Paa Tanzania – issue 109

Page 1


Which route up Mount Kilimanjaro is best for you? KENYA’S BEST BEACHES

Soak up the Swahili coast





Issue 107, May - July 2023

Which route to take up Mount Kilimanjaro – Page 19



Regulars 22 PAA STAY

3 FOREWORD Welcome onboard

Cuisine with a Swahili twist at Neela Boutique Hotel

6 MADE IN AFRICA Interior design ideas 8 EXPAT ENTREPRENEURS Building new businesses and lives in Tanzania

30 PAA FOOD with Monalisa


13 BWANA SWALA Check out our new flight

How to cook the perfect jerk chicken

booking chat bot



Tanzania embracing drone technology



Kilimanjaro is right for you?


The surrender experiment


38 HISTORIC FIND Oldest wooden structure found on Tanzania border

40 KEEPING IT REEL The impact of influencers in marketing the hospitality sector 2

Paa Tanzania

Precision Air Info 5

Paa News

45 Paa Royal Benefits 46 Route Network 47 Paa Contacts 48 Welcome Aboard


Foreword Precision Air Services Plc Diamond Plaza PO Box 70770, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Tel: +255 (0)22 219 1000 Fax: +255 (0)22 286 0725

Booking flights is now even easier

Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager: Hillary Mremi Email:

It is my great pleasure to welcome you onboard your Precision Air fight today and to the latest edition of our inflight magazine, Paa Tanzania.

Paa Tanzania Magazine is published for Precision Air by:

That you have chosen to fly with Tanzania’s largest independent airline means a great deal to us and I would like to use this opportunity to update you on the latest of our continuing efforts to make the passenger experience as enjoyable as possible.

Land & Marine Publications (Tanzania) Ltd. 4th floor, Josam House Block A, along Coca Cola Road Mikocheni Area, Dar es Salaam Tel: +255 686 118 816 ADVERTISING: Godfrey S. Urassa Tel: +255 (0)686 118 816 (WhatsApp) Email: General enquiries Email: EDITOR: Mark Edwards Email: Head office: Land & Marine Publications Ltd. 6 The Square, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP5 3SL UK Tel: +44 (0)1206 752902 Email: The contents and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor, or any other organisation associated with this publication. While every care is taken to ensure accuracy in preparing the magazine, the Publisher and Precision Air assume no responsibility or liability for any inaccuracies or omissions. All submitted material is accepted on the understanding that the material can be edited, amended or abridged for publication. ©2023 Land & Marine Publications (Tanzania) Ltd.


Booking flight tickets has been made even easier with the introduction of our WhatsApp chatbot Bwana Swala, the first of its kind in Africa. The service allows the passenger to book a ticket like chatting with their friend. Customers can also book and pay for their tickets directly through the mobile money service M-Pesa application following our partnership with mobile network Vodacom. The launch period is accompanied by a discount of up to 20 per cent when you make your booking through the app. The premier service continues in the air. The Precision Air Training Centre we set up in 2021 continues to produce the next generation of skilled Tanzanian cabin crew for a career in aviation with us and beyond. The last class of students has just graduated and, should you want to kickstart your own cabin crew career, applications are being considered for the next class in November. Who knows, a recent graduate may be looking after you on your flight today. Remember, they are trained to ensure your flight is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible so don’t hesitate to ask them for assistance if required. Thank you for flying Precision Air and I hope we can host you again soon.

You Are Why We Fly.

Request your e-version subscription by emailing:

Patrick Mwanri Managing Director and CEO Precision Air Services Plc

Call centre +255 22 2168000

+255 784 108800

+255 22 2191000


Precision Air Latest news

Precision Air adds ATR 72-500 to its fleet Arrival of 72-seater turboprop in time for holiday season In October, Precision Air welcomed the latest addition to its fleet with the arrival of a new ATR 72-500 at Julius Nyerere International Airport, the airline’s hub in Dar es Salaam. The 72-seater represents the latest generation of turboprop aircraft with state-of-the-art technology for enhanced safety and efficiency. The new arrival is the sixth ATR aircraft among the now 10-strong Precision Air fleet and will enhance our services and connectivity in the region just in time to serve the increased demand during the holiday season. Precision Air’s Marketing and

Corporate Communications Manager Hillary Mremi says the choice of another ATR 72-500 is significant. “Considering the surge in demand in aviation services, we have chosen to invest in another ATR aircraft as it has consistently demonstrated its suitability for the aviation industry and the unique environmental conditions of Tanzania and our various destinations. This is a start of our fleet expansion project where we plan to broaden our fleet by incorporating jet aircraft and exploring other alternatives to cater to changing market requirements.”

ATR 72-500 key features • 72 comfortable seats for passengers • State-of-the-art technology for enhanced safety and efficiency • Fuel-efficient engines that align with Precision Air’s commitment to sustainability

Flights for the holiday season are available for reservation through our website, or our WhatsApp chatbot Bwana Swala on +255 620 888 888.

Books flights anytime, anywhere We team up for new flight booking app Precision Air and Vodacom have teamed up

the M-Pesa App. The services offered via the

to allow customers to book a flight tickets

platform are the same as the ones offered at

via the M-Pesa super App and enjoy a 20

our offices or website."

per cent discount! The collaboration also includes TripSiri, a travel and technology firm in Tanzania. Precision Air’s Marketing and Corporate Communication Manager Hilary Mremi said: “It is fast and easy to book their flight via

Say goodbye to long queues and endless paperwork with our convenient online platform. Visit precisionairtz. com to experience the joy of hasslefree ticket booking and devote your time in making the most of your time in exciting new destinations.

Keep in touch


African handmade pieces inspiring interior design ideas


Paa Tanzania

African handmade pieces inspiring interior design ideas

The work of African artisans who handcraft pieces from natural materials is now thriving in the global décor world. Rebecca Young, the founder of Dar es Salaam arts hub Make It Matter, examines the trend and highlights what Tanzania has to offer.

and design for the past five years,

Make it Matter works with various

working with more than 1,500 highly

furniture makers and designers.

skilled artisans, the social enterprise

Ethical and sustainably sourced

has become a go-to when looking

wooden furniture has far more

for ethically sourced, sustainable

environmentally friendly benefits


than a plastic alternative. Tanzania is

The team curates and markets

however starting to witness brands

to encourage consumers to invest

that are producing furniture from

in handmade pieces rather than

recycled plastic. If you are ever in


mass-produced factory items and the

Arusha, do visit Dunia to admire and

arthy tones, organic shapes,

results are stunning not to mention

explore the showroom and to learn

sustainable craftsmanship

more meaningful.

more about the process.

and slow fashion have been

Sisal grows in the Tanga and

the common strands of many an

Morogoro region and is mostly

way to increase happiness, relieve

interior design article and podcast

exported, however what remains

stress, and live a more conscientious

during 2023 and it seems that the

in Tanzania is turned into beauti-

life. If you are looking for pieces this

sustainability trend isn’t going

ful homeware, wall hangings and

season, Make It Matter is home to

anywhere, anytime soon.

accessories. Make it Matter is a firm

a wide range of bamboo, sisal, clay,

For the African interior designer

fan of the brand REFIXIT established

wood, reed and recycled glass prod-

and artisan, handmade pieces from

by Leandra Lyimo who was featured

ucts so you can shop mindfully and

natural materials and neutral palettes

in Make It Matter’s ‘She Made It’

achieve a truly sustainable interior

is perhaps nothing new. However,

exhibition in 2020.

design for your home or work place.

Curating a beautiful home is a great

what might be encouraging is that if the consumer world is becoming increasingly aware of responsible interior design, this awakening might translate into handmade pieces becoming more sought after. Make it Matter has been flying the flag of handmade Tanzanian art, crafts

Sustainable shopping Handmade products from Make It Matter

Curating a beautiful home is a great way to increase happiness, relieve stress, and live a more conscientious life.


Expat entrepreneurs

Meet the expat entrepreneurs Tanzania is the adopted home of a community of enterprising visitors from overseas drawn by the promise of a new business venture/new life adventure in a coastal paradise. Here, a quartet of these expat entrepreneurs reveal their journey to Mark Edwards. a ghost town and Richard not only felt the

on reaching the north coast resort of Nungwi

financial hit as work dried up, but also his

that there was still little chance of him being

beloved nights out were now outlawed.

within two metres of anyone as, aside from his

“It felt like a personal attack,” he tells me. “I’d

ex and an Italian singer, he appeared to be the

spent my working life building a business and

only tourist there. Still, as he says, the beaches

a lifestyle only to see it taken away. London

were “off-the-charts beautiful” and he cherished

changed completely. Social distancing and

the return of his freedom.

everyone wearing masks was the greyest,

Richard Ashby


most terrifying sight.”

Wanting to extend his stay in this paradise, Richard launched a short-lived career as a

Richard initially left for Antibes in the

crypto trader. “I had some digital currency

south of France, but he found even exclusive

and thought I could live on the beach trad-

n early 2020 Brit Richard Ashby was

Mediterranean beauty spots get locked down.

ing,” he says. “Turns out I wasn’t very good. I

working as a freelance real estate broker

So, when a former girlfriend called to tell him

was just guessing.”

in London, selling million-dollar homes in

what a great time she was having on the beau-

affluent neighbourhoods Westminster and

tiful – and lockdown-free – Zanzibar Island, he

Property empire

Chelsea to ultra-rich clients. Life was good.

flew out to join her.

Instead, he returned to what he knew,

The commissions from his sales brought

There was a period of adjustment on

him a six-figure salary, a luxury Thames-

arrival. Zanzibar was one of the first places in

to see the potential for his own property

side apartment and a lavish lifestyle that

the world to open its borders to tourists in

empire, Shivo Tanzania, among the kilome-

made the most of the UK capital’s thriving

June 2020, but the global uncertainty meant

tres of idyllic beachside plots on the island.

cultural scene.

few visitors were making the trip. While the

The idea took shape after a business meeting

Then the pandemic hit and with it the

archipelago’s main island, Unguja, had minimal

in Dar es Salaam with Raveendran ‘Ravi’

first lockdown. The bustling city turned into

social distancing laws in place, Richard found

Jayaram, the head of Tanzanian construction


Paa Tanzania

drawing on his 17 years selling luxury homes

company Floton Africa. Together they began working on four tropical village villa holiday complexes on the island. “It was the perfect fortunate partnership,” Richard says. “Ravi has every skill I don’t have.

I’m not going anywhere. I love the experience of life here. Right now, home is a rented hilltop house with sea views just outside Stone Town

While I take care of the investment, marketing and acquisitions, he has over 10 years’ building experience on major projects in Tanzania.”

