 1.75 miles frontage on the Rio Grande accessible by vehicle. This is a turnkey ranch with a restored historic furnished home, outbuildings, and hunting blinds with feeders. Seller will convey 25 percent of minerals owned. Property ID: 7269910
Comprised of some of the most well-cared-for acreage in Far West Texas. With sweeping vistas, plateaus, mountains and canyons, abundant grass and water, this is Chihuahuan Desert hunting land at its best and a nature lover’s dream. This ranch has it all. 60 miles south of Marfa. Property ID: 9407466
This working cattle and hunting ranch set within the vast scenic landscape of far-west Texas. The majority of the ranch consists of gently rolling high-desert grasslands, draws, and flats with several mountain ranges and rock outcrops creating spectacular views. Improvements include a three-bedroom ranch house with three sets of working pens with loading chutes and scales. Property ID: 13430524
9,510 ACRES
Cooks Creek Ranch is scenic with tremendous views down into Indian Creek and Cook Creek with rolling hills and limestone cliff canyon banks. Water on the ranch is distributed in a variety of wells, pipelines, water storage, and water troughs. Recent use and management have been focused on improving and growing both mule deer and whitetail deer populations. The population is about 50/50 for these two deer types and some of the best Blue Quail hunting in Texas. Property ID: 11632070
Price Reduced
2,600 ACRES
Located 25 miles south of Marfa, Texas, off paved Casa Piedra Road (FM 169). Alamito Hills Ranch is wide-open rolling grass and scrubland surrounded by rugged mountain ranges, which can be seen from most places on the property. This vast area lies in a narrow elevation range between 3,750 to 4,200 feet, allowing for a mix of vegetation and providing excellent habitat for game and nongame animals. Property ID: 14804695
2,275 ACRES
Dripstone Ranch is uniquely located in the geographic transition area between the rugged Hill Country Balcones Fault, the Chihuahuan Desert and the topography of the South Texas Brush Country. Ranching and nature come together here, with areas of wildlife habitat and river combined with agricultural areas designed into improved pastures, amazing ranch infrastructure and the famous karst limestone caves found on the ranch. Property ID: 10489862
Price Reduced
Situated in the dark sky country of far West Texas, this 56+ acre ranch is in the grassy foothills of the Davis Mountains, approximately eight miles west of Fort Davis. The 3,500± square foot three bedroom, two bath ranch style home is amenity rich with a screened-in sleeping porch, separate sun porch with windows opening onto the sleeping porch, two rock-faced wood burning fireplaces, wood burning stove, two dining areas and stunning 1,000+ square foot living space with expansive views of Blue Mountain. Property ID: 15472391
113,650 ACRES
This ranch has some of the best all-around hunting opportunities in the West Texas area as it combines the mountain habitats with the grassland and desert habitats. Abundant mule deer, herds of pronghorn, whitetail deer, mountain lion and occasional elk can all be found here. Property ID: 8062130
76,185 ACRES
The Eagle Mountain/Carrizo Mountain Ranches are actually two nearby distinct properties that are connected by an improved caliche county road and miles of a paved/concrete private easement road linking the ranches with easy access. Similar to the Davis Mountains and the Chisos Mountains of the Chihuahuan Desert, this mountain range functions as a sky island habitat, with intermountain ridge lines and valleys serving as corridors for wildlife migration. Property ID: 7684861
Matthews-Law Ranch is a combination of two historic ranches and has over four-and-half miles of the Santiago Mountain ridge line cascading down into Santiago Flats. Rugged, wild, secluded, amazing are just a few words to describe this true mountain ranch. Santiago Peak is just off the north boundary of the ranch and is a sentinel that can be seen from all over the ranch. Property ID: 11214584
47,700 ACRES
Located west of Van Horn, Texas, in the fifth-highest mountain range in Texas, the Eagle Mountains, the ranch is easily accessed by two county roads. The ranch is a mere 1.5 hours from El Paso International Airport and just 30 minutes from Van Horn Airport which can land jet aircraft. Large, well-established landowner neighbors and excellent game management programs makes Piñon Ranch the perfect grazing, hunting and recreation property. Ranching heritage abounds as the Overland Trail passes through this ranch where stagecoaches used to stop at Eagle Spring. Property ID: 8126796
This majestic ranch spans nearly 10,000 acres of land, offering the best in south Texas wing shooting and trophy Whitetails and exotics. Its rich, fertile sandy loam soils, numerous water sources, and some strategically placed quail strips create that perfect habitat for any quail aficionados while supporting vast numbers of wildlife and cattle. Located near McAllen/Edinburg, in the center of the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, the Arrowhead Ranch has hosted many foreign and domestic dignitaries over the years. $26,127,970
