Rocking M Ranch
Fall 2023

Fall 2023
For those who demand excellence in all things large and small, the Rocking M Ranch offers the opportunity to own an exceptional equestrian property with established hunting and the potential for livestock production. If you’re looking for a legacy, this is where you can build it.
Learn More on Page 16
For those who demand excellence in all things large and small, the Rocking M Ranch offers the opportunity to own an exceptional equestrian property with established hunting and the potential for livestock production. If you’re looking for a legacy, this is where you can build it.
Afew weeks ago, I came face to face with the future of America—and it’s so much brighter than the doomand-gloom naysayers would have us believe. The future shakes hands, has manners, exhibits respect and carries on conversations without a single glance at its phone. The future says grace before meals, expresses gratitude and crackles with enthusiasm and optimism.
I was honored to present scholarships sponsored by the Network to four young people who graduated from the inaugural session of the South Texas Ranch Brigade in 2022. These four high schoolers spent the past year spreading the message of private lands stewardship in their hometowns and working for the privilege and responsibility of assisting this year’s crop of cadets at the 2023 camp.
Camp is a bit of a misnomer. STRB is a five-day experience designed to immerse students in high-level learning, much of which is hands-on, and leadership development in the sprawling expanse of the 180,000-acre Duval County Ranch near Freer.
This year, temperatures ranged from 106-110° F. There is no swimming pool. Within the course of the 18- and 19hour days, the students, whether they come from small towns and ranches or cities and suburbs, are pushed way beyond their comfort zones.
An hour after their arrival, the youths find themselves standing in front of a group of then-strangers and speaking. Before the terror sweat from that experience has dried, they have gathered under a covered barn to watch a veterinarian perform a necropsy, a large-scale dissection, on a yearling calf. The students have an opportunity to glove up and gets hands-on as they learn bovine anatomy and ruminant
digestion, the miraculous process that allows certain mammals to convert forage to high-value protein. The curriculum, which is reminiscent of a college mini-mester, escalates from there. The high schoolers work cattle chuteside, tour range sites, collect plants, create professional posters, compete in quiz bowls, write thank-you notes, digest classroom lectures on complex subjects such as carbon sequestration and hydrology, march in military fashion to engender teamwork and so much more.
Each activity builds on the next and in the process transformation occurs. Confidence replaces confusion. They begin to see one another and themselves in a different light.
Need evidence? Three days after almost bursting into tears when she was asked to introduce a fellow student in front of the camp, a cadet wrote in her STRB journal: “Texas Brigades is not for the weak. Being a shy, closed-off person who only interacts with the same few people, getting pushed to interact and put myself out there is nothing new to me.
I’m a person who likes to match others’ energy to the best of my abilities. I don’t like being left out. I like to fit into the group of people I’m with. This isn’t because I’d rather be a follower than a leader. This is because I’m scared of being judged. I’m scared of other people’s opinions when I can’t read their minds.
Sometimes I wish I was different, more carefree and nonchalant. It’s hard to be someone you’re not, and honestly, it’s quite tiring putting up a façade that is the exact opposite of your real self.
Texas Brigades has helped me put myself out there and to forget about people’s opinions. We are all here to learn. We want to grow as land stewards for the better, so when I leave this camp, I hope I am the same person with a different mindset. I hope to grow from the person writing this to someone even better. . .someone who has more to say.”
Striving to be the same person with a different mindset. Growing into someone even better. . . someone with more to say. That’s big stuff for a teenager. . .and for us all. Long live Texas Brigades and its expectations of excellence. Texas—and America—will be better for it.
TOM ALEXANDER Publisher talexander@land.comGrowing into someone even better… someone with more to say.
Dr. Charles Gilliland grew up on a cattle ranch and graduated from Regis College in Denver, Colorado. He currently holds an appointment as a Research Economist with Texas Real Estate Research Center at Texas A&M University and an appointment as Adjunct Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics at Texas A&M University. Dr. Gilliland is a Helen and O.N. Mitchell Fellow of Real Estate and a Clinical Professor of Finance teaching real estate investment analysis for the Master of Real Estate program at the Texas Real Estate Research Center at Texas A&M University. Find out more at
Prior to joining Whitetail Properties Real Estate in 2012, Blake Farrar earned both a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Master of Real Estate from Texas A&M University. With nearly a decade of experience, Farrar, a native Texan who enjoys a long-standing family ranching tradition and a deeply rooted passion for hunting and fishing, has overseen more than 600 ranch transactions. As the Texas Sales Manager for Whitetail Properties, Farrar is primarily focused on leading, training and developing the company’s growing expert team across the state. Find out more at
The Texas Wildlife Association is a statewide membership organization that serves Texas wildlife and its habitat, while protecting property rights, hunting heritage and the conservation efforts of those who value and steward wildlife resources. TWA focuses its mission on private landowners and their ethical relationship to the land, and TWA concentrates on issues relating to private property, hunting and hunter rights, and conservation of our natural resources. The organization’s headquarters office is located in New Braunfels, Texas. Find out more at
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Encompassing 1,438± acres in Erath County just 10 miles north of Stephenville, Rocking M Ranch is an equestrianfocused recreational ranch with established hunting and the potential for cattle production. The low-fenced ranch, which has been home to a renowned horse breeding operation for decades, is about 90 minutes from Dallas and 10 minutes closer to Fort Worth.
The rolling terrain belies its location in the northeastern portion of the Edwards Plateau. The elevation ranges from 1,180± to 1,327± feet above sea level and includes hilltops as well as bottomland. With stunning views unfolding in all directions, living and working on the Rocking M is almost like living and working in a painting.
The vegetation reflects the rich diversity of the Cross Timbers eco-region, named by early settlers who encountered large belts of oak forests. The Rocking M includes a mix of cultivated fields, native and improved pastures as well as superlative wildlife habitat. Whitetailed deer, wild turkey, dove and migrating waterfowl are regulars on the ranch.
A great system of gravel roads and wellmaintained trails, suitable for horseback riding, ATVs or hiking, make access to every corner of the ranch easy. And a skeet range with masonry high/low houses and a gun range ensure that everyone’s aim stays true prior to taking the field while providing another activity for those who enjoy the outdoors.
Rough Creek runs through the ranch for almost two miles, providing private frontage on both sides. In addition, there is 3,000± feet of southside frontage on the North Paluxy River. While the creek and river both run seasonally, they are rock-bottomed and almost always have large pools of water along their respective water courses. The average rainfall is 30 inches to 35 inches per year.
When it comes to water, the 8.5± acre lake is arguably the focal point. Anglers can test their skills against the fish lurking in its depths. More than 10 stock ponds are scattered throughout the ranch. Water wells service all the improvements.
The classically designed main house is a study in well-appointed ranch living. Crafted from custom stone, topped with a metal roof
and surrounded by deep, covered porches, the home, situated on a hilltop, overlooks the pool, the gardens, the arbor and the stunning viewshed. To make the outside even more inviting, the porches and patios feature stone flooring, and the upstairs sleeping porch is screened.
Inside the house, the foyer and two-story living area set the tone. A double staircase accesses the balcony that is adorned by a custom-railing handcrafted from historic branding irons from iconic Texas ranches. The balcony overlooks the living area with its distinctive two-story, stone fireplace and provides access to three bedrooms and the sleeping porch.
The home also features an open kitchen, wine closet, multiple living areas, mud room and numerous wet bars. Expansive windows throughout illuminate the space, creating an inviting atmosphere that beckons people to gather.
The unsurpassed attention to detail continues through the grounds, which are surrounded by a custom iron fence. Stone steps lead from the back of the house through the large, terraced gardens to the cantilevered swimming pool. Well-planned stone paths make enjoying the irrigated gardens and yard “a walk in the park.”
A covered walkway leads to a three-car garage featuring shop offices, a large bunkroom with kitchen and bathrooms, as well as a greenhouse and additional storage.
Two private, three-bedroom guest houses are just a short drive away. Recently renovated,
they include large, open kitchens and living areas along with screened porches positioned to showcase the view, two-car garages and impeccable landscaping.
For horse enthusiasts, the equine facilities combine practicality with panache. With its stone exterior and metal roof, the main barn commands attention due a facility with a 40-foot-wide center aisle, 30 oversized stalls, automatic water troughs, a fly control system and covered turnout. The barn also includes an office, breakroom, several tack and feed rooms as well as two indoor and four outdoor wash racks outfitted with hot and cold water.
The stud barn, featuring six oversized stalls with pipe fencing and turnouts, is built from the same stone and metal roofing to create a cohesive feel. A tack room, office, wash rack and feed room round out the structure.
An outdoor arena, round pen, walker, hay shed and equipment barn are in close proximity to the main barn. Twenty turnouts with loafing sheds and no-climb fencing complete the equestrian infrastructure.
For those who demand excellence in all things large and small, the Rocking M Ranch offers the opportunity to own an exceptional equestrian property with established hunting and the potential for livestock production. It’s ranching with a scale and scope that is rare within an easy drive of the metroplex. If you’re looking for a legacy, this where you can build it. °
David Burgher & Harlan Ray, Brokers 415-993-8222
1,438± Acres ERATH COUNTY, TEXAS Property ID: 15925391Responding to the continuing assault on inflation through rising interest rates, Texas land markets have seen transaction volume drop. At 3,915 sales, preliminary reported volume for the first half of 2023 lags 50 percent below the frenzied levels recorded in early 2022. Final reports will likely shave that decline, however it continues the trend set in the first quarter. Preliminary reports of total acreage dropped 66 percent to 303,646 acres. Nevertheless, prices ranged higher, rising 8.58 percent to a record statewide price of $4,659 per acre. However, after adjusting for inflation, that price represents a mere 0.98 percent increase over 2022, the slowest quarterly growth since the third quarter of 2020 during the pandemic. Quarterly volume has declined for seven straight quarters. The preliminary total dollar volume fell to $1.4 billion, a 63 percent drop. Final reports will increase the number of sales and add to the total dollar volume. Nevertheless these large declines in preliminary statistics reveal a substantial cooling of market activity compared to the 2021-2022 frenzied activity.
REPORT BY CHARLES E. GILLILAND, PH.D. Research Economist, Texas Real Estate Research Center UniversityFirst half markets in this farmland region presided over strong investor demand driving prices up 22 percent to $1,742 per acre. Preliminary reports totaled 56,035 acres down 74 percent from 214,139 in 2022 second quarter. The number of sales dropped 42 percent to 320 sales. Total dollar volume dropped 68 percent to $98 million despite the large price increase.
Sales in this region have returned to lower prices for large properties. At $491 per acre the price in this region dropped 55 percent below the industrial prices paid by the oil and gas producers in the Permian Basin. Activity was still meager.
Sales activity declined 50 percent to 497 sales, with prices rising 15 percent to $2,470 per acre. However, that increase dropped from the 22 percent increase in the first quarter. Total acreage declined 75 percent to 73,978 acres. At $183 million, total dollar volume dropped 71 percent.
Volume declined 48 percent to 1,170 sales and prices increased 5 percent to $7,776 per acre. However, that increase lagged behind the 8 percent price increase in the first quarter. Total dollar volume declined 51 percent to $289 million.
Volume also dropped in this region, down 48 percent to 532 sales. Prices increased 9 percent to $10,052 per acre. Total dollar volume dropped 56 percent to $208 million.
Sales activity south of San Antonio, fell 47 percent to 384 sales. Prices rose 16 percent to $6,028 per acre. However, total dollar volume declined 50 percent to $197 million.
Volume of sales dropped 55 percent as buyers shifted from urban areas to the country, with transactions falling to 999 sales. Prices in central Texas topped 2022 prices by 8 percent, rising to $7,161 per acre. However, that increase was down from a 15 percent increase in the first quarter. Total dollar volume declined 67 percent to $330 million.
Volumes in Texas land markets have receded from the sky-high levels last year. The focus of market activity is concentrated on higher quality properties. Properties are taking longer to sell. However, markets remain active, just not at the free-for-all volumes recorded in 2022. °
eXp Realty, LLC
Lindsey Hollin
Reported Sold Price: $120,000,000
2,000± Acres Parker County
Panhandle & South Plains
Far West Texas
West Texas
Northeast Texas
Gulf Coast–Brazos Bottom
South Texas
Austin-Waco-Hill Country
Source Top 10 Sold information is pulled exclusively from and does not represent top sales in general.