“There are a lot of people coming here with

and plans to build a new international airport

The pair worked together on designs for

dreams of investing,” he says. “But you can get

the two and three-bedroom villas. All feature

it wrong. With the Paje Emerald site we have

Richard is hoping to hitch a ride on such

open-plan living, en-suite bedrooms, their

struck gold with the right lot, the right place

central investment with future ventures so

own private pool, floor-to-ceiling windows to

and the right design. There is a more diverse

Zanzibar will be his home for years to come.

make the most of the eye-popping views and

range of clients here than anywhere else. We

“I’m not going anywhere,” he says. “I love the

are landscaped with tropical gardens. Located

have had buyers from Oman, Dubai, Zambia,

experience of life here.” Right now, home is

beach-side or moments from the coast in

South Africa and four from both the UK and

a rented hilltop house with sea views just

Nungwi and the south-eastern resort of Paje

America, including two from the Tanzanian

outside Stone Town. The location gives him

and with prices starting at US$ 220,000, the

diaspora over there.”

easy access to the “business environment”

villas are getting snapped up fast. The first

at Nungwi.

of the capital, Zanzibar City. “Here I can keep

development in Paje, known as ‘Emerald One’, is

Investment boom in Zanzibar

almost complete with all 20 villas sold. Richard

Early buyers were hooked with just CGI

paperwork. It is good to be seen networking

says he has “hit the sweet spot” with the Paje

images of the villa designs, but now they

– it’s a trust business.”

sites and ‘Emerald Two and Three’ are already

can see the finished physical product with

taking reservations with 46 villas sold in total

‘Emerald One’. The site is near completion with

Richard out and about as he now walks

and buyers coming in from all over the world.

work now focused on the villas’ luxurious inte-

18km every day, whether exercising the six

Richard may have left behind a comfortable

rior fittings procured from around the world.

dogs he has bought since arriving on the

living in London, but it pales in comparison to

“We’re buying from seven countries, which

island or conducting meetings on the move

the business he has created in Zanzibar with

is something new here. We get our windows

over the phone. This daily step count has,

projected sales across the four sites amount-

from Turkey, our furniture from Africa and

along with a new diet of the delicious whole

ing to US$ 47 million.

recently we’ve been shipping pebbles from

foods readily available on the island, has left

the Far East for our bath surrounds.”

Richard in the shape of his life.

things moving, meet lawyers and chase

There are plenty of opportunities to see

Despite these exacting standards, work

He says: “I love my daily routine. I quit

has moved fast with building work on all 20

drinking last year. I love the local food – loads

Emerald One villas completed in under a

of delicious seafood and barbecue and

year. “There have been so many unknowns,”

barely any sugar.

Richard says. “Can we really import this quality? Can we build in this timeframe? Can we get a local workforce? But it has been

"I’m always out integrating in daily life, and I feel very balanced.” London may have ‘returned to normal’ now,

incredible. Every stage has been ‘can we do

but Richard has no plans to return. “I love the

this? Wow, we can.’ Ravi has shipped a team

freedom in Zanzibar. Nobody is telling me

here from Dar and they have worked day and

what to do. Everyone is just out on the street

night to get this done.”

getting on with it. My life feels real now.”

The team has found that its work has come on the front end of major investment by the Zanzibar government as it looks to tourism to boost the islands’ economy. This has only made the villas more attractive to buyers with access improved by hundreds of millions of dollars being spent on a new road network

For more information on the villas, visit and to keep up with Richard’s adventures in Zanzibar go to @shivo_tanzania on Instagram


Expat entrepreneurs

from local coral stone – makes it an instantly recognisable part of the Paje Main Road,

Adam Halhol


Mustafa runs with his German wife. Mosaik also gave the pair the opportunity to

which is fast becoming a dining and nightlife

pool their respective culinary cultures. Mustafa

hub in the tourist haven coastal resort. Adam

is from Turkey, where, as in Morocco, the diet

is delighted with the progress so far.

is predominantly meat-based. However, in

“It is only going up,” he says. “I can see it

putting together a menu that drew from both

becoming profitable very soon. It’s authentic

cuisines while benefitting from the bountiful

and it stands out. The road is going crazy

produce of Zanzibar, the pair decided to lean

– five more restaurants have set up in the

towards vegetarian dishes.

period it took to open our restaurant.”

Bold venture

“Moroccans like to eat a lot of meat,” Adam says. “The cooking process takes time. Turkish food is also complicated. So, we decided to

n June 2021, Adam Halhol, a Parisian with

When you are just 23 years old and fresh out

opt for a menu of mezze sharing dishes that

Moroccan heritage, looked all set for a

of university, opening a restaurant is a brave

were Turkish and Moroccan-inspired and

job in the corporate world. He had just

venture. Adam feels it is something he would

mostly vegetarian.”

graduated from Royal Holloway University,

only have been able to do in Zanzibar. “To

in London, with a degree in business

make it something work like this in Europe

management with entrepreneurship

is not possible. There are challenges. I have

speciality, and was looking to launch his

loved building Mozaik from scratch and

career. However, amid the redundancies

seeing it grow. I drew the round design on a

and job freezes of lockdown there seemed

napkin for the architect on our first meeting.

few opportunities for him in France, so

I wanted a place that was different and all

he decided to keep busy carrying out

about communion. The journey was the best

humanitarian work in Zanzibar.

part – seeing it come to life.”

It proved to be a fateful trip. Basing himself

To help raise enough funds to get the

in the resort of Paje, he fell in with a group of

project off the ground, Adam sold his car and

expats, falling in love with a woman among

spent the time back in Paris between Zanzibar

them. The depth of his feelings meant he

visits working as a waiter in a restaurant. He

soon returned for a second visit, this time with

was also able to share the financial burden

the aim of setting up his own business and

with Mustafa, who Adam befriended on his

creating a new life for himself on the island.

first visit to Paje, staying at the guest house

The result is Mozaik, a Turkish-Moroccan fusion restaurant Adam set up with his business partner, Mustafa Alkan. It opened in February this year and its eye-catching circular shape – featuring a curved interior wall made


Paa Tanzania

caught tuna, the Turkish kofte (meatballs) and

art and crafts that decorate the walls but

the saffron chicken made to a recipe by his

also in the kitchen. Adam says it has been a


collaborative effort from the start.

The ingredients are almost exclusively locally sourced with just a few of Adam and

for the restaurant to the official opening. In

Mustafa’s national favourites as the excep-

that time we have found chefs and tested

tions. “We can buy Turkish yoghurt from Stone

recipes. We have all learned together, sending

Town, but import the Turkish tea, coffee,

food videos to each other on Instagram.

sweets and chickpeas.”

The local chefs have been happy to learn

The mezze dishes are made for sharing,

Diners at Mozaik are treated to a constant flow of irresistible small and light dishes. Most are vegetarian, such as the Zanzibar pump-

“It has taken one year from having the idea

something different.”

which also reflects Mozaik’s inclusive, welcom-

These disparate elements inspired the

ing vibe. In traditional Moroccan and Turkish

naming of the restaurant with mosaics, as

style, guests sit on cushions gathered around

Adams says, created through “a lot of different

low tables to socialise over enjoyable food

pieces stuck together”.

and music. Adam DJs on some nights while a local

Binding it all together is love. The romantic relationship that inspired Adam’s stay on the

kin – which is oven-cooked with onion and

artist also provides live music for diners.

island may now have ended, but he says it still

chickpeas and stuffed with parsley yoghurt

Incorporating local talent has been key

informs his life here. “I came back here out of

sauce – but there are meat and fish dishes

to Mozaik’s development not only in the

love,” he says. “And Mozaik was created with

on the menu. Adam singles out the freshly

construction of the restaurant, and the local

her in mind throughout.”

broken heart that brought her to Tanzania,

can work in harmony with nature. We fine

but the ensuing decade on the mainland

tune how nature works to ensure maximum

and the Zanzibar archipelago has seen her


get married and set up sustainable urban planning company, Permaculture Design, with

Every plant has a place

her husband, Franko Goehse.

That means every plant has a place and a

The eco-couple collaborate on designs

purpose, in fact Bernadette says each should

that protect, support and beautify urban

have at least three uses that warrant its

developments in harmony with nature. Their

inclusion in the design. As an example of

work began in 2016 landscaping Fumba

this horticultural trifecta, Bernadette brings

Town, a role model for modern affordable

up the pilipili doria, a tree indigenous to

living designed for 20,000 residents on

Zanzibar and used in many of her designs.

the southwest of Zanzibar Island, and has

“These trees provide shade and produce

progressed to projects across the archipelago,

small orange berries that birds like to eat and

Bernadette Kirsch

such as transforming the grounds of luxury

also attract the islands’ stingless bees that are


Hotel and The Soul as well as public spaces

like maintaining a healthy romantic

The work is guided by the principles of

relationship. “Whether in love life or married

permaculture, which look to ‘observe’ and

life or in building a town the principles are

‘interact’ with nature’s model of efficiency

the same: observe and interact,” she says.

to create a framework for sustainable living.

resorts Aqua Beach Lodge, Kizikula Boutique

or Bernadette Kirsch the key to

such as the Meya Magomeni Permaculture

sustainable town-planning is a lot

Community Garden.

The Philippines-born entomologist is living proof of this unlikely synchronicity. It was a

Bernadette says: “In designing living spaces we look to see how human settlements


Expat entrepreneurs

getting a permaculture makeover with Bernadette revealing a recent renovation of The Rock, the Instagram-favourite restaurant perched on top of an offshore rock on the island’s east coast. “We turned a garbagestrewn area that was being used by diners at major pollinators and produce great tasting,

The markets were first introduced during the

The Rock for parking into a tropical paradise.

medicinal honey.”

Covid pandemic to support local farmers and

We just finished implementing it a month

showcase the abundance of the islands. In

ago, planting fruit trees, spices, tamarind,

journey began in 2013 in Moshi, where

three years, the weekly events have grown to

avocado, limes and papayas.”

Bernadette was working at the More Than A

involve 157 vendors with around 80 to 90 of

Drop Hospitality School for disadvantaged

them to be seen every Saturday. The brand

Sharing skills

girls. When she decided to add a permacul-

now also includes a beachside restaurant,

These are all endemic plants. As an expat,

ture garden at the school, Franko, who was

Kwetu Kwenu Chill, which offers regular music

Bernadette says she has undergone a “steep

working as a chef at a nearby safari lodge at

and movie nights as well as a kids’ playground,

learning curve” to familiarise herself with a

the time but who Bernadette describes as “a

Kwetu Kwenu Play, neighboured by a food

new ecosystem here. She is always keen to

permaculturist at heart”, turned up to help.

kiosk with a cooker fired by a biodigester that

learn more and is open to locals connecting

Three years later Franko was offered work

runs on wastewater and plant cuttings from

with her to share any interesting information

the site.

about endemic species.

The husband-and-wife team’s permaculture

at Fumba Town, and Bernadette accompanied him to Zanzibar. The development’s chief

In the meantime, Bernadette is keen to

executive, Sebastian Dietzold, was determined

Resorts on board

share her skills with plans to start vocational

that it would be a permaculture city from

Fumba Town came in at the front end of

courses in schools to train a new breed of

the start with measures introduced such as

massive urban development across Zanzibar’s

landscapers. There will also be more design

composting and recycling almost all of its

main island, Unguja. With Permaculture

projects in the future, she says, that target

household waste and packing the plot with

Design, Bernadette and Franko are looking

lower middle-class families in Tanzania’s

high-yield fruit trees.

to future proof these projects and the island

commercial capital, Dar es Salaam. “We

itself by incorporating natural, sustainable

want to produce sustainable housing for

of these low-tech but effective measures to

spaces that harness natural resources such as

Tanzanians who will be occupying the city in

local farmers and teachers, Bernadette set

water, sunlight and composting fuel.

the next 10 to 20 years.”

Wanting to spread the word on the efficacy

up the Practical Permaculture Institute of

While development has been rampant in

Zanzibar, which she ran for a year before she

the past couple of years, Bernadette says most

was offered the role of landscaping manager

investors are aware of their environmental

For more information on the work of

at Fumba Town.

accountability and are keen to collaborate.

Permaculture Design, go to perma-

She also showed how permaculture can

“Places are going up like mushrooms,” she For the latest on

grow the community as well as food with the

says, “but to my surprise more and more

Kwetu Kwenu Community events, visit

launch of her Kwetu Kwenu (‘mine is yours’

responsible investors want our services.”

the Facebook site kwetukwenuznz

in Swahili) farmers’ markets in Fumba Town.


