9 minute read
Kaak: Bring time on your side
from f2m Automation Book
by landmagd
Bring time on your side
+Fresh products, natural ingredients, hygiene and sustainability are increasingly important for the bakery world at this time, bringing us on the cusp of big developments in the bread market. These developments are not only generated by trends such as bringing more time and rest back into the process but also by the world around us. Now that we slowly seem to be gaining the upper hand in the fight against Covid-19related, the next challenge is already on our doorstep. Again, it is no small matter: climate change! Unusually heavy rains recently caused flooding in Europe and China indicate that this change is indeed imminent and together we should also look within our individual industries to see what we can do to turn the tide. What can we do to ensure that future generations can also fully enjoy a nice slice of bread?
Perhaps that is the reason why we should take a closer look at the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN). We are already working very hard as an industry on SDG2: zero hunger. The goal is to provide good bread and natural ingredients at affordable prices. In many countries, there is a growing demand for fresh, fresher, freshest delivery, transported to the consumer as soon as possible after baking and cooling. This means, on the one hand, that there is less time for production, which makes it vital to accurately handle ingredients in quantity and quality, consistency and precision. The speed and precision of 3D vision-guided robots, for example, ensure high and consistent throughput of scored dough products, with an incision in the right spot every time, while reducing labor costs.
However, on the other hand, there is also the demand for natural ingredients. When working only with natural, basic ingredients of water,
Varsseveldseweg 20a 7061 GA Terborg, The Netherlands Phone: +31 315 339 111 Fax: +31 315 339 355 E-mail: info@kaak.com Website: www.kaak.com

flour and yeast, it means extra TIME also has to be added to reach the desired end product! A long bowl resting period (often 2-3 hours), predough and long proofing times, independent of the quality of the flour, set the dough in motion. The result is the right aroma, the right volume and, certainly, the right taste. Additional benefits, not unimportant, are a natural extension of freshness. This philosophy is strongly reflected in the production of all kinds of baguettes, barras, ‘boules’, freestanding breads and ciabattas: long pre-dough development, longer bowl rest and after dough preparation a long post-rise (6-15 hours). Traditional processes, traditional breads that are then often baked on stone and today more and more MAP (Modified Atmosphere Packed) packaged find their way to the end customer directly or via retail. Process times are exceeding 24 hours in several examples at bakeries in Western Europe, the USA and Australia.
Everything in life is going faster, luckily bread is taking its time…
More time to rest and shorter production times go hand in hand. If, for example, bowl rest is added to the process the fresh, delicious products need to get to the stores fast. This means shorter processing times after bowl rest, saving time on final proofing, baking and/or cooling.
Automation for sustainability
However, adjusting the ingredients alone is not enough. As a company, we are also working hard on solutions to make production more sustainable. Reducing our carbon footprint is an important starting point here. For example, our different types of electric ovens not only literally have a smaller footprint, but they also cause no CO2 emissions, whilst at the same time not compromising on the flexibility, control and quality of baking. We can definitely say that electric ovens are in demand: it is now relatively the fastestgrowing segment. This is a positive step, because electric baking ensures that our industry can move with the times, reducing its footprint, without compromising on taste and quality.
Over the past year, circumstances have also helped to accelerate some of the steps towards a more sustainable world. We have all been communicating remotely a lot more; we have even remotely assembled and commissioned complete production lines for bakeries. Traveling less and partly moving meetings online not only benefits the world of tomorrow, but also saves time.
We have learned lessons from installing our lines remotely, such as a beautiful pizza line in America and a toast bread line in Africa, as well as from installations closer to home. We have gained insights into how we can do things more efficiently, how we can improve our machines (hygiene, assembly speed, software logic, wiring simplicity, etc.) so that they are even easier to install and use; all with the aim of making it as easy as possible for our customers, while also
© Kaak
making our contribution to the SDGs. It's for a very good reason that we say, “You bake, we care!”. Managing waste (materials, ingredients, energy and time) influences how our company works in several ways. On the one hand, 3D printing and circular production (recovering raw materials) gives enormous savings in raw materials, whereas, on the other hand, we are also helping the industry to reduce waste with our dough recovery systems, transporting the dough back to the start of the line, where it is reworked and added to a new batch of dough. We also are always ensuring that the quality of the dough is consistent and of the right quality. We enjoy working with the bakery industry on building the world of tomorrow, a world where trips to our customers will be fewer

Kaak has knowledge and experience in the field of bakery technology and equipment since 1846, ranging from stand-alone machines to an integrated approach for complex and automated bakery lines. Every day, we use the expertise we have built up over the years to ensure that your expectations are met and exceeded – from silo to truck.