2 Dullnig Ranches/ Kuper Sotheby’s
Robert Dullnig, Director/Broker Assoc.
Reported Sold Price: $54,500,000
2,269± Acres | Kendall County
3 Reata Ranch Realty Group
Michele (Mitch) Smith, Broker
Reported Sold Price: $32,000,000
1,447± Acres | Llano County
4 Williams Trew Real Estate
Allen Crumley
Reported Sold Price: $16,225,000
1,037.91± Acres | Young County
5 Dullnig Ranches/Kuper Sotheby’s
Robert Dullnig, Director/Broker Assoc.
Reported Sold Price: $14,995,000
575± Acres | Gillespie County
6 King Land & Water LLC
Tammy King
Reported Sold Price: $14,984,775
27,495± Acres | Culberson County
7 Swan Group
Joel Swan
Reported Sold Price: $14,500,000
1,008± Acres | Llano County
8 Realty Group
Dave Murray
Reported Sold Price: $13,995,000
1,075± Acres | Llano County
9 Lawrence Realty
Nancy Lawrence
Reported Sold Price: $13,500,000
3,069.43± Acres | Houston County
Burgher-Ray Ranch Group | Briggs
Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty
David Burgher & Harlan Ray
Reported Sold Price: $12,500,000
884± Acres | Montague County
In 1962, Martin Lee left his construction career in the Permian Basin oil patch to establish the San Angelo-based ranch real estate firm that has grown into Lee, Lee & Puckitt Associates Inc.
“God kind of guided us to a very prominent start—and we’ve just stewarded our business and our relationships from there,” said Martin, who serves as Partner Emeritus/Broker and excels at mentoring younger associates. “If you treat people with fairness, honesty, respect and kindness, the business part will take care of itself.”
As the story goes, Martin was helming construction projects for an oil company in Midland. The company was interested in acquiring ranches, so Martin, whose family has been ranching for more than 100 years, “just started looking.” The company bought a large ranch he offered for sale. With that transaction, the energy company became a steady, repeat client.
“Opportunities came up,” Martin said. “Having a large client led to more large clients and more large ranches. It was just a natural growth.”
According to Martin’s brother, Tom Lee, who joined the firm in 1973, the growth occurred more quickly than Martin’s humble re-telling indicates.
“Almost immediately after Martin got his license, he got a listing for a 30,000-acre ranch just south of Marfa,” Tom said. “He made a name for handling large transactions with integrity and attention to detail.”
In those days, land in that part of the state was selling for about $6 per acre. Today, the brokerage has a listing in the same area as that original ranch. It is listed for $595 per acre. This example and countless others like it reinforce Martin’s belief in the wisdom and power of investing in land.
“You make very little ranching itself, but you’re generating income off the cattle and the land is steadily appreciating,” Martin said. According to his estimates, Texas land has appreciated by 5–8 percent year over year since the early 1900s.
“Land is better than cash because it’s inflation proof,” Martin said. “Land is the new gold standard.”
While this truism has been borne out over time, it’s not a new revelation. It is a lesson they learned early from their grandfather, a rancher in the honored West Texas style.
“My grandfather told me ‘Put your money in land and the dollar you put in it will hold the value of the day you put it in,’” said Tom, who was reared with his one sibling on the family ranch in Coke and Runnels counties.
Through the 1960s, Tom ranched full-time, and Martin partnered with him on cattle. When the cattle market took a bad turn in the early 1970s, Martin suggested Tom get his real estate license and sell ranches with him.
“I was swamped and needed good help,” Martin said.
Tom said, “Early on he guided me through this business and helped me with my career, just like he has
done with everyone else who has joined us since then.”
The knowledge they (and their other team members) gained from ranching has proven to be invaluable to their clients.
“Selling ranches is kind of like ranching, but you don’t lose as much money,” said Tom, laughing.
Grinning at his brother’s joke, Martin quickly emphasized that nothing replaces real world experience. Trying to make a ranch cash flow while managing the cattle and natural resources teaches lessons that aren’t available in any textbook or real estate course.
“I don’t think you really know how to sell a ranch until you have ranched and lived that life,” Martin said. “There are so many questions that need answers and the only way to truly know those answers is to have been there.”
Tom used to keep a running tally of the number of acres they’d sold. He stopped counting at 2 million. They’ve sold a lot of ranches since then.
In 1987, Lee Puckitt, Partner/Broker, joined the brokerage. Then, in 1997, Lee Hortenstine became part. Six year later, Kevin Reed began riding for the brand. Hortenstine and Reed became Partners in 2006. In 2007, Lee Puckitt’s son Lane joined the brokerage, earned his broker’s license in 2009 and now is a Partner/Broker. The agents include Elaine Lee, Tres Watson, Leslea Charlesworth and Hunter Albrecht.
“We’ve been very selective about who we’ve brought into the business because they have to share our values and commitment to fair dealing,” Tom said. “With that said, we need the vigor and enthusiasm of youth to keep our business thriving and growing.”
Their team covers the entire spectrum of age and experience. The current roster includes people in every decade of life from 20-something to 80-something. The benefit is a synergy that produces workable solutions to clients’ most challenging problems. Unlike many teams, they can look to the future and six decades into the past.
“I’ve been in the business for 60 years, and I can still look back at those old deals and find something that can help make a deal work today,” Martin said. “You can learn something from every deal and if you retain it, you can expand your knowledge base. Ranch real estate is a business that takes some time to grow into.”
In addition, Tom worked as an appraiser early on and later Lee joined him. In 1991, Lee went on to receive his Texas Certification. They bring a clear-eyed, fact-based perspective to valuing properties that benefits the team and the clients.
“If you understand the true value of the land in the current market, then you know how to accurately price a property with a great deal of certainty,” Lee said. “When you know how to value things, it’s not guessing or wishing.”
Through the years, the firm’s sweet spot has been ranches in West Texas and New Mexico that are generally in the 4,000-acre to 40,000-acre range. Of course, they’ve handled smaller transactions and larger ones. And they’ve done deals in all parts of Texas.
“We treat each client and each transaction as if it’s the only one we have, regardless of size,” Martin said. “It’s the most important deal to our clients and therefore, it’s the most important deal for us.”
While doing business, they’ve amassed a lot of campfire stories. Some feature intriguing deals. Others showcase colorful personalities. Some highlight both.
In the early 1990s, Tom represented a potential buyer of a 100,000-acre ranch that Martin received the executive rights to represent the seller. The Duval County ranch had been owned by Clinton Manges, a controversial oil tycoon.
Former ABC Anchor and White House Correspondent Sam Donaldson became a
regular and repeat customer. The El Paso native sold two ranches in New Mexico with Martin’s help. Their relationship started out as purely business but after exploring most of the nooks and crannies in the Land of Enchantment, the two became fast friends. They continue to visit one another in New Mexico, where both men have homes.
“Sam knew everyone in Washington, D.C. and thanks to him so did we,” Martin said. “Those sorts of people who buy and sell ranches know their business, and they expect the same from the people around them. We’ve had a lot of big names who came back time after time— and when they do that it means you’re doing something right.”
Another favorite story involves a 30,000acre ranch in West Texas. Because of tax implications, the owner needed to exchange it for another property. Under the provisions of a 1031 Exchange in those days, a ranch had to be exchanged for a ranch. Ultimately the deal required five ranches changing hands.
All the buyers and sellers were gathered at the brokerage office for the closing. Former Governor Dolph Briscoe was one of the parties in the transaction, and he owned one of the ranches for about two minutes. The ranch had an eye-catching historic homestead on it; the brokerage team had commissioned someone to photograph it and hung a framed 2’x2’ image on the office wall.
According to Tom, Gov. Briscoe spied the photo and said, “I have a picture of every ranch I’ve ever owned in my office.” With that announcement, he took it down and took it home with him.
As part of the same deal, Martin and Tom dealt with Bill Donnell, an established, old-time rancher near Marathon. They were forewarned, “He doesn’t like real estate people.” Every time, they went out to the ranch they had listed, which Donnell had leased, they stopped by his office to notify him they were headed out.
When they left the ranch, they stopped back in and reported anything they found amiss. On one trip, they spotted a cow that bogged down
The land and the deals are great, but the people are the very best part
at the edge of a tank and was in the process of trying to deliver a calf. The brothers left the showing and made a special trip to tell Donnell about the problem. He dispatched a cowboy to save the pair. The ranch hand was successful.
After the ordeal, Donnell gave them what Martin considers one of the highest compliments of his career. Donnell said, “You can use my name, and I’ll tell people that you are okay.”
Martin said, “The land and the deals are great, but the people are the very best part.”
In 1962, Texas’ population was 10.1 million. Today, it’s 31.2 million—and growing. Martin has had a front row seat to a lot of changes.
Initially, production agriculture drove the ranch market. Now, it’s recreation and investment.
“Not too long ago, you could drive through West Texas and never see a high fence,” Tom said. “Now, you don’t have to drive far to see them.”
Early in the firm’s history, most buyers relied on loans to purchase property. In the last 15 years, the team estimates 80-90 percent of deals have been cash.
The business itself has gotten more complicated. In the past, successful brokers needed to know about land, livestock and a smattering about oil and gas. More often than not, handshakes could seal a deal. Today, brokers and agents need to know all those things along with wildlife management, habitat restoration, water rights and law, eminent domain, renewable energy and a lot more. Some transactions require
several legal experts to ensure every loose end is tied up.
While all these changes have been significant, they pale in comparison to the impact of technology. Tom recalled that when he was an undergraduate at Sul Ross, the only computer he knew about filled up an entire room on the University of Texas campus. Now, our ubiquitous cell phones are more powerful than that behemoth.
“We had no idea about the technology that was coming out and what that would mean for our business,” Tom said.
The fax machine (and later the personal computer) was a revolution and a revelation. Prior to that, brokers and agents hand carried the necessary documents across Texas to get the appropriate signatures. Martin kept a plane at the ready so he could get to his buyers and sellers quickly. Sometimes, he’d drive through the night.
“I’d do whatever it took to get a deal done before somebody changed their mind,” Martin said. “You don’t want people changing their minds.”
Tom added, “And now you just push a button.”
These days, thanks to the information superhighway, they can find out what properties are for sale or have sold in any county. In the early years, acquiring that knowledge required a road trip on an actual highway and a lot of conversations.
Much to Tom’s delight, computer mapping is quick and relatively easy. It wasn’t always the case. Early in his career, he spent two weeks cutting and pasting geological maps together to create a consolidated map of a large ranch they were listing. The finished map was 10’ x 10’.
When they showed the property, they would fold and re-fold the map as they answered questions or highlighted features. Before every showing Tom reminded Martin that they could never let that map leave their hands.
At one showing, a potential buyer said, “Hey Martin, can I have that map?” Without hesitation, Martin handed it over.
“Let me say for the record, Martin’s generosity sparked his brother’s strong dislike,” said Tom, laughing. “Technology has just made so many things easier.”
The older generation of land professionals is quick to give credit to the younger generation of professionals, especially Lane Puckitt, for keeping them on the cutting edge. The firm was one of the first to embrace websites as a land marketing tool when they emerged. The combination of technology and experience is a potent one.
“History is one of the most valuable assets in real estate, but history by itself moves slowly,” Lane said. “History combined with technology is fast and allows you to make the best, most informed decisions.”
While the team at Lee, Lee & Puckitt has evolved to stay current with the changing industry and world, some things have—and will always— remain the same.
“We’ve recognized the blessing of acquiring knowledge and experience, so we’ll never quit learning,” Martin said. “And our faith in God keeps us straight with people, so we’ll never stop treating people right or relying on a power bigger than ourselves.” °
The annual Lone Star Land Steward Awards celebrates private landowners whose stewardship of land, water and wildlife help keep Texas’ legendary wideopen spaces ecologically productive and true to their historical roots.
“Across the state, these landowners and countless others like them are working tirelessly behind their fences to conserve and improve their land, water and wildlife—the natural resources that drew people to Texas originally,” said Tim Siegmund, TPWD Private Lands Program leader. “In the process of leaving the land better than they found it, they are providing crucial benefits like clean air, plentiful water, healthy soil and wildlife habitat for their fellow Texans.”
And they are doing it in the face of unparalleled growth and economic pressure to sell and sub-divide property prompting unprecedented fragmentation. At a conversion rate of 640 acres per day, Texas is losing its open working lands faster than any other state in the nation. Each loss puts more pressure on the remaining ecosystems to provide vital lifegiving services making the work of Texas’ private land stewards increasingly important.