Paa Tanzania

Some of Zanzibar’s most iconic sites are

Beatrice Mashala

Michael 'Mikey' Wilkins Bay waterfront. The venture is a joint effort

own juice bars.

with Mikey teaming up with Vio Popi, who

“I anticipate the training and capaci-

he describes as “one of Tanzania’s greatest

ty-building we are set to deliver to The

chefs” to run the Slipway’s two restaurants,

Waterfront and The Terrace will be nothing

The Waterfront and The Terrace. Mikey says:

short of transformative. The intention is

“This new endeavour at Slipway Hotel is a

for these outlets to become epicentres of

different kind of challenge. No more fleeting

culinary innovation, blending international


friendships or temporary gigs; it’s time to

techniques with the richness of Tanzanian

build a legacy.”

culture. Be prepared to embark on a gastro-

that time, he has become something of a

Mikey says his time in Tanzania has taught

pop-up pioneer in the city with his Liquid

him a great deal and he is keen to return the

To follow Mikey’s latest moves head to

Gold events company helping launch Dar’s

favour. He says: “Living in Tanzania fundamen-

@liquidgoldtz on Instagram. For news on

now thriving cocktail scene. You’ll find

tally makes you be a better person; if it hasn’t

the Slipway Hotel, visit

the brand’s unmistakeable Volkswagen-

then you’re not living here, you’re just passing

campervan-turned-cocktail-bar serving

through.” Mikey loves it here and loves what

delicious drinks at the coolest parties

he does with that emotional investment

in town with recent residencies at Slow

coming through in his desire to share his

Leopard, Coral Beach, Kind Earth and even

skills. The dexterous host – if you think his

Rhapsody’s, which involved the Kombi

cocktail flipping is impressive, you should

being winched up to the fourth-floor bar

check out his fire juggling, a trick he often

and restaurant’s terrace.

brings out at parties – has trained a dedicated

K-born Mikey has been building his entrepreneurial empire in Dar es Salaam for the past 15 years. In

Inspiring others

Other innovative ventures include a

team of Tanzanian mixologists at Liquid Gold

range of fruit jams, That’s Ma Jam, which

and beyond and intends to build a similarly

showcases farm-fresh local produce as well

expert crew at Slipway.

as local music with each jar including a link to

“Liquid Gold has trained and inspired

exclusive online tracks from Tanzanian artists.

thousands of young people in the hospitality

Now it seems the pop-up pioneer has

industry,” says Mikey. “We’ve opened school

found a permanent home with Mikey’s latest

programmes, written bar operations manuals

project seeing him take up extended resi-

for five-star hotels and lodges and taught

dence at the Slipway Hotel on the Msasani

underprivileged youths how to open their

nomic journey like no other.”


Bwana Swala

Precision Air launches new WhatsApp ticketing bot Bwana Swala Airline leads the way in Africa with the introduction of game-changing chatbot to offer passengers convenient and hassle-free booking service

milestone in the aviation


communication is streamlined

more accessible and hassle-free for its

industry by becoming the first

through instant messaging apps,


airline on the continent to introduce

Precision Air has taken a bold step

WhatsApp ticketing services.

towards enhancing the passenger

This revolutionary step not only

experience. By integrating ticketing

simplifies the ticketing process for

services with WhatsApp, the airline

WhatsApp ticketing with Precision Air

passengers but also enhances the

aims to simplify the booking process

allows travellers to effortlessly browse

overall travel experience and digital

and offer unparalleled convenience to

flight options, choose seats and


its customers across the continent.

purchase tickets directly through the

recision Air has achieved a

The new chatbot, Bwana Swala (‘Mr Swala’), offers passengers the option to book a direct flight service online

In today’s fast-paced world, where

the airline’s vision of making travel

Effortless booking and beyond

messaging app. Beyond just booking,

Modernising the way we travel

passengers can also manage their bookings, have access to Precision

through the international messag-

Precision Air has harnessed the power

Air’s 24/7 helpdesk and even get

ing service. Any customer with a

of WhatsApp to enable passengers

information about the airline. This

Whastapp-enabled mobile device

to seamlessly book their flights

will be able to book domestic and

and manage their travel plans. This

international flights.

user-friendly approach aligns with

novel initiative transforms the way Launch Bwana Swala has arrived

passengers engage with their travel journey from start to finish. Precision Air CEO and Managing Director Patrick Mwanri says: “We are witnessing a revolution in the provision of air transport services in the country. This service allows the passenger to book a ticket like chatting with his friend, so we have named it Mr Swala. “WhatsApp ticketing not only aligns with modern communication preferences but also redefines how air travel is planned and booked.”


Paa Tanzania

‘Bwana Swala allows the passenger to book a ticket like chatting to a friend’

'Redefining air travel' (Above`) Precision Air CEO and Managing Director Patrick Mwanri

How to set up Bwana Swala Passengers eager to experience the ease of WhatsApp ticketing need only save Precision Air’s official WhatsApp number (+255 620 888 888) to their contacts. They can then initiate a conversation, explore available flights and make their selections all within the familiar WhatsApp interface. The airline’s responsive customer support team is also available to address any queries or concerns throughout the process.

Bwana Swala Call +255 620 888 888 to get started



Bridging the gap between fintech and traveltech Fintech has played a revolutionary role in the inclusion of the largely unbanked population of Africa. Jabulani Debedu, principal consultant and tourism specialist at accountancy firm BDO South Africa, reveals how its integration into the continent’s travel and tourism sector has huge growth potential


crucial to identify ways to facilitate transactions between businesses

micro-investing or savings features

banking and payment systems,

in the tourism sector and payment

specifically designed for travel

transforming how we live, work and

oversight entities. One successful

purposes. By enabling individuals

travel. Similarly, travel technology,

example of this is mobile money,

to save small amounts of money

or traveltech, has empowered

which has gained significant traction

regularly, these platforms can help

travellers with convenient booking

across Africa with platforms like

people build travel funds over time.

platforms and personalised

M-Pesa in Kenya leading the way.

Fintech solutions can also address the

experiences. It makes sense then

Integrating mobile payment solutions

challenges of financial inclusion in

that significant opportunity exists to

into traveltech platforms can cater to

Africa by leveraging alternative data

bridge the gap between these two

the large unbanked population and

sources for credit scoring and provid-

sectors to unlock their full potential

provide convenient payment options

ing access to credit for individuals with

– particularly in Africa.

for travellers throughout the continent.

limited formal banking history. This

he integration of finance and

From a fintech perspective, it is

both travellers and their families.

technology, known as fintech,

Fintech platforms can introduce

has revolutionised traditional

Africa’s travel and tourism sector

can empower more people to travel

has immense growth potential. But

Making the most of fintech

a major hurdle that first needs to be

Cross-border remittances already

overcome is the large percentage of

play a critical role in many African

To better incorporate fintech into

the continent’s population who remain

countries, as they heavily rely on

existing traveltech solutions, online

unbanked, particularly when it comes

Jabulani Debedu

and support the growth of domestic tourism within the continent.

payments made from the diaspora.

travel agencies and digital travel

to facilitating payment for travel and

Fintech can help here by facilitating

platforms should consider integrat-

tourism services. Additionally, there

affordable and convenient cross-

ing fintech solutions to streamline

is a need to digitise existing products

border money transfers for travel

payment processes, provide secure

and services to enhance market access

purposes. Blockchain-based solutions,

transactions, and even offer financial

and the experience for all travellers and

for instance, can reduce costs,

services like microinsurance or

improve operational efficiencies for

improve transparency, and accelerate

access to credit for travel expenses.

businesses working in the sector.

the speed of transactions, benefiting

Platforms like Airbnb, for instance,


Paa Tanzania

By leveraging fintech solutions, data

is susceptible to market volatility,

analytics, and social impact initiatives,

geopolitical events, and natural disas-

loyalty programmes in Africa can

ters. To offset these risks, platforms

enhance the customer experience.

must diversify their offerings, have

Personalised rewards based on local

contingency plans, and stay updated

preferences can be integrated into

on market trends and advisories.

mobile-first solutions, further driving

Access to capital can also be a

customer retention, repeat bookings,

challenge for fintech and traveltech

and overall industry growth.

solutions. Limited credit history or

While there are significant benefits

collateral may hinder entrepreneurs

to integrating fintech and traveltech, it

and businesses from accessing the

is crucial to address potential risks. Data

necessary funds. It is important then

breaches, identity theft, and unau-

to carefully evaluate fintech lending

thorised access to financial accounts

platforms and ensure alignment with

are serious concerns that must be

financial capabilities.

mitigated through robust security

Bridging the gap between fintech

measures. Seeking guidance from

and traveltech holds immense poten-

mentors or professionals, implement-

tial for Africa's travel and tourism sector.

ing backup plans and alternative

By incorporating fintech solutions into

payment methods, prioritising data

existing traveltech platforms, we can

privacy, and complying with regula-

enhance payment processes, facilitate

which have already disrupted the

tions are essential steps in managing

secure transactions, promote financial

traditional accommodation industry

these risks.

inclusion, and support sustainable

could benefit from fintech integra-

Regulatory compliance is another

tourism initiatives. However, it is vital to

tion to facilitate seamless and secure

critical aspect to consider. Fintech and

address potential risks and challenges

payment processes between hosts and

traveltech platforms must understand

through robust security measures,


and adhere to relevant financial regula-

regulatory compliance, and contin-

tions, such as anti-money laundering

gency plans. With careful implementa-

(AML) and know-your-customer (KYC)

tion and collaboration, fintech and

requirements, to ensure compliance

traveltech can work together to unlock

and build trust among users.

the full potential of Africa's vibrant

Opportunities in Africa Africa's rich natural and cultural heritage presents opportunities for sustainable tourism initiatives.

Banking on the go Fintech has revolutionised the way we move money

Moreover, the travel industry

travel industry.

Fintech can support impact investing in sustainable tourism by providing crowdfunding or investment platforms that connect travellers, local communities, and investors interested in supporting environmentally friendly and socially responsible travel projects. This could be realised through peer-to-peer lending or crowdfunding that supports the growth of alternative accommodation providers or local travel start-ups in Africa. Loyalty programmes are an essential tool for fostering customer loyalty and engagement in the travel industry. www.precisionairtz.comF


Which route to take up Mount Kilimanjaro

Which route to take up Mount Kilimanjaro With December to mid-March considered the best time of the year to climb Mt Kilimanjaro, here at Paa we thought we would put together some information – from the useful to the unusual – on the Africa’s highest peak so you are clued up ahead of your climb.


n August this year Tanzanian

hikes to the top and back down take

huts – the mountain’s only permanent

Gaudance Lekule ran all the way

between five and nine days.

accommodation offering meals and

up to Uhuru Peak – at 5,895 metres

Kilimanjaro has seven established

beds with mattresses and pillows – so

Mt Kilimanjaro’s highest point – and

routes to the summit – Lemosho,

the route is ideal for those to whom

back down again in just over eight

Machame, Marangu, Northern Circuit,

camping does not appeal. Considered

hours. While this is impressive, it

Rongai, Shira and Umbwe – and

the ‘tourist route’, it can get crowded in

is also inadvisable for just about

choosing the right one can have a

high season. Though one of the easier

everyone else. Mr Lekule is an athlete

major bearing on whether you make

– he ran to Kilimanjaro from his

it to the top. Here’s some help on

hometown of Tanga, about 300km,

making your decision.

to prepare himself for the ascent

routes, it is often underestimated by Rocky route Taking on Mt Kilimanjaro

ill-prepared climbers with the challenging summit stage forcing many to turn back.