Less than 30 minutes from Fredericksburg and Johnson City lies the 30+ acre Smith Mountain Ranch. This ranch backs up to the 1,814-foot Smith Mountain and has the potential and views for great build sites. $720,000
The Kennedy ranch is a high-fenced outdoorsman’s paradise only a few miles outside Uvalde, Texas. This well-maintained ranch has everything you want in a recreational and investment property. A 4,000-squarefoot barndominium is the highlight of the ranch. $4,548,600
This great irrigated farm and cattle operation is located a few miles east of Uvalde, Texas. Currently, the farm has been used for the production of hay and cattle grazing. The property is fenced and crossed-fenced, with a portion of the fence being built as early as last year. The irrigation well pumps roughly 800 GPM, and all downhole equipment was replaced in June 2020. $2,606,400
This ranch features over 900 feet of Medina River frontage as well as 170± high fenced acres. Located on the northern end of the property is a two bed/two bath house with views off the front porch that last for miles! Dont miss out on this beautiful live water ranch located in the transition zone of South Texas and the Hill Country! $3,499,000
Eleven miles southwest of Bracketville, the vibrant 2,963-acre Cow Creek Ranch is the perfect combination of native brush and agriculturally productive irrigated farmland. This high-fenced ranch will serve the needs of both the sportsman and Ag producer. The property conveys 2,940 acre-feet of permitted water rights. $7,407,500
The historic Santa Teresa Ranch is a very picturesque property with rolling terrain that is about 50% Sandy loam soil and 50% Caliche hilltops. Owned by the same family for over 100 years, this is an opportunity to purchase a great hunting ranch with easy access. $2,093,423
The Chenault Ranch offers 21 acres of views, with the spring-fed San Geronimo Creek and the South Fork San Geronimo Creek running through the ranch. The spring also provides water to the residents through a well and pump system. Even during a year like this, where we have seen severe drought conditions, the spring continued to run as usual. $1,600,000
The Nineteen Mile Ranch is an 8,440-acre, low-fenced ranch with live water features, large mature trees, extreme topography changes, and easy access highway frontage. The ranch was recently improved with the addition of a limestone rock lodge. The lodge is located in one of the most picturesque settings on the property, just above the Nueces River overlooking a manicured meadow full of large trees and native grasses. $18,568,000
Owned and operated by the same family for decades, Kite Farms offers 716 acres of primarily tillable income-producing dry land. There are five water wells on the farm from 200-400 feet deep with electric pumps. The excellent fertile soils on Kite Farms consist of clay loam. The current owner rotates crops annually from milo, wheat and sesame. $1,274,000
These two tracts are located in the beautiful Tehuacana Valley in northern Limestone County. The property boasts amazing panoramic hilltop views where you can see for miles and miles over the gently rolling hills. Scattered mesquite across the property with several large creeks dotted with oaks and pecan trees. These properties could be manicured into an absolute masterpiece. two tracks separated by county road 228 sold together or separately. $1,317,500
Sugar Valley Ranch is prime country living near the city, 47 miles from Sugar Land and eight miles from Bay City in the impressive Van Vleck school district. Fully equipped for profitable cattle or horse operations, a stocked fishing tank, plentiful amounts of native wildlife and fully fenced and crossed into grassy pastures of flat wooded and open land make this Texas gem the perfect suburban alternative. $1,800,000
A gorgeous ranch located an hour west of San Antonio, with the Hondo Municipal airport being the closest airport to the ranch. Las Maderas consists of 147 acres of scenic gentle rolling terrain, with a strategically placed three-acre lake stocked with bass, catfish and perch. $1,850,000
The Tater Hill Ranch is located just seven minutes from Cross Plains, Texas, with multiple access points on both the north and south side of the property. The ranch features a three-bed, two-and-half-bath home with water supplied by the Coleman County Special Utility District. $1,490,000
Property ID: 15575606
Some of the most beautiful Texas countryside you can find. You will be captivated on-site with 30-mile views and up to 100-foot elevation changes. A vast amount of beautiful live oak trees is scattered throughout the ranch. Much of the land has been cleared of cedar, with just enough left to provide ample habitat for abundant wildlife such as, deer, turkey, hogs, aoudad and axis. Access to the Colorado River is only a mile away and offers fishing, swimming and water activities.