“Our award winners are foregoing quick financial returns because they are driven by a sense of responsibility to do what is right for the land,” Siegmund said. “These people have committed to doing hard things that take years of work to see returns on their efforts all because they want to leave the natural systems in their care sustainable and functioning in perpetuity for their families, their communities and their fellow Texans.
“And in a state that is 95 percent privately owned, their contributions and commitment are definitely worth celebrating.” °
The Lone Star Land Steward Awards was founded in 1996 by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Funding generated by the awards banquet supports the department’s Private Lands Program helping field staff and partners strategically apply habitat conservation in partnership with landowners.
Each year, the program recognizes outstanding stewards from up to six of the state’s eco-regions as eco-region winners. In addition, special recognition can be given to educators, NGO/corporations or wildlife management associations that have demonstrated exemplary stewardship of land in their care.
The Leopold Conservation Award, sponsored by the Sand County Foundation and the American Farmland Trust, is the program’s preeminent recognition. The award is given in honor of renowned conservationist Aldo Leopold, widely considered the father of wildlife management. To date, the annual winners have been selected from the ever-growing pool of previous eco-region winners, although first-time nominees can be considered.
Awardees in every category must be nominated by TPWD wildlife professionals or other natural resource professionals. The nominated properties are evaluated by a team of TPWD wildlife biologists and members of the department’s Private Lands Program using an established set of statewide criteria.
• The Leopold Conservation Award
The Brown Ranch, Mark and Cheryl Brown
Fayette County | Ammannsville, Texas
• Blackland Prairie
Kocurek Farm, Gary and Dianna Kocurek
Colorado County | Weimar, Texas
• Crosstimbers
Quahadi Ranch, Stephen B. Smith
Erath County | Dublin, Texas
• Edwards Plateau
Zesch Family Ranch, Hal and Amy Zesch
Mason County | Mason, Texas
• Post Oak Savannah
Prairie Rose Ranch, Ronald Gard
Hopkins County | Miller Grove, Texas
• Rolling Plains
Melton Ranch, Paul Melton
Fisher County | Roby, Texas
• Special Recognition
Cibolo Nature Center for Conservation
Kendall County | Boerne, Texas
To see the winners’ stewardship firsthand, check out TPWD’s Lone Star Land Steward Channel on YouTube. You’ll find inspiring short films showcasing this year’s recipients as well as previous honorees.
To me, the land ethic is to be part of the landscape. Changing that mindset where people want to be part of the land rather than to dominate the land, it just seems like the right thing to do.
Hood Real Estate Inc. is a premier farm and ranch real estate brokerage located in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. In 1992, Howard W. Hood founded Hood Real Estate Inc. with aspirations to turn his core family values and passion for real estate into a business legacy. Over the past 31 years, he has established a specialty in premier, live water farms and ranches across the state of Texas, though he has also represented buyers from around the world. Howard’s son, Conner W. Hood, and brother, Jeffrey C. Hood, are also a part of the family business, enabling Hood Real Estate Inc. to expand and continue providing unparalleled customer service to clients around the globe. If you are looking for expertise, diligence, and world class customer service, Hood Real Estate Inc. is the best in the business.
Sitting on the headwaters of Myrtle Creek in a ruggedly beautiful box canyon in Bandera County, BW Ranch offers live water and some of the most magnificent views in the country. The 1874.83± acre ranch, which fronts FM 2828, is just 12 miles from Bandera, 17 miles from Kerrville (and its airport with two runways up to 6,000 feet), and 42 miles to San Antonio.
In Texas, it is rare for a ranch to include an expansive stunning viewshed as a primary asset. The BW Ranch showcases 24 peaks, expansive valleys and views that stretch to Bandera, Kerrville and Medina.
The ever-changing landscape is enhanced by diverse vegetation. Cypress trees surround the main lake. Pecan trees shade the valley. Live oaks and Spanish oaks dot the native grasslands. A lone bull mesquite shades the pavilion. Cedar has been aggressively cleared and prescribed burns have been used to clear and reinvigorate the land. As a result, desirable native Hill Country browse provides a nutritious buffet for wildlife.
Whitetails that benefit from enhanced genetics, Rio Grande turkeys, dove and bobwhite quail are native to the ranch. A herd of bison, numbering upwards of 50, graze the flats and hillsides. Auodad sheep along with blackbuck antelope, axis, fallow and sika deer also call the ranch home. Other wild denizens include coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions and a host of other non-game species and songbirds.
Two Longhorns also roam the ranch. One’s horns measured 13.5 feet the last time a tape was put to them. Those numbers place him in worldrecord territory.
Year-round Myrtle Creek brings life-giving crystalline water to the property. It feeds nine dammed ponds, making water for wildlife easily accessible throughout the ranch.
An 8± acre spring-fed lake, stocked with largemouth bass enhanced by Florida bass genetics, blue cats, blue gills and sun perch is arguably the recreational focal point. Anglers have landed some bass that tipped the scales at more than 14 pounds. A boathouse, with a bathroom, a fishcleaning station and a pontoon boat, ensures that family and friends can make the most of the clear, inviting water.
The ranch boasts a second spring-fed lake, which is smaller. It, too, is stocked with desirable fish for additional angling fun.
The three-bedroom/two-bath ranch house reflects its setting. Native limestone defines the exterior and interior flourishes including the impressive fireplace. Built with an eye to simple, comfortable elegance, the bright, airy home combines soaring ceilings, shiplap, warm wood accents, Saltillo tiles and oversized windows. In the sunroom, which overlooks a pond surrounded by a bounty of native vegetation, the line between outside and inside is seemingly invisible.
In addition, the home’s open floor plan includes a wellappointed kitchen, living room and trophy room. Its aesthetic and design invite gathering.
Building sites, with exceptional views, abound. The possibilities for creating a livable masterpiece built to the new owner's taste and specifications are limitless.
A nearby open-air pavilion, reminiscent of old-time Hill Country dance halls, takes the party outside. The pavilion, which follows the architectural theme of the main house, includes a full kitchen and large fireplace.
The comfortable three-bedroom/two-bathroom caretaker's quarters with a full kitchen and large porches, front and back, is situated nearby. Currently, it is used for employee housing, but could host overflow guests.
More than 25 miles of improved roads stretch to the highest peaks and most far flung corners providing complete, easy access.
The main barn (approximately 40' x 60'), which is constructed from metal and insulated, features four horse stalls, an office with a shower, a tack room and a tool room. Twelve-foot-tall doors on both ends keep equipment access simple.
An equipment barn (approximately 20' x 45') with a gamecleaning station that includes winches, running water and a walk-in cooler rounds out the infrastructure.
The Hill Country is known for its live water and breathtaking scenery, but it’s rare to find a ranch that has both with plenty of elbow room. The fact that BW Ranch is also conveniently located to small towns and San Antonio makes it one of one.
To experience the natural beauty of the BW Ranch for yourself, call Howard W. Hood with Hood Real Estate Inc. at (830) 739-3815. The ranch is listed for $16,000/acre.
$29,997,280 • Property ID: 16963854
10,687± Acres in La Pryor, Texas
Located 5 miles north of La Pryor and 15 miles south of Uvalde in Zavala County, the North Ranch encompasses 10,687± acres and includes almost 6 miles of the Nueces River. The high-fenced ranch, which resulted from the consolidation of six properties, fronts FM 1436.
It is home to exceptional white-tailed deer and some of the best bird hunting—Bobwhite quail, dove and Rio Grande turkeys—in the state. Oryx, axis deer, feral hogs and a host of non-game species reside here.
Mature trees line the river, while guajillo, black brush, white brush, mesquite, guayacan and other protein-rich brush species inhabit the uplands. Approximately 7 miles of five-wire cedar post fences have been installed as cross fences.
The North Ranch possesses water rights from the Nueces, which is pocked with deep, blue,
drought-resistant swimming and fishing holes. In addition, the North Ranch has approximately 1.5 miles of surface water, measuring about onequarter mile wide.
More than 7.5 miles of 2-inch poly water line and an additional 7.5 miles of 4-inch poly water line have been laid and buried. The water distribution system also includes eight (8-feet in diameter) cement water troughs and two (20-feet in diameter) cement water troughs; all with cement skirts.
Four irrigation wells (one=120 gal./min.; one=300 gal./min.; two=110 gal./min.) are used, in part, to supply a 40-acre Reinke pivot and a 36-acre Reinke pivot. Domestic wells include two solar wells, six electric submersible wells and one well (60 gal./min.) connected to a 60,000-gallon storage tank that supplies the headquarters.
The front one-third of the 11,600± square-foot Barndominium is well-appointed living space, while the remaining two-thirds provides storage.
The two-bedroom/two-bath Farm House encompasses 1,600± square feet of updated living space. The 2,500± square-foot Dog Trot has four bedrooms and four baths and serves as a guest house. The two-story Chef House features two bedrooms, one full bath and onehalf bath.
The six-bedroom/six-bath Cowboy Cabins lodge measures about 1,000 square feet. The River House, now used as storage, could be easily upgraded.
Infrastructure includes: a 700± square-foot laundry, a 500± square-foot secure gun room, a shooting range with a two-story, covered shooting deck and a five-station skeet range with an elevated shooting pavilion, cattle working pens and two (2,000 square feet and 4,000 square feet) equipment barns.
All furnishings and deer blinds, corn and protein feeders convey with the sale. °
10,687± Acres ZAVALA COUNTY, TEXAS Property ID: 16305657
Howard W. Hood , Broker 830-739-3815
1,001.34± Acres in Runge, Texas
The Capital Ranch, located in Karnes County just minutes from Karnes City, is a 1,001± acre hunter’s paradise. The ranch, which offers legendary South Texas habitat with easy accessibility, is only 1 hour from San Antonio and 2.5 hours from Houston.
World-class whitetails as well as wild turkey, dove, waterfowl, sandhill crane, bobwhite quail and feral hogs call the ranch home. In addition, the property’s high fences contain axis, fallow, rusa deer, Indian hog deer, Nile lechwe, red lechwe, black wildebeest, yaks, impala, blesbok antelope, blackbuck, nilgai, waterbuck, gemsbok and more. The ranch qualifies for wildlife tax valuation.
The main lake is stocked with bass, crappie, sunfish as well as grass carp and
bait fish. The lake’s water level is maintained with a generator-powered well. All the ponds, sustained by solar well, dot the property. In total, there are three water wells sited throughout.
Capital Ranch is outfitted to ensure family, friends and guests achieve the highest degree of marksmanship. Shooters can hone their skills On the 400-yard rifle range, 40- yard pistol range, or with a shotgun at the helice and pigeon ring with some additional sporting clay traps to spice things up.
The hunting experience is further enhanced with nine different hunting setups serviced with dual protein and corn feeders. Every feeder is rigged with a camera as is the front gate. To make game processing a breeze, the skinning area is equipped with a rolling rack to the walk-in cooler. For waterfowl and upland
game bird enthusiasts, fully equipped dog kennels with electricity and water provide luxe living for your canine companions.
With a 7,500± square foot lodge featuring six bedrooms, five and a half baths, and an upgraded kitchen, the indoor living is as exceptional as life outside. Additional infrastructure includes a large, covered parking area, two enclosed barns and two pole barns. A Kohler backup generator powered by 2,000 gallons of propane provides an extra level of insurance against a power outage.
Capital Ranch offers the opportunity to immediately embrace recreational ranch living. Equipment including two tractors and hunting vehicles, furniture, blinds and feeders will transfer with the sale.
To experience Capital Ranch for yourself, contact Gavin Scott at (210) 274-3118. °
No matter your goals, Ashley Robertson will take a vested interest in your needs and guide you seamlessly along your real estate journey. With almost 30 years of experience serving buyers and sellers throughout San Antonio, Boerne, and the Texas Hill Country, she brings a high level of knowledge, care, and understanding to every opportunity. Regardless of transaction size or type, Ashley is known for making her clients’ needs her top priority. She welcomes chances to work with families and individuals interested in all types so properties, including luxury, farms, and ranches.
Ashley, I truly appreciate your expertise, calm demeanor, friendliness, professionalism, drive plus pride in your job. Thank you for always working so hard regardless if it’s an $80K house or $10M house. You’re the best!