(yes, really) – so training for these

The Marangu route

endeavours is his life. For most of

Marangu is also known as the ‘Coca

Choose it if… You don’t like camping

the population it pays to take things

Cola’ route as there are huts selling

or money is tight

slowly and allow plenty of time to

– among other refreshments – soft

Distance: 70km / 5 to 6 Days

acclimatize to the thinning oxygen

drinks to thirsty climbers along the

Chance of summiting: 50% (5 days) -

levels as you ascend. Most guided

way. You can also stay overnight in the

65% (6 days)


Which route to take up Mount Kilimanjaro

Plus points: Starting point is close to

the mountain, nearly 2,000 metres

Moshi town so easy to get to. Easy

higher than the Machame Gate. This

trekking makes it ideal for novices.

allows little time to acclimatise to the

Huts en-route offer comfortable

elevation and bypasses the mountain’s


beautiful rainforest, one of the high-

Negatives: You ascend and descend

lights of the ascent. Experienced hikers

along the same path so there is little

love it though for its remoteness with

new to see on the way down. Can

little chance of encountering crowds

get crowded and the final ascent is

until it joins the Lemosho Route day


two and then with the Machame Route.

The Machame route Machame earned its ‘Whiskey’

Choose it if… you are a confident

nickname as the popular climb is the

trekker with experience of high

hard liquor to the far easier Marangu’s


soft drink. The route up is steep but

Distance: 58km / 6 to days

scenic, beginning at the Machame

Chance of summiting: 65% (6 days) to

gate in the rainforest zone to the south

75%+ (7 days)

of the mountain. As you ascend, you’ll

Plus points: Very scenic with beautiful

pass through many ecosystems before

vistas and views

being treated to spectacular views

Negatives: Starting point is at high

from the Shira Plateau. The undulating


climb allows plenty of opportunities to climb high and camp low to expose

The Lemosho route

the body gradually to higher altitudes.

The relatively easy and scenic start to

This should ensure climbers are

the Lemosho route – the first two days

primed for the midnight push on the

are spent trekking through the rain

last ascent for an unforgettable sunrise

forest to Shira Ridge – means it is ideal


for those keen to ease themselves

The Rongai Circuit Approaching Kilimanjaro from the north

The Rongai route Only the Rongai route approaches Kilimanjaro from the north, along the border between Tanzania and Kenya.

into the climb and get used to hiking

You register at the Marangu Gate and

Choose it if… Want an array of

at altitude. For those who want to

then head through to the start point

spectacular scenery and to summit

explore the mountain’s western side,

on the Kenyan side of the mountain.

at sunrise

but are put off by Shira altitudinous

This route attracts only a trickle of

Distance: 61km / 6 to 7 days

start point, Lemosho is ideal and

trekkers, so wildlife encounters are

Chance of summiting: 73% (6 days) to

there are chances to see some sizable

more common and you’ll have the

85% (6 days)

wildlife on the way, including antelope,

eye-rubbingly beautiful scenery of

Plus points: Opportunities climb

buffalo and even elephant.

Kilimanjaro to enjoy to yourself. This

high, sleep low; excellent chance of

side of the mountain gets less rain


Choose it if… you want to wildlife

Negatives: Can get crowded and the

spot and go off-grid

challenging route involves steep and

Distance: 67km / 7 to 8 days

rugged sections.

Chance of summiting: 85% (7 days) to

sections may be pleasant to walk, accli-

than the southern section, so it is a The Umbwe Circuit

good route to pick in the wet season. However, while the route’s flatter

90%+ (8 days)

matising by this route will take time so

The Shira route

Plus points: Few other climbers,

take as long as you can.

Shira is not a route for first-timers as

stunning views

it begins with a drive in a vehicle to

Negatives: Expensive, longer trek that

Choose it if… you want a remote, but

the entry gate on the western side

gets crowded when it meets the other

less arduous trek

of the mountain 3,596 metres up


Distance: 74km / 6 to 7 days


Paa Tanzania

Abigael Kima

Chance of summiting: 70% (7 days) to 85% (7 days) Plus points: Calm ascent, dryer

The Lemosho Circuit

Choose it if… you are looking for a

such a direct path to the summit gives

new Kilimanjaro challenge

your body little time to acclimatise to

are great to hike, but won’t help you

Distance: 88km / 8 to 9 days

the increased elevation so you’ll need


Chance of summiting: 95%+

to have experience at high altitudes

Plus points: Excellent summit success

and ideally will have prepared with a

The Northern Circuit

rate, takes in all sides of mountain for a

period of pre-acclimatisation before

The newest and longest route up

panoramic perspective

your ascent.

Kilimanjaro initially follows the

Negatives: As one of the longest

Lemosho Route before living up to its

routes, it’s also one of the more

Choose it if… you are an experienced

name circling north-west around the


climber looking to take on Kilimanjaro

weather, beautiful views Negatives: Extended flat sections

Scenic start

northern slopes before joining with

at its toughest

the Rongai Route. Its expense makes

The Umbwe Route

Distance: 48km / 5 to 7 days

for an exclusive experience and the

Tourists keep away. The short and

Chance of summiting: 60% (6 days) to

lucky hikers not only avoid the crowds

steep Umbwe route is really only

70% (7 days)

but have an excellent chance of

for capable climbers who have had

Plus points: A true challenge away

getting to the top with the Northern

previous experience at high altitude,

from the crowds

Circuit having the highest summit

but it rewards with diverse and

Negatives: Challenging route, little

success rate of all the Kilimanjaro

breathtaking scenery. The challenging

opportunity to acclimatise to the


route keeps away the crowds with


steep trekking from the start. Taking



Paa Stay / Restaurants

Zanzibar hotel’s restaurants master Swahili cuisine

The newly opened Neela Boutique Hotel Stone Town has dining options that put a Swahili twist on modern international cuisine and all to be enjoyed in the heart of historic Stone Town.


an unforgettable dining experience. Among Breadfruit’s standout dishes is Louise’s take on a Zanzibar classic, ‘Zanzicuterie’, which is a delicious

he Neela Boutique Hotel

for guests and visitors. With breakfast

tasting board of local food gifted

Stone Town recently opened

and all-day dining menus that season

from land and sea including cold

in the heart of Zanzibar’s

Zanzibar’s rich culinary heritage with

smoked marlin and tuna, kimchi,

ancient city and is already a

cosmopolitan flair, the two establish-

cashew nut tapenade, pickled

favourite with foodies with its

ments cater to every taste and offer

sardines, pickled feta, labneh, mango

restaurants enticing foreign

both meat and vegetarian options.

confit and fermented papaya.

travellers and African weekenders alike.

The setting for this marvellous

Another prized large-plate item,

food is just as alluring with the inter-

particularly among weekenders from

In its two outlets– the Breadfruit

nationally renowned South African

the Tanzanian mainland and Kenya,

Restaurant & Café and Views Rooftop

interior designer Nelly Levin creating

is ‘Swahili Seafood Curry’, where the

Bar & Lounge – hotel developers

a tranquil courtyard setting with

ingredients range from flaky fish

Steve and Raju Shaulis together with

motifs that reflect the city’s historic

executive chef Lance Louise have

architecture. It results in a comfort-

worked to create an experience that

able and classy space to enjoy quality

encapsulates the romance, cultural

food and expertly crafted coffee.

fusion and vibrant flavours of the islands. The 14-room hotel opened in

Zanzibari classics

Seafood Catch of the day

songoro and squid to toasted local spices and coconut milk. Also, not to be missed is ‘Pweza Please’, local octopus served with braised chickpeas and white beans, lemon aioli and bok choi, and ‘Bing

The restaurant’s strong focus on

Bing Baby’, which combines a portion

September and its dining options

quality, sustainability and authenticity

of bing bread (Chinese flatbread) and

present the freshest seasonal food

makes it the perfect destination for

truffled honey butter, sesame chilli


Paa Tanzania

Meet chef Lance Louise Chef Lance brings a

Dining in style The Rooftop Bar & Lounge

wealth of experience in the culinary arts to The Neela Boutique Hotel Stone Town. The 32-year-old South African, who credits his mother and the late internationally renowned pastry chef and author Aaron James Maree for his passion for cooking, has worked for East Africa’s largest property management group, overseeing international brands like Kempinski, Hemingways, Marriott, and Acacia Premier, including the iconic street food showcase

coastal breeze complete the sense of relaxation.

Lighter bites

that is Nairobi Street Kitchen. He also served as executive chef to His Excellency Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani of the Qatari Royal Family, a role that saw him lead kitchens in

The menu also has lighter bites ideas

palatial homes and cater at royal events. Other career

as snack accompaniments to your

highlights include brief stints with culinary luminaries

crunch, smoked eggplant and pine

drinks. Options include ‘Salt and

Gordon Ramsay, Ferran Adria and Dave Chang.

nut with whipped ricotta.

Pepper Squid’ with red chili teriyaki

Much in evidence on the menu and in the kitchen

Views Rooftop Bar and the Parlour

seasoning, ‘Prawn Bao Bun’ (togarashi

at The Neela Boutique Hotel Stone Town is Chef

Lounge, meanwhile, with their views

mayo, pickled onion and furukake)

Lance’s ethos focus on local produce and ingredients

over the city is perfect for unwinding

and ‘Popcorn Pweza’ (slivers of octo-

to empower communities and turn jobs into exciting

with delicious cocktails. Diners here

pus with seaweed mayo and lemon).


can still order from the full BreadFruit

The Parlour Lounge is tailor-made

“My inspiration comes from the resourcefulness of

Menu while soaking up the Stone

exclusively for hotel guests wanting

local farmers, the hunger of the individuals I mentor,

Town atmosphere.

to enjoy a morning coffee, light bite

and the stunning locations I’ve worked in, spanning

The perfect place to escape the

or afternoon drink as they plan their

from Dubai to London,” he says. “In my professional

hustle and bustle of the ancient city

day or unwind after a day exploring

life, I’ve learnt that basic cooking skills are a virtue,

below. Cool live music and the gentle

Stone Town.

and I believe they should be taught as fundamental life skills.”

New hotel

Each of the properties in the

The Neela Boutique Hotel Stone

collection, either in restored

Town owners Steve and Raju

landmark heritage buildings or

Shaulis, who have undertaken

architecturally designed and built

major projects across Africa, Asia

properties using local craftsman-

and the Middle East, are develop-

ship and international experts,

ing another oceanside boutique

have their distinct personalities

hotel in Zanzibar scheduled to

rooted in and authentic to their

open in 2024.



Kenya’s best beaches

While Kenya is justly renowned for its wildlife-packed national parks, you’ll also find some of the continent's best beaches here. From coral reefs protected inside marine national parks to pristine vanilla-sand hideaways, we’ve chosen some classic examples. Don’t forget your sunscreen. Award-winner

in Mombasa, but Diani also has its

a Swahili-style mansion that enfolds a


own single-strip airport (Ukunda) with

wonderful pool and gardens.

With 17km of soft white sand, lapped

a number of flights linking it with

by calm azure waters and all framed by

safari trips inland and Nairobi’s Wilson

forest, Diani has a strong claim for being


Hidden gem Gazi

the best beach not only in Kenya, but

Beyond the beach: As well the

If the crowds at Diani do not appeal,

also the entire continent. Indeed, it has

beach itself offering the sight of black

continue south towards the Tanzanian

been voted Africa’s Best Beach at the

and white colobus monkeys in the

border and you’ll come across this

World Travel Awards a record five times.

treetops, Diani also offers wildlife

almost deserted gem. Gazi is a secluded

Coral reefs protect the beach from

adventures at the nearby Shimba Hills

stretch of sand that slips under the

heavy surf, creating perfect conditions

National Reserve, which is around an

radar of most beach lovers. Here, a

to swim, snorkel or to try windsurfing.

hour’s drive away. You can also try

When you need to refuel or quench

out a range of adventure sports with

your thirst there are plenty of Beachside

kitesurfing, skydiving and deep-sea

bars and cafés to sample. Even after

fishing all available.