Conveniently located just over an hour NW of Austin, Rolling Oaks Ranch offers the perfect weekend retreat from the city or private oasis for your everyday escape. Stretching across acres of untouched land, Rolling Oaks Ranch features ranches ranging from 10 to 35 acres. Sensible deed restrictions and access to municipal water and utilities allow residents to build the hill country home of their dreams while maintaining the land’s natural state and allowing wildlife to prosper.
The final phase of Mountain Ranch. Stake your claim to your private ranch with 40-mile westward views from the highest ridgeline in the county. Largely undeveloped for almost 70 years, Mountain Ranch is a near-pristine tract of natural Texas Hill Country, where wildlife remains abundant, sunsets are spectacular, and horizons are wide. Located minutes from Marble Falls and Burnet, off Highway 281.
Property ID: 12429049
Located in the southern part of Bastrop County, Rosanky Ranch
Estates is a great property for a home site, recreation, retirement, cattle or horses. We are offering seven tracts in this area ranging from 20 to 35 acres. This ranch is covered with large hardwoods and pretty grassy meadows. A couple of the tracts will have surface water and a seasonal creek. The pretty wooded areas provide excellent wildlife habitat. Rural water available.
Property ID: 12489925
These tracts are located in the pristine area of Willow City with direct access off paved Ranch Road 1323. This sought-after area brings you within 15 minutes of the quaint town of Fredericksburg. If you are looking for a great tract of land in a peaceful country setting, this is a good one to look at. This tract would be an excellent home site, recreational or horse property.
Spacious privacy within a new gated acreage community. Easy convenience of a short 25-minute commute to downtown San Antonio. Abundant Live Oak and Hardwood trees. Single Family Residential. Sensible Covenants. Electricity is available at each lot. Encino Crossing is the spacious and pristine gated Texas Hill Country community you’ve been waiting for.
30.3± Acres | Bexar County, Texas Property ID: 12540014 | Call for Price
With the exception of a glimpse through the gated brick entry, the frontage on FM 1518 and Woman Hollering Rd gives no hint that hidden among ancient oaks, beautiful ponds, and native wildlife is a unique home with Bexar County Appraisal District showing 5,131 square-foot f of living space and about 7,000 square-foot under roof overlooking a large pond. Country lifestyle with agriculture tax exemption within minutes of San Antonio and in the Schertz ETJ. Prime location for getting anywhere. It doesn’t get any better from a lifestyle and investment perspective.
70± Acres | Bandera County, Texas Property ID: 1089186 | Call for Price
Hard to find live water like this! You have to see this special Hill Country property to appreciate the crystal clear live water, views, and great building sites. Located ideally on a bluff over the river, a Texas-style cabin with an outdoor shower and sleeping cabin can serve as a great second home or as a guest cabin if a larger home suits you. Won’t last long. This 70± acre property offers one of a kind premium waterfront on the Cypress-lined Sabinal River along a deep wide section.
302.22± Acres in Kerr County
The Enlightening Ranch is suitable for cattle, horses, sheep or goats. Two hunting cabins are being renovated, and one submersible well supplements a stocked pond and water troughs. An intense cedar clearing project has been underway, and several Indian mounds have been located as the ranch borders. It has always been a highly desired area since the beginning of time. Water, wildlife, beauty, and seclusion, yet it is only 40 minutes from all the amenities of Kerrville, Texas. Bill Barton, Broker-Associate.