Silos & dosing
It all starts with the right raw materials. Our silos and dosage systems give you control over the ingredients and the automated mixing process. With our Smart Bakery Solution, recipes, stocks, raw material consumption can all be exchanged automatically. This means that you no longer have to enter anything manually, there are no duplications and you always have the most current data on hand. In addition, good raw material traceability is guaranteed. We offer a solution for all pre-doughs. This has advantages because as soon as the producer uses pre-dough, fewer additives are needed. The basic raw materials are available and they are known to be good. Another advantage of pre-dough is that pre-mixing is no longer needed. The mix of ingredients for the bread can be determined independently. The pre-dough forms the basis, the rest is up to you.
Mixing & Dough make up
Ingredients can easily be dosed from the silos into the MDD mixer (Mechanical Dough Developer). The dough make-up can be done with a classic dough make-up with a dough divider, rounder, proofer, molder or with a sheeting line. The right technology is available for you, depending on the products and the required capacity. Our lines can handle many different types of dough, with large amounts of liquid ingredients or with additives such as fruit and seeds. Whichever dough make-up is selected, high accuracy, great flexibility in products and processes and ease of maintenance and cleaning are always guaranteed.
We have several machines available for final proofing. Do you want the final proofing to be done on a flat surface or in baskets? In the first case, the 'peelboard
in number, thanks to new techniques, and a world where our footprint is also becoming a lot smaller due to new technologies, but with even more and more different types of bread.
Sustainable Development Goals
Kaak focuses on sustainable entrepreneurship, both towards our employees and from a social point of view. Our goals are derived from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN), with six of the UN goals, in particular, being embraced by our organization, namely: + Zero hunger + Good health and well-being + Affordable and clean energy + Industry, innovation and infrastructure + Responsible consumption and production + Partnership for the goals
The activities resulting from this train of thought have a positive influence within the organization. There is plenty to choose from in the world and by letting SDGs guide our decision-making and working methods, we hope that young professionals and companies will continue to choose us and commit to us.
Our key to innovation is the people that work for us.
line' or 'belt proofer' are good concept choices. If you prefer baskets, the shape of the bread will determine the choice of concept. We have various baskets available. The swing tray proofer is suitable for one or two baskets. Do you prefer to proof in up to 4 different baskets? Then the 'multi-click line' is the logical choice.
A baker scores the dough products with a knife before they go into the oven. This is done not only to ensure that the product can be opened in a controlled manner during baking, but also to put his/her own signature on the product. A good or bad cut can make or break the bread. These operations have now been automated because of the ever-increasing demand for a huge variety of freestanding bread in all sizes, shapes and flavors with their own 'signature'. Our cutting robots always make the perfect cut in the dough.
Baking or pre-baking, on an oven belt or a stone. There are plenty of choices available when it comes to Kaak ovens. Kaak has all the various baking technologies available in-house and can help you make the right choice for your products. This line concept can be complemented, for example, by a cyclothermic oven or a thermal oil oven, both are also available in an electric version.
Pan handling
After baking, the line transports the pans to the depanner, where the products are removed from the straps. Since we produce and coat the pans and straps for this line in-house, we can guarantee a perfect release. In a toast line, an automatic delidder is placed in the production line between the oven and the depanner. Do you want several different products to be produced on the line that require different types of straps? Then our straps storage can provide automatic changeover as soon as other types of bread are to be produced.
Cooling & Freezing
Baked products can be cooled down in our spiral cooling system, our multi-step or multi-deck cooler. The empty pans return through the strap cooling tunnel to the starting location where new dough is placed in the pans.
Crate handling
Cooled products are transported through our production line to the packing department where the handling equipment plays a key role. This ensures that the right product is placed in the right crate for distribution to the right shop.