Animal spotting White Colobus Monkey

forest of palm trees gives way to an unspoilt expanse of beach with calm waters sheltered by the off-shore Chale Island. You’ll be all alone in your

sunset (spectacular here), Diani has

Where to stay: Whether you’re a

plenty to offer after dark with some of

backpacker on a budget or wanting to

personal paradise. Getting there: Gazi is about a

Kenya's best coastal nightlife to enjoy

splash the cash on a luxury stay, all are

30-minute taxi drive south along the

until the early hours.

catered for in Diani. One of the most

coast road from Diani or around and an

Getting there: The beach is only

elegant beachfront options is the Maji

hour and a half from Mombasa.

30km from Moi International Airport

Beach Boutique Hotel (

Beyond the beach: At the north end www.precisionairtz.comF


Kenya’s best beaches of the beach at the jaw-droppingly beautiful Gazi Bay there is a mangrove forest that can now be navigated along the Gazi Women’s Mangrove Boardwalk, a community-based project that protects this valuable yet delicate ecosystem. Women from Gazi village manage the site and provide guided tours of the mangroves as well as a restaurant serving freshly caught fish. There’s also the opportunity to canoe or snorkel in the mangrove estuary. Where to stay: For accommodation that blends in with the pristine surroundings, head to Cove Treehouses ( on the far side of the mangroves from Gazi village. Here you’ll find six self-catering villas nestled in a picturesque cove.

Swahili surf Shela Beach Most people head to Lamu Island to visit its Unesco Heritage Site Old Town, which is the oldest and best-preserved Swahili settlement in East Africa. However, it also offers a bohemian beach idyll in Shela in the south-east

mainland to Lamu. From there it is

Shela village with 11 individually designed

corner of the small island. Here you’ll

around 3km to Shela.

rooms and a lovely rooftop restaurant.

find a laidback and artsy community,

Beyond the beach: Lamu Old Town

Drive to the dunes

including many expats, that has settled

is a living museum of Swahili culture.

around this beautiful and barely

Life among its ornate inner courtyards,

touched beach. Everything moves at a

verandas, and elaborately carved

Another unspoilt gem that few beyond

stately pace here, except the wind that

wooden doors has gone one mostly

the most avid of Kenyan beach lovers

can really whip up and coupled with

unchanged for centuries with around

are aware of. A short drive north of

the lack of barrier reef means this is one

6,000 donkeys still the only means of

Malindi in Kilifi County lies the village

of the few places along the coast with

transport here.

of Mambrui. Here you’ll find a wide

decent waves for surfing. Getting there: Regular ferries leave Mokowe Jetty on the

Kola Beach

Where to stay: To soak up the heritage of the island, stay at the Kijani Hotel (, a traditional Swahili villa in

expanse of golden beach backed by Lamu Kenya's oldest town has thousands of donkeys

banks of sand dunes – a rare sight on the coast. This is Kolo Beach. Tourists are few here, in fact the only regular visitors are the steady offshore winds that create fantastic conditions for

Lamu‘s Unesco Heritage Site Old Town is the oldest and best-preserved Swahili settlement in East Africa. 28

Paa Tanzania

kitesurfing. It is also a great spot for deep sea fishing and Malindi Marine Park is close by with its pristine reefs ideal for snorkelling. Getting there: If you fly in to Malindi

International Airport, Kola Beach is about a

promoting a footprint-free stay amid

half-hour drive north along the coast road.

the village’s necklace of pristine

Swahili sands

Kenya has a wealth of beautiful beaches

Beyond the beach: Watamu has a deep cultural heritage. You can visit the

Beyond the beach: You could

beaches, rare wildlife and protected

stone ruins of the town of Gedi, which

link a beach break here with a safari

marine reserves. Watamu is actually a

in the 13th century was an important

adventure at Tsavo National Park, which

series of beaches set around cerulean

settlement for the maritime spice trade

is about a five-hour drive inland. Here

coves on the sandy peninsula that

between East Africa and the Middle

you’ll find elephant, rhino, hippos, lions,

separates the protected mangrove

East. Also close by is the Arabuko

cheetah, leopards across plains in the

ecosystem of Mida Creek from the

Sokoke Forest Preserve, a protected

shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Indian Ocean, but if we had to pick

area which is home to animals such as

Where to stay: Kola Beach Resort

one, it would be Jacaranda Bay – a

elephants, antelope and its namesake

( is an attractive collec-

10km stretch of bone-white sand and

the Sokoke wildcat.

tion of villas moments from the ocean

crystal waters, which is also home

and with a bar, restaurant, conference

to some of the best restaurants and

is dotted with chic retreats, but special

facilities, three pools, gym and spa.

resorts in the area and offers plenty of

mention goes to Lonno Lodge with its

opportunities for water sports such as

boutique collection of eight beachside

scuba and snorkel, kite- and windsurf-

rooms and suites. All have wonderful

ing, sailing and deep-sea fishing.

ocean views, but the huge 72 sqm

Getting there: Watamu is a

Top Tower Room with its private and

The wonder of Watamu Jacaranda Bay The village of Watamu has become

30-minute taxi journey south along

the epicentre of ecotourism in Kenya

the coast from Malindi International

with a host of hospitality options


Where to stay: The Watamu coastline

exclusive roof-top terrace is our pick.




Ten steps to cultivate self-confidence and inner happiness Feeling better about yourself is a journey of self-discovery and self-love. Jackline Chris, a published author and the founder of positive selftalk platform Power of Sentence, has come to understand that inner happiness involves nurturing self-confidence, embracing self-acceptance and finding inner happiness. Exclusively for Paa, she shares practical steps to enhance your self-esteem, develop a positive self-image and ultimately feel better about yourself. Let’s dive right in.




empathy. Embrace self-compassion

Challenge them by gathering

ment. Identify goals that align with

by acknowledging and accepting

evidence to the contrary. Focus on

your values and aspirations. Break

your flaws and imperfections. Replace

your positive qualities, accomplish-

them down into manageable steps,

self-judgment with self-compas-

ments and experiences that prove

celebrating each milestone along

sionate affirmations. Celebrate your

your worth. Replace negative self-talk

the way. Remember that setbacks

strengths and achievements, fostering

with positive affirmations. By actively

are opportunities for learning and

a nurturing relationship with yourself.

challenging negative beliefs you can

growth. Pursuing meaningful goals

Remember, you are human and self-

reframe your self-perception and

cultivates a sense of purpose, direc-

compassion allows you to embrace

develop a more positive and realistic

tion and fulfillment, enhancing your

your authentic self with love and

view of yourself.

overall self-esteem.

Practice self-compassion Start by treating yourself with

kindness, understanding and



Paa Tanzania

Challenge negative beliefs Identify any negative thoughts

or beliefs you hold about yourself.

Set meaningful goals Setting meaningful goals provides

a sense of purpose and accomplish-


Prioritise self-care

Cultivating gratitude fosters a sense of

Make self-care a priority in your

appreciation and self-fulfillment.

daily routine. Engage in activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Practice regular exercise, get sufficient sleep and maintain


Embrace self-expression Authentically express your

thoughts, emotions and creativity

a balanced diet. Dedicate time to

without judgment. Find outlets for

pursue hobbies and passions that

self-expression that resonate with

nourish your soul. By prioritising

you, such as writing, painting, dancing

self-care, you reinforce the message

or playing an instrument. Embrace

that you deserve to be cared for and

your uniqueness and celebrate your

nurtured, boosting self-esteem.

authentic self. Through self-expres-


sion, tap into your inner creativity,


Small victories matter – celebrate them!

Surround yourself with

gain self-understanding and develop

positive company

a stronger sense of self-identity and

achievements, no matter how small


they may seem. Recognise the

The company you keep significantly impacts your self-perception. Surround yourself with individuals who uplift, inspire and support you.


Acknowledge and celebrate your

progress you have made and the

Practice mindfulness and

effort you have put in. Celebrating


small victories boosts self-confidence

Cultivate mindfulness by bringing

and reinforces a positive self-image.

embody qualities you admire. Engage

conscious awareness to the present

Each step forward brings you closer to

in social activities and communities

moment. Practice self-awareness by

your goals and enhances your belief

that align with your interests and

examining your thoughts, emotions

in your abilities.

values. Minimise contact with toxic

and behaviours with curiosity and

relationships, fostering personal

non-judgment. Notice patterns

growth, positivity and self-confidence.

and triggers that negatively impact

Seek out positive role models who


your self-esteem. Develop a deeper


Never hesitate to seek support and help

If you find it challenging to improve

Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude

understanding of your values,

your self-esteem on your own, don't

Practicing gratitude brings aware-

strengths, and passions, allowing

hesitate to seek support from friends,

ness to the positive aspects of your

personal growth and self-acceptance

family, or professionals. Therapy or

life. Reflect on and express gratitude

to flourish.

counselling can provide valuable

for the blessings, big and small, each

guidance and tools to overcome self-

day. Maintain a gratitude journal or

esteem issues. Remember, reaching

engage in gratitude meditation. Focus

out for help is a sign of strength and

on the present moment and appreci-

demonstrates your commitment to

ate the abundance around you.

personal growth and well-being. Feeling better about yourself is a transformative journey that requires self-compassion, self-acceptance and self-care. It may not be limited to the ten steps that I shared, you can enhance your self-esteem, develop a positive self-image, and foster inner happiness. I encourage you to embrace your uniqueness, celebrate your achievements, and prioritize your well-being, allowing self-confidence and self-love to flourish. I wish you all the best!


Paa Food / Make it with Monalisa

How to cook perfect jerk chicken Paa cookery columnist and award-winning content creator, food and lifestyle influencer Monalisa Rwechungura brings the heat with her take on a Caribbean classic.


his spicy grilled-chicken dish is mostly associated with Jamaica but it is a favourite

and fiery dish throughout the Caribbean. Jerk refers to a style of cooking in which the main ingredient – usually chicken but it can be beef, pork, goat, seafood or vegetables – is coated in spices and slow-cooked over a fire or grill. With the fire coming from wood positioned over burning coals, the resulting dish has a fragrant, smoky flavour.

Jerk seasoning is based on two main ingredients: Scotch Bonnet chili peppers (or habaneros) and all spice. This is one of the best


Paa Tanzania

marinade recipes you’ll ever try! It’s brimming with fresh flavour and it may seem like a strange combination of ingredients but together they create an incredible, well balanced flavour. And it all compliments chicken perfectly. In the Rwechungura household we’ll be skipping the pepper because we want the kids to join the feast. This easy jerk chicken recipe will result in extremely tender, tasty, smoky chicken that can be made any busy weeknight. The jerk marinade can be made days ahead of time and stored in your refrigerator for anytime use.

Ingredients Ingredients:

• Green Onions • Onion • Garlic • White vinegar • Lemon juice • All spice • Nutmeg • Chicken stock cube

• Soy sauce • Brown sugar • Thyme • Onion powder • Garlic powder • Oil • Salt • Whole Chicken

by Chef Monalisa Rwechungura

Method Blend all the spices together.

for the best taste, leave overnight.

Use your finger to go under the chicken skin and create pockets between the skin and flesh.

Grill the chicken in a 180C oven for 40 minutes.

Put the jerk marinade in the pockets you have just created.

Return the chicken to the oven, turn heat up to 200C and cook for 20 more minutes.

Apply the marinade on top of the chicken skin and massage. Let the chicken marinate for at least three hours, but

Baste the chicken with more of the jerk marinade.

Remove the chicken from the oven and serve.


To keep up with Monalisa’s latest recipes and lifestyle tips, visit her Instagram page @dikobymonalisa


Adventure travel

Kenya for thrill seekers From ziplines to skydives, Paa has scared up some of the most pulse-raising experiences to be had in Kenya. Adrenaline junkies read on!