$2,871,090 • Property ID: 14648168
468± Acres in Goliad County
This is a great cattle and livestock ranch with established coastal pastures. Most of the soil is bottomland and rich with nutrients for growing a lot of grass. The South half of the property is gently rolling with long-range views and a great building site overlooking all of the property. The North side of the property is mostly level, with rich deep soil and enhanced coastal pastures. There are scattered live oaks all through the property. Very scenic and loaded with deer and turkey. Darren Scott, Agent.
$3,510,000 • Property ID: 14939152
223± Acres in Edwards County
The High Ridge Ranch offers 223 acres of hilltop views, fertile soil in the deep valley, paved road frontage loaded with Live Oaks and high-quality game animals. The rolling terrain typical of the Divide Country provides a diverse setting while being gentle enough for family recreation. Unmatched free-range hunting for exotics and native species gives a quality year-round hunting experience. Caleb Rightmer, Agent.
$949,950 • Property ID: 16223718
95.3± Acres in Medina County
D’Hanis, Texas. Located 45 miles west of San Antonio and five miles southwest of D’hanis, Texas. Excellent hunting retreat with great deer habitat and a great area for dove hunting. Located on CR 514 just west of Squirrel Creek Rd. 1,600 square-foot (MCAD) Stucco home and wildlife exemption in place. Scattered Oak trees and good soil. Mark Meek, Broker.
$895,000 • Property ID: 7806983
Starting in the 300's
Borden Creek Ranch, carved out of 400 of the most breathtaking acres in Colorado County, offers a unique opportunity to experience Texas at its finest. Centrally located between Houston, San Antonio and Austin, BCR is in the heart of the most popular growth region in the state. Borden Creek provides owner's the room to spread out, build the homestead of your dreams, and escape the hustle of the city all while being close and connected enough to enjoy modern world amenities.
Live water, rolling hills, hundred year oaks, trophy fishing, equestrian trails, boardwalk and community nature space, wildlife galore. Borden Creek Ranch makes the Texas dream a reality.
$399,000 • Property ID: 16296550
Madisonville, TX 77864
Here is a rare opportunity to own residential or commercial property situated on seven± acres at the corner of FM 1452 W and TX-21 W between Madisonville and Bryan. This beautiful tract of land offers approximately seven-point-two acres, with several mature oaks, a pond, a barn/workshop, and a neat, wellmaintained mobile home. The 1,568-square-foot home is a 2014 model with three bedrooms and two full bathrooms, having a split plan, a front porch, and a back porch that overlooks the pond. This property is currently used as a primary residence but could be a business/office, commercial yard, or Airbnb. Highly visible, and the quick access to TX-21, minutes from FM 39 and I-45, make this property a great choice for your home or business. ML# 59207359
$335,570 • Property ID: 15742619
Midway, Texas 75852
Secluded 29.18± acre family estate property in Madison County offers a blank canvas for your new homesite, weekend retreat, or small-scale development. This property presents approximately 35 percent open and 65 percent wooded, featuring hard and soft woods with a wet weather creek branch towards the back of the property. There is county-maintained road access featuring approximately 1,146± feet of frontage; no utilities are currently on the property, but power is nearby. Previously used for hunting, experience country living your way and make this unimproved, unrestricted land anything you wish. Located minutes from Madisonville, I-45, and situated centrally between the Houston and Dallas areas.
106± Acres
Property ID: 16076189
First-time market offering! Beautiful high and dry piney woods with scattered hardwoods. Good access off FM 195. Great shape with electricity running east/west through the front of the tract.
392± Acres Property ID: 15864565
Development potential! In-fill tract east of The Woodlands, historically used for sand/aggregate mining, leaving picturesque lakes. 60 acres of upland developable land or continue as industrial, aggregate, recycle sand mining or both! Accessed by the end of Sleepy Hollow Road for private, low-traffic access.
471± Acres Property ID: 15206645
First time open market offering! Development transition land at South Loop 105 and FM 1010 in Cleveland, Texas. High traffic! Hard corner included. One of the faster-growing areas in Texas is near Montgomery County, Texas.