— SUSAN WYATTOne of the finest properties in Comfort near the amenities of Kerrville, Fredericksburg and Boerne. This 413-acre ranch features three ponds, beautiful hills, nice fields and three productive water wells.
The modern farmhouse-style home with its impressive 15-foot porches is perched on a hilltop that allows you to enjoy a stunning view that rolls out for miles. The home is appointed with gorgeous stone walls, vaulted ceilings with white oak wood beams, hand-made custom lighting crafted in Mexico and wide plank, mesquite floors.
The top-of-the-line chef’s kitchen features a Wolf range with double ovens and pot filler, a stoneencased vent hood, two Sub-Zero refrigerators, freezers, four refrigerator drawers, custom-built cabinets by Michael Edwards, a large island with a granite top and a farmhouse sink.
Designed with entertaining in mind, the kitchen opens to the dining room, wet bar and
living room with an amazing fireplace and picturesque Hill Country views framed by the accordion style glass and metal doors. The bar boasts a gorgeous mesquite wood counter with a beverage refrigerator and ice maker.
The spacious master wing boasts a wonderful office, large bedroom with sitting area and a spalike bath with travertine floors and a beautiful, vaulted ceiling as well as a walk-in shower, a soaking tub, a coffee bar and a closet with custom built-ins. The guest wing features two bedrooms, each with a spacious bath, and a game room.
Outside you will find a four-car garage with a lift, floored, climate-controlled storage, and two insulated barns with a breezeway in between; the barns are both equipped with 30-foot hydraulic doors.
Even the most discriminating buyer will be proud to call this Hill Country ranch home. The property can be sold in two parcels. Call the agent for complete details. °
Property ID: 15855558
Price Upon Request
Ashley Robertson , Broker 210-601-0021
Ashley.Robertson @
STORY BY LORIE A. WOODWARDFamily Land, Water & Wildlife Expeditions, the Texas Wildlife Association’s newest education program, offers diverse points of connection to the outdoors.
“While hunting has long been an entry point for conservation, we realized there is a huge appetite for non-consumptive activities that put people in touch with the natural world,” said Andrew Earl, TWA’s Director of Conservation. “Our goal is developing a pool of trained mentors who can engage young people and their families in a host of activities ranging from birding and angling to kayaking, plant identification, camping and more—and in the process empower them to conserve our natural resources.”
In the program’s first 18 months, expeditions have included: Intro to Fishing, Native Plant Workshop, Birding 101 and Exploring Flora and Funga.
While the Family Expeditions are nonconsumptive, they are built using some triedand-true practices from the Texas Youth Hunting Program. With a 30-plus year history, TYHP is considered the nation’s gold standard when it comes to introducing young people to safe, ethical hunting. TYHP uses a cadre of highly trained Huntmasters who organize and manage all facets of individual hunts, allowing the program to spread all over Texas.
“TYHP has Huntmasters and Family Expeditions have Mentors,” Earl said. “To be a Mentor, you don’t have to be a certified wildlife biologist or hold a Ph.D., you just have to have expertise in a subject and passion for getting your fellow Texans outdoors.”
Mentors undergo a daylong training that provides the basics in organizing an experience, developing programming, delivering instruction, safety and other logistics. It is straightforward, simple and affordable; mentor training costs $50 per person.
To date, many of the expeditions have been led by TWA educators and have been held in Central Texas. One of the immediate goals is to train more mentors, which will help increase the number of expeditions and the diversity of subject matter.
“Our list of potential expeditions is only limited by people’s expertise and interest,” Earl said. “Our main questions are: ‘What’s accessible? What will get folks to sign up and get outdoors?’”
While some of the programs take place on public land, most take place on private land. The reason is two-fold. First, it puts the effects and
I enjoyed the plant identification, and I liked searching in nature. Everyone was really nice. It was awesome!
Please keep it up and thank you so much!
—YOUTH PARTICIPANT Exploring Flora & Funga
Family Land, Water and Wildlife Expeditions has a sister program, Student Land, Water & Wildlife Expeditions that are part of TWA’s formal education offerings. Student Expeditions deliver “middle and high school natural resources curriculum culminating with a day of outdoor studies focused on land, water, and wildlife.”
Science teachers at partnering schools incorporate four TWA lessons into their classroom. The educators choose from a “menu” of classroom lesson options that include lessons from Discovery Trunks, On-Demand Webinars and, for those schools in regions served by TWA conservation educators, Wildlife by Design Classroom Presentations.
The classroom learning culminates in a field day hosted on private land. Teachers and students will rotate through up to nine stations of hands-on experiences that bring the classroom lessons to life and reinforce them in a way that books and videos alone cannot.
impact of voluntary land stewardship right in front of youngsters and their significant adults and helps them see that the ecological benefits of well-managed lands extend way beyond the fencelines. Second, being on well-managed private land helps dispel the notion that conservation only occurs in parks and preserves.
“Being on private land also gives us a bully pulpit to remind them that they as property owners, even if their property is a suburban yard, can play a role in conservation that impacts the broader ecosystem,” said Chad Timmons, a TWA Conservation Education Specialist.
When it comes to a host site, size generally doesn’t matter. Overall acreage is secondary to access to a resource of interest. For instance, TWA has begun hosting plant identification workshops on its pocket prairie restoration project that surrounds its headquarters just outside New Braunfels.
“A small pond or small acreage holding is a potential site for an expedition depending on what we’re exploring,” Timmons said.
Whether the backdrop is a sprawling ranch or pint-sized pocket prairie, expeditions are chock full of information and hands-on experiences. Most have been one-day events.
Organizers try to fill whatever time is allotted to learning with valuable information, designed to remove perceived barriers to participation and make the outdoors accessible. For instance, participants in the birding expeditions walk away with knowledge of guidebooks and citizen science apps such as eBird and Merlin Bird ID that, along with a pair of binoculars, equip beginning birders.
“Sometimes people make it harder than it needs to be,” Timmons said. “We give them the tools to get outside and enjoy it.”
The staff and volunteers are learning as they go. Some things work better than others. Regardless, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Currently, demand is outstripping supply, so the program’s future can be expressed in a single word, “more.”
“Our future is more mentors and more expeditions in more places involving more partners, which ultimately means more Texans in touch with nature,” Timmons said. °
For more information about TWA’s formal education offerings, see
[The experience] was beyond expectation. We need more of these events! Everyone was kind, eager to help and well organized.—PARENT PARTICIPANT Intro to Fishing Expedition
Just as it is light enough to differentiate the greens from the browns, a subtle buzzing draws your attention to the far corner of the blind. In a nanosecond, you realize your opening morning hunt—and your life—are jeopardized by a nest of red wasps.
You make a break for the door, trying to gather your things along the way, but decide to abandon it all. Then, you move purposely down the stairs or jump when you think you are close enough to the ground.
Ever been there? Unfortunately, I’ve been there more than a couple of times.
Once in my earlier days, I made a last minute decision to hunt a stand that I hadn’t been to since the prior season. I climbed up the ladder and opened the door. I found myself eye to eye with a not-so-friendly owl, who, unbeknownst to me, had staked claimed at this particular stand location months prior and was raising its family inside. They were less than pleased by my arrival.
Yes…I opted to not take the stairs and made the leap. Not a fun place to be.
Although you’ve likely thought about deer season many, many times over the last few months of the off-season, odds are you haven’t taken the time in the summer’s heat to do the grunt work required for a successful and enjoyable opening day. Whether you hunt primarily with a bow or rifle, prep work helps ensure that opening day leaves you with good memories rather than regrets over missed opportunities or worse yet, a full-blown work weekend.
For me, the dove season opener is a natural reminder to get ready for deer season, and many times, that dove hunt is blended with some prep work. Looking forward to that time, I realized I didn’t have a go-to list of the tasks that should be tackled prior to the whitetail opener. I polled our Texas team and we’ve compiled a list of the top things to consider before opening day of deer season.
It’s the opening day of deer season. You arrive at your favorite blind and get settled in well before shooting light. Morale and anticipation are high.
Problems associated with poorly maintained stands topped our list, so make a quick visit to the store to pick up pick up wasp spray, bug bombs and WD-40. Keep all of them on hand, as you will undoubtedly need them.
Regardless of whether the box blinds have had wasps in the past, bugs always find a way in during the summer. Set off a bug bomb a few weeks before the opener and keep wasp spray handy.
Additionally, if you are bowhunting from a tree stand, Northeast Texas Land Specialist Justin Glass said, “Check your straps on any hang-on tree stands. I had a squirrel nearly chew through a strap one summer and it broke loose when I put my weight on it. Luckily, I caught a hold of something and didn’t fall, but it taught me to check them or replace them, every year.”
The time we’ve all sat in in obnoxiously squeaky chairs in deer stands is probably astronomical and comical, but the fact that we continue to do it year after year is the worst part. Carry around some WD-40 and test for squeaky windows and chairs before hunting season, so you don’t run off every creature the first time you open the window or sit in the chair.
best place for wind direction, access and deer movement. Make sure you do a quick run through with a shredder, bushhog and polesaw around the hunting area to clear spring overgrowth.
South Texas Land Specialist Neil Schneider said, “There is always that one limb that grew out from last year that you don’t realize until it’s too late unless you take the time to look at your shooting lanes from the stand prior to the season.”
An overgrown lane might cause you to miss a shot at a trophy buck or, worse, injure the animal.
Additionally, ensure you can access the stand location quietly in the dark without spooking everything around. Mow access lanes and remove any obstacles that might hinder your movement in the dark.
If you are leasing ground, make sure you meet with the landowner prior to the season or before undertaking any land improvement projects to identify any changes in rules, conditions, or management strategies. Proactively communicating your plans will go a long way toward ensuring a successful long-term working relationship with the landowner.
If you plan to grow a food plot, make sure you prep the ground well in advance.
Glass said, “Most people wait too late to begin working on food plots. We usually let ours grow throughout the spring and summer months as they provide good bedding and food sources for the deer.
“With that, comes a very grown-up field to contend with. A good bush hogging, followed up in a week with a good chemical burn or controlled burn really helps to get your ground ready for disking a couple weeks after that. In my area of Northeast Texas, we usually plant around the last week in September, so this land clearing process usually gears up around Sept. 1. “
Feeder prep is pretty straightforward but almost nothing upsets me more than an unreliable or unscheduled empty feeder. Don’t just fill them up and don’t try to save money with low-quality feeders. Get a feeder that is both durable and reliable for the long haul.
Replace the battery every year and make sure you get a solar charger hooked up to make that battery last for the season’s duration otherwise you will waste time mid-season making repairs. Make sure the feeder pen panels are secured to keep those hogs from stealing the corn. Doing these simple things will save you time and frustration and you won’t have to disturb the hunting areas nearly as often.
After last year’s hunting season ended, it’s as if the gear grows legs and goes on its own adventure. Before you hit the woods, take the time to ensure all your gear is back in its place and is in top-notch condition.
Double-check that you have all the essentials for the type of hunting you’ll be doing. Give the camo a good scent-free washing and make sure you’ve stowed all the clothing back in the gear bag. If you hunt with a rifle, clean it thoroughly and check for any issues with the scope or sights, make sure you’ve got the correct ammunition on hand, and sight it in prior to opening day.
If you’re a bow hunter, find your range finder that may have snuck into the golf bag in the offseason and start shooting early and often to ensure you’re ready for the opener and know your effective distances. Don’t forget all the accessories such as your release, the battery for that forgotten sight light, and new broadheads.
Make sure your hunting knife is sharpened, and you have a multi-tool handy for any on-thespot adjustments. Create your list of small items down to the granular level to ensure you don’t forget anything specific to your hunting setup— and stick to it.
Understanding the behavior and population of the deer in your hunting area is key to successful management. Putting out game cameras on your property provides valuable insight that you can use to both understand the deer population and estimate the buck-to-doe ratio, but also educate ranch guests on harvest goals.
East Texas Land Specialist Aaron Ablondi said, “Studying antlers and knowing their ages prior to seeing them on the hoof will help you target the older deer and not risk confusing a shooter buck from a big up-and-comer when the pressure is on.”
When it comes to placing cameras on the property, the earlier the better. By August, most bucks will be fairly easy to identify, and their antlers will be full grown. By studying the images, you can identify potential trophy bucks, assess the deer herd’s overall health, and educate yourself on how the deer utilize your property.