Zipline in the Aberdare Ranges The Forest At just an hour’s drive from the centre of Nairobi, adventure camp The Forest is the perfect day trip for the capital’s

organises night rides with your plunge into darkness ramping up the excitement to another level.

Rock climbing in Hells Gate National Park

more daring residents. There are six

For most visitors the volcanic rock

ziplines skimming the top branches of

formations of the wildlife-filled Hell’s

Kereita Forest in the Aberdare Ranges

Gate National Park are a dramatic back-

with the longest and fastest – named

drop to a laidback walking or cycling

the colobus catapult and you may

safari. But for more adventurous types,

just see a few of the indigenous

the stark rock faces of 50-metre-high

Hells Gate

tree-dwelling monkeys as you speed

Fischer’s Tower or the jagged break

Combine rock climbing and safari

by (assuming you are brave enough to

in the towering cliffs that gives the

climbing wall at its headquarters to get

open your eyes) – crossing more than

park its name are there to be climbed.

in some practice before you take on

2,200 metres across a mountain valley

There are climbing routes to suit all

Hell’s Gate.

with riders reaching speeds of 60 km

levels from beginner to expert and

Thrill factor: the sheer cliff of Hell’s

per hour. Other on-site adventures

there is also a wide choice of climbing

Gate is one of the toughest climbs

include paintballing, mountain-biking

tours that will supply all the required

in Kenya. Only experienced climbers

and archery.

equipment as well as a team of

should take it on.

Thrill factor: Once a month The Forest

expert guides. BlueSky (blueskykenya.


Paa Tanzania

org) runs regular climbing trips from Nairobi and it also has an indoor

Zipwire Swoop through the Aberdare Ranges

White-water rafting in Athi River or Tana River White water rafting is an adrenaline

White-water rafting Take on the Tana river

to explore remote spots that game vehicles cannot reach. These agile, almost amphibious three-wheeled

rush like no other. The excitement of

vehicles can conquer most terrains and

navigating rocks and turbulent waters

speed cheetah-like through the bush.

as the river descends is intensified by

There’s nothing quite like the sense of

the sense of camaraderie of everyone

excitement driving alongside a herd of

working together to keep your raft

giraffe, elephants or zebra with 250cc

on course and upright. The Tana and

of horsepower between your legs.

Athi rivers – respectively, the first and

You’ll find thrilling quad bike safari

Balloon Ride in the Masai Mara

second longest rivers in Kenya – both

tours offered in Laikipia, the Masai

have white-water sections ideal for

Mara, Samburu and even the little

With an early start make the most of

rafting. Both rivers also intersect Tsavo

explored deserts of northern Kenya.

the magnificent sun rises and favour-

National Park so there are plenty of

Thrill factor: Quad biking through dry

able winds, a hot-air balloon ride over

opportunities for wildlife watching

riverbeds and the pristine wilderness

the Masai Mara gives you a unique

while navigating the treacherous

vantage point of the abundant wildlife

waters. Rafting tours tend to begin on

living below. The national reserve

the lower stretches of the rivers before

plays a central role in the annual Great

the gradient increases so beginners

Migration. Just over a million zebras,

get a chance to sharpen their paddling

gazelle and wildebeest travel through

skills before the going gets tough.

the park in search of food and hot-air

Thrill factor: Another white-water

balloonists get an unparalleled bird’s-

option is the Sagana river, which

eye-view of this staggering wildlife

winds angrily through canyons and


includes a drop nicknamed ‘the devil’s

Thrill factor: As thrill rides go, hot-air

toilet’ due to swirling, circular currents.

ballooning is at the gentler end of the

Survive that one and you are certain to

scale (as long as you’ve got a head for

be flushed with pride.

Balloons Start the day over the Masai Mara

heights). Your heart rate may rocket though when you find out the price,

Quad Bike safari

balloon trips are not cheap, but they

Riding a quad bike on safari is not just

are worth it.

an adrenaline rush, it also allows you

Quad bikes Join a tour

of the Laikipia Conservancy is pure freedom.


Paa Puzzles Help the monkey get his banana

Spot 5 differences

Maze Challenge Help the mouse find a way to get to the cheese


Paa Tanzania


In combatting climate change, today’s children are tomorrow’s future The Greenmanjaro Foundation is hoping to engineer a generational shift in Tanzanians’ understanding of climate change by involving youngsters living in the fragile ecosystem of Kilimanjaro in a series of eco-friendly projects. Paa takes a closer look at its work.


he year-round snow-capped

have also been depleted with the

environmental example – much of

peaks of Mt Kilimanjaro have

rainforest zone of the lower slopes

the forest cover has been cut down

for untold ages represented

having lost half of its tree cover. The

by villagers for charcoal and open

the iconic image of Tanzania, but

deforestation releases trees’ stored

farmland, while among the around

in recent years those ice fields have

greenhouse gases to raise tempera-

35,000 climbers that take on the

been drastically shrinking and now

tures, creating a broiling climate that

mountain each year many are more

the highest mountain in Africa has

dries up streams and puts wildlife and

focused on reaching the summit than

become the symbol for something

vegetation at risk.

hanging on to their rubbish – yet

This is a serious issue in a region

Community farm

Since 1912, when aerial photog-

predominated by cattle and agricul-

raphers documented Kilimanjaro’s

tural farming. Here water is life. More

Children working in the veggie garden

glaciers, the area covered by the

than a million people in Kilimanjaro

in Kilimanjaro to become the future

mountain’s glaciers has shrunk by

depend on this frequent rainfall and

guardians of Africa is the mission

around 85 per cent. Start descending

the lush vegetation that it makes

of The Greenmanjaro Foundation.

from its 5,895-metre summit and


Working in schools and communities

very different: climate change.

as the innocent inheritors of the problem, they need to take action. Encouraging the next generation

the story is not much better. The

Children here can grow up

in and around Moshi, Arusha and

mountain’s five distinct ecosystems

seeing adults not setting a great

Boma Ng’ombe in the Kilimanjaro



foothills, the Foundation looks to raise awareness of climate change among local children by engaging them in sustainable agricultural and recycling practises such as planting trees, growing veggie gardens, collecting plastic waste and learning to operate plastic recycling machines. The aim of the foundation’s educational programmes is to empower children to use sustainable methods to improve the environment in this special location and spread the word to their families and local communities. Greenmanjaro was set up in the Netherlands and its team consists of Tanzania lovers, Kilimanjaro climbers and entrepreneurs united by a drive to contribute to a better environment and living conditions around Kilimanjaro.

Tree planting So far the charity has planted 50,000 trees in the Kilimanjaro area. In July it piloted a trial using The Groasis Waterboxx – a device designed by a former Dutch flower exporter to help in growing trees in dry areas. It is also stepping up its tree planting in October as the wet season looms with school pupils and their communities getting involved. The hope is these trees will protect against flooding during heavy rainfall as well as improve the water quality and reserves for the dry season. In August, selected pupils partici-

the Jane Goodall Institute and FT

pated in a workshop with Arusha

Kilimanjaro – to carry out its projects.

company Dunia Design to learn how

Funding comes entirely from dona-

to turn plastic waste into high-quality

tions and the charity is looking for

furniture. Schools in the region also

companies that would like to make

have a third Greenmajaro workshop

Greenmajaro part of their corporate

where collected plastic waste can be

social responsibility duty. Interested

shredded and recycled.

parties can connect via Instagram

Greenmanjaro partners with

@greenmanjaro or on the website

experienced organisations such as


Paa Tanzania

Tree planting 50,000 and counting

Greenmanjaro team member Penny Vosen will be climbing Kilimanjaro in January with her daughter to raise funds for the charity. The Kili Challenge will be launched on Instagram and Penny is hoping to attract donors to “sponsor our Kilimetres”.

Greenmanjaro extracurricular activities Collection and recycling of plastic

• Growing and nurturing tree

waste and creating new household

seedlings for the neglected Rau

plastic objects.

Forest, one of the few urban

• Supplying child-proof recycling machinery and building school workshops.

forests in East Africa. • Planting trees in school grounds and near water springs in Lower

• Planting veggie gardens on their

Moshi to combat drought.

school grounds, and thus adding

• Cultivating toothbrush trees

vitamins to their lunches.

– 650 at last count – with schoolkids for oral hygiene.


Ancient African civilization

Oldest wooden structure found on Tanzania/ Zambia border Scientists working on the Tanzania/Zambia border have discovered what is thought to be the world’s oldest wooden structure, built by early humans almost half a million years ago.


he Kalombo River is for the

skill and planning to make use of the

most part little more than

copious forest around them to make

a tranquil stream snaking


its way along the border between Zambia and the Rukwa Region of


southern Tanzania. However, when

The team dug deep into the soggy

it starts to descend sharply into the

banks of the river above the falls and

Albertine Rift it picks up pace before

discovered remnants of an arrange-

its waters plunge 235 metres over

ment of logs shaped with sharp stone

the Kalombo Falls at the edge of

tools found at the site. The bushwillow

Lake Tanganyika. The towering site is

logs are interlocked and held in place

the second tallest waterfall in Africa

by a large notch in its underside.

and also has one of the longest

Wood quickly rotes when exposed

histories of human occupation on

to air so is rarely found in such

the continent.

ancient sites, but at Kalambo Falls

Humans have been taking advan-

the permanently high-water levels

tage of the perennial water source

create waterlogged sediment starved

at Kalombo Falls for millennia, but a

of oxygen that preserved the wood.

recent study by UK archaeologists

The finds were taken back to the UK

suggest there have been settlements

and examined by scientists at the

here dating back at least 476,000

University of Aberystwyth, who used

years so predating the evolution of

new luminescence dating techniques,

our own species, homo sapiens. It

which reveal the last time minerals in

also found unprecedented proof

the sand surrounding the finds were

that these early humans possessed

exposed to sunlight, to determine

levels of ingenuity, technological

their age.


Paa Tanzania

“They transformed their surroundings to make life easier, even if it was only by making a platform to sit on by the river to do their daily chores. They dated the structure to at least

and skills to create something they’d

476,000 years old, from long before

never seen before, something that had

our direct ancestors, homo sapiens, are

never previously existed.

thought to have emerged about 300,000 years ago. The structure may be the work

Unesco interest

of homo heidelbergensis, a predecessor

“They transformed their surroundings

of modern humans that lived in East

to make life easier, even if it was only by

Africa. This is the earliest evidence from

making a platform to sit on by the river

anywhere in the world of the deliberate

to do their daily chores. These folks were

crafting of logs to fit together. Until now,

more like us than we thought.”

evidence for the human use of wood

Other wooden items found during

was limited to its use for making fire,

the dig included a wedge, a split branch

digging sticks and spears. The findings

with a notch that may have formed part

were first published in the scientific

of a trap, and a log cut at both ends. The

journal Nature in September this year.

team anticipate more finds are waiting

Leader of the research project

to be had in the site. The area is on a

Professor Larry Barham, from the

‘tentative’ list from Unesco for becom-

University of Liverpool’s department of

ing a World Heritage site because of its

archaeology, classics and Egyptology,

archaeological significance.

hypothesises a number of uses our

Tanzania already has its Olduvai

human ancestors may have had for the

Gorge designated as part of Unesco

simple structure, including being among

World heritage Site. Here paleoan-

the foundations of a walkway, part of a

thropologists have found hundreds

platform to keep firewood or food dry

of fossilized bones and stone tools in

and even a place to sit and make things.

the area dating back millions of years,

He says: “This find has changed

including remains of an around two-

how I think about our early ancestors.

million-year-old human called homo

Forget the label ‘Stone Age,’ look at what

habili or ‘handy human’ as it seemed

these people were doing: they made

able to use stone tools. Such discoveries

something new, and large, from wood.

lead to the understanding that humans

They used their intelligence, imagination

evolved in Africa.