288± Acres Property ID: 15900164
Private timberland tract with diverse stands of 100 acres pine plantations, merchantable pine, and hardwoods. Dual access for the whole tract or choose from the two parts. Huge topography with elevations of 430 feet. Passive investment with ready income and future income! Big recreation.
7,085.56± Acres in Wichita & Wilbarger Counties $1,895 Per Acre
Located south of Electra and west of Wichita Falls. This is an outstanding large combination ranch with unbelievable hunting. Its entire south and most of the west boundaries adjoin the famous 550,000 acres Waggoner Ranch. The land is diverse with level to rolling mesquite pasture, large plateaus and ridges with deep ravines, heavily wooded bottomland with Short and Long Creek traversing the ranch, and 950 acres of tillable farmland. It has great access with frontage three sides. A great interior road system, several cattle working pens and numerous ponds. Equipment and cattle are negotiable.
1,319.71± Acres in Clay County
The Bell Scott River ranch consists of 1,319.71 acres with one and a half miles of Red River Frontage. It is primarily heavily wooded river bottom, with approximately 35 percent being farmland and improved Bermuda pastures. Improvements include a frame house, workshop, equipment shed, hay barn, two sets of corrals, fencing and cross fencing, two water wells and electricity. Located between Charlie and Byers, This is a well-rounded recreational property. Property ID: 7163113
3,401.5 ± Acres in Clay County
The Broday Ranch is a pristine cattle ranch located in North Texas in Clay County. Open rolling grassland with hardwood-lined creeks, minimal mesquites, good perimeter and cross fencing, three sets of cattle working pens, two with scales, adequate surface water throughout, two houses, nice workshop on a slab with electricity, horse barn with tack room, stalls and turn-out pens, equipment/hay barn, great access, 15 minutes east of Wichita Falls. Property ID: 6807845
Why is this property Unique and One of a Kind? Located six miles northwest of Leakey, in Real county. Hilltop Place Ranch is a pearl in the middle of the rolling mini-mountains of the famed Texas Hill Country. A rare opportunity, with endless picturesque scenery and free-range wildlife. This is a highly upgraded ranch, complete with a two-bed, two-bath residence, with an additional fully functional and equipped apartment (located inside Hanger/Warehouse). There are other small apartments as well, along with several pens previously used for goats. Ravines, cliffs, Canyons and valleys. The million-dollar views all convey with purchase! Property ID: 15637410
East Texas Ranch Estate with 343± acres with 3,800 feet that borders I-20, with access from FM 450 Service Road. Unlimited uses as a working ranch, commercial or industrial property and subdivision possibilities. For the Rancher, this prime tract is move-in ready from the beautiful and spacious Ranch House to the cross-fencing and pens for Livestock. Property equipped with two ponds and a water well for furnishing water to livestock pens and two large equipment barns. Additional adjoining tracts of property for sale encompassing a total of 876 acres. Property ID: 14825988
This exquisite East Texas working cattle ranch and private recreational property boasts a secure entry gate and a recently remodeled 3,000-square-foot, two-bedroom, two-and-a-halfbathroom ranch-style home and standalone 480-square-foot one-bedroom, one-bath guest quarters. Other amenities include a 1,600-square-foot, three-bay Shop with a wash bay, tool room with half bath, multiple hay and storage barns, and hassle-free cattle working pens. The property only two minutes away from the city limits of Longview. Property ID: 16068913
Opportunity to own a beautiful, well-maintained ranch and cattle/hay operation. The property features three ponds, one over an acre and spring fed. A long driveway with pipe entry through the fertilized coastal hay field leads to the 2,232 square-foot main house and shops surrounded by pipe fencing and oak, magnolia and crepe myrtle trees. The property is about 10 miles east of Winnsboro and a short distance from Lake Bob Sandlin, Lake Cypress and Monticello.