Taking the time to create your own task list prior to hunting season eliminates last-minute surprises and ensures you're fully equipped for a successful and enjoyable hunting season. Here’s to a successful opening day with only good surprises! °
A do-it-all shirt where vintage, western-style meets performance in the form of breathable, lightweight, quick-drying fabric.
Why We Love It → Hidden magnets in the pocket flaps provide one-handed access and keep your stuff secure.
A windproof, modular personal stove system for soloists, minimalist trips and fast-boil meals. Why We Love It → Its radiant burner and enclosed, windproof design allow the stove to boil water fast and operate in weather that leaves conventional burners in the cold.
The perfect travel binoculars featuring top-shelf optics, a compact, rugged housing and bright colors that make them hard to misplace.
Why We Love It → With these binoculars, it’s easy to snap a photo with your smartphone—just line the two up and enjoy the results.
An electric cruiser with a retro frame, a powerful motor, a versatile sidecar attachment and adjustable handlebars and seat post.
Why We Love It → The cool design is inspired by World War II motorcycles, but modern engineering ensures it’s stable, visible and safe.
A slim-line key “chain” and wallet that retain all their functionality despite their minimalist design. Why We Love It → A portion of the proceeds from this themed collection helps fund Smokey Bear’s national wildfire prevention campaign.
A system that offers the ultimate gear management solution in a no-slip truck bed cargo box.
Why We Love It → While it’s tough enough for all adventures, it’s still simple to load up, strap down and secure.
A stellar offering from a premium line of pure, natural and organic sweeteners made from a wide variety of our native trees.
Why We Love It → It has classic maple flavor that is bold enough for baking and perfect as a table syrup.
A durable, zippered knee boot built with premium, natural rubber over insulating neoprene for flexibility and complete waterproof protection.
Why We Love It → The boots include extra 7mm innersoles to customize the fit and keep your foot in place when you’re on the move.
Canned ready-to-drink hard seltzers, all made with Deep Eddy’s vodka and real tea..
Why We Love It → These offer everything we love about iced tea—in three flavors—with the bonus of real vodka and bubbles.
A multi-purpose gear bag constructed from the highest-quality, natural saddle leather.
Why We Love It → It is designed to hold one case of shotgun shells or a game bag and brush chaps, but it’s also a great camera case or general purpose gear bag.
A natural diffusive device that combines flavor, fidget and fixation to help you replace negative habits with positive ones.
Why We Love It → There’s no vape or smoke, but naturally flavored “cores” specifically formulated with non-addictive, natural plant extracts that provide rich, interesting flavors and help develop healthier habits.
The basic ingredients—Texas pecans and honey—mixed in the exact proportions to create a perfect pecan pie filling.
Why We Love It → Even beginning cooks can blend the filling with butter and eggs, fill two pie shells and bake for “almost” homemade pecan pie goodness.
$635,000,000 2021 & 2022 TEAM SALES VOLUME
$460,000,000 2021 & 2022 INDIVIDUAL SALES VOLUME
A step-by-step instruction manual for forging one-of-a-kind knives that was written by expert bladesmiths.
Why We Love It → The guide covers every detail of knifemaking, including making a handle, sheath and proper sharpening, so you can make the perfect knife.
The be-all and end-all guide to cooking the perfect steak compiled by the reigning King of Brisket, Aaron Franklin.
Why We Love It → This cookbook is an inclusive compendium of everything necessary to achieve carnivorous greatness including how to buy top-notch beef, season it to perfection and find or build the ideal cooking vessel.
An observational love letter to the Texas Hill Country written by a scientific admirer and unapologetic outdoors enthusiast.
Why We Love It → Hillis draws on his encyclopedic scientific knowledge and personal experiences as he explains the Hill Country’s “natural wealth.”
A vividly detailed memoir of a young woman’s adventures traveling across America’s Western deserts in her orange van.
Why We Love It → It’s a beautiful story of a woman learning and unlearning on a journey that takes her from backroads to breakdowns, from married to solo, and finally, from lost to found to lost again.
A groundbreaking manifesto on living better and longer written by Dr. Peter Attia, a visionary physician and leading longevity expert.
Why We Love It → The author explores the science of not just prolonging life, but of also prolonging aliveness.
A guide detailing the advantages of hydroponic fodder production to traditional soil cultivation methods.
Why We Love It → It’s a straightforward guidebook for anyone looking for ways to save water, maximize efficiency, reduce waste and maximize the natural resources you have while increasing crop productivity and protecting quality.
With significant populations of white-tailed deer, turkey, hogs, dove and quail, the ranch is ideally suited for personal or lease hunting, outdoor recreation and even grazing.
The deer breeding pens on the property further demonstrate the ranch’s versatility. Two ponds, one with a pier, provide ample water for the trophy whitetail and exotics that roam the ranch. Numerous exotics are negotiable with the sale.
Most of the river frontage is accessible, which is unique, but the addition of several large sand beaches, raises the access to an almost unprecedented level.
Broad Oaks Ranch
1,308± Acres • $29,500,000
Republic Ranches, LLC
The high fenced ranch is a hunter’s paradise that is home to white-tailed deer with improved genetics, exotics such as black buck, oryx, addax, buffalo, red lechwe, waterbucks and Père David's deer as well as waterfowl and upland game birds.
This ranch includes approximately 3.7 miles of Brazos River frontage, several ponds and a wellmanaged 8+ acre lake located near the main house that is stocked with trophy bass as well as crappie and blue gill.
Fresh and coastal waters are home to a wide array of wintering waterfowl as well as a myriad of non-game shorebirds and waterbirds. Sandy soils, prairies and motts sustain stellar habitat for exceptional bobwhite quail and native whitetail deer.
1,099± Acres
Harrison King, King Land & Water LLC
Fishing on the ranch and in adjacent waters is world class. Redfish, trout, flounder and drum are all part of the saltwater fishery that makes this region a destination for anglers.
The ranch is made up of three individual tracts that were placed under two conservation easements as part of a comprehensive wildlife and landscape conservation strategy. As part of the strategic conservation efforts, habitat and wildlife management as well as infrastructure have been significantly improved.
Property ID: 17623178
The Alazan Ranch is not only a working cattle ranch, but a premier hunting ranch as well. The effects of supplemental feeding and sound, long-term wildlife management are evident in the quality of animals harvested in recent years.
Trophy mule deer and aoudad can be found on most parts of the ranch. In quail “boom” years, blue quail are abundant.
This hidden gem features a luxurious home, caretaker's residence, two barns, covered arena, and paddocks for grazing and riding, all on 22+ acres. The main barn has 12 stalls, an apartment, tack room, washrack, office and up to six more stalls can be easily installed in the second barn. The paddocks and covered arena provide options for riding and working horses. The arena has GGT Footing providing excellent footing for horses.
Property ID: 15349477
The limestone hills are pitted by caves, five of which have been explored at different degrees. Spelunking is just one of many activities offered by the unique landscape.
Hikers and 4x4 offroaders can test their skills against the everchanging terrain.
17,132± Acres • $150,000,000
Howard W. Hood, Hood Real Estate,Inc.
Rancho Agua Grande, run primarily as an exclusive hunting operation, has been the site of numerous high-profile hunting shows. More than 60 species of wildlife ranging from rare exotics to trophy whitetails call the ranch home.
Property IDs: 13250520, 13250517
Two Creeks Ranch, 1,313.5± acres located just 30 minutes west of San Antonio in Medina County, is a live-water destination in natural Texas. It can be purchased in its entirety or in well-defined tracts.
The former corporate retreat is ideally suited as a private getaway or rental property. Primarily managed for doves, the ranch is also home to whitetail deer, feral hogs and free-range exotics.
Year round, Verde Creek courses through the ranch for about 2.5 miles and Hondo Creek runs along the southern border for about 1.85 miles. In addition to the 7-acre stocked lake, Two Creeks Ranch has five water wells including two Edwards Aquifer irrigation wells and six center pivots.
The main compound features two identical 3,130± square-foot dogtrot lodges, the 11,600± square-foot multifunctional Party Barn with a huge, covered porch. The second compound includes the two-story, two-bedroom/ three-bath Casa Verde House, threebedroom/two-bath Bader House and a large storage barn.
The Two Creeks Outpost, an 800± square-foot Laundry Building, covered parking, 5,900± squarefoot Maintenance Barn and a 22,500± square-foot Hangar Barn, a skeet range and gun room round out the ranch’s infrastructure.
Contact Howard W. Hood at 830-739-3815. Listed for $29.5 million.
B&M Ranch fronts CR 451, providing convenient all-weather access, to the 108± acre, low-fenced property. With pecans, live oaks and diverse brush, the ranch is home to dove, white-tailed deer and free-range exotics. Year round, Verde Creek courses along the ranch’s western border for 3,857± feet. The ranch boasts one well. The three-bedroom/ two-bath home gets its water from the Yancey Water Supply Corp. The ranch’s size and location provide maximum flexibility for the future.
Contact Jeffrey C. Hood, broker associate with Hood Real Estate Inc. at 830-431-1177 or Conner W. Hood, broker associate with Hood Real Estate Inc. at 830-928-2317. Listed for $3.5 million.
The low-fenced ranch, which encompasses 123.5± acres, is ideally suited to become an equestrian estate. Hardwoods and nutrition-rich South Texas brush converge. Year round, Verde Creek flows through the ranch for 3,794.5± feet. Wildlife abounds. The main compound, featuring the two-story Casa Verde House, the three-bedroom/twobath Ranchero House and a large storage barn, is easily accessible over improved ranch roads. Water is delivered to the homes by the Yancey Water Supply Corp. The ±22,500-square-foot Hangar Barn provides ample storage. There is also a well on the property.
Contact Jeffrey C. Hood, broker associate with Hood Real Estate Inc. at 830-431-1177 or Conner W. Hood, broker associate with Hood Real Estate Inc. at 830-928-2317. Listed for $3.75 million.
CB Farm is a 451± acre haven of live water and natural productivity. Year round, Verde Creek courses through the property for 3,283.8± feet. The farm also boasts four center pivots supplied by an irrigation well with 276 acre-feet of base Edwards Aquifer Water. While the low-fenced farm offers superlative dove hunting, it is also home to other species.
The Verde Creek Outpost is a multi-purpose facility outfitted with Yancey Water Corp. Supply water. The former New Fountain Café awaits the new owner’s personal stamp. The property fronts on FM 2676, CR 4256 and CR 451.
Contact Howard W. Hood with Hood Real Estate Inc. at 830-7393815. Listed for $11,275,000.
Tract 4: Lake Farm
The 634.5± acre Lake Farm is a memory-making, live-water destination. Verde Creek courses through the farm while Hondo Creek runs along its southern border. A stocked 7-acre lake provides angling fun. Diverse habitat means diverse wildlife. Two center pivots are supplied by an Edwards Aquifer irrigation well with 60 acre-feet of transferable Edwards water.
Two identical 3,130± square-foot dogtrot lodges accommodate up to 12 people each. The 11,600± square-foot Party Barn features a 3,000± square-foot covered porch. The five-stand skeet range, the Gun Room, the 5,900± square-foot Maintenance Barn and 800± square-foot laundry building round out the infrastructure.
Contact Howard W. Hood with Hood Real Estate Inc. at 830-739-3815. Listed for $15,862,500.
The 5,698± acre T&C Ranch, located in Edwards and Kinney counties, provides complete privacy in a ruggedly beautiful setting. Neighbored by large ranches and nestled between Rocksprings, Brackettville and Barksdale, the ranch is a secluded oasis.
The ranch’s terrain encompasses bottomlands, majestic bluffs and Indian Mountain, the area’s highest peak. Three observation decks, one outfitted for skeet shooting, are placed at prime locations. Most ranch roads are improved. Cedar has been strategically removed. Several oak varieties, elm, sycamore and other native tree species as well as native grasses, forbs and brush comprise the diverse vegetation.
The majority of the ranch is high-fenced, but a few select sections have been lowfenced to maintain Boone & Crockett Club eligibility. Native white-tailed deer and Rio Grande turkey as well as free-ranging exotics including elk, auodad, re d stag, addax antelope and axis, fallow, and sika deer are spotted regularly.
In recent years, T&C Ranch has been managed solely for wildlife. Approximately 24 box blinds are set up on the ranch.
Nine water wells (one solar and eight electric) and several stock ponds are scattered throughout. During wet years, Sycamore Creek and Little Sycamore Creek run.