Online marketing

Keep it reel: the impact of influencers in marketing Many brands are trying to use Instagram influencers to connect to customers. But does it always work? Sam Nassimov, the managing director of African hotel chain Premier Hotels & Resorts, looks at how the hospitality sector can benefit.


nstagram recently marked its

and often identify emerging trends

10th birthday and in that decade

well before they become apparent

the platform has given rise to

through traditional market research

the modern phenomenon of the

and data analytics. Brands that nurture

online influencer. They are the

close relationships with influencers,

Pick a true influencer

celebrities of today and many

gain a competitive edge, enabling

It’s essential to clarify that not all

brands are trying to use their

them to launch more effective and

influencers are paid professionals.

profile to connect to customers.

innovative campaigns.

Those who solely aim to amass

But does it always work?

Voices of the crowd Influencers are the celebrities of today

discerning and strategic when selecting influencers and communication channels.

“Particularly in the hospitality

followers and so will work with any

industry, I believe that there is a

brand that comes their way, aren’t

hungry for brand attention: newbies

time and place for influencers, but

genuine. True influencers organically

with nano-audiences trying to build

the success will largely depend on

grow their audiences over time as

their followings, casual influencers

what content is created and how it

people connect with their content. It’s

who have great audiences but are

is created,” says David Shevil, group

here that we see the power they have

new to working with brands and

marketing manager of Premier Hotels

to make a genuine impact. A large

established influencer “pros” with loyal

and Resorts.

following doesn’t necessarily equate

There is a gigantic sea of influencers

audiences and extensive experience

Today, it’s crucial for brands to be

to substantial influence. Influence is

working with brands. The more we have in common with them, the more likely we are to heed their advice. Influencers are more than just content creators; they serve as ‘voices of the crowd’. They possess an intimate understanding of their audiences


Paa Tanzania

Influencers are more than just content creators; they serve as ‘voices of the crowd’. They possess an intimate understanding of their audiences

Consult. Collab. Build Magic happens when brand, influencer, and audience interests align. To reach this point, brands should engage in conversations with influencers, listening to their insights before planning and launching campaigns. One valuable approach is to assemble a group of influencer partners for a focus group. You may want to discuss: • Brand positioning and reputation from their perspective • The value the brand offers their audiences The do’s and don’ts of engaging with their audiences; • Overused messages and tactics • Unmet audience desires These insights should be shared

Choose your influencer well Go for one organically growing their following

communities; engagement and

with creative, strategy and planning

significant impact can emerge from

teams fostering a cohesive campaign

influencer audiences slightly outside


the mainstream. rooted in trust and authentic engage-

When these audiences encounter

Monitoring and re-engaging

ment, not merely likes and follows.

different yet relevant content in an

After launching your campaign,

So how can your brand evolve

influencer’s feed, they tend to take

continuously seek feedback after

notice and engage.

influencers post about your brand,

its relationship with influencers? Selecting the right influencer partner

identify trends and effective

entails assessing their skills, audience

Pay-to-play influencers

alignment, and their willingness to

In the travel and tourism sector, while

ing, authentic endorsements. When

collaborate. Additionally, it involves

reliable influencers exist, some ‘lower-

influencers have mutually beneficial

navigating influencers’ reputations,

tier’ influencers view a free night as a

relationships with brands they’re

as some may have questionable

means to boost their personal brands.

more likely to engage in long-term

track records.

Entrepreneurial influencers, whether

collaborations rather than sharing

highly skilled or just eager prospectors,

their audience with competitors.

Influencers don’t exist in isolation;

approaches. This encourages ongo-

they operate within communities. An

offer a range of fee-based services.

influencer known and respected by

The exchange of a night’s stay for

your influencer marketing strategy,

exposure is a familiar practice in our

cultivating real relationships is para-

digital era. However, there’s a recent

mount. These connections extend

trend of entitled influencers making

beyond a single post; they require

excessive demands without always

ongoing communication, increased

delivering on their end of the bargain.

collaboration and authentic support

They have recognised their power,

for the brand. Developing real-life

other influencers typically has a strong reputation so examine influencers’ previous brand collaboration and campaigns through their past posts. Don’t rely solely on algorithms for

Real-life relationships Influencers bond with their followers

To maximise the potential of

influencer research: platforms often

measured by their followers on

relationships through personal

have limited access to third-party

TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram. It is an

contact is not just a luxury in this

data about influencers. Lastly,

influencer seller’s market, dictated by

industry; it’s a necessity.

don’t hesitate to explore niche

the traffic they can generate.


Drone technology

How drones are changing our lives Tanzania is embracing drone technology to improve the lives of its citizens and expand economic opportunities. The potential uses are numerous, ranging from humanitarian aid to filmmaking. Hamza S. Johari, Director General of the Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority (TCAA), gives an insight into the unmanned aerial vehicles' potential and their safety.

What are drones, and how do

essential supplies to remote areas

they work?

quickly and efficiently.

Drones, also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), are aircraft with-

What safety measures should be

out human pilots onboard. They are

taken when operating drones in

controlled remotely by operators on


the ground or can fly autonomously

Familiarize yourself with local

using pre-programmed flight paths

regulations: Before flying a drone

and GPS.

in Tanzania, familiarize yourself with the specific drone regulations and

What are the main applications of

requirements set by the Tanzania Civil

drones in Tanzania?

Aviation Authority (TCAA). Adhere to

• Tourism and filmmaking

these rules to avoid legal issues and

• Agriculture and precision farming

ensure safe operations.

• Environmental monitoring and conservation

Register your drone: If required by the authorities, ensure that your

• Surveying and mapping

drone is properly registered and

• Security and surveillance

obtain authorization before flying it

• Mining and resource management

in Tanzania.

• Construction and real estate One of the most important uses

Choose safe flying locations: Select open areas away from crowds,

TCAA team Optimising civil aviation in Tanzania

Meeting Mr Johari with Godfrey Urassa of Land & Marine Publications

other sensitive locations. Maintain visual line of sight (VLOS): Always keep the drone within your line of sight during flight. This allows you to monitor the drone's position and surroundings effectively. Check weather conditions: Strong winds, rain, or fog can impact a drone's stability and flight performance.

of drone technology in Tanzania is in

buildings, and busy roadways for

humanitarian aid. Drones can be used

drone flights. Avoid flying near

What are the future prospects for

to deliver medicines, food, and other

airports, government buildings or

drones in Tanzania?


Paa Tanzania

Agriculture and precision farming: Drones have significant potential to revolutionize agriculture in Tanzania. They can be used for crop monitoring, yield estimation, pest detection, and precision application of fertilizers and pesticides.

Drone technology can capture stunning aerial footage of natural attractions and safari experiences

Infrastructure inspection and

could become an efficient and

lines, and pipelines.

cost-effective solution for delivering

tarian aid: They can be used for rapid

essential goods, especially in rural and hard-to-reach areas.

assessment of disaster-affected areas,

Surveying and mapping:

delivery of medical supplies to remote

Drones can streamline surveying

regions, and search and rescue opera-

and mapping processes, whether

tions during emergencies.

for urban planning, land tenure

Environmental monitoring and conservation: Drones equipped with sensors and cameras can be deployed

collection for scientific studies. Infrastructure development and urban planning: Drones can assist in monitoring construction projects, supporting urban planning initiatives

Delivery and logistics: Drones

ture, such as bridges, roads, power Disaster response and humani-

environmental research, and data

analysing land use patterns and

monitoring: Drones can be valuable tools for inspecting critical infrastruc-

Educational and research applications: Conducting field studies,

documentation, or creating detailed topographic maps. Tourism and filmmaking: Drone

for monitoring wildlife, tracking

technology can capture stunning

deforestation, and assessing the

aerial footage of natural attractions

health of ecosystems.

and safari experiences.

Expert (Above) Hamza S. Johari, Director General of the Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority

in growing cities. Healthcare Support: Drones could aid in medical supply delivery to remote healthcare facilities, improving access to essential medicines and medical equipment in underserved areas.

As a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization, Tanzania’s civil aviation authority TCAA is committed to following its standards and recommended practices to ensure the safe, orderly, and efficient development of international civil aviation in the country.


No-nonsense talk with Sona Sona Parmar Clinical Nutritionist Paa columnist Sona Parmar is a Nairobi-based clinical nutritionist certified by the Nutrition Therapy Council. In each issue the mum-ofthree takes a wry look at the human condition inspired by events in her own life.

The Surrender Experiment

To find out more about her work, visit and instagram. com/inspirationbysona

nce upon a time, Dr Joe Dispenza


So, what if, to prevent any potential karma

wrote a book entitled ‘Breaking

accruing to me, I simply meet everything that

the Habit of Being Yourself’. What is

the Universe presents to me, with a big YES.

‘yourself’? That I like almond croissants, but

No matter what happens, I say ‘yes’ to it. There

I don’t like cherry pies. I like a deep tissue

is no question of whether or how much it

massage, but am not particularly partial to a

annoys me. I am simply gracious and say ‘yes’.

seaweed wrap. I love to lie in my hammock,

Three months later, the results were

but don’t like curling up on the couch to a

astounding. What was once a thorn in my

movie. I love the pin-drop silences when I do

side transformed magically to something I

my morning sadhana, but background noise

was completely neutral to, a bit like how you

when I write is simply delicious.

might be neutral to an extra chair at your

These are the things that make me – for better, or for worse. Because my gardener can’t trim the hedge in the morning during my practice, or during

And so, I, like author of ‘The Tethered Soul’

table at a restaurant. It is there, but you don’t

Michael Singer before me, started my own

make any of the decisions in your life based

surrender experiment. I say yes to every

on it. It was extremely liberating.

opportunity that comes my way, regardless of whether I want to do it (unless it hurts me in

the good part of the day when I work, his daily

Create the harmony you want

routine needs to be carefully planned around

The more you are dependent on something,

mine. In short, my likes and dislikes have a

the more power it has over you, whether

knock-on effect. My existence in this world

it’s your daily chai, a good night’s sleep or

drastically. For one, in a few months’ time, I

causes a ripple if you will – which, in turn, can

perfectly manicured nails. What can you flow

will be six thousand miles away from where I

cause other ripples or even waves.

without? Can you manage if you don’t get

would have been had I gone with what I liked.

your way?

And what will be in the effect of fluttering my

When I flap my wings in Nairobi, a deluge in London may result. And there is a resulting karma that ensues from that. I like to think that everything I do has a

The ability to flow around what’s going on in your life, allows you to create the harmony

a very tangible way – which means, not just my feelings). In just two days, my trajectory has changed

wings there? I have no idea. And it also doesn’t matter.

you want. You create your own misery by

Because now I am aligning with Divine will.

good impact, but what if it doesn’t? Yes, I can

expecting everything to adapt to you. Change

Que sera sera.

be conscious in my actions, but even if I am, I

your perception and make it work for you.

simply can’t please everyone all the time.

(Master Co)


Paa Tanzania

Such is the power of surrender. Watch this space.

Paa Royal Benefits

Benefits that will make you feel like royalty Precision Air is always looking to give its customers an exclusive and memorable service experience; and the Paa Royal benefits programme is part of that mission. The membership categories* are as follows:

Jade Member benefits

Silver Member benefits

Upon enrolment, members will be given their unique Paa Royal number, which they must always show whenever they buy tickets as well as during check-in at the airport. After flying three times or more, members will be given a Jade membership card. With the card, they will be recognised as members of the Paa Royal Programme.