$1,700,000 • Property ID 15026562
This farm and ranch feature a two-bed, one-bath platinum cottage on a 25x70-foot slab. The lake fed by two creeks: an all-weather creek and a spring-fed creek. The tract has more than 130-foot changes in elevation, five miles of trails cut around and throughout the property, an abundance of large, beautiful red and white oak trees, and loblolly pines. The land has deer, wild hogs, squirrels, and ducks. Lake is stocked with 3,000 Florida bass, 25,000 bream and 50,000 beams. $1,280,000
413 Acres in Kerr County, Texas
One of the finest properties in Comfort, with close proximity to Kerrville, Fredericksburg, and Boerne. This 413± acre ranch features three ponds, beautiful hills, nice fields, and three great water wells. Perched on top of a hill, with views for miles, is a stunning modern farmhouse-style home surrounded by fifteen-foot porches. You will find gorgeous stone walls, vaulted ceilings with white oak wood beams, handmade custom lighting from Mexico, and wide plank mesquite wood floors as you enter the home. There is a fabulous chef’s kitchen featuring a Wolf range with double ovens, a pot filler, a vent hood set in stone, two Sub-Zero refrigerators, freezers, four refrigerator drawers, custom-built cabinets by Michael Edwards, a large island with a granite top, and a farmhouse sink. The kitchen is open to the dining room, wet bar, and living room with an amazing fireplace and hill country views through the accordion-style glass and metal frame doors. The bar boasts a gorgeous mesquite wood counter with a beverage refrigerator and ice maker. The spacious master wing is host to a wonderful office, a large bedroom with a sitting area and a spa-like bath with travertine floors, a walk-in shower, a soaking tub, beautiful vaulted ceilings, a coffee bar, and a closet with custom built-ins. The guest wing features two bedrooms, each with spacious baths and a game room. Outside you will find a four-car garage with a lift to floored climate-controlled storage and two insulated barns with a breezeway in between, each with thirty-foot hydraulic doors. This is the perfect property for the most discriminating buyer. This ranch can be sold in two parcels. Please call agent for details.
You will never want to leave this piece of Heaven on Earth! Cozy threebedroom, two-bathroom farmhouse with beautiful views of the giant pond and wildlife all around. A big pipe entryway makes this place look just right! There is plenty of room for your livestock and a perfect setup for hunting. Built to last with six-strand fencing, good gates, and plenty of ponds! The home is just as pretty as the land, with granite countertops, a fireplace, and a spacious open floor plan. There are two pieces of land available, 64 acres on 5209 N 3727 and 140 acres on EW County Road 1525. Will entertain any combination offer. MLS# 2301927
5 beds | 7 baths | 6,086 Square-foot
48 Acres in Grayson County | Property ID: 14562502
Presenting XIT, the quintessential ranch overlooking Lake Texoma, exuding Cowboy Mystique at every turn. Situated on 48 acres of rolling terrain, including one stocked fishing pond and a large barn with an attached apartment, XIT is an exotic home nestled in the trees, boasting a five-story tower with spectacular views of the lake. Passionately built and decorated with attention to every detail. The Ranch House is the best in Texoma. Over 30 European doors, some with stained glass, from the 1800s have been artistically integrated into the home construction with old barn wood trim to complement the home's unique style. Exclusively offered at $4,989,000
Call today for your private showing text 122157 to 35629
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house with beautiful views of the lakeAnderson Ln, Pottsboro, Texas 75076
460 ACRES • BOSQUE COUNTY • $3,910,000
Whether you are looking for a hunting property, cattle ranch, or a place with numerous homesites, this might be the investment you have been searching for. Only two and a half miles of paved road to and from Valley Mills, 100 feet in the change of elevation, and 10,000 feet of county road frontage make this property unique and desirable. The wildlife population is dense due to the attractive amount of tree cover and surface water.
Property ID: 14695984
For more information, call Weston Gloff 254-253-1995 or visit
870± Acres in Llano County
Located between Mason and Llano, this ranch showcases approximately three quarters of a mile of the Llano River. The Kothmann River Ranch is a unique property encompassing everything the Llano River has to offer; beautiful granite boulders, rock bottom channels, wade-in access to the river, great fishing holes with long stretches of moving water that is perfect for floating and fishing out of a kayak. It is rare to find a ranch like this that offers so many diverse sources of recreation and enjoyment.
$21,315,000 | PROPERTY ID: 15957862