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Abstract in English

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Abstract in English

This paper is written as a part of the project Yndisgróður, hosted by the Agricultural University of Iceland (http://yndisgrodur.lbhi.is/). Information was collected about known garden and landscape plants, hardy in Iceland. The aim was to describe defined cultivars of important species in order to form a basis for elite plant research. A detailed, systematic description was made for twenty well known and widespread hardy shrubs in Iceland.

Most species and cultivars used in Iceland are the result of a long experience and selection of plants of native and foreign origin that have proved to be well adapted to the harsh Icelandic climate. But now imported cultivars, often badly adapted to Icelandic climate, are pushing old and well adapted cultivars and provenances from the market due to EU regulations. It has been considered an urgent task to identify and select the material which has demonstrated its suitability in Iceland. A collection of over 500 cultivars in 6 demonstration gardens are the results of the Yndisgróður project so far. Currently, no detailed description of these plants and their origin is available. This project will not only result in benefits for consumers and nursery growers but also form an essential foundation in preserving and maintaining the important green mass introduced to Iceland and adapted to the Icelandic conditions over time.


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