With nine bedrooms and four baths, the lodge can accommodate large groups. Outside gathering spaces include covered porches, a rock patio with fire pit, a barbecue area and the thatch-roof African Palapa. Pole-mounted kerosene lanterns illuminate the night.
The rock lodge features a stone fireplace, custom mesquite furniture, a fully equipped commercial kitchen as well as a media room, office, utility room and walk-in cooler.
The 8,500± square-foot saloon’s focal point is an antique-style bar reminiscent of the Old West. In addition, the saloon boasts 16 custom wooden lockers, a bandstand, custom mesquite furniture, commercial
5,698± Acres
secluded oasis of tranquility
kitchen, numerous game tables well as a merchandise room. The nearby trophy room, with a wine grotto, accommodates life-size game mounts.
For overflow lodging, T&C Ranch provides three cabins and an RV park complete with five full hook-ups. The four-bedroom/fourbath main house with a sleeping loft boasts multi-level decks, including a hot tub deck.
Ranch Infrastructure
The primary ranch entrance provides access via a private easement road. The second entrance fronts on Cedar Creek Road, a county road.
The T&C Ranch has a 4,000’ x 75’ paved runway, a grass landing strip and a lighted, concrete helipad.
Other ranch infrastructure includes a covered game processing area with walk-in coolers, two mobile homes, an equipment barn, a workshop, an overhead grain storage bin, two grain buggies, two overhead fuel tanks, a set of livestock working pens, a 2± acre chain link dog kennel, three gun safes and three large ice makers.
Howard W. Hood , Broker 830-739-3815
home to big water and big opportunity
17,132± Acres
Agua grande means “big water.” Fed by more than 30 springs, year-round, Live Oak Creek, which bisects the 17,132± acre Rancho Agua Grande for about seven miles, is indeed big water. Located about 25 miles northwest of Uvalde and just two hours west of San Antonio, Rancho Agua Grande is one of the largest live water ranches for sale in Texas today.
Both banks of Live Oak Creek lie within the ranch’s borders ensuring complete, private access. The creek’s flow is slowed and pooled by 10 dams. Numerous lakes dot the landscape. Groundwater is equally abundant. Water wells have been punched throughout the ranch.
Both Boiling Mountain, the highest peak in Uvalde County, and Salmon Peak, the highest point in Kinney County, are located on Rancho
Agua Grande, adding craggy grandeur. The rugged hills and deep canyons contrast with the shady pecan creek bottom.
Because three ecoregions converge on the high-fenced ranch, the vegetation is diverse. Between 2007 and 2010, more than 10,000 acres of cedar were cleared.
Rancho Agua Grande, run primarily as an exclusive hunting operation, has been the site of numerous high-profile hunting shows. More than 60 species of wildlife ranging from rare exotics to trophy whitetails call the ranch home.
The ranch’s main residence, an expansive custom-designed, two-story rock house, is
sited near the ranch’s geographic center. Secluded and private, the home, which is resplendent with high-end finishes, overlooks Live Oak Creek.
Eight mid-19 th century cabins, transplanted from the mountains of Kentucky, have been restored to provide unique guest lodging.
The 6,000± square foot lodge, featuring an antique bar, dance floor and bandstand, is the perfect place to celebrate. The lodge easily accommodates 250 people. By using the additional 2,300± square feet of covered porches, the guest list can swell.
Agua Grande has a 5,800 ' x 75' instrumentmarked, painted and lighted runway. Other ranch infrastructure includes: two additional three-bedroom and one-bath cabins, numerous equipment sheds and storage buildings as well as a meat processing room with a walk-in cooler.
$150,000,000 • Property ID’s: 13250520, 13250517
Howard W. Hood , Broker 830-739-3815
Historic ranch boasts over 10± miles of frontage on Lake O.H. Ivie, and offers excellent hunting, established farm and cattle operations and trophy bass fishing.
Amazing 3.7± miles of Colorado River meander through this ranch, an attraction for wildlife while adding beauty to the fertile pastureland.
This historic ranch offers the best free range, low fence, premier whitetail deer hunting in the state.
PROPERTY ID: 1 6603474
Owned by the same family since 1900 in an area that supports large native whitetail deer and other wildlife.
PROPERTY ID: 15141343
Ample water, including Palo Blanco Creek and great brush are in the best ‘Golden Triangle’ hunting area.
PROPERTY ID: 16134208
Comfortable infrastructure to enjoy hunting and fishing immediately with a stocked lake, ponds and Rio Grande river frontage.
Extraordinary improvements overlook the most unique water features of 50± acre and 26± acre Lakes.
PROPERTY ID: 16746940
High game fenced ranch in the Transition Zone has outstanding whitetail deer genetics plus other wildlife.
PROPERTY ID: 17353668
Privacy, two ponds and grand oak trees add to the beauty of this grazing, hunting or recreational ranch.
PROPERTY ID: 16413968
Owned by the same family for over 70 years, this blank canvas includes Leona River frontage.
PROPERTY ID: 12323612
Owned since 1935, this ranch features miles of Sycamore Creek, an attraction for abundant native and exotic wildlife.
PROPERTY ID: 17237039
A fabulous lodge overlooks 7,000± feet of crystal clear, year around Nueces River and spectacular hills.
PROPERTY ID: 13911558
Productive land has three pivots, multiple irrigation wells plus the unique water of the Leona River.
PROPERTY ID: 13442783
Low fenced free range hunting at its finest includes excellent brush, a good pond and water well.
PROPERTY ID: 17237041
This spectacular turn-key ranch is set up for ultimate enjoyment with live water and income potential.
Springs, live water Little Creek, plus both a newer home and an 1860s rock home make this ranch unique.
A homestead since the early 1900s, this ranch on Hondo Creek boasts amazing artifacts and a historic home in excellent condition.
One-of-a-kind live water property has 3,000± feet of frontage, a 2 acre stocked lake and potential for development.
With 2.25± miles of flowing Guadalupe River and plenty of land outside the floodplain, this is a rare find!
PROPERTY ID: 17600952
Here is a livestock and outdoorsman’s paradise with native and exotic wildlife, fenced pastures and traps.
PROPERTY ID: 16413611
Light hunting pressure resulted in a high abundance of native and exotic wildlife on this turnkey property.
PROPERTY ID: 17159147
This well-maintained hunting and cattle ranch offers seasonal creeks, well and water lines and ideal privacy.
PROPERTY ID: 16413578
This stunning live water ranch offers privacy and seclusion, but is just minutes to the town’s Main Street.
Enjoy great privacy and luxury plus live water just minutes from historic Boerne or metro San Antonio.
Live water plus a 12± acre lake highlight this turnkey recreation and working ranch near Austin.
A rare combination combines recreation, superb cattle grazing, and hunting and fishing.
250± Acres
Property ID: 15205432
Sharply rolling topography and wooded in varying ages of pine plantation with mature pines and hardwoods along creek drains. Private, secluded, off-the-grid, easement road access near Lake Livingston and Onalaska, Texas. Possible additional land available. Excellent recreation and game ranch potential. Open sendero pipeline down the middle.
Property ID: 17334119
Big recreation with extensive topography, from eastern hilltops to western creek bottom. Electricity along FM 2989. Good drainage and soils. Mostly wooded in varying ages of pine plantation with hardwoods in the creek bottom and along creek drains. One active oil well with pond and water well.
179± Acres Property ID: 17460865
First time open market offering for this stand-alone tract with big frontage on FM 1008. Buffered to the east by the Luce Bayou canal. Heavily wooded in native trees with electricity along the east side of FM 1008. Development or multi-use.
323± Acres Property ID: 17370584
Development transition land at South Loop 105 and FM 1010 in Cleveland, Texas. High traffic! Hard corner included. This is one of the fastergrowing areas in Texas close to Montgomery County, Texas.
113,650 ACRES
This ranch has some of the best all-around hunting opportunities in the West Texas area as it combines the mountain habitats with the grassland and desert habitats. Abundant mule deer, herds of pronghorn, whitetail deer, mountain lion and occasional elk can all be found here. Property ID: 8062130
Costa Grande Ranch is located along the waterfront of the Texas Gulf Coast in Calhoun County just three miles west of Port O’Connor, 75 miles northeast of Corpus Christi. Costa Grande Ranch lies within the Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes Ecoregion and is part of the Ingleside barrierstrand plain geologic system, a unique Pleistocene coastal system Property ID: 15924875
31 miles south of Marfa on paved Casa Piedra Road past the Alamito Creek bridge onto a private deeded easement road to the front gate of El Cañón Ranch. Comprised of 7,076± acres of vistas, plateaus, mountains, canyons, igneous outcrops, and sweeping grasslands making for excellent hunting opportunities. The seller will convey 50 percent of the minerals owned. Seller’s cousin owns the Pascasio Ranch to the west which is also being marketed by King Land & Water. Property ID: 17325625
2,450 ACRES
Located only 31 miles south of downtown Marfa on paved Casa Piedra Road, you turn east past the Alamito Creek bridge onto a private deeded easement road for five miles to the front gate of Ocotillo Ranch. The ranch comprises 10,438 acres of vistas, plateaus, mountains, canyons, igneous outcrops, and sweeping grasslands making for excellent hunting opportunities. The seller will convey 50 percent of the minerals owned. Seller’s cousin owns the El Cañón Ranch to the east, which is also being marketed by King Land & Water. Property ID: 17325722
Dripstone Ranch is uniquely located in the geographic transition area between the rugged Hill Country Balcones Fault, the Chihuahuan Desert and the topography of the South Texas Brush Country. Ranching and nature come together here, with areas of wildlife habitat and river combined with agricultural areas designed into improved pastures, amazing ranch infrastructure and the famous karst limestone caves found on the ranch. Property ID: 10489862
Dagger Flats Ranch has a variety of habitats and improvements, which start on the north at Tres Hermanos summit on the Shely Peaks at 5,210 feet down into a wide scenic valley where you find the live water section of San Francisco Creek that is cottonwood lined for over five miles. This ranch is part of a 424,000± acres contiguous block of land for sale. Property ID: 11213889
102,078 ACRES
Dove Mountain Ranch is a massive contiguous cattle and hunting ranch at the gateway to Big Bend National Park to the south and is home to a wide array of natural features. If there is one thing that makes this ranch stand out, it is the availability of desert big horn sheep habitats as well as the availability of permits by TPWD. This ranch is part of a 424,000± acres contiguous block of land for sale. Property ID: 11213445
34,123 ACRES
Located a 30-minute drive from the Gage Hotel in Marathon, the gateway to Big Bend National Park. Horse Mountain Ranch is a wide valley between the Pena Blanca Mountains, Horse Mountain and Twin Peaks creating an expanse called Lightning Flat where the headwaters of Horse Draw and Pena Blanca Draw are located. The headquarters is located adjacent to the Historic Reed Spring which makes a beautiful cottonwood tree lined lake. This ranch is part of a 424,000± acres contiguous block of land for sale. Property ID: 7598290
95,570 ACRES
Located in the vast expanse between Big Bend National Park and Black Gap WMA to the west, Highway 90 to the north, and Mexico to the south in one of the last truly wild landscapes of the Chihuahuan Desert. This ranch has maintained much of the environment and appearance of times past, including the Lower Canyons of the Rio Grande River. Various amenities make this large ranch diverse, interesting, scenic, and adventuresome. This ranch is part of a 424,000± acres contiguous block of land for sale. Property ID: 11213918
20,424 ACRES
Desert Mountain Ranch name says it all. Tucked away within the solitude of the Chihuahuan Desert of Brewster County just north of Big Bend National Park and Black Gap WMA. The ranch is rich in history, habitat, geology and modern conveniences. Property ID: 13431082
Tesnus Ranch is a cattle and hunting recreation ranch just 45 minutes from Marathon, Texas, and the Gage Hotel yet feels amazingly secluded. This vast, private area is bounded by the towering House Top Mountains on the north and east and Shely Peaks Mesa, where you can look off over San Francisco Creek valley into Mexico, with a series of wooded canyons, mountains, valleys and draws. Tesnus is sunset spelled backwards, a creative name for a historic railroad town established in 1882 on the Southern Pacific Railroad. This ranch is part of a 424,000± acres contiguous block of land for sale. Property ID: 6996904
YE Mesa is an elevated high mountain volcanic structure sitting high over Big Bend National Park’s north entrance along and includes 10 miles of the Santiago Mountains that form Persimmon Gap to the south. Rugged, wild, secluded, and amazing are just a few words to describe this true mountain ranch. This ranch is part of a 424,000± acres contiguous block of land for sale Property ID: 11214568
Situated in the dark sky country of far West Texas, this 56+ acre ranch is in the grassy foothills of the Davis Mountains, approximately eight miles west of Fort Davis. The 3,500± square foot three bedroom, two bath ranch style home is amenity rich with a screened-in sleeping porch, separate sun porch with windows opening onto the sleeping porch, two rock-faced wood burning fireplaces, wood burning stove, two dining areas and stunning 1,000+ square foot living space with expansive views of Blue Mountain. Property ID: 15472391