After attaining Silver membership level, the member will be issued with a Silver membership card which he (or she) must show at all Precision Air point of sales in order to receive the recognition that he deserves. Should a member book online by logging into Paa Royal Pages, he will automatically receive points earned to his account.

Other benefits of Jade membership:

Members will be entitled to special treatment and priority treatment whenever they travel.

• Priority membership baggage tags to ensure tagged bags will be handled with special care and delivered first on the conveyor belt at the passenger’s arrival destination • An opportunity to get a free ticket within the Precision Air’s network after accumulating enough points in their account.

*Please note that, in each membership category, if a member is unable to maintain the required number of flights in a year, he or she will be downgraded to their tier level achieved in that current year.

Other benefits of Silver membership: • Free 5 kg baggage every time member travels on a PW operated flight • Priority membership baggage tags to ensure tagged bags will be handled with special care and delivered first on the conveyor belt at member’s arrival destination • Opportunity to obtain a free ticket within the Precision Air network after accumulating enough points in your account • Priority telephone reservation in those times when you want to make your reservation and cannot visit our office or travel agent. Booking is a call away through our Paa Royal helpdesk line.

Gold Member benefits

Tanzanite Member benefits

After attaining the Gold membership, members will begin to experience royal and exclusive treatment whenever they fly. Members will be opened up to a new world of opportunities and experiences and, of course, receive more rewards. Should a member book online by logging into Paa Royal Pages, he (or she) would automatically receive points earned to his account. Other benefits of Gold: • Free 10 kg baggage every time member travels on a PW operated flight • Priority membership baggage tags to ensure tagged bags will be handled with special care and delivered first on the conveyor belt at member’s arrival destination • Opportunity to obtain a free ticket within the Precision Air network after accumulating enough points in your account • Priority telephone reservation at times when you want to make your reservation and cannot visit our office or travel agent. Booking is a call away through our Paa Royal helpdesk line • Priority waitlist/airport standby each time you want to travel and your selected flight is full.

When members reach Tanzanite member they attain ultimate royalty. We will always strive to give these royal members an exclusive and memorable flight experience. At this level, members will already be used to royal treatment; royalty will be their way of life. Other benefits of Tanzanite: • Free 15 kg excess baggage every time the member travels on a PW-operated flight • Opportunity to obtain a free ticket within the Precision Air network after accumulating enough points in your account • Confirmation on any flight if a member is prepared to pay Y class fare, regardless of the flight booking status • Priority waitlist/airport standby whenever you want to travel and your selected flight is full • Priority telephone reservation at times when you want to make your reservation and cannot visit our office or travel agent. Booking is a call away through our Paa Royal helpdesk line. • Priority membership baggage tags to ensure tagged bags will be handled with special care and delivered first on the conveyor belt at member’s destination.

• Silver,Gold and Tanzanite members also get discounts of up to 20 per cent when visiting GSM shopping malls Msasani and Pugu, Southern Sun Hotel, Akemi restaurant, East Point Restaurant and the Colosseum hotel and sports club - all in Dar es Salaam.

Contact Us For more details, email or call +255684202022


Paa Contacts

Your nearest Precision Air office anywhere in the world TANZANIA DAR ES SALAAM HEAD OFFICE

Diamond Plaza, 1st Floor, Plot no 162 / 38, Mirambo Street/ Samora Ave, Dar es Salaam Tel: +255 (0)22 219 1000 Contact Centre: +255 (0)787 888 409/408/417 Email:


NIC HDQ Building, Samora Ave/Pamba Road PO Box 70770, Dar es Salaam Tel: +255 (0)22 213 0800 / 212 1718 Fax: +255 (0)22 211 3036 Email:


(For users of VISA and MasterCard) Diamond Plaza, 1st Floor Plot no 162/38 Mirambo Street/Samora Ave Dar es Salaam Tel: +255 (0)686 177 458/ (0)689 669 446 Fax: +255 (0)22 211 3036 Email:


Ngorongoro Tourism Center First Floor Goliondoi & Makongoro Road PO Box 1636, Arusha Tel: +255 27 254 5489 / 254 5503 Email:


Bukoba Office-GSA, Bukoba Machinery and General Supplier, Bukoba Centre Kawawa Road, Bukoba Tel: +255 (0) 28 222 0545/222 0204 Mob: +255 (0) 713 316 806/ (0) 787 616 806 Email:


Mtendeni street, Dodoma Tel: +255 787 845 200 / 754 972 173


KNCU Building, Ground Floor Old Moshi Road, Moshi Tel: +255 784 686 418 +255 (0)272 753 495/753 498 Mob: +255 (0)787 800 820 Email:


Tanu Road, Posta Building PO Box 1066, Mtwara Tel: +255 (0)23 233 4116 Mob: +255 (0)787 818 442/ 767 818 442 Email:


Along Kenyatta Road, Plot no 002, Mwanza Tel: +255 (0)28 250 0819/250 0204 Fax/Tel: +255 (0)28 250 1054 Mob: +255 (0)784 402042 Sales Office Mobile: +255 (0)784 968427


Zanzibar Airport Tel: +255 (0)24 223 4521 Fax: +255 (0)24 223 4520 Email:


Barclays Plaza, 7th Floor, Loita Street PO Box 50990-00100, Nairobi Tel: +254 (0)20 327 4282 / 4290 / 4297 Mob: +254 (0)724 76 0736 / +254 (0)736 046 595 Airport: +254 (0) 733 934 795 / 731 530 000 Email:


OR Tambo International, International Departures Terminal A, AVIAREPS Counter Johannesburg, South Africa Tel: +27 11 783 6415


Pan Africa House Plot no.3 Kimathi Avenue PO Box 5619, Kampala Tel: +256-790 381 431 (24hr Emergency) Mob: +256 784(704) 329 793 Email:


Argentinierstrasse 2/4 A-1040 Vienna, Austria Tel: +43 1 585 3630 Fax: +43 1 558 536 3088



Park Hill, J.E Mommaertslaan 16B 1831 Diegem, Belgium Tel: +32 (0)2 712 0584 Fax: +32 (0)2 725 8392 Mobile: +32 (0)47 770 9971


Precision Air C/o Aviareps PL 10 00750 Helsinki, Finland Tel: +46 8 5556 9162 Email:


Precision Air, 11 rue Auber 75009 Paris, France Mob: +33 (0)6 21 824 908 Reservation: +33 (0)1 534 35397 Fax: +33 (0)1 5343 7919


Josephspitalstrasse 15 80331 Munich Germany Tel: +49 (0)895 525 3373 Fax: +49 (0)895 450 6842


Kaiserstrasse 77 60329 Frankfurt / Main Germany Tel: +49 (0)69 770 673 010 Fax: +49 (0)69 770 673 018


7 Stadiou Street, Athens 10562 Greece Tel: +30 (0)210 9341 500/501 Fax: +30 (0)210 934 1620 Email:


Precision Air GSA APG Ireland 27 Lower Ormond Quay Dublin, Ireland Reservations: +353 (0)1 804 5100 Email:


Beechavenue 104 1119 PP Schiphol, Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)20 520 0280 Fax: +31 (0)2 6 23 0151


Bravo Murillo 101, Planta 6 Oficina 3, 28020 Madrid, Spain Tel: +34 (0)91 458 5560 Fax: +34 (0)91 344 1726 Email:


Aviareps, Riddargatan 17 11457 Stockholm Sweden Tel: +46 (0)8 5556 9162 Email:


Badenerstrasse 15, 8004 Zurich Switzerland Tel: +41 (0)44 286 99 60 Fax: +41 (0)44 286 99 00 Email: Precisionair-Switzerland@


Discover The World -Turkey Nef22 E Blok 13. Kat No:194 Atakoy/ İstanbul 34156 TURKEY Tel: +90 212 806 11 87 Email:


AirlinePros 420 Lexington Ave Suite 358-360 New York, NY 10170 Tel: +1 877 496 9887 Email:


APG Global Highbridge House, 581 Bath Road Longford, West Drayton Middlesex, UB7 0EW Reservations: +44 (0)844 482 2313 Email:


Diamond Plaza, 1st Floor Plot no 162/38, Mirambo Street Samora Ave, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Tel: +255 784 772 823 / +255 786 447 411 Email:

Suite 1302, 109 Pitt Street Sydney, Australia Email:


Welcome Aboard

Fly with a face mask

Safety and well-being on board PASSENGER SAFETY Precision Air takes passenger safety very seriously. Aviation safety isn’t just the pilot’s or the cabin crew’s job – it takes all of us. It is easy for our natural sense of caution to be dulled in our modern environment, where things don’t go wrong very often. Whether in the air or on the ground, your life and the lives of your family members could some day be saved if you make it a point, in every situation, to create a mental plan of action in case of emergency. Here are some important tips to help you enjoy your travel experience with Precision Air – in flight and around the airport.

EXIT ROW SEAT A passenger who is allocated an emergency exit seat: A. Must be both willing and physically able to open the exit doors in an emergency B. Must completely understand the printed emergency evacuation techniques C. Must be 16 years old and above.

PAY ATTENTION TO PRE-FLIGHT BRIEFING Although the information seems repetitious, the locations of the closest emergency exits may be different depending on the aircraft that you fly on and the seat you are in.

CARRY ON BAGGAGE There are strict rules about what you can bring on board an aircraft. Because:

Carry-on bags must be small enough to fit under the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Please confirm with Precision Air rules before your travel to avoid delays. *Remember: All carry-on baggage must be left behind in an evacuation.

SAFETY ONBOARD Boarding and leaving an aircraft requires your full attention. As you move to and from the aircraft, you may be in a busy area with many other passengers and cargo, moving vehicles, other aircraft, slippery walkways and/or stairs.

RESPECT YOUR CREW AND FELLOW PASSENGERS Everyone has the right to safe and secure travel. That is why Precision Air employees and the aviation authority will not tolerate any behaviour that interferes with the flight or puts the safety of passengers and crew at risk.

SEATBELTS Seatbelts must be fastened during take-off, landing, during turbulence and any time the crew deem it necessary. Keeping the belt on when you are seated provides that extra protection you might need in case of emergency. If you are responsible for an infant or a child, you must first ensure that your own seatbelt is properly fastened, then secure the child and, if it is an infant, secure the child’s or the infant’s restraints.

A. Not all aircraft have space to store your carry-on baggage.

Important note: There are a number of events involving air turbulence that highlight the importance of keeping seatbelts fastened throughout the flight.

B. In an accident, baggage in the aisles makes it harder to get out of the aircraft quickly.

Though rare, in-flight turbulence is the leading cause of injuries to both passengers and crew.


Paa Tanzania

For the your own safety and the safety of your fellow passengers and crew, we ask you to wear a face mask during the entirety of your flight today. Thank you!

You Are Why We Fly It’s a good idea to keep your seatbelt fastened even when the seatbelt signs are not on.

MEDICAL CONDITIONS AND PREGNANCIES If you have a medical condition and may need assistance during your travel, kindly ask the Precision Air offices or agents about procedures before your flight. If you are pregnant, you will need to fill a Precision Air medical form, to be signed by your doctor, to confirm that you are OK for travel. For further details, kindly ask while booking your ticket from our sales offices and/or customer services.

PORTABLE ELECTRONIC DEVICES Use of portable electronic devices such as mobile phones, laptops, tablets, MP4 players, iPads, etc are not allowed during take-off, landing, taxiing, descent and climb. Precision Air prohibits the use of some electronic devices during flight because they emit signals that can interfere with the aircraft's instrumentation. Some of the items prohibited include cellphones, radios, remote-controlled games/toys, laser pointers, iPads or tablets that transmits frequencies, portable printers, walkie-talkies, scanners and laptops. These items need to be stowed away for these phases of the flight to avoid injuries in case of an emergency.

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