Matthews-Law Ranch is a combination of two historic ranches and has over four-and-half miles of the Santiago Mountain ridge line cascading down into Santiago Flats. Rugged, wild, secluded, amazing are just a few words to describe this true mountain ranch. Santiago Peak is just off the north boundary of the ranch and is a sentinel that can be seen from all over the ranch. This ranch is part of a 424,000± acres contiguous block of land for sale Property ID: 11214584
Maravillas Creek Ranch has recently had a major overhaul of roads, fences, wells, water troughs, dams, tanks and a new private building site up in the hills with electricity. The ranch terrain varies from a nice combination of overflow flats next to igneous rolling hills. The ranch is embedded in a landscape of public lands creating unlimited hunting and recreational opportunities right next door and just down the road. Big Bend National Park, Black Gap WMA and Big Bend State Park. Property ID: 10766014
Agua Fria Ranch is located 60 miles south of Alpine, adjacent to Big Bend Ranch State Park. It is comprised of almost the entire Agua Fria Mountain range with adjoining mid-lower elevation grasslands and scrubland. Agua Fria Spring, a prolific natural water source, is captured and distributed throughout the ranch. There are three separate areas of improvement and one working mining operation. Property ID: 15831122
Located “West of the Pecos,” a region full of history and natural habitat and wildlife. Rolling hill country and rugged wild canyon country. 1.75 miles frontage on the Rio Grande accessible by vehicle. This is a turnkey ranch with a restored historic furnished home, outbuildings, and hunting blinds with feeders. Seller will convey 25 percent of minerals owned. Property ID: 7269910
Comprised of some of the most well-cared-for acreage in Far West Texas. With sweeping vistas, plateaus, mountains and canyons, abundant grass and water, this is Chihuahuan Desert hunting land at its best and a nature lover’s dream. This ranch has it all. 60 miles south of Marfa. Property ID: 9407466
Enjoy the privacy and tranquility of this park-like, move-in ready 1,700± square-foot, three bedroom/two bath, Southwest style home located on 40± acres that borders legacy ranches of Jeff Davis County and affords views of the Marfa Plateau grasslands and the rugged Davis Mountain highlands. Property ID: 15412807
77,260 ACRES
The Eagle Mountain/Carrizo Mountain Ranches are actually two nearby distinct properties that are connected by an improved caliche county road and miles of a paved/concrete private easement road linking the ranches with easy access. Similar to the Davis Mountains and the Chisos Mountains of the Chihuahuan Desert, this mountain range functions as a sky island habitat, with intermountain ridge lines and valleys serving as corridors for wildlife migration. Property ID: 7684861
Located 25 miles south of Marfa, Texas, off paved Casa Piedra Road (FM 169). Alamito Hills Ranch is wide-open rolling grass and scrubland surrounded by rugged mountain ranges, which can be seen from most places on the property. This vast area lies in a narrow elevation range between 3,750 to 4,200 feet, allowing for a mix of vegetation and providing excellent habitat for game and nongame animals. Property ID: 14804695
For the first time in decades, Far Flung Outdoor Center is listed for sale as a turn-key complete business opportunity to own, manage, and expand on one of the leading outdoor adventure businesses in the State of Texas. The combination of Real Estate, location, cabins, conference center, pool, infrastructure, adventure equipment, vehicles, and a reputable brand known across the country creates an investment opportunity to live the dream but also to own a profitable, dynamic business. Property ID: 12090252
2,150± Acres in Maverick County | Property ID: 17319307 | $7,495,000
A unique Tecomate Showcase Property – Mavala Ranch is a low-fenced trophy buck hunting ranch, whose bucks qualify for entry in the B&C record book. An abundance of water, great habitat, inherently big deer, large low-pressure neighbors, and two 30± acre irrigated food plots make Mavala special among South Texas ranches!
302± Acres in Kendall County | Property ID: 17090479 | $4,495,000
Unmatched views that bring a whole new meaning to the phrase, long-range views. The ranch takes its name after two hilltops that showcase spectacular inspiring views located amongst its acreage. Three larger ranches neighbor Dos Colinas Ranch creating a nice-secluded getaway.
3,493± Acres in Gillespie County | Property ID: 15329847 | $26,197,500
Hermans Point Ranch is one of the largest continuous ranches remaining in Gillespie County. At 2,244± feet, Hermans Point offers dramatic 360-degree views, a 2,300± square-foot main house, 2,000± square-foot guest house and a 3,600± square-foot barn.
110± Acres in Kerr County | Property ID: 16162363 | $4,900,000
Cypress Creek frontage, great fertile farmland, and stunning views—Cypress Creek Ranch showcases 1,625± feet of creek frontage with majestic large mature cypress trees on its northern perimeter. Lazy Creek flows along the northwest boundary of the property with several springs. Features a main house, a guest cabin, two barns and multiple sheds.
4,365± Acres in Real County | Property ID: 14299243 | $21,690,000
Highveld Ranch is an elite Tecomate Signature Property with exceptional hunting. Improvements include a 6,900± square-foot newly-renovated lodge, a newly-renovated foreman’s home, a game processing facility with a walk-in cooler, and a deluxe rifle range.
11,610± Acres in Sutton County | Property ID: 14359362 | $28,950,000
This property features pure secluded beauty with stunning views. Improvements include a 4,000± square-foot main house, a 3,000± square-foot lodge, a foreman’s home, a hunter’s house, and two fully-enclosed barns with multiple sheds.
60± Acres in Bandera County Property ID: 15520819 | $3,495,000
The ranch has 940± feet of Sabinal River frontage. Improvements include a main house that sits atop Panther Hill with 360-degree views, a guest house, a horse barn with an arena and a round pen, and an equipment barn.
358± Acres in Gillespie County | Property ID: 16905533 | $6,975,000
Tremendous views of Fredericksburg, Texas, and a great Hill Country opportunity—LRN Ranch is located just minutes from Fredericksburg. The ranch features a two-story main home, a hunter’s cabin, a barn, several sheds, working cattle pens, five pastures, four stock ponds, and a seasonal spring.
72± Acres in Kendall County
Property ID: 14973347 | $2,650,000
Located between Boerne and Fredericksburg—The Guadalupe River Ranch features awesome river frontage, backdropped by a stunning rock-faced bluff, hilltops, and towering cypress trees. Great views, as well as endless recreational opportunities.
1,085± Acres in Frio County
Property ID: 15565748 | $7,585,000
The 57 Farm features seven pivots and four high-producing irrigation wells. Located near the center of the property are two large 7,500± square-foot equipment/storage barns. Over 750± acres are currently under pivots.
2,020± Acres in Burnet County | Property ID: 14948348 | $37,500,000
This is a premier live-water property featuring two± miles of Colorado River frontage and multiple springs. The ranch has spectacular views and a threebedroom, three-bathroom home. Located between Lampasas and Burnet, with paved county road access.
391± Acres in Hays County | Property ID: 16321105 | $15,500,000
This high-fenced ranch features incredible views views and easy access to Austin. A paved asphalt driveway leads to a 4,000± square-foot house with a 1,680± square-foot guest wing and a 3,100± square-foot garage/storage area.
35± Acres in Kendall County Property ID: 16071521 | $1,395,000
Perfect-sized live-water property—Ranger Creek Ranch features both sides of Ranger Creek. The captivating scenery of the flowing Ranger Creek offers the perfect backdrop for a permanent residence or weekend getaway.
195± Acres in Gillespie County | Property ID: 16186564 | $6,150,000
A beautifully detailed two-bedroom, two-bathroom home overlooks Honey Creek. Located 7± miles west of Fredericksburg with 3,550± feet of paved Highway 290 West frontage. Endless possibilities exist for this unique property.
10± Acres in Kendall County
Property ID: 16964589 | $1,395,000
Scenic views of Boerne and a prime location Grande Vistas Property offers 10 acres nestled in the Hill Country. Found at the end of a cul-de-sac and features ideal build sites for a permanent residence or a charming getaway.
252± Acres in Duval County
Property ID: 17217483 | $999,000
Prime hunting land with three sides that are low-fenced, this ranch is located in the excellent brush country of South Texas, east of Freer, Texas. A 3,000± square-foot hacienda sits at the top of the highest elevation of the property. The ranch has not been hunted since it was purchased by the current owner 12± years ago.
A well-maintained ranch with approximately 3,700 feet of highway frontage. A portion of the ranch is in the northwestern part of Kinney County, while the majority is in the southwestern part of Edwards County, both known for abundant wildlife. $1,200,000
This majestic ranch spans nearly 10,000 acres of land, offering the best in south Texas wing shooting and trophy Whitetails and exotics. Its rich, fertile sandy loam soils, numerous water sources, and some strategically placed quail strips create that perfect habitat for any quail aficionados while supporting vast numbers of wildlife and cattle. Located near McAllen/Edinburg, in the center of the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, the Arrowhead Ranch has hosted many foreign and domestic dignitaries over the years. $26,127,970
The JAC ranch is a high-fenced outdoorsman’s paradise only a few miles outside Uvalde, Texas. This well-maintained ranch has everything you want in a recreational and investment property. A 4,000-squarefoot barndominium is the highlight of the ranch. $4,548,600
This great irrigated farm and cattle operation is located a few miles east of Uvalde, Texas. Currently, the farm has been used for the production of hay and cattle grazing. The property is fenced and crossed-fenced, with a portion of the fence being built as early as last year. The irrigation well pumps roughly 800 GPM, and all downhole equipment was replaced in June 2020. $2,606,400
The property has excellent access and is conveniently located just out of town. The ranch home is located on the highest point, which provides wonderful views to watch the wildlife or enjoy a beautiful sunrise or sunset. The gently rolling terrain mostly consists of sandy clay loam and has a good diversity of native brush for the wildlife. $2,888,000
Live water ranch just minutes from Lampasas and Copperas Cove features over 800 of Lampasas River and over 1,600 of a wet weather creek that snakes through the middle of the property. With over 1,300 of County Road frontage and its proximity to two beautiful Hill Country towns and the city of Austin, the possibilities are endless! $1,575,000
Owned by the same family for over 100 years, the highly soughtafter red sand soils and phenomenal brush diversity make this property an excellent hunting and cattle ranch notorious for growing big deer. This area is unique in its topography $9,561,625
A unique ranch-style resort or ready-to-go Airbnb located an hour and a half from San Antonio. The current owners very tastefully designed the layout of this luxury country life getaway, all overlooking a gorgeous view of the lake or sunset. $1,200,000
Soldiers Gap is named for the historic natural crossing point on the ranch and used by Cavalry soldiers at Fort Clark, crossing the west prong. This low-fenced property has over 400 feet of elevation change, transitioning from flat bottoms dotted with oaks to high peaks. The diverse topography, fertile soils, and breathtaking river valley views make this ranch a unique opportunity for the investor or end user. $7,680,600
1,352-acre angler’s paradise with over a mile of Powderhorn Lake frontage. Owners enjoy harvesting native deer and hogs, catching redfish and the finest duck hunting in Texas. Once an essential port of entry to the western frontier’s promised lands, this area of Texas is rich in history, wildlife, and endless outdoor excursions. $5,408,000
The 52-acre Peninsula Ranch boasts clear views of deep water and breathtaking sunsets with over 2,500 feet of shoreline along Lake Corpus Christi. Lake Corpus Christi is a well-known fishery with Large Mouth Bass, White Bass and Alligator Gar. This once-in-a-lifetime property offers development potential and multiple building sites. $1,500,000
A beautiful high-fenced ranch west of Brackettville on Highway 90. The whitetail herd has been well managed with trophy class deer ranging in the 180-190 BC. Axis and sika can also be found on the ranch. This ranch has easy access, and nice improvements, making it the perfect turn-key ranch! $1,599,000
This tranquil 52-acre ranch in Dripping Springs is everything you’ve been looking for in a Hill Country property! The ranch boasts a gated entrance aligned with mature oaks, a cleared build site situated on a ridge with long-range hill country views, and a massive stock pond. $4,200,000
Just nine miles north of La Gloria on FM 1017, Las Campanas Ranch comprises approximately 1,031 acres located in southeastern Jim Hogg County. Surrounded by large historic ranches, this area is known for producing large deer and an abundance of quail. $3,190,945
Property ID: 15575606
Some of the most beautiful Texas countryside you can find. You will be captivated on-site with 30-mile views and up to 100-foot elevation changes. A vast amount of beautiful live oak trees is scattered throughout the ranch. Much of the land has been cleared of cedar, with just enough left to provide ample habitat for abundant wildlife such as, deer, turkey, hogs, aoudad and axis. Access to the Colorado River is only a mile away and offers fishing, swimming and water activities.
Conveniently located just over an hour NW of Austin, Rolling Oaks Ranch offers the perfect weekend retreat from the city or private oasis for your everyday escape. Stretching across acres of untouched land, Rolling Oaks Ranch features ranches ranging from 10 to 35 acres. Sensible deed restrictions and access to municipal water and utilities allow residents to build the hill country home of their dreams while maintaining the land’s natural state and allowing wildlife to prosper.
The final phase of Mountain Ranch. Stake your claim to your private ranch with 40-mile westward views from the highest ridgeline in the county. Largely undeveloped for almost 70 years, Mountain Ranch is a near-pristine tract of natural Texas Hill Country, where wildlife remains abundant, sunsets are spectacular, and horizons are wide. Located minutes from Marble Falls and Burnet, off Highway 281.
Property ID: 12429049
A rare opportunity to obtain a large tract lying between Hoovers Valley Road (FM 3509) and Park Road 4 South of Burnet. Mud Creek, Peters, and Honey Rock Creek cross the ranch. Improvements include two homesteads, various barns and outbuildings. This spectacular ranch is covered in live oak, post oak, elm, mesquite and very little cedar.
Property ID: 16834791
These tracts are located in the pristine area of Willow City with direct access off paved Ranch Road 1323. This sought-after area brings you within 15 minutes of the quaint town of Fredericksburg. If you are looking for a great tract of land in a peaceful country setting, this is a good one to look at. This tract would be an excellent home site, recreational or horse property.
Located less than 10 minutes from downtown Lampasas with direct access to Hwy 183. The main residence is a fabulous threebedroom, four-bath custom built Spanish/Mediterranean style home of approximately 4,300 square feet. Fertile soils conducive to food plots for winter grazing of livestock or supplemental feed for the managed herd of blackbuck antelope, whitetail, axis and aoudad.
$320,000 • Property ID: 17645271
Midway, TX 75852
The Bar Ranch Retreat offers a picturesque cabin on 10.33± wooded acres with end-of-the-road privacy in eastern Madison County about 12 miles from I-45. The one and a half story cabin is a three-bedroom (primary downstairs, two upstairs), Two and a half bathrooms, open concept kitchen/dining/living areas, antique wood floors, gas range, pantry, and a mini split for your cooling and heating needs. Exterior features include a 8’x25’ front porch, LP smart siding, a detached 200 squarefoot bunk house (or storage building), and a portable carport. The Bar Ranch Retreat displays nice, sloped topography fenced on three sides, presenting approximately 30 percent open, 70 percent wooded with a mixture of hardwoods, softwoods, and underbrush, a small stock pond, creek, and evidence of varying types of wildlife. Currently used as a deer camp/weekend retreat this ranch is just minutes from the Trinity River; bring your boat, ATV’s, and hunting gear to enjoy this as your new leisure ranch, make it your full-time residence or investment. ML# 32435639
$1,185,000 • Property ID: 17857173
Midway, Texas 75852
The Dam Creek Ranch is one-of-a-kind 65± acre ranch in Leon County offering a private, secluded, end-of-the-road location with beautiful views, and abundant amenities. The home offers three bedrooms, three full baths, open kitchen/dining/living room areas, and fireplace situated on a hill overlooking the gorgeous pool, ponds, and the main deer trail. Outdoor amenities include a 500 square-foot one bedroom, one bath mobile home, bunk/storage house (will remain with acceptable offer), a two-car garage, 600-foot-deep water well, a horse barn and corral with loading shoot, covered structure for horse/cattle trailers, and a shed/work bench for tools and equipment. Designed for recreation, agriculture production, this property has six pastures of approximately 30 acres and another 35 wooded acres, three creeks, and three ponds two are stocked. Minutes from I-45 access in Madisonville, the ranch is about 30 minutes from Sam Houston State University and is centrally located between Houston and Dallas. ML# 35278117
Welcome to this beautiful four-bedroom, three-bathroom Spanish villa on 100 acres of land in Dawson, Texas. This hidden gem is truly one of a kind, with its Ag Exempt status, three ponds and super private location. The villa is a sight to behold, with its classic Spanish architecture and stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Inside, you will find four spacious bedrooms, three full bathrooms and a large living area with plenty of room for entertaining. The home also includes a bunk room with a closet, which can be a fifth bedroom or game room. The kitchen has all the modern amenities you need to prepare delicious meals. Outside, you will find 100 acres of land, perfect for exploring and enjoying the great outdoors. The three ponds on the property provide a tranquil setting for fishing, swimming, and other outdoor activities. This is a rare opportunity to own a piece of paradise in Texas. Don't miss out on this true hidden gem!
Are you ready to start enjoying a tranquil and peaceful country life that's only five minutes away from town? It's now within your grasp! This beautifully updated three-bedroom, two-bathroom home with scenic views everywhere you turn is calling your name. With two living areas, a charming kitchen with tons of cabinet space, a wood-burning fireplace for those chilly nights, plantation shutters and updated lighting fixtures— it's hard not to want to see more of this home. Did I mention that this is located on approximately 31 rolling, grassy acres?! Yes, 30.981- acres, to be exact, that is all cross fenced and comes with three ponds!! There is even a well-built barn with electricity and water for all animal lovers and a great new shop with two roll-up doors and a large porch. AND has coop water, so you don't have to depend on a well. Sellers own all minerals and they are negotiable. Come and see this gem for yourself.
$825,000 | Property ID: 16636696
$2,000,000 | Property ID: 16709914
302.22± Acres in Kerr County
The Enlightening Ranch is suitable for cattle, horses, sheep or goats. Two hunting cabins are being renovated, and one submersible well supplements a stocked pond and water troughs. An intense cedar clearing project has been underway, and several Indian mounds have been located as the ranch borders. It has always been a highly desired area since the beginning of time. Water, wildlife, beauty, and seclusion, yet it is only 40 minutes from all the amenities of Kerrville, Texas. Mark Meek, Broker.
$2,871,090 • Property ID: 14648168
319± Acres in Goliad County
This is a very scenic ranch loaded with wildlife. Covered in heavy timber creates a lot of privacy while only 10 minutes from the grocery store. Most of the soil is creek bottom land and rich with nutrients. Road Creek passes through the ranch and holds water year round. The creek is lined with live oak, post oak, and elm trees.This property has excellent development value into smaller tracts with its close proximity to Goliad. Darren Scott, Agent.
$2,500,000 • Property ID: 15657372
261± Acres in Bandera County
Bruins Creek Ranch Bandera County is located five miles southeast of Bandera, Texas, with paved road frontage on Wharton Dock Rd. A combination of oaks with some cedar and better than average soil with some pasture grass to run a few cows, small ranch house with barn, and good lake potential. Only 30 minutes northwest of San Antonio! Mark Meek, Broker.
$2,950,000 • Property ID: 16351054
95.3± Acres in Medina County
D’Hanis, Texas. Located 45 miles west of San Antonio and five miles southwest of D’hanis, Texas. Excellent hunting retreat with great deer habitat and a great area for dove hunting. Located on CR 514 just west of Squirrel Creek Rd. 1,600 square-foot (MCAD) Stucco home and wildlife exemption in place. Scattered Oak trees and good soil. Mark Meek, Broker.
$895,000 • Property ID: 12714326
20.18 Acres in Brazos County
Breathtaking 20.18-acre Estate located in South College Station! Experience serenity as you approach this stunning two-story home nestled next to an amazing expansive pond. The home features a fabulous floor plan designed for exceptional 360 views of the sprawling property. The living room is stunning, with floor-to-ceiling windows providing amazing backyard views, a custom stone fireplace that centers the room and fantastic custom built-ins. The kitchen has stunning granite countertops, a large eating bar, double ovens, a wine cellar, a breakfast area, and a dining room right off the kitchen. Find yourself relaxing in the family room with a bar area and French doors, making it wonderful for entertaining. The spacious primary bedroom downstairs has a beautiful bathroom with double sinks, a walk-in shower, two large walk-in closets and access to the laundry room. Upstairs you will find three additional bedrooms, all with en suite bathrooms and a fantastic game room! Downstairs has a private study off the primary wing and a great exercise room. The beauty transcends to the outside with a fantastic tiered pool like an oasis with a plunge area, full slide, and breathtaking views of the gorgeous pond in the backyard. This amazing property has multiple walking trails, a large climate-controlled workshop, a greenhouse, a garden and abundant wildlife. This is a unique opportunity to own an acreage Estate within College Station city limits!
87.14± ACRES • $698,000
• 87.14-acre property.
• The home is about 2,246 sq ft and is fully renovated.
• 3-bedroom/2-bath.
• New HVAC system.
• New aerobic system.
• Refinished flooring.
• The property has good interior roads.
• Good perimeter fencing.
• Property has corrals for running cattle or horses.
• Reworked tank on the property.
66,937± ACRES • $35,969,850
• The Anchor Ranch is a functional cattle ranch and is comprised of 22,837 deeded acres.
• 4,400 acres of state land and the Bullwhacker Grazing Allotment which makes up 39,700 acres of BLM land.
• The Anchor Ranch boasts abundant and diverse wildlife including elk, deer, antelope, and bighorn sheep.
• A bull elk with a Boone and Crocket score of 422 and 5/8s was harvested on this property in 2022.
• Multiple creeks run through the ranch.
• Multiple springs and reservoirs providing ample water resources to the two mobile homes and corrals located on the property.
• The ranch provides plentiful grazing opportunities and can support up to 750 AUM.
Property ID: 14958271
79.75± ACRES • $757,625
• This beautiful 79.75-acre tract of land for sale boasts nearly a half mile of both sides of the Leon River bottom.
• Approximately 27 acres are heavily treed with large mature pecan, red oak, live oak, post oak, and elm trees.
• There are approximately 23.5 acres of open pasture that could be used for hay production, grazing, or food plots for wildlife.
• Various types of wildlife can be found on this property to include whitetail deer, turkey, dove, and hogs.
• Electricity is onsite at the property.
• One water well is located on the property.
853± ACRES • $2,729,600
• The Big Creek Ranch consists of 853± acres.
Property ID: 17521550
• Located only 33 miles from McCall and five miles south of Cascade.
• Creek frontage of just over three miles on this property.
• The habitat and terrain on this property are ideal for elk, mule deer, bear, turkey, upland birds, and a variety of small game.
• Big Creek is a large live fish-bearing stream which flows along the Eastern boundary of this timbered property.
• Interior private property roads make traversing the property convenient, while paved road frontage allows for easy accessibility.
Property ID: 17601379
709 Acres in Fort Stockton, Texas $1,500 per acre
Excellent opportunity for industrial, farm, ranch, hunting, and homestead. Electrical and three water wells are on the property. Owner financing and 1031 exchange are negotiable.
640 Acres • 80 Acres in Girvin, Texas | $3,500 per acre
Seller of 640 acres owns 15/16 of minerals (negotiable). The 80 acre tract includes electrical, a water well, Owego Road frontage, and 50 percent of any oil and gas bonus and royalty. Sellers will consider owner financing and 1031 exchange.
11 acres in Rains County
Property ID: 17729229
Announcing the sale of the iconic Bryant Fish Camp on Lake Fork. Presenting a unique business opportunity or a company retreat, the camp comprises 11 acres and 3.5 acres of leaseback on Garrett Creek. The camp offers year-round lake access, a dock and private boat ramp, and seven long-term boat stalls. The guest house comprises five rental rooms, a large community room with a full kitchen, an attached patio area furnished with a BBQ pit, and picnic tables. Each rental room is equipped with a covered overnight boat stall. Call for an appointment.